MMISF :: Volume #5

#469: Can do not attack the person

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! When! 当! The melodious ding resounds from Ouyang family ancestors together, changes to the intermittent ripples, toward ripples in all directions. 一道悠扬的钟声从欧阳家族祖地响起,化作阵阵涟漪,朝着四面八方荡漾开来。 The ding is vigorous, the soul of long jab person. 钟声浑厚,直击人的灵魂。 At this moment, in Ouyang family, everyone heard this ding, one after another showed the stunned look. 这一刻,欧阳家族里面,所有人都听到了这道钟声,一个个露出愕然的神色。 Anyone, who reached the 60 th mountain peak.” “谁,谁登顶第六十座山峰了。” Is Ouyang Kuang, Li Daozi or southern Lebanon black ink “是欧阳狂,李道子还是黎南墨” In various people the look reveals the shock and doubts, then starts to guess. 诸人的眼神中流露出震惊和疑惑,然后纷纷开始猜测起来。 Before, the ding had made a sound one time, that is the Profound Territory first youth Mei clouds reaches the 60 th mountain peak , indicating that celebrated Mei clouds. 以前,钟声曾经响过一次,那就是玄域第一青年梅霄登顶第六十座山峰,表示庆祝梅霄。 this time resounds again, in various people the mind, starts to guess Profound Territory extremely familiar Heaven's Chosen, but does not know that is. 这一次再次响起,诸人的脑海中,开始猜测玄域极为熟知的天骄,只不过不知道是何人而已。 Is that person on the 57 th mountain peak, there is a two extraordinary youth to look at each other one, thinks that previous that strange youth, likely is the opposite party reaches the 60 th mountain peak. “难道是那人”第五十七座山峰上面,有两位非凡青年对视一眼,纷纷想到先前的那名古怪青年,很可能是对方登顶第六十座山峰。 Is crazy as for Ouyang, should also on the 58 th mountain peak. 至于欧阳狂,应该还在第五十八座山峰上面。 The 58 th mountain peak peak, Ouyang Kuang was also alarmed, opens the profound eye pupil, after little, the forced smile said: „Can this bastard, do not attack the person.” 第五十八座山峰顶端,欧阳狂也被惊动,睁开深邃的眼眸,少许后,苦笑道:“这王八蛋,能不能不要这么打击人。” Ouyang naturally knows crazily who reached, returns the energy besides Lu Chen is. 欧阳狂自然知道谁登顶了,除了陆尘还能是谁。 Ouyang Kuang cannot think through, Lu Chen this fellow, how can the evildoer/monstrous talent become this, this first day, reached the 60 th mountain peak. 欧阳狂想不通,陆尘这家伙,怎么能妖孽成这样,这才第一天,就登顶第六十座山峰了。 But he, but also paces back and forth on 58. 而他,还在五十八座上面徘徊。 Furthermore, ten thousand heavy peaks are his families/home, he basically cultivation on this, but, merely one day by Lu Chen this fellow exceeding. 再者说,万重峰还是他家的,他基本上都在这上面修炼,可是,仅仅一天就被陆尘这家伙给超越了。 In Ouyang Kuang innermost feelings, raises the deep powerless feeling. 欧阳狂的内心中,升起深深的无力感。 On the 65 th mountain peak. 第六十五座山峰上。 Mei clouds in cultivation, were also awakened by the ding, open the eye, flashes through has doubts together. 梅霄也在修炼,被钟声惊醒,睁开眼睛,闪过一道疑惑。 However compares the shock of others, he is quite obviously lighter. 不过相比较其他人的震惊,他显的比较平淡一些。 After all he leads others. 毕竟他遥遥领先其他人。 So long as in spanning five mountain peaks, reaches 70 th, then after he breaks into King Boundary, 100% comprehension Saint potentials. 只要在跨越五座山峰,登顶第七十座,那么他破入王境之后,百分之百领悟圣势。 Then, Mei clouds close the double pupil , to continue cultivation to get up. 接着,梅霄闭上双眸,继续修炼起来。 He felt that could not have suppressed breaks through King Boundary. 他感觉已经压制不住突破王境了。 Originally, he should break through King Boundary, but suppressed in Primordial Spirit Boundary, because wanted to go a step further in Primordial Spirit Boundary this domain, therefore suppression forcefully broke through successful of King Boundary. 本来,他早就该突破王境的,但是压制在了元神境,因为想要在元神境这个领域更进一步,所以硬生生的压制住突破王境的水到渠成。 Now, was about unable to suppress. 现在,都快压制不住了。 The time that he remains are not much. 他所剩的时间不多了。 Ouyang family/home deep place, in the garret, is standing several old men, they look to standing in 60 th mountain peak Lu Chen, is talking. 欧阳家深处,有一栋阁楼上,站着几个老者,他们看向站在第六十座山峰的陆尘,在交谈。 This person of you see have not had “此人你们见过没有” Has not seen, the incomparable strangeness, feared that is came from Heaven's Chosen of other territories “没有见过,无比的陌生,怕是来自其他域的天骄 Un, should be other territories “嗯,应该是其他域的” First day the time, reaches 60 th, the talent is rare, is true unrivalled rare talent “第一天时间,登顶第六十座,天赋举世罕见,乃真正的旷世奇才” This is a very high appraisal, day of time, reaches the 60 th mountain peak, making the innermost feelings impacts of their these Sage Boundary old men also very big. 这是一种很高的评价,一天时间,登顶第六十座山峰,让他们这些圣境老头子的内心冲击也很大。 Lu Chen stands in the summit of 60 th mountain peak, closes one's eyes, appearance of the mountain gathers a continuously, integrates his within the body. 陆尘站在第六十座山峰的山顶,闭着眼睛,一缕缕山势汇聚过来,融入他的体内。 Lu Chen, stayed five days of time above, after opening the eye, has not chosen to continue to challenge, but under makes a pilgrimage to a famous mountain temple goes, he needs to go to cultivation some time, is continue challenge. 陆尘,足足在上面呆了五天时间,睁开眼睛之后,并没有选择继续挑战,而是朝山下而去,他需要去修炼一段时间,在继续挑战。 After all before King Boundary, can challenge momentarily. 毕竟在王境以前,随时都可以挑战。 As for opening to the outside world one year in Ouyang family mouth saying, this aimed in the ordinary dynasty merely person, regarding Heaven's Chosen of big influence, appropriate ahead of time or delay time. 至于欧阳家族口中所说的对外开放一年,这仅仅是针对于普通皇朝来的人,对于大势力的天骄,会适当的提前或者延迟时间。 For example the 56 th two youth, as well as Mei clouds, when Ouyang family did not have the quarrying a mountain gate greets, already on mountain peak. 比如第五十六座的两位青年,以及梅霄,在欧阳家族还没有开山门迎接的时候,就已经在山峰上面了。 Lu Chen returns to Ouyang Yuchang to call the place of people, discovered that here gathered most people, many people lose to turn over, to come back cultivation in the first 30 mountain peaks to continue to sprint some time. 陆尘回到欧阳玉嫦招呼众人的地方,发现这里聚集了大部分的人,很多人在前三十座山峰就折戟而归,回来修炼一段时间继续冲刺。 At this moment they gather together discussed five days ago ding that resounded, who was reached the 60 th mountain peak. 此刻他们聚在一起讨论五天前响起的钟声,到底是何人登顶了第六十座山峰。 Lu Chen hears their discussions, in the look flashes through unusual look. 陆尘听到他们的讨论,眼神中闪过一丝异色。 oneself reaches the 60 th mountain peak, unexpectedly evokes the discussion, this is he has not expected. 自己不过登顶第六十座山峰,居然引起讨论,这是他没有预料到的。 However he has not cared, later has drawn a person, asked: Ouyang jade Chang.” 不过他没有在意,随后拉过一个人,问道:“欧阳玉嫦呢。” Heard that several honored guests, Miss jade Chang greeted the honored guest to go to this person to reply. “听说来了几位贵客,玉嫦小姐迎接贵客去了”此人回答道。 „” “哦” Lu Chen nodded, asked later: Our where cultivation.” 陆尘点了点头,随后问道:“那我们在哪里修炼。” This portrait was to look at monster same looks at Lu Chen long time, said: Where can also cultivation, naturally in nearby any place, if you think, can go to ten thousand heavy peak cultivation.” 此人像是看怪物一样看了陆尘半晌,才说道:“还能在哪儿修炼,当然是在附近任何一个地方,如果你想,可以去万重峰修炼。” Lu Chen knits the brows, said: We are the guest, the host family do not give the arrangement the room.” 陆尘皱了皱眉,道:“我们好歹是客人,主人家连房间都不给安排。” This person of ill-humored saying: Ouyang family makes us come in ten thousand heavy peaks to be informed and experienced, had shown mercy especially, you also think that Ouyang family gives you to arrange independent room cultivation, this is how possible.” 此人没好气的说道:“欧阳家族让我们进来在万重峰历练,已经是格外开恩了,你还想欧阳家族给你安排单独的房间修炼吗,这怎么可能。” Now Ouyang family's person, many influences is tied down by care of one's family including the dynasty, some influences came more than ten, 20. 如今来欧阳家族的人,很多势力包括皇朝都是拖家带口,一些势力来了十几个,二十个的。 In other words, coming this's azure to say young also had over ten thousand people. 也就是说,来此的青年少说也有万人以上。 How Ouyang family possibly arranges the room completely, some where so many rooms. 欧阳家族怎么可能全部安排房间,哪儿有这么多房间。 Even if vacates several rooms, still gives their elder, they are impossible to have the independent room, only if the status is uncommon. 就算腾出几间房间,也是给他们的长辈,他们不可能拥有单独的房间,除非身份不凡。 But they, can only put in great inconvenience, takes day as the quilt, is a seat. 而他们呢,只能委屈一下,以天为被,地为席。 Lu Chen knits the brows, he also with Ouyang a little friendship, this acts as the master crazily, does not give to arrange one room, excessive. 陆尘皱了皱眉,他好歹也和欧阳狂有点交情,这个做主人的,连房间都不给安排一个,过分了吧。 The maidservant who Lu Chen glimpses nearby Ouyang Yuchang, walked, opened the mouth and said: Your young ladies, the person called to me.” 陆尘瞥见旁边欧阳玉嫦的侍女,走了过去,开口道:“你们小姐呢,人给我叫来。” Ouyang Yuchang greets the honored guest, stays behind person who the maidservant entertained the major dynasties. 欧阳玉嫦去迎接贵客,留下侍女招待各大皇朝的人。 The maidservants see are Lu Chen, the elegant face praised immediately, because several days ago he by the words tone of this fellow must die, immediately ill-humored saying: Where you have known the restroom, is not worthwhile looks for the young lady.” 侍女看到是陆尘,俏脸顿时夸了下来,因为几天前他可是被这家伙的话语气的要死,当即没好气的说道:“你已经知道厕所在哪儿,犯不着找小姐。” Lu Chen seems has not listened to opposite party's taunt, opened the mouth and said: I need completely peaceful room cultivation, hurries to look for your family young lady.” 陆尘好似没有听出对方的嘲讽,开口道:“我需要一间完全安静的房间修炼,赶紧把你家小姐找来。” Maidservant elegant pupil white Lu Chen, this goods have not understood where here is. 侍女俏眸白了陆尘一眼,这货还没明白这里是什么地方吧。 Here is Ouyang family, is not his family/home. 这里是欧阳家族,可不是他家。 Some where so many rooms. 哪儿有这么多房间。 Furthermore, can make them come to experience ten thousand heavy peaks free, already very good good. 再者说,能让他们进来免费体验万重峰,就已经很不错了好吧。 Cultivates the behavior do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch. 做人不要太得寸进尺。 Suddenly, maidservant eyes one bright, opened the mouth and said: Since you must look for our young ladies, you come with me, when the time comes do not regret.” 忽然间,侍女眼睛一亮,开口道:“既然你要找我们小姐,那你跟我来,到时候可别后悔。” The maidservants have looked at Lu Chen is not feeling well, wants to make fun of Lu Chen. 侍女早就看陆尘不爽了,想要捉弄一下陆尘 Now the young lady, should entertain several honored guests, she brings to bother this person, causes the guest to be discontented, perhaps this person will be expelled Ouyang family. 现在自家小姐,应该在招待几位贵客,她把此人带过去搅局,引得客人不满,说不定此人会被赶出欧阳家族。 Lu Chen does not know in the maidservant heart to think, follows in the maidservant behind, quick arrived at an extraordinary other institute. 陆尘并不知道侍女心中所想,跟在侍女的身后,很快就来到了一处非凡的别院。
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