MMISF :: Volume #5

#468: Alarming

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! The line of sight of Lu Chen falls on the body of two youth, these two surface like jade pendant adorning a hat, feature unparalleled, the makings are outstanding. 陆尘的视线落在两位青年的身上,这两人面如冠玉,眉目无双,气质卓绝。 Obviously, can reach the 56 th mountain peak, is not the ordinary person. 很显然,能登顶第五十六座山峰,绝非等闲之辈。 After all Ouyang Yuchang this Ouyang family's young lady, still wanders in the 50 th three mountains peak now. 毕竟欧阳玉嫦这位欧阳家族的大小姐,如今还在第五十三座山峰徘徊。 Was polite Lu Chen to hold the fist in the other hand to say toward two people. “客气了”陆尘朝两人抱拳说道。 Lu Chen said, then arrives on a giant stone to sit cross-legged the rest 陆尘说完,便走到一块巨石上盘坐下来休息 Reaches continuously 56 mountain peaks, the Lu Chen body surface has the invisible potential to past, makings even more dust. 连续登顶五十六座山峰,陆尘的身体表面有无形的势在流转,气质越发的出尘。 Lu Chen has felt a pressure, in the future, the pressure will be getting more and more bigger. 陆尘已经感受到了一丝压力,越往后,压力会越来越大。 Therefore, needs the rest some time, can continue to challenge. 所以,需要休息一段时间,才能继续挑战。 After a double-hour, side two people set out, the preparation challenges 57, Lu Chen sets out similarly. 一个时辰后,旁边两人起身,准备去挑战五十七座,陆尘同样起身。 Two people look at Lu Chen puzzled, said: Dao Brother this rested.” 两人不解的看着陆尘,道:“道兄这就休息好了。” They reach 56, had sensed for two days in the summit, now decides the challenge next mountain peak. 他们登顶五十六座,已经在山顶感悟了两天,如今才决定挑战下一座山峰。 But this, only rests at present a double-hour. 可是眼前这位,只休息了一个时辰。 Therefore, two people very surprise. 所以,两人十分诧异。 Lu Chen nodded, rested a double-hour to be enough to him. 陆尘点了点头,对于他来说休息一个时辰足够了。 One of them smiles saying: That, three of us together.” 其中一人微笑道:“那么,我们三人一起吧。” Good “好” Lu Chen does not have the opinion, three people, the 57 th mountain peak foot, terrifying appearance of the mountain lets fall together a continuously, the terrifying is unusual, two people all send out the aura resistance, carries the pressure on soar, blends with the appearance of the mountain. 陆尘没有意见,三人一起出发,第五十七座山峰山脚,一缕缕恐怖的山势垂落下来,恐怖异常,两人皆散发出气息抵抗,扛着压力腾空,与山势交融。 However, flies the halfway up the mountainside, two people have panted. 不过,飞到半山腰,两人已经气喘吁吁。 This is not the too tired reason, because has been resisting the appearance of the mountain. 这并不是太累的缘故,而是因为一直在抵抗山势。 And a person look is dignified, said: This is also only the invisible appearance of the mountain, the pressure is so unexpectedly big, does not know how should face the behind visible potential.” 其中一个人眼神凝重,道:“这还只是无形的山势,压力竟然这么大,不知该如何面对后面有形的势。” Another person said: „To comprehend the Saint potential, must through the visible appearance of the mountain, do what one can.” 另外一人说道:“想要领悟圣势,必须要通过有形的山势,量力而行吧。” Although said that the reaching mountain peak are more, the potential of comprehension is more powerful, but not representative boundary, here can only be a chance, later, the chance can also make up. 虽然说登顶山峰越多,领悟的势就越强大,但并不代表境界,这里只能算是一处机缘,以后,机缘也可以弥补回来的。 To them, can comprehend the Human Sovereign potential, exceeds Profound Territory 99% Heaven's Chosen. 对于他们来说,能够领悟人皇势,已经是超越玄域90%九的天骄了。 To comprehend the Saint potential, does what one can. 想要领悟圣势,量力而行。 Well “咦” Suddenly, two people one cold, sees only nearby Lu Chen to exceed them unexpectedly, the body does not seem to felt the pressure, continuously upward. 忽然间,两人一凛,只见旁边的陆尘竟然已经超越他们,身体仿佛没有感觉到压力,一直往上。 Quick, vanishes in the boundless white fog. 很快,就消失在茫茫白雾中。 Two people look at each other one, each other looks to come into sight the shock. 两人对视一眼,彼此看到眼中的震惊。 Who this person is, is so unexpectedly terrifying “此人是谁,竟如此恐怖” This is must pursue Ouyang Kuang footsteps “这是要去追赶欧阳狂的脚步” Looks at the Lu Chen back, two people were shocked same place little, recovers , to continue to attack. 看着陆尘的背影,两人在原地震惊了少许,回过神来,继续冲击。 Could not insist “坚持不住了” Walks, rest a while “走,休息一会儿” Two people figure twinkle, goes toward the mountainside, prepares the rest some time. 两人身形闪烁,朝山腰而去,准备休息一段时间。 But at this time, Lu Chen has reached, after a double-hour, leaves fast, goes to 58 th. 而此时,陆尘已然登顶,一个时辰后,快速离开,前往第五十八座。 On the 58 th mountain peak, Lu Chen ran into an acquaintance. 在第五十八座山峰上,陆尘遇到了一个熟人。 In the halfway up the mountainside, is sitting cross-legged a handsome youth, pressure sends out a continuously from him. 半山腰上,盘坐着一个英俊青年,一缕缕威压从他身上散发出来。 Ouyang is crazy Lu Chen to see this person, thought aloud. “欧阳狂”陆尘看到此人,自言自语道。 Lu Chen naturally is not crazily strange regarding Ouyang, initially when the Demon Dragon deep pool, made an impression on him, after Demon Dragon deep pool, the opposite party left Wilderness Territory quietly, returned to Profound Territory. 陆尘对于欧阳狂当然不陌生,当初在魔龙渊的时候,给他留下了一点印象,魔龙渊过后,对方就悄无声息的离开了荒域,回到了玄域 In a flash several years passed by, the present Ouyang crazy ratio was powerful before. 一晃几年时间过去了,现在的欧阳狂比以前强大不少。 It is estimated that all day treats in ten thousand heavy peaks tempers oneself, wants to attack the Saint potential. 估计整天都待在万重峰磨炼自己,想要冲击圣势。 Although Ouyang Kuang in the cultivation condition, but the god thinks keenly, feels some people to gaze, opens the eye, immediately discovers Lu Chen. 欧阳狂虽然在修炼状态,但神觉敏锐,感受到有人注视,睁开眼睛,立刻就发现了陆尘 Ouyang crazily regarding the impression of Lu Chen, naturally is also extremely deep, how was somewhat startled Lu Chen to run up to his home to come, what was more surprised, Lu Chen arrived at the 58 th mountain peak unexpectedly. 欧阳狂对于陆尘的印象,自然也是极深的,有些吃惊陆尘怎么跑到他家里来了,更吃惊的是,陆尘居然来到了第五十八座山峰。 Ouyang brother, several years does not see, has been well since last meeting the Lu Chen corners of the mouth to have the happy expression. “欧阳兄,几年不见,别来无恙啊”陆尘嘴角带着笑意。 Brother Lu 陆兄 Ouyang Kuangbao holding the fist in the other hand, the look brings complex, said: Brother Lu worthily is Wilderness Territory and Azure Territory most splendid evildoer/monstrous talent, less than day of time, arrived here unexpectedly.” 欧阳狂抱了抱拳,眼神带着复杂,道:“陆兄不愧是荒域以及青域最出色的妖孽,一天时间不到,竟然走到了这里。” Ouyang Kuang said that does not shock is false, several years, he basically closes up cultivation in the family, now arrives this step, is, less than day of time, by Lu Chen catching up. 欧阳狂说不震惊是假的,几年时间,他基本在家族里面闭关修炼,如今才走到这一步,可是,一天时间不到,就被陆尘给追上了。 Ouyang Kuang felt, oneself several years practiced white/in vain. 欧阳狂觉得,自己几年时间白修练了。 Ouyang Kuangqi knows, he has the promotion every day, Lu Chen naturally is also same, particularly blackmails two clans in four Saint mystical places, obtains a lot of thunder fluids. 欧阳狂岂知道,他每天都有提升,陆尘当然也是一样,尤其是在四圣秘境里面敲诈两族,获得大量的雷积液。 thunder Jiye belongs to quench body treasure in the upper boundary day, Ten Territories simply does not have. 雷积液在上界天都属于淬体宝物,十域根本没有。 The body of Lu Chen quenches the body after the thunder fluid, becomes powerful incomparable, the strength naturally rises suddenly, therefore , for these years time , to promote of Lu Chen compared with him quickly. 陆尘的身体经过雷积液淬体,变得强大无比,实力自然暴涨,所以说,这几年时间,陆尘的提升比他快多了。 Lu Chen arrived here, is not strange. 陆尘走到这里,并不奇怪。 That anything, Ouyang brother your cultivation, I first walks saying that one step Lu Chen smiles slowly. “那啥,欧阳兄你慢慢修炼,我先走一步”陆尘笑眯眯的说道。 Ouyang Kuang hears here, the corners of the mouth twitch, can do not speak such exasperating words. 欧阳狂听到这里,嘴角抽搐,能不能不要说这么气人的话语。 However since this arrived at Profound Territory, it is estimated that behind also has a bigger attack. 不过既然这位来到了玄域,估计后面还有更大的打击。 Such a thinks, in the heart balanced slightly. 这么一想,心中略微平衡了一些。 monster 怪物 Ouyang Kuang looks that Lu Chen more walks a farther back, extremely angry say/way. 欧阳狂看着陆尘越走越远的背影,愤愤道。 This fellow attacked Wilderness Territory as well as Azure Territory Heaven's Chosen, now ran to attack Profound Territory them. 这家伙打击了荒域以及青域天骄,现在跑来打击玄域的他们了。 Lu Chen opened probably opened hangs the pattern, bridged over 58, 59, 60. 陆尘像是开启了开挂模式,跨过五十八座,五十九座,六十座。 However on 60, Lu Chen encountered the difficulty. 不过在六十座上面,陆尘遇到了困难。 The appearance of the mountain of 60 th mountain peak, grown stronger all of a sudden probably, sees only the mountain peak peak, great mountain phantom appear, these great mountain phantom overlap, has the incomparably heavy/thick pressure, lets fall. 第六十座山峰的山势,一下子好像变强了许多,只见山峰顶端,一座座巨山虚影显现出来,这些巨山虚影重叠起来,带着无比厚重的威压,垂落下来。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Pressure sincerely like mountain, majestic, the appearance of the mountain is irresistible. 威压厚重如山,大气磅礴,山势不可抵挡。 Front appearance of the mountain invisible, but here appearance of the mountain changes to visible phantom, the pressure really previous ten times. 前面的山势都是无形的,而这里的山势化作有形虚影,威压更甚先前十倍。 Meets this pressure, needs to release the aura, blends with the appearance of the mountain, resists, if successful, steps into above only then. 遇到这种威压,需要释放自身气息,与山势交融,进行对抗,如果成功,方可踏入上面。 Lu Chen soars, the body blooms continuously aura, resists in the air great mountain phantom, two wild aura from the sky have the big collision, erupts rumble the bellow, forms two powerful storms to collide together. 陆尘腾空而起,身体绽放出一缕缕气息,抵抗空中的巨山虚影,两股狂暴的气息在空中发生大碰撞,爆发出隆隆轰鸣声,形成两股强大的风暴碰撞在一起。 Lu Chen releases the complete potential, changes to a to be the great sword of hundred zhang (333 m), sharp for no reason, clank called, has the fearful cutting strength, overlapped to crush directly in same place great mountain phantom the upper air. 陆尘释放出全部的势,化作一柄长达百丈的巨剑,锋利无端,铮铮而鸣,带着可怕的切割力量,直接把高空中重叠在一起的巨山虚影粉碎开来。 Meanwhile, the pressure that Lu Chen bears reduces suddenly. 与此同时,陆尘承受的压力陡然减轻。 next moment, Lu Chen skyrockets, successfully is situated in the peak. 下一刻,陆尘扶摇直上,成功立于顶端。 When Lu Chen on wait/etc. the 60 th mountain peak, Ouyang family's deep place, fearful powerhouses were alarmed from the deep sleep, opens the eye, looks into ten thousand heavy peaks the directions. 就在陆尘等上第六十座山峰的时候,欧阳家族的深处,一尊尊可怕的强者从沉睡中被惊动,睁开眼睛,眺望万重峰的方向。 The 60 th mountain peak, is Fengshuiling, appearance of the mountain visible, pressure by far front. 第六十座山峰,属于风水岭,山势化有形,威压远胜前面。 Is one horizontally in people front natural moat, can step the 60 th mountain peak, is extremely fearful having god-given wisdom character. 是一道横在众人面前的天堑,能够踏上第六十道山峰,属于极其可怕的天纵人物。 Following Mei clouds outside, another evildoer/monstrous talent reached 60 mountain peaks “继梅霄之外,又一位妖孽登上了六十座山峰” Who is, is Ouyang Kuang, is Li Daozi they “是谁,是欧阳狂,还是李道子他们” The one after another line of sight looks into the distance, sends, when stands in summit Lu Chen presently, reveals startled the color. 一道道视线眺望过来,发当现站在山巅的陆尘,纷纷露出愕然之色。 Because this is not their familiar Heaven's Chosen, but is an extremely strange face, the delay is in abundance in-situ. 因为这不是他们熟知的天骄,而是一张极其陌生的面孔,纷纷呆滞在原地。
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