MMISF :: Volume #5

#467: Angry Ouyang jade Chang

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Ouyang Yuchang cannot bear rub the eyes, believes firmly that has not misread the person, at present this under glare of the public eye, asks my dear friend who where her restroom, wants to defecate. 欧阳玉嫦忍不住揉了揉眼睛,确信没有看错人,眼前这位就是在众目睽睽之下,问她厕所在哪儿,想要拉屎的仁兄。 But, half double-hour time, did he arrive at 50 three mountains peaks? 可是,半个时辰时间,他就来到五十三座山峰了? This speed was also too fast. 这速度也太快了吧。 Ouyang Yuchang can determine, this is the first time that the opposite party came Ouyang family to experience ten thousand heavy peaks, but half double-hour can achieve this step, fully showed that the opposite party has big probability impact Saint potential. 欧阳玉嫦可以确定,这是对方第一次来欧阳家族体验万重峰,但是半个时辰能做到这一步,足以说明对方有很大的几率冲击圣势。 Or also the opposite party ten thousand heavy peak tempering, cannot condense the Human Sovereign potential even. 亦或者说,就算对方不来万重峰磨炼,也可以凝聚人皇势。 Under Ouyang Yuchang pursing the lips corner/horn, restrains by force the shock in heart. 欧阳玉嫦抿了抿嘴角,强压下心中的震惊。 Previously, she has not cared about Lu Chen, Lu Chen performance, although unique, but also being insufficient made her care. 先前,她并没有在意陆尘,陆尘表现的虽然‘独特’了些,但还不足以让她放在心上。 Now she kept firmly in mind Lu Chen, because reached at the opposite party so speed, later might be on the Profound Territory big stage, was well-known Profound Territory. 现在她把陆尘牢记在心中了,因为以对方这般速度登顶,以后很可能会登上玄域的大舞台,闻名玄域 What's wrong, on my face has Lu Chen to see Ouyang Yuchang to open the beautiful eye flower, visits him with very surprised look, touches the face, asked one puzzled. “怎么,我的脸上有花吗”陆尘见欧阳玉嫦睁大美目,用十分惊讶的眼神看着他,摸摸脸,不解的问了一句。 Ouyang Yuchang recovers, sips the pursing the lips corner/horn, asked: You are the one breath arrive at the 50 th three mountains peak.” 欧阳玉嫦回过神来,抿抿嘴角,问道:“你是一口气来到第五十三座山峰。” Lu Chen shakes the head. 陆尘摇了摇头。 Ouyang Yuchang limping eyebrow, said: 81 mountain peaks are united as one body, best is the circulation advances gradually, one by one reaches, can challenge this following mountain peak.” 欧阳玉嫦蹩眉,道:“八十一座山峰连成一体,最好是循环渐进,一一登顶,才能挑战这后面的山峰。” The opposite party was opportunistic evidently, without experiencing the front many mountain peaks. 看样子对方是取巧了,没有经历前面很多山峰。 The pressure that like this bears will be bigger, behind will not gradually be able to bear. 这样承受的压力会更大,后面会逐渐受不了的。 At this time, Lu Chen said: Should half double-hour, half double-hour breath one breath, feel stifled from all sides.” 这时,陆尘说道:“前前后后应该有半个时辰了吧,半个时辰呼吸一口气,岂不是会被憋死。” As soon as Ouyang Yuchang listens, is quite dangerous, had almost not been irritated. 欧阳玉嫦一听,好悬,差点没被气死。 The one breath that she said is meaning in one vigorous effort, is in the understanding of opposite party, pure breath one breath, no wonder will shake the head. 她说的一口气是一鼓作气的意思,可是在对方的理解中,纯粹的呼吸一口气,难怪会摇头。 Ouyang Yuchang does not want to exchange with him, simply is the topic end matter. 欧阳玉嫦都不想和他交流了,简直就是话题终结者。 Lu Chen has not paid attention to Ouyang Yuchang, but looks up to being higher , the mountain peak is higher , the dark clouds are billowing, pressure lets fall a continuously, making one be in the oppressed condition always. 陆尘没有理会欧阳玉嫦,而是抬头看向高出,山峰高出,黑云滚滚,一缕缕威压垂落下来,让人无时不刻处于被压迫的状态中。 Stared little, Lu Chen takes back the look. 凝视了少许,陆尘才收回眼神。 Then, turns the head to look to Ouyang jade Chang, asking of wondering: You are not the eldest young lady of Ouyang family/home.” 然后,转头看向欧阳玉嫦,纳闷的问道:“你不是欧阳家的大小姐吗。” Similarly Ouyang Yuchang wonders looks to Lu Chen, does not understand why asked this bored question, but nodded. 欧阳玉嫦同样纳闷的看向陆尘,不明白为何问这种无聊的问题,但还是点了点头 Then, then the Lu Chen words, have not irritated her. 然后,接下来陆尘的话,差点没把她气死。 Only listened to Lu Chen saying: Since you are Ouyang family's person, you can come this to whet daily, why halts in the 50 th three mountains peak.” 只听陆尘说:“既然你是欧阳家族的人,你天天都可以来此磨砺,为何才止步于第五十三座山峰。” Ouyang Yuchang understood, sentimental opposite party changed the method saying that her talent was not good. 欧阳玉嫦明白了,感情这位对方变着法子说她天赋不行呢。 The forehead of Ouyang Yuchang shining white has drawn two wisps of heavy lines, ill-humored saying: I come here is quite not easy, before breaking into King Boundary, should be able to attack the Saint potential.” 欧阳玉嫦莹白的额头划过两缕黑线,没好气的说道:“我走到这里已经极为不易了,在破入王境前,应该能冲击圣势。” The Saint potential, is the extremely strong potential, is strong. 圣势,已经属于极强的势了,非常强非常强。 Once the broken king comprehends the Saint potential to be successful, initially enters King Boundary, can resist with all one's strength extremely King. 一旦破王领悟圣势成功,初入王境,便可力敌绝顶王者 This character, big Ten Territories is also very rare. 这种人物,诺大的十域也很稀有。 Before every ten years, was hard born a comprehension Saint potential, or said like this, Ouyang family can comprehend the Saint potential Heaven's Chosen, the quantity of historically adding did not have many. 以前每隔十年,难以诞生一个领悟圣势的,或者这样说,欧阳家族能够领悟圣势的天骄,历史上加起来的数量也没有多少。 This generation of Ouyang families, had/left her and Ouyang crazy two, has the probability to attack the Saint potential. 这一代的欧阳家族,出了她和欧阳狂两位,有几率冲击圣势。 But, oneself this type has the probability to attack the Saint potential the talent, unexpectedly was despised. 可是,自己这种有几率冲击圣势的天才,居然被鄙视了。 Bountiful by Ouyang jade Chang calm like water, because of certain words, has not caused the state of mind to fluctuate. 饶是以欧阳玉嫦心静如水,从不曾因为某些话语,引起心境起伏。 But now, actually cannot bear secretly angrily. 可是现在,却忍不住暗自气恼。 Lu Chen forgave something extra, said: „It is not very easy, I felt very simple.” 陆尘饶了饶头,道:“很不容易吗,我感觉很简单啊。” Should not be your talent will not be good, therefore cannot take a walk at once, Lu Chen knit the brows saying that but also is taking a look at Ouyang Yuchang with a look of suspicion, seemed suspecting that the opposite party is lying. “该不会是你的天赋不行,所以走不动了吧”旋即,陆尘皱眉说道,还用一副怀疑的眼神瞅着欧阳玉嫦,仿佛在怀疑对方在说谎。 I...” “我...” Ouyang Yuchang opens mouth, felt that the innermost feelings anger rubs to flee upward, is staring him: „The Profound Territory first person of Mei clouds, halts in the 65 th mountain peak, I come here, is good good.” 欧阳玉嫦张了张嘴,感觉内心火气蹭蹭往上窜,瞪着他:“玄域第一人梅霄,也不过止步于第六十五座山峰,我走到这里,已经算是不错了好吧。” Ouyang Yuchang this saying said right, surpasses her is treating in the front mountain peak the person, few, only then Elder Brother Ouyang Kuang, Li Daozi, south Li black ink and others. 欧阳玉嫦这话说的没错,超过她在前面山峰待着的人,寥寥无几,也就只有哥哥欧阳狂,李道子,南黎墨等寥寥几人。 Oh, I understood “噢,我明白了” Ouyang Yuchang said: You understood well.” 欧阳玉嫦道:“你明白了就好。” Lu Chen opened the mouth and said: It seems like, was you was too weak, this generation of Profound Territory person was not good.” 陆尘开口道:“看来,是你们都太弱了,这一代玄域的人不行。” „The Profound Territory person is not how good Ouyang jade Chang angry incomparable saying, responded suddenly, decided looks at Lu Chen: Un, you are not the Profound Territory person.” 玄域的人怎么就不行了”欧阳玉嫦气恼无比的说道,突然间反应过来,定定的看着陆尘:“嗯,你不是玄域的人。” No wonder by the talent of this person, and shameless degree, according to the truth, has shaken Profound Territory, includes in the memory crystal, according to the truth should know. 难怪以此人的天赋,以及无耻程度,按道理来说,早已经名震玄域了,收录进记忆水晶里面,按道理来说应该认识。 But the opposite party is strange, simply has not seen, originally is the people in other territories. 可是对方陌生至极,根本没有见过,原来是其他域的人。 Ouyang Yuchang vision brilliant is staring at Lu Chen, opens the mouth to ask: You from what territory, name.” 欧阳玉嫦目光灼灼的盯着陆尘,开口问道:“你从什么域来的,叫什么名字。” Lu Chen alert visits her. 陆尘戒备的看着她。 Ouyang Yuchang sees a somebody face vigilant appearance, flips the supercilious look, such alert makes anything, was difficult to be inadequate oneself also to eat inadequately him. 欧阳玉嫦看到某人一脸警惕的模样,翻了翻白眼,这么戒备做什么,难不成自己还能把他吃了不成。 You refuel, I first walked Lu Chen shift topic saying that carried the pressure on soar, quick vanished in Ouyang Yuchang eyes. “你加油,我先走了”陆尘转移话题道,扛着压力腾空而起,很快就消失在了欧阳玉嫦的眼中。 Ouyang Yuchang can only look helplessly the Lu Chen body lifts off, then vanishes does not see. 欧阳玉嫦只能眼睁睁的看着陆尘身体升空,然后消失不见。 50 mountain peaks in the future, regarding others, the pressure are not general big, but regarding Lu Chen, the pressure is not specially big. 五十座山峰往后,对于其他人来说,压力不是一般的大,但是对于陆尘来说,压力并不是特别的大。 Lu Chen has challenged 54, 56. 陆尘一直挑战五十四座,五十六座。 In 56 mountain peak peaks, Lu Chen ran into the two youth extraordinary youth. 在五十六座山峰顶端,陆尘又遇到了两个青年气质出众的青年。 Is separated by about ten meters, sits cross-legged respectively in a stone head sensibility. 相隔十米左右,各自盘坐在一块石头上感悟。 Sensibility at the same time, but also while talked. 一边感悟的同时,还一边交谈。 Ouyang crazy this fellow, has run up to the 58 th mountain peak “欧阳狂这家伙,都已经跑到第五十八座山峰了” Yes, we first time were not challenged, must catch up with the step of this fellow “是啊,我们也不是第一次挑战了,必须得追上这个家伙的步伐” Cannot catch up with Mei clouds, must catch up with this fellow, otherwise did not have the face to see the person “追不上梅霄,必须追上这家伙,不然都没脸见人了” Their natural talent is excellent, the talent of evildoer/monstrous talent rank, the background is in addition powerful, has the relation with Ouyang family, therefore unlike the people of many dynasty, has experienced ten thousand heavy peaks ahead of time. 他们两人天资过人,妖孽级别的天才,加上背景强大,与欧阳家族有联系,所以与外界很多皇朝的人不同,提前就来体验过万重峰。 What a pity, by their strengths , can only arrive at 56 th now. 可惜,以他们的实力,现在也只能走到第五十六座。 However, there is an opportunity to attack many people to look to its back Saint potential. 不过,也有机会冲击很多人望向其背圣势。 Well, came up a fellow “咦,又上来了一个家伙” Suddenly, two people discovered an extremely strange youth reaches, all stares the big eye pupil, having one wisp to be startled. 突然间,两人发现了一个极为陌生的青年登顶,皆瞪大眼眸,带着一缕吃惊。 originally thought they can come here, behind few people, or are hard some people to reach, is now, reaches, obviously is quite surprised. 本以为他们能走到这里,后面很少有人,亦或者说难以有人登顶,可是现在,又登顶一个,显的极为吃惊。 Sees Dao Brother two people to hold the fist in the other hand to say immediately. “见过道兄”两人顿时抱拳说道。 This person can come here, the aptitude and they are similar, have the qualifications to make them hold in high esteem, equal treatment. 此人能够走到这里,资质和他们差不多,有资格让他们刮目相看,平等相待。
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