MMISF :: Volume #5

#466: The 50 th three mountains peak

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Ten thousand heavy peaks, the first peak. 万重峰,第一峰。 This mountain peak is not too high , about 3000 zhang (3.33 m), at this time, Lu Chen stands with many people at the foot of the hill, raised the head to watch the entire mountain peak, on the mountain peak, appearances of the mountain spread the continuously, forms the pressure, lets fall on the body of people. 这座山峰不算太高,也就三千丈左右,此时,陆尘与许多人站在山脚下,抬头观看整座山峰,山峰上面,有一缕缕山势蔓延出来,形成威压,垂落在众人的身上。 In other words, so long as arrives at the mountain peak the range, can feel the appearance of the mountain, a very unique pressure. 也就是说,只要来到山峰的范围,就能感受到山势,一种很独特的威压。 Appearance of the mountain, a very normal phenomenon. 山势,一种很正常的现象。 Actually each mountain peak, has the appearance of the mountain, but there is a strong and weak. 其实外界的每一座山峰,都有山势,只不过有强弱。 For example a low mountain peak, you stand in the front, cannot feel anything, that is because the appearance of the mountain is too weak. 比如一座低矮的山峰,你站在面前,感受不到什么,那是因为山势太弱。 A ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain peak stands erect before you, grand magnificent, you can not feel voluntarily one are tiny, this is the appearance of the mountain. 一座万丈山峰矗立在你面前,雄伟壮观,你会不自觉的感觉自身渺小,这就是山势。 Some appearances of the mountain, just like the pressure, are very difficult to reach. 一些山势,如同威压一样,很难登顶上去。 Ten thousand heavy peak here altogether 81 mountain peaks, on each mountain peak, have over a hundred appearances of the mountain, is quite unique. 万重峰这里一共八十一座山峰,每座山峰上面,都有上百道山势,比较独特。 Forms one to temper the Primordial Spirit Boundary treasure trove. 形成一处可以磨炼元神境的宝地。 If successfully reaches, the appearance of the mountain will integrate within the body, more many of appearance of the mountain absorption, then later broken King Boundary, will comprehend the powerful potential. 如果成功登顶,就会有一丝山势融入体内,山势吸收的越多,那么以后破王境,就会领悟强大的势。 The first peak, many people reach fast, fuse a continuously appearance of the mountain, then goes to the next peak. 第一峰,很多人快速登顶,融合一缕缕山势,然后前往下一峰。 Compared to the appearance of the mountain of first 30 mountain peak is quite weak, coming this's Heaven's Chosen to be possible easily to reach, but gradually arrives at behind, the appearance of the mountain grows stronger, may be very failed, needs constantly to challenge, until reaching. 相对于来说,前三十座山峰的山势都比较弱,来此的天骄都可轻易登顶,但是逐渐到后面,山势变强,很可能失败,就需要不断地挑战,直至登顶。 Lu Chen swept one at will, following others is the same, soars. 陆尘随意的扫了一眼,跟随其他人一样,腾空而起。 In soaring, Lu Chen encountered a hindrance, but this hindrance, slightly cannot check, then breaks through to go instantaneously. 在腾空的时候,陆尘遇到了一丝阻碍,不过这丝阻碍,微不可查,瞬间便突破而去。 When the breakthrough hindrance, invisible potential in addition behaves the body a continuously. 在突破阻碍的时候,一缕缕无形的势加持己身。 Lu Chen skyrockets, only used for ten seconds, reaches the first peak. 陆尘扶摇直上,只用了十秒钟,就登顶第一峰。 Lu Chen stands in the first peak end, some surroundings also people sit cross-legged on the ground, the sensibility appearance of the mountain. 陆尘站在第一峰顶端,周围还有一些人盘坐在地上,感悟山势。 Good marvelous feeling Lu Chen said looking pensive. “好奇妙的感觉”陆尘若有所思道。 In ten seconds that in he reaches unceasingly, he can detect that invisible strength, integrates within the body a continuously, but has not actually strengthened oneself cultivation base, is very strange. 在他不断登顶的十秒钟内,他能察觉到一缕缕无形的力量,融入体内,但是却没有增强自己修为,很奇怪。 Perhaps, this is the so-called invisible appearance of the mountain. 或许,这就是所谓的无形的山势。 Lu Chen leaves here, challenges the second peak, the similar several seconds reached. 陆尘离开这里,挑战第二峰,同样几秒钟就登顶了。 The first 30 mountain peaks, regarding Lu Chen, do not have the pressure. 前三十座山峰,对于陆尘来说,都没有压力。 In the 25 th 30 mountain peaks, Lu Chen discovered many people, are clenching teeth to resist, reaches slowly, to them, this pressure is very strong. 在第二十五座到底三十座山峰之间,陆尘发现了很多人,正在咬牙抵抗,缓慢登顶,对于他们来说,这股压力很强。 When the people withstand the greatest pressure reaches, together the form goes easily and freely, passed by from them. 在众人承受莫大压力登顶的时候,一道身影如履平地,从他们面前路过。 Who this person is, does not have to feel the pressure “此人是谁,难道没感觉到压力吗” Very powerful, probably strolled to come up same “好强,像是漫步一样就上去了” Countless people see this scene, is in abundance stunned, shows the inconceivable expression. 无数人看到这一幕,纷纷愕然起来,露出不可思议的表情。 They felt that suffered the unfair treatment, they rise a section of distance every time, the vast appearance of the mountain heads on, pressed they have not gasped for breath. 他们感觉遭受了不公平的待遇,他们每上升一截距离,浩瀚的山势扑面而来,压的他们喘不过气。 But you take a look around this, the face not loyalty do not jump the air/Qi not to breathe heavily. 可是你瞅瞅旁边这位,脸不红心不跳气不喘。 Is he, that speaking coarsely man some people calls out in alarm said. “是他,那个说话粗俗的男子”有人惊呼道。 This is the person who previously Ouyang Yuchang greeted, the words that Lu Chen that cannot withstand vulgarly, made the profound impression on them. 这是先前欧阳玉嫦招呼的人,陆尘那粗俗不堪的话语,给他们留下了深刻的印象。 Is he, youth of conflict also some people so calls out in alarm with the sovereign sect extremely. “是他,与皇极宗起冲突的青年”亦有人这般惊呼。 This was on the same day in ten thousand heavy cities, has seen the Lu Chen person. 这是当日在万重城,见过陆尘的人。 Opposite party not only with sovereign extremely sect conflict, but also executed a Holy Son level conveniently, meanwhile puts out five ninth grade medicinal pill, posts a reward a Sage Boundary life, similarly the innermost feelings has the huge impact, the impression is very profound. 对方不仅与皇极宗起冲突,而且随手格杀了一位圣子级,同时还拿出五颗九品丹药,悬赏一位圣境的性命,同样给人内心造成巨大的冲击,以至于印象很深刻。 Regarding the surrounding discussion, Lu Chen has no time other, has not cared, passed by from them fast, making invisible appearance of the mountain in addition behave the body a continuously. 对于周围的议论声,陆尘无暇其他,没有在意,从他们面前快速路过,让一缕缕无形的山势加持己身。 Following 40 th with 50 mountain peaks, Lu Chen as before is stress-free, reaches with ease. 接下来的第四十座与五十座山峰,陆尘依旧是毫无压力,轻松登顶。 Lu Chen that is very relaxed, and unflustered manner, causes a shock. 陆尘那无比轻松,且从容不迫的神态,引起一片震惊。 Must know that 40 th with the 50 th mountain peaks, exceeded the King potential, diligently toward talent of Human Sovereign potential impact, middle not deficient Holy Son level. 要知道第四十座与第五十座山峰之间,都是超越了王者势,努力朝着人皇势冲击的天才,当中不缺乏圣子级。 Even the Holy Son level, still clenches teeth to resist. 就算是圣子级,也咬牙相抗。 And two gangs of troops, noticed Lu Chen. 其中有两股人马,注意到了陆尘 The place of 41 st mountain peak, white exquisite is resting in the halfway up the mountainside with one group of girl students, saw that Lu Chen one crosses from the front, is somewhat astonished. 第四十一座山峰的地方,白玲珑与一群女弟子正在半山腰休息,看到陆尘从面前一过,有些惊愕。 „The person strives to excel “那人好强” Girl student exclaims, the vision full is the startled color. 身旁的女弟子惊叹道,目光满是惊色。 Well, white Senior Sister, looked that your look has different, knows the opposite party side to have the girl student to see the white exquisite difference difficultly inadequately, asked curiously. “咦,白师姐,看你眼神有异,难不成认识对方”旁边有女弟子看到白玲珑的异样,好奇问道。 white Linglong nods, told her the Lu Chen matter. 白玲珑点头,把陆尘的事情告诉她。 Just that was Senior Sister in your mouth easily pulls out the ninth grade medicinal pill local tyrant “刚刚那位,就是师姐你口中轻易掏出九品丹药的土豪” „, White Senior Sister, this grade of local tyrant did not hold quickly, little struggles for several hundred years “哇,白师姐,这等土豪还不快抓住,少奋斗几百年” Nearby girl student starts to create a disturbance, causes white exquisite speechless. 旁边女弟子开始起哄,引得白玲珑无语。 On the 42 nd summit, Lu Chen ran into the nine imperial princes of blood flame dynasty. 在第四十二座山顶上面,陆尘遇到了血炎皇朝的九皇子。 This moment this nine imperial prince side, several appearance uncommon youth, all are Heaven's Chosen of side big influence, nine imperial princes are talking with them. 此刻这位九皇子的身边,有几位品貌不凡的青年,全是一方大势力的天骄,九皇子正在与他们交谈。 Suddenly, Lu Chen arrived at the summit. 突然间,陆尘来到了山顶。 Nine imperial princes see Lu Chen, the eye pupil is one cold. 九皇子看到陆尘,眼眸就是一凛。 The opposite party also easily stepped 42 mountain peaks unexpectedly. 对方竟然也轻易踏上了四十二座山峰。 Nine imperial princes to Lu Chen impression incomparable profound, after all the opposite party status are also honored, pulls out ninth grade medicinal pill at will, in addition has the flying snow sovereign to advocate disregards him unexpectedly, respects unusually about this youth. 九皇子对陆尘印象也无比的深刻,毕竟对方身份尊贵,随意掏出九品丹药,另外还有飞雪皇主竟然无视他,对这个青年尊敬异常。 Nine imperial princes are very careful to this matter, in the two months of ten thousand heavy city waiting, he inquired that the status of opposite party, wants the person who has a look at the flying snow sovereign lord to flatter is where the origin. 九皇子对这件事情很上心,在万重城等待的两个月内,他打听对方的身份,想要看看飞雪皇主巴结的人是何方来历。 What a pity, only knows that the opposite party is called land less/small, then, does not know. 可惜,只知道对方叫做陆少,然后,就不知道了。 Although Lu Chen from reporting the name, some blood flame dynasty people have known, they but who have keen eyesight in withstand/top, have spoken thoughtlessly a few words that spoke to forget Lu Chen after the brain. 虽然陆尘自报过姓名,血炎皇朝一些人都知道,但是眼高于顶的他们,早就把陆尘随口说的一句话忘在了脑后。 Nine imperial princes were also the same day of conflict, listened to flying snow sovereign calling opposite party land less/small. 九皇子也是起冲突的当日,听飞雪皇主叫对方陆少。 If he knows that the opposite party shouted Lu Chen accurately, inquired toward the name, could inquire 12. 如果他知道对方确切叫陆尘的话,朝着名字打听,或许能够打听出来一二。 Therefore, he useful information has not inquired. 所以,他一点有用的情报都没有打听到。 Lu Chen reaches, some side people want to give Lu Chen to greet, after all can reach 42 mountain peaks, has the probability to attack the following mountain peak, possibly comprehends the Human Sovereign potential, belongs to side Heaven's Chosen. 陆尘登顶,旁边有人想要给陆尘打招呼,毕竟能够登顶四十二座山峰,有几率冲击后面的山峰,都可能领悟人皇势,属于一方天骄 Can have to do ahead of time, becomes friends with anything. 可以提前打交道,结交什么的。 But, has not opened the mouth with enough time, Lu Chen stop a while, departed merely directly, causes several people of you to have a look at me, I have a look at you. 可是,还没来得及开口,陆尘仅仅停顿一会儿,直接离去了,引得几人你看看我,我看看你。 He is not tired, starts to attack the following appearance of the mountain some people to say directly. “他不累吗,直接开始冲击后面的山势”有人说道。 They mount 42 nd with great difficulty, must rest and sense some time , to continue to go forward. 他们好不容易登上第四十二座,要休息与感悟一段时间,才继续前进。 more arrives at behind, the pressure is bigger. 越到后面,压力越大。 This is also Ouyang family opens one year of reason. 这也是欧阳家族开放一年时间的原因。 Perhaps some people responded to one. “或许吧”有人回应一句。 Then, they have not managed Lu Chen, closes eyes to sense, with the aim of attacking the following appearance of the mountain. 接下来,他们也没管陆尘了,闭目感悟起来,以便冲击后面的山势。 Lu Chen does not know that oneself by many people, he immerses in toward my boundary, constantly challenges in the subconscious. 陆尘并不知道自己被很多人,他沉浸在往我的境界,在潜意识不断地挑战。 Until arrives at the 50 th three mountains peak, he felt a continuously pressure, opened the eye. 直到到达第五十三座山峰,他才感受到了一缕缕压力,睁开了眼睛。 But after opening the eye, discovered that side has a female, beautiful pupil surprise visits him. 而睁开眼睛之后,发现旁边有一名女子,美眸诧异的看着他。
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