MMISF :: Volume #5

#465: Do not slander my gentleman image

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Most feared that the air is suddenly peaceful. 最怕空气突然安静。 At this moment, this place, suddenly is peaceful. 此刻,这片地方,就突然安静下来。 Presented Heaven's Chosen from major dynasties, all stared dumbfounded looked to Lu Chen. 在场来自各大皇朝的天骄,全都瞠目结舌的看向陆尘 Comes Ouyang family's youth one generation, badly was also an imperial prince of dynasty, they not only the talent was outstanding, but also the surface must achieve the modest and self-demanding gentleman image. 来欧阳家族的青年一辈,最差也是一个皇朝的皇子,他们不仅天赋卓绝,而且表面还要做到谦谦君子形象。 Facing Ouyang jade Chang's such beautiful woman, wants the polite scholarly, the style of speaking is uncommon, creates a fine image. 面对欧阳玉嫦这样的佳人,更要温文儒雅,谈吐不凡,树立一个良好的形象。 But you have a look at this goods, is the same just like the careless person who comes out from the ravine, the words cannot withstand vulgarly. 可是你看看这货,宛若从山沟出来的粗人一样,话语粗俗不堪。 Lu Chen taps the head, was just patronizing the appearance that appreciates Ouyang Yuchang, forgot to send greetings. 陆尘一拍脑袋,刚刚光顾着欣赏欧阳玉嫦的容貌,忘记传音了。 Said shocking everybody words. 以至于说出一番惊世骇俗的话。 However was quick calm he, the food and drink rubbish, the way things should be, had anything to lose face. 不过很快他淡定了起来,吃喝拉撒,人之常情,有什么丢脸的。 Is degrading refined, is degrading refined side, puts on magnificence robe, seems like the youth of splendid in both form and content, saying that shuts out very much: This Dao Brother, Miss jade Chang in front, but also please do not say the words that hears coarse, lose face.” “有辱斯文,正是有辱斯文”旁边,一位穿着华袍,看起来玉质金相的青年,很嫌弃的说道:“这位道兄,玉嫦小姐在面前,还请不要说那么难听入耳的话语,丢脸至极。” The surrounding person recovers, is exclusion of face, draws back in abundance several steps. 周围人回过神来,都是一脸的嫌弃,纷纷退开几步。 As if with Lu Chen stands very loses face. 仿佛与陆尘站在一起很跌份。 Lu Chen glimpses exclusion dot of surrounding person to despise the vision, not only not awkward, instead argued strongly based on reason: Person has three anxieties, is not very normal, has anything to lose face.” 陆尘瞥见周围人的嫌弃丶鄙视目光,不仅没有尴尬,反而据理力争:“人有三急,不很正常吗,有什么丢脸的。” The surrounding person is speechless. 周围人无言。 Simple and crude that although Lu Chen said that is also the truth, but under glare of the public eye, Miss jade Chang also in the front, saying this words is not disgraced, has anything to distinguish with indigenous that has not evolved. 虽然陆尘说的简单粗暴,也是实话,但是众目睽睽之下,玉嫦小姐也在面前,说出这种话难道不有失身份,和未进化的土著有什么区别。 You...” Youth who previously opened the mouth by the Lu Chen rebuttal could not speak. “你...”先前开口的青年被陆尘反驳的说不出话来。 Your anything you Lu Chen also came the temperament, ill-humored saying: You who said do not defecate to be the same, I want to say that defecates anything to lose face, does not believe you to ask that Ouyang Yuchang, she looks like a female celestial, but also is not same must defecate.” “你什么你”陆尘还来脾气了,没好气的说道:“说的你不拉屎一样,我就想说,拉屎有什么丢脸的,不信你问问欧阳玉嫦,她看起来如同一个仙女,但还不是一样要拉屎。” Lu Chen Ouyang jade Chang involving. 陆尘把欧阳玉嫦给牵扯进来了。 Ouyang Yuchang was solemn graceful standing in the one side, the makings are elusive, as the Lu Chen words fall, beautiful appearance slightly one stiff, reveals the politeness not to lose the awkward smile. 欧阳玉嫦本来端庄优雅的站在一旁,气质空灵,但是随着陆尘的话语落下,绝美的容颜微微一僵,露出礼貌又不失尴尬的微笑。 In heart actually angry incomparable, did a lot of talking secretly. 心中却气恼无比,暗自磨牙。 Can this bastard do not involve her, this difficult problem, how making her reply. 这混蛋能不能不要牵扯到她,这种难题,让她怎么回答。 Also, who this person is, seeming like so to be how hateful. 还有,这人是谁啊,看起来怎么那么可恶。 Ouyang Yuchang nearby maidservant, a face indignant is staring Lu Chen, is pointing at the nose of Lu Chen: This young master, but also please respect a point about our young ladies.” 欧阳玉嫦旁边的侍女,一脸气愤的瞪着陆尘,指着陆尘的鼻子:“这位公子,还请对我们小姐尊重一点。” The maidservants were also angry, this bastard came from what dynasty, no family education. 侍女也气坏了,这混蛋来自什么皇朝,没有一点家教。 Originally the this time ten thousand heavy peak exchange conferences, are the meetings of Profound Territory eight side talents, besides challenging ten thousand heavy peaks, but can also sit together discussed the cultivation attainment, was the meeting of high-end crowd. 本来这一次万重峰交流大会,是玄域八方天才的聚会,除了挑战万重峰之外,还可以坐在一起谈论修炼心得,属于高端人群的聚会。 However with Lu Chen words one, makes the meeting drop several scales immediately. 但是随着陆尘的话一出,立刻让聚会下降了数个档次。 Surrounding youth outstanding of major dynasties, all had nothing to say in reply. 周围各大皇朝的青年俊杰,皆是无言以对。 Afterward turns away, as if shames in Lu Chen is a companion. 随后纷纷移开视线,仿佛羞于陆尘为伍。 However, they truly do not know that Lu Chen from what dynasty, is very in any case strange. 不过,他们确实也不知道陆尘来自什么皇朝,反正很陌生。 Lu Chen stares to the maidservant, discontented saying: Your which eye sees me not to respect your young ladies, do not slander my gentleman image.” 陆尘瞪向侍女,不满的说道:“你哪只眼睛看见我没有尊重你们小姐,不要污蔑我的君子形象。” This words. 此话一处。 The surrounding person wants to spit blood. 周围人想吐血。 You said such vulgar words, where also had the gentleman image. 你都说出这么粗俗的话语了,哪里还有君子形象。 Who makes you say such disgusting words before the young lady, the young lady apologized maidservant to stare Lu Chen to my family angrily. “谁让你在小姐面前说出这么恶心的话语,给我家小姐道歉”侍女气鼓鼓的瞪着陆尘 Lu Chen shrugs, said: Where was disgusting, you defecate do not clean up.” 陆尘耸了耸肩,说道:“哪里恶心了,难道你拉屎不擦屁股。” You...” “你...” The maidservants had food stuck in the throat immediately, the cheek of air/Qi is red, wicked stares Lu Chen, how on world to have such shameless person. 侍女顿时被噎住了,气的脸蛋通红,恶狠狠的瞪着陆尘,世界上怎么有这么无耻的人。 Xiaoqing, belt/bring guest restroom Ouyang jade Chang said hastily. “小青,带这位客人厕所”欧阳玉嫦连忙说道。 She does not want to continue to discuss this awkward issue. 她可不想继续讨论这种尴尬的问题。 She discovered, at present youth face thick-skinned like mountain, does not know that what blushes is. 她发现了,眼前青年脸皮厚如山岳,根本不知道脸红为何物。 Is making , can only on the scene awkward. 在闹下去,也只能让在场人都尴尬。 Comes to be called Xiaoqing's maidservant with me, ruthlessly white Lu Chen. “跟我来”被称为小青的侍女,狠狠白了陆尘一眼。 Cluck! 咕咕咕! The belly of Lu Chen, called at the right moment, departs with the maidservant, in heart self-satisfied snort/hum said that so long as he is not awkward, then awkward is others. 陆尘的肚子,适时地叫了起来,跟着侍女离去,心中得意的哼道,只要他不尴尬,那么尴尬的就是别人。 Quick, the Lu Chen solution life important matter comes back, discovered on the scene, only then 200-300 people, most people set out toward ten thousand heavy peaks. 很快,陆尘解决人生大事回来,发现在场只有200-300人了,大多数人都朝着万重峰进发了。 Ouyang Yuchang makings are holy, if the shape is elusive, solemn graceful sitting on the rush cushion, the front is placing a guqin together, the slender white and tender jade refers to moving the string, just like the beautiful calligraphy, writes a chapter of nice sorrow beautiful. 欧阳玉嫦气质圣洁,状若空灵,端庄优雅的坐在一块蒲团上,面前摆放着一把古琴,修长白嫩的玉指拨动琴弦,宛若笔走龙蛇,谱写出一曲动听忧美的篇章。 Below, Heaven's Chosen hear of deluded of major dynasties, fell to the enemy in the middle of the wonderful zither music. 下面,来自各大皇朝的天骄听的如痴如醉,沦陷在美妙的琴音当中。 Quick, finished, but surroundings Heaven's Chosen, but also in that wonderful ideal condition in the middle, cannot get back one's composure for a very long time. 很快,一曲完毕,但是周围天骄,还处于那美妙的意境当中,久久回不过神来。 Until after one minute, the surroundings break out the warm applause immediately, in addition the continuous praise words, commended Ouyang Yuchang qin tune is the same like the immortal sound, can wash the mind of person. 直到一分钟后,周围顿时响起热烈的掌声,外加络绎不绝的赞美话语,称赞欧阳玉嫦的琴曲如同仙音一样,可以洗涤人的心灵。 Of pleasant to hear, pleasant to hear “好听,好听” Lu Chen applause. 陆尘啪啪的鼓起掌来。 various people sees Lu Chen to appear, does not immediately want to speak. 诸人看到陆尘出现,顿时不想说话了。 Ouyang Yuchang is also speechless cast aside one this defecation guest, before he comes back, oneself has played, now says of pleasant to hear, this is not flattering of scarlet fruits. 欧阳玉嫦也是无语的撇了一眼这位‘拉屎’的客人,他回来之前,自己已经弹奏完了,现在说好听,这不是赤果果的阿谀奉承吗。 „A your uncouthly person, understands to appreciate qin tune Ouyang jade Chang not to speak, her maidservant said in the side satire. “你一个粗鲁之人,也懂欣赏琴曲”欧阳玉嫦没说话,她的侍女在旁边讽刺般说道。 Previously Lu Chen made a poor impression, on the scene was unpopular he. 先前陆尘留下一个不好的印象,在场没人待见他。 including Ouyang Yuchang maidservant, like has a grudge with Lu Chen, ridiculed in side. 包括欧阳玉嫦的侍女,更是像和陆尘有仇一样,在旁边讥讽起来。 Lu Chen seems has not listened to the satire, looks to the opposite party, beckons with the hand: „A your little girl understands, why I cannot understand, ok, does not haggle over with your little girl.” 陆尘好似没有听出讽刺,看向对方,摆了摆手:“你一个小丫头片子都懂,我为何就不能懂,算了,不和你一个小丫头片子计较。” Lu Chen makes a measuring very big attitude. 陆尘做出一副度量很大的态度。 You said that who is small waits on the cheek of effeminacy to be red, angry is staring Lu Chen. “你说谁小呢”侍女气的脸蛋通红,恼怒的瞪着陆尘 Said you Lu Chen slanting Ni latter, languid saying. “说你呢”陆尘斜倪后者一眼,懒洋洋的说道。 Does not know, the words that oneself said had under punch. 丝毫不知道,自己说出的话有多么欠揍。 Young lady, you looked that this person was too repugnant, can drive away maidservant to complain toward Ouyang jade Chang him. “小姐,你看此人太讨厌了,能不能把他赶走”侍女朝欧阳玉嫦抱怨起来。 Ouyang Yuchang maintains a smile from beginning to end, has not been angry, the beautiful pupil falls on the body of Lu Chen: Your excellency also understands way of music.” 欧阳玉嫦从始至终保持一丝微笑,也没生气,美眸落在陆尘的身上:“阁下也懂音律一道。” Slightly understands, slightly understands some Lu Chen very modestly saying: Listened to my Junior Sister to play many were times, did not understand also understands.” “略懂一些,略懂一些”陆尘很‘谦虚’的说道:“听过我师妹弹奏很多次了,不懂也懂了。” The person on the scene hears the Lu Chen words, all flips the supercilious look, listening to many times attending to play both to have happening together, will listen to play. 在场人听到陆尘的话,全都翻了翻白眼,听过很多次与会弹奏两者有交集吗,难道听过就会弹奏。 Is good because, Ouyang Yuchang has not felt embarrassed Lu Chen, for example stimulates Lu Chen to play to lose face intentionally anything, she received the zither | Jean, stood slowly, the proud figure completely exposes under was in the glare of the public eye, the beautiful pupil observes the situation for a week, opened the mouth and said: everyone, I must go to ten thousand heavy peaks to challenge, optional.” 好在,欧阳玉嫦并没有为难陆尘,比如故意刺激陆尘弹奏丢脸什么的,她把琴收了起来,缓缓站了起来,把傲人的身段完全暴露在了众目睽睽之下,美眸环视一周,开口道:“诸位,我要去万重峰挑战了,各位随意。” Ouyang Yuchang said, then just like the fairy maiden, the figure exquisite flew in the directions of ten thousand heavy peaks. 欧阳玉嫦说完,便如同仙子一样,身形优美朝万重峰的方向飞了过去。
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