MMISF :: Volume #5

#464: Ouyang Yuchang

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Lu Chen continues cultivation in the inn , to promote oneself cultivation base diligently, the time in a flash, the two moon/month passed by. 陆尘在客栈继续修炼,努力提升自己修为,时间一晃,两个月过去了。 Steps into ten thousand heavy peaks the days, approaches finally. 踏入万重峰的日子,也终于来临。 Ouyang family opens the entrance, sends out the direct descendant character, greets the influence of arrival personally. 欧阳家族打开山门,派出嫡系人物,亲自迎接到来的势力。 The people through Transmission Array, enter Ouyang home. 众人通过传送阵,进入欧阳家。 Lu Chen also follows the populace, walks in the crowd, after Transmission Array, arrived at a paradise. 陆尘也跟随大众,走在人群中,通过传送阵之后,来到了一片世外桃源。 Inside are beautiful, as beautiful as a painting, various palace garrets, the small bridge over the flowing stream, is quite magnificent. 里面山川秀美,风景如画,各种殿宇阁楼,小桥流水,极为壮观。 Here is the places of similar four Saint mystical places Lu Chen is sizing up this paradise, talked to oneself looking pensive. “这里是类似四圣秘境的地方”陆尘打量着这片世外桃源,若有所思自语道。 Ouyang family, occupied smart pure lands, isolates by powerful array. 欧阳家族,占据了一片灵气十足的净土,以强大阵法隔绝起来。 Only then through Transmission Array, can enter inside. 只有通过传送阵,才能进入里面。 The region that however this array covers, has no way to compare with the region of kamikaze ancient country. 不过这阵法笼罩的地域,与神风古国的地域没法比较。 However can rear in a pen the land by array, builds like the mystical place same residence, only then the Profound Territory first five respected families have ability so. 但是能够以阵法圈养土地,打造如同秘境一样的住所,只有玄域前五大家族才有这般本领。 After all like array of this isolation, wants ninth level array to achieve at least. 毕竟像这种隔绝似的阵法,起码要九级阵法才能做到。 everyone, welcome to Ouyang family distant place, an appearance beautiful maidservant, says to the people: „The guest who comes this place, is received by Miss Ouyang jade Chang personally.” 诸位,欢迎来到欧阳家族”远处,一名模样秀丽的侍女,面向众人开口说道:“来此地的客人,由欧阳玉嫦小姐亲自接待。” Looks all around, at least over a thousand people, are the successors of major influences. 环顾四周,起码有上千人,都是各大势力的传人。 Actually comes continues this person, but the Ouyang family shy number are too many, cannot greet, splits up several regions respectively, lets other direct descendant receptions. 其实来的不止这点人,不过欧阳家族怕人数太多,招呼不过来,分别分化几个区域,让其他嫡系接待。 But the region that Lu Chen this group of people are, is received by Ouyang jade Chang. 陆尘这群人所在的区域,由欧阳玉嫦接待。 Ouyang jade Chang, the Ouyang family's first beautiful woman “欧阳玉嫦,欧阳家族第一美女” Long Miss hears Yuchang the beautiful woman, what a pity misses to see, today can see finally “久闻玉嫦小姐美女,可惜无缘得见,今日总算能见到了” As the words of maidservant fall, successor eye of one crowd of alien influences shines, the hormone starts the bursting. 随着侍女的话语落下,一群外来势力的传人眼睛发亮,荷尔蒙开始爆棚。 Ouyang Yuchang, the Ouyang family's first beautiful woman, is not blows, Ouyang Yuchang is one generation of beautiful women, is very famous in Profound Territory, innumerable distinguished people to its admire, but, actually no one can bring her home. 欧阳玉嫦,欧阳家族第一美女,可不是吹出来的,欧阳玉嫦是一代佳人,在玄域都很有名气,无数风流人物对其爱慕,可是,却无人能够抱得美人归。 At this time, the distant place presented together the beautiful form. 这时,远处出现一道绝美的身影。 This is a beautiful incomparable woman. 这是一个美丽无比的女人。 She has nearly perfect face, with creamy white skin, a double shears water pupil wave light circulation, is quite nimble and resourceful, the curved delicate eyebrows, tall very/straight the fine jade nose, is a very rare most beautiful woman. 她有着一张近乎完美的脸庞,肤如凝脂,一双剪水瞳孔波光流转,极为灵动,弯弯的秀眉,高挺的琼鼻,是一位很少见的绝代佳人。 She wears the palace clothing white skirt, is extraordinary, like a white lotus, avoids getting contaminated growing from mud, the body does not have the secular aura, seems a female celestial of nine space. 她穿着宫装白裙,气质出众,如同一株白莲,出淤泥而不染,身上没有世俗气息,仿佛是一位九天上的仙女。 Lu Chen stares at this female, the look has the delay of flash that. 陆尘盯着这名女子,眼神有那么一瞬间的呆滞。 Has saying that this female attractive, beautiful some are not very real, with her walks, the surrounding all beautiful scenes as if become overshadowed. 不得不说,这位女子十分的漂亮,美丽的有些不真实,随着她的走过来,周围的一切美景仿佛变得黯然失色。 Ouyang Yuchang, the Ouyang family's first beautiful woman, as walks, noisy environment on the scene, towering peaceful. 欧阳玉嫦,欧阳家族第一美女,随着走过来,在场嘈杂的环境,突兀安静了下来。 Everyone forgets to speak, like this looks at steadily is staring at Ouyang Yuchang, as if like this looked also looks for a lifetime insufficiently. 所有人都忘记说话,就这样目不转睛的盯着欧阳玉嫦,仿佛这样看一辈子也看不够。 everyone, the girl was courteous Ouyang jade Chang to fall gently slowly, is saluting to youth outstanding from eight sides slightly, noble beautiful, graceful. 诸位,小女子有礼了”欧阳玉嫦缓缓飘落下来,对着来自八方的青年俊杰微微行礼,高贵美丽,落落大方。 Ouyang Yuchang words, immersing the people in fantasy pulled back the reality. 欧阳玉嫦的话,把沉浸在幻想当中的众人拉回了现实。 Miss jade Chang was polite “玉嫦小姐客气了” Immediately, has to brag the uncommon youth, to the Ouyang Yuchang well-mannered response. 顿时,有自诩不凡的青年,对着欧阳玉嫦彬彬有礼的回应。 Has heard Miss jade Chang not only person looks beautiful, but also the talent is very high, today sees, really so “早就听闻玉嫦小姐不仅人长得美,而且天赋还很高,今日一见,果然如此” Not only that heard that Miss jade Chang is Pill Refiner, is very high in a pill refining way talent, had been received by old monster of pill pledge for apprentice “不仅如此,听说玉嫦小姐还是一位炼丹师,在炼丹一途天赋很高,已经被丹盟的老怪物收为了徒弟” Saying that the surrounding person whispers. 周围人交头接耳的称赞道。 Ouyang Yuchang smiles, is in full bloom like the fresh flower, said: Fellow deserted/few Zan.” 欧阳玉嫦抿嘴一笑,如同鲜花盛开,道:“各位廖赞了。” Everyone, please look at distant place an Ouyang jade Chang suddenly thread of conversation revolution, lush element direction distant place. “各位,请看远方”欧阳玉嫦忽然话锋一转,芊芊素手指向远方。 The people looked at the past following the line of sight, saw near the horizon, under the be continuous mountain peaks, counted, altogether had 81 mountain peaks. 众人循着视线望过去,看到了天际边,有一座座绵延的山峰,细数之下,总共有八十一座山峰。 Ouyang Yuchang said: There is ten thousand heavy peaks, has ten thousand types of appearances of the mountain, the first peak is easiest to pass, each on a mountain peak, will obtain the appearance of the mountain baptism, increases accumulation of potential, the reaching mountain peak are more, showed that you are more outstanding, if everyone does not have the matter, now can.” 欧阳玉嫦说道:“那里便是万重峰,拥有万种山势,其中首峰最为容易通过,每等上一座山峰,都会得到山势洗礼,增加势的积淀,登顶山峰越多,证明你们越加出色,各位如果没有事情,现在就可以去了。” At this time, some youth said with a smile: According to what has been heard Miss jade Chang has reached 50 mountain peaks, was the Human Sovereign potential, this time, Miss jade Chang must continue to test.” 这时,有青年笑道:“据闻玉嫦小姐已经登顶了五十座山峰,属于人皇势了,这一次,玉嫦小姐还要继续测试吗。” Because ten thousand heavy peaks are Ouyang families, the Ouyang family's King Boundary following junior, can tread to temper oneself momentarily, the outside world the hearsay, Ouyang Yuchang has reached 50, even now breaks through King Boundary immediately, at least is still the Human Sovereign potential, is quite fearful. 因为万重峰是欧阳家族的,欧阳家族的王境以下小辈,随时都可以踏上去磨炼自己,外界早已经传闻,欧阳玉嫦已经登顶了五十座,就算现在立刻突破王境,至少也是人皇势,极为可怕。 But the outcomer, only has one year. 而外来者,只有一年的时间。 Many people most comprehend the King potential. 很多人最多领悟王者势。 Some people, even the King potential did not comprehend. 有的人,连王者势都领悟不了。 Ouyang Yuchang said gracefully: Un, I must attempt to attack the Saint potential.” 欧阳玉嫦落落大方道:“嗯,我要尝试冲击一下圣势。” Miss jade Chang the natural talent is excellent, making me and others admire “玉嫦小姐天资过人,令我等佩服” Under, countless people hold the fist in the other hand saying that looked was full of the admiration to Ouyang jade Chang's look, such world is outstandingly beautiful, the aptitude is excellent, if can become a companion with her, that does not know crisply. 下方,无数人抱拳说道,看向欧阳玉嫦的眼神里充满了倾慕,此等人间绝色,资质过人,如果能与她结为道侣,那不知道有多爽。 What a pity, they also understand, to Ouyang jade Chang this most beautiful woman, they are not possible to have. 可惜,他们也明白,向欧阳玉嫦这种绝代佳人,他们不可能拥有的。 About more than ten li (0.5 km), several hundred forms, go toward the ten thousand heavy peaks of distant place. 十几里开外,有数百道身影,朝着远处的万重峰而去。 Ouyang Yuchang said with a smile: Everyone also has the issue, if no, rushes to ten thousand heavy peaks.” 欧阳玉嫦笑道:“各位还有问题吗,如果没有的话,就去闯万重峰吧。” Has .... “有....” In crowd, Lu Chen high raised the hand. 人群中,陆尘高高的举起了手。 Ouyang Yuchang vision, falls on the body of Lu Chen immediately. 欧阳玉嫦的目光,立刻落在了陆尘的身上。 This friend, you have what question, so long as the issues about ten thousand heavy peaks, I can explain the Ouyang jade Chang be with smile on the face say/way for you. “这位朋友,你有何疑问,只要是关于万重峰的问题,我都可以为你解答”欧阳玉嫦面带微笑道。 I...” “我...” Lu Chen opens mouth, showed an embarrassed expression, even insensitivity of Lu Chen, still rare is embarrassed. 陆尘张了张嘴,露出了一副不好意思的表情,就算是陆尘的厚脸皮,也难得的不好意思起来。 Hey, you looked that this person was shy, admires Miss Ouyang's beautiful appearance, wants to chat the sentiment of table admiration “嘿,你们看此人害羞了,是不是仰慕欧阳小姐的美貌,想要聊表倾慕之情” I thought that is also” “我觉得也是” The surrounding person sees the Lu Chen embarrassed expression, in abundance saying of teasing. 周围人看到陆尘不好意思的表情,纷纷戏虐的说道。 Ouyang Yuchang, the Ouyang family's first beautiful woman, who the young son of the influential on the scene does not like, but in their hearts a little compels the number. 欧阳玉嫦,欧阳家族第一美人,在场的年轻公子哥谁不喜欢,不过他们心中还是有一点逼数的。 This most beautiful woman, is not they can covet absolutely. 这种绝代佳人,绝对不是他们可以觊觎的。 Ouyang Yuchang saw Lu Chen blushes bashfully the look, the smile said: Does not use cautious, having the question can raise.” 欧阳玉嫦看到陆尘‘羞赧’的神色,微笑道:“不用拘谨,有疑问可以提。” Lu Chen looks to the Ouyang jade Chang beautiful unusual cheek, finally the head has that short-circuits in a flash, sent greetings continually forgot, blurted out: Restroom where, I want to defecate.” 陆尘看向欧阳玉嫦美丽异常的脸蛋,结果脑袋有那么一瞬间短路,连传音都忘了,脱口而出:“厕所在哪儿,我想拉屎。” Lu Chen rarely somewhat embarrassed, before that is comes, roasts several dragon meat to eat, finally ate the stomach ache. 陆尘难得有些不好意思,那就是来之前,烤了几块龙肉吃,结果吃坏肚子了。 When enters Transmission Array, the belly cluck gets up. 在进传送阵的时候,肚子就咕咕叫起来。 Now somewhat cannot endure, asked. 现在有些忍不了了,就问了出来。 Lu Chen a few words, making the surrounding person dumbfounded. 陆尘一句话,让周围人目瞪口呆。 Even always leads Ouyang jade Chang of smile, hears this vulgar words, the shining white forehead has drawn three wisps of heavy lines. 就算是始终带着微笑的欧阳玉嫦,听到这句粗俗的话语,莹白的额头划过三缕黑线。 Recommends a book «great antiquity to cultivate true virtue: I really am not talent», the tomato may read. 推荐一本书《洪荒修真:我真的不是天才》,番茄可阅读。
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