, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The white eyebrowsold manhas hair dishevelled, the lookmakes a determined effort, the whole bodycourage vigoris dreadful, mixes the space, formsmain roadstorm, onemayeasilytear the Sovereignastral windcontinuouslyaroundhisbodyrevolving.
白眉老者披头散发,眼神发狠,周身血气滔天,搅动空间,形成一股大道风暴,一缕缕可轻易撕裂皇者的罡风绕着他的身体旋转。But, thisis simply useless, fourpowerfulincomparablestriking powereruptaroundhim, tears the stormdirectly, shellsonhisbody.
The white eyebrowsold manbellows, if the shapeis crazy, in the eyefullisdesperate.
The powerhouses of severalsameranksmake a movetogether, hesimplydoes not have the turnaround power, cannot avoid, can only lookhelplesslyseveralattacksfallon the body.
The body of white eyebrowsold man, under the lookgazes of countlessperson, the smashing, vanishesin the middle of the nihilitygradually.
白眉老者的身体,在无数人的眼神注视下,渐渐粉碎,消失于虚无当中。However, the head of white eyebrowsold manactuallypreservedperfectly, becauseLu Chenhad previously said that wants the head of thisperson.
不过,白眉老者的头颅却完好无损的保存了下来,因为先前陆尘说过,要此人的脑袋。When the white eyebrowsold mandied, severalformscomefinally, theseformswere coveredby a ray, cannot see clearly the facial features, theystartto rob the head of white eyebrowsold man.
在白眉老者死亡的时候,数道身影终于现身,这些身影都被一层光芒笼罩,看不清面容,他们开始抢夺白眉老者的脑袋。One of themsnatches, goestoward the distant placefast, nearbyseveralpeopleimmediatelyto the person who snatches the headacts, what a pitylateonestep, attackedfailscompletely.
其中一人抢到,快速朝着远方而去,旁边的几人顿时对着抢到脑袋的人出手,可惜晚了一步,攻击全部落空。Howeverpursued, finally, the fightfluctuatesis getting more and more far.
不过还是追了过去,最后,战斗波动越来越远。Quick, the surroundingspeoplecould not feel that the fightfluctuated.
很快,周围人都感觉不到战斗波动了。Recovers, lookstofrom beginning to endverytranquilLu Chen, the visionfulliswith amazement.
The richnesscanmake the ghostturn a millstone, a these wordspointright.
有钱能使鬼推磨,这句话一点都没错。Thisyouthpulls outfiveninth grademedicinal pill, shortlywill want a life of Sage Monarchpowerhouse.
这名青年掏出五枚九品丹药,顷刻间就要了一位圣君强者的性命。Simultaneouslycannot bear the redabdomenin the heart, whothisyouthis, suchboldhorizontal.
同时忍不住在心中绯腹,这青年到底是谁啊,这么豪横。ninth grademedicinal pillcanmakeSage Monarchon the scenemake a moveobviously, mustput outfive, ninth grademedicinal pillmanybeing able to use up.
The sovereignsectdiscipleon the scene, theylooks paleextremely, in the eyeis passing the endlessfear.
皇极宗在场弟子,他们面色苍白,眼里透着无尽的恐惧。Theyare inconceivable, oneselfElderdiedlike this.
他们难以想象,自家长老就这样死了。At this time, theirbodiesare very cold, absolutelydid not have the previouspride, standsis tremblingsame place.
The personlook of bloodflamedynastyfellon the body of Lu Chen, knits the brows, thispersoncanput outfiveninth grademedicinal pill, waswhatstatus.
血炎皇朝的人眼神落在陆尘的身上,皱了皱眉,此人能够拿出五枚九品丹药,到底是什么身份。Moreoverevidently, the flying snowsovereignlordknows the status of opposite party, thereforetheirwordsdo not listen, bravesoffends the sovereignextremelysectas well astheyinshare, mustprotectthisyouth.
而且看样子,飞雪皇主知道对方的身份,所以连他们的话也不听,冒着得罪皇极宗以及他们的的份上,也要保护这名青年。Whiteexquisitealsobeing startled, thispersoniswhatstatus, whyeasilyputs outso manyninth grademedicinal pill.
白玲珑也是十分的吃惊,此人到底是什么身份,为何轻易就拿出这么多九品丹药。Lu Chentranquillookone by onehas swepttoward the body of people, contactshislookpersonin abundanceunnaturalmoving awaylook, does not dareto look at each otherwithit.陆尘平静的眼神一一朝众人的身上扫过,接触他眼神的人纷纷不自然的移开神色,不敢与之对视。Lu Chenopened the mouth and said: „Alsosomepeoplewant the reserving all seats for a performanceinn.”陆尘开口道:“还有人想要包场客栈吗。”However, no onerepliedhim.
然而,没有人回答他。Wraps the inn?
包客栈?Thisis obviously impossible.
这明显不可能了。Withoutseeing the fate of sovereignextremelysect, becauseis conceited, depends the powerfulbackground, drives away others, wants the reserving all seats for a performanceinn, thereforeends up such a fate.
没看见皇极宗的下场吗,就因为自视甚高,仗着有强大的背景,赶走其他人,想要包场客栈,所以落得这么一个下场。Not onlydied a Holy Sonlevel, but alsodiedSage Monarch.
不仅死了一位圣子级,还死了一位圣君。„Cultivates the behaviorto selectlow-key, big of the world, do not think that no onedaresto moveyou”later, Lu Chenlooked that saidto the disciple of sovereignsectextremely.
The peopleare speechless, youput outfiveninth grademedicinal pillto post a reward the life of sovereignextremelysectSage Monarchpowerhouse, youare not how low-key.
众人无语,你拿出五颗九品丹药悬赏皇极宗圣君强者的性命,那你怎么不低调一点。Howeverthey can only the redabdomenin the heart, being at allnumeroussay.
不过他们只能在心中绯腹,不敢当众说出来。Is afraid this youthwordnot to gather, pulls outfiveninth grademedicinal pillto post a rewardthem.
害怕这名青年一言不合,又掏出五颗九品丹药悬赏他们。Lu Chensaid,turned aroundto enter the inn.陆尘说完,转身走进了客栈。However, the peopleon the scene, no onedareto step into the inn.
然而,在场众人,没有人敢踏入客栈了。Surrounding the person of influencediverges.
The flying snowsovereignlordlooked at a person of bloodflamedynasty, greetedownseveraljuniors, entered the innto live.
The flying snowsovereignlordunderstands,previouslyrejectednineimperial princes, has caused the bloodflamedynastyenormouslydiscontentedly, afterthistime, the bloodflamedynasty might begintohim.
飞雪皇主明白,先前拒绝九皇子,已经引起了血炎皇朝极大地不满,这次过后,血炎皇朝很可能会对他动手。These days, mustdepend upon the Lu Chenstrength.
这段时间,必须要依靠陆尘的力量。At least, mustclimb upfriendship.
The news that sovereignsectSage Monarchfalls from the skyextremely, inten thousandheavycityexplosives, causes a discussionthoroughly.
皇极宗圣君陨落的消息,彻底在万重城燃爆,引发一片讨论。Withfiveninth grademedicinal pill, posts a reward a Sage Monarchlife, this was also too boldhorizontal.
用五颗九品丹药,悬赏一位圣君的性命,这也太豪横了。Immediatelyhas the biginfluencehigh-levelwarningunrulyjunior, askingthem to be low-key, recentlyten thousandheavycitiesgot together ineightsideinfluences, it is estimated thatoutside the territoryalsohad the top influence on comethis, mustbe low-key, cannotannoytroublesome.
立刻有大势力高层告诫桀骜的小辈,叫他们务必低调,最近万重城齐聚八方势力,估计域外也有顶级势力来此,必须低调,不能惹麻烦。Otherwisewhen the time comes the sovereignextremelysectistheirlearning from another's mistakes.
不然到时候皇极宗就是他们的前车之鉴。Onedaylater, there is a Sage Monarchpowerhouseto enter the inn, making the flying snowsovereignlordinformLu Chen.
一天后,有圣君强者进入客栈,让飞雪皇主通知陆尘。Lu Chenincultivation, the flying snowsovereignis advocatingto look, explained the situation.陆尘正在修炼中,飞雪皇主来找,说明了情况。Quick, Lu Chensaw a robust man, thisperson of body and spiritis majestic, robust, the skinis somewhat dark, an eyelikegolden lamp, veryshines.
很快,陆尘见到了一位壮汉,此人体魄雄壮,虎背熊腰,皮肤有些黝黑,一双眼睛如同金灯似的,贼亮。„Seeing the landare few”thisdarkmiddle-aged manto touch the head, smiles.
“见过陆少”这名黝黑中年男子摸了摸脑袋,嘿嘿一笑。Afterward, takes out a bloodyhead.
The flying snowsovereignlordsees the head, said with a smile: „Immeasurablepalaceluckwas good, obtained the monetary reward.”
飞雪皇主看到脑袋,笑道:“无量宫运气不错,得到了赏金。”Thisrobust manheheonehappy, heisSage Monarch of immeasurablepalace, yesterdayfoughthimto snatch the head of white eyebrowsold man, finallybroke through a tight encirclement, hid, onedaylater, daresto step into the innto look forLu Chento want the monetary reward.
这名壮汉嘿嘿一乐,他是无量宫的圣君,昨日大战他抢到了白眉老者的脑袋,最后又杀出重围,躲了起来,一天后,才敢踏入客栈找陆尘要赏金。Lu Chenlooked atone, said: „Hurriedto throw, strangedisgusting.”陆尘看了一眼,说:“赶紧扔了吧,怪恶心的。”Spokeagainat the same time, waved, on the desktop, were manyimmediatelyfivemedicinal pillbottles.
The robust menopenlooked, a radiantflowing lightsends outfrominside, isgodsplendor that goldenmedicinal pillsends out, simultaneouslyin the roomfillsthickmedicinal pillfragrance.
The robust menseethisgoldenmedicinal pill, is really twomarktribulationSaintpill, anotherfourbottlesdid not needto inspect, was gladto grin with ear to ear, grinsto say with a smile: „Many thankslandless/small, laterlandrareanythingtold,canlook forme, Icalled the Yuanman (Han).”
The flying snowsovereignlordseesthis scene, the looksomewhatenviesslightly.
飞雪皇主看到这一幕,眼神略微有些羡慕。Yes, hisSage Monarchenvied.
是的,他一位圣君都羡慕了。TwomarktribulationSaintpill, butcanincreasebreaks throughSage Kingmedicinal pill.
两纹劫圣丹,可是能增加突破圣王的丹药。According tonormalcultivation, Sage Monarchcompletion, be only30%probabilitiesbreak throughSage King Boundary, failed must accumulate for several hundredyearsto attemptagain.
按照正常修炼,一位圣君圆满只有30%几率突破圣王境,失败了还得积淀数百年再次尝试。HeattackedSage Kingto be defeatedcontinuouslyseveral times, iftwomarktribulationSaintpill, hebreaks through the Sage Kingprobability, shouldbe settled.
他连续数次冲击圣王失败了,如果有一颗两纹劫圣丹,他突破圣王的几率,应该是板上钉钉。„Yuanman (Han)fellow daoist, wewhether to make a transaction”flying snowsovereignlordto send greetingssaid.
“元汉道友,我们能否做个交易”飞雪皇主传音说道。„It is not good”vigilantly a Yuanman (Han)incomparableis staring at the flying snowsovereignlord, rushedto receivemedicinal pill.
“不行”元汉警惕无比的盯着飞雪皇主,赶忙把丹药收了起来。How couldhedoes not know the flying snowsovereignmainidea, cracks a joke, threetwomarktribulationSaintpill, immeasurablepalaceinsufficient for allocating, how couldtobystander, even if the flying snowsovereignlordto the value of againoversensitivelymoving, will not trade.
他岂能不知道飞雪皇主的想法,开玩笑,三颗两纹劫圣丹,无量宫都不够分配呢,岂能给外人,就算飞雪皇主给再多心动的价值,也绝不会交易。HadthreetwomarktribulationSaintpill, the immeasurablepalaceshouldbe ableto increaseoneortwoSage King.
有了三颗两纹劫圣丹,无量宫应该能够增加一位或者两位圣王。So long as the immeasurablepalaceis increasingtwoSage King, the sovereignsectdoes not dareeasilyto make warextremely.
只要无量宫在增添一两位圣王,皇极宗就不敢轻易开战。Flying snowsovereignlord: „.....”
飞雪皇主:“.....。”„Landare few, Ifirstleft” a Yuanman (Han)to holdholding the fist in the other handtoLu Chen, later the figureflashed, left the inn.
After the Yuanman (Han)walks, the flying snowsovereignlordalsoleaves.
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