, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Flash that the Lu Chenwordsdrop, the innumerablesay/waylines of sightfallonhisbody, the visioncompletelyallstartled, delay!陆尘话语落下的一瞬间,无数道视线落在他的身上,目光尽皆愕然,呆滞!Theirearshave not presented the auditory hallucination.
他们耳朵没有出现幻听吧。Withfiveninth grademedicinal pill, posts a reward a life of Sage Monarchpowerhouse?
用五颗九品丹药,悬赏一位圣君强者的命?Underbig crowd of people, was in front ofwhite eyebrowsold manto say.
还是大庭广众之下,当着白眉老者的面说的。Then, the peoplelookto the white eyebrowsold man, seeing only a white eyebrowsold manfaceis pale, ineyeangercombustion.
The peopleare secret, posted a reward the life, is how could happy.
The white eyebrowsold manasElder of sovereignsect, the positionis extremely noble, nowposts a reward the lifein the presence of everyone, filled with fury, meltedhischest cavityquickly.
白眉老者身为皇极宗的长老,地位高贵,如今被当众悬赏性命,满腔怒火,快把他的胸腔都融化了。„Whatmedicinal pill”incrowd, the vigorousthickcrazysoundresoundstogether.
“什么丹药”人群中,一道浑厚粗狂的声音响起。„Daycoldpilltwo, twomarktribulationSaintpillthree”Lu Chenis self-poise, with a tranquiltoneresponse.
After saying, variouspeoplewas crazier, have several a aura unable to be calmin secret, eruptsdirectly, severalSaintprestigeinterwine.
说完之后,诸人更加疯狂了,暗中有数股气息不能淡定,直接爆发出来,数道圣威交织在一起。Letvariouspeopleon the scenealmostsuffocate.
让在场诸人差点窒息。„Landare few, actuallytwomarktribulationSaintpill, post a rewardSage Monarchsufficientlyassigned/life”flying snowsovereignto advocatebyLu Chencannot bearsayone.
“陆少,其实一颗两纹劫圣丹,就足以悬赏一位圣君的命了”飞雪皇主在陆尘旁边忍不住说了一句。TwomarktribulationSaintpill, trulyareninth grademedicinal pill, moreoverisin the middle ofninth grademedicinal pilltoSage Monarch, scarcestmedicinal pill.
两纹劫圣丹,确实是九品丹药,而且是九品丹药当中对圣君来说,最稀缺的丹药。TwomarktribulationSaintpill'sfunctions, canlet the Sage Monarchcompletionpowerhouse, breaks throughincreases to50%to the Sage Kingprobability.
两纹劫圣丹的作用,就是可以让圣君圆满的强者,突破到圣王的几率增加到50%。AlthoughProfound Territoryis in the majorityto become famousbyPill Refiner, manyfirst-classinfluences, invitedeighth gradePill Sage, orninth gradePill Sageasconsecrating, butrefines a marktribulationSaintpillto be good, wantsto refinetwomarktribulationSaintpill, ninth gradePill Sage is very difficultto achieve.玄域虽然以炼丹师居多出名,很多一流势力,都邀请了八品丹圣,或者九品丹圣作为供奉,但是炼制一纹劫圣丹还行,想要炼制二纹劫圣丹,九品丹圣都很难做到。IfwhereProfound TerritoryspreadstwomarktribulationSaintpill, will definitely remindpillpledge.玄域如果哪里流传出来二纹劫圣丹,肯定会让人联想到丹盟。TwomarktribulationSaintpillflowto the market, will causecrazy of Sage Monarch.
The flying snowsovereignlordfelt the monetary reward that Lu Chenstarts outwas too high, is purely the waste, actuallywithtwomarktribulationSaintpill, madeSage Monarchin secretmake a movesufficiently.
飞雪皇主觉得陆尘开出的赏金太高了,纯属浪费,其实用一颗两纹劫圣丹,就足以让暗中的圣君出手了。Lu Chenshrugs, said: „ninth grademedicinal pillare many, the strengthdoes not permit.”陆尘耸了耸肩,道:“九品丹药多,实力不允许。”
The surroundingperson of dumbfoundedness, thenflips the supercilious look.
周围人目瞪口呆,然后翻了翻白眼。ninth grademedicinal pillare many, the strengthdoes not permit.九品丹药多,实力不允许。Listens, whatthissaidis the logical expression.
The white eyebrowsold manbyseveralpowerfulauralocking, was just liked the eye of poisonous snakein secret, is peeping athimin secret.
白眉老者被暗中数股强大的气息锁定,犹如毒蛇的眼睛,在暗中窥视他。Hiscomplexionimmediatelychanged, all over the bodylivescoldly, immediatelyrealizeshas severalSage Monarchto draw out the heart of covetingtohim.
他的脸色当即变了,遍体生寒,立刻意识到有数位圣君对他起了觊觎之心。At this moment, white eyebrowsold manstartledandanger, feelssomewhatlaughably, hissolemnSage Monarch, will fall from the skytodayinten thousandheavycitiesis inadequate.
这一刻,白眉老者又惊又怒,感觉有些可笑,他堂堂一位圣君,今日会陨落在万重城不成。ThisverynervousMiao, but, hereallyhas very bigpossibilitytoday, falls from the skyhere.
The reason, is the monetary reward that because the opposite partystarts outis extremely soaring, madeSage Kingmake a movesufficiently.
The white eyebrowsold manthinksquickly the means of self-help, take the bull by the horns, look all aroundopened the mouth and said: „Everyonereallybelievesthisyellowmouthyoung childstatement of only one of the parties, whetherhegraspstribulationSaintpillis an unknown, everyonecannot, becauseone side of the storyactstome.”
白眉老者很快想到自救的办法,当机立断,环顾四周开口道:“各位真的听信这黄口小儿一面之词,他是否掌握劫圣丹还是一个未知数,诸位不能因为片面之词就对我出手。”White eyebrowsold man several words of suspicions, letlockhisaurastartledwellto be uncertain.
白眉老者几句怀疑的话,让锁定他的气息惊咦不定起来。„medicinal pillputs outto come to see”in secret, has the sound of suspicionto transmit.
“丹药拿出来看看”暗中,有怀疑的声音传来。Lu Chendisdainsto explain,said: „AsSage Monarchcana little brain, not listen to the windis the rain.”陆尘不屑解释,道:“作为圣君能不能有点脑子,别听风就是雨。”„You...”
The personis in secret angry, buthas not interrogated.
暗中人恼怒,不过却没有质问了。„Did medicinal pillalsowant, hurriesto act”Lu Chenlooksomeimpatientsaying.
The white eyebrowsold mansaysimmediately: „The everyonefellow daoist, wemakes a moveto takehimtogether, hismedicinal pillwedivide equally.”
The white eyebrowsold manwantsto stir up rebellionto the powerhouse who heacts.
白眉老者想策反对他出手的强者。What a pity, thistimeno oneresponded tohim.
可惜,这次没有人回应他。„Words that JieJie, no oneacts, old manthenwho strikes the first blow has the advantage”incrowd, a gloomy and coldsoundresounded.
嗤!Bright as snowdazzlingblade lightappearstogether, is accompanyingpointblade qi, chopsto the body of white eyebrowsold man.
一道雪亮刺目的刀光出现,伴着锋芒刀气,劈向白眉老者的身体。Howpowerhousein secretpossiblybelieves the words of white eyebrowsold man, theyare not the fools.
暗中的强者怎么可能听信白眉老者的话,他们又不是傻子。AlthoughkillsSage Monarch of sovereignextremelysect, likely suffers the retaliation of sovereignextremelysect, but the pressureis not too big.
虽然杀死一位皇极宗的圣君,很可能遭受到皇极宗的报复,但压力并不是太大。Butthisyouthone breathputs outfiveninth grademedicinal pillsimultaneously, with the toecanthink that the opposite partyhas the honoredstatus, likely ispillpledgeperson.
而这名青年一口气同时拿出五颗九品丹药,用脚指头都能想到对方有着尊贵的身份,很可能是丹盟的人。Robspillpledgething, thatistruecourting death.
The white eyebrowsold manall over the bodysendscoldly, the whole personSaintlightwinds around, the regularstrengthprotects the body, the transverse shiftavoidanceattack, shoots up to the sky, wantsto leavehere.
白眉老者遍体发寒,整个人圣光缭绕,规则力量护体,横移躲避攻击,同时冲天而起,想要离开这里。Is goodbecause , the powerhousedreadedin secretsurroundinghasmanypeople, has a backgroundbigbackground, after the white eyebrowsold manavoids, blade lightdivergesinstantaneously.
精准的把控了每一丝力道。But the surroundingpersonwhenblade lightappears, was coveredby a shadow of deathinstantaneously, smelled the aura of death.
而周围人在刀光出现的时候,瞬间被一股死亡阴影笼罩,嗅到了死亡的气息。Afterblade lightdiverges, everyonerecovers, the backwas moistenedby the cold sweat, felt that walkedonetimein the Gate of Death.
当刀光散去之后,所有人回过神来,后背都被冷汗打湿了,感觉在鬼门关走了一遭。„Youcannot get away”outside the sky, broadcaststogether the deafeningsound.
The person in inn, flushedin abundance, watches the war.
The white eyebrowsold manjustrushedin the air, is thinkingfleestoward the distant place, but a sun-blockingbig handappears, covers the boundlessspace, interruptshisescapedirection, latercovers, might write off the white eyebrowsold man.
白眉老者刚冲到空中,想着朝远处遁走,可是一只遮天蔽日的大手出现,笼罩无垠空间,截断他的逃命方向,随后覆盖过来,像是要把白眉老者抹杀。Simultaneously a goldenbellappears, the godis only radiant, the goldenbellextreme speedenlarges, changes tothousandhundreds of zhang (333 m) the altitudes, the transverse shiftdashingwhite eyebrowsold man.
同时一口金色的大钟出现,神光璀璨,金色大钟极速放大,化作千百丈的高度,横移冲撞白眉老者。In a flash, hastwoSage Monarchto actto the white eyebrowsold man.
一瞬间,就有两位圣君对着白眉老者出手。Under, the disciple of sovereignsectseesthis sceneextremely, in the heartprayedsecretly,Eldermustrun away.
The white eyebrowsold manlookis swift and fierce, the bodysurroundingSaintlightsoars to the heavens, cries loud and long, an incomparablyfearfulgreatstickemergence, abovewinding aroundSaintlight, has the seriousboundlessheavy/thickstrength, sweepstoward the big hand.
轰隆!Bothbump into, spread the fearfulhowlingstormsound, thisgreatstickcrushed the big handdirectly.
两者相撞,传出可怕的呼啸风暴声音,这根巨棍直接粉碎了大手。Howeverthatgoldenbellhits, hitsruthlesslyon the body of white eyebrowsold man.
The white eyebrowsold manmouthspits the blood, was hitto flydirectly.
白眉老者口吐鲜血,直接被撞飞出去。„The person in immeasurablepalace, youdetermined that mustmake warwhite eyebrowsold manto wipe a blood of corners of the mouthwith the sovereignsectextremely”, the lookswiftly and fiercelylooksvoid, angryasked.
“无量宫的人,你确定要和皇极宗开战”白眉老者抹了一把嘴角的鲜血,眼神凌厉的看着虚空,愤怒的质问道。Herecognizedthisbell, issage levelmartial art of immeasurablepalace, the strength of attackingis overbearing, is very difficultto be hardfierce.
The background of immeasurablepalaceandsovereignsectdiffersextremely not in a big way, althoughusually the disciplehas the friction, buthas not erupted the holy war.
无量宫和皇极宗的底蕴相差不大,虽然平日弟子有摩擦,但从来没有爆发过圣战。Todaythis time, the Sage Monarchpowerhouse in immeasurablepalaceactstohimunexpectedly.
今日这一次,无量宫的圣君强者竟然对他出手。Thisiswantsboth sidessectto make warinadequately.
这是想要双方宗门开战不成。What a pity, no onereplied that the white eyebrows the words of old man, the goldenbellshakes, exposes the large expanse ofgoldenripples, spreadsto gotoward the white eyebrowsold man.
可惜,没有人回答白眉老者的话语,金色大钟震荡,抖落出成片的金色涟漪,朝白眉老者蔓延而去。As can be seen, the goldenripplesinterweave, letsplitvoid, the crackproliferates, it can be imaginedthisgrade of strengthis fearful.
可以看到,金色涟漪交织,让虚空裂开,裂纹遍布,可想而知这等力量有多么可怕。Meanwhile, the divine sword of anotherreleaseradiantray, is accompanying the dreadfulswordglow, speedwonderfulquickincomparablecuttingto the white eyebrowsold man, wantsto behead the white eyebrowsold man.
与此同时,又一把释放璀璨光芒的神剑,伴着滔天的剑芒,速度奇快无比的斩向白眉老者,想要把白眉老者斩首。Then, anotherdirectionpresentsbig hand, is accompanying the dreadfulcourage vigor, sweeps.
接着,另一个方向又出现一只大手,伴着滔天的血气,扫荡过来。In addition, the scarletlightsoars to the heavenstogether, breaks open the space, changes to an energylance, the speedquickruthlesswould-beshoots towardswhite eyebrowsold man.
除此之外,还有一道赤光冲霄,破开空间,化作一根能量长矛,速度快狠准的射向白眉老者。AltogetherfourSage Monarchpowerhousesbesiege the white eyebrowsold man.
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