, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Lu Chenretrocedesonestep, the activationcoalfights the clothes, the release the silk threadsaura, resiststhisSaintprestige.陆尘后退一步,激活黑金战衣,释放出丝丝缕缕的气息,对抗这股圣威。Alsoin the lookhascoldintent, saidwith the coldspookytone: „It seems like, youreallymustbring about own destruction.”
同时眼神中已经有了冷意,用冷幽幽的口吻说道:“看来,你真的要自寻死路。”At this time, men who shoulderedboth handstrodin the admission, waved, counter-balances the pressure of sovereignextremelysectSage Monarchpowerhouse, simultaneouslylookedbroughtto smileto the look of white eyebrowsold manpale: „By the Sage Monarch BoundaryoppressionPrimordial Spirit Boundaryjunior, the approach of sovereignsectsomewhatwas extremely excessive.”
这时,一个背负双手的男子踏入场中,一挥手,抵消皇极宗圣君强者的威压,同时看向白眉老者的眼神带着淡笑:“以圣君境界欺压元神境小辈,皇极宗的做法有些过分了啊。”Surroundingpersonstrangelookstothisimpressiveman, has the surprise.
周围人怪异的看向这名气度不凡的男子,有着诧异。Because the opposite partywas an sovereignlord of dynasty.
The flying snowsovereignlord the flying snowdynasty of being, was the attachedinfluence of bloodflamedynasty.
The flying snowsovereignlordacts, explainedthisyoungsterfrom the bloodflamedynasty.
飞雪皇主出手,是否说明这个年轻人来自血炎皇朝。However, bloodflamedynastytoemperor's fatherextremelysect, insufficientlylooks.
不过,血炎皇朝对上皇极宗,也不够看啊。But the background of sovereignextremelysectseveral times of bloodflamedynasty, even ifto the bloodflamedynastyhugecourage, does not dareto offend the sovereignextremelysect.
皇极宗的底蕴可是血炎皇朝的数倍,就算给血炎皇朝天大的胆子,也不敢得罪皇极宗。„Landare few, wemet”flying snowsovereignlordto arrive at the Lu Chenside, bent the waistslightly, having a faint tracerespect saying: „Takes the libertyto act, but alsoaskedlandless/smallnot to blame.”
The Lu Chenlooklooked at the flying snowsovereignto advocateonelightly, does not have anyexpression.陆尘眼神平淡的看了飞雪皇主一眼,没有任何的表示。Sage Monarch of sovereignsectsawextremely the flying snowsovereignlordacts, knits the brows, wantsto open the mouthto interrogate,sawtowering the flying snowsovereignlord the sorespectableattitude, the pupilplayshrinks.
皇极宗的圣君看到飞雪皇主出面,皱了皱眉,本想开口质问,突兀看到飞雪皇主如此尊敬的态度,瞳孔剧缩。Sage Monarch, the sovereignlord the rank, unexpectedlyto a Primordial Spirit Boundarysorespectableattitude.
The surroundingperson is also astonished.
周围人也是一脸愕然。Although the flying snowsovereignlordwas the attachedinfluence of bloodflamedynasty, howeverboundarywas placed there, a Sage Monarch Boundarypowerhouse, even iffacingOuyangfamily'ssuccessor, orwere the sectsuccessor, was impossiblesorespectable.
虽然飞雪皇主是血炎皇朝的附属势力,但是本身的境界摆在那里,一位圣君境的强者,就算是面对欧阳家族的传人,或者是道宗传人,也不可能如此尊敬。After all the Sage Monarchpowerhousehas the pride of Sage Monarchpowerhouse.
陆少?Whichlandare few?
The surroundingpersonhearsflying snowsovereigncallingperson of landless/small, startsto ponder,Profound TerritoryhaswhatLu Clanstrongclan, being worth the flying snowsovereignLordso the attitude.
周围人听到飞雪皇主叫此人陆少,纷纷开始思考起来,玄域到底有什么陆氏强族,值得飞雪皇主这般态度。But, filtered the Profound Territorystrong presence, has not thought that hasLu Clanis a strongclan.
可是,把玄域的强大势力都过滤了一遍,都没有想到有陆氏为名的强族。In the crowd, onegroup of powerhouses, severalmonsterdifferentyouth, the lookis passingevil, hesaw the flying snowsovereignlord, as well asLu Chen, whiteLinglongand the others.
人群中,还有一行强者,数个妖异青年,眼神透着邪性,他看到了飞雪皇主,以及陆尘,白玲珑等人。One of them'slookis passingcoldintent, said: „Reallyis the flying snowsovereignlordthisold fogy, whiteexquisitebleeding off.”
其中一人的眼神透着冷意,道:“果然是飞雪皇主这老家伙,把白玲珑给放走了。”Thisgroup of powerhouses, were the people of bloodflamedynasty.
A month ago, whitesubmerged the bloodflamedynastyrangeexquisite, cutto kill the twobloodflamesovereignmainheir, initiatedto be furious, the entiredynastyissued a warrant for arrest.
一个月前,白玲珑潜入血炎皇朝范围,斩杀了两位血炎皇主的子嗣,引发震怒,全皇朝通缉。Afterward, it is said the youthcaughtwhiteexquisite, receivesmonetary reward, butwas actually disregarded, finallyCity Lordwas cutto kill.
后来,据说有一名青年抓到了白玲珑,去领取赏金,可是却被无视,结果城主被斩杀。Then, bloodflamedynastyfromissuing a warrant for arrestwhiteexquisiteoneperson, turned intotwo people.
然后,血炎皇朝从通缉白玲珑一人,变成了两人。Theyarrived atsomecityat that time, had not found the person, butaccording to the actionpath, twomost wanted terroristsshouldarrive atthiscity.
他们当时来到某座城池,没有找到人,但是按照行动轨迹,两名通缉犯应该来到此城了。Now, runs into the opposite partyinten thousandheavycities.
如今,在万重城遇到对方。Explained that the opposite partywas let goby the flying snowdynasty.
说明对方是被飞雪皇朝放走的。„Flying snowsovereignlordis very activethese days, reallythinks that ouranythingdoes not know”anotheryouthindifferentsaying.
The bloodflamedynastyareawas too big, has more than tenattacheddynasties, was most powerfulat the flying snowdynasty.
The flying snowdynastyuntil nowharbored ulterior motives, won overmanyinfluences.
飞雪皇朝一直以来都别有用心,拉拢了许多势力。Howevertheydo not care, so long as the Sage Kingancestoris also living, the flying snowdynastydoes not dareto revolt, oncerevolts, the ancestorsends out, let the flying snowdynastydestructionsufficiently.
但是他们并不在意,只要圣王老祖宗还活着,飞雪皇朝就不敢造反,一旦造反,老祖宗出动,足以让飞雪皇朝覆灭。Butlooked that paid the large amounts ofresourcesin the flying snowdynastyevery year, but alsocalculatesquiteobedient, has not begun.
只不过看在飞雪皇朝每年缴纳了大量的资源,还算比较听话,才没有动手而已。„Walks, in the pasthad a look”
“走,过去看看”Saying, the groupis arriving at the innstrongly, the bodylends the indifferentaura.
The surroundingpersonnoticed that onegroup of arrive, dispersestoward the two sidesin abundance.
周围人看到一行人到来,纷纷朝两边散开。Theyknow,thiswas the person of bloodflamedynasty.
他们知道,这是血炎皇朝的人。Amongthisgroup of people, goes out of a handsomemonsterdifferentyouth, looked that flashes throughkilling intentto the whiteexquisitevision, on the mouthhassuch as the smile of bathingspring breezetogether: „Whiteexquisite, at just the right moment.”
这群人当中,走出一个英俊妖异的青年,看向白玲珑的目光闪过一道杀意,嘴上却带着如沐浴春风的微笑:“白玲珑,真巧。”whiteLinglongsees the monsterdifferentyouth, similarlyis with the smile: „Nineimperial princes, do not seefor a long time.”
The bloodflamedynastynineimperial princes, were quite outstanding, the talentin many imperial princeswasbest, butarrives atten thousandheavycitiesnow, whiteexquisitedid not fear the opposite party.
血炎皇朝九皇子,极为出色,在众多皇子中天赋是最好的,不过现在来到万重城,白玲珑根本不怕对方。Becausehereis the domain of Ouyangfamily/home, the bloodflamedynastydoes not dareto act unreasonably, furthermore, hersectwill also come the person, therefore, will not dread the bloodflamedynasty.
因为这里是欧阳家的地盘,血炎皇朝不敢乱来,再者说,她宗门也会来人,所以,不会忌惮血炎皇朝了。„Flying snowsovereignlord, thismatterdo not meddle”nineimperial princesto look at a white of the eyeto be exquisite, thentransferred to the flying snowsovereignmainbody of the look, sosaid.
“飞雪皇主,这件事你不要插手”九皇子看了一眼白玲珑,便把眼神移到了飞雪皇主的身上,这般说道。Nineimperial princesdo not think that the flying snowsovereignlordminds others' business, wantsto callhimto leave.
The flying snowsovereignlordsawnineimperial princes, lightsaying with a smile: „Nineimperial princethis are teachingmeto work.”
The flying snowsovereignmainlook of passesis being lightandarrogant, has not placedinnineimperial princes the eye, matter that even if no Lu Chen, the flying snowsovereignwill advocatewill not take ordersin an imperial prince.
The Sage Monarchpowerhouse, naturallyhas the arrogance of Sage Monarchpowerhouse.圣君强者,自然有圣君强者的高傲。Nineimperial princeshear the flying snowsovereignmainwords, in the sharppupilflashes throughtogethercoldintent, the flying snowsovereignlordthisis the wingis hard, thought that thisyouthcanhelphimbe out of danger.
九皇子听到飞雪皇主的话,锋利的瞳孔中闪过一道冷意,飞雪皇主这是翅膀硬了吗,还是觉得这个青年能够帮他转危为安。Finally, nineimperial princelooksreturn tonormal, looked that saidto the white eyebrowsold man: „This matterhad nothing to dowith the bloodflamedynasty.”
The implication, is the flying snowsovereignlord the oneselfmatter, later the sovereignsectmustlook for troubleextremely, asks the flying snowsovereignto advocateon the line.
言外之意,是飞雪皇主自己的事情,以后皇极宗要找麻烦,找飞雪皇主就行了。Then, standsin the one side, indifferentacts as an outsider.
The surroundingpersonhears the flying snowsovereignto advocatewithnineemperor's sons'dialogues, in the lookis glittering the surprisedcolor.
The flying snowdynastytook the bloodflamedynasty the attachedinfluence, nineimperial princesasked the flying snowsovereignto advocatedo not mind others' business, but the flying snowsovereignlordactuallyrejects.
The flying snowdynastywas difficultto be inadequatedoes not wantto make the attachedinfluence, but did the energycome from nearbyyouth?
The white eyebrowsold manlooked that saidtonineimperial princes: „Good.”
After saying, the lookplaces the flying snowsovereignmainbody, is passing the meaning of intensethreat: „Flying snowdynastydetermined that mustinvolve.”
The flying snowsovereignlordsmiles, said: „The Sage Monarchpowerhouse of sovereignsectbullies a Primordial Spirit Boundaryjuniorextremely, bold.”
飞雪皇主笑了笑,道:“皇极宗的圣君强者欺负一个元神境小辈,没脸没皮。”As soon as the white eyebrowsold manlistens, pupilonecold, just liketwoknivessharpis staring at the flying snowsovereignlord.
白眉老者一听,眸子一凛,宛若两柄刀子般锋利的盯着飞雪皇主。„Was flying snowsovereignlord, Igrew a goodface, everyonewantedto bully”Lu Chento look that saidto the flying snowsovereignlord.
The flying snowsovereignlordsmiles, said: „Sovereignsectis jealouslandless/smallextremelysplendid.”
飞雪皇主笑了笑,道:“皇极宗只是妒忌陆少的出色而已。”„Yeah, does not killSage Monarch, everyonewill think that Iquitebullied”Lu Chento rub the headto say.
The flying snowsovereignlordlookstoLu Chen, the lookhas the strangelook, Lu CheninProfound Territory, has the powerfulbackground, thiswasmustcall the manpower.
The surroundingpersonalsolooks atLu Chencuriously.
周围人也好奇的看着陆尘。Undereveryone'sgaze, Lu Chenpulled outonepile of bottles of cans, openssmells, strangefragrancesends out, makingeveryonefacial expressionshake.
在所有人的注视下,陆尘掏出了一堆的瓶瓶罐罐,打开闻了闻,一股奇异的香味散发出来,让所有人神情一震。Fromnumerousbottles of cans, puts outfivefinejadebottles, otherreturnsinstorage ringagain.
从众多的瓶瓶罐罐中,拿出五个精美的玉瓶,其余的再度放回纳戒中。„Arrives atProfound Territory, myalsoheroic spirit, hereisfiveninth grademedicinal pill, whotakes down the head of thisold fogy, whosethesefiveninth grademedicinal pillare”, wheneveryoneimmerseswhenmedicinal pillstrangefragrance, Lu Chensaidshocking everybodywords.
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