MMISF :: Volume #5

#461: The issue posts a reward the duty in the presence of everyone

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Lu Chen retrocedes one step, the activation coal fights the clothes, the release the silk threads aura, resists this Saint prestige. 陆尘后退一步,激活黑金战衣,释放出丝丝缕缕的气息,对抗这股圣威。 Also in the look has cold intent, said with the cold spooky tone: It seems like, you really must bring about own destruction.” 同时眼神中已经有了冷意,用冷幽幽的口吻说道:“看来,你真的要自寻死路。” At this time, men who shouldered both hands trod in the admission, waved, counter-balances the pressure of sovereign extremely sect Sage Monarch powerhouse, simultaneously looked brought to smile to the look of white eyebrows old man pale: By the Sage Monarch Boundary oppression Primordial Spirit Boundary junior, the approach of sovereign sect somewhat was extremely excessive.” 这时,一个背负双手的男子踏入场中,一挥手,抵消皇极宗圣君强者的威压,同时看向白眉老者的眼神带着淡笑:“以圣君境界欺压元神境小辈,皇极宗的做法有些过分了啊。” Surrounding person strange looks to this impressive man, has the surprise. 周围人怪异的看向这名气度不凡的男子,有着诧异。 Because the opposite party was an sovereign lord of dynasty. 因为对方是一个皇朝的皇主。 The flying snow sovereign lord the flying snow dynasty of being, was the attached influence of blood flame dynasty. 飞雪皇主所在的飞雪皇朝,是血炎皇朝的附属势力。 The flying snow sovereign lord acts, explained this youngster from the blood flame dynasty. 飞雪皇主出手,是否说明这个年轻人来自血炎皇朝。 However, blood flame dynasty to emperor's father extremely sect, insufficiently looks. 不过,血炎皇朝对上皇极宗,也不够看啊。 But the background of sovereign extremely sect several times of blood flame dynasty, even if to the blood flame dynasty huge courage, does not dare to offend the sovereign extremely sect. 皇极宗的底蕴可是血炎皇朝的数倍,就算给血炎皇朝天大的胆子,也不敢得罪皇极宗。 Land are few, we met flying snow sovereign lord to arrive at the Lu Chen side, bent the waist slightly, having a faint trace respect saying: Takes the liberty to act, but also asked land less/small not to blame.” “陆少,我们又见面了”飞雪皇主来到陆尘的身边,微微弯腰,带着一丝丝尊敬说道:“冒昧出手,还请陆少勿怪。” The Lu Chen look looked at the flying snow sovereign to advocate one lightly, does not have any expression. 陆尘眼神平淡的看了飞雪皇主一眼,没有任何的表示。 Sage Monarch of sovereign sect saw extremely the flying snow sovereign lord acts, knits the brows, wants to open the mouth to interrogate, saw towering the flying snow sovereign lord the so respectable attitude, the pupil play shrinks. 皇极宗的圣君看到飞雪皇主出面,皱了皱眉,本想开口质问,突兀看到飞雪皇主如此尊敬的态度,瞳孔剧缩。 Sage Monarch, the sovereign lord the rank, unexpectedly to a Primordial Spirit Boundary so respectable attitude. 一位圣君,还是皇主级别,竟然对一名元神境如此尊敬态度。 The surrounding person is also astonished. 周围人也是一脸愕然。 Although the flying snow sovereign lord was the attached influence of blood flame dynasty, however boundary was placed there, a Sage Monarch Boundary powerhouse, even if facing Ouyang family's successor, or were the sect successor, was impossible so respectable. 虽然飞雪皇主是血炎皇朝的附属势力,但是本身的境界摆在那里,一位圣君境的强者,就算是面对欧阳家族的传人,或者是道宗传人,也不可能如此尊敬。 After all the Sage Monarch powerhouse has the pride of Sage Monarch powerhouse. 毕竟圣君强者有圣君强者的骄傲。 land less/small? 陆少? Which land are few? 哪个陆少? The surrounding person hears flying snow sovereign calling person of land less/small, starts to ponder, Profound Territory has what Lu Clan strong clan, being worth the flying snow sovereign Lord so the attitude. 周围人听到飞雪皇主叫此人陆少,纷纷开始思考起来,玄域到底有什么陆氏强族,值得飞雪皇主这般态度。 But, filtered the Profound Territory strong presence, has not thought that has Lu Clan is a strong clan. 可是,把玄域的强大势力都过滤了一遍,都没有想到有陆氏为名的强族。 In the crowd, one group of powerhouses, several monster different youth, the look is passing evil, he saw the flying snow sovereign lord, as well as Lu Chen, white Linglong and the others. 人群中,还有一行强者,数个妖异青年,眼神透着邪性,他看到了飞雪皇主,以及陆尘,白玲珑等人。 One of them's look is passing cold intent, said: Really is the flying snow sovereign lord this old fogy, white exquisite bleeding off.” 其中一人的眼神透着冷意,道:“果然是飞雪皇主这老家伙,把白玲珑给放走了。” This group of powerhouses, were the people of blood flame dynasty. 这行强者,便是血炎皇朝的人。 A month ago, white submerged the blood flame dynasty range exquisite, cut to kill the two blood flame sovereign main heir, initiated to be furious, the entire dynasty issued a warrant for arrest. 一个月前,白玲珑潜入血炎皇朝范围,斩杀了两位血炎皇主的子嗣,引发震怒,全皇朝通缉。 Afterward, it is said the youth caught white exquisite, receives monetary reward, but was actually disregarded, finally City Lord was cut to kill. 后来,据说有一名青年抓到了白玲珑,去领取赏金,可是却被无视,结果城主被斩杀。 Then, blood flame dynasty from issuing a warrant for arrest white exquisite one person, turned into two people. 然后,血炎皇朝从通缉白玲珑一人,变成了两人。 They arrived at some city at that time, had not found the person, but according to the action path, two most wanted terrorists should arrive at this city. 他们当时来到某座城池,没有找到人,但是按照行动轨迹,两名通缉犯应该来到此城了。 Now, runs into the opposite party in ten thousand heavy cities. 如今,在万重城遇到对方。 Explained that the opposite party was let go by the flying snow dynasty. 说明对方是被飞雪皇朝放走的。 Flying snow sovereign lord is very active these days, really thinks that our anything does not know another youth indifferent saying. “飞雪皇主这一段时间很活跃,真以为我们什么都不知道吗”另外一名青年冷漠的说道。 The blood flame dynasty area was too big, has more than ten attached dynasties, was most powerful at the flying snow dynasty. 血炎皇朝疆域太大,有着十多个附属皇朝,其中以飞雪皇朝最为强大。 The flying snow dynasty until now harbored ulterior motives, won over many influences. 飞雪皇朝一直以来都别有用心,拉拢了许多势力。 However they do not care, so long as the Sage King ancestor is also living, the flying snow dynasty does not dare to revolt, once revolts, the ancestor sends out, let the flying snow dynasty destruction sufficiently. 但是他们并不在意,只要圣王老祖宗还活着,飞雪皇朝就不敢造反,一旦造反,老祖宗出动,足以让飞雪皇朝覆灭。 But looked that paid the large amounts of resources in the flying snow dynasty every year, but also calculates quite obedient, has not begun. 只不过看在飞雪皇朝每年缴纳了大量的资源,还算比较听话,才没有动手而已。 Walks, in the past had a look “走,过去看看” Saying, the group is arriving at the inn strongly, the body lends the indifferent aura. 说着,一行人强势降临客栈,身上散发出冷漠的气息。 The surrounding person noticed that one group of arrive, disperses toward the two sides in abundance. 周围人看到一行人到来,纷纷朝两边散开。 They know, this was the person of blood flame dynasty. 他们知道,这是血炎皇朝的人。 Among this group of people, goes out of a handsome monster different youth, looked that flashes through killing intent to the white exquisite vision, on the mouth has such as the smile of bathing spring breeze together: White exquisite, at just the right moment.” 这群人当中,走出一个英俊妖异的青年,看向白玲珑的目光闪过一道杀意,嘴上却带着如沐浴春风的微笑:“白玲珑,真巧。” white Linglong sees the monster different youth, similarly is with the smile: Nine imperial princes, do not see for a long time.” 白玲珑看到妖异青年,同样报以微笑:“九皇子,好久不见。” The blood flame dynasty nine imperial princes, were quite outstanding, the talent in many imperial princes was best, but arrives at ten thousand heavy cities now, white exquisite did not fear the opposite party. 血炎皇朝九皇子,极为出色,在众多皇子中天赋是最好的,不过现在来到万重城,白玲珑根本不怕对方。 Because here is the domain of Ouyang family/home, the blood flame dynasty does not dare to act unreasonably, furthermore, her sect will also come the person, therefore, will not dread the blood flame dynasty. 因为这里是欧阳家的地盘,血炎皇朝不敢乱来,再者说,她宗门也会来人,所以,不会忌惮血炎皇朝了。 Flying snow sovereign lord, this matter do not meddle nine imperial princes to look at a white of the eye to be exquisite, then transferred to the flying snow sovereign main body of the look, so said. “飞雪皇主,这件事你不要插手”九皇子看了一眼白玲珑,便把眼神移到了飞雪皇主的身上,这般说道。 Nine imperial princes do not think that the flying snow sovereign lord minds others' business, wants to call him to leave. 九皇子不想飞雪皇主多管闲事,想要叫其离开。 The flying snow sovereign lord saw nine imperial princes, light saying with a smile: Nine imperial prince this are teaching me to work.” 飞雪皇主看了一眼九皇子,淡淡的笑道:“九皇子这是在教我做事吗。” The flying snow sovereign main look of passes is being light and arrogant, has not placed in nine imperial princes the eye, matter that even if no Lu Chen, the flying snow sovereign will advocate will not take orders in an imperial prince. 飞雪皇主的眼神透着平淡和高傲,并没有把九皇子放在眼中,就算没有陆尘的事,飞雪皇主也不会听命于一个皇子。 The Sage Monarch powerhouse, naturally has the arrogance of Sage Monarch powerhouse. 圣君强者,自然有圣君强者的高傲。 Nine imperial princes hear the flying snow sovereign main words, in the sharp pupil flashes through together cold intent, the flying snow sovereign lord this is the wing is hard, thought that this youth can help him be out of danger. 九皇子听到飞雪皇主的话,锋利的瞳孔中闪过一道冷意,飞雪皇主这是翅膀硬了吗,还是觉得这个青年能够帮他转危为安。 Finally, nine imperial prince looks return to normal, looked that said to the white eyebrows old man: This matter had nothing to do with the blood flame dynasty.” 最后,九皇子眼神恢复平静,看向白眉老者道:“此事与血炎皇朝无关。” The implication, is the flying snow sovereign lord the oneself matter, later the sovereign sect must look for trouble extremely, asks the flying snow sovereign to advocate on the line. 言外之意,是飞雪皇主自己的事情,以后皇极宗要找麻烦,找飞雪皇主就行了。 Then, stands in the one side, indifferent acts as an outsider. 说完,就站在一旁,冷漠的充当一个局外人。 The surrounding person hears the flying snow sovereign to advocate with nine emperor's sons' dialogues, in the look is glittering the surprised color. 周围人听到飞雪皇主与九皇子的对话,眼神中闪烁着惊讶之色。 The flying snow dynasty took the blood flame dynasty the attached influence, nine imperial princes asked the flying snow sovereign to advocate do not mind others' business, but the flying snow sovereign lord actually rejects. 飞雪皇朝作为血炎皇朝的附属势力,九皇子叫飞雪皇主不要多管闲事,可是飞雪皇主却拒绝了。 The flying snow dynasty was difficult to be inadequate does not want to make the attached influence, but did the energy come from nearby youth? 飞雪皇朝难不成不想做附属势力了,而底气就源自于旁边的青年? The white eyebrows old man looked that said to nine imperial princes: Good.” 白眉老者看向九皇子说道:“好。” After saying, the look places the flying snow sovereign main body, is passing the meaning of intense threat: Flying snow dynasty determined that must involve.” 说完之后,眼神重新放在飞雪皇主的身上,透着强烈的威胁之意:“飞雪皇朝确定要牵扯进来。” The flying snow sovereign lord smiles, said: „The Sage Monarch powerhouse of sovereign sect bullies a Primordial Spirit Boundary junior extremely, bold.” 飞雪皇主笑了笑,道:“皇极宗的圣君强者欺负一个元神境小辈,没脸没皮。” As soon as the white eyebrows old man listens, pupil one cold, just like two knives sharp is staring at the flying snow sovereign lord. 白眉老者一听,眸子一凛,宛若两柄刀子般锋利的盯着飞雪皇主。 „Was flying snow sovereign lord, I grew a good face, everyone wanted to bully Lu Chen to look that said to the flying snow sovereign lord. “飞雪皇主,是不是我长了一副善良的脸庞,人人都想要欺负一下”陆尘看向飞雪皇主说道。 The flying snow sovereign lord smiles, said: Sovereign sect is jealous land less/small extremely splendid.” 飞雪皇主笑了笑,道:“皇极宗只是妒忌陆少的出色而已。” Yeah, does not kill Sage Monarch, everyone will think that I quite bullied Lu Chen to rub the head to say. “哎,不弄死一个圣君,就会人人都觉得我好欺负”陆尘揉了揉脑袋说道。 The flying snow sovereign lord looks to Lu Chen, the look has the strange look, Lu Chen in Profound Territory, has the powerful background, this was must call the manpower. 飞雪皇主看向陆尘,眼神带着奇异的神色,难道陆尘玄域,也有着强大的背景,这是要召集人手了吗。 The surrounding person also looks at Lu Chen curiously. 周围人也好奇的看着陆尘 Under everyone's gaze, Lu Chen pulled out one pile of bottles of cans, opens smells, strange fragrance sends out, making everyone facial expression shake. 在所有人的注视下,陆尘掏出了一堆的瓶瓶罐罐,打开闻了闻,一股奇异的香味散发出来,让所有人神情一震。 From numerous bottles of cans, puts out five fine jade bottles, other returns in storage ring again. 从众多的瓶瓶罐罐中,拿出五个精美的玉瓶,其余的再度放回纳戒中。 Arrives at Profound Territory, my also heroic spirit, here is five ninth grade medicinal pill, who takes down the head of this old fogy, whose these five ninth grade medicinal pill are, when everyone immerses when medicinal pill strange fragrance, Lu Chen said shocking everybody words. “来到玄域,我也豪气一下,这里是五颗九品丹药,谁取下这老家伙的脑袋,这五颗九品丹药就是谁的”在所有人沉浸在丹药的奇异香味的时候,陆尘说出了一句惊世骇俗的话语。
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