, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!this scene, stimulates the line of sight of peopleintensely.这一幕,强烈刺激众人的视线。Countlesspeoplewith amazement, lookto a Lu Cheneye of band of lightintenseshock.
无数人骇然,看向陆尘的目光带着强烈的震撼。Whothispersonis, is so unexpectedly terrifying, onlydepending on the aura that the bodyerupts, letsdozenssovereignextremelysectdiscipleuncontrolledflying upside down, does not have the strength of resistance.
此人到底是谁,竟如此恐怖,仅凭身上爆发的气息,就让数十位皇极宗弟子不受控制的倒飞出去,毫无反抗之力。The most important thing is, the quietspacewas seized the neckby the opposite party.
Similar to a chickenyoung, as ifcanmomentarilyby the crumbneck.
就如同一只小鸡仔,仿佛随时会被捏碎脖子。When the quietspacewas seized the neck, a wisp of fearfulSaintprestigearrivessuddenly, sidehad/left a white eyebrowsold mantowering, the bodySaintprestigeis rich, impressivelyis a Sage Monarch Boundarypowerhouse.
The sovereignsectdisciple attended ten thousandheavypeakexchange conferencesextremely, naturallyhas the powerhouseto protect, theirprotectors are Sage Monarch.
皇极宗弟子来参加万重峰交流大会,自然有强者守护,他们的守护者便是一位圣君。ThisSage Monarchhas hiddenin the hidden place, has not made an appearancewith the disciple, conflictshealsoto see, buthas not come outto prevent, after all the sovereignextremelysectdiscipleis not a weak one, altogetherfourHoly Sonlevels, fourHoly Sonlevelsrespond to the challenge of anysame boundarysufficiently.
这名圣君一直躲在暗处,没有和弟子一起露面,冲突他也看到了,不过没有出来阻止,毕竟皇极宗弟子又不是弱者,一共有四位圣子级,四位圣子级足以应对任何同境界的挑战。But, the factin the ideawithmindis often opposite.
The youth who the sovereignsectdisciplefaces is extremely extremely powerful, even the Holy Sonlevelcollapses at the first blow, was seized the neck.
皇极宗弟子面对的青年太过强大,连圣子级都不堪一击,被掐住脖子。AnyHoly Sonlevel, is the sectseeded player, makes no mistake.
任何一名圣子级,都是宗门的种子选手,不容有失。Therefore, hecannot attend toanything, comesdirectly.
The white eyebrowsold manwhole bodySaintprestigefills the air, the pupilreveals the color of dignity, lookstoLu Chen, said: „Lets loose the quietspace.”
The soundimplicationwipes the ice-coldchill in the air, obviously the innermost feelingsconstrained the anger.
声音蕴含一抹冰冷的寒意,显然内心压抑了怒火。However, the matter that is angrystillinbehind, the white eyebrowsold mandiscovered,thisyouthdisregardedhimunexpectedly.
然而,更为生气的事情还在后面,白眉老者发现,这个青年居然无视了他。SolemnSage Monarch, was disregarded.
The quietspacewas being pinchedbyLu Chensingle-handed, mentionedin the midair, the handpinchedwas very tight, makinghimrespirable.
幽宇被陆尘单手掐着,提到半空中,手捏的很紧,让他不能呼吸。In the pupil of quietspace, lefthadbeyond the thickfear, onewrote offto read.
幽宇的眸子中,出了有浓浓的恐惧之外,还有一抹杀念。As one of the sovereignsectseveralHoly Sonlevels, hispositionis extremely extraordinary, whichdynastyregardless in walked, informed and experienced, will be treated courteously, presents, ifhonored guest.
作为皇极宗几位圣子级之一,他地位非凡,无论在哪个皇朝行走,历练,都会被礼待,奉若贵客。this timearrives atten thousandheavycities, originally thoughtwill blossom in radiant splendor, becomes the dazzlingperson.这一次来到万重城,本以为会大放异彩,成为耀眼的人。Buthas not thought,justten thousandheavycitiescollapsed completely, the solemnHoly Sonlevelexpert, was pressed firmly between the fingers the throatsingle-handed, countlesspeopleseethis scene, makinghisface countenancenotsave.
可是不曾想到,刚来万重城就一败涂地,堂堂圣子级高手,被单手捏住喉咙,无数人看到这一幕,让他颜面无存。Juststarted, the innermost feelings of quietspacefeared, butalong with the appearance of Elder, makinghis heartrelax.
刚开始,幽宇的内心是恐惧的,不过伴随着长老的出现,令他内心松了一口气。SomeElder, thisyouth, even if there is hugecourage, does not dareto killhim.
有长老在,这个青年纵然有天大的胆子,也不敢杀他。So long asand other opposite partylet loosehim, thenElderacts, finallythisyouthfallsin their hands, howwantsto killwhen the time comeshowkills.
只要等对方放开他,然后长老出手,最后这名青年落在他们的手中,到时候想怎么杀就怎么杀。„Well, but alsodaresto revealkilling intent”
“咦,还敢露杀意”Inboth eyes of Lu Chenkeencapturequietspace, projectsice-coldkilling intent, is somewhat surprised.陆尘敏锐的捕捉道幽宇的双目中,射出冰冷的杀意,有些意外。
The pupil of Lu Chenrevealsto taunt, tonestrangesaying: „Shouldnot think that Sage Monarchcomes out, youwere all right, sorry, youwere wrong.”陆尘的眸子露出一丝嘲讽,语气怪异的说道:“该不会觉得一个圣君出来,你就没事了吧,抱歉,你错了。”Lu Chensaid, the palmmakes an effortslightly, onegrippedbroke to pieces the throat of quietspace.陆尘说完,手掌微微用力,一把攥碎了幽宇的喉咙。Simultaneouslyanotherhandswordrefers togathering, sword qisubmerges the quietspacetogether the forehead, crushedhisPrimordial Spirit.
The body of quietspace, suddenly paused, in the eyereveals the look that does not dareto believe.
, The pupilsolidifiesgradually, lax.
The surroundingpersonisshocking, the breathis fierce.
This strangeandpowerfulyouth, is in front ofSage Monarchpowerhouse, the crumb the throat of quietspace.
Does he, howdare?
The disciple of sovereignsect, one after another was also extremely scared, allsuch aswas struck by lightning, a lookpieceshocks.
皇极宗的弟子,一个个也傻眼了,全都如遭雷击,神色一片震撼。Quietspace, unexpectedlybycrumbthroat.
幽宇,竟然被捏碎了喉咙。Afterward, theirvisionlookstoownElder, sees onlycomplexiongloomy of Elder, the whole bodyhasdreadfulkilling intentto fill the air, thiskilling intent was the same like the essence, filled up the surroundingspace.
随后,他们目光看向自家长老,只见自家长老的脸色一片阴沉,周身有滔天的杀意弥漫,这股杀意如同实质一样,填满了周围的空间。Everyoneunderthisrichkilling intent, almostsuffocatesto perish.
所有人在这股浓郁的杀意下,几乎窒息而亡。„Youcourt death”
The white eyebrowsold manlookis passingintensekilling intent, sayingone word at a time.
白眉老者眼神透着强烈的杀意,一字一顿的说道。Healmostmustbe wild with rage, trains a Holy Sonlevel, needsto consume very bigprice.
他几乎要气疯了,培养一个圣子级,需要耗费很大的代价。Needsto seek for the seedlingahead of time, spends the innumerableresources the belt/bringtosect, pours intopainstaking caretraining.
需要提前寻找苗子,带到宗门花费无数资源,灌注心血培养。Now, trained a Holy Sonlevelwith great difficulty, waits the temperingoneselfbodyunderten thousandheavyYipotentials, after calling the king, surelywithallinvincible, blossomed in radiant splendor.
如今,好不容易培养了一名圣子级,等在万重峰山势下磨炼己身,称王之后,必定同皆无敌,大放异彩。But, actuallydiednow.
可是,现在却夭折了。„Yousaidyou, liveddoes not know how longoldmonster, threatensmylittle fellownowunexpectedly, canwantface”Lu Chento looktowhite eyebrowsold manwith displeasuresaying, paused, the tonewas gradually indifferent: „Youwant the sectto bring the total destructionto the sovereignextremely.”
The surroundingpersonhears the Lu Chenwords, the pupilstaresin a big way, the circlestares.
周围人听到陆尘的话,眸子瞪大,圆瞪眼睛。Thispersoninsteadthreatens the Sage Monarchpowerhouseunexpectedly, said that wants the sectto bring the total destructionto the sovereignextremely?
此人竟然反威胁圣君强者,说想给皇极宗带来灭顶之灾吗?Thisindicated the back of opposite party, there is a fearfulincomparablemastergate.
这说明对方的背后,也有一个可怕无比的师门吗。Howeverthinks that the opposite partyabnormalstrength, likely from the topoverlordlevelinfluence, orissomeoldmonstertrains the informed and experiencedsuccessor.
The pupil of white eyebrowsold manslightlyonecold, the angerdissipatedmuch.
白眉老者的眸子微微一凛,怒火消散了不少。Self-confidence that veryoppositeyouthdisplays, cannot see the fearcompletely the look, visitshimlike thisindifferently.
对面青年表现的很自信,完全看不出有害怕的神色,就这样淡然的看着他。„Whereyour excellencycame frominfluence”silentwhite eyebrowsold mana while, thenasked.
“阁下来自何方势力”白眉老者沉默了一会儿,然后质问道。Even ifin the hearthas the anger, buthehesitatesnow, becauseis afraidthispersonto have the fearfulmastergate.
纵然心中有怒气,但是他现在迟疑了,因为害怕此人有着可怕的师门。AlthoughsovereignsectfiveSage King, are very extremely strong, but, Ten Territorieshascompared with an sovereignextremelysectmore fearfulstrength.
虽然皇极宗一门五圣王,已经很强了,但是,十域有着比皇极宗更可怕的力量。Someinfluencescannot provokethem, onceprovokes, possiblyhas the total destruction.
有些势力连他们也招惹不起,一旦招惹,可能有灭顶之灾。„no sect or faction”Lu Chenlooks atthisSage Monarch, saidindifferently: „Youdareto begin.”
The one after anotherformgathers, looksto the matter of inn, is not deficienthas the strongbackgroundperson.一道道身影汇聚过来,看向客栈发生的事情,其中不缺乏有着强硬背景的人。Manypeopleheard that the Holy Sonquietspace of sovereignsectwas cutto killextremely, comes to look that iswhodoes.
The surroundingswere wrappedwith huge crowds of people, besidesyoungonegenerations of majorinfluences, the powerhouseauraappears intermittentlyin secret.
The white eyebrowsold manknits the brows, henaturallydoes not believe that the Lu Chenwords, no sect or faction, the powderdoes repairto be ableeasilyto kill the Holy Sonlevel? Thisis naturally impossible.
白眉老者皱了皱眉,他自然不相信陆尘的话,无门无派,散修能够轻易杀死圣子级?这自然不可能。However, as the surroundingpersonmoregathers, hewas inbeing unable to back down.
The discipleface of sovereignextremelysectgloomy and coldlooks atLu Chen, felt that the facedoes not have the light, their firstfeelinghas the strong backgroundalsosoto lose face.
皇极宗的弟子一脸阴冷的看着陆尘,感觉脸面无光,他们还是第一次感觉有着强大背景还如此丢脸。Sohas not lost facetotoday.
After little, the white eyebrowsold manlooked that saidtoLu Chenplausibly: „Youkill the sovereignsectdisciplewith no reason at all, mastergatehave not taughtyouextremely, followsme, waits foryourmastergateto get the person.”
少许后,白眉老者看向陆尘振振有词道:“你无缘无故杀皇极宗弟子,师门没有管教好你,跟我走一趟,等着你的师门来领人吧。”So the approach, is the bestprocessing mode.
这般做法,已经是最好的处理方式了。Not can only save the faceunderbig crowd of people, but can also beginto investigate the background of opposite party.
不仅可以在大庭广众之下保住面子,还可以着手调查对方的背景。If the opposite partyhas the strong background, thenput.
If no, thenthispersonmustdiewithout doubt.
如果没有的话,那么此人就必死无疑。Thinks ofhere, white eyebrowsold manproceedingsteps, a wisp of Saintprestigegoestoward the Lu Chenoppression.
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