MMISF :: Volume #5

#459: I felt that you have the disaster of blood light

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! No one has thought that seemingly silly and sovereign sect reasonable youth, the next extreme methods, abandoned a dantian of sovereign extremely sect disciple extremely in an instant. 谁也没有想到,一个看起来傻乎乎的和皇极宗讲道理的青年,转眼间下死手,废了一位皇极宗弟子的丹田。 This ratio killed him to be fearful simply. 这简直比杀了他还要可怕。 Because restores the dantian to need excellent works medicinal pill, obviously, even the sovereign extremely sect foundation is very solid, not casual, for a disciple wastes excellent works medicinal pill. 因为恢复丹田需要圣品丹药,很显然,就算皇极宗底蕴深厚,也不会随便为了一个弟子浪费圣品丹药 The hot tempered sovereign sect disciple, in the eye reveals the hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude extremely. 性格暴躁的皇极宗弟子,眼里流露出刻骨铭心的怨毒。 I was abandoned unexpectedly, I was abandoned unexpectedly. 我竟然被废了,我竟然被废了。 These words, reverberate in his mind unceasingly! 这句话,不断地在他脑海中回荡! You dared to abandon Junior Brother in crowd, a Holy Son level look of sovereign extremely sect cold is staring at Lu Chen, looked that the appearance wished one could to dismember a body Lu Chen. “你竟敢废了师弟”人群中,一名皇极宗的圣子级眼神冷冽的盯着陆尘,看起样子恨不得把陆尘大卸八块。 Surrounding same side disciple, is cold intent fills the air, gloomy is staring at Lu Chen. 周围的同门弟子,也是冷意弥漫,阴森森的盯着陆尘 Lu Chen blinks, innocent saying: I had just reminded him, said that has the disaster of blood light, he does not believe, I have what means.” 陆尘眨了眨眼睛,一脸无辜的说道:“刚刚我提醒过他,说了有血光之灾,他不相信,我有什么办法。” Sees the Lu Chen whole face innocent look, the sovereign sect disciple had almost not been irritated extremely. 看到陆尘满脸无辜的神色,皇极宗弟子差点没被气死。 Bastard, pays with a life for my Junior Brother “混蛋,为我师弟偿命” The time, two draw out the long sword, the sword leave like the dragon, changes to two white light, attacks the Lu Chen forehead and throat spot. 顿时间,有两人拔出长剑,剑出如龙,化作两道白光,袭击陆尘的眉心以及咽喉部位。 Lu Chen lifts the hand, holds the sword points of two long swords respectively, makes an effort gently, only hears the clear break sound to get up, two long sword time interval figure truncations. 陆尘抬手,分别抓住两把长剑的剑尖,轻轻用力,只听见喀嚓的清脆断裂声响起,两把长剑顿时段位数截。 The surrounding person sees this scene, held breath cold air. 周围人看到这一幕,纷纷倒吸了一口凉气。 This person of very powerful big mortal body, not only bare-handed hard fierce two sharp long swords, but also with strength shaking. 此人好强大的肉身,不仅徒手硬悍两把锋利的长剑,还用力量给震断。 After Lu Chen crumb long sword, distinguishes remote to lay out two palms, hits two people chest rapidly. 陆尘捏碎长剑之后,分别隔空拍出两掌,迅速击中两人的胸口。 ! 喀嚓,喀嚓! The skeleton shatter sound resounds, but also along with pū pū the sound, about three zhang (3.33 m) two people, like pounded the chest by several tens of thousands of jin (0.5 kg) giant stone, flies horizontally, falls into the crowd, was caught with the hand by the sovereign sect disciple extremely. 骨骼破碎的声音响起,还伴随着噗噗声,远在三丈开外的两人,如同被数万斤的巨石砸中胸口,横飞出去,落入人群中,被皇极宗弟子用手接住。 This person very powerful big “此人好强大” The surrounding person sees this scene, the look sparkles. 周围人看到这一幕,眼神闪了闪。 The disciple of sovereign sect Wanzhong peak inspection, can it be that the common generation, is very extremely strong at least in same boundary, even far ultra same boundary. 皇极宗来万重峰考核的弟子,岂是寻常之辈,至少在同境界中很强,甚至远超同境界 At this moment easily was actually struck to fly by a strange youth, was worst also reached the Holy Son level. 此刻却被一位陌生青年轻易击飞,想必最差也达到了圣子级。 Quiet space Senior Brother, but also please make a move, personally suppression this avid follower several sovereign extremely sect disciple looks earnest looked that is similar to the gentleman youth to one. “幽宇师兄,还请你出手,亲自镇压这名狂徒”数位皇极宗弟子眼神殷切的看向一位如同偏偏君子般的青年。 This personal name quiet space, sovereign extremely sect great reputation character, a Holy Son level. 此人名幽宇,皇极宗盛名人物,一位圣子级。 Quiet space, is the talent of extremely sovereign extremely sect “幽宇,可是皇极宗的绝顶天才啊” Quiet space acts, does not know that can suppress this person “幽宇出手,不知道能不能镇压此人” The surrounding person of majority had heard the reputation of quiet space, at once, looks. 周围人大部分都听说过幽宇的名声,一时之间,纷纷看过来。 Among the sovereign sect disciple, the quiet space is extremely extraordinary, even if stands in the crowd, is hard to cover the makings, like like a crane among chickens is outstanding. 皇极宗弟子当中,幽宇气质出众,纵然站在人群中,也难以掩盖自身气质,如同鹤立鸡群般出众。 Quiet space look cold is staring at Lu Chen, opened the mouth and said: Now kneels down, from waste cultivation base, may forgive you not dead.” 幽宇眼神冷然的盯着陆尘,开口道:“现在跪下,自废修为,可饶你不死。” In the tone of quiet space, brings thick being proud, as well as inherent superiority feeling. 幽宇的语气中,带着一股浓浓的自负,以及与生俱来的优越感。 He one as sovereign sect most powerful Holy Son level, looks over Profound Territory extremely, can defeat his youth not many, except these evildoer/monstrous talent of top influence beyond, he is almost invincible. 他身为皇极宗最强大的圣子级之一,纵观玄域,能够战胜他的青年没有多少,除开顶级势力的那些妖孽之外,他几乎是无敌的。 A side has nothing to accompany, the powder of same side disciple cultivates the character, even if reached the Holy Son level, possibly is not his opponent. 一个身边没有任何随从,同门弟子的散修人物,就算是达到了圣子级,也不可能是他的对手。 Lu Chen is staring at him, knits the brows, said: I felt that you have the disaster of blood light.” 陆尘盯着他,皱了皱眉,道:“我感觉你也有血光之灾。” Titter! 噗嗤! The surrounding some people have not borne, laughs to make noise. 周围有人没忍住,噗嗤笑出声来。 However more people anticipate, does not know the quiet space to this youth, some big odds of success. 不过更多的人则期待起来,不知道幽宇对上这名青年,到底有多大的胜算。 Does not need to suspect, this youth definitely is the Holy Son level. 无需怀疑了,这名青年肯定是圣子级。 The quiet space hears the Lu Chen words, the aura was colder, the surroundings people can feel share of cold intent. 幽宇听到陆尘的话,气息更冷了,周围人都能够感受到一股冷意。 The quiet space goes out from the crowd slowly, the body is tall and straight, pressure is flowing a continuously. 幽宇缓缓从人群中走出,身躯挺拔修长,一缕缕威压流动着。 Afterward, quiet Yu Qingxiao, surroundings spirit strength is wild, changes to one to hold up the Tianchang stick, erupts the incomparably fearful strength, then goes toward Lu Chen sweeping. 随后,幽宇轻啸一声,周围灵力狂暴起来,化作一根擎天长棍,爆发出无比可怕的力量,然后朝陆尘扫荡而去。 Prestige of the stick, making the surrounding person turn hostile. 一棍之威,令周围人变脸。 Hundred fight the stick law, this is sovereign extremely sect extreme great reputation sage level martial art. 百战棍法,这是皇极宗一门极度盛名的圣级武学 As holds up the Tianchang stick to fall, whips on the body of Lu Chen, the person thinks in the presence of everyone Lu Chen will spit blood flying time, the strength that the long stick erupts, vanishes unexpectedly with invisible. 随着擎天长棍落下,拍打在陆尘的身上,就当众人以为陆尘会吐血到飞的时候,长棍爆发出来的力量,竟然消失与无形当中。 Opposite youth, actually a matter does not have. 对面的青年,竟然一点事情都没有。 Suddenly, the surroundings person some god, this person the strength of mortal body arrives at sufficiently hard fierce sage level martial art powerful. 一时间,周围人都有些愣神,难道此人的肉身之力强大到足以硬悍圣级武学 Quiet space, is god slightly, obviously this result is not as he expected. 就连幽宇本人,也是微微的愣神,显然这个结果出乎他的意料。 The quiet space proceeds to tread, the spirit strength fluctuation sends out, at the same time, the Lu Chen surroundings presented the dense and numerous stick shades, on each stick shadow carried the wild strength, made the ordinary Primordial Spirit Boundary completion severe wound sufficiently, even was the death. 幽宇往前一踏,灵力波动散发出来,与此同时,陆尘的周围出现了密密麻麻的棍影,每一根棍影上面都携带了狂暴的力量,足以令普通的元神境圆满重伤,甚至是死亡。 But when, the innumerable stick shades fall on Lu Chen, but the body leaps piece of spirit strength ripples, however, a main body matter does not have. 可是,当无数棍影落在陆尘身上的时候,只是身体腾起一片灵力涟漪,然而,本尊一点事情都没有。 When the stick shadow drops the curtain, Lu Chen spirit strength ripples vanish, the whole person is perfect. 当棍影落下帷幕,陆尘身上的灵力涟漪消失,整个人完好无损。 Lu Chen even used hand flexure the back, whispered: This attack, even/including Naoyang itchy insufficient.” 陆尘甚至用手挠了挠后背,嘀咕一句:“这点攻击,连挠痒痒都不够。” Such remarks, the surroundings person is speechless. 此话一出,周围人再度无语。 Hundred fight the stick law, the innumerable stick shades fall, even the Holy Son level must be ready in full battle array, but this person actually matter does not have. 百战棍法,无数棍影落下,就算是圣子级也要严阵以待,可是此人竟然一点事情都没有。 Only can say that the background of opposite party is thick, accumulates deeply, disregarded the attacking strength of quiet space Holy Son level. 只能说对方的底子厚,累积深,无视了幽宇这个圣子级的攻伐力量。 This is how possible “这怎么可能” The disciple of sovereign sect sees this scene extremely, all calls out in alarm makes noise. 皇极宗的弟子看到这一幕,全都惊呼出声。 this scene, making them unacceptable, could not think through quiet space Senior Brother to act, why an opposite party matter did not have. 这一幕,令他们不能接受,想不通幽宇师兄都出手了,为何对方一点事情都没有。 Let alone they, quiet space also in same place, a pair of pupil full is the stunned look. 别说他们,幽宇也愣在原地,一对眸子满是愕然的神色。 Afterward the complexion is gloomy. 随后脸色阴沉下来。 oneself displays powerful martial art, but an opposite party matter does not have, making his face countenance not save. 自己施展强大的武学,可是对方一点事情都没有,让他颜面无存。 In the crowd, white exquisite enough to was knows, Lu Chen can cut the king after all, moreover unusual optional, faced same boundary to be the same probably. 人群中,白玲珑到是知道一点,毕竟陆尘都能斩王了,而且非常的随意,就好像面对同境界一样。 A Holy Son level, naturally could not injure his slightest. 一个圣子级,当然伤不了他分毫。 It seems like, you do not have the disaster of blood light today, when everyone is also during the shock, Lu Chen sighs, later strolls toward the quiet space. “看来,你今天非有血光之灾了”在所有人还处于震惊当中的时候,陆尘叹了一口气,随后朝幽宇漫步过去。 Walks step by step, to quiet space exceptionally strong pressure. 一步一步走过去,给幽宇异常强大的压力。 Side has the two Holy Son level to act, being in charge extreme speeds of two illumination fly toward Lu Chen, when contacts the Lu Chen body, the disintegration comes in abundance. 旁边有两位圣子级出手,两道发光的掌印极速朝陆尘飞来,可是在接触陆尘身体的时候,纷纷崩碎开来。 A sword flies, Lu Chen lifts the hand at will, counts on the fingers a ball, flies the sword ball this directly. 还有一把剑飞过来,陆尘随意抬起手,屈指一弹,直接把这把剑弹飞。 The so optional attitude, the so careless appearance, making one shock incomparably. 如此随意的态度,如此漫不经心的样子,让人震撼无比。 Lu Chen strolled, suddenly the figure in a flash, vanishes slightly does not see, at the same time, the quiet space feels a chill in the air to sweep across the whole body, but had not responded with enough time, neck instantaneous one tight, the both feet takeoffs. 陆尘本来漫步的,忽然间身形微微一晃,消失不见,与此同时,幽宇感受到一股寒意席卷全身,可是还没来得及反应,脖子瞬间一紧,双脚离地。 He was pinched by a hand in the air. 他被一只手掐到了空中。 The surrounding sovereign sect disciple acts to Lu Chen extremely completely, the Lu Chen body bursts out a fearful air wave, the people of making a move are uncontrolled to be shot to fly, is no exception including several Holy Son levels. 周围皇极宗弟子全部对陆尘出手,陆尘身上迸发出一股可怕的气浪,出手的众人不受控制被弹飞出去,包括几名圣子级也不例外。 Author off topic: This long time looked at the commentary, laughable weak, some people take the paper money to threaten me to renew simply unexpectedly, but also some said the abandoned book, how some people can say the so weak words, I feared that you do abandon the book? 【作者题外话】:这久看了一些评论,简直可笑幼稚至极,居然有人拿银票威胁我更新,还有的说弃书,怎么有人能说出如此幼稚的话语,我怕你弃书? How some people will think that the paper money is money, you felt paper money that every day can get free the recommendation ticket that stands with outside is the same, can threaten the author. 怎么会有人觉得银票是钱呢,你们觉得每天都能免费领的银票和外站的推荐票一样,能威胁到作者。 To be honest, three years, wrote the subscription articles of 5 million characters, have not encountered this situation. 说实话,三年时间,写了五百万字的订阅文,从没有遇到这种情况。 Every day 2-3, said anything from no one. 每天2-3更,从没人说什么。 Now wrote a free article, the itself/Ben to like generating electricity, but some people reached out for a yard after taking an inch, but also disliked the author insufficiently many, took the abandoned book and paper money threat laughably. 现在写个免费文,本就是为爱发电了,可是有的人得寸进尺,还嫌作者更的不够多,可笑拿弃书和银票威胁。 My several years, only regretted that over one time, had the reader to hit to enjoy old book more than 500, more than 300, they ran, I was very regrettable. 我几年时间,只遗憾过一次,就是有读者打赏了老书五百多块,还有一个三百多块,他们跑了,我很遗憾。 Your one cent does not have, reads free, abandons the book my to regret and lose does not have. 你们一分钱都没出,免费看书,弃书我一点遗憾和失落都没有。 Moreover, the free article and subscription article maximum difference can at any time the court eunuch. 另外,免费文和订阅文最大的不同就是可以随时太监。 I know that said this saying, many people abandon the book, but I must say, because I did not fear that you abandon the book, really did not fear, at the worst does not write. 我知道说了这话,很多人弃书,但我还要说,因为我不怕你们弃书,真的不怕,大不了不写了。 Furthermore, the recent advertising expenditure made my mentality collapse, the quality could not stand firm, 再者说,最近的广告费使我的心态已经崩了,质量也稳不住, Moreover, I end more than one year of book, by the subscription several thousands, could not have starved to death every month. 另外,我完本一年多的书,靠订阅每个月还有数千,也饿不死。 Therefore, don't and abandons the book to threaten me with the paper money, useless. 所以,别拿银票和弃书威胁我,没用的。 I am not the Tathagata Buddha, will not shear the meat to feed the eagle, to not like generating electricity, no one looked, at the worst will not write is. 我不是如来佛祖,不会割肉喂鹰,不会为爱发电,没人看,大不了不写了就是。 Finally said one, my old book will not say the name, do not ask that person who does not want to give certain white Piao. 最后说一句,我的老书不会说名字的,也别问了,不想给某些白嫖的人。
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