MMISF :: Volume #5

#458: Lu Chen was reasonable

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Ten thousand heavy peaks, altogether 81 mountain peaks, grasp ten thousand types of natural appearances of the mountain. 万重峰,一共八十一座山峰,掌握万种天然山势。 Ouyang family's disciples promote Primordial Spirit Boundary, can over ten thousand heavy peaks temper oneself with the appearance of the mountain. 欧阳家族的弟子晋升到元神境,就可以上万重峰用山势磨炼自己 Becoming King after by ten thousand heavy Yi potentials temper the disciple, comprehends the King potential badly, is invincible in most same steps. 被万重峰山势磨炼后的弟子成为王者,最差都是领悟王者势的,也就是在大部分同阶无敌的。 Comprehends the Human Sovereign potential also many, this character enters King initially, can resist with all one's strength in King Boundary late stage, is quite abnormal. 领悟人皇势的也不少,这种人物初入王者,就能力敌王境后期,极为变态。 If they smooth growth Sage King, then can revere in the Sage King Boundary name. 他们如果顺利的成长到圣王,那么就可以在圣王境称尊。 This is also Ouyang family dominates the Profound Territory capital. 这也是欧阳家族称霸玄域的资本。 However what is worth mentioning, although Ouyang family grasped ten thousand heavy peaks, but King of comprehension Saint potential is few, historically adds ten about. 不过值得一提的是,欧阳家族虽然掌握了万重峰,但是领悟圣势的王者很少,历史上加起来不过十来位左右。 Before appeared has reached 81 mountain peaks, comprehended the invincible potential the evildoer/monstrous talent, all was not Ouyang family's person, this was also Ouyang family's regret. 以前出现过登顶八十一座山峰的,领悟无敌势的妖孽,皆不是欧阳家族的人,这也是欧阳家族的遗憾。 However can comprehend the Saint potential, was the character of extreme evildoer/monstrous talent, among this generation of Ouyang family juniors, Ouyang Kuang estimated that had the opportunity to comprehend the Saint potential. 不过能领悟圣势,都属于极为妖孽的人物了,这一代欧阳家族小辈当中,欧阳狂估计有机会领悟圣势。 Before, Profound Territory many large clans were greedy ten thousand heavy peaks, joined up, resisted Ouyang family together, Ouyang family presses strength mountain to be big, has no recourse to announce that an opening to the outside world ten thousand heavy peak, invited the Profound Territory top generation of successor to comprehend the appearance of the mountain every ten years. 以前,玄域很多大族都贪婪万重峰,联合起来,一同对抗欧阳家族,欧阳家族压力山大,迫不得已宣布每十年对外开放一次万重峰,诚邀玄域顶尖一辈的传人来领悟山势。 Passes the two moon/month again, is the days of Ouyang family opening to the outside world ten thousand heavy peaks. 再过两个月,便是欧阳家族对外开放万重峰的日子。 Although has not been the time of agreement, however the present ten thousand heavy cities are the sea of people. 虽然还没有到约定的时间,但是现在的万重城已经是人山人海了。 The Profound Territory many dynasty imperial prince princess, the genius of influence, all arrived at ten thousand heavy cities accompanied by elder. 玄域很多皇朝皇子公主,势力的天才人物,皆在长辈的陪同下来到了万重城。 Lu Chen and white exquisite also arrived at ten thousand heavy cities, on the street found at everywhere to put on the successor of same school clothes, knew that also had the two moon/month to be open, Lu Chen was somewhat speechless, probably came early, might as well in the area multi- stays of blood flame dynasty some time. 陆尘和白玲珑也来到了万重城,街道上随处可见穿着同一门派衣服的传人,得知还有两个月才开放,陆尘有些无语,好像来早了,还不如在血炎皇朝的疆域多逗留一段时间。 Two people looked for an inn to stay, prepare cultivation two moon/month. 两人找了一家客栈住下,准备修炼两个月时间。 Nation nation nation! 邦邦邦! However, cultivation several days of time, the Lu Chen gate was then sounded. 不过,才修炼几天时间,陆尘的门便被敲响了。 Lu Chen sets out to open the door, the entrance is standing a male, is the servant in inn. 陆尘起身打开门,门口站着一个男的,是客栈的店小二。 What matter Lu Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “什么事”陆尘随口问道。 This, this servant made excuses, showed a face awkward look. “这,这个”店小二支支吾吾,露出一脸为难的神色。 A Lu Chen brow wrinkle. 陆尘眉头一皱。 The servants say: Guest, the customer, matter is this, sovereign sect Lairen, they want to reserve all seats for a performance extremely our inn, the institute, therefore .....” 店小二开口说道:“客,客官,事情是这样的,皇极宗来人,他们想要包场我们客栈,所,所以....。” The following words, did not need Lu Chen saying that also understood. 后面的话,不用陆尘说也明白了。 Certain sect to show honored position, no matter goes on a journey or residence, will reserve all seats for a performance to show the sign surface. 某些宗门为了彰显尊贵的地位,不管是出行还是住所方面,都会包场来彰显牌面。 Customer, the sovereign sect is extremely powerful, is powerful and prominent, we do not have means servant to make the resigned-looking expression. “客官,皇极宗势力强大,地位显赫,我们也没有办法”店小二做出一脸无奈的表情。 I get down Lu Chen to say with them reasonable. “我下去跟他们讲讲道理”陆尘开口说道。 Therefore, Lu Chen then went downstairs. 于是,陆尘便下楼了。 In a building hall, Lu Chen sees many guests, because returned a house by compulsory, unusual disaffection, in inn boss theory, white exquisite also in the middle of crowd. 在一楼大厅,陆尘看到许多客人因为被强制性退房,非常的不满,正在与客栈老板理论,白玲珑也在人群当中。 Besides these people, one group of youth outstanding who wear the blue clothes, no matter the appearance or the makings are all a notch above everybody else. 除了这些人之外,还有一群身穿蓝衣的青年俊杰,不管是容貌还是气质皆超人一等。 In addition, their strengths also very powerful, among one group, Lu Chen discovered several Holy Son levels, on the face of everyone wrote all over the proud color. 除此之外,他们的实力也非常的强大,在一行人当中,陆尘发现了好几个圣子级,每一个人的脸上都写满了骄傲之色。 Shouts anything, our sovereign sects reserve all seats for a performance extremely, but also needs the reason on a aura powerful sovereign extremely sect disciple, sonorous, an imposing long sword comes out of the sheath, blooms the sharp ray. “嚷嚷什么,我们皇极宗包场,还需要理由吗”一名气息强大的皇极宗弟子上面,铿锵,一把气势不凡的长剑出鞘,绽放出锋利的光芒。 Simultaneously powerful aura erupts, made noisy inquiry all of a sudden peaceful. 同时一股强大的气息爆发出来,令吵闹的打听一下子就安静了下来。 Sovereign extremely sect “皇极宗” Hears the sovereign extremely sect three characters, all average per person is the complexion changes, reveals expression that dreads. 听闻皇极宗三个字,所有人均是脸色一变,露出忌惮的表情。 Then does not utter a word then left, including one group of sect characters who have more than ten people, even if their travelling together has the two Sovereign character, left silently. 然后一声不吭的便离开了,其中包括一行有着十多人的宗门人物,纵然他们同行者有两个皇者人物,还是默不作声的离开了。 The sovereign ancestor noticed extremely these people leave, on the face shows expression proudly, as if thought that this is naturally same. 皇极宗人看到这些人离开,脸上露出傲然的表情,仿佛觉得这是理所当然一样。 Sovereign sect is what rank Lu Chen to look that extremely to white asked exquisite. “皇极宗属于什么等级”陆尘看向白玲珑问道。 white Linglong said: Sovereign sect has five Sage King to assume personal command extremely, was stronger than the strength of blood flame dynasty, the position was aloof above the dynasty, has big influence south Profound Territory.” 白玲珑说道:“皇极宗有五位圣王坐镇,比血炎皇朝的实力还强,地位超然于皇朝之上,在玄域南部有着很大的影响力。” Lu Chen nodded , indicating to understand, spoke thoughtlessly to look to disciple opened the mouth and said of sovereign extremely sect: Everyone is attended ten thousand heavy peak exchange conferences, is fastidious about a first come first served, you reserve all seats for a performance some not to gather the custom like this.” 陆尘点了点头,表示明白,随口看向皇极宗的弟子开口道:“大家都是来参加万重峰交流大会的,讲究个先来后到,你们这样包场有些不合规矩。” The Lu Chen words, let the person who the sovereign extremely sect disciple as well as will soon depart, looked. 陆尘的话,让皇极宗弟子以及即将离去的人,纷纷看了过来。 You are anything, hurries to roll “你算什么东西,赶紧滚” Do not give your behind person to annoy troublesome “别给你身后的人惹麻烦” Sovereign sect disciple sarcastic comments said extremely, they always ruled by force, now saw that some people dare to question them, one after another look very cold. 皇极宗弟子纷纷冷言冷语道,他们一向霸道惯了,现在看到有人敢质疑他们,一个个眼神十分的冷。 On the Lu Chen face cannot see any vitality/angry the expression , to continue saying: You rely on here, the high level does not discredit to the school, inn so many rooms, you cannot live in any case, why must wrap the inn, everyone lives together is not.” 陆尘脸上看不出任何生气的表情,继续说道:“你们在这里恃强,不是给门派高层抹黑吗,反正客栈那么多房间,你们又住不完,为何要包客栈呢,大家一起住不是更好吗。” Boy, should not be chatty, wants dead is a hot tempered disciple walks, looks at Lu Chen indifferently, opened the mouth and said: Is believing me to kill you chatty.” “小子,别叽叽歪歪,想死是不是”一名性格暴躁的弟子走出来,冷眼看着陆尘,开口道:“在叽叽歪歪信不信我杀了你。” They see around Lu Chen not to have peer, it is estimated that is powder cultivates, powder cultivates in their eyes, but is the floor personnel of society. 他们看见陆尘周围都没有同行者,估计是一个散修,一个散修在他们眼中,只不过是社会的底层人员罢了。 This person dares to mind others' business, courts death. 这种人敢多管闲事,找死吗。 Lu Chen looked that said to the sovereign sect disciple extremely: I with you reasonable.” 陆尘看向皇极宗弟子说道:“我在和你们讲道理呢。” Then, Lu Chen turns the head to stare at this hot tempered sovereign extremely sect disciple, a face said earnestly: Character should not be hot tempered, cannot do well the disaster of blood light.” 说完,陆尘又转头盯着这个性格暴躁的皇极宗弟子,一脸认真地说道:“性格别那么暴躁,搞不好有血光之灾的。” Hears the Lu Chen words, the surroundings people is a face are speechless. 听到陆尘的话,周围人都是一脸无语。 The person who where this youth comes, does not have to listen to the sovereign extremely sect, this is a five Sage King influence, except pill pledge, said the sect, Ouyang family and so on top overlord influences, were the extra-superior influence, the average person could not stir up, does not dare to have any disrespecting to them. 这青年是哪里来的人,难道没有听过皇极宗吗,这可是一宗五圣王的势力,除开丹盟,道宗,欧阳家族等等顶尖霸主势力,属于超一流的势力,一般人根本惹不起,更不敢对他们有任何的不敬。 Grass, father personality this, how you drop this hot tempered disciple to hear the Lu Chen words, comes in Lu Chen this direction, but also the reassignment aura wants to suppress Lu Chen. “草,老子性格就这样,你怎么滴”这名性格暴躁的弟子听到陆尘的话,朝陆尘这个方向而来,还调动气息想要压制陆尘 Yeah, was well reasonable to you, why you did not listen to Lu Chen to set an awkward appearance. “哎,好好跟你们讲道理,你们为何不听呢”陆尘做出一副为难的样子。 Suddenly, the index finger and middle finger gather fast, gathering extremely sharp sword qi, goes toward the hot tempered disciple dantian together rapidly. 突然间,食指与中指快速并拢,汇聚一道极为锋利的剑气,迅速朝性格暴躁的弟子丹田而去。 . 噗的一声。 This personality hot tempered disciple sudden whole body shakes, is unable with the severe pain that the language described, proliferated the whole body from the dantian position suddenly, simultaneously dantian inside spiritual energy in crazy leak. 这个性格暴躁弟子突然浑身一震,然后一股无法用语言形容的剧痛,陡然从丹田位置扩散到全身,同时丹田里面的灵气在疯狂的外泄。 Junior Brother, you how 师弟,你怎么了” Nearby sovereign sect disciple, feels the personality hot tempered disciple to have different extremely, asked hastily. 旁边的皇极宗弟子,感受到性格暴躁弟子有异,连忙问道。 He, he abandoned my dantian personality hot tempered disciple to look at Lu Chen with the unbelievable look. “他,他废了我的丹田”性格暴躁弟子用难以置信的眼神看着陆尘 What “什么” The sovereign extremely sect disciple as well as periphery person of hearing this, is all startled, in abundance with amazement looks at Lu Chen. 皇极宗弟子以及周围人闻言,皆吃了一惊,纷纷骇然的看着陆尘
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