MMISF :: Volume #5

#457: 101 Sage King

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Azure clothes middle age behind person was this city only Sovereign, the attached family of blood flame dynasty, but successfully stirred up rebellion by the flying snow dynasty. 青衣中年身后之人便是此城唯一的皇者,血炎皇朝的附属家族,但是被飞雪皇朝成功策反。 The flying snow dynasty took the blood flame dynasty the attached dynasty, was next to the blood flame dynasty, actually willing did not take the dependency, had the ambition very much, but dreaded the blood flame dynasty that Sage King old monster, because the flying snow dynasty did not have Sage King old monster. 飞雪皇朝作为血炎皇朝的附属皇朝,仅次于血炎皇朝,却不甘心作为附庸,很有野心,只不过忌惮血炎皇朝的那位圣王怪物,因为飞雪皇朝没有圣王怪物 The flying snow dynasty was ambitious, wants to begin to the blood flame dynasty, even decided to spend the high price, the killer in invitation Yellow Springs palace assassinated the blood flame sovereign lord. 飞雪皇朝野心勃勃,想要对血炎皇朝动手,甚至决定花费大价钱,邀请黄泉殿的杀手刺杀血炎皇主。 Although may not succeed, but must try. 虽然不一定能够成功,但总要试一试。 Their flying snow dynasty had an old sovereign lord, the Sage Boundary level, several years ago continuously outside informed and experienced, a short time ago returned. 他们飞雪皇朝有一位老皇主,圣境层次,几年前一直在外历练,前不久才归来。 Narrated the Azure Territory recent important matter to them, big fiendish person Lu Chen entraps tiger clan dozens Sage Boundary, but also died two Sage King. 给他们叙述了青域最近发生的大事,大魔王陆尘坑害虎族几十位圣境,还死了两位圣王 Gave back to their big fiendish person Lu Chen portrait, warned them severely, if later ran into this person, cannot offend, otherwise died when the time comes does not know how dead. 还给了他们大魔王陆尘的画像,严厉告诫他们,以后如果遇到此人,万万不能得罪,不然到时候死都不知道怎么死的。 Heard the blood flame dynasty to issue a warrant for arrest two people coincidentally, a person was in vain exquisite for the loyalty sect successor, another person called Lu Chen. 刚巧听闻血炎皇朝通缉两人,其中一人为丹心宗传人白玲珑,另外一人叫陆尘 Just started, did they a little have doubts? 刚开始,他们有点疑惑? Perhaps is person of the same surname of the same name. 或许是同名同姓之人。 However even person of the same surname of the same name, still caused their enough to attach great importance, sent Sovereign to come personally. 不过就算同名同姓之人,也引起了他们的足够重视,亲自派了一位皇者过来。 This Lu Chen, is not person of the same surname of the same name, big fiendish person who Azure Territory comes. 陆尘,并不是同名同姓之人,正是青域来的大魔王。 The azure clothes middle age recovers, says with a smile: Blood flame dynasty was deep-rooted, is supercilious, cannot think the person who issued a warrant for arrest had the huge background, our anything does not need to do, only need wait to be good.” 青衣中年回过神来,笑道:“血炎皇朝根深蒂固,目中无人,根本想不到通缉的人有天大的来头,我们什么也不需要做,只需等着就好了。” Because he heard Lu Chen once saying that the blood flame dynasty owed him sage item. 因为他听到陆尘曾放话,血炎皇朝欠他一件圣器 If the blood flame dynasty did not give, definitely will have the disaster exterminating arrives on to the end. 如果血炎皇朝不给的话,绝对会有灭绝性的灾难降临到头上。 paused, the azure clothes middle age sighed: world is so big, should go out for a walk, the blood flame dynasty dared to issue a warrant for arrest this, walked on the knife point simply, it seems like had no need for us spending the high price to look for the killer in Yellow Springs palace to go into action, offended this, we are waiting for the person destruction of blood flame dynasty.” 顿了顿,青衣中年感叹道:“世界那么大,应该多出去走走,血炎皇朝竟敢通缉这位,简直是在刀尖上行走啊,看来用不着我们花费大价钱寻找黄泉殿的杀手出马了,得罪了这位,我们就等着血炎皇朝的人覆灭吧。” Sovereign heard the azure clothes middle age saying that some innermost feelings suspicions. 身后皇者听到青衣中年如此说,内心还是有些怀疑。 Although in his mouth Lu Chen has the background in Azure Territory very much, but here is Profound Territory, the hand of Azure Territory is very difficult to extend to Profound Territory comes. 虽然他口中陆尘青域很有背景,但这里是玄域,青域的手很难伸到玄域来吧。 However sees the opposite party to be confident, has not said anything. 不过见对方如此有信心,也就没有多说什么了。 Suddenly, they look up to the distant place, the distant horizon present blood-color, has the powerful aura to spread. 忽然间,他们抬头看向远方,远方天际出现一层血色,同时有强大气息蔓延过来。 „The person of blood flame dynasty came azure clothes middle age to say one. “血炎皇朝的人来了”青衣中年笑着说了一句。 ....... ....... A few days later, Lu Chen and white is exquisite two people, successfully arrived at the flying snow dynasty the imperial palace. 几天后,陆尘和白玲珑两人,成功来到飞雪皇朝的皇宫。 The sovereign lord of flying snow dynasty, led all senior figures in imperial palace, stood is ready in full battle array in front of Transmission Array, because they received the pass on message of azure clothes middle age ahead of time, Lu Chen passed Transmission Array, must after the flying snow imperial palace. 飞雪皇朝的皇主,率领皇宫的所有高层人物,站在传送阵面前严阵以待,因为他们提前接收到了青衣中年的传讯,陆尘通过传送阵,要经过飞雪皇宫。 All Lu Chen and white are exquisite two people to appear, immediately sees Room Transmission Array stand one group of dignified and powerful people. 所有陆尘和白玲珑两人出现,立刻就看到传送阵站着一行威严而又强大的人。 The sovereign lord of flying snow dynasty, a character of Sage Monarch rank, the surroundings also has several Sage Boundary, other all was Human Sovereign. 飞雪皇朝的皇主,一位圣君级别的人物,周围还有数位圣境,其他的全是人皇 This was the complete strength of flying snow dynasty. 这就是飞雪皇朝的全部实力。 white Linglong sees so many powerhouses, most weak ones are person Sovereign Boundary, one is to wear the sovereign robe, the air/Qi field facial features, have the extremely honored makings, just like keeping aloof high-rank. 白玲珑看到如此多的强者,最弱者都是人皇境界,其中一位更是身穿皇袍,无论是气场还是面容,都带着极为尊贵的气质,宛若一位高高在上的上位者。 Sovereign lord “皇主” In white Linglong the heart is startled. 白玲珑心中吃了一惊。 Who can think, they come out from the flying snow imperial palace, will meet such big ostentation unexpectedly. 谁能想到,他们从飞雪皇宫出来,竟然会遇到这么大的排场。 Has seen land less/small “见过陆少” Has seen land less/small “见过陆少” When white exquisite disturbed, the flying snow sovereign lord as well as one group of great people in imperial palace, was saying to Lu Chen completely respectfully, makes white exquisite dumbfounded. 就在白玲珑忐忑的时候,飞雪皇主以及皇宫的一群大人物,全部对着陆尘恭恭敬敬的说了一句,让白玲珑目瞪口呆。 Land few arrival flying snow imperial palace, making me and other you honor my humble homes the sovereign lord of flying snow dynasty smile was saying one. “陆少驾临飞雪皇宫,令我等蓬荜生辉啊”飞雪皇朝的皇主微笑着说了一句。 The look of flying snow dynasty dropped down on the body of Lu Chen, although first meeting, the matter that but the opposite party made, had known from the previous sovereign main mouth, no matter the matter of mystical place, were the recent matter, each could be earthly-shaking. 飞雪皇朝的眼神一直落在陆尘的身上,虽然还是第一次见面,但是对方做出的事情,已经从上一任皇主的口中得知,不管是秘境发生的事情,还是最近发生的事情,每一件都算得上惊天动地。 Land is little young and promising, is the Azure Territory first graceful some people so echoes to say worthily. “陆少年轻有为,不愧是青域第一帅”更有人如此附和道。 Lu Chen: ..... 陆尘:“.....。” The Lu Chen heart like the bright mirror, in the time that the transfer passage spent, he had inquired white exquisite matter about flying snow dynasty, this was a very powerful dynasty, had Sage Boundary second level Sage Monarch to assume personal command, but also had several Sage Boundary. 陆尘心如明镜,在传送通道渡过的时间,他询问过白玲珑关于飞雪皇朝的事情,这是一个很强大的皇朝,拥有圣境第二层次圣君坐镇,还拥有数位圣境 The dynasty of this rank, willing did not make other dynasties the attached influences. 这种级别的皇朝,不甘心做其他皇朝的附属势力。 The azure clothes middle age walks, it is estimated that wants to cope with the blood flame dynasty with the aid of his hand. 青衣中年之所以找上门来,估计是想借助他的手对付血炎皇朝。 Therefore, Lu Chen smiles, said: Sovereign lord politely, I was small Primordial Spirit Boundary, had no difference from ordinary martial artist . Moreover, I must go to ten thousand heavy peak, did not delay in the imperial palace.” 于是,陆尘笑了笑,道:“皇主客气了,我不过是一个小小的元神境而已,和普通武者没什么区别,另外,我还要去万重峰一趟,就不在皇宫里面耽搁了。” Land little walks flying snow sovereign to advocate saying of smile slowly: If later the land little needs our strengths, opens the mouth although, I and others am willing to offer a pygmy effort.” “陆少慢走”飞雪皇主微笑的说道:“如果以后陆少需要我们的力量,尽管开口,我等愿意献出一丝绵薄之力。” Looks at the situation Lu Chen not anxiously the denial. “看情况吧”陆尘没有急着否定。 Before he just before leaving, reported his given name, the blood flame dynasty, if inquired slightly, can know oneself unable to stir up, if acted willfully, continued to look for trouble. 他临走前,报了他的名号,血炎皇朝如果稍微打听一下,就能知道自己惹不起,如果一意孤行,继续来找麻烦。 Then the blood flame dynasty, really must consider to change the master. 那么血炎皇朝,真的要考虑换换主人了。 Lu Chen has not stopped over in the flying snow imperial palace, with white leaves exquisite. 陆尘没有在飞雪皇宫逗留,和白玲珑离开。 After two people leave, a person inquired: Sovereign lord, land less/small in the front, why you do not open the mouth to help.” 等两人离开后,一人询问道:“皇主,陆少就在面前,您为何不开口帮助。” The flying snow sovereign lord light saying with a smile: Land few status backgrounds are honored, how could I will open the mouth to help, you want.” 飞雪皇主淡淡的笑道:“陆少身份背景尊贵,岂能我开口就会帮忙,你们想多了。” paused, the flying snow sovereign lord continues saying: We and others, waited for the blood flame dynasty to court death on own initiative, when the time comes did not need us to open the mouth, Lu Chen naturally can cope with the blood flame dynasty, when the time comes we helped be OK slightly busily.” 顿了顿,飞雪皇主继续说道:“我们等吧,等血炎皇朝主动找死,到时候不用我们开口,陆尘自然会对付血炎皇朝,到时候我们稍微的帮下忙就可以了。” The idea of flying snow sovereign main idea and azure clothes middle age is exactly the same. 飞雪皇主的想法与青衣中年的想法一模一样。 By Lu Chen such character, they open the mouth to help can it be that cannot achieve, will also anger the opposite party. 陆尘这样的人物,岂是他们开口就会帮忙的,根本做不到,甚至还会惹怒对方。 All allow nature to take its course well then. 一切顺其自然便好。 At blood flame dynasty extremely arrogant and is supercilious, 80% possibilities will court destruction. 以血炎皇朝的狂妄和目中无人,百分之八十的可能性会自取灭亡。 ...... ...... Ten thousand heavy cities, are population over hundred million giant cities, is quite lively, subordinates in Ouyang family. 万重城,是一座人口过亿的巨型城池,极为繁华,隶属于欧阳家族。 Ouyang family has been very high in the Profound Territory position, the eternally unchanging Profound Territory first five large clans, the average person cannot provoke. 欧阳家族在玄域的地位一直很高,永恒不变的玄域前五大族,一般人根本招惹不起。 No matter in gate position noble direct line disciple, the ordinary collateral branch disciple goes out informed and experienced, where regardless of arrives, will be a focus of public attention, by a courteous reception of side influence. 门内不管是地位高贵的直系弟子,还是普通的旁系弟子外出历练,无论走到哪里,都会万众瞩目,受一方势力的礼遇有加。 No matter Ouyang family's background historically now, has been in the prosperous time, has not declined. 欧阳家族的底蕴不管是历史上还是如今,都一直处于鼎盛时刻,从来没有衰落过。 Ouyang family's Sage King powerhouse, although every dozens years, or several hundred annual meetings tread the tall ladder, but in the clan the Sage King quantity, consistently maintains 10-20. 欧阳家族的圣王强者,尽管每隔几十年,或者几百年会去踏天梯,但是族内圣王数量,始终保持10-20位。 Moreover, Ouyang family or Profound Territory birth Sage King largest families. 而且,欧阳家族还是玄域诞生圣王数量最多的家族。 From all sides, was born more than 101 Sage King. 前前后后,诞生了不下一百零一位圣王 The reason was Ouyang family grasped a treasure trove, ten thousand heavy peaks. 原因就是欧阳家族掌握了一处宝地,万重峰。
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