MMISF :: Volume #5

#456: May I ask your excellency is land less/small?

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Lu Chen and white exquisite, although departs, but shortly after departure, powerful character in one line of blood flame imperial cities arrived here, is led by great accomplishment person Sovereign Boundary, understands account from that vice- City Lord. 陆尘和白玲珑虽然离去,但是离去不久后,一行血炎皇城的强大人物降临此处,由大成皇境带队,从那名副城主了解到事情的经过。 A Primordial Spirit Boundary youth brings to receive the monetary reward white exquisite, but City Lord rejected the opposite party, finally was cut to kill. 一位元神境青年带着白玲珑来领取赏金,可是城主拒绝了对方,结果被斩杀。 Does Primordial Spirit Boundary cut to kill King Boundary? 元神境斩杀王境 Hears here, in this great accomplishment Human Sovereign look reveals a wisp of sharp meaning. 听到这里,这名大成人皇眼神中露出一缕锋锐之意。 However thinks quickly where Profound Territory has Primordial Spirit Boundary martial artist that goes against heaven's will, the first person of Mei clouds cannot achieve, with the aid of powerful magical treasure. 不过很快想到,玄域哪里有这么逆天的元神境武者,就连第一人梅霄也做不到,想必借助了强大法宝 However, since the choice offended the blood flame dynasty, that was the dead end. 不过,既然选择得罪血炎皇朝,那就是死路一条。 Assigns the person to draw the portrait, each region the distribution, issues a warrant for arrest white exquisite as well as youth. 命人画出画像,分发各地,通缉白玲珑以及身边的青年。 Therefore, white exquisite arrives at a new city with Lu Chen, then sees on the bulletin column to have his portrait. 于是,白玲珑和陆尘到达一座新的城池,便看到告示栏上面有他的画像。 white Linglong sees the bulletin column, in the eye pupil flashes through unusual look, the movement of blood flame dynasty was quite quick. 白玲珑看到告示栏,眼眸中闪过一丝异色,血炎皇朝的动作好快。 white Linglong turned the head to look at Lu Chen one, seeing the opposite party complexion was gloomy, wants to come to issue a warrant for arrest by the blood flame dynasty, in the heart should be very uncomfortable. 白玲珑转头看了陆尘一眼,见对方脸色阴沉,想来被血炎皇朝通缉,心中应该很不爽吧。 At this time, Lu Chen said wear a look of disgruntledly: Why your monetary reward is sage item magical treasure, but my monetary reward is only sovereign item, suggested that I am inferior to you.” 这时,陆尘面带不悦的说:“凭什么你的赏金是一件圣器法宝,而我的赏金只是一件皇器,暗示我不如你吗。” Lu Chen disaffection , the oneself monetary reward sovereign item magical treasure, has not fallen the worth. 陆尘十分的不满,自己的赏金才一件皇器法宝,从没这么掉身价过。 Must know that in Azure Territory, his monetary reward at least two sage item start. 要知道在青域的时候,他的赏金最少两件圣器起步啊。 white Linglong hears the Lu Chen words, wants to spit blood, originally thought Lu Chen is because issued a warrant for arrest to be uncomfortable, does quite a while thought that the oneself monetary reward was too low, therefore however is discontented. 白玲珑听到陆尘的话,想吐血,本以为陆尘是因为被通缉而不爽,搞半天觉得自己的赏金太低了,因此而不满。 White exquisite opened the mouth and said: I killed the two imperial prince, although this two imperial prince was not advocated attaching great importance to by the sovereign, without the Saint read the guard, but was actually the blood flame sovereign main direct line bloodlines, therefore my monetary reward promoted sage item.” 白玲珑开口道:“我杀了两位皇子,这两位皇子虽然不受皇主重视,没有圣念护身,但却是血炎皇主的直系血脉,所以我的赏金提升一件圣器。” Lu Chen touches the chin, said: Then, I must kill the two imperial prince, can propose the monetary reward 陆尘摸了摸下巴,道:“这么说来,我也得杀两位皇子,才能把赏金提上去” White exquisite: .....” 白玲珑:“....。” Said that Lu Chen thought this word is improper, shakes the head, said: Ok, I never kill the innocent generation, cannot too the bloodthirsty.” 说完陆尘觉得此言不妥,摇了摇头,道:“算了,我从不杀无辜之辈,不能太嗜杀。” How to say again, must have the fellow who does not enlarge ones vision, annoyed oneself, decided that killed. 再怎么说,也要有不开眼的家伙,惹到了自己,才决定杀不杀。 If slaughters innocents, handles affairs anything to distinguish with the demon. 如果滥杀无辜,和魔头行事有什么区别。 Although Lu Chen is not Buddhism believers, but in the heart has the lower limit. 陆尘虽然不是善男信女,但心中还是有底限的。 white Linglong said: This city had cross dynasty Transmission Array, was grasped by a Sovereign family, if sat this Transmission Array, direct transmission to the attached dynasty most edge of blood flame dynasty, like this, so long as had/left the peripheral zone, entered other dynasties the territories, the hand of blood flame dynasty cannot extend is so long.” 白玲珑说道:“此城有跨皇朝传送阵,被一个皇者家族掌握,如果坐此传送阵,将直接传送到血炎皇朝的附属皇朝最边缘,这样,只要出了边缘地带,就进入其他皇朝的领地,血炎皇朝的手也伸不了那么长。” If the blood flame dynasty dares to be unscrupulous in other dynasties, was equivalent invades other dynasties, this will cause enormously the dispute, even erupted the dynasty war seriously. 如果血炎皇朝敢在其他皇朝肆无忌惮,那么相当于侵略其他皇朝,这会引起极大地纠纷,严重甚至爆发皇朝战。 Hehe, where two this is must go to suddenly, the frank laughter resounds together. “呵呵,两位这是要去什么地方”突然间,一道爽朗的笑声响起。 The azure shadow in a flash, is situated in two people front together slightly, this is the scholarly middle age of wearing the azure long gown. 一道青色的影子微微一晃,立于两人的面前,这是一位身穿青色长袍的儒雅中年。 white Linglong cannot bear the complexion changes, because the aura of front azure clothes middle age is immeasurably deep, least is also a Sovereign rank, to depressing aura too hold Lie of person. 白玲珑忍不住脸色一变,因为面前这青衣中年的气息深不可测,最少也是一位皇者级别,给人的压抑气息太盛烈了。 Relax, I without any malicious intent azure clothes middle age feels white exquisite intense, said with a laugh, the look shifts to the body of Lu Chen later, having tone to ask a respectfully: May I ask your excellency is land less/small.” “放心,我没有恶意的”青衣中年感受到白玲珑的紧张,又笑呵呵的说了一句,随后眼神转移到陆尘的身上,带着一丝恭敬地语气问道:“敢问阁下可是陆少。” The azure clothes middle age stance puts very lowly, completely no Sovereign some dignity and bearing. 青衣中年姿态放得很低,完全没有一位皇者该有的威严和气度。 The Lu Chen eyebrow first choice selecting, was somewhat accidental, cannot think Profound Territory that this was unfamiliar with the people and place, actually also some people knew oneself. 陆尘眉头挑了挑,有些意外,想不到这人生地不熟的玄域,竟然还有人认识自己 Perhaps land little does not know me, but I little actually knew about the land very much, your prestige I liked thunder reverberating in one's ears, hear land less/small to issue a warrant for arrest by the blood flame dynasty, caught up to help your helping hand see Lu Chen specially to be silent, the azure clothes middle age continued to say. “陆少或许不认识我,但是我对陆少却很了解,您的威名我如雷贯耳,听闻陆少被血炎皇朝通缉,特意赶来助你一臂之力”见陆尘沉默,青衣中年继续开口说道。 Lu Chen does not know, oneself at the matter that Azure Territory handles, was also widely known in some Profound Territory people, but is extremely few parts knows. 陆尘不知道,自己青域所做的事情,在玄域也有人盛传,只不过是极少部分知道而已。 Furthermore, some Profound Territory also people go to other territories, after he strikes kills Sovereign, from report name. 再者说,玄域也有人前往其他域,他击杀皇者之后,自报姓名。 Some people knew that he is also very normal. 有人认识他也很正常。 White exquisite look strange looked at Lu Chen, unexpectedly some Sovereign know him, moreover is submissive, is the same just like an inferior character. 白玲珑眼神怪异的看了一眼陆尘,居然有皇者认识他,而且低声下气,宛若一位下等人物一样。 Although her status is also very high, because the loyalty sect and blood flame dynasty hostile relationship, this person of dynasty will not be respectful to her. 虽然她身份也很高,但是因为丹心宗和血炎皇朝敌对关系,此皇朝的人不会对她恭恭敬敬。 With is the most wanted terrorist, she could not enjoy the Lu Chen treatment. 同为通缉犯,她享受不了陆尘的待遇。 I must go to Ouyang family Lu Chen to speak thoughtlessly one. “我要去欧阳家族”陆尘随口说了一句。 Does not have issue “没问题” Azure clothes middle age refreshed saying: two comes with me.” 青衣中年爽快的说道:“两位跟我来。” Guides Lu Chen light saying. “带路吧”陆尘淡淡的说道。 Two people follow in this Sovereign behind, arrived in the Sovereign family of city, a very lordly mansion. 两人跟在这位皇者身后,来到了所在城池的皇者家族,一个很气派的府邸。 Enters inside, white exquisite somewhat is slightly anxious, passes message asks: You do not walk into a trap.” 走进里面,白玲珑略微有些紧张,传音问道:“你就不自投罗网。” Blood flame sovereign chief offender illustrious, dares to betray his person to be extremely few, now this leads them to leave, obviously in betrayal blood flame sovereign lord. 血炎皇主凶名赫赫,敢背叛他的人极少,现在这位带他们离开,明显就是在背叛血炎皇主。 white Linglong is afraid cheats. 白玲珑害怕这其中有诈。 However feels not possible. 不过又觉得不可能。 Because by boundary of azure clothes middle age, in the situation of sneak attack, can of without the activation Saint reading, stunned them. 因为以青衣中年的境界,在偷袭的情况下,可以在不激活圣念的情况下,把他们打昏过去。 Definitely does not need the so big fee/spent to be flustered. 完全没有必要这般大费周章。 Lu Chen is actually direct opened the mouth and said: Although I just came Profound Territory, but Profound Territory dares to move my person is not born.” 陆尘却是直接开口道:“虽然我刚来玄域,但是玄域敢动我的人还没有出生。” Front, the azure clothes middle age hears the Lu Chen words, smiling of not caring at all. 前面,青衣中年听到陆尘的话,毫不在意的笑了笑。 Yes, even if Profound Territory did a bit less to say regarding the land is unfamiliar with the people and place, but dares to move his person simply not to have. 是啊,就算玄域对于陆少来说人生地不熟,但是敢动他的人根本没有。 Only if some does not know land few reputations and backgrounds, for example blood flame dynasty. 除非是一些不知道陆少名声和背景的,比如血炎皇朝。 Does not have the words, the azure clothes middle age quick led the Transmission Array place two people, looked that said to Lu Chen: Land are few, this Transmission Array to the flying snow dynasty, right, I was also the person of flying snow dynasty.” 一路无话,青衣中年很快把两人带到了传送阵的地方,看向陆尘说道:“陆少,此传送阵通往飞雪皇朝,对了,我也是飞雪皇朝的人。” Again before two people just before leaving, the azure clothes middle age was so saying one to Lu Chen. 再两人临走前,青衣中年这般对着陆尘说了一句。 Lu Chen seems like has not heard to be the same, sits Transmission Array to leave. 陆尘像是没有听到一样,坐着传送阵离开了。 Although this person leads them to sit Transmission Array, seemingly was short of the unnecessary trouble, but regarding Lu Chen, this is only improves on perfection. 虽然此人带着他们来坐传送阵,看起来少了很多不必要的麻烦,但是对于陆尘来说,这只是锦上添花罢了。 Even the benevolence is not. 连恩情都算不上。 When the Transmission Array ray diverges, the azure clothes middle age smiles as before, does not have, because was disregarded to affect the mood by Lu Chen. 传送阵光芒散去,青衣中年依旧笑了笑,也没有因为被陆尘无视而影响心情。 He understands this land few arrogance profoundly, let alone his Sovereign, comes Sage King even, it is estimated that still only then disregarded share. 他深刻了解到这位陆少的孤傲,别说他一位皇者,就算是来一位圣王,估计也只有被无视的份。 Quiet within, the ghosts and demons shadow, is situated in the azure clothes middle age together behind, opens the mouth to break this place the tranquility: Just that was big fiendish person Lu Chen that Azure Territory was widely known.” 悄无声息间,一道鬼魅般的影子,立于青衣中年的身后,开口打破此地的平静:“刚刚那位,就是青域盛传的大魔王陆尘。” The azure clothes middle age smiles, sighs with emotion: Yes, a talent unparalleled rare talent, is a lawless character, because of him, but above Sage Boundary of death has.” 青衣中年笑了笑,感慨道:“是啊,一位天赋无双的奇才,也是一位无法无天的人物,因为他而死的圣境之上都有很多啊。” Sovereign silent long time, opened the mouth and said: Now I stood with the flying snow dynasty in the united front, hopes you said right, blood flame dynasty because of the arrival of this youth, but destruction.” 身后皇者沉默了半晌,开口道:“如今我与飞雪皇朝站在了统一战线,希望你说的没错,血炎皇朝会因为这个青年的到来而覆灭。”
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