, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Onegroup of honored guests who OuyangYuchangentertains, Lu Chenalmostknew.
欧阳玉嫦招待的一群贵客,陆尘差不多都认识。For example the firstgreetinggreenclothesyouth, Lu Chencalledhim the greenwool.
比如第一个打招呼的绿衣青年,陆尘叫他绿毛。ThisgreenclothesyouthenteredfourSaintmystical placesinitially, the opposite partyalsooncereceived a fist of Wu Zhan, is the Holy Sonlevelcharacter.
这绿衣青年当初进入了四圣秘境,对方还曾接下巫战的一拳,属于圣子级人物。However after eradicating the firstgraypalace, the opposite partyfully realized that the fearfulness of graypalace, dingydeparture, cannot thinktodayruns into the opposite partyinOuyangfamily.
不过破除第一座灰色宫殿后,对方深知灰色宫殿的可怕,灰溜溜的离开,想不到今日在欧阳家族遇到对方。As forsecondgreeting, Lu Chenhitstoward the deepwar casualty, the opposite partyis an upper boundarydayHeavenly Venerablelater generation, the world of mortalsmakes a special tripinformed and experienced, as well asseeks for the godhotchance.
至于第二个招呼,陆尘朝冥殇打的,对方是上界天一位天尊的后人,下界专程来历练,以及寻找神火机缘。When the Demon Dragondeep poolbottom, Lu Chenanddies youngdeeplyseveralsmallconfrontation, after having the Demon Dragondeep pool, does not haveto meet.
在魔龙渊地底的时候,陆尘与冥殇有几次小交锋,出了魔龙渊之后,就没有在相见。Howeverandpurpleis permanenttwo peopleas for the season, was familiar, does not needto relate in detail.
至于季然和紫恒两人,就更加的熟悉了,不用细说。TangQianrain, thishas the honoredstatusyoung ladyin the Yellow Springspalacedoubtful , has not seenfor several years, cannot think that todaywill meetinOuyangfamily/home.
还有唐芊雨,这位在黄泉殿疑似有着尊贵身份的大小姐,也是数年没见,想不到今日会在欧阳家相遇。Byseveralpeople of Lu Chenroll-call, was very been basically familiarwithLu Chen, naturally, the personexception, thatisgreenclothesyouthHanheaven, Hanheavenlookverystrangesizing upLu Chen, after little, is startledwell the uncertainquestion: „Dao Brotherknowsme.”
被陆尘点名的几人,基本上对陆尘都很熟悉,当然,有一个人例外,那就是绿衣青年韩天,韩天眼神很奇怪的打量陆尘,少许后,才惊咦不定疑问:“道兄认识我。”BecauseinfourSaintmystical places, whatLu Chenusesis the swordthird sonfalsebody, thereforeto the Handay, Lu Chenthisextremelystrangeface, does not have the slight happening togetherimpression.
因为在四圣秘境里面,陆尘用的是剑三公子假身,所以对韩天来说,陆尘这张极其陌生的面孔,没有丝毫的交集印象。Otherwisehas met, heshouldhave the impression.
不然见过一面,他应该会有印象的。Lu Chencast asideopposite partyoneeyes, saying of smiling: „Youguess.”陆尘撇了对方一眼,笑眯眯的说道:“你猜。”Handay: „...... ”
The deepwar casualtywears the blackwindproof coat, the swordstareyebrow, the bodyreveals the naturalelegantbearing, hestood, archedcupping one hand in the other across the chesttowardLu Chen: „Dao Brother, met.”
The impression of deepwar casualtytoLu Chenis very profound, becausehefelt a threaton the body of thisperson.
冥殇对陆尘的印象很深刻,因为他在此人的身上感受到了一丝威胁。For these years the time, hecross-domainhas been challengingHeaven's Chosen, has not defeated, the strengthincreased.
这几年时间,他一直在跨域挑战天骄,未曾一败,实力大增。In a flashseveralyearspass by, meetwithLu Chenagain, butin the heartthatthreataurais getting more and more intense.
The deepwar casualtyevensuspected that Lu Chenobtained the godfirein the Demon Dragondeep pool.
The attitude of deepwar casualty, makingProfound Territoryonecrowd of Heaven's Chosenlookshave the difference, theyknow the black clothesyouthdeepwar casualty the status, isninedays of onedarkdays a descendant of great person, onceinProfound Territoryafter a period of time, Profound Territoryupper-levelHeaven's Chosenallcompletelylost to hishandactively, no oneishisopponent.
冥殇的态度,让玄域的一群天骄眼神有异样,他们知晓黑衣青年冥殇的身份,乃是九天之一黑暗天一位大人物的后代,曾在玄域活跃过一段时间,玄域上层天骄悉数尽败于他的手中,无人是他对手。Even ifhasillustriousprestigesay/waysectsuccessorLiDaozi, as well assouthern Lebanonblack ink of southLiaristocratic family, is nothisopponent.
The deepwar casualtyoncesaid that challenges the Profound Territoryfirstperson of Meiclouds, becausewhat a pityMeicloudsclosed upstaggered the challenge.
冥殇曾放话挑战玄域第一人梅霄,可惜梅霄因为闭关错开了挑战。Afterward, the deepwar casualtywent toImperial Daughter Territory, Central Province Territorywait/etc.were informed and experienced, had the astonishingscoreto pass toProfound Territoryfaintly.
后来,冥殇前往了帝女域,中州域等历练,隐隐有惊人的战绩传到玄域。It can be said that thisisfromninedays of youngsterHighest Venerable, has not defeated.
可以说,这是一位来自九天的少年至尊,未曾一败。Thistimemakes a special trip toProfound Territory, except fortreadingten thousandheavypeakswants, inPrimordial Spirit Boundarythisdomaingoes out ofbeyond the limit, but must more regret in bushing, that be Meicloudsdecisive battle.
这次专程来到玄域,除了踏万重峰想要在元神境这个领域走出极限之外,还要弥补心中的遗憾,那就是和梅霄决战。Until now, the deepwar casualtyseemsveryarrogant, is seemingly amiable, butgivespeopleactuallykeeping aloofaloofmakings.
一直以来,冥殇都显得很孤傲,看似平易近人,但实则给人一种高高在上的超然气质。Has not spokenwiththemon own initiative, looks cold and indifferentregardingtheirspeeches.
不曾主动与他们说话,对于他们的说话也爱答不理。Now, is very politetothisstrangeyouth, theyare somewhat accidental, the strangeyouth who thishalfwaykillswhereissacred, makes the deepwar casualtyreplyunexpectedlyon own initiative.
如今,却对这位陌生青年很客气,他们有些意外,这半路杀进来的陌生青年到底是何方神圣,竟然让冥殇主动答话。Also, the opposite partyalmostknowstopHeaven's Chosenfromvariousterritories.
还有,对方几乎认识来自各域的顶尖天骄。For exampleMonster TerritoryTrue DragonclanCrown PrinceAostill, Demon TerritoryHoly DaughterJiangCaiyan, the dayterritory'sthirdtoapprenticeHanheaven of powerhouse, the Azure TerritoryseasonhoweverandpurplepermanenttwoHoly Son, the young lady who and Ten Territoriesfirstkillerorganized.
比如妖域的真龙族太子敖尚,魔域的圣女姜彩妍,天域第三至强者的徒弟韩天,青域的季然和紫恒两位圣子,以及十域第一杀手组织的大小姐。Thismaking friendsrange, was too broad.
这交友范围,也太广了吧。But some instigatormaidservant who Lu Chenbrings, because after Lu Chencomes, hidesafter the gatewatchesinside the matter of secretly, all that hasmakeherbrainwork as the machine, is motionlesslike the woodcarving.
而某个把陆尘带来的始作俑者侍女,因为陆尘进来之后,就躲在门后偷偷观看里面发生的事情,不过发生的一切让她大脑当机,如同木雕般一动不动。Lu Chenlooksto the deepwar casualty, languidsaying: „Severalyearsdo not see, youarethat the showpackage.”陆尘看向冥殇,懒洋洋的说道:“几年不见,你还是那么骚包。”Such remarks, the peoplecorners of the mouthtwitch.
此话一出,众人嘴角抽搐。Thisadjective is really ‚distinctive’, did not feardeepwar casualtyvitality/angry that directs.
The corners of the mouth of deepwar casualtyalsopulled outpulling out, butis quick, the deepwar casualtycomplexiongraduallyenforces, said: „Since Profound Territorychance encounterDao Brother, waited forten thousandheavypeakthingsin the past, howwefoughtone, the pointtill.”
The deepwar casualtyworld of mortals, isexpeditionterritorymost outstandingHeaven's Chosen, Lu Chenhas the qualificationsto makehiminitiate the challenge.
冥殇下界,乃征战个域最杰出的天骄,陆尘有资格让他发起挑战。Moreoverhemustreturnimmediately for ninedays, the preparationandLu Chenstep onto, has a look at the strength of opposite party.
The peopleanticipatelookstoLu Chen, wantsto comply, thenappreciates a fight of topHeaven's Chosen.
众人期待的看向陆尘,希望答应下来,然后欣赏一场顶尖天骄的战斗。Lu Chenshakes the headslowly.
没想到,陆尘缓缓摇了摇头。Thisattitude, around the commandperson of puzzled, thispersonhas not graspeddefeats the deepwar casualty, the fearloses face, thereforedoes not dareto accept.
这个态度,令周围人不解,难道此人没有把握战胜冥殇,害怕丢脸,所以不敢应承下来。Even if the deepwar casualtystillknits the brows, latersays: „The Dao Brotherstrengthis very strong, Inot necessarilycanexceedyou, whydoes not accept a challenge.”
就算是冥殇也皱了皱眉,随后开口说道:“道兄实力很强,我不见得能够胜过你,为何不应战。”Deepwar casualtyword, putsveryhigh the Lu Chenposition, but also is the truth, hehas not truly graspedexceedsLu Chen.
冥殇此言,把陆尘的地位放得很高,不过也是实话,他确实没有把握胜过陆尘。Lu Chencarelesssaying: „Has no interest.”陆尘漫不经心的说道:“没兴趣。”paused, supplementsone: „Ourtwocompetition, surroundingonegroup of viewers, youdid not think that thissceneis a bit like surroundedto look at the monkeyto play the acrobatics.”顿了顿,补充一句:“我们两个比试,周围一群看客,难道你不觉得这个场面有点像被人围观看猴耍杂技吗。”Deepwar casualty: „.....”
冥殇:“....。”Surroundingperson: „.....”
周围人:“.....。”„Snort, feared that loses facespeaks frankly”side, JiangCaibeautifulmystifyingcameone.
The Saintdemonteachesto be found inseveralterritories, JiangCaiyanonly theneatsin the hand of Lu Chenhas owedgreatly, particularlyinitiallycooperatedto embezzle the scarletDragon CityCity Lordimmortalto be drunkinscarletDragon CityandLu Chen, finallyLu Chencameto eatblackblack, took away the completeimmortalto be drunkdirectly.
圣魔教遍布几域,姜彩妍就只有在陆尘的手中吃过巨亏,尤其是当初在赤龙城与陆尘合作贪污赤龙城城主的仙人醉,结果陆尘来了个黑吃黑,直接带走全部仙人醉。Considers, robs the troops who the immortalis drunkis the person who the Saintdemonteaches, althoughgoes well, but the lossis also serious, was eatenblackblackalsoeven, but must withstand the anger of scarletDragon City.
试想一下,抢夺仙人醉的人马是圣魔教的人,虽然得手,但也损失惨重,被黑吃黑也就算了,还要承受赤龙城的怒火。But the immortalis drunk, was all taken awaybyLu Chen.
而仙人醉呢,全部被陆尘拿走了。Taking a look, thisis the matter that the persondoes.
瞧瞧,这是人干的事。ThereforeJiangCaiyancatches the opportunityonsatireLu Chen, does not let upanyopportunity.
所以姜彩妍逮到机会就讽刺陆尘,不放过任何一次机会。Lu Chenis then staring atJiangCaiyan, narrowed the eye, has saying that thislittle girlis a thornhead, likesopposingwithoneselfvery much.陆尘回头盯着姜彩妍,眯了眯眼睛,不得不说,这妞是一个刺头,很喜欢和自己作对。JiangCaiyaneyes to Lu Chen, whydoes not know, in the heartis afraidsuddenly.
姜彩妍对上陆尘的眼睛,不知道为何,心中突然不寒而栗。In the meantime, Lu Chenopened the mouth, saidgloomily: „Does young girl, you are playing with fire, whichdaybelievemyto find timeDemon Territoryto teachto extinguish the Saintdemon, catchesmysideto be the maidservantyou.”
The Lu Chenwords, incomparablearroganceobviously, the opens the mouthmustextinguish others school, causesProfound Territoryonecrowdnot to know the Lu ChenbackgroundHeaven's Choseneye of revealunusual look.陆尘的话语,显的无比的狂妄,张口就要灭人家一个门派,引得玄域一群不知道陆尘背景的天骄目露异色。
The Saintdemonteaches, dominates the Demon Territorytopinfluence, how couldto sayextinguishesextinguishes.
圣魔教,雄霸魔域的顶尖势力,岂能说灭就灭。Evenwithfor the topinfluences of otherterritories, cannotsay the topinfluence of cross-domaindestructionlocation.
就算同为其他域的顶尖势力,也不能说跨域覆灭所在地的顶尖势力吧。JiangCaiwantsto ridiculeLu Chenseveralbeautifully, butthinks of a newssuddenly, startlesspirithitoneto tremble.
The news that shethinks is whiteZeleadsmanytigerclanpowerhouses the news that goes toAzure Territoryto be rolledto extinguish.
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