MMISF :: Volume #5

#471: Believed me to teach to extinguish the Saint demon

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! One group of honored guests who Ouyang Yuchang entertains, Lu Chen almost knew. 欧阳玉嫦招待的一群贵客,陆尘差不多都认识。 For example the first greeting green clothes youth, Lu Chen called him the green wool. 比如第一个打招呼的绿衣青年,陆尘叫他绿毛。 This green clothes youth entered four Saint mystical places initially, the opposite party also once received a fist of Wu Zhan, is the Holy Son level character. 这绿衣青年当初进入了四圣秘境,对方还曾接下巫战的一拳,属于圣子级人物。 However after eradicating the first gray palace, the opposite party fully realized that the fearfulness of gray palace, dingy departure, cannot think today runs into the opposite party in Ouyang family. 不过破除第一座灰色宫殿后,对方深知灰色宫殿的可怕,灰溜溜的离开,想不到今日在欧阳家族遇到对方。 As for second greeting, Lu Chen hits toward the deep war casualty, the opposite party is an upper boundary day Heavenly Venerable later generation, the world of mortals makes a special trip informed and experienced, as well as seeks for the god hot chance. 至于第二个招呼,陆尘朝冥殇打的,对方是上界天一位天尊的后人,下界专程来历练,以及寻找神火机缘。 When the Demon Dragon deep pool bottom, Lu Chen and dies young deeply several small confrontation, after having the Demon Dragon deep pool, does not have to meet. 魔龙渊地底的时候,陆尘与冥殇有几次小交锋,出了魔龙渊之后,就没有在相见。 However and purple is permanent two people as for the season, was familiar, does not need to relate in detail. 至于季然和紫恒两人,就更加的熟悉了,不用细说。 Tang Qian rain, this has the honored status young lady in the Yellow Springs palace doubtful , has not seen for several years, cannot think that today will meet in Ouyang family/home. 还有唐芊雨,这位在黄泉殿疑似有着尊贵身份的大小姐,也是数年没见,想不到今日会在欧阳家相遇。 By several people of Lu Chen roll-call, was very been basically familiar with Lu Chen, naturally, the person exception, that is green clothes youth Han heaven, Han heaven look very strange sizing up Lu Chen, after little, is startled well the uncertain question: Dao Brother knows me.” 陆尘点名的几人,基本上对陆尘都很熟悉,当然,有一个人例外,那就是绿衣青年韩天,韩天眼神很奇怪的打量陆尘,少许后,才惊咦不定疑问:“道兄认识我。” Because in four Saint mystical places, what Lu Chen uses is the sword third son false body, therefore to the Han day, Lu Chen this extremely strange face, does not have the slight happening together impression. 因为在四圣秘境里面,陆尘用的是剑三公子假身,所以对韩天来说,陆尘这张极其陌生的面孔,没有丝毫的交集印象。 Otherwise has met, he should have the impression. 不然见过一面,他应该会有印象的。 Lu Chen cast aside opposite party one eyes, saying of smiling: You guess.” 陆尘撇了对方一眼,笑眯眯的说道:“你猜。” Han day: „...... 韩天:“......。” The deep war casualty wears the black windproof coat, the sword star eyebrow, the body reveals the natural elegant bearing, he stood, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward Lu Chen: Dao Brother, met.” 冥殇身穿黑色风衣,剑目星眉,身上流露出潇洒飘逸的气度,他站了起来,朝陆尘拱了拱手:“道兄,又见面了。” The impression of deep war casualty to Lu Chen is very profound, because he felt a threat on the body of this person. 冥殇对陆尘的印象很深刻,因为他在此人的身上感受到了一丝威胁。 For these years the time, he cross-domain has been challenging Heaven's Chosen, has not defeated, the strength increased. 这几年时间,他一直在跨域挑战天骄,未曾一败,实力大增。 In a flash several years pass by, meet with Lu Chen again, but in the heart that threat aura is getting more and more intense. 一晃几年时间过去,与陆尘再次相见,但是心中那股威胁气息却越来越强烈。 The deep war casualty even suspected that Lu Chen obtained the god fire in the Demon Dragon deep pool. 冥殇甚至怀疑陆尘魔龙渊得到了神火。 The attitude of deep war casualty, making Profound Territory one crowd of Heaven's Chosen looks have the difference, they know the black clothes youth deep war casualty the status, is nine days of one dark days a descendant of great person, once in Profound Territory after a period of time, Profound Territory upper-level Heaven's Chosen all completely lost to his hand actively, no one is his opponent. 冥殇的态度,让玄域的一群天骄眼神有异样,他们知晓黑衣青年冥殇的身份,乃是九天之一黑暗天一位大人物的后代,曾在玄域活跃过一段时间,玄域上层天骄悉数尽败于他的手中,无人是他对手。 Even if has illustrious prestige say/way sect successor Li Daozi, as well as southern Lebanon black ink of south Li aristocratic family, is not his opponent. 就算有着赫赫威名的道宗传人李道子,以及南黎世家的黎南墨,也不是他的对手。 The deep war casualty once said that challenges the Profound Territory first person of Mei clouds, because what a pity Mei clouds closed up staggered the challenge. 冥殇曾放话挑战玄域第一人梅霄,可惜梅霄因为闭关错开了挑战。 Afterward, the deep war casualty went to Imperial Daughter Territory, Central Province Territory wait/etc. were informed and experienced, had the astonishing score to pass to Profound Territory faintly. 后来,冥殇前往了帝女域,中州域等历练,隐隐有惊人的战绩传到玄域 It can be said that this is from nine days of youngster Highest Venerable, has not defeated. 可以说,这是一位来自九天的少年至尊,未曾一败。 This time makes a special trip to Profound Territory, except for treading ten thousand heavy peaks wants, in Primordial Spirit Boundary this domain goes out of beyond the limit, but must more regret in bushing, that be Mei clouds decisive battle. 这次专程来到玄域,除了踏万重峰想要在元神境这个领域走出极限之外,还要弥补心中的遗憾,那就是和梅霄决战。 Until now, the deep war casualty seems very arrogant, is seemingly amiable, but gives people actually keeping aloof aloof makings. 一直以来,冥殇都显得很孤傲,看似平易近人,但实则给人一种高高在上的超然气质。 Has not spoken with them on own initiative, looks cold and indifferent regarding their speeches. 不曾主动与他们说话,对于他们的说话也爱答不理。 Now, is very polite to this strange youth, they are somewhat accidental, the strange youth who this halfway kills where is sacred, makes the deep war casualty reply unexpectedly on own initiative. 如今,却对这位陌生青年很客气,他们有些意外,这半路杀进来的陌生青年到底是何方神圣,竟然让冥殇主动答话。 Also, the opposite party almost knows top Heaven's Chosen from various territories. 还有,对方几乎认识来自各域的顶尖天骄 For example Monster Territory True Dragon clan Crown Prince Ao still, Demon Territory Holy Daughter Jiang Caiyan, the day territory's third to apprentice Han heaven of powerhouse, the Azure Territory season however and purple permanent two Holy Son, the young lady who and Ten Territories first killer organized. 比如妖域真龙太子敖尚,魔域圣女姜彩妍,天域第三至强者的徒弟韩天,青域的季然和紫恒两位圣子,以及十域第一杀手组织的大小姐。 This making friends range, was too broad. 这交友范围,也太广了吧。 But some instigator maidservant who Lu Chen brings, because after Lu Chen comes, hides after the gate watches inside the matter of secretly, all that has make her brain work as the machine, is motionless like the woodcarving. 而某个把陆尘带来的始作俑者侍女,因为陆尘进来之后,就躲在门后偷偷观看里面发生的事情,不过发生的一切让她大脑当机,如同木雕般一动不动。 Lu Chen looks to the deep war casualty, languid saying: Several years do not see, you are that the show package.” 陆尘看向冥殇,懒洋洋的说道:“几年不见,你还是那么骚包。” Such remarks, the people corners of the mouth twitch. 此话一出,众人嘴角抽搐。 This adjective is really distinctive, did not fear deep war casualty vitality/angry that directs. 这位的形容词真是‘别具一格’,也不怕引的冥殇生气。 The corners of the mouth of deep war casualty also pulled out pulling out, but is quick, the deep war casualty complexion gradually enforces, said: „Since Profound Territory chance encounter Dao Brother, waited for ten thousand heavy peak things in the past, how we fought one, the point till.” 就连冥殇的嘴角也抽了抽,不过很快,冥殇脸色逐渐严肃,道:“既然在玄域巧遇道兄,等万重峰事情过去,我们战斗一场如何,点到为止。” The deep war casualty world of mortals, is expedition territory most outstanding Heaven's Chosen, Lu Chen has the qualifications to make him initiate the challenge. 冥殇下界,乃征战个域最杰出的天骄,陆尘有资格让他发起挑战。 Moreover he must return immediately for nine days, the preparation and Lu Chen step onto, has a look at the strength of opposite party. 而且他马上要回九天了,准备和陆尘走上一场,看看对方的实力。 The people anticipate looks to Lu Chen, wants to comply, then appreciates a fight of top Heaven's Chosen. 众人期待的看向陆尘,希望答应下来,然后欣赏一场顶尖天骄的战斗。 Lu Chen shakes the head slowly. 没想到,陆尘缓缓摇了摇头。 This attitude, around the command person of puzzled, this person has not grasped defeats the deep war casualty, the fear loses face, therefore does not dare to accept. 这个态度,令周围人不解,难道此人没有把握战胜冥殇,害怕丢脸,所以不敢应承下来。 Even if the deep war casualty still knits the brows, later says: „The Dao Brother strength is very strong, I not necessarily can exceed you, why does not accept a challenge.” 就算是冥殇也皱了皱眉,随后开口说道:“道兄实力很强,我不见得能够胜过你,为何不应战。” Deep war casualty word, puts very high the Lu Chen position, but also is the truth, he has not truly grasped exceeds Lu Chen. 冥殇此言,把陆尘的地位放得很高,不过也是实话,他确实没有把握胜过陆尘 Lu Chen careless saying: Has no interest.” 陆尘漫不经心的说道:“没兴趣。” paused, supplements one: Our two competition, surrounding one group of viewers, you did not think that this scene is a bit like surrounded to look at the monkey to play the acrobatics.” 顿了顿,补充一句:“我们两个比试,周围一群看客,难道你不觉得这个场面有点像被人围观看猴耍杂技吗。” Deep war casualty: .....” 冥殇:“....。” Surrounding person: ..... 周围人:“.....。” Snort, feared that loses face speaks frankly side, Jiang Cai beautiful mystifying came one. “哼,怕丢脸就直说”旁边,姜彩妍阴阳怪气的来了一句。 The Saint demon teaches to be found in several territories, Jiang Caiyan only then eats in the hand of Lu Chen has owed greatly, particularly initially cooperated to embezzle the scarlet Dragon City City Lord immortal to be drunk in scarlet Dragon City and Lu Chen, finally Lu Chen came to eat black black, took away the complete immortal to be drunk directly. 圣魔教遍布几域,姜彩妍就只有在陆尘的手中吃过巨亏,尤其是当初在赤龙城与陆尘合作贪污赤龙城城主的仙人醉,结果陆尘来了个黑吃黑,直接带走全部仙人醉。 Considers, robs the troops who the immortal is drunk is the person who the Saint demon teaches, although goes well, but the loss is also serious, was eaten black black also even, but must withstand the anger of scarlet Dragon City. 试想一下,抢夺仙人醉的人马是圣魔教的人,虽然得手,但也损失惨重,被黑吃黑也就算了,还要承受赤龙城的怒火。 But the immortal is drunk, was all taken away by Lu Chen. 而仙人醉呢,全部被陆尘拿走了。 Taking a look, this is the matter that the person does. 瞧瞧,这是人干的事。 Therefore Jiang Caiyan catches the opportunity on satire Lu Chen, does not let up any opportunity. 所以姜彩妍逮到机会就讽刺陆尘,不放过任何一次机会。 Lu Chen is then staring at Jiang Caiyan, narrowed the eye, has saying that this little girl is a thorn head, likes opposing with oneself very much. 陆尘回头盯着姜彩妍,眯了眯眼睛,不得不说,这妞是一个刺头,很喜欢和自己作对。 Jiang Caiyan eyes to Lu Chen, why does not know, in the heart is afraid suddenly. 姜彩妍对上陆尘的眼睛,不知道为何,心中突然不寒而栗。 In the meantime, Lu Chen opened the mouth, said gloomily: „Does young girl, you are playing with fire, which day believe my to find time Demon Territory to teach to extinguish the Saint demon, catches my side to be the maidservant you.” 就在此时,陆尘开口了,阴森森的说:“小妞,你这是在玩火,信不信我哪天抽空去魔域把圣魔教灭了,把你抓来我身边当侍女。” The Lu Chen words, incomparable arrogance obviously, the opens the mouth must extinguish others school, causes Profound Territory one crowd not to know the Lu Chen background Heaven's Chosen eye of reveal unusual look. 陆尘的话语,显的无比的狂妄,张口就要灭人家一个门派,引得玄域一群不知道陆尘背景的天骄目露异色。 The Saint demon teaches, dominates the Demon Territory top influence, how could to say extinguishes extinguishes. 圣魔教,雄霸魔域的顶尖势力,岂能说灭就灭。 Even with for the top influences of other territories, cannot say the top influence of cross-domain destruction location. 就算同为其他域的顶尖势力,也不能说跨域覆灭所在地的顶尖势力吧。 Jiang Cai wants to ridicule Lu Chen several beautifully, but thinks of a news suddenly, startles spirit hit one to tremble. 姜彩妍本想讥笑陆尘几句,但是忽然想到一则消息,激灵灵的打了一个寒颤。 The news that she thinks is white Ze leads many tiger clan powerhouses the news that goes to Azure Territory to be rolled to extinguish. 她想到的消息就是白泽率领诸多虎族强者去青域被团灭的消息。
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