, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!City LordlookstoLu Chen, seesthisperson of samePrimordial Spirit Boundarycultivation base, unexpectedlycancatchwhiteexquisite, the strengthis not ordinary.城主看向陆尘,见此人同样元神境修为,居然能抓到白玲珑,战力不一般啊。Sized upLu Chenlittle, City Lordsmileopens the mouth: „youngster, many thanksyouheldwhitefor the bloodflamedynastyexquisite, the sovereignlord, ifknew,will definitely thankyou.”
打量了陆尘少许,城主微笑开口:“年轻人,多谢你为血炎皇朝抓住了白玲珑,皇主如果得知,肯定会非常感谢你。”„This, youfirstleave, whenmycorrespondencesovereignlordone, canrecommendyouto go toimperial palaceassignment”City Lordsoto say.
“这样吧,你先离开,等我书信皇主一封,可以推荐你去皇宫任职”城主这般说道。Lu Chenwith displeasuresaying: „Iwantsage itemto take the reward, how, the monetary reward that youpasteisto deceive people.”陆尘语气不悦的说道:“我要圣器作为报酬,怎么,难道你们贴出来的赏金是骗人的。”
The City Lordsmilesaid: „youngster, youalsoknow that sage itemprecious, howIpossiblyhave, moreoveryourstrengthis too weak, the sage itembelt/bringon the body, is very easyto causeothers'greedy, draws on the disaster, Irecommendedyouto go to the bloodflamedynastyto work, in the future the achievementwill be limitless.”城主微笑道:“年轻人,你也知道圣器的珍贵性,我怎么可能有,而且你实力太弱,把圣器带在身上,很容易引起别人的贪婪,招来祸事,我推荐你去血炎皇朝做事,将来成就不可限量。”
The Lu Chencomplexioninstantaneousis cold, visionice-coldlooks atfrontmiddle-aged man, coldsound said: „It seems like, youdid not planto givemesage item.”陆尘脸色瞬间冷冽下来,目光冰冷的看着面前中年男子,寒声道:“看来,你是不打算给我圣器了。”whiteLinglongtauntedlooks atLu Chen, shehad previously warned the opposite party, the person of bloodflamedynasty, majorityfailed to keep one's word, leadingherto receive the monetary reward, was no differentseeks an impossibility.
白玲珑嘲讽的看着陆尘,她先前就告诫过对方,血炎皇朝的人,大部分都言而无信,带着她来领取赏金,无异于与虎谋皮。City Lordheard the Lu Chenwords, the browwrinkled the wrinkle, on the facehiddensomewhatdisgruntled: „youngster, I am doing this for you, youshouldfeel grateful.”城主听到陆尘的话,眉头皱了皱,脸上隐有几分不悦:“年轻人,我这是为你好,你应该感激。”„Ishouldfeel grateful”
“我应该感激”Lu Chenrepeatsin a soft voice, as ifstayed in same place.陆尘轻声重复一遍,似乎呆在了原地。„Bloodflamedynastywasseconddaresnot to defenddynasty of commitmentLu Chento talk to oneselfin a soft voicetome”.
“血炎皇朝是第二个敢对我不守承诺的皇朝”陆尘轻声自语起来。City Lordis still with smile on the face, butlooked that hasseveralpointsto disdainto the Lu Chenlook, a Primordial Spirit Boundaryyouth, canturnwhatspray.城主依旧面带微笑,但是看向陆尘的眼神带着几分不屑,一个元神境青年,能翻起什么浪花。Added that the bloodflamedynastywasseconddoes not defend the dynasty of commitmenttohim, firstwas extinguished.
还说血炎皇朝是第二个对他不守承诺的皇朝,难道第一个被灭了吗。It is estimated thateven ifwere extinguished, is still small and weak.
The bloodflamedynastywas different, dominates the Profound Territoryseveral tens of thousands ofyears, the powerhousewas floating about like clouds, even a Sage Boundarythird layertimepowerhousehas, has fearedanyone.
血炎皇朝不同,雄霸玄域数万年,强者如云,连圣境第三层次的强者都有,怕过谁。So long as the opposite partydoes not come from the topoverlordstrength, bloodflamedynastyfearlessanybody.
只要对方不是来自顶尖霸主实力,血炎皇朝无惧任何人。NearbyCity Lordmansionguard, is a satirelook of face, to be honest, the youthsomewhatdoes not know good from badat present.
旁边城主府的守卫,也是一脸的讽刺神色,说实话,眼前青年有些不知好歹。Lu Chenraised the head, looksto the lookincomparablefaintness of City Lord, ice-coldasked: „Bloodflamesovereignsits in Daoist meditationdoes not prepareto observe the commitment.”陆尘重新抬起头,看向城主的眼神无比的淡漠,冰冷问道:“血炎皇朝真的不准备信守承诺。”City LordseesPrimordial Spirit Boundaryto dareto threatenoneself, the lookhidden in the shadegets down, said: „youngster, mustnot know the immensity of heaven and earthnot, the tactfulwords, hurryto leavehere, readsendswhiteinyouexquisite, Icantreat asnothing happened.”城主见一个元神境竟敢威胁自己,眼神阴翳下来,道:“年轻人,莫要不知天高地厚,识趣的话,就赶紧离开这里,念在你送来白玲珑,我可以当做什么都没有发生。”„Knowing the immensity of heaven and earth”Lu Chenlookincomparableice-cold, said: „Is you do not know the immensity of heaven and earth.”
“不知天高地厚”陆尘眼神无比的冰冷,道:“是你们不知天高地厚。”„Does not know good from bad”
“不知好歹”City Lordgot angry, in the lookflashes throughtogetherindifferentkilling intent, erupts a King Boundarypressure, forms the powerfulfluctuationto proliferate, wantsto oppressLu Chento kneelby the pressureon the ground.城主怒了,眼神中闪过一道冷漠的杀意,爆发出一股王境威压,形成强大的波动扩散出来,想要以威压压迫陆尘跪在地上。City LordseesPrimordial Spirit Boundarymartial artist, one after anotherprovokesinhim, has not paid attention tohisKinginadequately.城主见一个元神境武者,接二连三挑衅于他,没把他一个王者放在眼里不成。Side, the whiteexquisitepupiltaunted, nowwas good, the opposite partynot onlydoes not havesage itemto reward, insteadmade contact withoneself.
旁边,白玲珑的眸子更加嘲讽了,现在好了,对方不仅没有圣器奖励,反而搭上了自己。Thisis the opposite partydoes not listen tooneselfto advise, acts willfully, asks for trouble.
Of bang!
The Lu Chenreassignmentwithin the bodystrength, within the bodyspirit strengthtumbles, wantsto roar.陆尘调动体内力量,体内灵力翻滚,欲咆哮而出。Withoutotherwords, a fistbangtoCity Lord.
The City Lordcorners of the mouthbring backwipe the ridicule, thisyouthreallydoes not know that a day of heightis thick, daringactive offensehe.城主嘴角勾起一抹嘲弄,这个青年真的是不知天高低厚,竟敢主动攻击他。„Kneels down”
“跪下”OnCity Lord, fearfulKing Boundarypressuresweeps across a continuously, simultaneouslyice-coldshouting.城主身上,一缕缕可怕的王境威压席卷而出,同时冰冷的喝道。
The surroundingspacewas been fullby the invisiblestrengthextrusion, regardingKing Boundaryfollowingmartial artist, seemed imprisoned, everyonefeels the depressingdiscomfort.
周围的空间被无形的力量挤压满,对于王境以下的武者来说,仿佛被禁锢了般,所有人都感觉压抑的难受。However, Lu Chendoes not haveto think, his fisthardly the belt/bringstops, suddenlyrumbleson the body of City Lord.
然而,陆尘却毫无所觉,他的一拳几乎不带停止的,眨眼间轰在城主的身上。Onlyhearsone, as if the skeletonshattersoundresounds.
只听见一声喀嚓,仿佛骨骼破碎的声音响起。City Lordwas flownby the Lu Chensuddenbang, the powerfulstrengthmade the bone of hischestbreaktwo.城主被陆尘突然轰飞,强大的力量让他胸口的骨头都断裂了两根。ThisCity Lordthinkssends out the King Boundarypressure, allKing Boundaryfollowingpeoplecanbe suppressed, what a pity, helooked down onLu Chen, looked atoneselfhigh, was striked to flyby a Lu Chenfist.
这名城主自以为散发王境威压,所有王境以下的人都能被压制,可惜,他小瞧了陆尘,高看了自己,被陆尘一拳打飞。Lu Chenthisfist, not onlythere is the strength of puremortal body, but alsousedspirit strength, bothmixin the same place, the mightbeyond comparison, evenKing Boundarypeakfollowingmartial artistis similarfull power, possibly must be wasted.陆尘这一拳,不仅有纯肉身之力,还动用了灵力,两者糅合在一起,威力无以伦比,就算是一个王境巅峰以下的武者全力仿佛,可能也要被打飞。ThiscityCity LordKing Boundarymiddle stage, anddoes not have anydefense, directlyby a Lu Chenfistbangbrokenbone.
The body of City Lordflies, hitto collapse a building.城主的身体飞出去,撞塌了一座建筑物。
The surroundingguardseesthis scene, performsallstaresdull.
周围护卫看到这一幕,尽皆呆愣。Whiteexquisitealsostares the greatlybeautifulpupil, feelingverynervousdeserted/few.
白玲珑同样瞪大美眸,感觉很慌廖。King Boundary, unexpectedlybyPrimordial Spirit Boundarystriking to fly.
The distant place, heardoneto angrily roar, sees onlyCity Lordto flywith hair dishevelled, was imageless.
The body of City Lordsends outdreadfulkilling intent, the extreme speedflies, finds outbig hand, the infinitestrengthgathering, changes to a big handto cover, wantsto write offLu Chen.城主的身上散发出滔天的杀意,极速飞过来,探出一只大手,无穷力量汇聚,化作一只大手覆盖过来,想要抹杀陆尘。Lu Chenhappydoes not fear, simultaneouslytakes a stepforward, the palmsending outray, erupts the powerfulstrength, moves forward to meet somebody.陆尘怡然不惧,同时向前迈步,手掌散发光芒,爆发强大的力量,迎了上去。Bang!
砰!Bothpalmbumps into, in the airresounds the startling thunderclap.
两者手掌相撞,空中响起惊雷。City Lordstuffysnort/hum, in the airbacking upseveralsteps.城主闷哼一声,空中倒退数步。this time, looked that was full of the shockto the Lu Chenlook.这一次,看向陆尘的眼神充满了震惊。Previously the youthhit his fist, rumbledto flyhim, cansay that hehas not guarded.
先前青年打了他一拳,把他轰飞,可以说他没有防备。Butthis time, is completely bothfront impact, but, oneselfdoes not beat the opposite partyas before, retrocedesseveralsteps.
可是这一次,完全是两者正面碰撞,但是,自己依旧不敌对方,后退数步。Reviewsthisyouth, stands in same placemotionless, the bodyis tall and straight, likegods, the lookbringsdespising.
反观这个青年,站在原地一动不动,身体挺拔,如同一尊神明,眼神带着蔑视。Lu Chenshouldersboth hands, saidindifferently: „To be honest, your Kingverytrash, compared with before metwoKing that executesalsowantstrashseveralpoints.”陆尘背负双手,淡然道:“说实话,你这个王者很垃圾,比我以前格杀的两个王者还要垃圾几分。”Thiswords, incomparablegrating , makes one shock.
此话,无比的刺耳,也让人震撼。City Lord, including the surroundingguard, as well aswhiteexquisitestares the bigeyecompletely, has the thickshock.城主,包括周围的护卫,以及白玲珑全部瞪大眼睛,带着浓浓的震惊。At present the youthcanincessantlywith the King Boundarybattle, but alsohas executedtwo.
眼前青年不止能和王境交战,还格杀过两尊。Theyfeelfantasy story.
他们感觉天方夜谭。In the upper air, the City Lordcomplexionis dignified, he and opposite partycollide a palm, clearlyknows that the strength of opposite party, hasto execute the Kingstrengthabsolutely.
高空中,城主脸色凝重,他与对方碰撞一掌,非常清楚的知道对方的实力,绝对有着格杀王者的力量。Whydoes not know, hesomewhatregretsnow.
不知道为何,他现在有些后悔了。However, the surfaceactuallycannotrevealtimidintent, the stern voice and appearancesaid: „Youdetermined that mustopposewith the bloodflamedynasty.”
不过,表面却不能露出怯意,声色俱厉道:“你确定要和血炎皇朝作对。”City Lordwantedto deter the youthat the bloodflamedynasty.城主想要以血炎皇朝震慑青年。Lu Chenhearsthissaying, shakes the head, said: „Was notIoffends the bloodflamedynasty, butwasyouoffendsme.”陆尘听到这话,摇了摇头,道:“不是我得罪血炎皇朝,而是你们得罪我。”Offends a word.
得罪一词。Generallyrefers to a weaksideoffending the domineeringside, obviously, oneselfstandsin the domineeringsidevery much, thereforewas the bloodflamedynastyoffendedhim.
一般指的是弱势一方得罪强势一方,很显然,自己站在强势一方,所以是血炎皇朝得罪了他。Lu Chenis staring atCity Lord, the surroundingsswordpotentialgathers, making the wind and cloudchange color.陆尘盯着城主,周围剑势聚起,让风云变色。
The innumerableswordpotentialsgather, bloomstogetherswordintent, is sparkling the dazzlingbrilliance.
This swordintentincomparableradiance, is flowingtogether the fearfulcoldglow, an extremelydangerouschill in the aircovers the audience.
这一道剑意无比的璀璨,流动着可怕的寒芒,一股极度危险的寒意笼罩全场。Everyonecanfeelthisfearfulchill in the air.
所有人都能够感受到这股可怕的寒意。In the upper air, City LordfeelsfromPrimordial Spiritstartledpalpitates, reveals the color of fear, turns aroundto escape.
高空中,城主感受到来自元神的惊悸,露出恐惧之色,转身就逃。Swordintenttears to pieces the space, makes the sound of swordhowling, sweeping.
The speed of swordintentis faster than City Lord, the nextsecond, thentore into shreds the body of City Lordagain.
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