MMISF :: Volume #5

#454: Likes the male homosexuality?

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! After sword intent tears into shreds the City Lord body , Primordial Spirit departs from the forehead together. 剑意撕碎城主身体之后,紧接着,一道元神从眉心飞出。 Primordial Spirit and City Lord appearance is exactly the same, what is different, the facial features that Primordial Spirit transforms crawled completely the fear, did not have previous self-possessed. 元神城主的容貌一模一样,有所不同的是,元神幻化的面容爬满了恐惧,没有先前的泰然自若。 Regardless of how City Lord cannot think, oneself was so easily cut to kill unexpectedly. 城主无论如何也想不到,自己竟这般被轻易斩杀了。 Lu Chen shoulders both hands, stands there merely, gives people incomparably fearful depressing aura, simultaneously looked filled disdaining to the Primordial Spirit phantom look, faint say/way: Your ordinary King Boundary, what comes the energy to be perfunctory me, even also wants to kill me.” 陆尘背负双手,仅仅站在那里,就给人一股无比可怕的压抑气息,同时看向元神虚影的眼神充满了不屑,淡漠道:“你一个普通王境,何来底气敷衍我,甚至还想要杀我。” I was City Lord of blood flame dynasty, had the officer position in the body, killed my blood flame dynasty not to let off you City Lord to suppress the fear, the threat said. “我是血炎皇朝的城主,有官位在身,杀了我血炎皇朝不会放过你”城主强忍恐惧,威胁道。 Hopes with the aid of the deterrent force of blood flame dynasty, shocked Lu Chen. 希望借助血炎皇朝的威慑力,震慑陆尘 The color of Lu Chen taunt, felt wear a look of this person is somewhat impervious, is only left over together Primordial Spirit, died to quickly being imminent, but also thinks that the blood flame dynasty can make him dread? 陆尘面带嘲讽之色,感觉此人有些不可理喻,只剩下一道元神,都快死到临头了,还以为血炎皇朝能让他忌惮? If the blood flame sovereign sits in Daoist meditation to make him dread how under he dares the killer. 如果血炎皇朝真能让他忌惮,他如何敢下杀手。 Cuts “斩” Lu Chen opened the mouth and said, the surroundings gather the sword light, the sword light diffusion send out the sharp meaning together, divides into two City Lord Primordial Spirit directly, cuts to break to pieces. 陆尘开口道,周围汇聚一道剑光,剑光散发出锋锐之意,直接把城主元神一分为二,斩碎开来。 The surroundings such as die the general tranquility, dozens City Lord mansion guards on the scene, are all fearful and apprehensive, does not dare to start talking. 周围如死一般的宁静,在场数十个城主府护卫,无一不心惊胆颤,不敢开口说话。 Looked that was full of the fear to the Lu Chen vision, trembles, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. 看向陆尘的目光充满了恐惧,哆哆嗦嗦,大气也不敢喘。 King, rolled Lu Chen to cast aside a City Lord mansion deep place to me, felt vague aura, the careless opens the mouth said. “还有一位王者,给我滚出来”陆尘撇了一眼城主府深处,感受到一股若有若无的气息,漫不经心的开口说道。 Although the Lu Chen tone is light, but contains a dignity. 陆尘的语气虽然平淡,但是却蕴含一股威严。 Quick, King flew, the tense color of whole face. 很快,一名王者飞了出来,满脸的紧张之色。 He is second King of this city, vice- City Lord, previously saw City Lord to begin, originally thought City Lord can solve all these, who once thinks, City Lord in a flash by together sword light tearing body, but also was cut to extinguish Primordial Spirit. 他是此城的第二位王者,副城主,先前见到城主动手,本来以为城主能够解决这一切,谁曾想,城主转瞬间就被一道剑光撕裂身体,还被斩灭元神 King Boundary middle stage City Lord in the strength in this person of hand completely not having hit back, was cut to kill in this directly. 王境中期城主在此人手中完全没有还手的力量,直接被斩杀于此。 But his boundary weak in City Lord, naturally does not dare to come out, hides in secret. 而他境界弱于城主,自然不敢出来,躲在暗中。 In the vice- City Lord look was full of the fear, is afraid this person to cut to kill him. 城主的眼神中充满了害怕,害怕此人把他斩杀。 Gives your sovereigns to advocate a biography letter/believes, said that he owes me sage item, best give me to prepare obediently, perhaps my which day passed by the blood flame imperial city, must take, without preparing, then the consequence he cannot withstand Lu Chen to look that said to this King Boundary, the sound exceptionally light, light has the deterrent force. “给你们皇主传个信,就说他欠我一件圣器,最好给我乖乖准备好,说不定我哪天路过血炎皇城,就要去取,如果没有准备好,那么后果他承受不起”陆尘看向这位王境说道,声音异常的平淡,平淡中带着威慑力。 I nod certainly to vice- City Lord your words belt/bring such as mash up garlic, in the heart relaxes. “我一定把你的话带到”副城主点头如捣蒜,心中松了一口气。 At least, the oneself life was preserves. 至少,自己的命算是保住了。 Told your sovereign lords, this little called Lu Chen Lu Chen to continue to say. “告诉你们皇主,本少叫陆尘陆尘继续说道。 After saying, directly from soaring, moves sideways one after another, then vanishes to disappear. 说完之后,直接从腾空而起,接连闪身,便消失不见了。 The white exquisite look flashes, she when Lu Chen leaves, set out to run away, vice- City Lord can only look helplessly white left exquisite, but does not dare to pursue. 白玲珑眼神一闪,她在陆尘离开的时候,也起身逃走了,副城主只能眼睁睁的看着白玲珑离开,而不敢去追。 Lu Chen except for city, to north, but departs about hundred li (0.5 km), then stops the footsteps. 陆尘除了城池,一路向北,不过才飞出百里左右,便停下脚步。 Soon, white exquisite then arrived at the Lu Chen side. 不多时,白玲珑便来到了陆尘的身边。 Lu Chen sees white exquisite bold with, the eye in flashes through together the unusual look: You also dare to follow I, did not fear that I the person who you give the blood flame dynasty.” 陆尘看到白玲珑大胆的跟过来,眼中闪过一道异色:“你还敢跟着我,难道不怕我把你送给血炎皇朝的人。” The white exquisite beautiful pupil cast aside Lu Chen one, lifts the elegant face, proud tender saying: You cannot.” 白玲珑美眸撇了陆尘一眼,抬起俏脸,傲娇的说道:“你不会。” „...” “哦...” The Lu Chen smile visits her, does not understand how the opposite party so affirmed. 陆尘微笑看着她,不明白对方怎么如此肯定。 The white exquisite similar smile said: You killed City Lord, offended the blood flame dynasty, a while you same will also be chased down with me.” 白玲珑同样微笑道:“你杀了城主,得罪了血炎皇朝,等会儿你也会和我一样遭受追杀。” Moreover, the white exquisite comparison believes firmly, this person gave the blood flame dynasty her, received the monetary reward, was not sage item was full of the attraction to him. 另外,白玲珑比较确信一点,此人之所以把她交给血炎皇朝,领取赏金,并不是圣器对他充满了吸引力。 But is the feeling that one type cannot say, probably to play. 而是一种说不上来的感觉,好像是为了玩。 Exactly said fun. 确切说好玩。 After all oneself once started out two sage item receiving in exchange freedoms, this person rejected. 毕竟自己曾开出两件圣器换取自由,此人都拒绝了。 Lu Chen looked at latter one, later the line of sight looks to the distant place, said: Since you do not fear death, then with.” 陆尘看了后者一眼,随后视线看向远方,说道:“既然你不怕死,那么就跟着吧。” Lu Chen said, summoned to unite the divine sword, the mental strength control unites the divine sword, leapt gently, stands above, later lay down, the eyes look at the deep blue sky, curled upwards one leg on the other, the control is uniting the divine sword to fly toward front. 陆尘说完,召唤出戮神剑,精神力控制戮神剑,轻轻一跃,站在上面,随后躺下,双眼看着蔚蓝的天空,翘着二郎腿,控制戮神剑朝前面飞去。 white Linglong noticed that this person put out a tattered sword, the corners of the mouth twitched a while. 白玲珑看到此人拿出一把破破烂烂的剑,嘴角抽搐了一会儿。 Suddenly cannot affirm that this person the person who he gives the blood flame dynasty, felt fun? 忽然不敢肯定此人把他交给血炎皇朝的人,是觉得好玩了? The weapon of this person was also too tattered, as if the disruption will be momentarily same. 此人的武器也太破烂了,仿佛随时会碎裂一样。 Thinks, in the range without hemorrhage flame dynasty, was security with this person. 想了想,在没有出血炎皇朝的范围,还是跟着此人的身边安全一点。 Lu Chen saw that white exquisite has followed, has not paid attention, whatever the opposite party follows. 陆尘看到白玲珑一直跟着,也没有理会,任由对方跟着。 After little, Lu Chen somewhat cannot endure the lonely, leaning head looks white to exquisite, asked: Right, who your Profound Territory most graceful person was.” 少许后,陆尘有些耐不住寂寞,偏头看向白玲珑,问道:“对了,你们玄域最帅的人是谁。” Most graceful person “最帅的人” The white exquisite elegant face shows the stunned expression, does not know the opposite party what this word. 白玲珑的俏脸露出愕然的表情,不知道对方何出此言。 However, said: Profound Territory outstanding people and magical soil, were born many distinguished people, for example Mei clouds, Ouyang Kuang, Li Daozi, Qin Mu the peaceful, southern Lebanon black ink wait/etc, all was certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen, was quite famous top level of Profound Territory.” 不过,还是说道:“玄域人杰地灵,诞生了许多的风流人物,比如梅霄,欧阳狂,李道子,秦穆宁,黎南墨等等,皆是绝代天骄,在玄域顶层极为出名。” white Linglong to Lu Chen introduced that is the Profound Territory top evildoer/monstrous talent character. 白玲珑给陆尘介绍的,都是属于玄域顶层的妖孽人物。 For example Mei clouds, are called the Profound Territory Heaven's Chosen first person, the evildoer/monstrous talent, can hear its reputation in other territories extremely, but has not seen the honorable person. 比如梅霄,被称为玄域天骄第一人,极为妖孽,在其他域也能够听到其名声,只不过没见过真人而已。 However speaking of the given name, will certainly make one have an impression. 但是说到大名,一定会让人有所印象。 In addition, the follower family of Mei first Pill Refiner magnificent butterfly fairy maiden. 除此之外,梅家还是第一炼丹师华蝶仙子的追随者家族。 Ouyang Kuang, Profound Territory first five family's successors, evildoer/monstrous talent character. 欧阳狂,玄域前五家族的传人,妖孽人物。 As for following three, for example Li Daozi, is Profound Territory first, said the sect successor, Qin Mu the peaceful, Profound Territory Qin clan most outstanding Heaven's Chosen, southern Lebanon black ink, south Li aristocratic family successor. 至于后面的三位,比如李道子,乃是玄域第一宗,道宗传人,秦穆宁,玄域秦族最杰出的天骄,黎南墨,南黎世家传人。 The back of each distinguished people, has a fearful incomparable large clan, dominated above the dynasty, the position was aloof, was the top influence, was equivalent to Sword Emperor Palace, the wind and thunder pavilion in the Azure Territory position. 每一位风流人物的背后,都有一个可怕无比的大族,凌驾于皇朝之上,地位超然,是顶级势力,就相当于剑帝宫,风雷阁等在青域的地位。 Lu Chen curls the lip, said: I did not ask your talent, whose I was asking you looks graceful.” 陆尘撇了撇嘴,道:“我不是问你天赋,我是问你谁长得帅。” white Linglong immediately somewhat shocking looks at Lu Chen. 白玲珑顿时有些震惊的看着陆尘 If this saying to be a newly-arrived female inquired, she will not feel anything, but a grown man inquired that whose looks graceful, that somewhat was thought-provoking. 如果这话是一位初来乍到的女子询问,她不会觉得什么,但一个大男人询问谁长得帅,那就有些耐人寻味了。 white Linglong thinks this person never official has looked at her one eyes, as if her looks ordinary is very same. 白玲珑想到此人从来没有正式的看过她一眼,仿佛她长得很普通一样。 This person is difficult to be inadequate is breaks the back, likes the male homosexuality. 此人难不成是个断背,喜好男风。 Suddenly, the white exquisite look becomes extremely strange. 一时间,白玲珑的眼神变得极其古怪。 Being in a daze, I asked that your words Lu Chen sees the opposite party to be silent, cannot help but urged. “发什么呆,我问你话呢”陆尘见对方沉默,不由得催促道。 white Linglong coughs, opened the mouth and said: Only by the appearance, several each has his good points that I said that the appearance talent all first-class, if asked that who most graceful, I am unable to give the answer.” 白玲珑干咳一声,开口道:“单论容貌,我所说的几位各有千秋,容貌天赋皆一流,要是问谁最帅,我无法给出答案。” Lu Chen continues to ask: How you feel my looks, in the middle of several people that in you propose, is most graceful.” 陆尘继续问道:“你觉得我长得怎么样,在你所提的几人当中,是不是最帅的。” „, Hehe...” “呵,呵呵...” White exquisite first time words that hears so the narcissism, do not know how should reply, reveals one awkward and does not lose the polite the smile. 白玲珑还是第一次听到如此自恋的话语,不知道该如何回答,露出一个尴尬而不失礼貌的笑容。 She understood, at present this person does not like the male homosexuality, whom but wants to compare to lead with Profound Territory distinguished people. 她明白了,眼前这人并不是喜好男风,而是想要与玄域的风流人物比比谁帅。
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