MMISF :: Volume #5

#452: Comfortable

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! white Linglong stares the big eye in an instant, the beautiful incomparable elegant face full is stunned. 白玲珑刹那间瞪大眼睛,美艳无比的俏脸满是错愕。 To be honest, at present this white clothing youth has an imposing appearance, feature unparalleled, somewhat different kind handsome flavor. 说实话,眼前这位白衣青年气宇轩昂,眉目无双,有几分别样的英俊味道。 The strength is especially powerful, she as the loyalty sect most outstanding disciple, can dare saying that the loyalty sect overall strength is not top in Profound Territory, however the successor of her strength and top influence is equally matched. 战力尤其强大,她身为丹心宗最出色的弟子,可以敢这么说,丹心宗整体实力在玄域算不上最顶尖,但是她的战力与顶级势力的传人不相上下。 At present the white clothing youth can easily suppress her, the successors by far Profound Territory many top big influence. 眼前白衣青年能轻易压制她,远胜玄域很多顶级大势力的传人。 However his facial skin, can be possible be called first in Profound Territory. 但是他的脸皮,在玄域更是能堪称第一吧。 What is greedy his body, but also the oneself analogy is the words that a fresh flower wait/etc are not concerned about face extremely, how these words grown men can say. 什么馋他身子,还把自己比喻为一朵鲜花等等极其不要脸的话,这些话一个大男人怎么能说出口。 When Profound Territory had/left such facial skin to endure the mountain is thicker, and strength good youth. 玄域何时多出了这么一位脸皮堪比山岳厚,且战力不俗的青年了。 White exquisite whole face delay time, on the Lu Chen face restores the serious expression: Said that why last night assassinated me, although I am very outstanding, but I just now come Profound Territory, the reputation has not spread, should not some people start to be jealous quickly this are few.” 白玲珑满脸呆滞的时候,陆尘脸上恢复严肃表情:“说吧,昨晚为何刺杀我,虽然我很优秀,但是我才刚来玄域,名声都还没有流传出去,不应该这么快就有人开始妒忌本少了。” Bah .... “呸....” In white Linglong the heart bah, the facial skin of this person was very thick. 白玲珑心中呸了一声,此人的脸皮果然很厚。 Some where oneself said that oneself is outstanding, should not modest low-key. 哪儿有自己自己优秀的,不应该谦虚低调吗。 White exquisite icy saying: I do not know you, does not want to assassinate you, but wants to stun the past you.” 白玲珑冷冰冰的说道:“我不认识你,也不想刺杀你,只是想把你打昏过去。” Because captured reason, she hides in into this inn, enters this room, actually discovered that the opposite party was awakened, originally wants the stun opposite party, in order to avoid makes the big noise to be detected by outside person, once does not want to be counterattacked. 因为被追捕的原因,她躲入这家客栈,走进这间房,却发现对方被惊醒,本来只是想要打昏对方,以免闹出大动静被外面的人发觉,没曾想被反制住。 Lu Chen slanting Ni Duifang eyes, said with the tone of satire: Stuns me with the dagger.” 陆尘斜倪对方一眼,用讽刺的语气说:“拿匕首把我打昏。” I...” “我...” white Linglong opens mouth close to, is speechless. 白玲珑张了张嘴巴,无话可说。 However, she has not really killed the thoughts of this person, after all she is not the ruthless spicy brutal generation, how possibly about the person who under does not know the killer. 但是,她真的没有杀此人的心思,毕竟她不是狠辣无情之辈,怎么可能对一个不认识的人下杀手。 Only wants to stab the opposite party, then stun in the past. 只想刺伤对方,然后打昏过去。 Lu Chen is shouldering both hands, opened the mouth and said: This little is not the Buddhism believers, will not render good for evil, I go to look today, your monetary reward has risen dramatically to sage item, just came Profound Territory, but also without being open for business, un, received exchange for sage item with you, comfortable.” 陆尘背负着双手,开口道:“本少可不是善男信女,也不会以德报怨,我今天出去看了一下,你的赏金已经飙升到一件圣器了,刚来玄域,还没有开张呢,嗯,就拿你去换取一把圣器,舒服。” Lu Chen is saying, smiled unexpectedly. 陆尘说着,竟然笑了起来。 Such good matter came across by him, can not smile. 这么好的事情都被他遇到了,能不笑吗。 white Linglong hears, immediately a face is tight, said: So long as you put me to walk, I can give you sage item, how.” 白玲珑听闻,顿时一脸紧张,道:“只要你放我走,我可以给你一件圣器,如何。” white Linglong does not want to fall to the hand of blood flame dynasty , the blood flame dynasty all cruel and merciless generation, with the loyalty sect was the hostile relationship, will not dread, again in addition one month ago, she assassinated the two imperial prince one after another, making the blood flame sovereign lord be furious, if she were caught, must die without doubt. 白玲珑不想落到血炎皇朝的手中,血炎皇朝皆心狠手辣之辈,与丹心宗是敌对关系,不会忌惮,再加上一个月前,她接连刺杀了两个皇子,让血炎皇主震怒,如果她被抓到,必死无疑。 Lu Chen stands up, shakes the head, said: I am untrustworthy you.” 陆尘站起身来,摇了摇头,道:“我信不过你。” white Linglong gets angry: You can believe the person of blood flame dynasty, you just now come Profound Territory, can go out to inquire that the reputation of blood flame dynasty, you know whom when the time comes should trust.” 白玲珑怒道:“难道你能信过血炎皇朝的人,你才刚来玄域,可以出去打听打听血炎皇朝的名声,到时候你就知道该信任谁了。” This person of two did not leave just came Profound Territory, white understands exquisite the opposite party did not know about Profound Territory. 此人两句不离刚来玄域,白玲珑明白对方对玄域并不了解。 Lu Chen rejects as before, said: I, since dares to receive an award with you, did not fear that the blood flame dynasty repudiated a debt.” 陆尘依旧拒绝,道:“我既然敢拿你去领赏,就不怕血炎皇朝赖账。” Said this saying time, the Lu Chen body sent out the look that was proud extremely, quite had meaning of being arrogant and conceited. 说出这话的时候,陆尘身上散发出极度自负的神色,颇有目空一切的意味。 white Linglong looks at the expression of this person, knows that this person in other territory, perhaps the background is good, but here is Profound Territory, is not the territory that he is, even if he has the huge background in other territories, is not effective in Profound Territory. 白玲珑看着此人的表情,就知道此人在别的域,恐怕背景不俗,但这里是玄域,不是他所在的域,就算他在其他域有天大的背景,在玄域也不怎么管用。 The alien influence, is very difficult to participate in Profound Territory coming. 外来势力,很难参与到玄域来。 After all the hadrosaurus cannot press the local bully. 毕竟强龙压不过地头蛇。 white Linglong urgently said: Blood flame dynasty, has Sage Boundary third layer time old monster to assume personal command, three Sage Monarch, attached dynasty more than ten, powerful incomparable, you are very even big in other territory backgrounds, was still very difficult to make the blood flame dynasty dread.” 白玲珑急切地说道:“血炎皇朝,有着圣境第三层次的老怪物坐镇,还有三位圣君,附属皇朝十多个,强大无比,你在其他域背景就算很大,也很难让血炎皇朝忌惮。” Said uselessly, follows Lu Chen to be disinclined to listen me, the hand wields, because there is magical treasure to bundle, white exquisite body automatic float in in the air. “多说无益,跟我走吧”陆尘懒得听下去,手一挥,因为有法宝捆着,白玲珑的身体自动悬浮在空中。 white Linglong flustered, opened the mouth and said: Two sage item, so long as you put me to walk, I give you two sage item, how.” 白玲珑慌了,开口道:“两件圣器,只要你放我走,我给你两件圣器,如何。” Lu Chen shakes the head, looked that is exceptionally earnest to the white exquisite pupil, said: Even if you give me two sage item, has not received the feeling of monetary reward to be crisp.” 陆尘摇了摇头,看向白玲珑的眸子异常认真,道:“就算你给我两件圣器,也没有领取赏金的感觉爽。” He does not lack the sage item person, but enjoys the seizing most wanted terrorist, receives the monetary reward the pleasant sensation. 他又不是缺圣器的人,只不过是享受抓捕通缉犯,领取赏金的快感而已。 Saying, Lu Chen looks up to the sky, sighed: Originally catches the most wanted terrorist, and can the feeling of monetary reward be so crisp.” 说着,陆尘抬头看向天空,感叹道:“原来抓到通缉犯并且能够得到赏金的感觉是这般爽。” Then thought aloud: No wonder initially so many people clamored must catch me.” 接着自言自语道:“难怪当初那么多人叫嚣着要抓到我。” Lu Chen in Azure Territory, assumes also works as after a period of time most wanted terrorist, posts a reward to the high monetary reward, once also arrived at the sage item reward, meanwhile has to assassinate the oneself duty, thus all was Tang Qian rain. 陆尘青域的时候,呈也当过一段时间的通缉犯,给高额赏金悬赏,曾经也开到了圣器的报酬,同时还有刺杀自己的任务,从而皆是了唐芊雨。 This Yellow Springs palace mysterious young girl, probably informed and experienced, the first duty is to assassinate oneself. 这位黄泉殿一位神秘的少女,好像是出来历练的,第一个任务就是刺杀自己 What a pity, meets oneself to calculate that she has bad luck. 可惜,遇到自己算她倒霉。 Not only has not succeeded, but also compensated first kiss. 不仅没成功,还赔了初吻 After that his Sword Emperor Palace and double material background exposure of wind and thunder pavilion, these to the influence that the oneself hatred soars to the heavens, exercises the banners and drums, regarding the oneself issuing a warrant for arrest list, withdraws imperceptibly. 此后,他剑帝宫与风雷阁的双料背景曝光,那些对自己恨意冲天的势力,演习旗鼓,对于自己的通缉榜单,也在不知不觉中撤去。 The reason cannot stir up his back influence. 原因就是惹不起他背后的势力。 Follows me “跟我走吧” Lu Chen lifts the foot to walk toward outside, by the magical treasure bundle white exquisite, follows automatically on the body of Lu Chen. 陆尘抬脚往外面走去,被法宝捆绑的白玲珑,自动跟随在陆尘的身上。 You, if delivers to the City Lord mansion me, the loyalty sect will not let off white your exquisite is not thoroughly calm, the threat said. “你要是把我送到城主府,丹心宗不会放过你的”白玲珑彻底不淡定了,威胁道。 Sees Lu Chen not to respond, then relaxes the language gas channel/angrily said: So long as you put me to walk, I give you three sage item, how.” 陆尘没有反应,转而又缓和语气道:“只要你放我走,我给你三件圣器,如何。” What a pity, no matter white exquisite threat, the soft word soft and gentle words entreated, Lu Chen remained unmoved. 可惜,不管是白玲珑的威胁,还是软言软语哀求,陆尘都不为所动。 White exquisite thorough speechless, good and evil oneself is also a beautiful woman, this person is actually intractable, is cruel enough to look helplessly a oneself beautiful woman brings death. 白玲珑彻底无语,好歹自己也是一个美女啊,此人竟然软硬不吃,难道忍心眼睁睁看着自己一个美女去送死吗。 How white Linglong knows, by the Lu Chen environment, what beautiful woman has not seen, no matter the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, is beautiful if the angel, has seen all kinds. 白玲珑岂知道,以陆尘的环境,什么美女没有见过,不管是倾国倾城的,还是美若天仙的,各式各样都见过。 Moreover, various designs, for example clear charming, proud tender elegantly beautiful, solemn graceful wait/etc various designs. 另外,还有各种款式,比如清纯妩媚型,傲娇冷艳型,端庄优雅型等等各种款式。 Therefore, although white exquisite is the great big beautiful woman, looks is also bright-colored, Lu Chen has not really moved, because has the immunity. 所以,尽管白玲珑也是一等一的大美女,长得明艳动人,陆尘还真的不动心,因为已经有免疫力了。 Quick, Lu Chen brings white exquisite, arrived at the City Lord mansion, immediately by the following person sensation. 很快,陆尘就带着白玲珑,来到了城主府,立刻被下面的人感知到。 They noticed that a youth brings to rush white exquisite, being startled of ten points, notifies City Lord rapidly. 他们看到一个青年带着白玲珑赶到,都十分的吃惊,迅速去通报城主 When Lu Chen falls to the ground, aura walked in the man who King Boundary middle stage fluctuated, he looked at Lu Chen, flashed through unusual look, later fell on the white exquisite face, revealed wipes cruel smiling. 陆尘落地的时候,一名气息在王境中期浮动的男子走了出来,他看了看陆尘,闪过一丝异色,随后落在白玲珑的脸上,露出一抹残忍的笑。 White exquisite, your big courage, dared to run up to the blood flame dynasty the domain to assassinate imperial prince this King Boundary martial artist to look that white Linglong sneered was saying. “白玲珑,你好大的胆子,竟敢跑到血炎皇朝的地盘来暗杀皇子”这个王境武者看着白玲珑冷笑着说道。 white Linglong knows the dead end, is pale, is speechless. 白玲珑自知死路一条,脸色苍白,无话可说。 Lu Chen said in side: Person I had brought to you, sage item.” 陆尘在旁边说道:“人我已经给你带来了,圣器呢。”
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