MMISF :: Volume #5

#451: Caihuaing thief

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Profound Territory, the blood flame dynasty, one of the many dynasty influences, in the middle of entire Profound Territory, the blood flame dynasty was extremely strong dynasty level influence, the influence was huge, has more than ten attached level dynasties. 玄域,血炎皇朝,诸多皇朝势力之一,在整个玄域当中,血炎皇朝属于极强的皇朝级势力,影响力巨大,有着十多个附属级皇朝。 At this moment, in some blood flame dynasty city, does not know that what happened, the atmosphere is very serious. 此刻,血炎皇朝某座城池内,不知道发生了什么事情,气氛很严肃。 On the street, the quarter of an hour will have a large number of blood and iron soldiers to pass by every other, probably is searching for anyone. 街道上,每隔一刻钟就会有数量众多的铁血士兵路过,像是在搜寻什么人。 On the bulletin column on each street, pasted a portrait, the portrait is one has the beautiful woman beauty female. 每条街道上的告示栏上面,贴了一张画像,画像是一位有着沉鱼落雁姿色的女子。 It is difficult to believe, this and other at the rare beauty meetings the bulletin column issued a warrant for arrest unexpectedly. 很难相信,这等绝色佳人竟然会上告示栏被通缉。 Some inn of city, is sitting cross-legged a youth of handsome scholarly, is Lu Chen. 城池的某间客栈,盘坐着一位英俊儒雅的青年,正是陆尘 Lu Chen just came Profound Territory a few days, he has not covered-up, shows with the original appearance, big Profound Territory, knew in any case his person is few. 陆尘刚来玄域没几天,他没藏着掖着,用本来的面貌示人,反正诺大的玄域,认识他的人很少。 Lu Chen in cultivation, revolution cultivation technique, derives the heaven and earth spiritual energy, strengthens cultivation base. 陆尘修炼,运转功法,汲取天地灵气,增强修为 Night. 夜已深。 Suddenly the door creaks, attracted the Lu Chen attention, the graceful person's shadow, enters his room under the moonlight together. 突然房门嘎吱一声,吸引了陆尘的注意力,一道曼妙的人影,在月色下走进他的房间。 „The long dim light of night, the younger sister paper heart is hard to take itchy, can it be that to have a liking to look that this handsome fellow Lu Chen opened the eye, extremely saying of narcissism. “漫长夜色,妹纸心痒难耐,莫不是看上看本帅哥了”陆尘睁开眼睛,极为自恋的说道。 His pupil is shining, can the night vision, enter the clarity that the female facial features of room look, is a Zhang Mingyan's moving elegant face, particularly the figure is slender, the curve is exquisite, the small waist drags like a snow lotus. 他的瞳孔在发亮,能够夜视,进入房间的女子面容看的清清楚楚,是一张明艳动人的俏脸,尤其是身段窈窕,曲线玲珑,小蛮腰如同一株雪莲般摇曳。 Lu Chen spoke suddenly, alarmed the beautiful woman, the latter wrist/skill turned over, a dagger appeared in the hand. 陆尘突然说话,惊动了佳人,后者手腕翻转间,一把匕首出现在手中。 The dagger in the night flashes through together the cold light quickly, the speed ruthless toward the Lu Chen forehead punctures. 匕首在黑夜中闪过一道寒光,速度快准狠的朝陆尘的眉心刺来。 Lu Chen stretches out the palm, counts on the fingers a ball, only hears the clear sound, the dagger to be separated by Lu Chen, bitten, in the middle of deep stalemate door. 陆尘伸出手掌,屈指一弹,只听见清脆的声音,匕首被陆尘弹开,叮的一声,深深的陷入房门当中。 In the female hand the dagger was flown by a Lu Chen finger/refers of ball ball, has short stunned, quick responds, wields lush element, hits toward the Lu Chen surface gate. 女子手中匕首被陆尘一指弹弹飞,有着短暂的错愕,很快就反应过来,挥动芊芊素手,朝陆尘的面门打来。 Lu Chen lifts in the hands, collides a palm with it, bursts out the fearful strength, shakes latter withdrawing several steps. 陆尘抬手间,与其碰撞一掌,迸发可怕力量,震得后者退后数步。 In the female eyes pupil has the exceptionally shocking look, in this room master is so so powerful, originally thought is only some family's playboys, the strength exceptionally is powerful. 女子眼眸中带着异常震惊的神色,这房间里面的主人这么那么强大,本以为只是某家族的纨绔子弟,实力却异常强悍。 What's wrong, was poked the concern by me, wants to silence a witness of crime Lu Chen to say inadequately self-effacingly: Has not seen your so anxious color also to be ruthless the spicy female, was discovered, immediately starts, you are not the greedy my body, why must kill me, likes with the corpse .....” “怎么,被我戳中心事,想要杀人灭口不成”陆尘摇头晃脑般说道:“从没见过你这般急色又狠辣的女子,被发现之后立刻下手,你不是馋我身子吗,为何要杀我,难道更喜欢和尸体....。” Shuts up “闭嘴” The females shame angry incomparable, a elegant face is pale. 女子羞恼无比,一张俏脸铁青无比。 How the master in this room under punches, saying, lifts lush element, wipes the flame to condense in the hand, then more gathers more, changes to a flame whip finally. 这房间的主人怎么那么欠揍呢,说着,抬起芊芊素手,一抹火焰在手中凝聚,然后越聚越多,最后化作一根火焰鞭子。 The flame whip sways from side to side like the hot snake, under wielding of female, sends out a resounding, then whip swift and violent toward the Lu Chen body dozen. 火焰鞭子如同火蛇般扭动,在女子的挥动下,发出啪的一声脆响,然后鞭子迅猛的朝陆尘的身上打来。 Well, spirit fire “咦,灵火” The Lu Chen look sparkles, the opposite party uses the flame ability time, he felt the fearful high temperature, this was not the common flame, absolutely was the spirit hot rank. 陆尘眼神闪了闪,对方动用火焰能力的时候,他感受到了可怕的高温,这不是寻常的火焰,绝对是灵火级别。 Lu Chen sees only winds around a wisp of black flame, spreads at the naked eye obvious speed, covers the palm, later stretches out the palm, grasps to grasp directly toward the whip. 陆尘只见缭绕一缕黑焰,以肉眼可见速度蔓延,覆盖手掌,随后伸出手掌,直接抓朝鞭子抓去。 Then, grasps steadily in the hand. 然后,稳稳地抓在手中。 On the face of female reveals to sneer immediately, her flame can it be that common flame, but is Master for the spirit fire that she seeks, even general King Boundary does not dare the bare-handed capture spirit fire, this is being made to pay for one's evil doings rhythm. 女子的脸上当即露出冷笑,她的火焰岂是寻常火焰,而是师父为她寻找的灵火,就算是一般的王境也不敢徒手抓取灵火,这是玩火自焚的节奏。 However quick female complexion big change, because the opposite party is not only all right, instead she feels the spirit hot source to reduce in the by extremely quick speed. 不过很快女子脸色大变,因为对方不仅没事,反而她感受到灵火本源在以极快的速度减少。 At this time she discovered finally, the palm of this room master, is twining jet black such as the flame of black ink, this wisp of flame could not feel a wee bit temperatures, but is actually swallowing her spirit hot source crazily. 这个时候她终于发现了,这房间主人的手掌,缠绕着漆黑如墨的火焰,这缕火焰感受不到一丁点温度,但是却在疯狂的吞噬她的灵火本源。 The females startle greatly, diverged the flame hastily. 女子大骇,连忙散去了火焰。 Suddenly, in the heart sends coldly, extremely dangerous aura floods her heart. 突然间,心中发寒,一股极度危险的气息充斥她的芳心。 Only felt that on oneself slender waist, had/left a warm big hand, the words biography that simultaneously languid under punches hears: „, Female sexual attractiveness. Wolf your stature is good, cheek that in addition can also pass, the pursuer should be many, why wants to be greedy my body.” 紧接着,只感觉自己的纤腰上面,多出了一只温热的大手,同时一句懒洋洋欠揍的话语传入耳中:“啧啧,女色.狼你的身材不错啊,加上一张还过得去的脸蛋,追求者应该很多吧,为何要馋我身子呢。” Profound Territory also has the so shameless person unexpectedly, just now comes Profound Territory to meet the female sexual attractiveness. The wolf , the man must saying that outside pays attention to security Lu Chen to assume an air of self approbation. 玄域居然还有如此无耻之人,才刚来玄域就遇到了女色.狼,果然,男人在外一定要注意安全”陆尘摇头晃脑的说道。 The females struggle vigorously, in heart spitting blood of air/Qi. 女子大力的挣扎起来,心中气的吐血。 Who is shameless. 到底谁无耻啊。 Lets loose me “放开我” The female whole body bursts out the aura, erupts the fearful fluctuation of energy, wants shaking Lu Chen flies. 女子浑身迸发气息,爆发出可怕的能量波动,想要把陆尘给震飞。 But, at her strength regarding Lu Chen, was too small and weak. 可是,以她的力量对于陆尘来说,还是太弱小了。 Lu Chen presses firmly between the fingers the white arms of opposite party like lightning, closely presses firmly between the fingers like pincers, makes an effort slightly, the female then sends out a pain to call, the energy instantaneous broken merit that originally the whole body wants to erupt, diverges fast. 陆尘闪电般的捏住对方的皓腕,如同一把铁钳紧紧捏住,微微用力,女子便发出一声痛叫,本来浑身欲爆发出来的能量瞬间破功,快速散去。 Thinks to be greedy my body, without gate Lu Chen said, the hand chopper, strokes in the nape of the neck of women's. “想馋我身子,没门”陆尘说道,手化砍刀,击打在女子的脖颈。 Females at present one black, the feeling is dizzy, straight pouring on the ground. 女子眼前一黑,感觉天旋地转,直挺挺的倒在了地上。 Lu Chen has not shown tender affection, whatever the opposite party passes one, came a close contact with the ground. 陆尘也没有怜香惜玉,任由对方噗通一声,与地面来了个亲密接触。 After all this is to kill the oneself person, how Lu Chen possibly shows tender affection. 毕竟这是想要杀自己的人,陆尘怎么可能怜香惜玉。 However, the Lu Chen full brain obscure color, does not understand that he just came Profound Territory, how to meet some people to kill oneself. 不过,陆尘满脑子费解之色,不明白他刚来玄域,怎么就遇到了有人要杀自己 According to the truth, Profound Territory should no one and oneself has a grudge. 按道理来说,玄域应该没有人和自己有仇啊。 Thinks, he puts out a jet black ribbon, solidity that the female bundles. 想了想,他拿出一根漆黑的丝带,把女子捆的结结实实。 Afterward, falls on the bed, closes the eye to sleep, quick, the breath is then smooth. 随后,倒在床上,闭上眼睛睡觉,很快,呼吸便顺畅起来。 Next morning, white exquisite feeling whole body ice-cold, particularly the neck place, hurts greatly incomparably, seemed struck by what heavy item is the same. 第二天一早,白玲珑感觉浑身冰冷,尤其是脖子处,巨疼无比,仿佛被什么重物敲打过一样。 Suddenly, she awakens, the whole body moves, felt that a binding force, found the body of oneself twined magical treasure. 突然间,她惊醒过来,浑身动了动,感觉到了一股束缚力,发现自己的身上缠绕了一件法宝 Caihuaing thief, you awoke finally a towering sound, spreads to the white exquisite ear. “采花大盗,你终于醒了”一句突兀的声音,传入白玲珑的耳朵里。 white Linglong raised the head, to a pair of resplendent, if the pupil of stars, this pair of pupil illumination will be as if same, bright incomparable. 白玲珑抬头,对上了一双灿若星辰的眸子,这双眸子仿佛会发光一样,明亮无比。 Lets loose me “放开我” White exquisite vigorous struggles. 白玲珑大力的挣扎起来。 Why caihuaing thief, I must let loose you Lu Chen to smile asked. “采花大盗,我为何要放开你”陆尘笑眯眯的反问道。 Lu Chen is staring at this by the woman of tying hands he bundles, in the morning woke up had understood all of this woman from outside. 陆尘盯着这个被他捆的五花大绑的女人,早上醒来已经从外面了解了这个女人的一切。 Females named white exquisite, is the successor of loyalty sect. 女子名叫白玲珑,是丹心宗的传人。 The Profound Territory loyalty sect and blood flame dynasty overall strength differed not in a big way , was the hostile relationship, white exquisite ran up to the blood flame dynasty to assassinate the two imperial prince, caused the blood flame dynasty to be furious, now the people of entire dynasty are searching for her whereabouts. 玄域丹心宗与血炎皇朝整体实力相差不大,又是是敌对关系,白玲珑独自一人跑到血炎皇朝刺杀了两位皇子,引得血炎皇朝震怒,如今全皇朝的人都在搜寻她的下落。 Caihuaing thief, who is caihuaing thief white exquisite complexion icy asking. “采花大盗,谁是采花大盗”白玲珑脸色冷冰冰的问道。 Naturally is you, who besides you can also” Lu Chen languid saying: You rushed in my room last night, wants to pick my fresh flower.” “当然是你啊,除了你还能有谁”陆尘懒洋洋的说道:“你昨晚闯进我房间,想采我这朵鲜花。”
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