, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The personon the scenepreviouslyfelt, the swordthird songot down the magic potionbyLu Chen, orwas threatenedbyLu Chen, thereforesoesteemsLu Chen.
在场人先前觉得,剑三公子是被陆尘下了迷魂汤,或者被陆尘威胁了,所以才如此推崇陆尘。Somepeoplealso want to say that swordthird sonyou, ifwere threatenedbyLu Chen, winksthreeeyes.
有人还想说,剑三公子你如果被陆尘威胁了,就眨三下眼睛。Buthas not startedtalkingwith enough time, sees the swordthird son'sappearanceto change, finallyturned into the Lu Chenface.
The surroundingperson like struck by lightningby the day, inhugeshockduring.
Is the swordthird sonLu Chen?
剑三公子就是陆尘?Lu Chen did oneselfflatteroneself?陆尘自己吹捧自己?Intheirheartsbi the dog, whocanthinksimply, the swordthird sonis the Lu Chenmain body.
他们心中简直哔了狗了,谁能想到,剑三公子就是陆尘的本尊。Theserespectswordthird son'speople, one after anotherfelt that the beliefcrashed, the swordthird sonunexpectedlyisLu Chen, theysaid that cannotaccept.
那些尊敬剑三公子的人,一个个感觉信仰崩塌了,剑三公子居然是陆尘,他们表示不怎么能接受。Lu Chenfeltat first,was the oneselfwordsinfectsthem, butmorelooked that theirlookswere less right, is staring athimwith an extremelystrangelook, lookedhewas absolutely terrified.陆尘起先觉得,是自己的话感染到了他们,但是越看他们的神色越不对劲,用一种极度怪异的神色盯着他,看的他毛骨悚然。Moreoversurroundingatmosphereall of a suddenpeaceful.
Becoming the incomparablesilence.
变得无比的寂静。What's the matter?
怎么回事?In the Lu Chenheartfilledobscurely.陆尘心中充满了费解。„, Youexposed”seasonhoweverto send greetings, reminderLu Chen of good intention.
“暴露”Lu Chenfirsthas doubts, later the complexionbig change, touches the face of oneself.陆尘先是疑惑,随后脸色大变,摸了摸自己的脸。HisThousand Changes Myriad Transformations Technique, expiredunexpectedly, Lu Chenoriginalface.
他的千变万化术,居然失效了,陆尘本来的脸。Lu Chenoneselfalsocompelsto be in-situignorant.陆尘自己也懵逼在原地。„Mother, whodoes, the fatherrolls”after for threeseconds, Lu Chenerupted, roaring of becoming angry out of shame.
“妈的,谁干的,给老子滚出来”三秒过后,陆尘爆发了,恼羞成怒的咆哮。Thousand Changes Myriad Transformations TechniqueistopAppearance Changing Technique, First Masterpasses tohim, after appearance changing, is extremely difficultto be discovered, hightwoboundarycannotdiscover, only if spiritual sensehas swepthisface, cansee clearlyhistruefacial features.千变万化术是顶级易容术,大师父传给他的,易容之后极难被发现,高两个境界也不能发现,除非是神念扫过他的脸,才能看清楚他真正的面容。Butoneselfswordthird son'sstatus, only then the Sword Emperor Palacehigh level and seasonhoweverandpurpleare permanenttwo peopleto know.
The seasonhoweverandpurpleis permanenttwo peopleto be possiblenot to have the abilityto makeoneselfexpose, thenmentioned, can only beinSword Emperor Palaceoldmonsterdry/does.
季然和紫恒两人可没有能力让自己暴露,那么说来,只能是剑帝宫里面的老怪物干的了。„Yeah, went backto sleep”
“哎,回去睡觉了”Someold manZikengLu Chen, has not paid attention toroaring of Lu Chen, assuming an air of self approbation said that left.
某个老头子坑了陆尘一把,也没理会陆尘的咆哮,摇头晃脑的说了一句,离开了。variouspeoplerecovers, acceptedLu Chenfinallyis the swordthird son'sfact, theirlookstrangelooks atLu Chen, reallyproclaims the Azure Territoryfirstgracefulpersonworthily.
The words of Lu Chenthatpraise, otherswere previously difficult, it is estimated that saying that will blush, that butLu Chensaidcalled a smoothness.
先前陆尘那番夸赞的话,别人都难以启齿,估计说一句都会脸红,可陆尘说的那叫一个顺畅。Actually, was exposed the true bodyunderbig crowd of people, Lu Chenwants dead, wishes one couldto look for a crackto worm one's way into.
其实,在大庭广众之下被暴露真身,陆尘想死,恨不得找条地缝钻进去。Lu Chenis black a face, doing toboundaryis low, does not know that iswhicholdmonsterdoes, otherwisemustretaliatecertainly.陆尘黑着一张脸,奈何境界低,不知道是哪个老怪物干的,不然铁定要报复回来。
The mother, just before leavingfirstby the pit, being madehimveryuncomfortable.
妈的,临走前被坑了一把,让他十分的不爽。Actuallyhedoes not think, oneselfthatwordshaveis not concerned about face, was not concerned about face others unable to bear.
其实他也不想想,自己那番话有多么的不要脸,不要脸到旁人都受不了了。Lu Chendoes not know that iswhodoes, the figureflashes, leavesthisplace is apt to get into trouble.陆尘不知道是谁干的,身形一闪,离开这个是非之地。Had/LeftSword Emperor Palace, hischeeksare feeling hot.
出了剑帝宫,他的脸颊都在发烫。After allthisis his firstshame.
After Lu Chenleaves, the Sword Emperor Palacesenior figureexchangeswithspiritual sense, shows an understandingsmile, comfortable.陆尘离开后,剑帝宫高层人物用神念交流一番,都露出一个会心的笑容,舒服。Thisinsensitivelittle fellow, indulged in self-glorification, did not attend to others being able to bear unable to bearcompletely.
这个厚脸皮的小家伙,自卖自夸,完全不顾旁人受得了受不了。However, afterLu ChenleavesSword Emperor Palace, matterhas not calculated.
然而,在陆尘离开剑帝宫之后,事情还没有算完。First, the swordthird sonis the Lu Chennews, instantaneousirritableSword Emperor Palacehigh and low, then the to divulge to an outsidergoes out, causeswidespreaddiscussionrapidly.
The swordthird sonunexpectedlyis the Lu Chenincarnation, it may be said thatwasstartledexploded an eyeball of place, makingcountlesspeopledumbfounded.
剑三公子居然是陆尘的化身,可谓是惊爆了一地的眼球,让无数人目瞪口呆。Reason thatwas exposed, it is saidbecause ofaliasswordthird son'sLu Chen, works as the innumerabledisciplesto praise the oneselfmain body, finallymade the Sword Emperor Palacehigh-levelear unable to bear, gave the expositionunderbig crowd of peoplehistrue body.
之所以被暴露出来,据说是因为化名剑三公子的陆尘,当着无数弟子夸赞自己本尊,结果让剑帝宫高层的耳朵都受不了了,把他的真身在大庭广众之下给暴露了。„What, Ishouldthink that early, shit, I am also ask for trouble”Jin Yingjuninwind and thunderpavilionto learn ofthisnews, dulllong time.
The tigerclancomes the Azure Territory person dead completely, only thenPrimordial Spirit BoundarywhiteZereturned toMonster Territory.
The God of Wealthfamilypreserved, he can also inwind and thunderpavilionrelievedcultivation.
财神家族保住了,他也能在风雷阁安安心心的修炼。These days, hein the investigationswordthird son, collectsallinformation, when the most importantinformationisfourHoly Mountain, the swordthird sonbringsJunior SisternamedLiu Qingcheng.
这段时间,他在调查剑三公子,收集一切情报,最重要的情报当属于四圣山的时候,剑三公子带着一个叫柳倾城的师妹。ButinWilderness Territory, Lu ChenalsoJunior SistercalledLiu Qingcheng, was the Jade LakeHoly Lordapprentice.
而在荒域的时候,陆尘也有一个师妹叫柳倾城,还是瑶池圣主的徒弟。Althoughsaid that the person of same surnameof the same nameare many, butthisnamedLiu Qingcheng, not onlysame surnameof the same name, but alsoallexcels at the qin tune, is a musician.
虽然说同名同姓的人很多,但是这个叫柳倾城的不仅同名同姓,还皆擅长琴曲,是一位琴师。HoweverJin Yingjun can never believe, the swordthird sonisLu Chen, after allhehas seen the swordthird sonin the mystical place.
但是金英俊始终不敢相信,剑三公子就是陆尘,毕竟他在秘境中见过剑三公子。Nowhears the rumor, the swordthird son is actually the Lu Chenmain body, passing that thenallexplained.
现在听到外界的传言,剑三公子其实就是陆尘本尊,那么所有的一切都解释的通了。For exampleinitially the oneselfappearance changingLu Chenappearancecursed the swordthird son, wantsto giveJunior Brotherto create an enemy, no wonder the swordthird sonlookedat that time,puncheshison the violentwithout delay, withoutusingsword technique, has not used the weapon.
比如当初自己易容陆尘的模样大骂剑三公子,想要给师弟制造一个敌人,怪不得当时剑三公子看完,二话不说就暴揍他一顿,没有使用剑法,也没有使用武器。It is estimated thatis the fearexposesoneself, makingoneselfbegin to have suspicions.
估计是害怕暴露自己,让自己起疑。Thinks that oneselfhandled an extremelystupidmatter, Jin Yingjunhates unable hitting the ground.
想到自己做了一件极其傻逼的事情,金英俊恨不得以头撞地。oneself is so how stupid, thinksflawlessplan, is actually a being full of loopholesplan.自己怎么就这么蠢呢,自以为天衣无缝的计划,却是一个漏洞百出的计划。LetLu Chencope withLu Chen, thisis notdoes.
让陆尘对付陆尘,这不是作死吗。Moreoverin the mystical place, healsoonceheard, whiteZelooked forLu Chen.
而且在秘境的时候,他也曾听闻,白泽找上了陆尘。It is estimated thatwasat that time, Lu Chensource of troublelead to the east, put outtwobottles of tigerstrong liquorto findhim, said that intentionallygave toKongcommander.
估计就是那个时候,陆尘祸水东引,拿出两瓶虎烈酒找到他,却故意说送给孔帅。clear(ly)knows that thiswas the trap, the oneselfalsosillyfell into a trap.
明知道这是陷阱,自己还傻乎乎的中计了。Moreover the tigerclanretreats, it is saidthatisbecause the swordthird sonandwhiteZeunite, disclosed the Lu Chenwhereabouts.
而且虎族之所以退走,据说那是因为剑三公子与白泽联合,透露陆尘的行踪。Actually, the truesecretevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorisLu Chenoneself.
The rumors of thesegenuine and fake, all is a Lu Chenoperation.
外界那些真真假假的传言,皆是陆尘一手操作。Lu ChenpersonpitdeadtigerclandozensSage Boundary, eightSage Monarch, twoSage King, thisexposition, theyare also kept in the dark.陆尘一个人坑死虎族几十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王,要不是这次暴露,他们还蒙在鼓里呢。„Ipledged,latermeetsthispitgoods, hidesabsolutelydistantly”Jin Yingjunhitoneto tremble, pledged that said.
“我发誓,以后遇到这坑货,绝对躲得远远的”金英俊打了一个寒颤,发誓般说道。Meanwhile, the outside worldalsoproclaimedboiled, Jin Yingjunguessed, the personnaturallyalsoguessed correctly.
与此同时,外界也宣沸了,金英俊猜测到的,外界的人自然也猜到了。At that timehad the rumor, is the swordthird sondisclosed that the Lu Chenwhereabouts, makingLu Chenalmostbe killedbywhatpowerhousetwice, but, Lu Chenverycoincidenceevaded the plot.
当时就有传言,是剑三公子透露陆尘的行踪,让陆尘两次差点被什么强者杀死,可是,陆尘又很巧合的躲过了阴谋。Originally, no matterwhiteZehaswhatplot, exposedin the Lu Chenfront.
原来,不管白泽有什么阴谋,都暴露在了陆尘的面前。Lu ChenandwhiteZediscussedcoped withoneself, really the stimulation.陆尘与白泽商量对付自己,真特么的刺激。
The news that actuallywhen the city, Lu Chencomes backlikelyspreads overAzure Territory, the Azure Territorypeoplethought that the bigfiendish personcomes back, certainlymustdo the bigmovement.
The facthas not really disappointedthem, pitdeadtigerclanlarge numbers ofpowerhouseswith no trace.
事实果然没有让他们失望,不留痕迹的坑死虎族大批强者。Thisexposition, the peoplewere also kept in the dark.
The Azure TerritorynewsdisseminatesMonster Territory, is knownbywhiteZe.青域的消息传播到妖域,被白泽知道。whiteZe a brainblank, the whole personis dumb as a wooden chicken.
白泽大脑一片空白,整个人呆若木鸡。Twiceno wonderambushedLu Chento be defeated, the station that no wondertheyhidwas discovered, all thesesuddenly saw the light.
“噗....我恨啊”WhiteZetangFieldspits bloodthreerises, loudly calls out, thenstuporin the past.
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