MMISF :: Volume #5

#449: Outsmarting oneself

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! The disciples on the scene are confused, the look is flooding the doubts. 在场弟子都是一头雾水,眼神充斥着疑惑。 This arrogant sword third son and Lu Chen acquaintance is inadequate, otherwise hears Junior Sister to carry off by Lu Chen, why is not angry, instead complexion as is always tranquil. 这位孤傲的剑三公子难道和陆尘相识不成,不然听到师妹陆尘带走,为何不生气,反而一如既往的面色平静。 When they have doubts extremely, Lu Chen said calmly: Previous time comes back to hear Junior Sister to carry off by Lu Chen, I meet with Lu Chen.” 就在他们疑惑万分的时候,陆尘语气平静的说:“上次回来听闻师妹陆尘带走,我就与陆尘见了一面。” Lu Chen looks all around , to continue saying: Actually, that is just a joke that Lu Chen plays, Lu Chen not my Junior Sister how. After that discussion, I thought that the Lu Chen brother is honest, frank, is friend who may be on good terms.” 陆尘环顾四周一眼,继续说道:“其实,那只不过是陆尘开的一个玩笑罢了,陆尘并没有把我师妹怎么样。那次会谈过后,我觉得陆尘兄为人正直,光明磊落,是一个可交好的朋友。” Lu Chen face thick-skinned like city wall, praised oneself to come the face not loyalty not to jump. 陆尘脸皮厚如城墙,夸赞起自己来脸不红心不跳。 The disciple on the scene hears the sword third son's words, the corners of the mouth twitches. 在场弟子听到剑三公子的话,嘴角抽搐起来。 Is the Lu Chen manner honest? They may beg to differ. 陆尘为人正直?他们可不敢苟同。 Previously the disciple of Lu Chen exposition, is anxiously anxious saying: Sword third son, you by the Lu Chen superficial phenomenon deceiving, Lu Chen is not good that such you imagine, you can inquire among us casually, initially purple star peak Holy Son by the Lu Chen pit miserable.” 先前把陆尘暴露的弟子,更是急急的说道:“剑三公子,您被陆尘的表面现象给欺骗了,陆尘不是你想象的那样好,你可以在我们当中随便打听一下,当初紫星峰的圣子陆尘坑的有多惨。” Purple permanently in the pitiful experience of Wilderness Territory, has spread over Sword Emperor Palace, countless people sympathize, the fearfulness of simultaneously profound understanding big fiendish person. 紫恒在荒域的凄惨经历,早已经传遍剑帝宫,无数人对此同情,同时深刻的了解到大魔王的可怕。 The present big fiendish person is not only fearful, the strength is also scary, can cut the king. 如今的大魔王不仅可怕,战力也吓人,能够斩王了。 In the crowd, is standing a purple clothes man, at this moment his complexion becomes flushed, pupil like unexpected blow chilly weather. 人群中,站着一个紫衣男子,此刻他面色涨红,眸子如同冷箭般寒气逼人。 This person purple permanent. 此人正是紫恒。 After mystical place collapse, purple permanent has been at closes up the condition, a short time ago went out, understood the astonishing magnificent feat that recently Lu Chen made, is in a daze long time. 秘境崩溃之后,紫恒一直处于闭关状态,前不久才出关,了解到最近陆尘做出的惊人壮举,发呆良久。 He inside story who a few knows the sword third son is Lu Chen, heard that the season however with Lu Chen white Zeshua running around in circles, concentrates to choke speechless. 他是少数知道剑三公子就是陆尘的内幕者,听说季然与陆尘把白泽耍的团团转,无语凝噎。 Tragedy that compares white Ze, his pitiful experience is not anything. 相比较白泽的悲剧,他的凄惨经历不算什么。 After all he just attracted a wave of hatred for Lu Chen, lay down for several months on the bed. 毕竟他只不过替陆尘吸引了一波仇恨,在床上躺了几个月而已。 Reviews white Ze, played with by Lu Chen in applauding, lost 50 Sage Boundary, eight Sage Monarch, two Sage King. 反观白泽,被陆尘玩弄于鼓掌之中,损失了五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王 The most important thing is, white Ze does not know the circumstances of the matter from beginning to end, does not know that the sword third son is Lu Chen, on the contrary was full of the gratitude to Lu Chen. 最重要的是,白泽从头到尾都不知情,不知道剑三公子就是陆尘,相反对陆尘充满了感激。 However, had the disciple to dare to take him to say the matter, mentioned that not happy experience. 不过,有弟子竟敢拿他说事,重新提及那不愉快的经历。 This makes him very uncomfortable. 这让他十分不爽。 The disciple who just spoke, felt suddenly murderous aura, turns the head saw in the crowd purple permanent, in the heart was somewhat disturbed, just with victim purple permanent example, how victim also in crowd. 刚说完话的弟子,忽然感觉到一股杀气,转头就看到人群中的紫恒,心中有些忐忑,刚拿‘受害者’紫恒举例,怎么‘受害者’也在人群中。 However, he to puncture the Lu Chen lie, has not seen intentionally purple permanent like that narrated the purple permanent pitiful experience. 不过,他为了戳穿陆尘的谎言,故意没看见紫恒那般,把紫恒的凄惨经历叙述了一遍。 My special code...” “我特码...” Purple is permanently black a face, like the bottom of the pot, the nostril belches smoke black, air/Qi wants to hit the person. 紫恒黑着一张脸,黑如锅底,鼻孔冒烟,气的想打人。 The oneself pitiful experience was mentioned, this is no different than on the wound to put salt, moreover he also acts as ‚the audience, causes the double damage. 自己悲惨的经历被重新提起,这无异于伤口上面撒盐,而且他还充当‘观众’,造成双倍伤害。 You made a mistake Lu Chen opened the mouth and said: Lu Chen does not have the pit to be purple, after purple permanent oneself gets drunk crazies drunk, offends others, is not the Lu Chen pit he, the truth does not grasp in others mouth, but wants oneself to ponder.” “你们错了”陆尘开口道:“陆尘并没有坑紫恒,紫恒自己喝醉之后发酒疯,得罪别人,并不是陆尘坑他,真相不是掌握在别人口中,而是要自己去思考。” The people reveal unusual look, always felt a little strange. 众人目露异色,总感觉有点怪怪的。 Sword third son how for the Lu Chen argument, sword third son also by Lu Chen hoodwinking. 剑三公子怎么替陆尘辩解呢,难道剑三公子也被陆尘给蒙蔽了。 How Lu Chen makes the sword third son so believe. 陆尘是怎么让剑三公子如此信服的。 Surrounding one group of disciples were anxious, said hastily: Sword third son, but also please sober, by the Lu Chen honeyed words not deceiving.” 周围一群弟子更是急了,连忙道:“剑三公子,还请您清醒过来,不要被陆尘的花言巧语给骗了。” They worry , the present sword third son are obviously taking the purple permanent old route now. 他们现在十分的担忧,现在的剑三公子明显在走紫恒的老路啊。 Possibly after a period of time, the sword third son will have bad luck. 可能过一段时间,剑三公子就会倒霉。 In the mystical place the sword third son by the disciple who rescues, in their hearts has harbored the huge benevolence regarding the sword third son, persuaded in side with hardship, hopes that the sword third son clearly became aware, do not fall into the Lu Chen trap unknowingly, in order to avoid some day, fell into the perdition. 在秘境中被剑三公子解救的弟子,他们心中对于剑三公子一直怀着天大的恩情,在旁边苦苦劝说,希望剑三公子明悟过来,不要不知不觉掉进陆尘的陷阱,以免有朝一日,落入万劫不复之地。 Shuts up “闭嘴” Suddenly, Lu Chen cold snort/hum. 突然间,陆尘冷哼一声。 Scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! Fearful sword potential pressure erupt from him, forms one after another sword qi to revolve, sharp aura that the sword qi tearing space, lends, just like a cold wave proliferation. 一股股可怕的剑势威压从他身上爆发出来,形成一道道剑气旋转,剑气撕裂空间,散发出来的锐利气息,犹如一股寒潮般扩散开来。 various people feels this fearful chill in the air, the organism sends coldly, coldly hit one to tremble. 诸人感受到这股可怕的寒意,肌体发寒,冷冷的打了一个寒颤。 This aura made them suffocate. 这股气息令他们窒息。 The sword third son's aura also was too rather powerful, obviously with their many same boundary on the scene, but actually gives people one to admire the feeling. 剑三公子的气息未免也太强大了,明明和他们在场很多人同境界,但是却给人一股高山仰止的感觉。 As if both are not person in a level. 仿佛两者已经不是一个层面上的人了。 Did not permit you saying that Lu Chen brother's malicious remarks Lu Chen observed the situation all around indifferently, said indifferently: Spoke the Lu Chen malicious remarks, with me for enemy.” “不准你们说陆尘兄的坏话”陆尘冷眼环视四周,冷漠道:“说陆尘坏话,就是与我为敌。” This saying, making various people dumbfounded. 这话一出,让诸人目瞪口呆。 The body of Lu Chen has what charm, even the sword third sons so esteem. 陆尘的身上到底有什么魅力,连剑三公子都如此推崇。 „The Lu Chen brother is I have seen the person of heaviest affectionate righteousness, has pure feelings, pure free of evil intention, how could to be slandered Lu Chen to look that by your classes the surrounding person said. 陆尘兄是我见过最重情重义的人,拥有一颗赤子之心,纯正无邪,岂能由你们这班污蔑”陆尘看着周围人说道。 Surrounding person one by one by crispy outside and tender inside of thunder. 周围人各个被雷的外焦里嫩。 The sword third son gives the Lu Chen so strong approval unexpectedly, was put the magic potion by Lu Chen. 剑三公子竟然给予陆尘这般高度的评价,难道被陆尘下了迷魂药。 In the crowd, purple sees Lu Chen to indulge in self-glorification permanently, the corners of the mouth twitch, by the facial skin thickness, Lu Chen may be called Azure Territory first, no one can compare. 人群中,紫恒看到陆尘自卖自夸,嘴角抽搐,论脸皮厚度,陆尘堪称青域第一,无人能比。 From proclaiming the Azure Territory first graceful, can see the facial skin of Lu Chen thick. 从自封青域第一帅,就可以看出陆尘的脸皮有多厚。 At this time, the season however arrived at the purple permanent front quietly, sent greetings said: Lu Chen this facial skin,....” 这时,季然悄无声息来到紫恒的面前,传音说道:“陆尘这脸皮,啧啧...。” Good to hit him purple permanent response to say. “好想打他”紫恒回应道。 season correct/however: I also think, but cannot be victorious.” 季然:“我也想,可是打不过。” Let alone their two insider, the Sword Emperor Palace senior figure, sees the Lu Chen so narcissism in secret, very speechless. 别说他们两个知情者,暗中还有剑帝宫高层人物,看到陆尘如此自恋,都十分的无语。 They cannot think through, facial skin of person is so how thick. 他们想不通,一个人的脸皮怎么那么厚。 Lu Chen continues to flatter: Lu Chen brother mind is great, honest good, he may not take your slandering to place in the eye, but as brothers' me, has to rectify names for the Lu Chen brother, I warned you, if dares to slander the Lu Chen brother again, do not blame me not being impolite.” 陆尘继续吹捧:“陆尘兄胸襟伟岸,敦厚善良,他可能不会把你们的污蔑放在眼中,但是作为兄弟的我,不得不为陆尘兄正名,我警告你们,要是再敢污蔑陆尘兄,别怪我不客气。” Honest good? 敦厚善良? The disciple on the scene, hears this words and expressions, does not know how to describe the feeling in heart. 在场弟子,听到这个词语,已经不知道如何形容心中的感受了。 Speechless, deep speechless. 无语,深深的无语。 The Lu Chen pit spreads Azure Territory many top successors, under is called the ancestor of evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 陆尘坑遍青域诸多顶尖传人,被称为下黑手的老祖宗。 This is the public fact. 这是公开的事实。 Your sword third son even and Lu Chen happy playing in one, cannot speak against one's conscience. 你剑三公子就算和陆尘愉快的玩耍在了一起,也不能昧着良心说话啊。 Could not bear in the middle of nihility, an old man covers the ears, has never seen the so shameless one, later to a Lu Chen gently point. “受不了了”虚无当中,一个老头子捂着耳朵,从未见过如此无耻之徒,随后对着陆尘轻轻一点。 Sees only the Lu Chen appearance to change at the visible speed, quick, turned into the main body appearance. 只见陆尘的容貌以肉眼可见的速度发生着变化,很快,就变成了本尊的模样。 Lu Chen was unsensible, does not know oneself gave oneself away, as before incessant praise oneself: „The Lu Chen brother is innocent, kind, the high character and integrity, are noble, is a full gentleman character.” 陆尘对此毫无感觉,并不知道自己露出马脚了,依旧滔滔不绝的夸赞自己:“陆尘兄纯真无邪,宅心仁厚,高风亮节,品德高尚,是一位十足的君子人物。” Lu Chen said, then saw periphery a person of face shocking visits him. 陆尘说完,便见到周围人一脸震惊的看着他。 Finds so one, Lu Chen is very satisfied, it seems like that the oneself words, infect them eventually. 瞧见如此一幕,陆尘十分满意,看来自己的话,终究是感染到了他们。
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