, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Lu Chenis happy the divine sword, in the heartjoyful, butthisdamaged the divine sword, the swordbodyas ifcanbe crackedto be the same momentarily.陆尘喜得神剑,心中十分的愉悦,只不过这把神剑破损了,剑体仿佛随时会龟裂一样。Howevernomajorproblem, latertoFifth Mastertheretime, callingFifth Masterto cultivate/repair.
不过没什么大问题,以后去往五师父那里的时候,叫五师父修一修。Fifth Master is just Item Refiner, refinessage itemto pinchconveniently.五师父刚好是炼器师,炼制圣器随手捏来。
If before, Lu Chenis supposingFifth Masteruncertainline, butis informed and experiencedafter the mystical place, hefelt that underestimatedfiveMasterseriously, even ifthisisHeavenly Venerable, Fifth Mastershouldstillbe ableto fix.
如果是以前,陆尘估摸着五师父不一定行,但是经过秘境历练,他感觉严重低估了五位师父,就算这把是天尊器,五师父应该也能修好吧。Originally, according to the idea of Master, is to make himstayrespectively the fullfiveyearsinfiveMasterthere, who oncethinks,plans unable to keep up with the change, returns toAzure TerritoryfromWilderness Territory, wasted for severalyearsin the mystical place.
本来,按照师父们的想法,是让他在五个师父那里分别待满五年,可谁曾想,计划赶不上变化,从荒域回到青域,在秘境就浪费了几年时间。Originally, heshouldgo toImperial Daughter Territorynowagain, orProfound Territory the journey, stilldelaysinAzure Territorynow.
本来,他现在应该再前往帝女域,或者玄域了的路途了,如今还在青域耽搁。Lu Chenrubbed the head, the matter that waits to handlewhiteZe, goes toFourth Masterthereto stroll, firstas forImperial Daughter Territory.陆尘揉了揉脑袋,等搞定白泽的事情,就去四师父那里逛一逛,至于帝女域就先不去了。whiteZeisYoung Lord of tigerclan, the statusis honored, has actually wantedto killoneself, if not risetohim a memory, even ifhearrived atProfound Territoryto be informed and experienced, feared that was not peaceful, bestletwhiteZe and backtigerclan a lesson of timecomesblood.
白泽是虎族的少主,身份尊贵,却一直想要弄死自己,如果不给他涨点记性,就算他到了玄域历练,怕是也不安生,最好让白泽以及背后的虎族来一次血的教训。Lu Chengoes out, arrives at the seasoncave mansionhowever, immersing the seasonincultivationhowevergivesto awaken.陆尘出门,来到季然的洞府,把沉浸在修炼中的季然给唤醒。
The seasonhowever from sitting in meditationto awaken, the opens the mouthfirst few words saying: „Startednext.”
The seasonhoweverunderstands certainly that Lu Chenlooks for the oneselfgoal, except forcoordinatinghimacts in a playto deceivewhiteZe, but can also have anything.
季然当然明白陆尘找自己的目的,除了配合他演戏欺骗白泽,还能有什么事情。Lu Chentouches the chin, said: „Wealsoforgavehisseveralmonths, yougo outto contact withhim, said that the recentwind sound/rumorin the past, Lu ChenmustleavefromSword Emperor Palacegoes to the wind and thunderpavilion.”陆尘摸了摸下巴,道:“咱们也谅了他几个月了,你出去联系他,就说最近风声过去,陆尘要从剑帝宫离开前往风雷阁。”„Good”
The seasonhoweverhad not pondered,immediatelycomplies, thenleftSword Emperor Palace.
季然也没思考,立刻答应了下来,然后就离开了剑帝宫。Probablytendays, Lu Chenreceived the seasonhowever the news that spreadfrom the swordcity, whiteZearrived at the swordcity, therefore, Lu Chenalsoleftto go to the swordcity, metwithZein an innwhite/in vainsecretly.
大概十天的时间,陆尘收到季然从剑城传来的消息,白泽来到了剑城,于是,陆尘也动身前往剑城,在一家客栈与白泽秘密会晤。JustsawLu Chen, whiteZethenimpatientasking: „Lu Chen from Sword Emperor Palace.”
刚一见到陆尘,白泽便迫不及待的问道:“陆尘何时从剑帝宫出发。”„In the next two days”Lu Chentouches the chinto say.
“明后天吧”陆尘摸了摸下巴说道。Saying, puts out a map, the Lu Chenfingeris pointing at the map, said: „After the previousassassination, Lu Chendefinitelyhad the vigilance, whiteZexiong, thistimeyoubroughtmanypeople.”
说着,拿出一副地图,陆尘手指指着地图,道:“经过上一次暗杀,陆尘肯定有了警觉,白泽兄,这次你带来了多少人。”whiteZemangsaid: „Swordthird sonfelt relieved, the manpower who thistimeIleadis enough, makesLu Chendiesufficiently100.”
The powerhouse who this timehebringsmaybe many, is a powerfullineup.这一次他带来的强者可不少,是一个强大的阵容。12Sage Boundary, fourSage Boundary, areelite of tigerclan.
十二位圣境,四位圣境,都是虎族的精锐。After previous lessons that loseseightSage Boundary, whiteZeknows that onLu ChenhasSage Kingto read the guard, canerupt the Sage Monarchrank the strength.
经过上一次损失八个圣境的教训,白泽知道陆尘身上有圣王念护身,能够爆发出圣君级别的战力。FourSage Monarchpowerhouses who thistimesend, is mainly divertsLu ChenSage Kingto read, remainingcopes withLu Chentwoprotector.
这次派出来的四位圣君强者,主要是牵制陆尘身上的圣王念,剩下的对付陆尘的两位护道者。whiteZewas supposing, becauseprevioustimealerted the enemy, Lu Chenbehindprotectorpossiblyincreasesonetotwo, thereforesentsomepowerhouses.
白泽估摸着因为上次打草惊蛇了,陆尘身后的护道者可能增加一到两位,所以多派了一些强者。Lu Chenlistened towhiteZe the words, the innermost feelingsto pound the tongueto be incomparable, the lineup of thisrank, destroyed completelyAzure Territoryanyfirst-classinfluencesufficiently, nowbringsto cope withhesmallPrimordial Spirit Boundary, has saying that underwhiteZeverymeetinginitial capital.陆尘听了白泽的话,内心砸舌无比,这个级别的阵容,足以灭掉青域任何一家一流势力了,现在却拿来对付他一个小小的元神境,不得不说,白泽很会下血本。Afterward, in the Lu Chenheartraiseswipesto sneer, the powerhouse who whiteZesends outthe more better, sending outSage Kingto be better, when the time comescamemany dead many.
随后,陆尘心中升起一抹冷笑,白泽派出的强者越多越好,派出圣王就更好了,到时候来多少死多少。Lu Chenaskedintentionally: „Heard that the tigerclancametwoSage King, whywhiteZexiongnot to send outtwoSage Kingto act, words that thisrankacted, Lu Chen, even ifhad the Saintto readprotects oneselfstill to diewithout doubt.”陆尘故意问道:“听说虎族来了两位圣王,白泽兄为何不派出两位圣王出手,这种级别出手的话,陆尘就算有圣念护身也必死无疑。”Lu Chenseems like that the good intentionremindedwhiteZeto send the Sage Kingpowerhouse, was quite absolutely safe, actuallyattentivedangerous, hewantedto killentersAzure TerritorytwotigerclanSage King.陆尘看似好心提醒白泽派圣王强者,好万无一失,实则用心险恶,他想要弄死进入青域的两位虎族圣王。whiteZeshakes the headslightly, having the self-confidenttone saying: „KillsLu Chenalsoto have no need forSage Kingmaking a move, this littleused a talented person in an insignificant position.”
The Lu Chenbrowtightwrinkle, makes the pondershape, after severalseconds, opened the mouth and said: „this time, hopes that cansucceed.”陆尘眉头紧皱,作思考状,几秒后,才开口道:“这一次,希望能成功吧。”seasonRanzhanin the one side, seescompared with the pearl that Lu Chendevelopsalso , the corners of the mouthtwitch.
季然站在一旁,见陆尘演的比珍珠还真,嘴角抽搐不已。„this time, ambushesLu Chento point at the mapaboveplaceto sayhere”: „Thismountain range, fromwind and thunderpavilion, be onlyten thousandli (0.5 km) away, passed byhere, Lu Chendefinitelywill relaxvigilantly, becausehecannot thinkclose to the wind and thunderpavilionrange, but alsosomepeopledareto cope withhim, mustachievestrikes to kill.”
“行”Regarding the arrangement of Lu Chen, whiteZenotslightsuspicion, becausehehas the trusttoLu Chen.
对于陆尘的安排,白泽没有丝毫的怀疑,因为他对陆尘已经有了信任感。After allhe and swordthird son'scommon enemiesareLu Chen, two peoplewish one couldLu Chen dead.
毕竟他和剑三公子的共同敌人都是陆尘,两人都恨不得陆尘死。whiteZeleaves the room, contacts with the powerhouse who bringsto the one side, after telling, threepeopleare then waiting.
白泽离开房间,到一旁联系带来的强者,吩咐下去之后,三人便等着了。ThinkswhiteZe who thistimecan certainlysucceed, puts out the tigerclancollection the liquorto inviteLu Chenandseasoncorrect/however, before long, whiteZedrinkswas drunken, enunciationunclearsaying: „Sword, the swordthird son, oursleepingwell, waitsto get uptomorrow morning, perhapshad the goodnews.”
The Lu Chenwhole faceflushedred, raises the hand of wine glassto sway, stuttersay/way: „Does, cheers, is waiting for the tomorrow'sgoodnews.”陆尘满脸酡红,举着酒杯的手都在摇晃,结结巴巴的道:“干,干杯,等着明天的好消息。”„Pūpasses”
“噗通”whiteZetouplants, falls down, the unconsciousness of being drunk.
白泽头一栽,倒在地上,醉的不省人事。AfterwhiteZekeeled over drunk, looking awfulLu Chen that seeminglyis drunk, the lookpure brightnessinvitedsuddenly, wherealsohad a feeling of being drunk.
The seasonhoweverhas not gotten drunk, passes on the sound said: „Lu Chen, wekilledwhiteZe the person, drankhisnice wine, wedowent too far.”
季然也没喝醉,传音道:“陆尘,我们杀了白泽的人,又喝了他的好酒,我们是不是做的太过分了。”Justliquor that whiteZenacame out, althoughwas not the good winerankingaboveliquor, but also was a good wine, tribute that the Sage Kingpowerhousecandrink, becausewhiteZewas very highin the white tigerclanposition, thereforecollectedtwobottles.
刚刚白泽拿出来的酒,虽然不是美酒排行榜上面的酒,但是也属于一种佳酿,圣王强者才能够喝到的贡品,但是因为白泽在白虎族地位很高,所以珍藏了两瓶。Was drunkupbythreepeople.
被三人喝光了。Lu Chentouches the chin, whiteZethis timemustlose12Sage Boundary, fourSage Boundary, thendrankhistwobottles of nice wines.陆尘摸了摸下巴,白泽这一次要损失十二位圣境,四位圣境,然后又喝了他两瓶好酒。Lu Chenthought that as ifhasthatlittleexcessively.陆尘都觉得似乎有那么一点点过分。Howeverthinks that Zesends out the powerhousewhite/in vainiskillshis, thisfaint traceguiltyvanishes into thin airinhisheart.
不过想到白泽派出强者是来杀他的,这一丝丝的愧疚在他心中烟消云散。Next morning, whiteZewoke, buthas not receivedvictory report, next day, thirdday, as beforenonewsandfeedback.
第二天一大早,白泽醒过来了,但是没有接到手下的捷报,第二天,第三天,依旧没有一点消息和反馈。Fourthday, whiteZeis not calm, on the facehas the cloud of gloom, clenches teeth saying: „Hownot to have the news, shouldnot be defeated.”
第四天,白泽不淡定了,脸上带着愁云,咬牙道:“怎么还没有消息,该不会失败了吧。”Suddenly, whiteZehearsoutsidestreetto be somewhat noisy, inclines the head and listens attentively. Quick, hesuch aswas struck by lightning, the whole personis stiffon the spot.
突然间,白泽听到外面街道有些吵闹,侧耳倾听。很快,他如遭雷击,整个人僵硬在原地。NearbyLu Chenandseasonhowevertwo people, ‚stiff’ in same place, likeclay sculpturestatue, motionless.
旁边的陆尘和季然两人,也‘僵硬’在原地,如同泥塑雕像般,一动不动。Because the person of outsidestreetwas discussing, swordchildLu Chenassassinatedmatter.
因为外面街道的人都在讨论,剑子陆尘又被暗杀的事情。It is saidswordis going to the wind and thunderpavilion, to the influencerange of wind and thunderpavilion, fledsuddenly12Sage Boundary, fourSage Monarchlaunch the sure-killtoLu Chen.
据说剑子在前往风雷阁,到了风雷阁的影响力范围,突然窜出来十二位圣境,四位圣君对陆尘展开绝杀。originally thoughtLu Chenmustdiewithout doubt, haswind and thunderpavilionSage Boundaryto hurry backfromoutsidecoincidentally, metthismatter, then the help, is less thanhalfquarter, an ambushLu Chenpowerhouseis suffered extreme penaltycompletely.本以为陆尘必死无疑,刚巧有风雷阁圣境从外面赶回来,遇上了这件事情,便帮忙,不到半刻钟,埋伏陆尘的一众强者全部被伏诛。
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