, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Guhorizonrecalls, at that timeswordChenPalace Lordwaswhat kind ofsplendor, butunited the divine swordto awetothis, had no wayto take up, encountersunites the resistance of divine sword.
顾天涯不免回忆起,当时剑辰宫主是何等的出色,但是对这戮神剑敬畏有加,没法拿起,遭到戮神剑的反抗。Nowunexpectedlyis taken upbyLu Chen, the innermost feelingsfind ithard to believe that is difficultto be inadequate the Lu Chentalent is also betterthan the swordChenPalace Lordtalent.
现在居然被陆尘拿起了,内心觉得不可思议,难不成陆尘的天赋比剑辰宫主的天赋还要好。„Well, this brokenswordplannedwithdecidingme”at this time, the Lu Chenwordspulled back the realityGuhorizon.
“咦,这把破剑是打算跟定我了吗”这时,陆尘的话把顾天涯拉回了现实。At first, attended to the horizonwantingto spit blood, thisfellowdoes not appreciate one's own good fortune.
起初,顾天涯想要吐血,这家伙真是身在福中不知福。However attended to the horizonglimpsingthisboyboth handsto hold the swordquickly, strokes the sword bladegently, a seriousappearance of treasure, ineyeswas full of the cunninglook.
不过很快顾天涯瞥见这小子双手抱剑,轻轻抚摸剑身,一副宝贝的不得了的样子,一双眼中充满了狡黠的神色。Guhorizonas ifresponded.
顾天涯似乎反应过来了。Unites the divine swordto have mystical powers, is arrogant, will select the lord, the average personcannot have a liking.
戮神剑有灵,非常高傲,会自行择主,一般人看不上。ButLu Chendoes exactly the opposite, intentionallyin front ofuniting the divine sworddisparages, said that thisis a brokensword, displaysto shut out the incomparablelook, added that ifcannot take uponetime, does not take.
而陆尘反其道而行之,故意在戮神剑面前贬低,说这是一把破剑,表现出嫌弃无比的神色,还说如果一次拿不起,就再也不拿了。Originallythissayingat allwas nottohimsaid that buttouniting the divine swordsaid.
After Guhorizonthinks through, does not know that saidwhatwas good, thisyoungclever and resourceful person, in a few wordsuniting the divine sworddeceived.
顾天涯想通之后,都不知道说什么好了,这小机灵鬼,三言两语就把戮神剑骗到手了。Before, howtheyhave not thought ofthismeans.
以前,他们怎么没有想到这个办法呢。HoweverGuhorizonfelt,Lu Chenbesidesenrages the divine swordwith the language, unites the divine swordmore or lessto lookin the talentchoosesto follow.
不过顾天涯觉得,陆尘除了用语言激怒神剑外,戮神剑或多或少看在天赋上才选择跟随的。After alltheyunited the divine swordmain bodyto be separated from the silver moon that the swordbodybuilttogether unable to conquer, not to mentionconqueredto unite the divine sword.
毕竟他们连戮神剑主体脱离下来一块剑体打造的银月都征服不了,别提征服戮神剑了。In fact, just like attended to the horizonthinking.
事实上,正如顾天涯所想。Cracks a joke, oneseeminglytattered, the long sword that as ifcanbe crackedmomentarily, erupts the terrifyingprestigeenergy, shakesdirectlyfliesto attend tohorizongreat accomplishmentSage King, ifLu Chenalsoreallytreats as a brokensword, he was really a fool.
A sword, unmannedcontrol, eruptsitsprestige to fluctuate, shakesfliesgreat accomplishmentSage King.
一把剑,无人掌控,爆发其威能波动,震飞大成圣王。Lu Chenis supposing, lowly is also Highest Venerable, orHeavenly Venerable.陆尘估摸着,最低也是至尊器,或者天尊器。Hecannot be rare.
当然稀罕的不得了。Moreover, thisisonehas the intelligencedivine sword, it is estimated thatsamehas the thought that thereforehedisparagesoneintentionallywantonly.
而且,这是一把极具灵性的神剑,估计跟人一样有思想,所以他故意大肆贬低一通。Lu Chenfelt,unites the divine sword, althoughhas mystical powers, butis full of wisdom, compares not the excellentbrain.陆尘觉得,戮神剑虽然有灵,但是再有智慧,也比不过人的脑子。
The facttoward conducts like that after is so slightly exciting, took upunited the divine sword that heplans.
事实朝着他计划的那般进行,稍微这么刺激后,就拿起了戮神剑。Lu Chenwisp of spiritual senseenters the sword blade, was unresponsive,laterpours intoinsidespirit strength, noresponded,probably is really a brokensword.陆尘一缕神念进入剑身,毫无反应,随后把灵力注入里面,也没有一丝反应,就好像真的是一把破剑。Lu Chenknits the brows, what's the matter, cannotstimulateto unite the might of divine sword.陆尘不禁皱了皱眉,怎么回事,难道不能激发戮神剑的威力。Therefore, Lu Chenlooked that toattending tohorizoninquired: „HowIcannotactivate the might.”
于是,陆尘看向顾天涯询问道:“我怎么不能激活威力。”Attends tohorizonopened the mouth and said: „It is estimated thatwasyourstrengthwas too small and weak, althoughcannotactivate the prestigeenergy, butunited the divine swordalsoto be ablewithsage itemtospelling, youfirsttakeusing.”
顾天涯开口道:“估计是你的实力太弱小了,虽然不能激活威能,但是戮神剑也能够和圣器对拼,你先拿着用。”Attends to the horizonnot being worried that Lu Chen the divine swordlosing, thislittle fellowwalkworld, ishehas snatchedothers'treasureafter all, otherscannot snatchhistreasure, furthermore, lostcarelesslyunited the divine sword, was robbed.
顾天涯丝毫不担心陆尘把神剑给弄丢了,毕竟这小家伙行走世间,一直都是他抢别人的宝贝,别人抢不到他的宝贝,再者说,不慎弄丢了戮神剑,被抢走了。Unitesmight that the divine sworderupts, shakesdirectlyfliesgreat accomplishmentSage King, knows that oneselfcomes back.
戮神剑爆发出来的威力,直接震飞大成圣王,知道自己回来的。„Yeah, Ialsowantto takeis uniting the divine sword, after the activation, can lookkill the Saint”Lu Chenregrettablesighing.
“哎,我还想拿着戮神剑,激活之后,看看能不能杀圣呢”陆尘遗憾的叹了一口气。Guhorizon the corners of the mouthtwitch, are showing the whites of the eyes saying: „Yourboydo not aim too high, magical treasureassistsmartial artisteventually, only then was in itself powerful, reallypowerful.”
顾天涯嘴角抽搐,翻着白眼道:“你小子别好高骛远,法宝终究是辅助武者的,只有本身强大了,才是真的强大。”„Sinceyouobtainedunited the divine sword, I should also depart”attended tohorizonlooksomewhatcomplexsaying: „Closes up20years, Ialsorush to ninedays of ancientpath, islivesdies, met one's fate with resignation.”
“既然你得到了戮神剑,我也该离去了”顾天涯神色有些复杂的说道:“闭关个二十年,我也去闯闯通往九天的古路,是生是死,就听天由命了。”„Old man, youmustrush toancientroadchannel”Lu Chento stare the bigeye.
“老头子,你要去闯古路通道”陆尘瞪大眼睛。So-calledancientpath, leads toninedays of nihilityjourneys, thisjourneydanger, only then the Sage Kingrankhas the qualificationsto go to rush, moreoveropportunity that Sage Kingfalls from the skyverybig, the average persondoes not dareto rush.
所谓古路,是通往九天的一条虚无路途,这条路途十分的危险,只有圣王级别才有资格进去闯,而且圣王陨落的机会非常的大,一般人根本不敢去闯。Fierce that because the Ten Territoriesheaven and earthrulesuppresses, the main roadharms, martial artist can only cultivationto the Sage Kingsummit, thenbog downcertainly.
因为十域天地规则压制的厉害,大道有损,武者只能够修炼到圣王绝巅,便停滞不前。Ifwantsto promoteHighest Venerable, mustgo towandererancientpath, ontoninedays.
如果想要晋升至尊,必须去闯荡古路,上到九天。Thisancientpathconstructsin a Central Province Territorynihilityspace, seems the artificialconstruction, seems likedarkinforms.
这条古路建造在中州域的一处虚无空间当中,仿佛是人为建造,又像是冥冥之中形成的。But, ancientLutaiwas dangerous, not onlythere isfearfullycanswallow the Sage Kingvoidcrack, inexplicablethunder and lightning, as well asvariousunknowndangers.
可是,古路太危险了,不仅有可怕的能够吞噬圣王的虚空裂缝,还有莫名的雷电,以及各种未知的危险。Generally speaking, tenSage Kingninemustdie.
一般来说,十个圣王九个都要死。Ninedays of peopleare not good, the Ten Territoriespersonis not good.
九天的人不好下来,十域的人也不好上去。Does not know that many Sage Kingdie, inled to ninedays of ancientroads.
The martial artistlife spanis very long, particularlySage Boundarythistypefrequentlylives100,000years, several hundred thousandyears.武者的寿命很长,尤其是圣境这种动辄活个十万年,几十万年的。
If not rush toancientpath, Ten TerritoriesSage Kingquantity, it is estimated thatcompared withincreasingseveral hundred, several thousandtimes.
要是不去闯古路,十域的圣王数量,估计会比增加几百,几千倍吧。Thisroadalsoreputation, thattreads the tall ladder, in other wordsoversteps the tall ladder, dayhighRenNiaofei, the seaextravagantdepending on the fish dive.
The wanderersare successful, cultivation basewas not being fetteredandlimited, has the opportunityto attackHighest Venerableas well asHeavenly Venerable Boundary.
闯荡成功,修为不在被束缚和限制,有机会冲击至尊以及天尊境。Ten Territories, seems like the shackles, cultivation basewas imprisoned.十域,就好像牢笼,修为被禁锢了。This is also Ten TerritoriesSage King, clear(ly)knewa narrow escape, mustgo to the wandererancientpathreason.
这也是十域的圣王们,明知道九死一生,还是要去闯荡古路的原因。Attends tohorizonnodded, said: „Imustrush, if the timeis dragging, myvitalitydeteriorates, the success ratiowas lower.”
“给你”Lu Chenwaves the arms about, tenbottles of tigerstrong liquorfloatinin the air, fresh and tenderdragonmeat, estimateover a thousandjin (0.5 kg)initially.陆尘一甩手,十瓶虎烈酒漂浮在空中,还有一块块鲜嫩的龙肉,初步估算上千斤。„What”
顾天涯愣了愣。Lu Chensaid: „Tigerstrong liquor, Ideliveryou.”陆尘道:“虎烈酒,我送你的。”Guhorizonalsoknows that the tigerstrong liquor the advantage, can the strongmusclehealthybone, making the vitalitykeepprosperous.
顾天涯也知道虎烈酒的好处,能够强筋健骨,让气血保持鼎盛。„Thisiswhatmeat/flesh, the essence is so how rich” attended to the horizonlooking atdragonmeat/flesh, is filling the thickessence, the fresh and tendermeat is very white tender, the essenceoverflows.
“这是何肉,精气怎么这么浓郁”顾天涯看着龙肉,弥漫着浓浓的精气,鲜嫩的肉很嫩白,精气四溢。„Preliminary estimate, Highest Venerabledragonmeat/flesh”Lu Chenlooklightsaying.
“初步估算,至尊龙肉吧”陆尘神色平淡的说道。Guhorizonwas ignorant, Highest Venerabledragonmeat/flesh, the firstthoughtis false, buthehas not seensuchessencesuchrichmonster beastmeat.
顾天涯懵了,至尊龙肉,第一头念头就是假的,但是他从来没有见过这么精气这么浓郁的妖兽肉。Attending to the horizondoes not know that saidwhatwas good, the Highest Venerablemeat how thisboydoes, even the Highest Venerablemeatcandounexpectedly.
顾天涯都不知道说什么好了,这小子怎么搞来的至尊肉,居然连至尊肉都能搞到。Guhorizonhas a feeling, ifoneselfatethesemeat, the strength computationwill riseseveralpointsagain, the wandererancientroadsuccess ratiowill also increase.
顾天涯有一种感觉,如果自己吃了这些肉,实力估计会再度上升几分,闯荡古路成功率也会增加。Suddenly, attending to the horizonis somewhat affected, opens mouth, justwantsto praiseLu Chenseveral, for examplealsocalculatesconscientiousand so on.
一时间,顾天涯有些感动,张了张嘴,正想夸赞陆尘几句,比如说还算有良心之类的。But the wordshave not said that Lu Chenfirstsaid: „Badold man, thismeatis the thing of bigmaking up, atediligently, strivesto leave behindseveraldescendants, Ifeared that yourwandererancientpathdiedeven the descendantsnot to stay behind.”
可是话还没有说出口,陆尘抢先说道:“糟老头子,这肉是大补之物,吃了努力点,争取留下几个后代,我怕你闯荡古路死了连后代都没有留下。”Lu Chenremembers that thisfellowseems like the hoodlum, even/including the wife and sonsdo not have.陆尘记得这家伙好像是光棍呢,连妻子和儿子都没有。
After saying, leftdirectly.
Before Lu Chen the words, let attended to the horizonair/Qiwantthisboyto graspjust before leavingto punchruthlessly.陆尘临走前的话语,让顾天涯气的想把这小子抓回来狠狠揍一顿。Originallyhis heartis very affected, butthisfellowspokesimplyexasperating, had the violentto punch a heimpulsion.
本来他内心很感动,不过这家伙说话简直气死人,有暴揍他一顿的冲动。Attended tohorizonstandinglong time, showed a gratifiedsmilefinally.
顾天涯怔怔的站立良久,最后还是露出了一个欣慰的笑容。Recommendsbook«MyElder sisterUltraHiding shortcomings»
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