, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
The Sword Emperor Palacehigh levelbelieves,Lu Chenobtained the approval of silver moon, latercanobtain the acknowledgment of divine sword.剑帝宫高层认为,陆尘获得了银月的认可,以后会不会得到神剑的承认。Therefore, Lu ChenpositioninSword Emperor Palaceveryspecial, no matterLu Chenhandles anything, whatever the Sword Emperor Palacehigh levelheacts sloppily.
所以,陆尘的地位在剑帝宫十分的特殊,不管陆尘做什么事情,剑帝宫高层都任由他胡来。At this time, Lu Chenwent forward, arrives at this divine sword that in front was wrappedby the spider web, dug up the drawingspider web, revealed the main body of divine sword.
这时,陆尘上前,来到这把被蜘蛛网包裹的神剑面前,扒拉蜘蛛网,露出了神剑的主体。Thisis a blacklong sword, the pointas well assharpness of nodivine sword, veryordinary, seems likeoneordinarycannotin the ordinarylong sword.
这是一把黑色的长剑,没有一点神剑的锋芒以及锐利,非常的平凡,就好像是一把普通的不能在普通的长剑。Those whomakeLu Chenaccidental/surprisedis, sees onlythisbeing calledon the sword blade of divine swordfullis the fissure, like the spider webcrack, seeming likeas ifcanbe crackedto be the same momentarily.
让陆尘意外的是,只见这把被称为神剑的剑身上面满是裂痕,如同蜘蛛网般龟裂,看起来仿佛随时会龟裂一样。Whatis main, middlesword bladethere, reallyhasgaptogether, it seems like that the thatsection of blackswordbody of silver moon, thenfalls off the sword from this.
最主要的是,中间剑身那里,真的有一道缺口,看来银月的那截黑色剑体,便是从这把剑上面脱落下来的。„Unites the divine sword, toisoneis full ofaggressivename”Lu Chento see that on the sword bladeengravedthreecharacters, whispered.
“戮神剑,到是一个充满霸气的名字”陆尘看到剑身上面刻印了三个字,嘀咕一句。Afterward, Lu Chenthensaid: „Thisalsocalculates the divine sword, Ibelieveyourghost, yourbadold manmustbadly.”
随后,陆尘回头说道:“这也算神剑,我信你个鬼,你个糟老头子坏得很。”Attends to the horizonflipping the supercilious look, ill-humoredsaying: „Little rascal, Ideceivesyouto do, this is the unsurpasseddivine sword, came from the day, unknown origin, swordintentalsocomprehendsto comefromabove, youattempt, cantake upthisdivine sword.”
顾天涯翻了翻白眼,没好气的说道:“小鬼,我骗你干什么,这把便是无上神剑,从天外而来,来历不明,剑意也从上面领悟而来的,你尝试一下,能不能拿起这把神剑。”Lu Chensaid: „Thiswas cracked the sword, bumpedbreaks to pieces, Iwanteditto do.”陆尘说道:“这把剑都龟裂了,一碰就碎,我要它干什么。”
Such a rottensword, Lu Chendoes not want.
这么烂的一把剑,陆尘才不想要。Moreover, a prestigecanfluctuatedoes not have, to the feeling of Lu Chenis a commonincomparablesword.
嗡!When the Lu Chenvoicefalls, sees onlyto insertin the divine sword of groundshivers, inswordtombtens of thousands ofsword, startscrash-bangshaking.
就在陆尘话音落下的时候,只见插在地上的神剑颤动起来,剑冢里面的成千上万把剑,也开始哗啦啦的摇动起来。All thesehave been as if discontentedwith the Lu Chenwords.
这一切仿佛都在对陆尘的话有所不满。Lu Chensaw the surroundingphenomenon, in the abdomenholelittlesaid that alsoseveral thousandswords, inthis moment, shookunexpectedlysimultaneously.陆尘看到周围的异象,腹洞里面少说也有几千把剑,在这一刻,竟然同时摇动起来。
The Lu Cheneye of revealunusual look, is a divine sword.陆尘目露异色,难道正是一把神剑。But the divine sword, was still even broken.
可就算是神剑,也残破了吧。Lu Chenturned around, said: „Old man, thisswordyou, ifwants, leavesyou, a rottensword, Iam not rare.”陆尘转身走了回来,道:“老头子,这把剑你要是想要,就留给你吧,一把烂剑,我才不稀罕。”Lu Chenmakesoneto shut outlook, simplyhas not placedin the sword this eye.陆尘做出一副嫌弃至极的神色,根本没有把这把剑放在眼中。Crash-bang!
哗啦啦!Inswordtomballswords, swayedwas fiercer.
剑冢里面的所有剑,摇晃的更加厉害了。Attends to the horizonflipping the supercilious look, said: „I, ifcantake up the divine sword, but can also haveyourshare.”
顾天涯翻了翻白眼,道:“我要是能够拿起神剑,还能有你的份。”Attending tohorizon, althoughisthisgeneration of Palace Lord, cultivation baseingreat accomplishmentSage King, comprehendedsage levelswordintent, cango to the wanderer'sancientpathtoupper boundary, entersvastninedays, butincompared withsomeshockinggenerationswith the Sword Emperor Palacehistory, the talentmissedseveralpoints.
顾天涯虽然是这一代宫主,修为在大成圣王,领悟了圣级剑意,都可以去闯荡通往上界的古路,进入浩瀚的九天了,但是与剑帝宫史上一些惊艳之辈相比,天赋还是差了几分。For examplehewas the character who followed the swordChensenior, hewas initially youngtransparently, these for tens of thousandsyears, Palace Lordwas bornfrom generation to generation, resigns, goes towandererancientpath, boiled for 80,000years, finallysat the Palace Lordposition.
比如他是跟随剑辰前辈的人物了,当初他还是小透明,这几万年来,一代又一代宫主诞生,卸任,去闯荡古路,熬了八万年,才终于坐上了宫主的位置。„Cannot take up, whycannot take up”Lu Chento blink, the doubtssaid.
“拿不起,为何拿不起”陆尘眨了眨眼睛,疑惑道。Guhorizonsaid: „Magic swordhas mystical powers, selects the lord, it is estimated thatismytalentis insufficient.”
顾天涯道:“神剑有灵,自行择主,估计是我的天赋不够吧。”Guhorizonwalks, thengrips the sword hilt, preparesto pull out the divine sword.
顾天涯走过来,然后握住剑柄,准备把神剑拔起来。At this moment, sees only this divine sword that divinityreservedandcanbe crackedmomentarily, suddenly the vibration, blooms the eye-catchingblackenergy, the bombardmentis attending to the body of horizonsuddenly.
噗!Sees onlygives a thought tohorizonpowerhouse who hasgreat accomplishmentSage King Boundary, does not have the slightresistanceability, the strength that the directlyuniteddivine sworderuptsshakingflies, hitson the mountain wall.
只见顾天涯这位有着大成圣王境的强者,没有丝毫的反抗能力,直接被戮神剑爆发出来的力量给震飞,撞击在山壁上面。At this moment, entiredayJianfeng, as ifthatslightshivered.
这一刻,整座天剑峰,似乎都那么轻微的颤抖了一下。Lu Chenseesthis scene, is quite surprised, thisalso is really a divine sword.陆尘看到这一幕,极为意外,这还真是一把神剑。
The ability that erupts, madegreat accomplishmentSage Kingbe injuredunexpectedly.
爆发出来的能力,竟然让一位大成圣王受伤了。Guhorizonwipedblood on a corners of the mouth, the smilebitter and astringentsay/way: „Yousaw, thiswas the might of divine sword, had the intelligence, could not have a liking forme, thereforestruckto flyme, Iam certain the ability that in the divine swordcontained, justeruptedabsolutelywas more powerful.”
顾天涯抹了一把嘴角上的鲜血,笑容苦涩道:“你看到了吧,这就是神剑的威力,拥有灵性,看不上我,所以把我击飞,我可以肯定神剑里面蕴含的能力,绝对比刚刚爆发出来的还要强大。”Guhorizonsaid,actuallyseesLu Chento visithimwith an extremelystrangevision, looks athimto be absolutely terrified.
顾天涯说完,却见陆尘用一种极其怪异的目光看着他,看得他毛骨悚然。Attends to the horizonwhole bodybeing scared, said: „Boy, youranythinglook.”
顾天涯浑身发毛,道:“小子,你什么眼神。”Lu Chenlanguidopened the mouth and said: „Badold man, youshouldnot be the kidneyempty, you are also great accomplishmentSage King, the aura that a brokensworderuptsshookyouflew, you were also too useless.”陆尘懒洋洋的开口道:“糟老头子,你该不会是肾虚了吧,你好歹也是一位大成圣王,一把破剑爆发的气息就把你震飞了,你也太没用了。”„Pū”
“噗”Attended tohorizonspouting an oldblooddirectly, laterstared the bigeye, the beard of air/Qicurled upwards: „Aiyaya, your youngbastardlooksto hit, fatheris healthy, youkidneyempty, toldyou,onold manbody, onenightseventimesis not the issue.”
顾天涯直接喷出了一口老血,随后瞪大眼睛,气的胡子都翘了起来:“哎呀呀,你这小王八蛋是不是找打,老子身体好得很,你才肾虚,跟你说,就老夫这个身体,一夜七次不是问题。”Attends to the horizonalmost not being givento irritateby the Lu Chenwords, whatimpudent remark who thisboyspoke.
顾天涯差点没被陆尘的话给气死,这小子说的什么混账话。Guhorizonsaid,never expected thatLu Chenlookedwas strangertohisvision, even a faint traceshuts out.
“你这又是什么眼神”Lu Chensaid: „Yourbadold man, more than tenfellows of long live, but alsodamages the little miss.”陆尘道:“你个糟老头子,都十多万岁的家伙了,还祸害小姑娘呢。”„Pū”
“噗”Attends to the horizonputting out a bloodagain, does not wantto speakwiththisscoundrel.
顾天涯再次吐出一口血,都不想和这混账说话了。„Boy, do not insert funny dialog, youattemptto tear off the divine sword, so long asyoucanextract downward, this swordwasyour.”Guhorizonremembersto have the goal that Lu Chencomes, is almost forgottento comethis'sgoal that thisscoundrelwas mad.
“小子,别插科打诨,你去尝试拔下神剑,只要你能拔下来,这把剑就是你的了。”顾天涯想起带陆尘来的目的,差点被这混账气的忘了来此的目的。Lu Chencurls the lip, said: „A brokenswordIam not rare.”陆尘撇撇嘴,道:“一把破剑我才不稀罕。”„Brokensword”
“破剑”Guhorizonfeelsthissayingincomparablegrating, extremely angrysaying: „Magic sword, thisis a divine sword, is not the brokensword, even ifsword bladecrack, butis also bigger than the sage itemmight, such a unsurpasseddivine swordplacesin front ofyou, youare not excited.”
顾天涯感觉这话无比的刺耳,愤愤的说道:“神剑,这是神剑,不是破剑,纵然剑身龟裂,但是也比圣器的威力大,这么一把无上的神剑放在你面前,你也不心动。”„Youroneselflikes, youroneselftakes”Lu Chento shake the headto say.
“你自己喜欢,你自己拿着吧”陆尘摇了摇头道。Guhorizonhad food stuck in the throatimmediately, iftheycantake up the divine sword, the share of thisscoundrel, is impossible.
顾天涯顿时被噎住了,他们要是能拿起神剑,还有这混账的份,根本不可能。According totheirguesses, this swordestimated that mustselect the lord.
根据他们的猜测,这把剑估计要自行择主。Attends tohorizonopened the mouth and said: „Youattempt, ifcould not take upeven, Idid not forceyou, ifcantake up, this swordwasyour.”
顾天涯开口道:“你尝试一下,如果拿不起就算了,我也不强迫你,如果能够拿起,这把剑就是你的了。”Attending to the horizonwas also speechless, such a divine sword, does not know that manypeoplewantto rushto want, isthisscoundrelis not excited.
顾天涯也无语了,这么一把神剑,不知道多少人想要抢着要,可是这混账就一点也不心动。„Good, Itry, ifincorrectwords, even if”Lu Chenpushed someone take on a difficult jobsaying.
“那好吧,我就试一下,如果不行的话,那就算了”陆尘勉为其难般的说道。Then, arrived in front of the divine sword, the handgraspedabove the sword hilt, whileLu Chenthinks that oneselfwill be erupted the strengthby the divine sword, flewto the balldirectly, actuallydiscovered that a hindrancedid not have, tookdirectly.
The divine swordin the hand, giveshim an extremelydexterousfeeling, toas if no a weightdexterously.
神剑在手,给他一种极为轻巧的感觉,轻巧到仿佛无一丝重量。„Yeah, howItook, Idid not wantthisLu Chento have a big shockto say the brokensword”.
“哎,我怎么拿起来了,我不想要这把破剑啊”陆尘大惊失色道。Nearbyattending tohorizondirectdelay in same place, recovers, a lookpiecechanges countenance.
旁边的顾天涯直接呆滞在原地,回过神来,神色一片动容。Lu Chen, reallytook upunited the divine sword.陆尘,真的拿起了戮神剑。
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