, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!Lu Chenwas suggestedinitiallybyFirst MasterSu YingxiaSword Emperor Palacepracticessword technique, arrives atSword Emperor Palaceto hear a rumor, it is said the Sword Emperor Palaceextremelyintelligenceswords, the namedsilver moon, canpresentanypeakin the middle ofJiufengoccasionally, any陆尘当初是被大师父苏迎夏建议来剑帝宫修行剑法的,来到剑帝宫听到一则传言,据说剑帝宫有一把极为灵性的剑,名为银月,会不定时出现在九峰当中的任何一峰,任何一处
The Sword Emperor Palacehigh levelhas said that ifwhocanobtain the approval of silver moon, whoisSword Emperor Palacesword.剑帝宫高层说过,谁要是能够获得银月的认可,谁就是剑帝宫剑子。
The innumerabledisciplesare crazyforthisnews, full mountainseeks for the silver moon, wants, butsees the silver mooneach time, the silver moonwill flee, no onehas been approved.
After Lu ChencomesSword Emperor Palace, has seenseveraltimes, pursuedseveraltimes, the speed that butthisflies the swordis too fast, cannot catch up.陆尘来剑帝宫之后,也看到过几次,追了几次,可是这把剑飞的速度太快,追不上。Finallyhehad not pursued, oneselfhadfiveMasterin any case, cannotbecome the Sword Emperor Palacedisciple is also not all that serious.
最后他就没有追了,反正自己有了五个师父,不能成为剑帝宫弟子也没什么大不了。Hefollows attended tohorizonpracticingsword technique, attended to the horizonnot hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent, gavehimallsword technique.
他跟随顾天涯修行剑法,顾天涯也没藏拙,把所有剑法交给了他。Hisperceptionis good, sage levelsword techniqueto him, onemonthcrosses the threshold, goes outto tempersword technique, sword techniquecultivationtocompletion , to continue Sword Emperor Palaceto practice, cameSword Emperor Palaceseveraltimesprobably.
他的悟性不错,圣级剑法对于他来说,一个月入门,出去磨炼剑法,把剑法修炼到圆满,继续剑帝宫修行,大概来了剑帝宫几次。Whendoes not knowfrom, Lu Chendiscoveredoneself, whencultivationsword technique, onewill exudesilverlong swordlight/onlyto appearbeforehim.
不知道从何时起,陆尘发现自己在修炼剑法的时候,一把泛着银光的长剑就会出现在他面前。Thisis the silver moon.
这是银月。Hetriesconciseswordintentfor the last time, consumedaboutsix months, finallyhad/leftswordintentconcise.
最后一次他尝试凝练剑意,耗费了半年时间左右,终于凝练出了剑意。Inthat moment of conciseswordintent, the silver moonstoppedinhisfront.
The Lu Chenattemptholds the silver moonwith the hand, was unexpectedly successful.陆尘尝试用手抓住银月,竟然成功了。Therefore, hebecameSword Emperor Palaceswordnaturally.
于是,他理所当然的成了剑帝宫剑子。Afterhebecomes the swordchild, the silver moonrumorwent into hiding, latterbasicsprouting/moeXindudoes not know that hasthisnews.
在他成为剑子之后,银月的传言就销声匿迹了,以至于后入门的萌新都不知道有这则消息。Silver moonquitestrange, althoughissovereign item, buthas the intelligence, is interlinkedwith the Lu Chenintention.
银月颇为奇异,虽然是一把皇器,但是却拥有灵性,与陆尘心意相通。Originallydoes not arrive atPrimordial Spirit Boundary, does not have the meansto towmagical treasurewithspiritual sense, butLu Chen can actually control the silver moon.
本来不到元神境,是没有办法用神念牵引法宝的,但是陆尘却可以控制银月。Until now, Lu Chenthought that the silver moonis very ordinary, butalso is a little uncommon, as forwhereuncommon, cannot say.
一直以来,陆尘觉得银月很普通,但是却又有点不凡,至于哪里不凡,又说不上来。Today attended to the horizonarriving athishere, probablyfor the origin of silver moon.
今日顾天涯来到他这里,好像是为了银月的来历而来。WhenLu Chenis silent, attended to the horizontracing the beard, hesitates saying: „The silver moon in yourhand, althoughis onlyordinarysovereign item, a main body that butactually the there's a long story behind this, thatsection of blackswordbody, actuallyfalls offfrom an unsurpasseddivine sword.”
在陆尘沉默的时候,顾天涯摸摸胡须,沉吟道:“你手中的银月虽然只是一把普通的皇器,但是却大有来历,那一截黑色剑体,其实是从一把无上神剑上面脱落下来的一块主体。”„Magic swordhas mystical powers, even ifsheddingsame place, containsdivinity, will select the lord, butyou, are thisgeneration of swordlords.”
“神剑有灵,纵然脱落一块,也蕴含神性,会自行择主,而你,便是这一代的剑主。”„Unsurpasseddivine sword” the Lu Cheneyebrowjumpedjumping.
“无上神剑”陆尘眉毛跳了跳。„Youmayknow that the Sword Emperor Palaceorigin” attended to the horizonlookingtoLu Chen, the smileasks.
“你可知道剑帝宫的来历”顾天涯看向陆尘,微笑问道。Lu Chensaid: „The swordChenseniorestablishesSword Emperor Palace, stillhas about 86,500years.”陆尘道:“剑辰前辈创立剑帝宫,至今已有八万六千五百年左右。”SwordChensenior, 80,000years ago ancientcharacters, althoughmanySage Kinglivequitefor a long timecompared withswordChen, the contribution that butswordChenmakes, actually the rarepersoncanbe on par.
剑辰前辈,八万年前的古老人物,虽然很多圣王都比剑辰活得比较久,但是剑辰做出的贡献,却罕有人能够比肩。Because the swordChenseniorestablishedSword Emperor Palace, witha few words that the outside worldspreads, worldsword cultivatorcompletelyhasSword Emperor Palace.
It can be said that sword cultivatorthislineage, the swordChensenioris a founder, pioneered the beginning, comprehendedswordintent, was not the rule, actuallyalsowantedterrifyingseveralpointscompared with the strength of rule.
可以说剑修这一脉,剑辰前辈是创立者,开创了先河,领悟出了剑意,不是规则,却比规则之力还要恐怖几分。Although the swordChenseniorhad gotten upninedays of wanderer, butTen Territoriesis also spreadinghisname.
剑辰前辈虽然已经上了九天闯荡,但是十域还流传着他的名。Guhorizonsmilesto listen to the Lu Chenlecture, smilesto ask: „Yousaidgood, butyouknowhow the swordChenseniorstudies diligentlyswordintent.”
顾天涯微笑着听陆尘讲完,笑问道:“你说的都不错,但是你知道剑辰前辈怎么钻研出剑意的吗。”Lu Chenasked back: „It is not the swordChenseniorcreates.”陆尘反问道:“难道不是剑辰前辈创造出来的。”cultivation technique that nowmost peoplepractice, the movement, somefrom the ancientstelediscovery, are the predecessorremains, somedugfrom the ancient timesvestige, somewere the oneselfcreations.
现在大部分人修行的功法,身法,有的是从古老石碑发现的,是前人所留,有的是从远古遗迹挖出来的,有的是自己创造的。ThereforeLu Chenfelt,swordintentthisspecialcultivationmethod, shouldbe the swordChenseniorcreates.
所以陆尘觉得,剑意这种特殊的修炼法,应该是剑辰前辈创造出来的。Attends tohorizonshaking the headslowly, says: „Some, the dayfell the divine sword on the 1st, air-splittinghowevercame, no oneknows that the divine swordcame, to fall intothisplacefrom where, the swordChenseniorsees the divine sword, satsenses for hundredyearsby the divine sword, comprehendedswordintent, thistypehas the pinnaclesharpstrength.”
顾天涯缓缓的摇头,才开口说道:“某一日,天降神剑,破空而来,无人知道神剑从何而来,落入这片地方,剑辰前辈看到神剑,坐在神剑旁边感悟百年,从中领悟到了剑意,这种带着极致锋利的力量。”„Then, the swordChensenioropenssectLipaiinthisplace, establishesSword Emperor Palace, until nowbecame the Azure Territorymostpeakinfluence.”
“然后,剑辰前辈在此地开宗立派,成立剑帝宫,到如今成为青域最巅峰的势力。”Lu Chenstares the bigeye, calls out in alarmsaid: „Then, swordintentis not the swordChenseniororiginally creates.”陆尘瞪大眼睛,惊呼道:“这么说来,剑意不是剑辰前辈独创。”Guhorizonsmilesto nod, said: „Followsmeto come, does not know that byyourabilitywhethercancontrol the divine sword.”
顾天涯微笑点头,道:“跟随我来,不知道以你的能力是否能够掌控神剑。”Lu Chenfollowedto attend to the horizongoing out, arrived at a day of Jianfengrestricted area, a leaf of giantcave mansionentranceset up a stele, steleabovewrites the swordtombtwocharacter, covered entirely the dust, filled the trace of years.陆尘跟着顾天涯出去,来到了天剑峰一处禁地,一扇巨大的洞府门口立着一块石碑,石碑上面写着剑冢两个字,布满灰尘,充满了岁月的痕迹。Lu Chenknows the swordtomb, hereis the older generationsinks the dormancyplace.陆尘知道剑冢,这里是先辈沉眠地。For example the person who Sword Emperor Palacedied in battle, will buryinthis.
比如剑帝宫战死的人,会埋葬在这里面。Until now, hereis the restricted area.
一直以来,这里是禁地。Althoughheis lawless, butfacing the sinkingdormancyplace of thisolder generation, does not know that buried the dyingplaces of manySword Emperor Palaceolder generations, has not cometo disturb.
他虽然无法无天,但是面对这种先辈的沉眠地,不知道埋藏了多少剑帝宫先辈的长眠地,也没有来打搅。Attends to the horizonsleeverobewielding, twostone doorrumble the vibration, the dustflies upwards, thenopenstoward the two sides.
顾天涯袖袍一挥,两道石门隆隆震动,尘土飞扬,然后朝两边打开。Afterward, two peopleenteredin the swordtomb.
随后,两人走进了剑冢里面。Thisis a giantcircular channel, the channeldiameterroughly about fivemeters, canseeinchanneltwo sidesstone wall, insertedcompletely the dense and numerouslong swords.
这是一个巨大的圆形通道,通道直径约莫五米左右,可以看到通道两边的石壁上,插满了密密麻麻的长剑。Abovecovered entirely the dust and spider web, verymessy and dirty, butactuallygivespeople a sacredincomparablefeeling.
上面布满了灰尘和蜘蛛网,非常的脏乱,但是却又给人一种神圣无比的感觉。Intoward the frontweek, Lu Chensawmanytombstones.
在往前面周,陆尘看到了许多的墓碑。Has arrived at the innermost, presents a giantabdomenhole.
一直走到最里面,出现一个巨大的腹洞。In the abdomenholes, is inverting a sword, covered a thickspider web.
嗡!At this time, the Lu Chenbodyfelt the change, the silver moondepartsfromhiswithin the body, blooms the silverbrilliance, made the sound of Zhengcalling, was covered the thicklong swordto revolveby the spider webregarding the middle.
这个时候,陆尘身体感觉到异动,银月从他体内飞出,绽放出银色的光辉,发出铮鸣之音,围绕着中间被蜘蛛网覆盖厚厚的长剑旋转起来。„Thisis a divine sword, the swordChenseniorfoundedSword Emperor Palace, might as wellsaid that wasthisfoundsSword Emperor Palace the divine sword”thisis, Guhorizonpointed at the middlelong sword saying that in the muddylookhas the solemn and respectfullook.
“这就是神剑,与其说剑辰前辈开创了剑帝宫,还不如说是这把神剑开创了剑帝宫”这是,顾天涯指着中间的长剑说道,浑浊的眼神中带着肃穆的神色。„In the past, the divine swordoncedepartedair-splittingdays, after 1000returns, before departing, once the completelosslessdivine sword, after coming back, covers entirely the fissure, evenfalls offtogether the swordbodyfrom the main body, finallythisswordbody, was then builtsilver moon”to attend tohorizonsayinginsidein a soft voice.
This divine swordintelligence, wasitcreated the swordChenseniorextremely, createdpresentSword Emperor Palace.
这把神剑极为灵性,是它创造了剑辰前辈,创造了如今的剑帝宫。ThisswordregardingSword Emperor Palace, out of the ordinary, is the most precious object.
这把剑对于剑帝宫来说,非同凡响,是至宝。However, no onecanpull up this sword, usesforoneself.
但是,无人能够拔起这把剑,为己所用。Finally, the birth of silver moon, making the Sword Emperor Palacehigh levelrealize,withitscontroldivine sword, might as well first compatiblesilver moon, on the silver moon the swordbodyfallfrom the divine swordafter alltogether.
最后,银月的诞生,让剑帝宫高层认识到,与其掌控神剑,不如先亲和银月,毕竟银月上面一块剑体是从神剑上面掉下来的。But, the silver moon in a day of casting, directwas clever.
可是,银月在铸成的一天,直接通灵了。No matter the younggeneration of shockingtalent, is the Sage King Boundarypowerhouse, does not haveone to grasp the silver moon.
不管是年轻一辈的惊艳之才,还是圣王境界的强者,无一能够掌握银月。Even the initiativesuppressedsilver moon, the silver moon must fromexploding.
甚至主动压制银月,银月还要自爆。Finally, can only , whatever the silver moonexistsinSword Emperor Palace, hopes, somepeoplecangrasp the silver moon.
最终,只能任由银月在剑帝宫存在,希望以后有人能够掌握银月。UntilLu Chenappears, grasped the silver moon.
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