MMISF :: Volume #5

#442: The origin of silver moon

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! white Ze felt, if not the sword third son's information contains errors, how possibly to lose eight Sage Boundary, comprehends Sage Boundary of sovereign level sword intent, even if goes against heaven's will again, Sage Boundary of in addition wind and thunder pavilion, is impossible to resist eight Sage Boundary simultaneously. 白泽觉得,如果不是剑三公子的情报有误,怎么可能损失八位圣境,领悟皇级剑意的圣境就算再逆天,外加一位风雷阁的圣境,也不可能同时对抗八位圣境啊。 Now loses eight Sage Boundary, white Ze the heart in the drop blood. 如今损失八位圣境,白泽的心都在滴血。 To say the least, both sides Sage Boundary battle time, found time to launch an attack to Lu Chen, Lu Chen also dies. 退一步说,双方圣境交战的时候,抽空对陆尘发动一次攻击,陆尘也死了。 Complementary waves what kind of terrifying of Sage Boundary battle, with the landslide cracks in the earth, destroys the day to extinguish described that is not overrated. 圣境交战的余波何等恐怖,用山崩地裂,毁天灭地来形容也不为过。 Lu Chen goes against heaven's will again, cannot block an attack of Sage Boundary. 陆尘再逆天,也挡不住圣境的一道攻击。 After all he is only small Primordial Spirit Boundary, a Sage Boundary casual use pressure oppresses him, can let his body blasting open. 毕竟他只是一个小小的元神境,一位圣境随便动用威压压迫他,都能让他的身躯炸裂。 Lu Chen self-confident opened the mouth and said: My information will not have the mistake, Lu Chen truly only then two protector, has this situation now, only has a possibility ..... 陆尘自信的开口道:“我的情报不会有错,陆尘确实只有两位护道者,如今发生这种情况,只有一种可能性.....。” Lu Chen time at this point, stops intentionally. 陆尘说到这里的时候,故意停顿一下。 white Zemang asked: What possibility.” 白泽忙问道:“什么可能性。” Lu Chen reveals the color of thinking, said: That is on Lu Chen has the Saint to read the protection, you also know that he is the thunder thousand apprentices certainly, is Sword Emperor Palace sword, besides having protector, the Saint read the guard, reason that this time failed, the person who you sent were few.” 陆尘露出思索之色,道:“那就是陆尘身上有圣念保护,你也知道他是雷千绝的徒弟,又是剑帝宫的剑子,除了有护道者之外,还有圣念护身,这次之所以失败,还是你派来的人少了。” white Ze pats the forehead, said: Right, how I forgot this.” 白泽一拍额头,道:“对啊,我怎么忘记了这点。” white Ze understands profoundly oneself mistake, his status is not low, the body also has the Saint to read the protection, powerful Sage King read, the Lu Chen status background was also extraordinary, definitely had Sage King to read. 白泽深刻明白到了自己的错误,他身份不低,身上也有圣念守护,还是强大的圣王念,陆尘身份背景同样非凡,肯定有圣王念。 Activates Sage King to read, the battle efficiency that erupts probably in Sage Monarch about, the time of although having might be short, but sufficiently destruction eight Sage Boundary. 激活圣王念,爆发出来的战斗力大概在圣君左右,虽然存在的时间可能很短,但是足以覆灭八位圣境了。 It seems like that the powerhouse who must send the Sage Monarch rank can kill Lu Chen. 看来,得派圣君级别的强者才能够杀死陆尘 Lu Chen regrettable sighing, said: This action failed, aroused the Lu Chen vigilance, wanted to continue to start next time, that was more difficult.” 陆尘遗憾的叹了一口气,道:“这次行动失败,引起了陆尘的警觉,下一次想要继续下手,那就困难多了。” Afterward, three people returned to the sword city together, sees only on the street, the people are discussing a matter, that is the Sword Emperor Palace disciple assassinated matter. 随后,三人一起回了剑城,只见街道上,众人都在谈论一件事情,那就是剑帝宫弟子被暗杀的事情。 It is said Lu Chen returns to the wind and thunder pavilion again on the way, suffered the ambushes of eight Sage Boundary, is good has two protector because of its back, in addition three two Sage King read the activation, erupted the Sage Monarch battle efficiency, jointly put to death eight Sage Boundary. 据说陆尘再回风雷阁的途中,遭受到了八位圣境的伏击,好在其背后有两位护道者,加上三道两道圣王念激活,爆发出圣君战斗力,联合诛杀了八位圣境 Everyone is curious eight Sage Boundary is what status, why must assassinate Lu Chen. 所有人都好奇八位圣境是什么身份,为何要暗杀陆尘 This matter has a great influence, quickly to disseminate. 这件事情的影响极大,迅速传播开来。 After their three people arrive at an inn quietly, white Ze opened the mouth and said: Lu Chen has two Sage King to read unexpectedly, this arrived is a little troublesome.” 他们三人悄无声息的来到一家客栈之后,白泽开口道:“陆尘居然有两位圣王念,这到有点麻烦了。” It seems like that he must reassign a stronger powerhouse to ambush Lu Chen, possibly succeeds. 看来,他还要抽调更强的强者来伏击陆尘,才可能成功。 white Ze looks to Lu Chen, scruple saying: Sword third son, by you and season energy however, can send several powerhouses to collaborate from outside with the inside, with jointly attacking to kill Lu Chen.” 白泽看向陆尘,迟疑的说道:“剑三公子,以你和季然的能量,能否派几位强者里应外合,配合击杀陆尘。” white Ze felt, if the sword third son can send out several powerhouses, then coordinates his person, will strike to kill the Lu Chen probability to be bigger. 白泽觉得,如果剑三公子能够派出几位强者,那么配合他的人,击杀陆尘的几率会更大。 The never expected that Lu Chen complexion fierce ground submergence, said: white Zexiong, I and you cooperated have taken the huge risk, although behind me had the powerhouse, they supported me, but essentially loyal in Sword Emperor Palace, they not possible, for I killed Lu Chen, Lu Chen was too important in the Sword Emperor Palace position.” 没想到陆尘脸色猛地沉了下来,道:“白泽兄,我与你合作已经冒了天大的险,虽然我背后有强者,他们支持我,但是本质上忠心于剑帝宫,他们万万不可能为了我杀陆尘,陆尘剑帝宫的地位太重要了。” white Ze saw sword third son to be angry, busy say/way: Sword third son do not lose one's temper, I spoke thoughtlessly a saying, coped with the Lu Chen manpower, I arranged.” 白泽见‘剑三公子’生气了,忙道:“剑三公子勿动怒,我只是随口一说,对付陆尘的人手,还是我来安排吧。” Ok, you first left, is waiting for after the time period wind sound/rumor, I am contacting with you Lu Chen to say. “行了,你先离开吧,等着阵子风声过后,我在联系你”陆尘开口说道。 Good “好” white Ze nods, he also knows that will undergo the assassination of this time, Sword Emperor Palace will definitely get suspicious, the investigation will assassinate Lu Chen strange Sage Boundary, it is estimated that will do the period of time big movement, these days did not have the opportunity to start. 白泽点头,他也知道经过这一次的暗杀,剑帝宫肯定会起疑心,调查暗杀陆尘的陌生圣境,估计会搞一阵子的大动作,这段时间都没机会下手了。 white Ze left the sword city, Lu Chen and season however also returned to Sword Emperor Palace. 白泽离开了剑城,陆尘和季然也回到了剑帝宫 After returning to Sword Emperor Palace, the season however corners of the mouth twitch: White Ze can not be played by you.” 回到剑帝宫之后,季然嘴角抽搐:“白泽不得被你玩死啊。” The witness who the season however takes the whole thing, saw that white Ze played with by Lu Chen in from beginning to end applauding, the bewildered loss eight Sage Boundary, in the heart somewhat sympathized with white Ze. 季然作为整件事情的见证者,见到白泽从头到尾被陆尘玩弄于鼓掌之中,莫名其妙的损失了八位圣境,心中有些同情白泽了。 Lu Chen looks cold intent: Tiger clan wants to kill me, is difficult to be inadequate I to sit waiting for death.” 陆尘面露冷意:“虎族想要杀我,难不成我要坐以待毙。” Lu Chen does not want to pay attention to the tiger clan, who makes the tiger clan overbearing, oneself fermented dozens bottles of tiger strong liquor, is thinking wants his life, does not kill the appearance that he vows not to rest. 陆尘本来都不想理会虎族的,谁让虎族霸道,自己不过酿制了几十瓶虎烈酒而已,就想着要他的命,一副不杀他誓不罢休的样子。 Since this, that accompanies white Zewan. 既然这样,那就陪白泽玩玩。 Returns to the cave mansion, Lu Chen to continue cultivation, besides promotion rank, boundary that but also the promotion clone, he had/left two clone to present altogether cultivation, clone boundary in Primordial Spirit Boundary middle stage about, lowered three small boundary compared with the main body, consumed for three months, clone to promote to the Primordial Spirit Boundary peak. 回到洞府,陆尘继续修炼,除了提升等级之外,还提升分身的境界,他到现在一共修炼出了两具分身,分身的境界元神境中期左右,比本尊低了三个小境界,耗费了三个月的时间,把分身提升到元神境巅峰。 But cultivation base of his main body, had grasped one vague potential, so long as potential great accomplishment, he can broken enter King Boundary. 而他本尊的修为,已经若有若无掌握了一丝‘势’,只要‘势’大成,他就可以破入王境 Grasped one potential, the pressure are too powerful more than common Primordial Spirit Boundary completion. 掌握了一丝‘势’,威压比寻常元神境圆满强大太多。 On this day, Lu Chen in the middle of cultivation, is being awakened suddenly, sees only oneself side, is standing a old man. 这一天,陆尘正在修炼当中,突然被惊醒过来,只见自己的旁边,站着一个老者。 An old man silver hair, the whole face red light, is passing the ruddy color, the muddy look blooms the sharp ray, just like two sharp swords. 老者一头银发,满脸红光,透着红润之色,浑浊的眼神绽放犀利的光芒,宛若两柄锋利的剑。 Wears the white Daoist robe, spotless, seems like quite the flavor of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 身穿白色道袍,一尘不染,看起来颇为仙风道骨的味道。 I go, why your bad old man comes here Lu Chen to open the eye, sees this old man, immediately has a scare. “我去,你这糟老头子来我这里干什么”陆尘睁开眼睛,看到这老头,立刻吓了一跳。 The old men look at Lu Chen with a smile, is touching the beard slightly, the appearance of Lu Chen, absolutely is a Sword Emperor Palace good fortune, but this fellow is very restless, before made Azure Territory to be in chaotic situation, now starts running around in circles that the tiger clan plays, buried alive eight Sage Boundary one time. 老者本来含笑的看着陆尘,微微抚摸着胡须,陆尘的出现,绝对是剑帝宫的一件幸事,不过这家伙很闹腾,以前就闹得青域鸡飞狗跳,现在更是开始把虎族耍的团团转,一次性坑杀了八位圣境 The old men more look are more satisfied, who would imagine the Lu Chen first few words, making his face black. 老者越看越满意,岂料陆尘的第一句话,让他脸庞黑了起来。 Brat, the good and evil I also calculate that your half Master, spoke old man to get angry to say to my elderly man. “臭小子,好歹我也算你半个师父,就这么对我老人家说话”老者黑着脸说道。 The silver-haired old man named attended to horizon, Sword Emperor Palace Palace Lord, previous generation day Jianfeng Peak Lord, is voted as this generation of Palace Lord, powerful incomparable, one of the Sword Emperor Palace strongest several people. 银发老者名为顾天涯,剑帝宫宫主,上一代天剑峰峰主,被推选为这一代的宫主,实力强大无比,剑帝宫最强的几人之一。 Lu Chen martial art is he teaches, but Lu Chen has not requested him to be the master, but also calculates Lu Chen half Master. 陆尘武学都是他传授的,但是陆尘没有拜他为师,但也算陆尘的半个师父吧。 Section horizon is a little uncomfortable regarding Lu Chen, although other Lu Chen aspects are very good, but does not respect the elderly and take good care of the young, spoke to be able the popularity dead each time. 段天涯对于陆尘有点不爽,虽然陆尘其他方面很好,但是一点也不尊老爱幼,每次说话能把人气死。 Who called you to be scary, was I had not agreed each time, you came in directly, does not know that knocked on a door Lu Chen to whisper. “谁叫你吓人的,每次都是我没同意,你直接就进来了,也不知道敲门”陆尘嘀咕一句。 Said that this time you look for me, has anything” Lu Chen to ask. “说吧,这次你来找我,有什么事”陆尘问道。 This old man, being all right words will not look his. 这老头,没事的话是不会找他的。 Gives a thought to the look of horizon to have the recollection, sobbing opened the mouth and said: In a flash several years passed by, your also cultivation to Primordial Spirit Boundary completion, is the time makes you try one.” 顾天涯的眼神带着回忆,唏嘘的开口道:“一晃几年过去了,你也修炼到了元神境圆满,是时候让你尝试一番了。” What...” Lu Chen is vacant. “什么...”陆尘茫然。 Gu horizon visits him, the facial expression suddenly becomes serious: You may know that the silver moon has what origin, why a section of sword body can be black.” 顾天涯看着他,神情突然变得严肃起来:“你可知道银月有什么来历,还有一截剑体为何会是黑色的吗。” Lu Chen sees to give a thought to a horizon face serious appearance, somewhat is slightly curious, the silver moon in his hand has what story to be inadequate. 陆尘见顾天涯一脸郑重的模样,微微有些好奇,难道他手中的银月有什么故事不成。
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