MMISF :: Volume #5

#441: Was defeated

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! After white Ze conspires, Lu Chen and season however return to Sword Emperor Palace, just trod array, Lu Chen said: Words that previously you spoke, is your innermost thoughts.” 与白泽密谋后,陆尘与季然回到剑帝宫,刚踏出阵法,陆尘说道:“先前你说的话,是你的心里话吗。” What season however is confused looks to Lu Chen. “什么”季然一头雾水的看向陆尘 Saying of Lu Chen faint smile: I also looked at Lu Chen is not feeling well early, this was your innermost thoughts.” 陆尘似笑非笑的说道:“我也早看陆尘不爽了,这是你的心里话吗。” The season however compels immediately ignorant, later sharply jumps, yelled is unjust: This was you compels me saying that furthermore, I such said that to not let white Ze believed.” 季然当即懵逼,随后急地跳起来,大叫冤枉:“这可是你逼我说的,再者说,我那样说不是为了让白泽更加相信吗。” Lu Chen said: It seems like your innermost thoughts.” 陆尘道:“看来是你的心里话了。” The season however spits blood, the complexion is then pallid, look hidden bitterness looks at Lu Chen, copes with after white Ze, Lu Chen should not transfer the muzzle to cope with him. 季然吐血,而后脸色煞白,眼神幽怨的看着陆尘,对付白泽过后,陆尘该不会调转枪口对付他吧。 Teases you to play, looks at the Lu Chen corners of the mouth that you frighten to bring back a pondering smile. “逗你玩儿,瞧你吓的”陆尘嘴角勾起一丝玩味的笑容。 Your Sir season however flips the supercilious look. “你大爷”季然翻了翻白眼。 Then two people forgave white/in vain Ze two moon/month, after Lu Chen cultivation leaves second clone, starts to cope with white Ze. 接下来两人谅了白泽两个月的时间,陆尘修炼出第二具分身之后,开始着手对付白泽了。 Fans out in two groups, Lu Chen makes the season however have Sword Emperor Palace to contact white Ze, informed white Ze saying that Lu Chen must return to the wind and thunder pavilion, this was a good opportunity, must hold. 兵分两路,陆尘让季然出剑帝宫联络白泽,告知白泽说陆尘要回风雷阁,这可是一个好机会,必须抓住。 But his oneself, reassigned five Sage Monarch old men in Sword Emperor Palace, a Sage King powerhouse has Sword Emperor Palace. 而他自己呢,则在剑帝宫抽调了五位圣君老头子,还有一位圣王强者出剑帝宫 White Ze should all not come the person who brings from Monster Territory the ambush, after all 50 Sage Boundary, eight Sage Monarch, two Sage King this lineup, copes with him a little to use a talented person in an insignificant position. 白泽应该不会把从妖域带来的人全部过来埋伏,毕竟五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王这个阵容,对付他有点大材小用。 The person who if white Ze brings are too many, then can reassign some Sage Boundary in the sword city temporarily, because Sword Emperor Palace was also stationed in several Sage Boundary in the sword city. 如果白泽带来的人太多,那么可以临时在剑城抽调一些圣境,因为剑帝宫在剑城还驻扎了好几位圣境 After Lu Chen arrives at the sword city, the intention moves, making oneself one clone to loaf in the sword city, they converges with season however Ze again white/in vain. 陆尘来到剑城之后,心念一动,让自己的一尊分身在剑城游荡,再与季然白泽他们汇合。 As for bringing the powerhouse, allows them to enter the ambush good place ahead of time. 至于带出来的强者,则让他们提前进入埋伏好的地点。 Lu Chen converges an inn in sword city with two people, after meeting, immediately asks: white Zexiong, you brought many troops.” 陆尘与两人汇合在剑城的一家客栈,见面之后,立刻问道:“白泽兄,你带来了多少人马。” Saying that white Ze has not concealed slightly: Eight Sage Boundary, put out four Sage Boundary that diverts Sword Emperor Palace, Sage Boundary of three diversion wind and thunder pavilions, last kills Lu Chen.” 白泽丝毫没有隐瞒的说道:“八位圣境,拿出四位牵制剑帝宫圣境,三位牵制风雷阁的圣境,最后一位杀陆尘。” In the Lu Chen heart shouts 'motherfucker', white Ze to cope with him, but also really takes great pains, sends out enough eight Sage Boundary, this also thought highly of him. 陆尘心中骂娘,白泽为了对付他,还真的煞费苦心,派出足足八位圣境,这也太看得起他了。 However in the heart actually sneered, these eight Sage Boundary estimates must fall from the sky. 不过心中却冷笑了起来,这八位圣境估计要陨落了。 Once falls from the sky eight Sage Boundary, must cause the earthquake. 一旦陨落八位圣境,恐怕要引起地震。 After all the powerhouse of Sage Boundary this level, in the top influence, is still the high-end strength even, very scarce. 毕竟圣境这个层次的强者,就算在顶级势力当中,也属于高端战力,非常的稀少。 To train Sage Boundary, the resources that needs to consume were too many. 想要培养出一位圣境,需要耗费的资源太多了。 Lu Chen puts out a map, is pointing at a mountain range said: This was the inevitable location, Lu Chen should pass by this place tomorrow, white Zexiong you were good the person ambush ahead of time, tomorrow will make Lu Chen go to hell to see the yama.” 陆尘拿出一张地图,指着其中一处山脉说道:“这是必经之地,陆尘明日应该会路过此地,白泽兄你提前把人埋伏好,明天就让陆尘下地狱去见阎王。” Good, tomorrow Lu Chen must die white Ze mean saying, in the look brings killing intent without doubt. “好,明天陆尘必死无疑”白泽阴狠的说道,眼神中带着杀意 Well, Lu Chen came out Lu Chen to point on below street to say suddenly. “咦,陆尘出来了”陆尘突然指着下方街道上说道。 hearing this, nearby season however pokes head to look below street with white Ze. 闻言,旁边的季然和白泽探头望下下方的街道。 Sees only a white clothing youth to walk on the street, once for a while periphery has a look to trade the herbal medicine the outdoor shop. 只见一个白衣青年在街道上走着,时不时看看周围贩卖草药的摊子。 The season however is dumbstruck, Lu Chen in the front, how below Lu Chen, the most important thing is, the opposite party does not walk back and forth, will also speak. 季然发懵,陆尘不是在面前吗,怎么下面还有一个陆尘,最重要的是,对方走来走去,还会说话。 Occasionally had the disciple to pass by, called sword respectfully. 偶尔有弟子路过,恭恭敬敬的叫了一句剑子。 Lu Chen...” 陆尘...” Bang! 嘭的一声! white Ze has looked at this facial features in the memory crystal, will not make a mistake absolutely, gave the crumb the wine glass in hand directly. 白泽在记忆水晶里面看过这张面容,绝对不会出错,直接把手中的酒杯给捏碎了。 Lu Chen cast aside white Ze one eyes, said: white Zexiong should not be excited, be not detected, the vigilant heart of Lu Chen is very high.” 陆尘撇了白泽一眼,道:“白泽兄勿激动,别被发觉了,陆尘的警惕心很高的。” During speech, below Lu Chen as if induces the gaze, looked up toward them. 在说话的同时,下方的陆尘仿佛感应到注视,抬头朝他们看了过来。 Is good shrinks because of three people of heads is quite quick. 好在三人脑袋缩的比较快。 white Ze still shaken say/way: „The Lu Chen god thinks really powerful, useless spiritual sense takes a fast look around him, unexpectedly can feel our gaze.” 白泽惊魂未定道:“陆尘的神觉果然强大,没用神念扫视他,居然能够感受到我们的注视。” But Lu Chen was pondering, did not ferment several bottles of tiger strong liquor, this goods are so how excited, done oneself like his killing father personal enemy. 陆尘则在思考,不就是酿制了几瓶虎烈酒吗,怎么这货那么激动,搞的自己像他的杀父仇人一样。 My this arranged white Ze saying that departed in a hurry. “我这就去安排”白泽说完,匆匆离去了。 Because will erupt the Sage Boundary war, white Ze bringing eight Sage Boundary, arrange beforehand in the mountain range place that Lu Chen previously directed, it is estimated that tomorrow, will spread the news. 因为会爆发圣境大战,白泽把带来的八位圣境,事先安排在陆尘先前指点的山脉处,估计明天,就会传来好消息。 Next day, three people are waiting in the sword city, white Ze originally thought will spread the news at noon, eight Sage Boundary that can send had not come back, evening's time, white Ze worried, according to the truth, eight Sage Boundary should come back early, but a news does not have as before. 第二天,三人在剑城等着,白泽本以为中午就会传来好消息,可以派出去的八位圣境一直没有回来,晚上的时候,白泽更加的着急了,按道理来说,八位圣境早该回来了,但是依旧一点消息都没有。 Is Lu Chen comforts him in side on the contrary: „It is not anxious, perhaps was Lu Chen postponed the traveling schedule of departure.” 反倒是陆尘在旁边安慰他:“不急,说不定是陆尘推迟了离开的行程。” Has possibility white Ze to nod. “有可能”白泽点头。 The season however keeps mouth shut, eight Sage Boundary that it is estimated that white Ze brings had died. 季然默默无语,估计白泽带来的八位圣境已经死亡了。 Because Lu Chen sends out five Sage Monarch ahead of time, Sage King ambushes. 因为陆尘提前派出五位圣君,一位圣王埋伏。 Let alone eight Sage Boundary, come a time of quantity even again, must suffer extreme penalty. 别说八位圣境,就算是再来一倍的数量,也要伏诛。 Next day, they waited for day of fully, white Ze has not received any message as before, the whole person is not calm, in heart disturbed incomparable, always felt that has not the good matter to happen. 第二天,他们又整整等了一天的时间,白泽依旧没有接收到任何的消息,整个人不淡定了,心中忐忑无比,总感觉有不好的事情发生。 But, Lu Chen side, only then the two Sage Boundary protection, he sends out enough eight, no matter what, Lu Chen must die without doubt. 可是,陆尘身边只有两位圣境守护,他派出足足八位,不管怎样,陆尘都必死无疑啊。 Has waited for four days of time, white Ze said: „It is not good, we must have a look.” 一直等了四天时间,白泽说道:“不行,我们得去看看。” The Lu Chen look is also dignified: Good.” 陆尘眼神同样凝重:“好。” Then, one line of three people, go toward the mountain range of ambush , they saw quite magnificent one from afar, several mountain peaks collapse, the trees of surrounding area thousand li (500 km) are destroyed in a moment, the surroundings also remain the extremely fearful aura. 说完,一行三人,朝着伏击的山脉而去,远远地,他们就看到了颇为壮观的一幕,几座山峰倒塌,方圆千里的树木毁于一旦,周围还残留着极为可怕的气息。 Not far away, on a tree trunk of break, alternated a corpse. 不远处,一颗断裂的树干上,穿插了一具尸体。 white Ze sees this scene, suddenly changes, later discovered in side other corpses, in the surroundings ground, on the mountain peak, is blood-stained, the blood smell is very rich. 白泽看到这一幕,猛然一变,随后又在旁边发现了其余的尸体,周围地面上,山峰上,更是血迹斑斑,血腥气味十分浓郁。 These dead, all are the Sage Boundary powerhouses who he brings. 这些死者,全是他带来的圣境强者。 Was defeated white/in vain the Ze complexion incomparable ugliness. “失败了”白泽脸色无比的难看。 According to the truth, eight Sage Boundary are impossible to be defeated, is difficult to be inadequate the sword third son to disclose the news that contains errors, underestimated Lu Chen back protector wrongly. 按道理来说,八位圣境不可能失败的,难不成剑三公子透露出来的消息有误,错误的低估了陆尘背后的护道者。 While white Ze wants to interrogate Lu Chen time, Lu Chen actually took the lead to get angry, the tone was low and deep: white Zexiong, you are not the guarantee are excessively absolutely safe, why failed, you want to expose me.” 正当白泽想要质问陆尘的时候,陆尘却率先发火了,语气低沉:“白泽兄,你不是保证过万无一失吗,为何失败了,难道你想暴露我吗。” If I and season however expose, do not want to feel better, I and season although however is not high in the Sword Emperor Palace position, but can also transfer part of energies of” “如果我和季然暴露,你也别想好过,我和季然虽然在剑帝宫地位不高,但是也能调动一部分的能量” Lu Chen opens fire toward white Ze, in the tone was full of the anger, as if losing eight powerful Sage Boundary white Ze was angrier. 陆尘朝白泽开炮,语气中充满了愤怒,似乎比损失了八位强大圣境的白泽还要愤怒。 The season however also echoes saying: white Zexiong, you may give others a bad time we, if exposes, I and sword third son are how could good because of the Sword Emperor Palace day.” 季然也附和道:“白泽兄,你可害苦我们了,要是暴露,我和剑三公子在剑帝宫的日子岂能好。” ! 噗! white Ze depressed spitting blood, he also wants to interrogate that the sword third son's information contains errors, has not thought that first opened the mouth by the sword third son. 白泽郁闷的吐血,他还想要质问剑三公子的情报有误呢,没想到被剑三公子抢先开口。 In white Zexin chokes with rage, but looked that two people are angrier than him, in the heart the anger to dissipated much, the doubts asked: „Is sword third son, your information contains errors.” 白泽心中窝火,但是看两人比他还愤怒,心中怒火到是消散了不少,疑惑问道:“剑三公子,是不是你的情报有误。”
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