, renewsmy familyMastermostquicklyultraominousdá!
笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒!AfterwhiteZeconspires, Lu Chen and seasonhoweverreturn toSword Emperor Palace, justtrodarray, Lu Chensaid: „Words that previouslyyouspoke, isyourinnermost thoughts.”
与白泽密谋后,陆尘与季然回到剑帝宫,刚踏出阵法,陆尘说道:“先前你说的话,是你的心里话吗。”„What”seasonhoweveris confusedlookstoLu Chen.
“什么”季然一头雾水的看向陆尘。Saying of Lu Chenfaint smile: „Ialsolooked atLu Chen is not feeling wellearly, thiswasyourinnermost thoughts.”陆尘似笑非笑的说道:“我也早看陆尘不爽了,这是你的心里话吗。”
The seasonhowevercompelsimmediatelyignorant, latersharplyjumps, yelledis unjust: „Thiswasyoucompelsme saying that furthermore, Isuchsaid that tonot letwhiteZebelieved.”
季然当即懵逼,随后急地跳起来,大叫冤枉:“这可是你逼我说的,再者说,我那样说不是为了让白泽更加相信吗。”Lu Chensaid: „It seems like yourinnermost thoughts.”陆尘道:“看来是你的心里话了。”
The seasonhoweverspits blood, the complexionis then pallid, lookhidden bitternesslooks atLu Chen, copes withafterwhiteZe, Lu Chenshouldnot transfer the muzzleto cope withhim.
季然吐血,而后脸色煞白,眼神幽怨的看着陆尘,对付白泽过后,陆尘该不会调转枪口对付他吧。„Teasesyouto play, looks at the Lu Chencorners of the mouth that youfrighten”to bring back a ponderingsmile.
“逗你玩儿,瞧你吓的”陆尘嘴角勾起一丝玩味的笑容。„YourSir”seasonhoweverflips the supercilious look.
“你大爷”季然翻了翻白眼。Thentwo peopleforgavewhite/in vainZetwomoon/month, after Lu Chencultivationleavessecondclone, startsto cope withwhiteZe.
接下来两人谅了白泽两个月的时间,陆尘修炼出第二具分身之后,开始着手对付白泽了。Fans out in two groups, Lu Chenmakes the seasonhoweverhaveSword Emperor Palaceto contactwhiteZe, informedwhiteZe saying that Lu Chenmustreturn to the wind and thunderpavilion, thiswas a good opportunity, musthold.
兵分两路,陆尘让季然出剑帝宫联络白泽,告知白泽说陆尘要回风雷阁,这可是一个好机会,必须抓住。Buthisoneself, reassignedfiveSage Monarchold meninSword Emperor Palace, a Sage KingpowerhousehasSword Emperor Palace.
而他自己呢,则在剑帝宫抽调了五位圣君老头子,还有一位圣王强者出剑帝宫。WhiteZeshouldallnot come the person who bringsfromMonster Territory the ambush, after all50Sage Boundary, eightSage Monarch, twoSage Kingthislineup, copes withhima littleto use a talented person in an insignificant position.
The person who ifwhiteZebringsare too many, thencanreassignsomeSage Boundaryin the swordcitytemporarily, becauseSword Emperor Palace was also stationed inseveralSage Boundaryin the swordcity.
After Lu Chenarrives at the swordcity, the intentionmoves, makingoneselfonecloneto loafin the swordcity, theyconvergeswithseasonhoweverZeagainwhite/in vain.陆尘来到剑城之后,心念一动,让自己的一尊分身在剑城游荡,再与季然白泽他们汇合。As forbringing the powerhouse, allowsthemto enter the ambushgoodplaceahead of time.
至于带出来的强者,则让他们提前进入埋伏好的地点。Lu Chenconverges an inninswordcitywithtwo people, after meeting, immediatelyasks: „whiteZexiong, youbroughtmanytroops.”陆尘与两人汇合在剑城的一家客栈,见面之后,立刻问道:“白泽兄,你带来了多少人马。”Saying that whiteZehas not concealedslightly: „EightSage Boundary, put outfourSage Boundary that divertsSword Emperor Palace, Sage Boundary of threediversionwind and thunderpavilions, lastkillsLu Chen.”
白泽丝毫没有隐瞒的说道:“八位圣境,拿出四位牵制剑帝宫的圣境,三位牵制风雷阁的圣境,最后一位杀陆尘。”In the Lu Chenheartshouts 'motherfucker', whiteZetocope withhim, but alsoreallytakes great pains, sends outenougheightSage Boundary, thisalsothought highly ofhim.陆尘心中骂娘,白泽为了对付他,还真的煞费苦心,派出足足八位圣境,这也太看得起他了。Howeverin the heartactuallysneered, theseeightSage Boundaryestimatesmustfall from the sky.
不过心中却冷笑了起来,这八位圣境估计要陨落了。Oncefalls from the skyeightSage Boundary, must cause the earthquake.
一旦陨落八位圣境,恐怕要引起地震。After all the powerhouse of Sage Boundarythislevel, in the topinfluence, is still the high-endstrengtheven, veryscarce.
To trainSage Boundary, the resources that needsto consumewere too many.
想要培养出一位圣境,需要耗费的资源太多了。Lu Chenputs out a map, is pointing at a mountain rangesaid: „Thiswas the inevitable location, Lu Chenshouldpass bythisplacetomorrow, whiteZexiongyouwere good the personambushahead of time, tomorrowwill makeLu Chengo to hellto see the yama.”陆尘拿出一张地图,指着其中一处山脉说道:“这是必经之地,陆尘明日应该会路过此地,白泽兄你提前把人埋伏好,明天就让陆尘下地狱去见阎王。”„Good, tomorrowLu ChenmustdiewhiteZemeansaying, in the lookbringskilling intentwithout doubt”.
“好,明天陆尘必死无疑”白泽阴狠的说道,眼神中带着杀意。„Well, Lu Chencame out”Lu Chento point on belowstreetto saysuddenly.
“咦,陆尘出来了”陆尘突然指着下方街道上说道。hearing this, nearbyseasonhoweverpokes head to look below streetwithwhiteZe.闻言,旁边的季然和白泽探头望下下方的街道。Sees only a white clothingyouthto walkon the street, once for a while periphery has a lookto trade the herbal medicine the outdoor shop.
The seasonhoweveris dumbstruck, Lu Chenin the front, howbelowLu Chen, the most important thing is, the opposite partydoes not walk back and forth, will also speak.
季然发懵,陆尘不是在面前吗,怎么下面还有一个陆尘,最重要的是,对方走来走去,还会说话。Occasionallyhad the discipleto pass by, calledswordrespectfully.
偶尔有弟子路过,恭恭敬敬的叫了一句剑子。„Lu Chen...”
嘭的一声!whiteZehas looked atthisfacial featuresin the memorycrystal, will not make a mistakeabsolutely, gave the crumb the wine glass in handdirectly.
白泽在记忆水晶里面看过这张面容,绝对不会出错,直接把手中的酒杯给捏碎了。Lu Chencast asidewhiteZeoneeyes, said: „whiteZexiong should not be excited, be not detected, the vigilantheart of Lu Chenis very high.”陆尘撇了白泽一眼,道:“白泽兄勿激动,别被发觉了,陆尘的警惕心很高的。”Duringspeech, belowLu Chenas ifinduces the gaze, looked uptowardthem.
在说话的同时,下方的陆尘仿佛感应到注视,抬头朝他们看了过来。Is goodshrinksbecause ofthreepeople of headsis quite quick.
好在三人脑袋缩的比较快。whiteZestill shakensay/way: „The Lu Chengodthinksreallypowerful, uselessspiritual sensetakes a fast look aroundhim, unexpectedlycanfeelourgaze.”
白泽惊魂未定道:“陆尘的神觉果然强大,没用神念扫视他,居然能够感受到我们的注视。”ButLu Chenwas pondering,did not fermentseveralbottles of tigerstrong liquor, thisgoods are so how excited, doneoneselflikehiskillingfatherpersonal enemy.
而陆尘则在思考,不就是酿制了几瓶虎烈酒吗,怎么这货那么激动,搞的自己像他的杀父仇人一样。„Mythisarranged”whiteZe saying that departedin a hurry.
“我这就去安排”白泽说完,匆匆离去了。Becausewill erupt the Sage Boundarywar, whiteZebringingeightSage Boundary, arrangebeforehandin the mountain rangeplace that Lu Chenpreviouslydirected, it is estimated thattomorrow, will spread the news.
因为会爆发圣境大战,白泽把带来的八位圣境,事先安排在陆尘先前指点的山脉处,估计明天,就会传来好消息。Next day, threepeopleare waitingin the swordcity, whiteZeoriginally thoughtwill spread the newsat noon, eightSage Boundary that cansendhad not come back, evening'stime, whiteZeworried, according to the truth, eightSage Boundaryshouldcome backearly, but a newsdoes not haveas before.
第二天,三人在剑城等着,白泽本以为中午就会传来好消息,可以派出去的八位圣境一直没有回来,晚上的时候,白泽更加的着急了,按道理来说,八位圣境早该回来了,但是依旧一点消息都没有。IsLu Chencomfortshiminsideon the contrary: „It is not anxious, perhapswasLu Chenpostponed the traveling schedule of departure.”
反倒是陆尘在旁边安慰他:“不急,说不定是陆尘推迟了离开的行程。”„Haspossibility”whiteZeto nod.
The seasonhoweverkeeps mouth shut, eightSage Boundary that it is estimated thatwhiteZebringshad died.
季然默默无语,估计白泽带来的八位圣境已经死亡了。BecauseLu Chensends outfiveSage Monarchahead of time, Sage Kingambushes.
因为陆尘提前派出五位圣君,一位圣王埋伏。Let aloneeightSage Boundary, come a time of quantityevenagain, must suffer extreme penalty.
别说八位圣境,就算是再来一倍的数量,也要伏诛。Next day, theywaited forday of fully, whiteZehas not receivedanymessageas before, the whole personis not calm, inheartdisturbedincomparable, alwaysfelt that has not the goodmatterto happen.
第二天,他们又整整等了一天的时间,白泽依旧没有接收到任何的消息,整个人不淡定了,心中忐忑无比,总感觉有不好的事情发生。But, Lu Chenside, only then the twoSage Boundaryprotection, hesends outenougheight, no matter what, Lu Chenmustdiewithout doubt.
可是,陆尘身边只有两位圣境守护,他派出足足八位,不管怎样,陆尘都必死无疑啊。Has waited forfourdays of time, whiteZesaid: „It is not good, wemusthave a look.”
The Lu Chenlookis also dignified: „Good.”陆尘眼神同样凝重:“好。”Then, oneline of threepeople, gotoward the mountain range of ambush, theysawquitemagnificentonefrom afar, severalmountain peakscollapse, the trees of surrounding areathousand li (500 km)are destroyed in a moment, the surroundingsalsoremain the extremelyfearfulaura.
说完,一行三人,朝着伏击的山脉而去,远远地,他们就看到了颇为壮观的一幕,几座山峰倒塌,方圆千里的树木毁于一旦,周围还残留着极为可怕的气息。Not far away, on a tree trunk of break, alternated a corpse.
不远处,一颗断裂的树干上,穿插了一具尸体。whiteZeseesthis scene, suddenlychanges, laterdiscoveredinsideothercorpses, in the surroundingsground, on the mountain peak, isblood-stained, the blood smellis very rich.
白泽看到这一幕,猛然一变,随后又在旁边发现了其余的尸体,周围地面上,山峰上,更是血迹斑斑,血腥气味十分浓郁。Thesedead, allare the Sage Boundarypowerhouses who hebrings.
这些死者,全是他带来的圣境强者。„Was defeated”white/in vain the Zecomplexionincomparableugliness.
“失败了”白泽脸色无比的难看。According to the truth, eightSage Boundaryare impossibleto be defeated, is difficultto be inadequate the swordthird sonto disclose the news that contains errors, underestimatedLu Chenbackprotectorwrongly.
按道理来说,八位圣境不可能失败的,难不成剑三公子透露出来的消息有误,错误的低估了陆尘背后的护道者。WhilewhiteZewantsto interrogateLu Chentime, Lu Chenactuallytook the leadto get angry, the tonewas low and deep: „whiteZexiong, youare not the guaranteeare excessively absolutely safe, whyfailed, youwantto exposeme.”
正当白泽想要质问陆尘的时候,陆尘却率先发火了,语气低沉:“白泽兄,你不是保证过万无一失吗,为何失败了,难道你想暴露我吗。”„IfI and seasonhoweverexpose, do not wantto feel better, Iandseasonalthoughhoweveris not highin the Sword Emperor Palaceposition, but can also transferpart of energies of”
“如果我和季然暴露,你也别想好过,我和季然虽然在剑帝宫地位不高,但是也能调动一部分的能量”Lu Chenopens firetowardwhiteZe, in the tonewas full of the anger, as iflosingeightpowerfulSage BoundarywhiteZewas angrier.陆尘朝白泽开炮,语气中充满了愤怒,似乎比损失了八位强大圣境的白泽还要愤怒。
The seasonhoweveralsoechoes saying: „whiteZexiong, youmaygive others a bad timewe, ifexposes, I and swordthird sonare how could goodbecause of the Sword Emperor Palaceday.”
噗!whiteZedepressedspitting blood, healsowantsto interrogate that the swordthird son'sinformationcontains errors, has not thought that firstopened the mouthby the swordthird son.
白泽郁闷的吐血,他还想要质问剑三公子的情报有误呢,没想到被剑三公子抢先开口。InwhiteZexinchokes with rage, butlooked that two peopleare angrier than him, in the heart the angertodissipatedmuch, the doubtsasked: „Is swordthird son, yourinformationcontains errors.”
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