MMISF :: Volume #5

#440: Discussed the matters concerned

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! Restaurant inn of Lu Chen in sword city, the secret met with white Ze. 陆尘在剑城的一家酒楼客栈,秘密会见了白泽。 white Ze sees sword third son, facial expression very excited, opened the mouth and said: Sword third son, we met finally, the sighted person did not speak the code words, you should know my purpose in coming.” 白泽见到‘剑三公子’,神情十分的激动,开口道:“剑三公子,我们终于见面了,明人不说暗话,你应该知道我的来意吧。” Lu Chen nodded, said: Naturally.” 陆尘点了点头,道:“自然。” paused, Lu Chen supplemented, said: Actually I do not plan and you cooperate to cope with the Lu Chen matter.” 顿了顿,陆尘补充了一句,道:“其实我并不打算和你合作对付陆尘的事情。” white Ze immediately the complexion changes, at the same time, has breath all at once to fluctuate in secret, this is vague sovereign's prestige. 白泽顿时脸色一变,与此同时,暗中有一股气息起伏,这是一丝若有若无的皇威。 white Zelai the Sword Emperor Palace sword city, maintains enough low key, only led a Sovereign Boundary character. 白泽来剑帝宫的剑城,保持足够的低调,只带了一位皇境人物。 If leads the Sage Boundary character to come, very likely will bring to the attention of Sage Boundary powerhouse, bringing Sovereign Boundary to come is not remarkable. 如果带圣境人物前来,很可能会引起圣境强者的注意,带一位皇境过来不会惹人注意。 white Ze hears the Lu Chen words, in the heart is disturbed, if the sword third son does not cooperate with him, wants to cope with the Lu Chen matter him to say in the presence of everyone, is equivalent to Sword Emperor Palace to walk into a trap. 白泽听到陆尘的话,心中忐忑起来,如果剑三公子不和他合作,把他想要对付陆尘的事情当众说出来,相当于来剑帝宫自投罗网。 When white Ze is disturbed, Lu Chen continues opened the mouth and said: You have many to the Lu Chen understanding, the recent matter may know.” 就在白泽忐忑的时候,陆尘继续开口道:“你对陆尘了解有多少,最近发生的事情可都知道了。” white Ze sees sword third son so to inquire, in the heart relaxes, knits the brows: „The Lu Chen strength surpassed my anticipation, can actually cut the king, cut two kings in the city likely, a while ago defeated King Boundary in Sword Emperor Palace in the presence of everyone, it is said also concise sword intent, such talent, rare.” 白泽见‘剑三公子’这般询问,心中松了一口气,皱眉道:“陆尘的实力超出了我的意料,竟然能够斩王了,在象城斩了两王,前段时间又在剑帝宫内当众击败了一位王境,据说还凝练了剑意,此等天赋,举世罕见。” white Ze had not placed in Lu Chen the eye, after all initially heard Lu Chen for the first time Supermundane Boundary, Primordial Spirit Boundary, but comes out after the mystical place heard Lu Chen actually to cut the king, second even/including cut. 白泽本来没有把陆尘放在眼中的,毕竟当初第一次听闻陆尘超凡境,连元神境都不到,可是从秘境出来之后听闻陆尘竟然能够斩王了,还是两连斩。 In the days of sword city waiting, heard Lu Chen in Sword Emperor Palace losses a King Boundary talent, less than a half minute, hit opponent mouth spitting blood froth. 在剑城等待的这段日子,又听闻陆尘剑帝宫了一位王境天才,半分钟不到,打的对手口吐血沫。 Lu Chen more is revealed that the outstanding talent, Sword Emperor Palace more attaches great importance to him, it is estimated that many powerhouses protect in secret. 陆尘越是表露出卓绝的天赋,剑帝宫对他越重视,估计暗中有不少强者守护。 Lu Chen opened the mouth and said: You may know, the Lu Chen side has many powerhouses to protect.” 陆尘开口道:“你可知道,陆尘身边有多少强者守护。” Many “多少” white Ze inquired hastily. 白泽连忙询问道。 He most cares is this, so long as knows that some Lu Chen many powerhouses protect in secret, then acts appropriately to the situation, sends out a time of manpower, can cut to kill Lu Chen surely. 他最在意的就是这个,只要知道陆尘暗中有多少强者守护,那么对症下药,多派出一倍的人手,必定能够斩杀陆尘 After cutting to kill Lu Chen, can cause being furious of Sword Emperor Palace, this does not need his worry. 至于斩杀陆尘后,会不会引起剑帝宫的震怒,这不需要他的担心。 So long as returns Monster Territory, even if Sword Emperor Palace goes out of the sword Saint that sword cultivator altogether reveres, does to him not to. 只要退回妖域,剑帝宫纵然走出一尊剑修共尊的剑圣,也奈何他不得。 Lu Chen had not directly replied, instead shift topic: „To cope with Lu Chen, could not have achieved at your energy, therefore I will not cooperate with you, if the matter exposes, you patted the buttocks to return to Monster Territory, but I, likely suffered Lu Chen to retaliate violently, for example abolished cultivation base, expelled Sword Emperor Palace.” 陆尘没有正面回答,反而转移话题:“想要对付陆尘,以你的能量还做不到,所以我不会和你合作,万一事情败露,你拍拍屁股回妖域了,而我呢,很可能遭受到陆尘猛烈地报复,比如废除修为,逐出剑帝宫。” white Ze hears the Lu Chen words, relaxing of instinct, he also thinks that sword third son dreaded Lu Chen, originally is because was worried that the oneself subordinate is insufficient, fear deeds exposition, thus involves him. 白泽听到陆尘的话,本能的松了一口气,他还以为‘剑三公子’畏惧了陆尘,原来是因为担心自己的手下不够,害怕事迹暴露,从而牵连他。 Therefore, white Ze is striking one's chest the guarantee, said: Sword third son felt relieved, this time my tiger clan to cope with Lu Chen, led enough many manpower, so long as can direct from Sword Emperor Palace Lu Chen, directs outside, Lu Chen must die without doubt.” 于是,白泽拍着胸脯保证,道:“剑三公子放心,此次我虎族为了对付陆尘,带了足够多的人手,只要能把陆尘剑帝宫引出来,引到外面,陆尘就必死无疑。” Moreover the sword third son does not need to be afraid Sword Emperor Palace to suspect you, waits cuts to kill after Lu Chen, we will announce to the public are Lu Chen are bold, by the tiger bone fermenting tiger strong liquor, causes the killing heart of our tiger clan.” “而且剑三公子也不必害怕剑帝宫怀疑你,等斩杀陆尘过后,我们会对外宣布是陆尘胆大包天,以虎骨酿制虎烈酒,才引起我们虎族的杀心。” Lu Chen is silent, without speech. 陆尘沉默不语,没有说话。 This expression falls in white/vain Ze's eyes, risk that the sword third son should weigh this matter, he is not anxious, waits for the sword third son to consider. 这副表情落在白泽的眼中,剑三公子应该在衡量这件事情的危险性,他也不急,等剑三公子考虑。 white Ze thought that the sword third son should be has the person of ambition, no, should say, so long as is martial artist has the ambition. 白泽觉得剑三公子应该是一个有野心之人,不,应该说只要是武者都有野心。 The sword third son talent is extremely also splendid, but compares Lu Chen, should inferior many, after all Lu Chen can cut the king, this grade of talent, the sword third son should unable to achieve. 剑三公子天赋也极其出色,但是相比较陆尘,应该逊色不少,毕竟陆尘能够斩王了,这等天赋,剑三公子应该做不到。 So long as Lu Chen in a day, is Sword Emperor Palace sword, is unmodifiable. 只要陆尘在一天,就一直是剑帝宫的剑子,不可更改。 But if Lu Chen had/left the accident/surprise, then Sword Emperor Palace will elect others to hold the post of sword, but held the post of sword to gain many advantage not to need him saying that the sword third son was clearest. 陆尘如果出了意外,那么剑帝宫就会选其他人担任剑子,而担任剑子能够获得多少好处就不用他说了,想必剑三公子最为清楚不过了。 Lu Chen hesitated a while, opened the mouth and said: Actually I do not hope with Lu Chen for the enemy, but .....” 陆尘沉吟了一会儿,开口道:“其实我是不愿与陆尘为敌,但是....。” Lu Chen said here, shifting to a new subject, revealed the cool color: Lu Chen is lawless, wants my Junior Sister to be admitted to his cave mansion unexpectedly, plays a stringed musical instrument for him, therefore, I am willing to cooperate with you.” 陆尘说道这里,话锋一转,露出冷色:“陆尘无法无天,竟要我师妹住进他的洞府,为他弹琴,所以,我愿意与你合作。” Sword third son thought through Ze to show an understanding smile finally white/in vain. “剑三公子终于想通了”白泽露出一个会心的微笑。 He has listened to Lu Chen many things in the sword city, for example the recent two things, first looked that some King Boundary disciple is not feeling well, expels Sword Emperor Palace him directly, second, was in front to seize sword third son's Junior Sister. 他在剑城听过陆尘不少的事情,比如最近的两件事情,第一看某位王境弟子不爽,直接把他逐出剑帝宫,第二,当着面抓走了剑三公子的师妹 Depending on this, it is estimated that the sword third son innermost feelings wants to kill Lu Chen. 就凭这点,估计剑三公子内心就想要弄死陆尘 „The matter that season correct/however, I and white Zexiong discussed you also heard, how to make the choice, you should know that” Lu Chen looked however sneers to say to the season that the one side has not made noise. “季然,我和白泽兄商量的事情你也听见了,怎么做选择,你应该知道了吧”陆尘看向一旁没有出声的季然冷笑道。 During speech, a long sword of cold light twinkle, put on the season neck however, the chill in the air that sent out, the command season fine hair however set upright. 在说话的同时,一把寒光闪烁的长剑,搁在了季然的脖子上,那散发出来的寒意,令季然的汗毛都竖起来了。 The season however is dumbstruck, Lu Chen what is this. 季然发懵,陆尘这是什么意思。 However wants to understand quickly, Lu Chen this is to make white Ze trust, therefore he clenches teeth saying: Sword third son you could rest assured that in mystical place you have the life-saving efforts to me, how could I return evil for good, furthermore, I could not get used to seeing Lu Chen early, your conspiring, I naturally cannot disclose the half a point, if disclosed the half a point, I from suffering scourge.” 不过很快就想明白了,陆尘这是让白泽更加的信任呢,于是他咬咬牙道:“剑三公子你放心,在秘境中你对我有救命之恩,我岂能恩将仇报,再者说,我也早看不惯陆尘了,你们的密谋,我自然不会透露半分,要是透露半分,我自遭天谴。” Saying, but also holds up hand serious pledging. 说着,还举起手郑重的发誓。 After the season however pledged, Lu Chen put aside long sword on his neck. 季然发誓完毕后,陆尘移开了架在他脖子上的长剑。 white Ze smiles saying: Has season however Holy Son to join, our success ratios were bigger.” 白泽微笑道:“有季然圣子加入,我们的成功率就更大了。” Lu Chen then dialog Ze said: I have inquired, behind Lu Chen altogether has the two Sage Boundary protection, one is Sword Emperor Palace Elder, cultivation base in Sage Boundary middle stage, but comprehended sovereign level sword intent, at least needs three Sage Boundary peaks to constrain, another is Sage Boundary completion, Elder of wind and thunder pavilion.” 陆尘回头对白泽说:“我打听过,陆尘背后一共有两位圣境守护,其中一位是剑帝宫长老,修为圣境中期,但是领悟了皇级剑意,起码需要三位圣境巅峰才能拖住,另一个是圣境圆满,风雷阁的长老。” I should tell you to tell you, we will draw out Sword Emperor Palace Lu Chen, the following matter looked at white Zexiong you.” “我该告诉你的都已经告诉你了,我们会把陆尘引出剑帝宫,接下来的事情就看白泽兄你的了。” Only permits successfully, cannot be defeated, otherwise, the consequence your I am unable to withstand “只许成功,不许失败,不然的话,后果你我都无法承受” Lu Chen these words, said serious incomparable, is actually he rambles on. 陆尘这番话,说的郑重无比,其实是他瞎扯的。 Initially he had protector, but he does not hope that the powerhouse interfered with his life, the body had the Master Saint to read is enough. 当初他有护道者的,不过他不希望强者干涉他的生活,身上有师父们的圣念足以。 In white Zexin fixed, Lu Chen really has the two Sage Boundary personal protection, including Sage Boundary that comprehended sovereign level sword intent, but the confident guarantee said: Sword third son felt relieved, this matter will not be defeated, there are 100% success ratios.” 白泽心中凝然,陆尘竟然有两位圣境贴身保护,其中有一位领悟了皇级剑意的圣境,不过还是充满信心的保证道:“剑三公子放心,这件事情不会失败的,有百分之百的成功率。” white Ze said these words is confident, after all this times their tiger clan reassigned 50 Sage Boundary, eight Sage Monarch, the two Sage King terrifying lineup came Wilderness Territory. 白泽说出这句话可谓是信心十足,毕竟这次他们虎族抽调了五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王的恐怖阵容来荒域 Moreover, these people are controlled by him completely. 而且,这些人全部由他支配。
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