MMISF :: Volume #5

#439: white Zelai looks

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! On the scene surrounds the disciple, originally thought has a fierce fight, after all Lu Chen boundary Xuan lowers, who once thinks, Lu Chen defeated unexpectedly Ning Xuan at the extremely short time. 在场围观弟子,本以为有一场激烈的战斗,毕竟陆尘境界比宁轩低,谁曾想,陆尘竟然以极短的时间就战败了宁轩。 Actually, Lu Chen defeats Ning Xuan not to make them most shocked. 其实,陆尘打败宁轩并不是令他们最震惊的。 The Lu Chen sword child comprehended sword intent, most made them shock. 陆尘剑子领悟了剑意,才是最令他们震惊的。 Enters Sword Emperor Palace to practice, the goal and ideal is concise sword intent, many King Boundary Sovereign Boundary have not even achieved, but Lu Chen achieved. 剑帝宫修行,目标与理想就是凝练剑意,很多王境甚至皇境都没有做到,但是陆尘做到了。 The aura that just that arm thick or thin sword intent, lent together was really sharp, was ordinary sword qi thousand times, ten thousand times. 刚刚那一道手臂粗细的剑意,散发出来的气息实在是太锋利了,是普通剑气的千倍,万倍。 Sword intent destroys the hardest defenses, cannot be stopped, as if can also destroy in powerful magical treasure. 剑意无坚不摧,锐不可当,仿佛在强大的法宝也能够摧毁。 For example long sword magical treasure that Ning Xuan uses, passes sends out the fluctuation of sovereign item rank, the sword intent collision that but blooms with Lu Chen, merely one breath, was cut the sword to be sharp by sword intent. 比如宁轩使用的长剑法宝,透发出皇器级别的波动,但是与陆尘绽放的剑意碰撞,仅仅一个呼吸,就被剑意切割断了剑尖。 The people mood fluctuates is very big, looked that was full of the look of awe to Lu Chen. 众人心情波动很大,看向陆尘充满了敬畏的神色。 The Lu Chen talent is too splendid, in Primordial Spirit Boundary on concise sword intent, its talent can be on par the Sword Emperor Palace founder as well as third-generation Palace Lord, perhaps this is Lu Chen is voted as the sword reason. 陆尘天赋太出色,在元神境就凝练了剑意,其天赋可以比肩剑帝宫开创者以及第三代宫主了,或许这就是陆尘被推选为剑子的原因吧。 In the ground, Ning Xuan clothes were been blood-stained, the mouthful bloody foam, the body pulls out. 地面上,宁轩衣裳被鲜血染红,满嘴的血沫子,身体一抽一抽的。 Ning Xuan eyes are atheistic, does not seem to sobered from collapsing completely, cannot accept the fact that defeats. 宁轩双眼无神,似乎还没有从一败涂地的局面中清醒过来,不能接受战败的事实。 Later who must challenge me, remembers that puts out two sage item ratios to fight Lu Chen to look all around, the sound covers the audience. “以后谁要挑战我,记得拿出两件圣器比斗”陆尘环顾四周一眼,声音覆盖全场。 Then, then departed directly, looked that has not looked at the ground Ning Xuan, from beginning to end disregarded the opposite party. 说完,便直接离去了,看也没有看地上的宁轩一眼,从头到尾无视了对方。 The disciple on the scene hears the Lu Chen words, in the heart secret fixed, swallowed saliva secretly, today after event, it is estimated that did not have the disciple to dare to challenge the Lu Chen authority again. 在场弟子听到陆尘的话,心中暗暗凝然,暗自咽了一口唾沫,今日事件过后,估计再也没有弟子敢挑战陆尘的权威了。 After Lu Chen walks, the surroundings person diverged, in the crowd goes out of an old man, the sleeve robe wields, the clip is binding Ning Xuan's body, left a day of Jianfeng. 陆尘走后,周围人散去了,人群中走出一位老者,袖袍一挥,夹裹着宁轩的身体,离开了天剑峰。 Ning Xuan's challenge, regarding Lu Chen is only a small interlude in life, returning to the oneself cave mansion to start cultivation to get up. 宁轩的挑战,对于陆尘来说只是人生中的一件小插曲,回到自己的洞府开始修炼起来。 The outside world, an undercurrent surges. 外界,一片暗流涌动。 The matter that the God of Wealth family and tiger clan battle against gets stronger and stronger, both sides erupted the super holy war, both sides all falling from the sky several Sage Boundary, Sovereign Boundary died much. 财神家族与虎族开战的事情愈演愈烈,双方爆发了超级圣战,双方皆陨落数位圣境,皇境更是死了不少。 Recently the tiger clan transferred 50 Sage Boundary, eight Sage Monarch, the two Sage King terrifying lineup entered Azure Territory, did not perish the God of Wealth family does not leave the Azure Territory stance. 最近虎族调动五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王的恐怖阵容进入青域,一副不把财神家族灭亡就不离开青域的架势。 The tiger clan is always overbearing, without the hidden, high-profile entry Azure Territory, their strengths shocks the Azure Territory top influence after all sufficiently. 虎族向来霸道,没有隐藏,高调的进入青域,毕竟他们这股力量足以震慑青域顶级势力。 The tiger clan does this, to punish one as a warning to others. 虎族之所以如此做,就是为了杀鸡儆猴。 Several cities that the God of Wealth family some big, they controlled recently, dozens industries come under the attack exterminating. 财神家族最近有些头大,他们所掌控的几座城池,数十家产业遭到灭绝性的打击。 Fierceness that too the enemies retaliate, ruthless spicy decisive, after the industry was destroyed, immediately retreats, hides. 敌人报复的太凶猛,狠辣果断,产业遭到破坏之后立刻撤退,藏匿起来。 Enemies in dark, they in bright, although erupted several fights, however the loss of enemy is smaller than them by far. 敌人在暗,他们在明,虽然爆发了几次战斗,但是敌人的损失远远小于他们。 Because this matter is the tiger clan because Jin Yingjun ferments the tiger strong liquor to cause, although Jin Yingjun explained that is Lu Chen frames him, but the tiger clan does not believe. 由于这事是虎族因为金英俊酿制虎烈酒引起的,尽管金英俊解释是陆尘陷害他,但是虎族并不信。 Actually is not does not believe that the people but who drink the tiger strong liquor in their must kill on the list. 其实也不是不信,而是喝虎烈酒的人都在他们的必杀名单上面。 Therefore no matter how, the tiger clan must extinguish the God of Wealth family. 所以不管如何,虎族都要灭了财神家族。 Is good returns to the wind and thunder pavilion to request reinforcements because of Jin Yingjun, transfers more than ten Sage Boundary, assumes several important old cities, reduced many losses. 好在金英俊回风雷阁求援,调动十多位圣境,坐镇几处重要的古城,才减少了不少的损失。 Mother, Lu Chen your son of a bitch, was miserable in the middle of wind and thunder pavilion my pit, Jin Yingjun's breathless exclaiming, must be wild with rage simply. “妈的,陆尘你这狗东西,把我坑惨了”风雷阁当中,金英俊气急败坏的吼道,简直就要气疯了。 Since having the mystical place, white Ze returns to the tiger clan to assemble the expert to besiege gold/metal clan, the loss is huge, moreover after family's old men know the reason, rashly, first draws him to hang to hit one to vent anger. 自从出了秘境之后,白泽回到虎族调集高手围攻金族,损失巨大,而且家族的老头子知晓原因后,不由分说,先拉着他吊打一顿出气。 It can be said that his recent day does not feel better. 可以说,他最近的日子并不好过。 In addition, Lu Chen also in tiger clan must kill on the list. 除此之外,陆尘也在虎族的必杀名单上面。 Tiger clan besides retaliating the God of Wealth family, but also is investigating the Lu Chen news, because Lu Chen cuts two kings in the city likely continually, caused the stir, the tiger clan also knew, but according to the news time, Lu Chen should return to Sword Emperor Palace at this moment. 虎族除了报复财神家族之外,还在调查陆尘的消息,由于陆尘在象城连斩两王,引起轰动,虎族也得知了,但是根据消息的时间,陆尘此刻应该回到了剑帝宫 The Sword Emperor Palace powerhouse is floating about like clouds, cannot go. 剑帝宫强者如云,进不去。 If wants to kill Lu Chen, must Lu Chen directing. 如果想要杀死陆尘,必须把陆尘给引出来。 Therefore, white Ze was only having in a situation of guard, arrives at outside the Sword Emperor Palace main city. 于是,白泽在只带了一个护卫的情况下,来到剑帝宫外面的主城。 The Sword Emperor Palace main city named sword city, is an outside city, generally Sword Emperor Palace comes out or goes, passes here Transmission Array. 剑帝宫主城名为剑城,是外面的一座城池,一般剑帝宫出来或者进去,都通过这里的传送阵 white Ze found the City Lord mansion in the sword city City Lord , indicating that original wants to enter Sword Emperor Palace through Transmission Array. 白泽在剑城找到城主府的城主,表明原有想要通过传送阵进入剑帝宫 City Lord thinks that white Ze is joins Sword Emperor Palace, but does not arrive at the inspection to recruit the day of disciple, white Ze was then rejected. 城主以为白泽是来加入剑帝宫的,可是不到考核招收弟子的日子,白泽便被拒绝了。 white Ze bribes sword city City Lord, making him help ask the sword third son to come out, said that something discussed. 白泽贿赂剑城城主,让其帮忙叫剑三公子出来,说是有事情商量。 But sword city City Lord told him, sword third son not in Sword Emperor Palace. 可是剑城城主告诉他,剑三公子并不在剑帝宫 Actually sword city City Lord does not know that who the sword third son is, has not seen. 其实剑城城主也不知道剑三公子是谁,没有见过。 white Ze knits the brows, the sword third son did not have chapter of Sword Emperor Palace. 白泽皱了皱眉,剑三公子还没有回剑帝宫吗。 Also or came back, but most disciples do not know the sword third son. 亦或者回来了,只不过大部分弟子不知道剑三公子。 Therefore white Ze said that wants to see the season however or purple permanent Holy Son, to see two people, white Ze spent not a poor reward, makes sword city City Lord go in personally, however gave to invite the season. 于是白泽说想要见一见季然或者紫恒圣子,为了见两人,白泽又花费了一笔不菲的报酬,才让剑城城主亲自进去一趟,把季然给请来了。 The season however sees white Ze in the sword city, is somewhat surprised. 季然在剑城见到白泽,有些吃惊。 Season however brother, does not see white Ze to see season correct/however for a long time, polite holds the fist in the other hand to say. “季然兄,好久不见”白泽看到季然,客气的抱拳说道。 Because needs help from season correct/however, white Ze attitude very polite. 因为有求于季然,白泽的态度十分的客气。 Inquiry that the season however maintains composure: white Zexiong comes Sword Emperor Palace to make anything.” 季然不动声色的询问道:“白泽兄来剑帝宫做什么。” Actually his heart like bright mirror, white Zelai this, only then a reason, that to cope with Lu Chen. 其实他心如明镜,白泽来此只有一个原因,那就是为了对付陆尘 Naturally, now white Ze has not known that Lu Chen is the sword third son. 当然,现在白泽还不知道陆尘就是剑三公子。 At this moment, in the season however innermost feelings has a thought that that is calls Sage Boundary of sword city to hold white Ze. 这一刻,季然内心中有一个念头,那就是招呼剑城的圣境把白泽抓住。 However the season however suppressed, this matter gave Lu Chen processing. 但是季然强忍住了,此事还是交给陆尘处理吧。 white Ze said with a smile: Heard that Lu Chen returned to Sword Emperor Palace, does not know that the sword third son comes back not to have, I ask him to have the matter to discuss.” 白泽笑道:“听说陆尘回到了剑帝宫,不知道剑三公子回来没有,我找他有事情商量。” The season however nods, said: Sword third son truly in Sword Emperor Palace, Lu Chen does not know his existence.” 季然点点头,道:“剑三公子确实在剑帝宫内,陆尘并不知道他的存在。” white Ze eyes one bright, opened the mouth and said: Season however brother, you whether to make the sword third son come sword city, said that I have the matter to look for him.” 白泽眼睛一亮,开口道:“季然兄,你能否让剑三公子来剑城一趟,就说我有事情找他。” Good “好” The season however almost did not have to comply hesitant. 季然几乎没有犹豫就答应了下来。 The season however leaves the sword city, returns to a day of Jianfeng, immediately arrives at the Lu Chen cave mansion. 季然离开剑城,回到天剑峰,立刻来到陆尘的洞府。 Lu Chen came out to see season correct/however, after the latter said in detail the matter, Lu Chen eye of reveal unusual look: Your spoken lines Ze in sword city.” 陆尘出来见了季然,在后者把事情详细说完之后,陆尘目露异色:“你说白泽在剑城。” season Randao: Yes, white Ze the courage is very big, daring all alone comes to the sword city.” 季然道:“是啊,白泽的胆子挺大的,竟敢孤身一人来剑城。” Must send the powerhouse to stress season however to supplement one him. “要不要派强者把他抓起来”季然补充一句。 Lu Chen strange looked at season correct/however, said: Caught him to do, kills, killed white Ze, the tiger clan will have second white Ze to arrive.” 陆尘怪异的看了一眼季然,说道:“抓他干什么,杀了吗,杀了一个白泽,虎族还会有第二个白泽到来。” Walks, goes to the sword city to see white Ze, discussed that copes saying that the Lu Chen matter the Lu Chen facial expression quite ponders. “走,去剑城见见白泽,商量对付陆尘的事情”陆尘神情颇为玩味的说道。 Therefore, Lu Chen and season however sit Transmission Array, arrived at the sword city. 于是,陆尘和季然坐传送阵,来到了剑城。
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