MMISF :: Volume #5

#447: The lesson of blood

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Pen interest pavilion, renews my family Master most quickly ultra ominous ! 笔趣阁,最快更新我家师父超凶哒! I special...” “我特么...” The white Ze hearing this sad news, the whole body blood flows backwards, direct impact head, then at present one black, stupor in the past. 白泽闻言噩耗,浑身血液倒流,直冲脑袋,然后眼前一黑,昏迷了过去。 White Ze's straight pouring on the ground. 白泽直挺挺的倒在了地上。 The season however looked at white Ze one eyes, although this person is the person of tiger clan, is to kill the Lu Chen person, but at this moment, his really dialog Ze had the heart of sympathy. 季然看了白泽一眼,虽然此人是虎族之人,是想要杀陆尘的人,但是这一刻,他竟然对白泽有了同情之心。 Why this silly child must oppose with Lu Chen, really thinks the title of Lu Chen Azure Territory big fiendish person must come carelessly. 这傻孩子为什么要和陆尘作对呢,真以为陆尘青域大魔王的称号是胡乱得来的吗。 Many people were sold by Lu Chen were also helping the number money. 很多人被陆尘卖了还帮着数钱呢。 Moreover, after this silly child , if knew that Lu Chen is the sword third son, oneself is played jokes upon from beginning to end, does not know that can spit blood. 另外,这傻孩子以后要是得知陆尘就是剑三公子,自己从头到尾都在被戏耍,不知道会不会吐血。 Outside rumor, is Lu Chen makes certainly the person let out, for example Lu Chen was ambushed, the wind and thunder pavilion powerhouse coincidence rushes. 外面的传言,当然是陆尘让人放出去的,比如陆尘被埋伏,风雷阁强者巧合赶到。 Where actually has the person in wind and thunder pavilion , cannot relate. 其实哪里有风雷阁的人,这么远,根本联系不到。 That 12 Sage Boundary, four Sage Monarch died in any case, wants what Gossip is also not he controls. 反正那十二位圣境,四位圣君死亡,想要什么流言蜚语还不是他掌控。 This silly child, it is estimated that must irritate season however to send greetings said. “这傻孩子,估计要气死了吧”季然传音说道。 Now, does not dare to speak as before directly, feared that feared the season however is the false stupor, or has the consciousness. 现在,依旧不敢直接说话,怕就怕季然是假昏迷,或者还有意识。 Actually they do not know, the stupor that white Ze is really mad passed. 其实他们不知道,白泽是真的气的昏迷过去了。 Lu Chen has not spoken, but bends the waist, arrived on white Zefu the bed. 陆尘没说话,而是弯腰,把白泽扶到了床上。 ..... ..... white Ze does not know how to sober, after sobering, depressed wants to spit blood. 白泽也不知道是怎么清醒过来的,清醒过来之后,郁闷的想要吐血。 He could not accept this massive loss. 他根本接受不了这巨大的损失。 That is 12 Sage Boundary, four Sage Monarch. 那可是十二位圣境,四位圣君啊。 Came Azure Territory altogether to bring 50 Sage Boundary, eight Sage Monarch, two Sage King, coped with the God of Wealth family to lose ten Sage Boundary. 青域总共带了五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王,对付财神家族损失了十来位圣境 In addition Lu Chen here, brought person on buckle more than 30 Sage Boundary, four Sage Monarch. 加上陆尘这里,带来的人就折损了三十多位圣境,四位圣君 This loss was also too big. 这损失也太大了。 White Ze simply has not thought, coming Azure Territory to lose so many powerhouses, reason that leads so many powerhouses to come, to deter enemy completely. 白泽根本没有想到,来青域会损失那么多强者,之所以带那么多强者来,完全是为了震慑敌人。 But now, lost most probably. 可是现在,损失了大半。 If this grade of news passes to the tiger clan, perhaps his position will suffer a disastrous decline, because the tiger clan is a giant alliance, only in the white tiger clan, his competitor has two, has not discussed other tiger clans. 这等消息要是传到虎族,他的地位恐怕会一落千丈,因为虎族是一个巨大的联盟,光光白虎族内,他的竞争者就有一两位,还不谈其他虎族。 white Zexiong, you awoke side resounded a concerned sound. “白泽兄,你醒了”旁边响起一个关切的声音。 white Ze turns the head to look, is the sword third son. 白泽转头一看,是剑三公子。 Without he spoke, sword third son on indignant say/way: You were saying the Lu Chen how such good luck, was dying, actually the powerhouse by wind and thunder pavilion passed by to save him by chance.” 没等他说话,剑三公子就气愤的道:“你说着陆尘怎么这么好的运气,本来都要死了,却被风雷阁的强者碰巧路过救了他。” white Ze also pinches the fist, is red a eye, gets angry: This Lu Chen is really damn, making me lose so many powerhouses.” 白泽也捏拳头,红着一双眼睛,怒道:“这陆尘真是该死,让我损失了那么多强者。” white Zexiong, it seems like Lu Chen could not kill, you hurry to leave, words that does not leave, feared that could not get away Lu Chen to say to white Ze suddenly. “白泽兄,看来陆尘是杀不死了,你赶紧离开吧,再不离开的话,怕是走不了了”陆尘突然对着白泽说道。 white Ze sees the sword third son tone to worry, is busy at asking: Sword third son, what happened.” 白泽见剑三公子语气着急,忙问道:“剑三公子,发生了什么事情。” Lu Chen is gloomy a face saying: Lu Chen was assassinated, Sword Emperor Palace and wind and thunder pavilion is angry, has known that is you do, pledged that must find your remaining people, puts to death completely.” 陆尘阴沉着一张脸说道:“陆尘被暗杀,剑帝宫与风雷阁大怒,已经知道是你们干的,发誓要找到你们剩下的人,全部诛杀。” Will definitely retaliate you with the Lu Chen character, is adding on him in the Azure Territory relationship network, you cannot keep, quick will be looked, you hurry to leave.” “以陆尘的性格肯定会报复你,在加上他在青域的关系网,你藏不住的,很快就会被找出来,你赶紧离开吧。” „It is not good, does not kill Lu Chen, how I can leave white Zenie the fist, is red a eye to say. “不行,不杀了陆尘,我怎么能离开”白泽捏着拳头,红着一双眼睛说道。 white Ze thinks that oneself leads 50 Sage Boundary, eight Sage Monarch, two Sage King comes Azure Territory, when comes, his what kind of high-spiritedness, originally thought destroys completely Lu Chen and God of Wealth family, simply is easy. 白泽想到自己率领五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王青域,来时,他何等的意气风发,本以为灭掉陆尘和财神家族,简直就是轻而易举。 But who once thinks, the reality is so brutal. 可谁曾想,现实这般残酷。 The God of Wealth family had the support of wind and thunder pavilion unable to destroy completely, can only destroy some industrial retaliations. 财神家族有了风雷阁的支援灭不掉,只能破坏一些产业报复。 Turns the head to cope with Lu Chen, the loss is bigger. 转头对付陆尘,损失更大。 White Ze just like a gambler who lost red the eye, did not kill Lu Chen, does not want to leave Azure Territory. 白泽宛若一位输红了眼睛的赌徒,不干掉陆尘,不想离开青域 Lu Chen excited exclaiming: You must kill us to be inadequate.” 陆尘激动的吼道:“你难道要害死我们不成。” Benefits Lu Chen sudden bellowing to have a scare white/in vain, inquired: Sword third son this is what intent.” 白泽被陆尘突然的大吼吓了一跳,询问道:“剑三公子这是何意。” Lu Chen angry incomparable saying: Initially in the mystical place, there are Sword Emperor Palace disciple to see you look for me, the suspicion is I disclosed that the Lu Chen whereabouts, the season however had been grasped Sword Emperor Palace to interrogate, now immediately must be one's turn me.” 陆尘愤怒无比的说道:“当初在秘境的时候,有剑帝宫弟子看到过你找我,怀疑是我透露陆尘的行踪,季然已经被抓回剑帝宫审问了,如今马上就要轮到我了。” You walked, I can say that I have saved you in the mystical place, has the life-saving efforts, you are look my, states categorically this, Sword Emperor Palace will not feel embarrassed me.” “你走了,我可以说我在秘境救过你,有救命之恩,你是来找我的,一口咬定这样,剑帝宫也不不会太为难我。” If you were grasped, you are unable to withstand the torture absolutely, at the appointed time we play.” “要是你被抓了,你绝对无法承受酷刑,到时咱们俩都玩完。” white Zeting the Lu Chen words, in the heart was moved incomparably, the sword third son is really a good person, oneself invited trouble, for also his security considered. 白泽听了陆尘的话,心中感动无比,剑三公子真是好人啊,自己都惹祸上身了,还为了他的安全着想。 white Ze affected is moved to tears, said: Sword three brother, you takes care.” 白泽感动的热泪盈眶,说道:“剑三兄,你保重。” Hurries to leave, now the people in sword city are questioning, some people know that you come the trail in sword city Lu Chen to say. “赶紧离开,现在剑城的人正在盘查,有人知道你来过剑城的踪迹”陆尘说道。 white Ze sets out to leave, arrives at outside, really saw that on the street is pasting his portrait, hastily to oneself appearance changing, easy an appearance of three-legged cat, that it is estimated that King Boundary martial artist can discover. 白泽起身离开,来到外面,果然看到街道上贴着他的画像,连忙给自己易容,易了一个三脚猫的容貌,估计王境武者都能发现的那种。 White Ze appearance changing walks on the street, including several spiritual sense have swept from him. 白泽易容走在街道上,其中有好几股神念从他身上扫过。 However, actually as if no one discovered he is appearance changing, making him leave the sword city peacefully. 但是,却仿佛没有人发现他是易容的一样,让他相安无事的离开了剑城。 After white Ze leaves the sword city, immediately flies toward his secret station, he brings so many people, hid in a dynasty, had not been discovered. 白泽离开剑城之后,立刻朝他的秘密驻地飞去,他带来那么多人,隐藏在一个皇朝中,一直没有被发现。 white Ze does not know, his behind, is following one group of terrifying powerhouses. 白泽并不知道,他的身后,跟随着一群恐怖的强者。 One group of more than ten people, each one aura terrifying, uniform Sage Monarch powerhouse, in addition, two Sage King. 一行十多人,个个气息恐怖至极,清一色的圣君强者,除此之外,还有两位圣王 To Ze's mean boundary, unable to discover this group of powerhouses white/in vain. 以白泽低微的境界,根本发现不了这一行强者。 ........ ........ Sword Emperor Palace, Lu Chen is swaying the wine glass, departed from white Ze has for half a month. 剑帝宫,陆尘摇晃着酒杯,距离白泽离去已经有半个月了。 At this time, the news came finally. 这个时候,消息终于传来。 Some dynasty erupted the Sage King level fight, two Sage King, four Sage Monarch, as well as more than ten Sage Boundary were put to death completely. 某片皇朝爆发了圣王级战斗,两位圣王,四位圣君,以及十几位圣境全部被诛杀。 Put to death person, came from the person of Monster Territory tiger clan impressively. 被诛杀的人,赫然是来自妖域虎族的人。 Tiger clan Ze Young Lord, leads 50 Sage Boundary white/in vain, eight Sage Monarch, two Sage King comes Azure Territory, makes war with the God of Wealth family, but fights has not continued for several months, the person who the tiger clan brings died, stirs a great unrest. 虎族白泽少主,率领五十位圣境,八位圣君,两位圣王青域,与财神家族开战,可是战斗还没有持续几个月,虎族带来的人全部死亡,引发一片轩然大波。 Finally, only then white Ze a person runs away, it is said the Sage Boundary powerhouse disdains to kill a Primordial Spirit Boundary fellow, making him run away. 最后,只有白泽一个人逃走,据说圣境强者不屑杀一个元神境的家伙,让他逃走。 The news that the tiger clan is annihilated, causes the earthquake in Azure Territory, same sweeps across the Azure Territory vast land like the tsunami. 虎族全军覆没的消息,在青域引起大地震,如同海啸一样席卷青域浩瀚的大地。 Mainly was the tiger clan too inflated, with the God of Wealth family made war, twice ambushes Lu Chen, finally enraged the wind and thunder pavilion and Sword Emperor Palace two big influences, sending out the powerhouse to track down their barracks, killed cleanly them. 主要是虎族太膨胀了,与财神家族开战的时候,两次伏击陆尘,最终触怒风雷阁和剑帝宫两大势力,派出强者追寻到他们的驻扎地,把他们杀干净。 In addition has the small amusing thing, according to spoken lines Ze unites the sword third son to be in control of the Lu Chen trend, twice ambushes almost succeeds. 另外还有则小趣事,据说白泽联合剑三公子才掌握陆尘的动向,两次伏击差点成功。 However, this news was denied by Sword Emperor Palace. 不过,这则消息被剑帝宫出面否认了。 No one knows, all these are Lu Chen are holding the hand secretly. 没有人知道,这一切都是陆尘在幕后操手。 The Monster Territory tiger clan loses so many people all of a sudden, although is not enough to have a fracture, but also is the lesson of blood, it is estimated that within the short time, does not dare to invade the Azure Territory retaliation God of Wealth family and Lu Chen. 妖域的虎族一下子损失那么多人,虽然不足以伤筋动骨,但也是血的教训,估计短时间之内,不敢入侵青域报复财神家族和陆尘了。
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