MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#73: Let us witness miracle ( 1 ) together

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journey Xiaoyu selected two Soichi to eat meat in the cafeteria, the food also installed were not many, his recent body weight dropped a point, must insist. 程晓羽在食堂点了两素一荤,饭也装的不多,他最近体重下降了一点,必须坚持下去。 Many people thought that a person sits in person many places eats meal, is an a little awkward matter. He did not feel, he has treasured the time that a person lives alone very much. 很多人觉得一个人坐在人多的地方吃饭,是件有点尴尬的事情。他不觉得,他一直很珍惜一个人独处的时间。 Like this chews carefully eats delicious food, in the ear has the melodious music to flutter, in the eye many pretty girls can appreciate. Occasionally such simple life also makes him feel that can taste. 就这样细嚼慢咽的吃着可口的食物,耳朵里有悠扬的音乐飘荡,眼睛里很多漂亮的女孩可以欣赏。偶尔这样简单的生活也是让他觉得可以回味的。 This makes him start to expect his university life. 这让他开始期待他的大学生活。 This time woof Dongliang is often settling the club entrance actually a little to show one's ignorance, fought for many years of him naturally to know four big top clubs in full Capital City in Capital City. 这个时候的汪栋梁在常安俱乐部门口却有点露怯,在京城打拼多年的他当然知道名满京城的四大顶级俱乐部。 Capital City four congresses- Changan Street No. 10 often settles the historic building club Huaxia meeting that the clubs and many heads of state assign to come, as well as was known as are „the Huaxia's first rich man's club Capital City Club and global chain Americas Club. “京城四大会所”-常安街十号的常安俱乐部、多名国家元首指定要来的古建筑俱乐部华夏会,以及号称是“华夏第一富人俱乐部”的京城俱乐部和全球连锁的美洲俱乐部。 Often the peaceful club is located on inch gold/metal ruler earth Chang'an Avenue, with adding the peaceful gate square is close. 常安俱乐部座落在寸金尺土的长安街上,与添安门广场咫尺之遥。 Often the reputation of peaceful club too loud, the threshold is too high, as young white-collar who in a small county city comes out, woof Dongliang is a little really anxious, enters that moment of front door, heartbeat fast, felt that moment that returned to the university entrance examination result to make known. 常安俱乐部的名头太响,门槛太高,做为一个小县城里出来的小白领,汪栋梁实在有点紧张,走进大门的那一刻,心跳的飞快,感觉又回到了高考成绩揭晓的那一刻。 When the doormen opens the front door for him, the resplendent in gold and jade green throne room sees impressively, the value not poor sandalwood screen and swayed, the heroic spirit is full. Graceful and magnificent and expensive, the palace style of atmosphere is Chang'an Club gives the woof Dongliang first impression. 当门童替他推开大门的时候,金碧辉煌的仿金銮殿赫然入目,价值不菲的紫檀木屏风、摆件等,豪气十足。雍容、华贵、大气的宫廷风格是长安俱乐部给汪栋梁的第一印象。 Welcome of inside row of model stature star face bows to him together, lets the impulsion that he has turn head wants to walk, he also had words of miss. He starts to worry whether journey Xiaoyu arranged the position, starting to be worried that black membership card was whether useful. 里面一排模特身材明星面孔的迎宾一起向他鞠躬,让他有回头想走的冲动,要不是他还带了一个姑娘的话。他开始担心,程晓羽是否安排好了位置,开始担心那张黑色会员卡是否有用。 However left's first wears the wine red small suit, the white shirt, a black skirt, the stature selects high, long attractive gentle manager was called woof Dongliang name likely. Hello, Mr. woof, your position has arranged for you. You are the present dine or first go to the cafe to sit a meeting.” 然而左侧第一个身穿酒红色小西装,白色衬衫,黑色一步裙,身材高挑,长像漂亮温婉的经理一口就叫出了汪栋梁的名字。“您好,汪先生,您的位置已经为你安排好了。请问你是现在就餐还是先去咖啡厅坐一会。” woof Dongliang hears this sound to seem the spring breeze to blow, mused that journey Xiaoyu the arrangement is credible, immediately all anxious dissipated, he pretends that very familiar say/way dines directly, we rush to time.” 汪栋梁听到这声音好似春风拂面,暗想程晓羽的安排还是靠谱,顿时所有的紧张都消散了,他假装很熟悉的道“直接就餐吧,我们赶时间。” The collar place also circular metal badge of manager white shirt, the chest front hangs has the name brand. The Su pillars of the state do not dare carefully to look, asked embarrassed how to recognize his. 那经理白色衬衫的领子处还有一枚圆形的金属徽章,胸前挂的有名牌。苏栋梁也没敢仔细看,也不好意思问怎么认出他的。 As the top club, luxurious naturally is the eternally unchanging subject. However the peak service is their cores. Arranges the non-member to dine like the member here, is they display their club image the golden opportunity. 身为顶级俱乐部,奢华当然是永恒不变的主题。但是最顶尖的服务才是他们的核心。像会员安排非会员在这里就餐,也是他们展示他们俱乐部形象的绝佳机会。 So long as the member sent out the person name that he must invite, the club naturally can arrange appropriately, knew very well the name diet hobby of each member is only the routine work, they will also investigate the approximate background, appearance and hobby to the dining personnel who the member arranged as far as possible ahead of time, made excessive demands everyone's approval and praise. 只要会员报出他要宴请的人名字,俱乐部自然会安排妥当,熟知每个会员的姓名饮食嗜好只是日常工作,对会员安排的就餐人员他们也会尽量提前调查大致背景、长相和爱好,苛求所有人的认可和赞美。 The attractive female manager gets them to ride the elevator, pressed nine buildings, woof Dongliang and Shirley Yeung in elevator anxious has not chatted, the manager on the driving opens the mouth, introduced with two people eight buildings that repairs. 漂亮的女经理领着他们乘坐电梯,按了九楼,在电梯里汪栋梁和杨思琦紧张的并没有聊天,经理就主动开口,跟两人介绍了一下重新装修的八楼。 There is one of the Capital City best restaurants clear back red candle, is in the club occupies a land area in a big way, decoration most under qualification. 那里将是京城最好的中餐厅之一“清樽红烛”,同时也是俱乐部里占地最大,装饰最下本钱的一个。 Not only in the hall has huge oil painting noble concubine alcoholic intoxication, various type classical furniture and classical decorative lighting, but each article precious sandalwood screen, rises the pinnacle the imperial lordly and graceful atmosphere. In in Restaurant can eat the fine Cantonese cuisine and regional special. Moreover, it also has dozens distinguished guest passenger compartments, the name is also very interesting: One, double happiness and three Yuan to nine such as, perfect. 大厅里不仅有巨幅油画“贵妃醉酒”,还有各式古典家具、古典灯饰,而一件件名贵的紫檀木屏风,更将皇家气派和优雅氛围上升到极致。中餐厅里可以吃到精致的粤菜和各地特色菜式。另外,它还拥有数十间贵宾包间,名字也很有意思:一品、双喜、三元一直到九如、十全。 But they go to ninth are the Ribenqiao Japanese restaurant and Naples Italy Restaurant. The Japanese restaurant not only has sushi, to bake the room, two incited the primary taste tatami. 而他们去到第九层是“日本桥”日式餐厅和“那不勒斯”意大利餐厅。日式餐厅不仅有“寿司吧”、烧烤屋,还有两间原滋原味的“榻榻米”。 The chef from Japan once was the chef of Japanese Imperial family, but Italian Restaurant may provide to savor the pure Italian cuisine and liquor water. 来自日本的厨师长曾经是日本皇家的御用厨师,而意大利餐厅则可提供品味纯正的意大利菜以及酒水。 What journey Xiao the feather decides for them was the Japanese food, the manager leads them to arrive in nine building Ribenqiao, the beautiful young girl who calling Sakai black that wore the kimono was saying a Japanese taste obvious Chinese served for them. 程晓羽替他们定的是日本菜,经理带他们到了九楼日本桥,就有一个身着和服的叫酒井黛的美少女说着一口日本味明显的中文替他们服务。 Although here is nine buildings in Huaxia building, however after you pass through the gate, actually felt that placed oneself a classical garden in Japan, was full of the ancient and silent feeling. However right side giant landing out of the window solemn and respectful adding secure gate, with was full of the zen the style to have the fierce conflict like this. 这里虽然是华夏一栋大厦的九楼,然而你进门以后却感觉置身了日本的一个经典庭院,充满了古旧而寂静的感觉。然而右侧巨大的落地窗外肃穆的添安门,和这样充满禅意的风格产生了剧烈的冲突。 Let the person have in the marvelous feeling in the time slit passing through, Sakai black leads woof Dongliang and Shirley Yeung mysterious goes through in one piece, the introduction that at the same time spoke softly the left side waterwheel huts and other things were the things from a former age of Edo period, was left intact to transport from Kanagawa. The hut front had in the well of grinding pan size a granite made to be filled with the clear water, by the road surface that the bamboo disorderly covering entirely cobblestone of shallot paved. All around silent can hear the kimono beautiful woman is stepping on the wooden clogs dá dá the sound clearly. 让人有在时刻缝隙里穿越的奇妙感觉,酒井黛带领汪栋梁和杨思琦在一片神奇中穿行,一边轻声细语的介绍到左侧的水车小屋和其他东西均是江户时期的旧物,原封不动从神奈川搬运过来的。小屋前方有一口麻石造的磨盘大小的井里盛满了清水,青葱的竹子凌乱的布满鹅卵石铺就的路面两侧。四周寂静的能清楚听见和服美女踩着木屐的哒哒声。 All these let unable to speak, if these that pillar of the state shocks in Japan are also not anything, adding secure gate who but when you look at out of the window, places a Japanese household of antique lonesome and quiet garden, will have the tremendous blow feeling. 这一切让苏栋梁震撼的说不出话来,假如这些在日本还不算什么,但当你看着窗外的添安门,身处日本一户古色古香的幽静庭院,就会有巨大冲击感。 Shirley Yeung has been pulling the arm of Su pillar of the state, this luxurious and hallucination all, making her be somewhat afraid, like placing another space and time. 杨思琦更是已经挽着了苏栋梁的胳膊,这奢华且迷幻的一切,让她有些害怕,像身处另一个时空。 Sakai black led woof Dongliang and Shirley Yeung takes a seat in a Japanese traditional tatami hut. 酒井黛带了汪栋梁和杨思琦在一个日本传统榻榻米小屋落座。 In the room hung Tang Dynasty to reward the Tang Dynasty mother-of-pearl red sandalwood five string pipa and Koumyoukougou of Emperor of Japan ( 701760 ) calligraphy «Yue Yilun».( Fuhito Fujiwara and orange three generations of daughters, bright children and vine three mothers. Sincerely believes Buddhism) 屋子里挂有唐代赏赐日本天皇的唐代螺钿紫檀五弦琵琶和光明皇后的书法《乐毅论》。(藤原不比等与橘三代的女儿,名光明子、藤三娘。笃信佛教) woof Dongliang did not certainly know that these are honored as the thing of Japanese national treasure, but thought that today's all fill the miracle to be the same. 汪栋梁当然不认识这些被誉为日本国宝的东西,只是觉得今天的一切充满奇迹一般。 Sakai black took the cookbook to make woof Dongliang order the meal, woof Dongliang turned, did not have the price, does not know that can have what custom, feared that lost face to show one's ignorance. Gives Shirley Yeung the cookbook, asking her to have a look, to have anything to request not to have. 酒井黛拿了菜谱让汪栋梁点餐,汪栋梁翻了一下,也没有价格,更不知道会不会有什么规矩,怕出丑露怯。就将菜谱递给杨思琦,叫她看看,有什么要求没有。 Shirley Yeung also turned casually, cannot understand the appetizer and bowl of Kaiseki to remain what meaning, wants woof Dongliang to take responsibility. 杨思琦也就随便翻了一下,看不懂怀石料理的前菜、碗剩什么意思,就要汪栋梁做主。 Therefore woof Dongliang smiles is asking Sakai black to arrange for them. 于是汪栋梁就微笑着请酒井黛替他们安排。 Sakai black knelt on the tatami at this time, asked them to wait a bit with the Japanese woman unique gentle voice, then stood the bow the body to draw back, drew in the sliding door. 酒井黛这个时候跪在榻榻米上,用日本女人特有的温柔声音请他们稍等,然后站起来躬着身子退出去,拉上拉门。 When are not many Sakai black leads the kimono girl who two beauties are not as good as for woof Dongliang and Shirley Yeung serves food, but also 11 explained to the emaciated look. 不多时酒井黛就带着两个姿色稍逊的和服女孩为汪栋梁和杨思琦上菜,还对菜色一一加以解释。 What they eat is Kaiseki, the tradition bosom stone Bi seven antipastos( seven types of the side dishes of complicated work), bowl hold( to have the manual ingredients of cooking liquor), Sashimi, to raise, boils the thing that the thing( explodes), to burn the thing and food matter( food or soup). 他们吃的是怀石料理,传统怀石必有的七点前菜(七种繁复做工的小菜)、碗盛(带有汤汁的手工料理)、生鱼片、扬物(炸的)、煮物、烧物及食事(饭或汤)。 Each dish after the guest orders the meal, starts to manufacture presently, manifested the freshness and taste of its ingredients, because manufactures presently, therefore the guest needs after the meal generally last some time( under normal conditions, after ordering the meal, arrives at the first dish the serving food time is 1015 minutes ; The transitional period between each kind of vegetables/dishes is 510 minutes). 每一道菜都是在客人点餐后,才开始现制作的,更加体现了其料理的新鲜度和口感,因为是现制作,所以客人在点餐后一般需要等上一段时间(通常情况下,点餐后到第一道菜的上菜时间是1015分钟;每类菜之间的过渡时间是510分钟)。 ( Popular science time, without interest can jump over: The people have the misunderstanding to Kaiseki, most domestic websites actually incorrectly relayed an erroneous message about the Kaiseki content: Also some Buddhist priest was hard to take to hold the stone is resisting hunger the origin to say hungrily, there is „is actually in the temple the plain food of clergy a form said ; Has regards Kaiseki purely with the high price meal that the foie gras caviar and other precious delicacies haunching comes, there is the mistake Michelin three stars sushi restaurant and globefish shop are included within Kaiseki of the world peak an error. (科普时间,没有兴趣的可以跳过:国人对怀石料理多有误解,大多数国内网站关于怀石料理内容其实都是以讹传讹:既有“僧人饥饿难耐抱着石头抵挡饥饿”的起源说,也有“其实就是寺中僧侣的粗茶淡饭”的形式说;有把怀石料理当成单纯用鹅肝鱼子酱等珍奇美味“撑起”来的高价套餐,也有错把“米其林三星”寿司店、河豚店都划入“世界顶端的怀石料理”的谬误。 The name origin of Kaiseki, actually came from the fathers in China in " Tao Te Ching » Chapter 70 by sage person born in poverty with hidden talent. 怀石料理的名称由来,其实是来自于中国的老子所著《道德经》第70章中“是以圣人被褐怀玉”一句。 People born in poverty with hidden talent, by brown, thin outside ; Cherishes jade, is thick. The surface roughness declines, but the innermost feelings embrace the beautiful jade. Neglects external emphasized intrinsic value, this idea and Japanese tea ceremony cha lonesome the spirit tallies completely.( cha lonesome: WabiSabi, a Japanese unique esthetics, not desirably the prominent decoration and semblance, emphasized thing plain intrinsic, and can experience the time test the beauty of essence. 被褐怀玉,被褐者,薄外;怀玉者,厚内。表面粗糙破落,而内心则怀抱美玉。忽略外在而强调内在的价值,这种理念与日本茶道“侘寂”的精神完全吻合。(侘寂:WabiSabi,一种日本独特的美学,不刻意突出装饰和外表,强调事物质朴的内在,并且能够经历时间考验的本质的美。 Meanwhile, the spirit of Japanese cuisine, is actually entirely different from the Chinese good food: Does not increase excessive blending flavors and decoration, but shears the lord to boil with the careful selection and simple cooking from goes to prominent food's delicacy.( Shears lord to boil from is a Japanese-style cooking spirit, lord watches over merit is a lord, cooks for auxiliary, prominent food taste) 同时,日本料理的精神,其实与中国美食也截然不同:不添加过度的调味和装饰,而是用细致的选材和简单的料理法“割主烹从”去突出食材本身的美味。(“割主烹从”是一种日式烹饪精神,主张刀功为主,烹煮为辅,突出食材本味) The birth of Kaiseki, is stems from the Japanese tea ceremony on at first tea seat, to guest setting the base, prevents the small ingredients that drunk tea provides. With the Japanese tea ceremony gradually the infiltration to upper class, the form of Kaiseki also slowly becomes rich, since childhood the ingredients turned into soup three vegetables/dishes: The Japanese-style soup, the sashimi, cooks together together, explodes the vegetable/dish together or roasts the vegetable/dish.) 怀石料理的诞生,最初是起源于日本茶道的茶席上,为了给客人“垫垫底”,防止“醉茶”而提供的小料理。随着日本茶道逐渐向贵族阶层的渗透,怀石料理的形式也慢慢变得丰富起来,从小料理变成了“一汤三菜”:一道日式汤,一道刺身,一道煮菜,一道炸菜或烤菜。)
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