MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#74: Let us witness miracle ( 2 ) together

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First what with woof Dongliang on them is the appetizer( prepayment Sakizuke): The appetizer takes the appetizer generally, the use in the quarter the newest food manufacture, but the choosing principle of variety is low-key luxury, has one, two kinds rare and precious raw material in the vegetable/dish merely, comes prominent lining Kaiseki person born in poverty with hidden talent feeling. 首先跟汪栋梁他们上的是前菜(先付Sakizuke):前菜一般作为开胃菜,使用当季最新鲜的食材制作,但品种的选取原则是“低调的奢华”,仅仅在菜中有一、两样珍稀的原料,来突出整道怀石料理“被褐怀玉”的感觉。 The appetizer has the Chinese mugwort tofu: With tofu that the Chinese mugwort, sesame seed and Kudzu root make, with the Shanghai guts, Capsella bursa-pastoris as well as horseradish, in pouring soup stock. The octopus is frozen, appetizer that burdock ox Roujuan and other small dishes install, the component is few, but is fine. 前菜有艾草豆腐:用艾草、芝麻和葛根做成的豆腐,配Shanghai胆,荠菜以及山葵,浇上高汤而成。还有章鱼冻、牛蒡牛肉卷等小碟子装的前菜,份量很少,但非常精致。 Then starts off and on serving food one after another. 然后开始断断续续的一道一道上菜。 Opening price( to paying Mukouzuke): Thin Chemin oplegnathidae fish: Is called bright oplegnathidae in the migratory porgy that rushing Akashi Strait fishes, is the best precious porgy variety in Japan. The ingredient does with the bonito with the soup stock well distributed Tosa soy sauce and perilla shoot.( On general opening price time, with rice and lord soup on together. Eats must place in front of own left the rice, the soup places right front, the opening price places most distant place. As the first dish, on the situation comparison of sashimi sees much.) 头盘(向付Mukouzuke):薄切明石鲷鱼:在水流湍急的明石海峡捕捞上来的洄游鲷鱼被称为“明石鲷”,在日本属于数一数二的名贵鲷鱼品种。配料是用鲣鱼干和高汤调和的土佐酱油和紫苏嫩芽。(一般上头盘的时候,都是跟米饭和主汤一起上的。吃的时候要把米饭放在自己的左边面前,汤放在右边面前,头盘放在最远处。作为第一道菜,上刺身的情况比较多见。) Main soup( juice Shiru): The white miso boils the gluten to match the cover seedling: The fresh gluten that in the village produces in Japan is considered that had the highest quality, in the soup also adds few black mustard to increase the flavor. 主汤(汁Shiru):白味噌汤煮面筋配芋苗:庄内产的生面筋在日本被认为具有最高的品质,汤里还加入了少量的芥末以增加风味。 Cooks( boils thing Nimono): black fish with roasting pine mushroom: The black fish meat after the starch packages uses the clear water to be clear, puts in the cold soup stock, is joined to roasts the pine mushroom, the earth Chinese angelica, blends flavors with the azure shaddock skin. 煮菜(煮物Nimono):黑鱼配烤松茸:黑鱼肉用淀粉包裹后用清水焯熟,放入冷的高汤中,配上烤松茸,土当归,用青柚子皮调味。 Explodes the vegetable/dish( shao 炸菜(焼物 Yakimono): Fries the perch to do: The pulp plump frying perch does, breaks to pieces with the dry/does perilla as blending flavors. Yakimono):煎鲈鱼干:肉质肥厚的煎鲈鱼干,用干的紫苏碎作为调味。 Boils mixed( cooks a meal to gather 杂煮(炊合 TakiAwase): Mixed of wooden scoop pavilion boiled put the small sweet potato, the pumpkin, steamed the octopus, the shrimp, the lotus root and okra, scattered the shaddock powder as blending flavors. TakiAwase):瓢亭的杂煮中放了小芋头,南瓜,蒸章鱼,对虾,莲藕和秋葵,撒上柚子粉作为调味。 Eight cuns (2.5 cm) ( Hasson ): In outside is ripe the tender wooden scoop pavilion egg, the charcoal fire roasts the salt chub mackerel sushi, roasts the mullet to bind the salted fish seed powder, the arbutus, deeps fry with flour meal the river prawn, pickles the ginger bud, azure lemon that as well as is used to blend flavors.( Must say one, eight cuns (2.5 cm) various rare delicacies in this lining Kaiseki, the role that actually plays are person born in poverty with hidden talent finishing touch. In which arbutus is the native plant of Japan, it long on cliff, in the summer of every year the fruit is mature, fruit only has the kidney bean size, has the fragrance of pear, the price is very high. If runs into the diner who did not understand, perhaps treated as the ghost gingerstem block to eat wholely.) 八寸(Hasson):外熟里嫩的瓢亭鸡蛋,炭火烤腌青花鱼寿司,烤梭鱼裹腌鱼籽粉,岩梨,干炸河虾,腌生姜芽,以及用来调味的青柠。(必须说一句,八寸的各种珍味在这整道怀石料理中,其实起到的作用就是“被褐怀玉”的点睛之笔。其中的岩梨是日本的原生植物,它长在峭壁上,每年夏天果实成熟,果实个头仅有芸豆大小,具有梨的香味,价格很高。如果遇到了不懂的食客,也许就当作鬼子姜块囫囵吃下去了。) Last vinegar pickles( zuo 最后一道醋腌菜(酢物 Sunomono): Vinegar salt fresh compoy and abalone, joined the cucumber, myoga and plum dried meat takes the seasoning, re-waters on uses the rice vinegar, sugar and soy sauce well distributed vinegar juice. Sunomono):醋腌鲜瑶柱与鲍鱼,其中加入了黄瓜、茗荷和梅干肉作为调味料,再浇上用米醋、糖和酱油调和的醋汁。 Here all tableware are the famous porcelain master design, all tableware are also the manual burns. Experienced diner before opening meal, will first cross the tableware comes to see their bottom inscribing, looked whether the famous expert makes. 这里所有的餐具均是出名的瓷艺师设计的,所有餐具也都是手工烧制的。有经验的食客在开餐之前,会先把餐具翻过来看看它们底部的铭刻,看是否名家所制。 The tableware is primarily the porcelain to have, for matches with the quality of material color of food. According to the difference of four seasons food, the modeling and color of household utensils have distinguished. 餐具以瓷具为主,为了和食材的质地颜色相匹配。根据四季食材之不同,器皿的造型和颜色都有所区别。 The food is must boil with the Japanese friend Tian Shao black pottery hot pot surely, the tableware color spring the summer with the tinted department, emphasized the cool feeling ; Fall and winter with the deep department, builds the warmth. The altitude of household utensils also has tasteful, if needs on simultaneously several plates of vegetables/dishes, according to will arrange from right to left from low to high, to facilitate the guest to move the chopsticks. 饭是必定要用日本友田烧的黑陶煲来煮,餐具颜色春夏用浅色系,强调清凉感觉;秋冬用深色系,营造温暖感。器皿的高度也有讲究,若是需要同时上几碟菜,就会按照从右到左由低到高排列,以方便客人动筷。 woof Dongliang and Shirley Yeung tastes the good food, while listens to the cultural history of Sakai black introduction about Kaiseki, what unprocessed food grains that the approaches of various emaciated looks as well as use. 汪栋梁和杨思琦一边品尝美食,一边听酒井黛介绍关于怀石料理的历史文化,各种菜色的做法以及用的什么原粮。 woof Dongliang then feels anything to be called to taste the good food for the first time. The snack of streets and lanes, oneself family's meal, the feast of common restaurant, that can only call eating, is far from tastes. 汪栋梁这才第一次感受到什么叫做品尝美食。街头巷尾的小吃,自己家里的饭菜,寻常餐馆的大餐,那都只能叫“吃”,远远谈不上品尝。 True tasting not just satisfies the desire of food and drink, in the spiritual sensibility and culture experience. 真正的品尝并不是仅仅满足口腹之欲,还有精神上的感悟和文化上体验。 When under woof Dongliang and Shirley Yeung often settle when several manager in club escorts leaves, woof Dongliang thought that the whole person sublimated. Originally he thinks that the success of life is to buy a set of mansion, comes and goes out the expensive car, is pulling the beautiful woman, now knows that the true top rich and powerful people leave their life far. 等汪栋梁和杨思琦在几个常安俱乐部的经理护送下离开时,汪栋梁觉得整个人都升华了。原来他以为人生的成功就是买套豪宅,出入豪车,挽着美女,现在才知道真正的顶级富豪离他们的生活有多远。 Delivers Shirley Yeung returns to cinema institute time, Shirley Yeung is very intimate to woof Dongliang, has you to request me to be your girlfriend greatly now, I meet the expression that wants. 送杨思琦回电影学院的时候,杨思琦已经对汪栋梁很是亲热了,大有你现在要求我做你女朋友,我都会愿意的表情。 woof Dongliang is very calm, he knows that all these to him are the ghosts, he drew support from journey Xiaoyu the halo to put on the royal crown. 汪栋梁却很冷静,他知道这一切对他来说都是幻像,他不过是借助了程晓羽的光环戴上了王冠。 Waited to pack off Shirley Yeung, woof Dongliang started dejectedly, he did not have the courage to make Shirley Yeung to come out next time again. Is looking at Shirley Yeung's slender back, his first incomparable hope can have all these. 等送走了杨思琦,汪栋梁开始沮丧,他没有勇气下次再约杨思琦出来了。望着杨思琦窈窕的背影,他第一次无比渴望能够拥有这一切。 woof Dongliang calls journey Xiaoyu, said in the school entrance he. 汪栋梁打了电话给程晓羽,说在校门口等他。 journey Xiaoyu sits in the school entrance opposite tea with milk shop, looks that woof Dongliang depends on Lamborghini to smoke. Receives the call he not anxiously, he thinks that woof Dongliang also requires the time to digest all these. 程晓羽坐在校门口对面的奶茶店,看着汪栋梁靠着兰博基尼抽烟。接到电话他并没有急着出去,他想汪栋梁还需要时间来消化这一切。 Has waited for more than ten minutes, several younger sisters have asked woof Dongliang to build awkwardness/ridicules, journey Xiaoyu walks. 等过了十多分钟,已经有几个妹子找汪栋梁搭过讪了,程晓羽才走过去。 Because woof Dongliang thought that also calculates the friends in adversity with journey Xiaoyu, in having a liking to leave on a journey the dawn feather under solid background pressure that cannot be estimated that he had not thought that journey Xiaoyu is a 17-year-old youngster. He has not known that now journey Xiaoyu attended the high school, he naturally treated as the contemporaries journey Xiaoyu, journey Xiaoyu nowhere did not display him is adult who had the mature thought. 因为汪栋梁觉得和程晓羽也算患难之交,在看上去程晓羽的不可估测的深厚背景威压下,他从来没觉得程晓羽是个17岁的少年。他现在还不知道程晓羽才读高中,自然而然的他把程晓羽当作同龄人来看,程晓羽也无处不表现出来他是个具有成熟思想的成人。 woof Dongliang steps on extinguishes the smoke, boarding, on the pain was asking that journey Xiao the feather feather are few, what do you forgive such big circle to make? But told depending on you, so long as I do, certainly not two words.” 汪栋梁踩灭烟,上了车,就苦笑着问程晓羽“羽少,您饶这么大一个圈子是想做什么?但凭你吩咐,只要我做的到的,绝不二话。” journey Xiaoyu smiles a pair of profound vision to look at woof Dongliang saying that is not I thinks what you make, but is you must ask itself now, what you pursue is what?” 程晓羽笑了笑一双深邃的目光望着汪栋梁说“不是我想你做什么,而是现在你要问问自己,你追求的是什么?” The woof Dongliang first discovery results in journey Xiaoyu the eyes especially attractively, the double-fold eyelid pair, the eye socket falls very much behind the bridge of the nose, the eye is big and sparking, seems sending out the dim light blue gem. He hears journey Xiaoyu the question, actually does not understand journey Xiaoyu the meaning, but the intuition told him to have the important matter to happen, woof Dongliang somewhat confused asking feather were few, was your meaning?” 汪栋梁第一次发现得程晓羽的眼睛格外的好看,双眼皮很双,眼窝陷在鼻梁后面,眼睛大而闪亮,仿佛散发着幽光的蓝色宝石。他听到程晓羽的反问,却不懂程晓羽的意思,只是直觉告诉他有大事要发生,汪栋梁有些迷茫的问“羽少,您的意思是?” journey Xiao feather asking gently your present wages how much money one month?” 程晓羽轻轻的问道“你现在工资多少钱一个月?” woof Dongliang silent evil ways after-tax 16,000.” His wages in their company calculate high, after all looks to throw is not the big website, nowadays gains difficultly. 汪栋梁沉默了下道“税后一万六。”他的工资在他们公司算高的了,毕竟瞄扑也不是大网站,现今盈利都困难。 journey Xiaoyu was also asking that planned to purchase homes?” 程晓羽又笑着问“打算买房子了吗?” woof Dongliang just graduated also shortly , the money of these years depositing bought masses POLO. journey Xiaoyu gave him few days ago 200,000, he is one point of deposit does not have, discussed anything to purchase homes, the Capital City price slight increased, the house price was expected to rise daily, did not look to the end. Hears journey Xiaoyu to ask like this, where really in the stamp another painful event say/way the present bought!” 汪栋梁刚毕业也没多久,这几年存的钱都买了辆大众POLO。要不是程晓羽前些日子给了他二十万,他是一分存款都没有,谈什么买房子,京城物价高企,房价更是天天看涨,根本看不到头。听到程晓羽这样问,真是戳中了又一桩伤心事道“现在哪里买的起啊!” journey Xiaoyu patted woof Dongliang shoulder say/way wolf to seek the freedom, rather the independent personality, the free thought that runs daily in the prairie, all delicacies that the hunting and killing cattle recklessly, the enjoyment nature as far as possible provides, after eating to the full, lies down on the lawn, anything does not think, enjoys the sunlight and free air, they are the control of prairie, they have the noble dignity. However when approaches severely cold, they must learn to resist the snowstorm the coldness, the learned seek for the prey under the thick snow drift, often bears the hungry pain, was worried momentarily own cold and hunger dies. Life half of wolf are the sea water, half are the flame. The life of dog is just the opposite, usually the dog can only eat master remaining remnant thick soup cold roast/broil, was being called by the master is busy at work everywhere, does not have the freedom, without dignity, only then fawns and obsequiouss, the life of dog has the guarantee, although always cannot have what delicacy, in the winter arrival is not worried to suffer from hunger and cold, has the fart of master to protect, the dogs are grateful, pledged that the next life gives loyalty to for the master as before, even if the master beats and scolds the dogs recklessly, the dogs do not dare throat one mostly, because obedient and tame is the symbol of dogs. Compromising for the general interest is the label of dogs, for stable rice bowl, when oneself are old has fixed grain ration, all recognized! If compares people in the real life, it is estimated that most people are living the life of dog, stable easy and comfortable, but cannot eat to the full forever, wants to leave host family's kennel, the courage of but deficient crossing the rubicon!” 程晓羽拍了拍汪栋梁的肩膀道“狼为了寻求自由,宁愿独立人格,自由思想,天天奔跑在大草原上,肆意的猎杀牛羊,尽可能的享受大自然提供的一切美味,吃饱后就躺在草地上,什么都不想,享受阳光和自由的空气,他们是草原的主宰,他们有高贵的尊严的。不过当严寒来临时,他们必须学会抗拒暴风雪的寒冷,学会在厚厚的雪堆下面寻找猎物,时常忍受饥饿的痛苦,随时担心自己冻饿而死。狼的生活可谓一半是海水,一半是火焰。狗的生活恰恰相反,平时狗只能吃主人剩下的残羹冷炙,被主人吆喝着到处忙活,没有自由,没有尊严,只有摇尾乞怜,狗的生活是有保证的,虽然从来吃不到什么美味,但是冬天到来时也不担心挨饿受冻,有主人的屁护,狗们感恩戴德,发誓下一辈子依旧为主人效忠,即便主人肆意的打骂狗们,狗们也多半不敢吭一声,因为听话和驯服是狗们的标志。委曲求全是狗们的标签,为了稳定的饭碗,为了自己老时有一份固定的口粮,一切都认了!如果把现实生活中的人们进行比较,估计人们大多都是过着狗的生活,稳定安逸,但是永远吃不饱,想离开主人家的狗窝,但是缺乏破釜沉舟的勇气!” journey Xiaoyu silent evil ways „the issue came, do you want to make a noble wolf are the easy and comfortable dog?” 程晓羽沉默了一下道“那么问题来了,你想做一只高贵的狼还是安逸的狗?” woof Dongliang say/way without hesitation who is willing to make the dog, wants to work as the wolf! However does the wolf have is so good to work as?” 汪栋梁毫不犹豫的道“谁愿意做狗,都想当狼啊!但是狼有那么好当吗?” journey Xiaoyu looks that woof Dongliang said that you also do have the courage of having a dream? If you allow nature to take its course like this, you thought that you also do have the success that the opportunity obtains you to want?” 程晓羽看着汪栋梁道“那你还有没有做梦的勇气?如果你这样顺其自然下去,你觉得你还有机会获得你想要的成功吗?” woof Dongliang smiled bitterly was saying that I also once think oneself were very good, but the reality gave me brutally to taunt. The feather are few, I am not you, I do not have the prominent status, I test Beijing from the small county city, is becomes outstanding in our where. To obtain today's all, I have not expected.” 汪栋梁苦笑着说“我也曾以为自己很行,但现实给了我无情的嘲讽。羽少,我不是你,我没有显赫的身份,我从小县城考到Beijing,在我们哪里已经算是出人头地了。想要获得今天的一切,我从来没有奢望过。” journey Xiaoyu turns the head to look outside the glass the deep haze, the crowding high-rise construction, incomparably firm woof Dongliang told that I give you opportunity to witness the miracle together, whether you have the courage.” 程晓羽转头看着车窗外深深的雾霾,接踵摩肩的高层建筑,无比坚定的跟汪栋梁说“我给你机会一起去见证奇迹,你可否还有勇气。” Many years later as the global market value's third CEO of feather company, individual net worth has arranged global first 50 woof Dongliang, would recalling this time. His reporter to Time said that „ perhaps feather has little thought his past actions very touched the heart, his speech was also dynamic. In fact he made said all, wasted. Actually I have waited for him saying that leads me to fly, I will resign with him do, first day I look at him am not in the pond the thing. 多年以后身为全球市值第三的兮羽公司的CEO,个人身家已经排到了全球前五十的汪栋梁,总会回忆到这个时刻。他对时代周刊的记者笑着说“羽少或许一直以为他当年的所做所为很感人肺腑,他的演说又多么激情四射。实际上他所做所说的一切,都是白费。其实我早就等他说带我飞,我就会辞职跟他干的,第一天我就看出来他不是池中之物。
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