MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#72: Person who the chase vainly hopes for

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This time airplane ticket was not easy to buy, after all this time the student who went to Capital City to go to school are also many. 这个时候的机票也不太好买,毕竟这个时间段去京城上学的学生也多。 Sees with own eyes to burn money the day in front, journey Xiao the feather wants to save a point to buy the economy cabin, helpless the earliest flight of airplane only had the business class. 眼见烧钱的日子就在前面,程晓羽本想节约一点买普通舱的,无奈最早一班飞机只剩下了商务舱。 journey Xiaoyu stopped Ferrari at the airport, called king Ou, wanted him to help ask for leave, paid one week of cafeteria luxurious meal price. 程晓羽将法拉利停在了机场,打电话给王鸥,要他帮忙请了假,付出了一个星期食堂豪华套餐的代价。 Just got out to bump into an unexpected person, Sun Jingyao. Sun Jingyao this/Ben is on the signing artist of river recording performance section, Su Weilan brings both sides together, today rides early in the morning airplane to go to Capital City to catch up with a circular. 刚下车就碰到了一个意想不到的人,孙静遥。孙静遥本就是上河唱片演艺部的签约艺人,还是苏巍澜牵线搭桥的,今天坐大早的飞机去京城赶一个通告。 Now she also knows that journey Xiaoyu is on the crown prince master of river recording, but also knows that journey Xiaoyu is also the unpopular illegitimate child. 现在她也知道程晓羽是上河唱片的太子爷,但也知道程晓羽也是不受待见的私生子。 Two people saw mutually, is a little awkward. journey Xiaoyu looks at Sun Jingyao the sweet and pretty facial features and compared with permits Qinning the also big lethal weapon, recalls that astonishing feel, could not bear toward the grandson calmly remote smiled, signaled by nodding with her, calculated to greet. 两人互相看见了,都有点尴尬。程晓羽看着孙静遥娇美的面容和比许沁柠还大的凶器,回忆起那惊人的手感,还是忍不住朝孙静遥笑了下,跟她点头示意了,算打过招呼。 The pretty woman, is always easy to obtain to forgive, he really also has the excessive action let alone. 漂亮的女人,总是容易获得原谅,更何况他确实也有过份的举动。 Sun Jingyao obviously is accidental/surprised journey Xiaoyu to notify her , can only awkward smiling. 孙静遥显然意外程晓羽会跟她打招呼,也只能尴尬的笑了笑。 journey Xiaoyu also thinks little, takes a small-sized travel bag to walk on North Korea Airport hall. 程晓羽也不以为意,提着一个小号的旅行包就朝机场大厅走去。 Same class airplane that two people ride very much unfortunately, Sun Jingyao the assistant is the ordinary seat that sits, the business class that Sun Jingyao a person sits. 很不巧两人坐的同一班飞机,孙静遥的助理是坐的普通座位,孙静遥一个人坐的商务舱。 She now is also only a young star, but also does not have the treatment also to the assistant well the boundary of followers gain. 她现在还只是个小明星而已,还没有待遇好到助理也能鸡犬升天的境界。 To her what is very unfortunate, she sits journey Xiaoyu side just in time, she actually a little does not want to talk with journey Xiaoyu, Sun Jingyao most unhappy is words many fat people, she was once pestered a half year by such a second generation of rich, is simply burdensome. 对她来说很不幸的是,正巧她坐程晓羽的旁边,她其实有点不想跟程晓羽搭话,孙静遥最不喜的就是话多的胖子,她曾经被这样一个富二代纠缠了半年之久,简直不胜其烦。 journey Xiaoyu sits by the corridor position, Sun Jingyao sits by the position of window. Sits on the seat, journey Xiaoyu asked the stewardess to want a blanket, took the earphone to start to sleep. What he listens is records the song that four songs have carved CD. 程晓羽坐靠走廊的位置,孙静遥坐靠窗户的位置。坐在座位上,程晓羽就找空姐要了张毯子,带上耳机开始睡觉。他听的是自己录的歌,四首歌都已经刻成了CD。 Sun Jingyao was quite inborn high to the wealthy family juniors vigilance, seeing journey Xiaoyu to take the earphone also to relax secretly, will not disturb her evidently, although she was profound to the guitar playing an instrument and singing impression of that day journey Xiao feather snowy night, but placed this circle, fully realized that had the talent and moral behavior good is two matters. 孙静遥天生就对富家子弟警惕性比较高,看见程晓羽带上了耳机也暗自松了口气,看样子是不会来打扰她了,虽然她对那天程晓羽雪夜的吉他弹唱印象深刻,但身处这个圈子,深知有才华和人品好是两回事。 Until now she is also a remaining pure and incorruptible person, once had the Huaxia renowned successful director, had suggested with her unspoken rule, has the role to develop to her, was cussed out by her. Result that director also said that everywhere her malicious remarks, said that thinks the color tempts itself, was given the rejection by oneself. 一直以来她也是个洁身自好的人,也曾有华夏著名的大导演,跟她暗示过潜规则一下,就有角色给她演,被她臭骂了一顿。结果那个导演还到处说她的坏话,说想色诱自己,被自己给拒绝了。 Sun Jingyao hears such hearsay from others ear, the air/Qi straight cries, but does not have the backstage fame not big she, to result in the uremia younger sister's dialysis expense, has to struggle in this brings in money relatively quick entertainment world. 孙静遥从别人耳朵里听到这样的传闻,气的直哭,但没有后台又名气不大的她,为了得了尿毒症妹妹的透析费用,不得不挣扎在这来钱相对快一些的娱乐圈。 Her wish read off the work that the university asks to like, then with liking light life that the person marriage, on has helped support the family. However the human affairs is always unsatisfactory. 原本她的心愿是读完大学找个自己喜欢的工作,然后和喜欢的人结婚,过上相夫教子的平淡生活。然而世事总是不如人意。 For younger sister's sickness, she handles the matter that too ran counter to the wish, she of stature sex appeal, the thought is very conservative. Looks oneself in the appearance that in the magazine is coquettish, she also sheds the tears, life that but does not like facing oneself next day. 为了妹妹的病,她做了太多违背自己意愿的事情,身材性感的她,思想却十分保守。看着自己在杂志上搔首弄姿的样子,她也流过眼泪,但第二天还是得面对自己不喜欢的生活。 She has also once thought asked a rich man to marry considering as finished, but she always held a faint trace delightful expectation to the love. She kisses initially also, big two just started the first love, will be lived by younger sister's condition torn to pieces, but she has not complained anything. 她也曾想过找个有钱人嫁了算了,但她总对爱情抱有一丝丝甜美的憧憬。她连初吻都还在,大二刚开始初恋,就被妹妹的病情将生活弄的支离破碎,但她从来也没有抱怨过什么。 She with bidding good-bye that he raises, then leaves school to change professions to be the model. She had once won the Miss Tourism champion in central China area, steps onto this road also such allowing nature to take its course. 她跟他提的分手,然后退学转行去做模特。她曾得过华中区的旅游小姐冠军,走上这条路也那么的顺其自然。 journey Xiaoyu does not certainly know that Sun Jingyao life experience, now he rests is sinking. 程晓羽当然不知道孙静遥的人生经历,他现在睡的正沉。 Last night he looked that the material about thin fox net saw midnight slept. This morning on catches the airplane, really has not rested enough. 昨天夜里他看关于瘦狐网的资料看到半夜才睡觉。今天一早就起来赶飞机,实在还没有睡够。 Although the seat of business class is very wide, too leaning journey Xiaoyu but who rests will be unavoidably by Sun Jingyao. Sun Jingyao is also embarrassed journey Xiaoyu pushes to awake, can only be slanting the body to sit, as far as possible to journey Xiaoyu the distant point. 虽然商务舱的座位很宽,但睡的太偏的程晓羽还是难免将头挨着了孙静遥。孙静遥又不好意思把程晓羽推醒,只能自己斜着身子坐,尽量离程晓羽远点。 Looks that in journey Xiao the feather sleep also flowed off the saliva, Sun Jingyao only ability the temper , helping journey Xiaoyu scratch carelessly two with the paper goods. For fear that he mouth waterdrop to oneself on. 看着程晓羽睡梦中还流下了口水,孙静遥只能耐着性子,拿纸巾帮程晓羽胡乱擦两下。生怕他将口水滴到自己身上。 journey Xiao the feather naturally does not know that his distinguished guest level the treatment, a sleep/felt rests to the airplane falls to the ground. When he wakes up, the grandson who first saw to have calmly been compelled the depending on window that sits by him remote, immediately says sorry, sorry. Good that yesterday had not rested today, rests sank.” 程晓羽自然不知道他这贵宾级的待遇,一觉睡到飞机落地。等他醒来,第一眼就看见了已经被他逼的靠着窗户坐的孙静遥,立刻说了“对不起,对不起。昨天没睡的好,今天睡的太沉了。” Sun Jingyao cold Zhelian said is all right.” 孙静遥冷着脸说了“没事。” journey Xiaoyu has not continued to flatter others' desire. 程晓羽也没继续讨好别人的欲望。 Under when journey Xiao feather airplane polite told Sun Jingyao said goodbye.” 程晓羽下飞机时还是礼貌的跟孙静遥说了“再见。” Sun Jingyao actually pretends not to hear. 孙静遥却装作没有听见。 journey Xiao the feather will not haggle over with the beautiful woman, alit from the airplane, directly soars the parking lot. He was renting a car yesterday evening online spends 15,000 to rent a Lamborghini Qara'a to be many, naturally he is not used to show off, this is only he is used to convince woof Dongliang tool. 程晓羽自不会与美女计较,下了飞机,直奔停车场。他昨天晚上在租车网上花了一万五租了一辆兰博基尼盖拉多,当然他不是用来炫富,这只是他用来说服汪栋梁的工具。 Signs inside the parking lot, takes the car(riage), journey Xiaoyu directly soared. Premium car like Lamborghini, even if you are one day that rents, cannot surpass the travel distance in kilometer of definition, surpassed must overpower the extra expense. But journey Xiaoyu could not attend to these change. 在停车场签了字,取了车,程晓羽就直奔市内。像兰博基尼这样的高档车,即使你是租用的一天,也不能超过限定的行驶公里数,超过了还要制服额外的费用。但程晓羽也顾不得这些小钱了。 journey Xiao feather Ferrari comes, Lamborghini goes, fell in Sun Jingyao the eyes, was included within the category of playboys journey Xiaoyu, making her feel disdains very much, a point all vanishes into thin air for the favorable impression that the little miss sang for a living. 程晓羽法拉利来,兰博基尼去,都落在了孙静遥的眼里,更将程晓羽划入了纨绔子弟的范畴,让她觉得很是不屑,一点为小姑娘卖唱的好感全都不翼而飞。 journey Xiaoyu calls woof Dongliang on the vehicle, makes 11 : 30 to meet downstairs his company. 程晓羽在车上就跟汪栋梁打了电话,约好十一点半在他公司楼下见面。 journey Xiaoyu Lamborghini stops, when downstairs woof Dongliang company, harvested the vision of innumerable envying. When woof Dongliang gets down time, journey Xiaoyu opens the window to call woof Dongliang to come. 程晓羽将兰博基尼停在汪栋梁公司楼下的时候,收获了无数羡慕的目光。等汪栋梁下来的时候,程晓羽打开窗户招呼汪栋梁过来。 woof Dongliang saw Lamborghini to reveal the long-awaited affection naturally, the man never has the ability rejection to the automobile and beautiful woman, this love was in the bone. 汪栋梁看见兰博基尼自然而然露出了梦寐以求的喜爱,男人对汽车和美女从来都没有能力拒绝,这种爱是骨子里的。 journey Xiao the feather got down the driver seat, making woof Dongliang come, woof did Dongliang hesitant one ask „?” 程晓羽下了驾驶座,让汪栋梁来开,汪栋梁犹豫了一下问“可以吗?” journey Xiaoyu smiles what has not? It is not Lamborghini.” 程晓羽笑了笑说“有什么不可以?不就是辆兰博基尼。” woof Dongliang face pleasantly surprised boarding , on journey Xiao the feather the copilot, did ask where goes to?” 汪栋梁一脸惊喜的上了车,等程晓羽上了副驾驶,问到“去哪里?” journey Xiao the feather hehe said man sacred place, Capital City cinema institute.” 程晓羽嘿嘿一笑说去“男人圣地,京城电影学院。” woof Dongliang has not thought that faces forward just met had pursued, the miss who in other company a building went to work, he pressed down the window, notifies that miss, in the vision of surprised and chase of that miss face, a foot accelerator stepped on accelerates to depart. 汪栋梁也没多想,朝前开的时候刚好遇到了曾经追求过的,一栋楼上班的另外公司的姑娘,他按下窗户,跟那个姑娘打了招呼,在那个姑娘一脸的惊讶和追逐的目光里,一脚油门一踩加速离去。 woof Dongliang just wants to report a progress with journey Xiaoyu. journey Xiaoyu on say/way Brother Wang, first did not discuss the official business temporarily, today we first feel the life.” 汪栋梁刚想跟程晓羽汇报一下事情的进展。程晓羽就道“汪哥,暂时先不谈公事,今天我们先感受一下人生。” woof Dongliang does not know what medicine that in journey Xiao the feather bottle gourd sells, can only nod. All car(riage)s are giving way to traffic all the way Lamborghini, the miss of driving lavishes praise with woof Dongliang. woof Dongliang is also exciting helpless. 汪栋梁不知道程晓羽葫芦里卖的什么药,只能点头。一路上所有的车都避让着兰博基尼,还有开着车的姑娘跟汪栋梁抛媚眼。汪栋梁也是兴奋的不知所措。 Waited till Capital City cinema institute, journey Xiaoyu name was woof Dongliang to drive in the school entrance to wait. At this time had the lunch time, did not like having meals in a cafeteria outside went out of the school gate to go to eat. 等到了京城电影学院,程晓羽叫汪栋梁开着车在学校门口等着。这个时候正是吃午饭的时候,很多不爱吃食堂的都走出了校门去外面吃。 journey Xiaoyu and woof Dongliang sit on the vehicle, harvested the lines of sight of innumerable inquiry, woof Dongliang actually does not know that what journey Xiaoyu wants to make, miss who saw long hair long unusual attractive a little fairyism until journey Xiaoyu, therefore journey Xiaoyu pointed was asking that which miss you did feel how?” 程晓羽和汪栋梁坐在车上,都收获了无数打探的视线,汪栋梁却不知道程晓羽想做什么,直到程晓羽看到一个长头发长的非常漂亮有点仙气的姑娘,于是程晓羽指着问“你觉得哪个姑娘怎么样?” woof Dongliang said that is very attractive.” 汪栋梁笑着说“挺漂亮的。” journey Xiaoyu said that what that also does gawk is making? Comes up to ask the number!” 程晓羽道“那还愣着做什么?上去问号码!” woof Dongliang naturally does not fear this matter, although he was rejected by others for a long time, Lamborghini but who opens today, this gave his infinite confidence. 汪栋梁自然是不怕这种事情,虽然他长期被别人拒绝,但今天可是开的兰博基尼啊,这给了他无限的信心。 woof Dongliang drives past the car(riage) slowly, opens the window to ask schoolmate, excuse me, can ask your matter?” 汪栋梁将车慢慢开过去,打开窗户问道“同学,不好意思,能问你个事吗?” The girl turns the head to look at a yellow Lamborghini, is seeing woof Dongliang that no characteristics face, does not lead is not ugly. Because the Lamborghini domain is too low, does the miss have partly bending the waist say/way what matter, is to ask the way?” 那女孩转头一看一辆嫩黄色的兰博基尼,在看到汪栋梁那张没什么特色的脸,不帅也不丑。由于兰博基尼地盘太低,那姑娘只好半弯着腰道“什么事情,是要问路吗?” woof Dongliang shaking the head say/way is not, I want to ask you, long why so attractive!” 汪栋梁摇摇头道“不是,我是想问你,为什么长这么漂亮!” journey Xiaoyu hears this is also the cold sweat braves, saying something to smooth things over of such frivolous empty boasting, must put opens asking of Chery, it is estimated that others do not hit you are good. 程晓羽听到这句也是冷汗直冒,这样轻佻浮夸的搭讪,要搁一开奇瑞的问,估计别人不打你就是好的了。 The miss was actually covering mouth hehe smiled, was replies, was straight the body, as if must walk. 那姑娘却是捂着嘴“呵呵”笑了,算是答话,直起身子来,仿佛要走。 woof Dongliang hurries to ask schoolmate, can under the understanding?” 汪栋梁又赶紧问“同学,能认识下吗?” Miss hesitant, nod, received woof Dongliang cell phone to save the number, then said has free time to relate.” 那姑娘犹豫了一下,点头,接过汪栋梁的手机存了号码,然后说了“有空联系。” journey Xiaoyu smiles was looking bright smile say/way that woof Dongliang is very happy thought asked the number is a specially simple matter?” 程晓羽微笑着看汪栋梁喜上眉梢的灿烂笑脸道“是不是觉得问号码是件特别简单的事情?” woof Dongliang nods, journey Xiaoyu also said that you call her now, make her to eat meal. I am often settling the club to decide the position with you, you lead her to go directly are.” Said that handed over a black membership card to give woof Dongliang. The card is Auntie Zhou, yesterday evening journey Xiaoyu asked Auntie Zhou to want. 汪栋梁点头,程晓羽又道“你现在跟她打电话,约她吃饭。我跟你在常安俱乐部定了位置,你直接带她去就是。”说完递了张黑色的会员卡给汪栋梁。卡是周姨的,昨天晚上程晓羽找周姨要的。 woof Dongliang selected said with amazement that you did do?” 汪栋梁又点惊讶的说“那你去干什么?” journey Xiaoyu dreadful smiling of said that goes to the campus to have a look. You under and others finished eating the food to deliver the miss comes back, we are meeting.” 程晓羽猥琐的笑了笑说“去校园里看看。你等下吃完饭送姑娘回来的时候,我们在见面。” woof pillar of the state shook the head saying that this was not good, not possible to throw this your one person.” 汪栋梁摇头说“这不好,不可能把你一个人丢这。” journey Xiaoyu has taken woof Dongliang cell phone, which miss with dialed the telephone directly, the name that on the telephone saves is Shirley Yeung, quick of opposite meeting, journey Xiaoyu said that Qiqi hello/you good, I was woof Xiaoge. Do I want to ask you to have a lunch?” 程晓羽拿过汪栋梁的手机,直接跟哪个姑娘拨了电话,电话上存的名字是杨思琦,对面接的很快,程晓羽道“琦琦你好,我是刚才的汪小哥。我想请你吃个午饭可以吗?” Shirley Yeung hesitant under said that our 3 : 00 pm also has the class!” 杨思琦犹豫了下说“我们下午 3 点还有课啊!” journey Xiaoyu said is all right, I finished eating the food to deliver you to return to the school, just I must manage here also a little matter.” 程晓羽道“没事,我吃完饭就送你回学校,刚好我在这边还有点事情要办。” Where did Shirley Yeung ask that to go to? Cannot be too far.” 杨思琦问道“那去哪里呢?不能太远的。” journey Xiaoyu smiles to know has handled, said that often settles the club, a membership club.” Often the peaceful club in Capital City also time is the famous extravagant place, the average person can go in one to have the capital of showing off. 程晓羽笑了笑知道已经搞定,说“去常安俱乐部,一个会员制俱乐部。”常安俱乐部在京城也算是鼎鼎有名的豪奢之地,普通人能进去一次都有夸耀的资本。 That side the telephone hears this name, naturally will not reject, „.”, Then said that I in school entrance you, you meet me.” 电话那边听到这个名字,当然更不会拒绝,“哦。”了一声,然后说“我在校门口等你,你过来接我。” journey Xiaoyu said well.” Made the telephone call, gives woof Dongliang the cell phone, said under to see.” Landing. 程晓羽说“好。”就挂了电话,把手机递给汪栋梁,就说“等下见。”下了车。 woof Dongliang has not responded, sees journey Xiaoyu to walk away. 汪栋梁还没有反应过来,就看见程晓羽已经走远。 woof Dongliang excited thinking, this is the true life, drives Shirley Yeung who turned around to meet knew a moment ago. 汪栋梁激动的想,这就才是真正的生活,开车掉头去接刚才才认识的杨思琦。 journey Xiaoyu looks that woof Dongliang met Shirley Yeung in the school entrance, goes far away in an admiring vision. Oneself went to the cinema institute cafeteria to look at the beautiful woman. 程晓羽看着汪栋梁在校门口接了杨思琦,在一片艳羡的目光中远去。自己则去了电影学院食堂看美女去了。 How regarding to convince a person, journey Xiaoyu had own view, did not want the empty talk dream. 对于怎么样说服一个人,程晓羽有自己的看法,不要空谈梦想。 Regardless of you draw a big cake, making others look to appease hunger. 不论你画一张多大的饼,让别人看着充饥。 Might as well really make him feel, the strength of money, is asking him, wants such life? 不如实实在在的让他感受到,金钱的力量,在问他,想要这样的生活吗? I, can give you. 我,可以给你。
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