MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#71: Previous generation that the alumni record this life

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permits Qinning gives journey Xiaoyu the gift is she IPHONE3G that purchases in Hawaii, delivered Su Yu one. 许沁柠送给程晓羽的礼物是一台她在夏威夷购买的IPHONE3G,也送了苏虞兮一台。 journey Xiaoyu looks that temporarily new IPHONE3G feels the time press. 程晓羽看着暂新的IPHONE3G更觉得时间紧迫。 Almost one -and-a-half years of time, was known as that IPHONE4 of change world must arrive. Where starts the smartphone to open a new time. 还有差不多一年半的时间,号称改变世界的IPHONE4就要登场了。从哪里开始智能手机将开启一个新的时代。 journey Xiaoyu goes home, calls woof Dongliang, asked that about progress that purchasing the alumnus records. 程晓羽回了家,就打了电话给汪栋梁,问关于购买校友录的进展。 At this time woof Dongliang has contacted with the vice-president of thin fox, ten thousand Gang of responsible interaction product portfolio, ten thousand Gang had once held an office with woof Dongliang good friend, calculated some friendship. 这个时候汪栋梁已经联系过瘦狐的副总裁,主管互动产品业务的万刚,万刚和汪栋梁的好友曾一起任职过,也算有过一些交情。 woof Dongliang invited ten thousand Gang ate meal, coming straight to the point asked ten thousand Gang, the thin fox had to sell the wish that the alumnus recorded not to have. Who especially showing has not been wants to buy. 汪栋梁请万刚吃饭的时候,开门见山的就问万刚,瘦狐有出售校友录的意愿没有。并没有特别说明是谁想买。 ten thousand Gang thinks certainly that is looks to throw wants to buy, but this matter is not ten thousand just can decide, must ask for instructions president stretch/open Chaoyang of thin fox net to be good. 万刚当然以为是瞄扑想买,但这件事情也不是万刚能决定的了的,必须请示瘦狐网的总裁张超杨才行。 Industry in the alumnus to the situation that records understood very, after all as the biggest community network, was once merged by the thin fox, in the past caused some stirs very much. 业内对校友录的情况都十分了解,毕竟作为曾经最大的社区网络,被瘦狐并购,当年还是很引起了一些轰动的。 But until now, this time alumnus recorded to the thin fox only has the little symbolic significance, and what were more was the burden. 但时至今日,这个时候的校友录对瘦狐来说仅有一点点象征意义,且更多的是负担。 Although the matter is not the matter that ten thousand just can decide, but some people are willing to be this fool, nothing makes the thin fox be happy compared with this. At that moment ten thousand Gang told woof Dongliang to want the price to be appropriate, had nothing to have no meeting of minds. 虽说事情不是万刚能决定的事情,但是有人愿意当这个冤大头,没有什么比这个更让瘦狐感到高兴的了。当下万刚就告诉汪栋梁只要价格合适,就没有什么谈不拢的。 Two people discussed really happy, ten thousand Gang said that report to president, gave a woof Dongliang reliable news. 两人相谈甚欢,万刚说汇报给总裁,就给汪栋梁一个准信。 woof Dongliang the commission to journey Xiaoyu works hard, the thin fox net that can obtain merged the CHINAREN material to issue journey Xiaoyu through the mail in the past. 汪栋梁对程晓羽的嘱托还是下了一番功夫,将所能获得的瘦狐网当年并购CHINAREN的资料全都通过邮件发给了程晓羽。 The thin fox net once issued additionally the stock in 2000, by selling the money of stock, throws Huaxia's first community website ChinaRen that 30 million dollars merged will not soon be able to support, but the alumnus records is the chinaren pillar product. 在2000年瘦狐网曾经增发股票,靠卖股票的钱,豪掷了3000万美金并购了即将支撑不下去的华夏第一社区网站ChinaRen,而校友录就属于chinaren的支柱产品。 Thin fox net CEO stretch/open Chaoyang and ChinaRen founder Chen Yizhou is Massachusetts Institute of Technology studies the physics, stretch/open Chaoyang first returns to homeland to start an undertaking, Chen Yizhou read MBA after Stanford University returns to homeland. In February 2000, the both sides management started to contact, because has not reached the identical view in the purchase price, the plan once put aside. In early August, both sides return to the conference table, secretly all discussions are held in the hotel. Final signing was completed on the 12 th. 瘦狐网CEO张超杨和ChinaRen的创办人陈意州同是麻省理工学物理的,张超杨先回国创业,陈意州则在斯坦福大学念了MBA后回国。2000年2月,双方管理层开始接触,由于在收购价格上未达成一致意见,计划一度搁置。8月初,双方回到谈判桌上,“所有的会谈都是在宾馆里秘密进行的”。最终的签约12日完成。 ChinaRen once organized for a year to enter the website to rank first ten, why chooses is annexed? According to woof Dongliang, ChinaRen after melting money uses up, can continue financing independently to operate, but Chen Yizhou believes that even if oneself do is still very difficult to make first several again, gathers with others would rather in the same place, strives for to become a first several part. Regarding the thin fox, can have good management team and staff to come by the merge, moreover can realize supplementarily in the business, stretch/open Chaoyang once described is: Good combination. The related commentary believes, through was purchased, ChinaRen realized in disguised form listing, is the intelligent action. ChinaRen曾经创办一年就进入网站排名前十,为什么选择被兼并?据汪栋梁了解,ChinaRen在融来的钱用完后,本可以继续融资独立经营下去,但陈意州认为,即使自己再做下去也很难做成前几名,倒不如和别人合在一起,争取成为前几名的一部分。对于瘦狐,“靠合并可以有很好的管理团队、员工队伍进来,而且能够在业务上实现互补”,张超杨曾经形容为:天作之合。有关评论则认为,通过被收购,ChinaRen实现了“变相”上市,不失为聪明之举。 The thin fox after merger and acquisition will achieve 550 people, the cash disbursement that because this purchase creates, will tie when the first quarter of next year, wearing of both sides will also be completed in 1-2 quarters. But CHINAREN conformed with the thin fox completely. 并购后的瘦狐将达到550人,因为这次收购造成的现金支出,将会在明年第一季度时打平,双方的磨合也将在一两个季度内完成。而CHINAREN则被完全整合进了瘦狐。 But looking back now, this obviously this is the merger and acquisition that is defeated one time, why woof Dongliang also once discussed this merger and acquisition with journey Xiaoyu is the case of failure. 但现在看来,这显然这是一次失败的并购,汪栋梁也曾和程晓羽探讨了为什么这次并购是次失败的案例。 First, Chinaren cannot provide the direct purchase to be possible, if there is purchase to be possible, Chinaren does not need to sell, Sohu must induce the purchasing power, but no website in the induction purchasing power has also succeeded, formulates the effective induction purchasing power strategy the ability to exceed at present all websites the intelligent limits of management team. Let alone, real is the Chinaren community is not one, for the stimulation spends the community that creates. 首先,Chinaren没能够提供直接的购买可能,如果存在购买可能,Chinaren没必要卖了,搜狐必须重新诱导购买力,而在诱导购买力上还没有哪家网站成功过,制定有效的诱导购买力策略的才能超出目前所有网站的管理团队的智慧极限。何况,真实是Chinaren的社区本来就不是一个为了刺激消费而建立的社区。 Next, the student is the unstablest visit community, the Chinaren community might be good, but is not impassable, because its community can become the thing of selling point is not many, in other words, to achieve to think Chinaren such, so long as some new selling points possibly compare are better, from builds time of new community possible the thin fox to conform with the Chinaren time with the similar 30 million dollars capital that it does to be shorter than newly, makes the creativity of community to have, but was too many, Chen Yizhou they just left the capital near some. 其次,学生是最不稳定的访问群体,Chinaren的社区可能很好,但并不是不可超越,因为它的社区能成为卖点的东西不多,也就是说,要想做到想Chinaren那样,只要有一些新的卖点就可能比它做的更好,用同样的3000万美金的资本从新打造一个新的社区的时间可能比瘦狐整合Chinaren的时间还要短,做社区的创意不是没有,而是太多了,陈意州他们只不过离资本近了些。 Furthermore, Chinaren by the community that the advertisement hits, after it is incorporated into Sohu, if cuts the advertizing cost, whether can also maintain the original visits, if Sohu continues to execute the Chinaren original fever money strategy, whether will accelerate Sohu own demise. 再者,Chinaren是靠广告打出来的社区,当它并入搜狐后,如果削减广告费用,是否还能保持原有的访问量,如果搜狐继续执行Chinaren原来的烧钱战略,是否会加速搜狐自身的灭亡。 Finally, never having network the acquisition to be successful, initially after the best literary downloading website Myrice purchased, is turned into the trash rapidly, Chinaren was also no exception, its reason was very simple, the ability of conformity resources surpassed at present all website teams the limits of wisdom. 最后,从来没有一个网络界的并购案能够成功,当初最好的文学下载网站被Myrice收购后迅速变成了垃圾,Chinaren也不会例外,其原因很简单,整合资源的才能超越了目前所有网站团队的智慧的极限。 The conclusion was the thin fox purchases the Chinaren result is very possible to catalyze Huaxia biggest Internet trash two in the trash website. 结论就是瘦狐收购Chinaren的结果很可能是把两个正在垃圾化的网站催化成了华夏最大的互联网垃圾。 Two people made the innumerable telephone gruel for this matter, even is more diligent than the lover. woof Dongliang saw a foresight and sagacity of children of high-ranking officials from journey Xiao the feather, saw his modesty sought for advice with has the interest in probably study diligently the scientific research spirit to a matter. 两人为这件事情煲了无数的电话粥,甚至比恋人还要勤快。汪栋梁从程晓羽身上看到了一个高干子弟的远见卓识,也看到了他的虚心求教和对一件事情产生了兴趣就要钻研到底的科研精神。 This makes woof Dongliang feel that journey Xiaoyu does not buy the alumnus record to burn money play silly B absolutely, but has own idea goal and ambitious ideal investor. 这让汪栋梁觉得程晓羽绝对不是买着校友录烧钱玩的傻B,而是有自己的想法目的和远大理想的投资者。 Two people also once discussed community website the road of survival profoundly, journey Xiaoyu know certainly immediately immediately most websites, not only including the community website biggest confusion except for the advertisement, could not find the profit point. 两个人也曾深刻的探讨了当下社区网站的生存之路,程晓羽当然知道当下大部分网站,不仅仅包括社区网站最大的困惑就是除了广告,找不到盈利点。 Spatial has the huge stream of people, is actually not able to transform the cash. 空有庞大的人流,却无法转换成现金。 However like this puzzled before journey Xiaoyu of hanging radically is a joke. journey Xiao the feather said at will some future trends, vigorously develop the wireless business, like ting, picture, short film downloading. 然而这样的困惑在开了挂的程晓羽面前根本就是个玩笑。程晓羽随意的说了一些未来趋势,大力发展无线业务,像铃声、图片、短片下载等。 Development browser game. 开发网页游戏。 E-commerce. 电子商务。 The advertisement is not only only pure hangs a page to come out, but is the conformity removes the acupuncture needle to immediately the promoted plan of hot spot, after all the advertisement is community website a livelihood. 将广告不仅仅只是单纯的挂个页面出来,而是整合出针对当下热点的推广方案,毕竟广告才是一个社区网站的生存之道。 Establishes the new channel in view of the cell phone and automobile, pointed attraction advertising agent. 针对手机和汽车建立新的频道,针对性的吸引广告商。 Naturally many fierce journey Xiaoyu had not said, he did not plan makes the bridal clothes for others. 当然还有很多厉害的程晓羽没说,他并不打算为他人做嫁衣。 After woof Dongliang has listened, is deeply inspired, immediately to journey Xiaoyu the commercial acuity, admired full of admiration. These plans are not one have the wisdom, and coming out that in a network industry many years of person, is gradually impossible to think. 汪栋梁听过之后深受启发,当下对程晓羽的商业敏锐度,佩服的五体投地。这些方案不是一个深具智慧,并且在网络行业浸淫多年的人,根本不可能想的出来。 But journey Xiaoyu knew his time, how to open a website not to know, but being an armchair strategist looked much about the sensibility that the books of network technology and access the net, can find out the operational idea, is a little simply inconceivable. 但程晓羽认识他的时候,连如何开设一个网站都不知道,只是纸上谈兵的看了不少关于网络科技的书籍和自己上网的感悟,就能想出极具操作性的想法,简直有点不可思议。 ten thousand Gang after receiving woof Dongliang purchase wish, discussed with president stretch/open Chaoyang. Behind talked over the telephone with woof Dongliang, proposed 20 million prices. 万刚在收到了汪栋梁的购买意愿以后,跟总裁张超杨商量了一下。后面跟汪栋梁通话,提出了2000万的价格。 Obviously this is journey Xiaoyu cannot withstand, thin fox net this is wanting to have a lion's share. 显然这是程晓羽所不能承受的,瘦狐网这是在狮子大开口。 At first sight the thin fox net merged CHINAREN to spend the 3000 W dollar in the past, now the 2000 W Huaxia coin goes out on the markdown sale, had owed the jumping floor rate of initial capital. 乍一看瘦狐网当年并购CHINAREN花费了3000W美金,如今2000W华夏币就甩卖出去,已经是亏了血本的跳楼价了。 However in the past that merged a company, inside had lots of Internet elites, the administrators and technical personnel, this was the unignorable value. But after the merger and acquisition is completed, the campus network also gave the thin fox to bring massive hit rates. 但是当年那是并购了一个公司,里面有大量的互联网精英,管理人员和技术人员,这是不可忽视的价值。而并购完成以后,校园网也给瘦狐带来了大量的点击量。 But what now journey Xiaoyu wants is only one pile to the thin fox net already the useless data, with a domain name. 而如今程晓羽想要的只是一堆对瘦狐网来说已经没有用的数据,和一个域名而已。 journey Xiao feather clear awareness, some well-known portal fox of previous generation, closed to operate 10 years of ChinaRen in 2012. 程晓羽清楚的知道,前世的国内知名门户网站某狐,在2012年关闭运营了十年的ChinaRen。 Because his cousin holds an office in some fox, and has treated in the control division that the alumnus records. Therefore ChinaRen dies of anything, journey Xiaoyu slightly is also clearer. 因为他的表姐就在某狐任职,并在校友录的管理部待过。所以ChinaRen到底死于什么,程晓羽也稍微明白一些。 First, High-level struggle power ~ department competes After ChinaRen is survived by some fox purchases , the ~ ChinaRen services department in the right in the departments and benefit battle between personnel. Finally the resolution services department, the limiting maintenance, the former personnel drain completely...... 其一,【高层争权~部门争利】ChinaRen被某狐收购后~ChinaRen事业部就一直生存在部门间人员间的权利、利益争斗中。最后拆分事业部,限员维护,原人员流失殆尽…… Second, Feeble-minded product manager including has several blades to kill fatally Several lethality product mix conformity adjustments accelerated the death of ChinaRen( most fatal records product line to belong to some white fur of fox society, to reduce kids kindergarten product line alumnus wait/etc.) ; 其二,【低能产品经理连出几刀致命砍杀】几次致命性的产品结构整合调整更加速了ChinaRen的死亡(最为致命的就是将校友录产品线归入某狐白社会、砍掉kids幼儿园产品线等); Third, Abandons wilderness Finally fatal strikes is follows in 2012 some fox ** gets online, ChinaRen inducts the user who is ordered to do **, only kept an intern to renew the home page, at this time the alumnus recorded is basically about to breathe. 其三,【弃之荒野】最后致命的一击是伴随2012年某狐**上线,ChinaRen受命能做的就是将用户导入**,只留了一个实习生来更新首页,此时校友录已经基本快咽气了。 Finally until no personnel maintenance, the information supervising backstage, will once the slightest sign of trouble appears collapse immediately, abandons the wilderness. 最后直至无人员维护,内容监控后台一有风吹草动,马上垮塌,弃之荒野。 River this final draining off of bit by bit 80 million users, until closure. 8000万用户的大河就这样一点一点的最后流干,直至断流。 The thin fox of this and on some fox of first, many similarities, journey Xiao the feather is unable to judge. 这一世的瘦狐和上一世的某狐,有多少相似之处,程晓羽无从判断。 But obviously this time thin fox alumnus recorded, although has not arrived the last step, but has also left last is not far. 但显然这个时候的瘦狐校友录虽然还没走到最后一步,但也已经离最后一步不远了。 They do not have journey Xiao the feather god same vision, will not naturally be able to see the social network is in the future, closing down that therefore the alumnus will record, should also be only the time issue. 他们没有程晓羽神一样的眼光,自然看不到社交网络才是未来,所以校友录的关停,应该也只是时间问题。 journey Xiaoyu impatient wants to tread the body that the thin fox is lamenting to advance to the step to success, now what he most needs is an outstanding puppet. 程晓羽已经迫不及待的想踏着瘦狐悔恨的躯体迈向成功之路,但现在他最需要的是一个优秀的傀儡。 After some time understanding, journey Xiaoyu thought that woof Dongliang is also a good person, the professional ability, the interpersonal skills, the working ability and moral behavior, to him is also the qualified puppet candidate. 经过一段时间的了解,程晓羽觉得汪栋梁还算是一个不错的人,业务能力、交际能力、工作能力以及人品都还可以,对他来说也是个合格的傀儡人选。 He thought that at this time it is necessary detailed earnest discussed with woof Dongliang. journey Xiaoyu the alumnus to purchase that records becomes, establishment of social network, is imperative. 他觉得这个时候有必要详细认真的跟汪栋梁谈一谈了。对程晓羽来说校友录的收购完不完的成,社交网络的建立,都势在必行。 But his present all alone, does not have any help wants to complete social networking site such task, almost impossible, therefore he must convince woof Dongliang to resign to help him. 而他现在孤身一人,没有任何帮助想要完成社交网站这样的任务,几乎不可能,所以他必须说服汪栋梁辞职来帮他。 journey Xiaoyu did some preparatory work, subscribed to go to the airplane ticket of Beijing directly next day, begins school as for tomorrow, he could not attend to so many. 程晓羽做了一些准备工作,直接订了张第二天去北京的机票,至于明天就开学,他也顾不上那么多了。
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