SuYuandSunJingyaotheyhad not actually walked awaya moment ago, butlooks for the supermarket that the family/homehad not closedin the , bought the glove and hatalsowarming stove, wantsto givethisto sell the flowerlittle miss. Turns around, seesat the back of the guitar, standsinjourneyXiaoyu who by the little girlsings for a living.
苏虞兮和孙静遥他们刚才其实并没有走远,而是在附近找了家还没关门的超市,买了手套、帽子还有一个暖炉,想送给这个卖花小姑娘。掉头回来,就看见背着吉他,站在小女孩旁边卖唱的程晓羽。journeyXiaoyuthis timeart or technique of singingis good, «EarnestSnow»sang, has attractedmanypeopleto standlistening respectfully. Hasto pass by the road, hadjustcame outfromKTV. Sang, harvested some sparseapplause, did not have the one centto deposit.
程晓羽这个时候的唱功已经非常不错了,一首《认真的雪》唱完,已经吸引了不少人站着聆听。有过路的,有刚从KTV出来的。一曲唱完,收获了稀稀拉拉的一些掌声,却没有一分钱入账。journeyXiaoyuthinks that immediatelythisRNBstylesong, it is estimated that the audienceor the acceptanceswere not high, consideredbitterlove song in a mind. Because ofweather the reason, in the mindis flutteringon a snowcharacter, thereforethought offitting together«SnowMigratory bird».
程晓羽想到当下这种RNB风格的歌,估计听众还是接受度不高,思虑了一下脑海中的苦情歌。因为天气的的原因,脑海里就一个雪字在飘,于是又想到了一首情景交融的《雪候鸟》。Panda Hsiung'svoiceis resounding, thissongis not greasy, distinguishesbetweenimmediately the singing technique of bitterlove songslightly, belongssong that cantouch the will of the people.
熊天平的声音高亢清澈,这首歌也不油腻,稍稍区别于当下苦情歌的唱法,属于很能打动人心的歌曲。Thissongwithguitaraccompanimentexpressive forceslightlyobviouslyinsufficient, journeyXiao the feather can only endurehurting of wrist/skill, withreferred to the ball, strengthens the expressive force.
只是这首歌用吉他伴奏表现力稍显不足,程晓羽只能忍着手腕的疼,用上了指弹,加强一下表现力。When the affableexquisitepreludeplays, journeyXiaoyucontains the affectionsoundto flutterextremelyin the coldair, thismusicfills the airin the surroundingsaudienceear, feelingwith the networkviewwasof pleasant to hearto the degree of opening the mouthkneeling.
当舒缓优美的前奏奏响,程晓羽极其蕴含深情的声音在寒冷空气中飘荡起来,这音乐在周围听众耳朵里弥漫,给人的感觉用网络说法就是好听到开口跪的程度了。South a flyingwindbladebladealong with the migratory birdblows
随候鸟南飞风一刀一刀地吹Yourstabbing painmyheartIdrop the bloodforyou
The world that youabandonIand othersyoumustreturn
你遗弃的世界我等你要回Ido not think that south the flyingtearsfallone after another
我不想南飞泪一滴一滴地坠Myvoidboth armsyoumakemesurround
我空虚的双臂你让我包围Ihave hadallyougivemost beautiful
我有过的一切你给的最美Iturn headflyto pursue
我又回头去飞去追RenWangshiurgesmeto cryone after another
任往事一幕一幕催我落泪Ido not believeyouto put behind that Ido not wantmysolo flying
我不信你忘却我不要我单飞Whereheartwithoutyouescapestois the dying embers
没有你逃到哪里心都是死灰Iturn headpursueto be drunk
我又回头去追去醉Even ifIpursuetoonlyremain the snow and icefinally
The daywithersforIsadcoldlovequickly
天都为我伤悲冷的爱快枯萎No matter whateverywherewind and snowcovermybrokenhearted.
任漫天风雪覆盖我的心碎。Thissongsang the effect on come outimmediately, the person who gathered roundwere more.
这首歌一唱效果立马就出来了,围着的人更多了。WhenjourneyXiao the featherhas the special characteristicstreblewindto come outclearastringently, many peoplestartto give the little missmoney, 50and100have, leastis20. The young people who who came outto drinkhadjustfromKTVis a little drunk, was red the eyeto pull out500from the wallet, gave the little miss, the little missdoes not dareto meet, heplacedin the paildirectly.
等程晓羽清涩而带有特质的高音飙出来,就有不少人开始给小姑娘钱,五十、一百都有,最少都是二十。有个刚从KTV出来喝的有点醉的年轻人,红着眼睛就从钱包里掏出了五百,递给小姑娘,小姑娘没敢接,他就直接放在桶子里。Satpersononegroup of peopleincar(riage)was also surprised, journeyXiaoyuonehas not sungin the evening, except thatSuYu, everyonethinks that hewill really not sing. Butnowonehear, thislevelreallycomparesmostspecializedsingersto be strong. Theyturn headgive the little girlto give the thing, it is estimated thatcannot seethis.
坐在车里的人一拨人也惊讶了,程晓羽一晚上没唱歌,除了苏虞兮,大家都以为他真不会唱歌。但现在一听,这水平实在比大部分专业歌手还要强。要不是他们回头给小女孩送东西,估计也看不到这一幕。Sits the grandson who invice-harnessesstaticremotedepressesin the heart the repugnancetojourneyXiaoyu, thissongshealsolikesvery much, thenwhatopens the mouthto ask„thissongto call? How such songof pleasant to hear haven't Ilistened?”
坐在副驾的孙静遥压下心中对程晓羽的反感,这首歌她也很是喜欢,便开口问道“这首歌叫什么啊?这么好听的歌我怎么从来没听过?”What the back rowsitsisSuYu, Suis luxuriantandWu ZiXuan, SuHongwensits attended tostudyingon a Rennavehicle. Suluxuriantlyis the popularmusic fan, returns tosay/way„! Nowinthreebigmusiclists a row of firsttensongdoes not havethisof pleasant to hear, how isn't thissongfestfamous?”
后排坐的是苏虞兮、苏菲菲和吴子轩,苏鸿文坐顾学仁那辆车上。苏菲菲是流行音乐迷,回道“是啊!现在三大音乐榜上排前十的歌都没有这首好听,怎么这首歌会不出名呢?”SuYulooks that journeyXiaoyu in snowsaidgently„thisishe himselfwrites.”
苏虞兮看着雪中的程晓羽轻轻道“这都是他自己写的吧。”SuWeilanwere surprised, said that „cannot thinkKobaalsohassuchtalent!”SunJingyaohad toldhima moment ago, isshedoes not throw downcarefully, journeyXiaoyuwill holdhimto have a misunderstanding.
苏巍澜都惊讶了,笑着说“想不到小羽还有这样的才华啊!”刚才孙静遥已经跟他说了,是她不小心摔倒,程晓羽扶他才会发生一点误会的。At this timejourneyXiaoyusang " SnowMigratory bird » incomeis very good, butsurroundinglistened tohimto sing the person who really is also many, hewas also embarrassedwalksimmediately. With the audiencebowingsay/way of „thank you, following«Every nightEvery night»givesall the souls of vagrant.”journeyXiaoyuknows certainly in December29, person who in the snowy nightstandslistens tohimto singhereis some have the story, thereforeselects the song that the handcanbring back the gloomy moodspecially.( Thissongeditionare many, wantsto listen to the guitareditioncanlisten toPanda Hsiung, do not listen toking of thateditionpoetryto be good. Individualquitelikesgold/metalChichang)
To ask the dayyou there
想问天你在那里Iwantto askme
我想问问我自己From the beginningIfinishedmebeing intelligentintelligently
To ask that the dayasked the land
想问天问大地Is being the superstitionasks the fate
或著是迷信问问宿命Gives upalldropping outall
放弃所有抛下所有Letmedrift aboutin the peacefulnightnighttime sky
让我飘流在安静的夜夜空里Youare not no needforcedto sayagainlovesme
你也不必牵强再说爱我Mysoulhas withered and fallenin any casepiece by piece
反正我的灵魂已片片凋落Piecing togetherpiecing togetherslowlyslowly
慢慢的拼凑慢慢的拼凑Pieces togetheronecompletely is not trueme
拼凑成一个完全不属於真正的我Youare not no needforcedto sayagainlovesme
你也不必牵强再说爱我Mysoulhas withered and fallenin any casepiece by piece
反正我的灵魂已片片凋落Piecing togetherpiecing togetherslowlyslowly
慢慢的拼凑慢慢的拼凑Pieces togetheronecompletely is not trueme
拼凑成一个完全不属於真正的我Youare not no needforcedto sayagainlovesme
你也不必牵强再说爱我Mysoulhas withered and fallenin any casepiece by piece
反正我的灵魂已片片凋落Piecing togetherpiecing togetherslowlyslowly
慢慢的拼凑慢慢的拼凑Pieces togetheronecompletely is not trueme
拼凑成一个完全不属於真正的我Iam not willingto indulgeagain
我不愿再放纵Iam not willingto drift about every second every nightevery day
我不愿每天每夜每秒飘流Alsois not willingto askagainsaidagainsoughtmydreamagain
也不愿再多问再多说再多求我的梦Iam not willingto indulgeagain
我不愿再放纵Iam not willingto drift about every second every nightevery day
我不愿每天每夜每秒飘流Alsois not willingto askagainsaidagainstrove foragain
我的梦«Every nightEvery night»is a raremelodyis exquisite, actually the song of notsaliva, sings certainly the difficulty is very big. Especially in sang„to be spatial”thisplace, was difficult, quitetestsingingstrength. Appearance that becausemanyplaceshapesform a coherent whole, for example: Spellingslowlyplaysspellingslowlyto play, spellsto playoneto completeis nottrueme. Thismustuse very longair/Qi, especiallysang " me ” thisplace, probablywas madis aboutto exhaust. Thesetwoplacesare the entiresongmost difficultplaces. The air/Qi was a little slightly insufficientdoes not sing.
《夜夜夜夜》是首难得旋律非常优美,却一点都不口水的歌曲,当然演唱难度也很大。特别是唱到“空里”这个地方,非常难,相当考验唱歌实力。因为很多地方都像一气呵成的样子,比如:慢慢的拼奏慢慢的拼奏,拼奏成一个完成不属于真正的我。这一句要用很多很长的气,特别是唱到"我”这个地方,好像气都快用尽了。这两个地方是整首歌最难的地方。气稍有点不足就唱不了。WhenjourneyXiaoyusangthatgenuine and fakecombined sounds that „innightnighttime sky”used, makingallpeoplecome the feeling. journeyXiaoyu the voiceprobablyincalling out in grief that in the hopeless situationsends out, oneprojects oneveryoneat heart. According to the truth17-year-oldpersonsang, should unable to singsuchsinceremove, butjourneyXiaoyuactuallybarely escaped death, the infinitefeelings of owninnermost feelingstransmittedthrough the singing soundto the audience.
当程晓羽唱到那个“夜夜空里”用的那种真假混声,让所有的人都来了感觉。程晓羽的声音好像在绝境中发出的悲鸣,一下就打到所有人的心里去了。按道理17岁的人唱歌,应该是唱不出这么深切的感动的,但是程晓羽却两世为人,自有内心的无限感触通过歌声传达给听众。MoreoverjourneyXiaoyu the voicealsohas the characteristicsvery much, just like a Chenrapidvoice, is the implicationhas the profoundsentiment, is very easyto touch the will of the people. Butgenerallysuchsound, oftenrangeinsufficientwidth, butjourneyXiaoyuaftersome timeexercise, has been ableto singwith a sound of specialtearingis very high, orsangwithmassivefalsettomixsoundwas very high. Althoughis a little congenitally deficient, the nicedegreeis insufficient. HoweverjourneyXiao the featherskill is too rich, not only can coverthisinsufficient, but can also displays the pinnacle the voice and skill, sangto touch the will of the peopleoneeffect.
« Every nightEvery night " itself/Benis a tear gasdivine tool, particularly the audiencehave the mood to vent.
《夜夜夜夜》本就是一首催泪神器,尤其是听众有情绪想要发泄的时候。Manypeoplethought that listens to musicto hearto burst into tearsinconceivable, is actually very normal. The person who theseburst into tearswas not touchedby the song, butwasthissonghappen totouchestheirsomepointorbrought backsomerecollection, butat this timeactuallytheyalsohadwish that wantsto burst into tearsto vent, onlogicalwill cry.
很多人觉得听歌听到流泪不可思议,其实很正常。那些流泪的人并不是完全被歌曲打动,而是这首歌正好触碰到了他们心里的某一个点或者勾起了某段回忆,而这个时候其实他们自己也有想流泪发泄的意愿,就顺理成章的会哭出来。At this timealsogathered roundjourneyXiaoyu, is listening tohimto sing the bitterlove song, had the gloomy moodmost probably, thereforejourneyXiaoyuonesangcriedmanypeople. Manypeoplestartto hand overmoneysellingto spend the little miss, moreoverthesemoney many have madeherhelpless.
这个时候还围着程晓羽,在听他唱苦情歌的,大半都有愁绪,所以程晓羽一下就唱哭了许多人。不少人都开始递钱给卖花小姑娘,而且这些钱多的已经让她不知所措了。journeyXiaoyubeing astonishedeffect is so also full, bowingsay/way of „thank you, the coldwinter nightstandslistens respectfully tomysoundhere. Thenfinallythissong, givesbymethelittle miss, sincerelyhopes that everyonehas the opportunitypassed byheretime, canhelpmebuy her flower, thankseveryoneagain. «MatchesHeaven»takes toeveryone.”Said that journeyXiaoyubowsagain.
The surroundingpersonmoregathers, is as good as a songfriendto meet. EveryonehearsjourneyXiaoyu the words, knows,journeyXiaoyudid not knowsells the flowerlittle miss.
周围人越聚越多,已经不亚于一个歌友会了。大家听到程晓羽的一番话,才知道,程晓羽并不认识卖花小姑娘。Everyonedid not give the applauseparsimoniously, the warmresemblesmustmeltallcoldness.
所有人都毫不吝啬的给予了掌声,热烈的像要融化所有的寒冷。journeyXiaoyumoves the string, everyoneis also peacefulimmediately, staticlisteningjourneyXiaoyusang.
程晓羽拨动琴弦,大家又立刻安静下来,静静的听程晓羽唱歌。Walks the nighttime sky that snowscoldly
走在寒冷下雪的夜空Is selling the matcheswarm and sufficient conditionmydream
卖着火柴温饱我的梦Freezesstep by stepstep by steplonely
The favorfreezesmyhandcoldly
人情寒冷冰冻我的手Onepackage of matchesburnmyheart
The coldnightcannot block the vanguard
The windpuncturesmyface, the snowshearsmymouth
风刺我的脸,雪割我的口How longdrags the footstepsalso to walk
有谁来买我的火柴Whowantsto lightcompletely
有谁来买我的孤单Whorealizes the summon that Imiss homeland
有谁来实现我想家的呼唤Each time, lights the matches, slightlyray
每次,点燃火柴,微微光芒Sees the hope, sees the dream
看到希望,看到梦想Sees mother in spaceto speak
看见天上的妈妈说话Shesaid,youare brave, youare strong
她说,你要勇敢,你要坚强Do not be afraid, should not be flustered
不要害怕,不要慌张Letyounot needto roam abouthenceforthagain
让你从此不必再流浪Each time, lights the matches, slightlyray
每次,点燃火柴,微微光芒Sees the hope, sees the dream
看到希望,看到梦想Sees mother in spaceto speak
看见天上的妈妈说话Shesaid,youare brave, youare strong
她说,你要勇敢,你要坚强Do not be afraid, should not be flustered
不要害怕,不要慌张Letyounot needto roam abouthenceforthagain
The motherholdsyourhandto go home
妈妈牵着你的手回家Reststo spendwarm, heaven
The songhas not sung, little missstartedto sob, remembered mother of elapsing, withpaternal grandmother of being bound by a common destiny, the tears cannot stopfelldownward.
The bystandersallchange countenance, are matchingmoving people to tears«HotMaterialHeaven»withtaking the MVsamepicture, almostmakeseveryonechoke with sobs.
围观者无一不动容,配着催人泪下的《火材天堂》和拍MV一样的画面,几乎让人人都泣不成声。Even the grandson on vehiclestaticremoteandSuFeifeisobstakes the paper goodsto wiperecklessly the crossflowtears. Only thenSuYugood, but also is red the eye socket, the historicalestimate that shebursts into tearsmusttrace the babyhood, sincesherecords eventsnot to cry. Todayis the feeling that journeyXiao the feathermadeherhave for the first time wantsto cry.
连车上的孙静遥和苏菲菲都呜呜咽咽的拿着纸巾在擦肆意横流的泪水。只有苏虞兮好点,但也是红着眼眶,她流泪的历史估计要追溯到婴儿时期,自从她记事起就没哭过。今天是程晓羽让她第一次有了想哭的感觉。Theneveryonestartsenthusiasticallytomoneyto the little girl, inthin that the little girlcriescrash-banghas not met, everyoneplacedinmoneyherredpail. Manypeoplegiveare1500, but alsofewunderpailswere full.
然后所有人都开始踊跃的给钱给小女孩,小女孩哭的稀里哗啦的也没有接,大家就都把钱放在了她红色的桶子里。很多人一给就是五百一千,还没几下桶子就满了。journeyXiaoyualsofeltat this timeoneselfcanretire after meritorious service, hehangs the guitarinalso on little miss of sobbing, once againputs out a handto touch the head of little miss, thislittle misshas not hidden. The surroundingseveryoneapplauseisdeafening, the innumerableflashing lightsshine, manypeoplepattedthistouchingone.
程晓羽这个时候也觉得自己可以功成身退了,他把吉他挂在还在抽抽搭搭的小姑娘身上的时候,又一次伸手摸了摸小姑娘的头,这次小姑娘没有躲。周围所有人掌声更是震耳欲聋,还有无数的闪光灯亮起,好多人都拍下了这感人的一幕。Thisspace and timedid not have the friendcircleandscarfanythingluckilyat this time, orit is estimated thatjourneyXiaoyu must become the mindchicken soup.
幸好这个时空这时还没有朋友圈、围脖什么的,要不估计程晓羽也要成为心灵鸡汤了。journeyXiaoyuhelpsingirl'sreorganizepailmoney, severalmoneyfellon the ground. The person who because the surroundingsencircleare many, thereforenowindblows, thereforehad not been swept.
程晓羽帮小姑娘把桶子里的钱整理好,有几张钱都掉在了地上。因为周围围的人非常多,所以没什么风吹进来,所以没被吹走。journeyXiaoyualsoremaining more than tenrosesin the pail, issued some people of good intention of front, the madamfirst. Thenpulls out the paper goodsto help the little misswipe the dry/doestears, teachesherto bowto thank the audience. Little missobedientbowing, choked with sobswas saying„thank you.”
程晓羽将桶子里还剩下的十多支玫瑰,发给了前排的一些好心人,女士优先。然后掏出纸巾帮小姑娘拭干眼泪,教她鞠躬感谢听众。小姑娘听话的鞠躬,梗咽着说了“谢谢大家。”journeyXiaoyuaskedherto hurryto go home. The little missesnod, actuallyforgotjourneyXiaoyu the taxifee/spent. journeyXiaoyuhad not forgottenactually, butunderglare of the public eye, reallyputs out a handto takeembarrassedly.
程晓羽就叫她赶紧回家。小姑娘点头,却忘记了程晓羽的的士费。程晓羽倒是没忘记,但众目睽睽之下,实在没好意思伸手拿。Becauselooked that a little misspersonproposeda lot ofmoney, journeyXiaoyudid not feel relieved that shewalks. Thinks that the good personachieves the bottom, following on the heelssilently, untilescortingherentered a worn-outbuilding of residence, hearssound that the peacefulnightbroadcastscloses, journeyXiaoyufeels relievedto leave.
因为看小姑娘一个人提了不少钱,程晓羽也不放心她一个人走回去。想到好人做到底,就默默的跟在后面,直到护送她进了一栋破旧的居民楼,听见安静的夜晚传来关门的声音,程晓羽才放心离开。WhenjourneyXiaoyuturned backDama Roadto feelin the cold windstandswas so long, was coldandhungry. At this timehethought that oneselfsells the little miss of matches.
等程晓羽走回大马路就觉得在寒风中站了那么久,又冷又饿。这个时候他觉得自己才是卖火柴的小姑娘。FinallyjourneyXiaoyulagged behind the facial skin, takes taxi, looked for the onstageto lend moneyto the hotel, giventaxifee/spent.
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