journeyXiaoHanenakanoontimemurkywaking up, feltoneselfhave a headache to crack, opens the eyeto think that the nasal mucushas flowednear the lip. journeyXiaoyubound the quiltto sitto pull outseveraltoilet paper, cleaningwas clean, feltoneselfalsonottoolay downto continueto restsoberly.
程晓羽中午的时候才昏昏沉沉的醒来,感觉自己头疼欲裂,睁开眼睛就觉得鼻涕已经流到了唇边。程晓羽裹着被子坐起来抽了几张卫生纸,擦拭干净,觉得自己还不太清醒又躺下去继续睡。Wakes upagain, was awakedhungrily, instomachspatialdiscomfort, but a mouthappetitedoes not have.
再次醒来,是被饿醒的,胃里空的难受,但嘴巴却一点食欲都没有。Throws over the quiltis opening the window curtains, discovered that outsidestreet lighthas shone, the sky the jet blackpiece, the snowinlightly still has been getting down, on the sidewalkcould have seenskewers of footprints, carefulwith rapt attention, but can also hear the intermittentfirecrackersound that hearsfrom afar.
将被子披着拉开窗帘,发现外面街灯都已经亮了,天空已经漆黑一片,雪还在淅淅沥沥的下着,人行道上已经看得见一串串的脚印,仔细凝神,还能听见远远传来的阵阵的炮竹声。journeyXiaoyuturns on the cell phone, around 6 : 00, on the cell phonehad receivedseveralinformation, turnscasuallyis, the blessing, journeyXiaoyualsoselectedwords and phrases is quite interestingin the new year, choseSMS, wherethenthrew the cell phonehas not managed.
程晓羽打开手机,已经六点多了,手机上收了几条信息,随便一翻都是,祝福新年的,程晓羽也挑了一条词句颇为有趣的,选择了群发,然后就将手机丢在哪里没有管了。Took up the hotelplane, dialed the onstage, wantsto order the mealto eat. Was informedby a gentlesound, today the kitchenthreepointsget off work, nowinstant noodles, the guest do youneed?
拿起了酒店座机,拨了前台,想点餐吃。被一个温柔的声音告知,今天厨房三点就下班了,现在只有方便面,请问客人您需要吗?journeyXiao the featherprevious generationeats the instant noodlesreallyto eatto fear,saidwithout hesitationthanksdoes not use, made the telephone call.
程晓羽前世吃方便面真是吃到怕,毫不犹豫的说了谢谢不用,就挂了电话。Insuch a specialday, undersuchscene, mustput a glassheart that definitelyonweeping copiouslywas moved, butjourneyXiaoyu the heartis big, isanti-lives in the lonelytemper. Thinkstodayeve of the Lunar New Year, outsidealsonot necessarilylookstoeating, lies downin the beddingto close the eyeto indulge in flights of fancy, fell asleep. In the dreamthought that somepeoplepressed the doorbell, journeyXiaoyudeceives the head the quilt , to continue to havehisSpring and Autumn Periodbigdream.
在这样一个特殊的日子,这样的场景下,要搁一玻璃心那,肯定就泪如雨下的伤感了,但程晓羽心大,又是耐的住寂寞的性子。想到今天大年三十,外面也不见得找的到吃的,又躺进被窝里闭上眼睛胡思乱想,恍惚间又睡着了。梦里觉得有人按了门铃,程晓羽将被子蒙住头,继续做他的春秋大梦。Indreamhefelt that oneselfgrippedonepairmildlysuch as the hand of jade, felt that had the fragrantauraonceto extendinhisoronasals, felt that had the icy coldneatwindto blowhisbeside the eargently. The bodyby the azurescar that the night stickpulls outbygentlestroking gentlygently. Thisdreamdelightfulas ifsoonmeltedhim.
梦里他感觉自己握住了一双温润如玉的手,感觉有香甜的气息曾在他口鼻间漫延,又感觉有冰凉清爽的风轻轻吹着他的耳际。身上被警棍抽出来的青色伤痕被温柔的轻轻摩挲。这个梦甜美的似乎快要将他融化了。Once againwas awakedhungrily, journeyXiaofeathertime the feelingactuallyfelt better. The bodyhad/leftperspiration. On the foreheadhas the thing, takeswith the handactuallyfolds the growthsquare shapetogether the towel, lookedagaincoveredturned intotwobedsinquilt.
恍惚间又一次被饿醒,程晓羽这次起来感觉却好受多了。身上出了一身的汗。额头上有东西,用手一拿却是一块叠成长方形的毛巾,再一看盖在身上的被子变成了两床。journeyXiaoyuonlyknows that the estimatedid not have a dreama moment ago, somepeoplehave really come. Hesatall aroundto look, did not have the person's shadow. journeyXiaoyuconsidered the estimate that cancomeat this timealsoonly hadAuntie Zhou. Thenis not thinking,according to the television, the spring festival galamuststartimmediately.
程晓羽这才知道刚才估计不是做梦,是真的有人来过。他坐起来四周看了下,却没有人影。程晓羽思虑了一下,这个时候会过来的估计也只有周姨了。便也不在多想,按开电视,春节联欢晚会马上就要开始。Several minutes later, the bellyexudescluck the sound, journeyXiaoyusighsto think,it is estimated that can only eat the instant noodles. Justpicked up the phone, wantsto call the onstageto make the service persondeliver the bowlinstant noodles. At this time the gatewas opened.
过了几分钟,肚子发出咕咕的响声,程晓羽叹口气想,估计只能吃方便面了。刚拿起电话,想叫前台让服务员送碗方便面来。这个时候门被打开了。journeyXiaoyuturns the headto look, walking is actually notAuntie Zhou, butisSuYu.
程晓羽转头一看,走进来却不是周姨,而是苏虞兮。LikeSuYu such attractivemiss, looks that makespeoplethink. Let aloneat this time, SuYuin the handwas also carrying a smallpot. journeyXiaoyusees the pot, could not bearswallow the saliva.
像苏虞兮这么漂亮的姑娘,看着就让人觉得心情好。更何况这个时候,苏虞兮手上还端着一个小锅。程晓羽看见锅,就忍不住咽了口水。SuYulooks that journeyXiaoyusits, looks at the pot on herhandintently, could not bearsmile, sayinggently„coldhad a fever, howto telephonewith the family/homein?”
苏虞兮看着程晓羽坐起来,直愣愣的看着她手上的锅,也忍不住笑了,轻轻的说道“感冒发烧了,怎么都不跟家里打个电话?”journeyXiaoyu the weakspirit and body the happysmilewere curedbySuYu, strenuoususesdrysoundsay/way„a slight illness, anti-oneon the past.”Actuallythinksat heart„thatisyourfamily/home, actuallynotnecessarilyismyfamily/home.”
程晓羽虚弱的精神和身体被苏虞兮美好的笑容治愈了一些,费力的用干涩的声音道“一点小病而已,抗一下就过去了。”心里却想“那是你的家,却不一定是我的家啊。”SuYuplacedon the nightstandsay/way„to helpyoumake the gruel the pot, under slightlywas first coldis eating.”Thenpulls outonepack of medicineto givejourneyXiaoyufrom the pocket, arrives at the gateto pour waterwithjourneyXiaoyu.
苏虞兮将锅放在床头柜上道“帮你煮了粥,先稍微冷下在吃。”然后从口袋里掏出一盒药递给程晓羽,又走到门边跟程晓羽去倒水。journeyXiao the featheris straight the body, the quiltclampsin the armpittoSuYubacksay/way„embarrassed, whatbignew year's celebrationtroublesyou.”
程晓羽直起身子,将被子夹在腋下对着苏虞兮的背影道“不好意思,大过年的真是麻烦你了。”SuYuhas not said a word, poursonecup of hot waterto cometojourneyXiao the featherend, looks that journeyXiaoyu the eyesas ifsawhisinnermost feelings, bringswarmwarm the soundsay/way„we are being the whole family, therefore, pleasedo not use the falsesmalltalk, concealsyourweakinnermost feelings, increasesamongus the barrier. Letushave the neededhappy feeling, thisis the significance that the family memberhas.”
苏虞兮没做声,倒了一杯热水给程晓羽端过来,看着程晓羽的眼睛仿佛看到了他的内心,带着温温的声音道“我们是一家人啊,所以,请不要用虚伪的客套,掩饰你的软弱的内心,增加我们之间的隔阂。让我们有被需要的幸福感,这才是家人存在的意义吧。”journeyXiao the dovetailcrosses the water, warming of cuptransmitsafter the bloodfrom the handat heart, hisin a hurryputsnear the drinking glass the lip, whatever the mist of transpirationsoakshisskin, whateverthesemistmoisteye socket, drankwarmwatergently, is salty.
程晓羽接过水,杯子的温暖从手中经过血液传递到心里,他匆匆的将水杯放到唇边,任由蒸腾的水雾浸透他的皮肤,任由那些雾气湿润了眼眶,轻轻的喝了一口温热的水,却是咸的。SuYuhas also taken the kitfromjourneyXiaoyu the hand, disassemblesforhim, carefullyread the instruction booklet, peelstwo -and-a-half redhalfyellowcapsules, placesjourneyXiaoyu the palm.
苏虞兮从程晓羽手中又拿过药盒,替他拆开,仔细看了说明书,剥出两粒半红半黄的胶囊,放在程晓羽的手心。WhyjourneyXiaoyudoes not know, thought that thesetwograins of medicineheavyoverthousandjin (0.5 kg), putting the mouth is actually the happyflavor.
程晓羽不知为何,觉得这两粒药重逾千斤,放到嘴里却是甜蜜的味道。journeyXiaoyugrasps the cupin the hand, feelsis continuingwarmth, lowers the headdoes not dareto look atSuYu, saidlow voice„thanks.”Thenquickadded that „thisis not the smalltalk, butIwanted saying that reallyrejoicedvery muchyoursuchyounger sister. Thereforethanks the heaven, thanks the fatherandAuntie Zhoualsoto haveyou.”
程晓羽将杯子握在手上,感受着持续着的温暖,低着头不敢看苏虞兮,小声说道“谢谢。”接着又很快的补充道“这不是客套,只是我心里想要说,真的很庆幸有你这样的妹妹。所以谢谢上天,谢谢爸爸、周姨还有你。”SuYulaughed at„thatmealso to thank you, actuallyfor these years, the parents still had not foundonme the feeling of being the parents, thank youmadethemrealize.”
苏虞兮笑了“那我也要谢谢你,其实这么多年来,爸妈在我身上一直没有找到过做父母的感觉,谢谢你让他们体会到了。”journeyXiaoyucould not bearsmile, said that „you were praisemeto damageme!”
程晓羽也忍不住笑了,说道“你这是夸我还是损我呢!”SuYutojourneyXiaoyuwas saying that „anything has the dual character, youwantdialecticallyviews the issue, cannotsum upassimplyisornot, praisedordamages.”
苏虞兮对着程晓羽道“任何事物都有两面性,你要辩证的去看问题,不能简单的归结为是或非,夸或损。”journeyXiaoyuputson the cup the table, as iflistened toone is very much funnier the joke, smiledwhilesaid„menot to know,youwill also crack a joke!”
程晓羽将杯子放到桌子上,仿佛听了一个很好笑得冷笑话,边笑边说“我还不知道,你还会开玩笑呢!”SuYuhas not actually understoodjourneyXiaoyuto smileanythingto be the same, said that „Ihave not cracked a joke, Iam earnest.”
苏虞兮却是没弄懂程晓羽在笑什么一样,说“我没开玩笑啊,我认真的。”journeyXiaoyuraised the headlooks atSuYu a earnestness of expressiontrulyface, receivesto smile, thinksandfinds itmore ridiculous, hahasmilesloudly, but also is gasping for breathto say„younger sisterat the same time, ifyouengaged in the crosstalk, is not certainly funny.”
程晓羽抬头看苏虞兮的表情确实一脸的认真,收住笑,想了想又觉得更好笑,哈哈大声笑起来,还一边喘着气说“妹妹,你要是去说相声,一定不好笑。”„Therefore?”SuYuhas not understoodjourneyXiaoyuwheresmiles.
“所以呢?”苏虞兮没弄懂程晓羽的笑点在哪里。„Thereforeis funny.”journeyXiaoyusmiledhappily. Stillmade upSuYuto put on the long unlined gownandpermitsQinningin the brainsays the picture of crosstalkseriously.
“所以才好笑啊。”程晓羽笑得更开心了。还在脑补着苏虞兮穿上大褂和许沁柠一本正经的说相声的画面。SuYu, thereforedelimited the intermittentdeep welliceranksjourneyXiaoyu, is not managinghim. Inthisranksalsowho? NaturallypermitsQinning, Misspermits.
苏虞兮于是把程晓羽划进了间歇性深井冰的行列,不在理他。这个行列里还有谁呢?当然还有许沁柠,许大小姐。SuYu the left handmoved awayplaces the ladle on pot cover, the right handtakesto take a pot off the fire, looked atone, touched the temperature of putting into the potwith the hand, the feelingshouldnot be hot.
苏虞兮左手拿开放在锅盖上的勺子,右手拿起锅,看了一眼,用手摸了下锅的温度,感觉应该不烫了。GivesjourneyXiaoyu saying that the ladle„the thing of hotelkitchen, the onstagemissis not active, can only wantmeter/riceandtwopreserved eggs, made the preserved egggruelwithyou. Iwasfirstpreparing food, the flavoryoudo not request.”
将勺子递给程晓羽道“酒店厨房的东西,前台姑娘也不好动,只能要了点米和两个皮蛋,跟你煮了皮蛋粥。我也是第一次做饭,味道你就别要求了。”journeyXiaoyunoddedwith a smile, received the ladle, was crooked the bodyto startto scoop up the gruelto eat.
程晓羽笑着点头,接过勺子,歪着身子开始舀粥吃。Perhapsisbecausehewas too hungry, perhapsbecause ofotheranything, hethoughtin brief since thisismost delicious that hehas passed througheats, tomust unable to bearburst into tearsdelicious.
也许是因为他太饿了,也许是因为别的什么,总之他觉得这是他穿越以来吃的最美味的一顿,好吃到就要忍不住流泪。Atea hopeless messupside down, SuYuis carrying the pot, washedin the washroomcleanly, greetedonewithjourneyXiaoyu, went to the pot and ladlereturnstounderkitchen.
将一锅粥吃了个底朝天,苏虞兮端着锅,在洗手间洗干净了,跟程晓羽招呼了一声,就去将锅和勺子送还给底下厨房。journeyXiaoyuseized the opportunityto wear the clothes, washes the faceto clean the teeth.
程晓羽乘机穿了衣服,去洗了脸刷了牙。Waits forSuYuto return tohisroom, journeyXiaoyuhesitated saying that „was small, didn't yougo to that side is not unimportant? Todaycelebrates the new year, how will youcome?”
等苏虞兮回到他的房间,程晓羽踌躇了一下说“小兮,你不去那边不要紧吗?今天可是过年啊,还有你怎么会过来的?”SuYuwatches the spring festival gala, nonchalantsay/way„New Year suppertime, my mothercalledseveraltelephonesyounot to meetyou, wantedmeto have a look. Has not relatedin the olddwelling, wherecounter-watches the television, Ido not likeplaying cards. Waits for the parents, cancomebefore12 : 00. My motheralsobought the fireworkswithyou, in her eyes, you are a child.”Speaking offinally, SuYuon the facehas the delightfulsmile. Every so often, shethought that her motherwantsweakmanycompared withher.
苏虞兮看着春节晚会,不经意的道“年夜饭的时候,我妈给你打了几个电话你没接,就要我过来看看。在不在老宅都没有关系,反正在哪边都是看电视,我又不喜欢打牌。等下爸妈,在十二点之前也会过来。我妈还跟你买了烟花,在她眼里,你还是小孩。”说到最后,苏虞兮脸上带着甜美的笑容。很多时候,她觉得她妈比她要幼稚的多。journeyXiaoyutook up the mutecell phone, reallyhadmanynot to meet the electricity and message. A pointcannot recall, whenlit the fireworksprevioustimeis. Thishe of when the USlivesdoes not haveto let off the fireworks, rarelysees the fireworks, say/way that muttered„fireworks, but also was really the remotememory.”
程晓羽拿起开了静音的手机,果然有不少未接来电和短信。一点都回忆不起,上一次放烟花是什么时候了。这一世的他在美国生活的时候都没有自己放过烟花,也很少看到烟花,喃喃的道“烟花,还真是遥远的记忆啊。”SuYuandasked that „right, how can youcatch cold?”
苏虞兮又问“对了,你怎么会感冒的?”journeyXiaoyuactuallydoes not know that hesang for a living with deliver the little girlto go homeyesterdayto be seenbythemin secret, yesterdayalong withtastes „, came backdiscovered that moneydrop, feels the hotelin any casenotfar, thereforewalks. Possibly the weatheris too cold, caught coldlike this. „
程晓羽却不知道他昨天卖唱和暗中送小女孩回家都被他们看见了,随口道“哦,昨天回来的时候发现钱掉了,觉得酒店反正也没有多远,于是就走路回来的。可能天气太冷,就这样感冒了。“Just the hotelleavesTongquetaiKTVis not the faroddness, journeyXiaoyutakes taxialsotwenty, thereforesaidlike this is also passing of explanation.
刚好酒店离铜雀台KTV也不是远的离谱,程晓羽打车也才二十几块,所以这样说也算是解释的通。SuYu„.”, To say that anythingactuallystarts to speak but hesitates. Twopeoplelookedtogether the boredspringwas late.
苏虞兮“哦。”了一声,想说什么却欲言又止。两个人一起看起了无聊的春晚。Untilapproaches12points, the SuriverandZhouPeipeialsocame to the hotel.
直到临近十二点,苏长河和周佩佩也来了酒店。From the bottomtimetime, outside the windowhas the large expanse offirecrackercrack, has the innumerablesmoke and fireto soarto raise, thisspace and time the Huaxiayearhas not forbiddento set off the smoke and fire.
倒数计时的时候,窗户外就有成片的炮竹炸响,有数不清的烟火腾空升起,这个时空过华夏年并不禁止燃放烟火。Moreoveris adding the peacefulgate12pointsto have the grandsmoke and fireparty.
The whole families'spaciousparking lotbefore the hotelset off the smoke and fire that Auntie Zhoubought. The nighttime sky of Capital Cityis also scattering the carefulsnowflake, beautifulandshortfireworksinpiece by piecewhitemagnificentblooming.
一家人在酒店前空旷的停车场放了周姨买的烟火。京城的夜空还撒着细细的雪花,一个个美丽而又短暂的烟花在一片片白茫茫中华丽的绽放。SuYutakes a smokefestooned club of ignition, from the skygesticulatesis leaving behind the brightpath. journeyXiaoyuknows that sheis writing, actuallycannot distinguishanything that shewrites.
苏虞兮拿着一根点燃的烟花棒,在空中比划着留下灿烂的轨迹。程晓羽知道她在写字,却分辨不出她写的什么。journeyXiaoyulightsonebox of hugename„tonightis so beautiful” the fireworksball, stands, when the distant placelooks up to the nighttime sky. Capital City the space seems the meteor showerhas flownmarvelousscene. Entirecity the night of floatingsnowwas illuminatedby the fireworks. A bunchgrandsmoke and firegiantumbrellafloweris likely openin the nighttime sky. Is shiningin the nighttime skylikebunches of dazzlinglamp bowls, thenextinguishesquietly. In full bloomandscatteringlikeclumps of flowers the goldenpowderfroth, was blown offby the windinin the air. Oneskewer of oneskewers of fireworksin the nighttime skyis in full bloom, finallylikely the meteor that is dragging the longtailinnumerably, has slidfrom the nighttime skylongingly.
程晓羽点燃一盒巨大的叫做“今宵如此美丽”的烟花弹,站在远处仰望夜空的时候。京城的的天上仿佛是流星雨的飞过的奇妙景象。整个城市的飘雪的夜晚都被焰火照亮了。一团团盛大的烟火象一柄柄巨大的伞花在夜空开放。像一簇簇耀眼的灯盏在夜空中亮着,然后悄然熄灭。像一丛丛花朵盛开并飘散着金色的粉沫,然后被风吹散在空中。焰火在夜空中一串一串地盛开,最后像无数拖着长长尾巴的流星,依依不舍地从夜空滑过。journeyXiaoyu and whole familystandunderthisprosperous timestime passage, wishingin the future.
程晓羽和一家人站在这盛世年华之下,祈愿未来。star sea that on the clouds in dim light of night the fireworkssuch asastronavigationout of the windowgoes throughrapidly, although after bloomingwithers, howeverradiance of flashalreadyfoot.
夜色中的云端上焰火如宇航者窗外飞速流过的星海,虽然绽放后枯萎,然而一瞬间的光华已足矣。journeyXiaofeatherstaticthinking, Iam not the differently-coloredsmoke and fire, Ido not dodge the meteor that passes.
程晓羽静静的想,我不是颜色不一样的烟火,我也不是一闪即逝的流星。Even if doomedto crash, IstillambrightestthatSN1006.
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