This timejourneyXiaoyu was really incomparablyawkward, letting gowas not good, SunJingyaoalsodependedinhisarms, did not let gois not, the position of hishandallinkeyspot. OnlycanholdquicklySunJingyao.
During making an effort, tookmanyadvantages, butourjourneyXiaoyu is really the half a pointdoes not haveif heaven pities meintentionally.
用力期间又是占了不少便宜,但天可怜见我们的程晓羽真是半分故意都没有。SunJingyaoreddens all over the faceto set outturn headto look, is a dreadfulfatty. Because in the theater box, SuWeilanhad not introduced that journeyXiaoyugivesherto know, shedoes not knowcompletelyjourneyXiaoyuandSuWeilanis a relative, thinks that journeyXiao the featherthatpincheda moment ago, cannot bear a slap in the faceon the fan, but alsoscoldedsentence„hoodlum.”
孙静遥满脸通红起身回头一看,是个猥琐胖子。因为在包厢,苏巍澜也没介绍程晓羽给她认识,她完全不知道程晓羽和苏巍澜是亲戚,想到刚才程晓羽那一捏,忍不住一耳光就扇了过来,还骂了句“臭流氓。”ThistimejourneyXiaoyuhas the protectionearly, ahead of timecovered the facewith the hand, howeverthispalm of the hand, althoughhas not projected on the face, hitexudedoneonhisback of the handgreatly„.”Sound.
The person who thereforetakes the leadbyturning the head of being startled, was seentowardbehindcompletelyjourneyXiaoyu who awkwardboth handscover the faceandthreatensalso the right handis lifting the grandsonstaticremote.
于是走在前面的人全部被惊的转头,朝后面就看到了尴尬的双手捂脸的程晓羽和气势汹汹的还将右手举着的孙静遥。Obviouslyno oneseesaccountcomplete, walksto askembarrassed. ButlooksjourneyXiaoyulookdistincthas a complexmood, shocks, despisesandenviesto mention just a few.
显然没有人看到事情的完整经过,也不好意思走过来问。但看着程晓羽的眼神分明的有一种复杂的情绪,震惊、鄙视、羡慕不一而足。even/includingSuyuis looking athim, on the facealsohas the surprisedexpression.
连苏虞兮望着他,脸上也有惊讶的表情。SuWeilanhurriesto stare atjourneyXiaoyu, heldSunJingyao the shoulderto ask„calmlyhowremote?”
苏巍澜赶紧走过来盯着程晓羽,却是扶着孙静遥的肩膀问“静遥怎么了?”HowSunJingyaothisactuallydoes not knowreplied,after allothersshouldnot occupyherto be cheapintentionally, moreovertosupporther. Was lookingthisyoungfattyestimatedmostis a high-school student, moreoverboth handscover the appearance of facereallya littleto sprout/moedull, the look is very innocent, it is estimated thatoneselfwerea littlerespondsexcessively. But that journeyXiaoyuboth handspinch, but also has the residualmemoryonherbody, thismakesherhave an ashamedfeelingfloodonheart, on the facecannot exhibit the complexion, breaks free fromSuWeilan the hand, turns aroundto walk, say/way„no.”
孙静遥这却不知道怎么回答,毕竟别人应该不是故意占她便宜的,而且还是为了扶住她。在一看这小胖子估计最多是个高中生,而且双手捂着脸的样子实在有点呆萌,眼神还特别无辜,估计自己是有点反应过度了。但程晓羽双手捏的那一下,还在她的身体上还有残留的记忆,这让她有一种羞耻的感觉泛上心头,脸上也摆不出好脸色,甩开苏巍澜的手,转身就走,道“没什么。”SuWeilanhas a look atjourneyXiaoyu, wantsto ask,has not asked that pursuedSunJingyaoto go out.
苏巍澜看看程晓羽,想问,却还是没问出来,就追着孙静遥出去了。Standsperson who watches the funinfront, althoughwantsto know that hadanything, buthad not askedfor face-saving consideration. Looks that journeyXiaoyu the visionwas shortfriendly.
站在前面看热闹的人虽然都很想知道发生了什么,但碍于面子也都没有问。只是看着程晓羽的目光都少了友善。journeyXiaoyuis a little depressed, wantsto shout that pursuesunder the explanationundeserved, did Ispecialtake pleasure in serving others have the mistake? Butno oneaskedhim, he was also embarrassed the senselessexplanation, owingheartobviously.
程晓羽有点郁闷,很想大喊冤枉追上去解释下,我特么助人为乐还有错了啊?但没人问他,他也不好意思没头没脑的解释,更显的亏心。If we had knownisthisresultmight as wellpinchestwo, thattouchultrastick that journeyXiaoyu the regrettablethoughtunexpected happening, the left and right handspinchessimultaneously, this dwellingmalebodyfirstcontactfemale.
早知道是这个结局还不如多捏两下呢,程晓羽遗憾的想到鬼使神差般,左右手同时捏的那一下触感超棒,这具宅男身体还是第一次接触女性。WhenjourneyXiaoyugoes out of the entrance, outsidehas the carefulsnow, tentacle that as if the skyhangs downdenselymay, but the snowflakeseemsfromverynearmidairscattersto be the same.
等程晓羽走出门口,外面下着一点细细的雪,天空黑压压低垂的仿佛触手可及,而雪花就好似从很近的半空撒下来一样。SuYu, GuXueren, SunJingyaoonegroup of peopleencircleunder the stair of Tongquetai. SuWeilanandGuXueren a friendwalkedto drivetoward the parking lot.
苏虞兮、顾学仁、孙静遥一群人都围在铜雀台的台阶下面。苏巍澜和顾学仁的一个朋友朝停车场走去开车了。journeyXiao the featherapproachesto lookslightly,originally the middlehasto sell the floweredat the back of the guitar the 11 or 12-year-oldlittle girl. The little girlsare grippingtwosheep's-horn braids, is much longer, smilesalsoto have a dimple. Puts onsomeyearsis knitting the cotton-wadded jacket of patch.
程晓羽稍稍走近一看,原来中间有个背着吉他在卖花的十一二岁小女孩。小女孩扎着两个羊角辫,长得乖乖巧巧,笑起来还有个酒窝。穿着件有些年月的打着补丁的棉袄。Lookscatches up withherheightquickly the guitar, thislittle girlnot onlysells the flower, sometimeswill also go tonearbymidnight snackstreetto sing for a living.
The little missesare taking a small-sizedredplasticbarrel, inside is the redrose.
小姑娘提着一个小号的红色塑料桶,里面全是红色的玫瑰。SuYuaskinglittle missgently„youngest sister, rosehow much money?”
The little misscrispsay/way of „10, but the big sisteryouare quite attractive, did Isell to your five?”
小姑娘脆生生的道“十块,但是大姐姐你好漂亮啊,我卖给你你五块好吗?”GuXueren of standing on one sidepulls outwalletsay/way„your barrel of Ito buyimmediately, how muchmoney?”
The little misseslooked that takes care ofXuerenactuallyshaking the headsay/way„Big BrotherInot to needyouto feel sorry forme, youboughtoneto give tothisprettybig sisterto be good.”
Does SuYupat the headsay/way of little miss„thatIto buyoneto give to itselfto be able?”
The little missessmiled the nod.
小姑娘笑了点头。SuYupulls outone20from the pocket, the little missreceives money, looks for15to giveSuYu. SuYuhesitant, saidto the little misswith a smile„thank you.”
苏虞兮从口袋里掏出一张20,小姑娘收了钱,找了15块给苏虞兮。苏虞兮犹豫了一下,笑着对小姑娘说了“谢谢你哦。”SuYuthissmiles, GuXuerenfeltimmediatelyon this dayin the airbelowis not the snowflake, butwaseverywherefresh flower. GuXueren of fastheartbeatseesSuYuto consider the self-respect of little misslike this , can only pull out10to sayto the little misswith a smile„thatIalsobuyone.”
The little missesextendfrozena littleredboth hands, receivedmoneyto giveGuXueren, added„thanks the Big Brother.”
小姑娘伸出冻的有点红的双手,接过钱递给顾学仁,还说了“谢谢大哥哥。”SunJingyaoalsoinside, buysonefrom the Chanelwoman's handbagimmediately, will then spend the branch breakagehalf, the leafremoved, insertsin the head. Properly speaking the rosesuchuncouthcrisscrossingheadis certainly unattractive, butinsertsinmay not the grandsonstaticremoteheadnot in part of ones dutyattractiveness of local productsbeautifully.
孙静遥也在旁边,也立刻从香奈儿坤包里掏钱买了一朵,然后将花枝折了一半,叶子去掉,插在了头上。按理说玫瑰这么俗气的花插头上一定不好看,但偏偏插在美艳不可方物的孙静遥头上份外的漂亮。GuXuerentakes the rose, immediatelyshoutsSuFeifei, Wu ZiXuan, SuHongwenandhis2friendscome a personto buyone, but alsonotifiesjourneyXiaoyu.
顾学仁拿着玫瑰,立刻喊苏菲菲、吴子轩、苏鸿文和他二个朋友过来一人买一支,还跟程晓羽打了招呼。journeyXiaoyuhesitant, seesSunJingyaonot to passinthat side, buteveryonebought the flower, hecannotappearhimreallyto makeanythingtimidly. Whilehewalkswhiletakes out money, discovered that placespants pocketchildin the moneyto disappear.
程晓羽犹豫了下,见孙静遥在那边不太想过去,但所有人都买了花,他又不能胆怯显得他真的做了什么。正当他边走边掏钱的时候,发现放在裤袋子里的钱不见了。This timejourneyXiaoyuwhole personis not good. Walkedto sayownmoneydrop? Does money that takes taxito go homeaskSuYuto borrowagain? Assuming thatsomepeopledo deliverhimto take advantage of opportunityto complyimmediately? InjourneyXiao the featherflashheadhas transferred the innumerablethoughts. Finallythoughtthisreallyloses face, distressedturning aroundinvision of onegroup of peoplereturned to the KTVplanto lookto have a look atmoneyto fallon the sofa.
这个时候的程晓羽整个人都不好了。走过去说自己钱掉了?打车回家的钱再找苏虞兮借?假设有人送他立马顺势答应?程晓羽一刹那脑袋里转过无数念头。最后还是觉得这样实在太丢脸,在一群人的目光里狼狈的转身回了KTV打算找看看钱是不是掉沙发上了。Thatgroup of people are also inexplicableitssecond, askingjourneyXiaoyuto buy10flower, does not know that whathedid run? Has a look atSunJingyaoinone side, more solidjourneyXiaoyuplayed certainly the hooligana moment ago.
那一群人也莫名其秒,叫程晓羽买个十块的花,不知道他跑什么?看看孙静遥在一边,更坐实了程晓羽刚才一定耍了流氓。journeyXiaoyurushes to the KTVonstageto ask that pantinglysomeV88peoplepickmoneynot to have, negativereplytime. Recalls, has the possibilitymoney to pay the taxifee/spent the flashto fallvery much.
程晓羽气喘吁吁的跑到KTV前台问V88有人捡到钱没,得到否定的回答的时候。就回忆起,很有可能钱是在来的时候付的士费的一瞬间掉的。journeyXiaofeatherwalksoutward, whilelooksto have a lookalsoto haveenoughmoneyenoughhiminallpocketsto take taxito go home. Hestandsin the Tongquetaientrance, looks that SuYuonegroup of peoplewere far, got down the steps of toward the parking lotexporting.
程晓羽一边朝外走,一边在所有的口袋里找看看还有没有足够的钱够他打车回家的。他站在铜雀台门口,看着苏虞兮一群人朝停车场出口走的远了,才下来了阶梯。Thinksoneselfdid not have the fareto return to the hotel, is a headache. Really the roomleaksmeetscontinually the night rain. Puts out the cell phone, does not have the numberto dial.
想到自己还没有车费回酒店,更是一阵头疼。真是屋漏偏逢连夜雨。拿出手机来,却没有号码可以拨。journeyXiaoyulooksto sell the floweredlittle missbackguitar, thought ofmeans.
程晓羽看着卖花小姑娘背后的吉他,想到了一个办法。Because the traffic before Tongquetai were not fewat this time, cansellto sing for a livingreluctantly, journeyXiaoyumakes up mind, thenwalkswithselling the floweredlittle misssays„, Youngest sister, canhelp?”
因为这个时候铜雀台前的人流量还不算少,勉强还能卖卖唱,程晓羽拿定主意,便走过去跟卖花小姑娘道“嗨,小妹妹,能帮个忙吗?”Sells the floweredlittle missto look ata littlefatjourneyXiaoyu, as ifreceivedfrightening, but alsowithcarrying with the handoneselfthought of the barrel of rose, appearance that preparesto runat any time
卖花小姑娘看着有点胖的程晓羽,仿佛受到了惊吓,还用手提起了自己装着玫瑰花的桶,随时准备跑的样子journeyXiaoyuhurriesto halt, is a little away from her, squatsto horizontally view the little girl, thiscanbe easierto winchild'strust, slowlysaid„youngest sisterwith a smile, Elder Brother, was not an unprincipled person, Ionlywantto borrowyourguitar.”
The little girlscloselyhold on the guitarbackto guide„this handareImost preciousthings, mother saidcannotgiveotherscasually.”
小女孩更是将手紧紧拉住吉他背带道“这个是我最贵重的东西啦,妈妈说不能随便给别人的。”journeyXiaoyuthinks that pulls outowncell phoneto give the little missto say„Elder Brothercell phoneputsyourhere, whenthisguitar the Elder Brotherrents, waits for the Elder Brotherto sing for a livingmoney that toyou, money that so long asyoucantake taxito go hometo the Elder Brotherwas OK. Is good?”
The little girlsare looking atcell phone on journeyXiaoyu the hand, has not received, hesitantunder„did yourguitarshootvery much? Sangsingsvery?”
小女孩瞧着程晓羽手上的手机,没接过来,犹豫了下“你吉他弹得很好吗?唱歌唱的很好吗?”journeyXiaoyuis smilingnodsay/way„naturallywell, youdo not feelof pleasant to hear, the cell phoneturns over toyou.”
程晓羽笑着点头道“当然好,你觉得不好听,手机就归你。”Little girlshaking the headsay/way„cell phonedoes not wantyour. Youmustmake the money of enoughtaking taxi, sangto make moneydifficultly!”Saidalsotakes down the guitarfrom the body.
小女孩摇头道“手机不要你的啦。那你一定要赚够自己打车的钱哦,唱歌赚钱好难的!”边说还从身上取下吉他。journeyXiaoyusmilesto receive the cell phone, receivedguitar that the little girlhands over. Dialedtwo, startsto tune a stringed instrument, obviously the little girlcannot the guitar, the stringnot be accurate.
The little girlslook atjourneyXiaoyuanxiously, for fear thatheruns away.
小女孩则紧张的看着程晓羽,生怕他跑掉。journeyXiaoyualsoputs out a handto rub the head of little girl, was actually shunted. journeyXiaoyucannot help laughing, this is also world that looks atface/colorprice/value. StartsSuYuto touchher, shehas not hidden.
程晓羽也伸手去揉小女孩的头,却被躲开了。程晓羽哑然失笑,这也是个看颜值的世界啊。开始苏虞兮摸她,她就没躲。journeyXiaoyuadjusts the stringto ask that „whatyoungest sisteryoudid call?”
The little girls„Icalledslightlywithclearsoundsay/waybeautiful.”Alsoasked that journeyXiao the featheryouwill sing„thisabovesong?”Is liftingseveralsonglists.
小女孩用清脆的声音道“我叫小妍。”又问程晓羽你会唱“这上面的歌吗?”举着几张歌单。journeyXiaoyushakes the head.
The little girlsare somewhat disappointed, receivesonly the song, startsto lookeverywhere the personmustbuy the flower.
小女孩有些失望,将歌单收起来,又开始到处看有没有人要买花。journeyXiaoyusings for a livingon the avenue is also first, looksperson who comes and goesto go on a trip in a hurry, does not have the self-confidencevery much, inthisweather that is having the littleflurry, gainstoenough much money.
程晓羽在大街上卖唱也是头一回,看着来来往往行色匆匆的人,也不是很有自信,在这个下着一点点小雪的天气,赚到足够多的钱。Butat presentalsohas no other alternative.
但眼下也别无他法。journeyXiaofeathergentlysweeps the string, thinksto shootdoing for the occasionsong«EarnestSnow».
The snowgets downdeeplygets downthatearnestly
雪下得那么深下得那么认真ReflectsIto lie down the scarinsnow
倒映出我躺在雪中的伤痕Quiet at dead of nightthatis the love
夜深人静那是爱情Is controllingmyheartsecretly
偷偷的控制着我的心Remindedmeto likeyoubeing probableto stand by
音乐安静还是爱情啊Is swallowingmyheartstep by step
一步一步吞噬着我的心Fell in love withyourmeto loseme
爱上你我失去了我自己Loves the earnestlovethatearnestly
爱得那么认真爱得那么认真Mayhearyou not possiblyto say
可还是听见了你说不可能Shanghaisuddenlyfloatingsnow that more than tenyearshas not snowed
已经十几年没下雪的上海突然飘雪Said the instance of bidding good-byeinyou
The snowgets downdeeplygets downthatearnestly
雪下得那么深下得那么认真ReflectsIto lie down the scarinsnow
倒映出我躺在雪中的伤痕ActuallyIdo not care about myselfto be scarred
我并不在乎自己究竟多伤痕累累WhombutIcare aboutyouto makeaccompanyfrom now on
可我在乎今后你让谁陪Likingdeeplybeing more earnest than anyone
可最后还是只剩我一个人Everywherewind and snowpleasedo not dash awaymytearsagain
漫天风雪请别再把我的眼泪擦去After allthatis the woman who Imostlove
毕竟那是我最爱的女人After allIoncewasherdeeplyloveperson.
毕竟我曾是她深爱的人。WhenjourneyXiaoyudedicatedsingingtohalf, hedoes not know that SuWeilanandGuXuerentwocar(riage)sstoponsurface the streetbehindhim, opens the windowto look that hesings for a livinghere.
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