MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#59: Protectors

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

The senior police looked previous running quickly S600 the sign on Capital A80 drivehead knew the misdemeanor. Is looking at the second black red flag I5 that is the license of Capital AG6 drivehead, frightens catches up to follow close on the manager to telephone. 老民警一看前一辆的奔驰S600上的京A80打头的牌就知道坏事了。在看第二辆黑色红旗I5那是京AG6打头的牌照,吓得赶紧跟所长打电话。 woof Dongliang finds a weaponry is so big, looks the happy expression saying that to journey Xiaoyu you look at my buddy to surface, moved the reinforcement to come to me.” Changes mind thinks, I do not telephone right for more than ten minutes, should so not be quick. 汪栋梁瞧见阵仗这么大,面露喜色对程晓羽道“你看我哥们就是给面儿,给我搬救兵来了。”转念一想不对啊,我才打电话十多分钟,应该没这么快吧。 Su Weilan from red flag I5, he this year is 28 years old, is getting up the river recording Beijing Branch to hang the duty, oneself also had the family/home media company with the friend, done basically buys and sells the book number, prepares the star concert, invests the movie and so on matter. After all the family/home has the big tree to be good to enjoy the cool air, mixes in 49 cities is also good. 苏巍澜从红旗I5上下来,他今年二十八岁,在上河唱片的北京分公司挂了职,自己还和朋友开了家传媒公司,做的基本上就是买卖书号,筹办明星演唱会,投资电影之类的事情。毕竟家有大树好乘凉,在四九城里混的也算不错。 Today Zhou Peipei calls oneself the father, had the opportunity to open grandfather's Capital AG6 red flag to come out to show off. Police station that but enters this hemp sparrow nest size, immediately felt oneself were really the brocade clothes travels by night. Hits a sparrow to carry out ** also very bullied. 今天周佩佩打了电话给自己老爹,才有机会开了爷爷的京AG6的红旗出来显摆。但一进这麻雀窝大小的派出所,顿时觉得自己真是锦衣夜行了。打个麻雀搬出个**也忒仗势欺人了。 Puts on Su Weilan who the black improves the Chinese tunic suit, although does not walk the official career, actually liking seems like by oneself is in the system. The appearance speech deliberately imitated own father. Landing time first looked all around all around, he did not know that journey Xiaoyu, looks at the vision in courtyard centralized on him, making him have to plant the feeling of multi-level marketing den. For a while without the means that can only shout to shout dawn feather, where?” 穿着黑色改良中山装的苏巍澜虽然不是走仕途的,却喜欢让自己看上去就是体制内的。打扮说话都刻意模仿了自己的老爹。下车的时候先环顾了四周,他也不认识程晓羽,看着院子里的目光都集中在他身上,让他有种进了传销窝点的感觉。一时没办法,只能扯着嗓子喊“晓羽,在哪里呢?” Su Yu was encircled in the car(riage), the surroundings encircled is the person, Su Weiran has not all seen. journey Xiao the feather then relaxes thoroughly, should say Second Brother loudly, I in this.” Does not hold up by the left hand that the handcuffs live, wielded wielding. 苏虞兮被围在车里,周围围了的全是人,苏蔚然还没看见。程晓羽这才彻底放松下来,大声应道“二哥,我在这呢。”举起没被铐住的左手,挥了挥。 At this time one group of talents discovered that these two people ran from the room unexpectedly. But at this time people by the momenta of three car(riage)s daunting, no one dares to make noise. 这时候一群人才发现这两个人居然从房间里跑了出来。但此时一众人都被三辆车的声势给吓住了,没人敢出声。 The senior police call the manager, sees is really this fatty has the background, hurries opens journey Xiaoyu and woof Dongliang handcuff. 老民警给所长打了电话,看见果然是这胖子有背景的,赶紧走过来把程晓羽和汪栋梁的手铐打开。 journey Xiaoyu will also hang skin in wrist/skill according to also in the oozing of blood wound, painful grimacing. towards Su Weilan walks. The senior police also follow on the heels. 程晓羽将还吊在手腕上的一块皮肤按在还在渗血的伤口上,痛的呲牙咧嘴。朝苏巍澜走过去。老民警也跟在后面。 The person on supervising vehicle also got down two people, supervises the uniform/subdue straight 30 young men, knows to become a soldier evidently. And saw that the senior police said who your managers are? People?” 督察车上的人也下来了两个人,都是督察制服笔挺的三十好几岁的男子,看样子就知道当过兵。其中一个看到老民警道“你们所长是谁?人呢?” The senior police run over immediately, bending the waist say/way manager had/left the police to go, immediately returned.” 老民警立刻跑过来,弯腰道“所长出警去了,马上就回。” Another man from vice- does harness turns the head to ask this piece to turn over to that area manages?” 另一个从副驾下来的男子转头问道“这片归那个区管?” The senior police respectful say/way of pledges allegiance to the intent area.” 老民警恭敬的道“归顺意区。” The man also asked that your regional exchange chiefs are the room clouds?” 那男子又问“你们区局局长是房云涛吧?” The senior police sink, wants to estimate that our manager position could not preserve, can only open smile say/way is, yes.” 老民警心里一沉,想估计咱所长这位置是保不住了,只能张开笑脸道“是,是。” The man with another supervising say/way Xiao Li, you calls the room cloud, limits him within 20 minutes to come the processing issue, here state organs? Here is the bandit nest.” 那男子跟另一督察道“小李,你跟房云涛打电话,限他20分钟之内过来处理问题,这里还是国家机关吗?这里就是个土匪窝。” Said that boards, simply has not planned to enter the room. 说完就又上了车,根本没有打算进屋。 Su Weilan does arrive at journey Xiao feather side say/way to be small?” 苏巍澜走到程晓羽身边道“小兮呢?” journey Xiaoyu said that „was also stranded in the car(riage).” 程晓羽道“还被困在车里。” Su Weilan the towards Audi walks, journey Xiaoyu also with. One crowd cooperates the police to be silent soundless making way, the atmosphere does not dare to have one. Does not know the car license, saw on 32 car(riage) windows to suspend a smooth in-out ticket. On final Land Rover hangs, but red bottom garrison sign, in 49 cities have mixed few civilians knows the garrison sign is not only can control the transportation momentarily, but also all matched the lord of spear/gun. 苏巍澜朝奥迪走去,程晓羽也跟了过来。一群协警都默无声息的让开,大气都不敢出一个。不认识车牌的,也都看见三两车窗户上摆了一溜的出入证。最后的路虎上挂的可是红底警备牌,在四九城混过的升斗小民都知道警备牌不仅是随时可以对交通进行管制,而且还全是配了枪的主。 Su Yu not clear outside had anything, with seizing holds down adeptly Zheng Long, when Su Weilan knocks the window, seeing Su Weilan to loosen the hand. 苏虞兮也不清楚外面发生了什么,还是用擒拿手按住郑龙,等到苏巍澜敲窗户,看见了苏巍澜才松开手。 Zheng Long thinks that this young girl was afraid, completely without the situation outside attention car(riage), turning around was fills an anger palm of the hand to hit, breaking down in lamentation was next, mainly this young girl made him lose., finally the palm of the hand has not collected, Su Yu was an elbow horizontal hit on Zheng Long face, immediately his nosebleed hit Zheng Long covers nose sore straight crying out, grass were at heart innumerable Su Yu, how under wants to wait to toss about this young girl. 郑龙以为这小妞害怕了,完全没注意车外的情况,转身就是充满怒火的一巴掌打了过来,痛倒是其次,主要这小妞让他丢了面儿,结果巴掌还没凑上去,苏虞兮又是一肘子横了过来打在郑龙脸上,顿时把他鼻血都打了出来。郑龙捂住鼻子疼的直叫唤,心里却把苏虞兮艹了无数次,想等下怎么折腾这小妞。 Su Yu opened the vehicle door to walk, journey Xiaoyu flashed immediately, a leg that held Zheng Long, towed him, surroundings so many little brothers of Zheng, actually only dare to look, does not dare to come up. journey Xiao feather from nearby cooperates in the police hand to snatch the night stick, hit right in the face, hits while scolded grass your Sir.” 苏虞兮打开车门走了出去,程晓羽立马闪了过去,一把抓住郑龙的腿,将他拖了出来,周围那么多郑家的小弟,却都只敢看,不敢上来。程晓羽从附近的一协警手上抢过警棍,就劈头盖脸的打了下去,边打边骂“艹你大爷的。” Zheng Long sees so many little brothers of keeping silent, has to see Su Weilan of journey Xiaoyu and wear Chinese tunic suit, knows that the matter has gone beyond his control area. 郑龙看见那么多噤若寒蝉的小弟,有看见程晓羽和穿着中山装的苏巍澜,才知道事情已经超出了他的控制范围。 Su Weilan do not block journey Xiaoyu the meaning, is saying with a smile to Su Yu is all right, is small. Doesn't this young brat think to be discourteous you?” 苏巍澜也没有要拦程晓羽的意思,对苏虞兮笑着道“没事吧,小兮。这小兔崽子不是想非礼你吧?” Su Yu extends a little sour arm tranquil say/way to be all right, I want to call you a moment ago, he puts out a hand to snatch the cell phone, seized the chance by me according to the glass.” 苏虞兮伸了伸有点酸的胳膊平静的道“没事,刚才我想跟你打电话,他伸手来抢手机,就被我趁机按在车窗上了。” woof Dongliang sees the situation to reverse, extended the foot to trample several feet also on Zheng Long to scold to call you to be crazy low voice.” 汪栋梁见形势逆转,也伸脚在郑龙身上踹了几脚还小声骂到“叫你狂。” Su Weilan looks that wound and on woof on Dongliang journey Xiaoyu the hand also keep the blood, say/way Koba you and your friend first do not hit, this matter I process, I first asked the person first to send you to the hospital, first treated the wound, is making an appraisal.” Also has not listened to journey Xiaoyu the opinion, asking him two on first to run quickly. 苏巍澜看着程晓羽手上的伤和汪栋梁头上还留着血,道“小羽你和你朋友先别打了,这事我来处理,我先叫人先送你们去医院,把伤先治一下,在做个鉴定。”也没听程晓羽的意见,叫他两先上奔驰。 Opens the drivers of running quickly is the secretary of uncle Su Changqing's name is Wu Fan, the car(riage) is Su Changqing's private car, glass above is also suspending country A and safe red sign. Su Weilan greeted one with Wu Fan, ran quickly sends them to hospital nearby on the start. All the way Wu Fan not with the meaning that they talked, arranged to go out to telephone to the hospital. 开奔驰的司机是大伯苏长青的秘书叫吴凡,车也是苏长青的座驾,玻璃上面摆着国A和安全的红色牌子。苏巍澜跟吴凡招呼了一声,奔驰就启动送他们去了就近的医院。一路上吴凡也没有和他们搭话的意思,到了医院打点好一切就出去打电话了。 The acute disease first arranged journey Xiaoyu the wrist/skill to stitch, pasted the gauze, it is estimated that within some time touches the musical instrument to be painful. woof Dongliang injury, on the head pasted the gauze with the net bag lightly, the appearance is quite funny. 急症优先安排程晓羽的手腕缝了针,贴了纱布,估计一段时间之内碰乐器就会痛。汪栋梁伤势还轻点,脑袋上只是用网兜贴了纱布,样子比较滑稽。 Su Weilan called to say the process result journey Xiaoyu, because Zheng Long had the case history when the body, had been arrested, prosecution met and case processing, it is estimated that must sentence at least for five years, if investigated to be the gang nature when the time comes, as the principal offender, 77 years could not come out. king the Subdue police inspectors were suspended, Zheng army was requested unable to leave Jin Cheng temporarily, every day must report to the area of jurisdiction police station, is under investigation. Some other small sun-dried shelled shrimp include the ugly customer, takes into custody completely temporarily in the police station, the case determines the nature of as the gang case temporarily, if makes the reality, the average per person more than ten years of jail food must eat. Zheng army wrote the Zhang San 1 million checks at that time, compensates to journey Xiaoyu and woof Dongliang medical service and motor repair fee/spent. 苏巍澜跟程晓羽打电话说了事情的处理结果,郑龙因为有案底在身,已经被抓捕归案,起诉时会并案处理,估计最少要判五年,如果到时候调查属于黑社会团伙性质,做为主犯,十六七年都出不来了。王乔镇派出所所长被停职,郑军被要求暂时不能离开金城,每天要到辖区派出所报道,接受调查。其余一些小虾米包括彪子,全部暂时羁押在派出所,案情暂时定性为黑社会团伙案件,如果做实,人均十多年的牢饭是都得吃。郑军当时就写了张三百万的支票,是赔给程晓羽和汪栋梁的医疗费以及汽车修理费。 What journey Xiao the dovetail this telephoned the first direct-viewing feeling is the right. 程晓羽接了这通电话第一次直观的感受到了什么叫权利。 In this world did not have absolute fair, actually this all inequality, are the ability of litigant is insufficient. Assuming that today journey Xiaoyu is only an average person, he can only swallow an insult, try not to annoy troublesome. Do not describe Chengwu the law, that is the armor that a fine paper case makes. 这世界上本就没有绝对的公平,其实这所有的不公平,都是当事人的能力不足。假设今天程晓羽只是个普通人,他就只能忍气吞声,尽量不要惹麻烦。不要把法律形容成武器,那是一层精美纸壳做的盔甲。 Everyone has the person or the thing that oneself want to protect, but when you could not protect, will blame oneself so will be why useless. journey Xiaoyu had such mood at this time. 每一个人都有自己想保护的人或事物,但当你保护不了的时候,就会怪责自己为甚么会这么无用。程晓羽这个时候就有这样的心情。 journey Xiaoyu found woof Dongliang, asking him to take the car(riage) to expunge four S repairs. All expenses he can leave, when the time comes also compensates an expense to give woof Dongliang. 程晓羽找到了汪栋梁,叫他取车了开去四S修理。所有费用他会出,到时候还补偿一笔费用给汪栋梁。 woof Dongliang has telephoned today's legendary experience to the system in the friend said that when he spoke of the car(riage) of courtyard to have a hanging Capital AG6 sign, the friend started saying that he boasted B, entire Jincheng Capital AG6 sign altogether 200, woof Dongliang excited and friend argued, until sending out the name of Dongshan, the friend letter/believed. This made woof Dongliang be clear journey Xiaoyu the background was immeasurably deep, behind accessed the net to check journey Xiaoyu the name to discover that he was that SH opens Ferrari to hit the rich family of person, at heart was somewhat uneasy, for fear that oneself had what action to offend journey Xiaoyu, therefore woof Dongliang, as soon as listens to journey Xiaoyu also to compensate money to rush to refuse say/way to him not to use, car(riage) wound was not heavy, said again also had the insurance, the repair expense does not need to haggle over.” Also does asking of stutter take the car(riage) unable to create obstacles?” 汪栋梁早就把今天的传奇经历打电话给体制内朋友说了一遍,当他说到进院子的车有一辆挂的京AG6的牌,朋友就开始说他吹牛B,整个金城京AG6的牌一共就200块,汪栋梁激动的和朋友争论了一阵,直到报出苏东山的名字,朋友才信。这让汪栋梁清楚了程晓羽的背景深不可测,后面上网查了程晓羽的名字才发现他就是那个SH开法拉利撞人的富家子,心里更是有些惴惴不安,生怕自己是不是有什么举动得罪了程晓羽,所以汪栋梁一听程晓羽还要补偿钱给他赶忙拒绝道“不用了,车伤的不算重,再说也有保险,修理费都不用计较。”又结结巴巴的问“去取车不会被刁难吧?” journey Xiao feather superficial say/way „that tall person is Zheng Long, had been stressed the estimate to sentence more than ten years, others made gang processing, if had the case history, it is estimated that lenient sentence. As for the surface has not seen police inspectors already by to rub.” 程晓羽轻描淡写的道“那个高个子叫郑龙,已经被抓了估计要判个十几年,其他人做黑社会团伙处理,如果都有案底的话,估计不会轻判。至于面都没见过的派出所所长已经被撸了。” This saying woof Dongliang was regretted that what provoked these children of high-ranking officials to make, squeezed out smile say/way forcefully Brother journey, I called you, didn't you mind? If a moment ago had the place that offended unknowingly, please forgive much! You looked when has free time to call your younger sister, no, you do not come, I asked your Wangfu Hotel to rub.” 这一说汪栋梁更是后悔招惹这些高干子弟做什么,强行挤出笑脸道“程老弟,我这么叫您,您不介意吧?刚才如果有不经意得罪的地方,请多多包涵啊!您看什么时候有空叫上你妹妹,不,不就您来就可以,我请您王府饭店搓一顿。” journey Xiaoyu the process result will say intentionally seriously, naturally has the goal, opening the beginning on the airplane knew that woof Dongliang is looks to throw the executive of net, and has the relation with the university Internet alliance, journey Xiaoyu had the thoughts, he wants to make the social network, but woof Dongliang to him is the most appropriate breakthrough point. 程晓羽故意将处理结果说严重点,自然是有目的的,打开始在飞机上得知汪栋梁是瞄扑网的高管,而且和高校网际联盟有联系,程晓羽就起了心思,他想做社交网络,而汪栋梁对他来说就是最合适的切入点。 This winter vacation he recorded a song to want in the music website to upload, studies the Huaxia three big music websites the time, discovered that at this time similar face book, ** such social networking site has not been born, in the forthcoming intelligence machine time, this will be the sharp weapon of circle money. To him this is only a making money idea, the implementation is not urgent. But today's bitter experience made his idea change, he thought that he must arm, with right and wealth. All beautiful things were coveted easily, he does not imagine today this, but must depend upon others' shading to obtain the security. Essentially he is not a child, all he feels him should like the Sir. Has undertaken. 这个寒假原本他录了首歌想在音乐网站上传,研究华夏三大音乐网站的时候,发现这个时候类似脸书、**这样的社交网站都还没有诞生,在即将到来的智能机时代,这可是圈钱的利器。原本对他来说这只是个赚钱的想法,实施却没有那么迫切。但今天的遭遇让他的想法改变了,他觉得他必须将自己武装起来,用权利和财富。一切美好的事物都容易被觊觎,他不想像今天这样,还要依靠别人的庇荫才能获得安全。本质上他不是一个孩子,所有他觉得他应该像个大人一样.有所承担。 journey Xiaoyu smiled saying with a smile Brother Liang don't like this politely, you called me Koba, we can know are the fates, treated I to invite, just some issues need to consult you, money gave you when the time comes, do not reject, my brother went into action, the opposite compensated 3 million. But it is estimated that this matter cannot like this.” The opposite party compensate 3 million naturally not to look at his elder brother's face, mainly to Capital AG6 frightening, Su Weilan, although mixes also becomes, without such good B. 程晓羽笑了笑道“梁哥别这样客气,您就叫我小羽,咱俩能认识是缘分,请客我来请,刚好有些问题需要咨询您,钱到时候给您,您也别拒绝,我哥出马,对面赔了三百万。但估计这事也不会这样了了。”对方赔三百万当然不是看他哥的面子,主要是给京AG6给吓得,苏巍澜虽然混的还成,也没这么牛B。 Unbearable that woof Dongliang frightens, such a compensated 3 million, the person has not let off must be imprisoned, the attitude to journey Xiaoyu is respectful that energy! Called your feather to be few , although you must have asked, must have what us who anything needs to consult to be able to help, although told.” 汪栋梁吓的够呛,这么一下就赔了三百万,人还不放过还要去坐牢,对程晓羽的态度更是毕恭毕敬“那能啊!叫您羽少吧,您要有什么需要咨询的尽管问,要有什么咱能帮上忙的,尽管吩咐。” Regardless of the opposite raises anything to request, woof Dongliang plan the total to catch, these children of high-ranking officials eat the person not to spit the bone, cannot offend absolutely. 不论对面提什么要求,汪栋梁都打算全数接住,这些高干子弟吃人不吐骨头,万万得罪不起。 journey Xiaoyu can also guess correctly woof Dongliang idea, but to woof Dongliang this never isn't an opportunity? journey Xiaoyu do not comfort his meaning, could not only boss around the will of the people by the big stick, the benefit was more important. 程晓羽也能猜到汪栋梁的想法,但是对汪栋梁来说这何尝又不是一个机会?程晓羽也没有要安抚他的意思,光靠大棒也笼络不了人心,利益才是更重要的。 journey Xiaoyu also wants to say several to woof Dongliang, but the telephone rang, looked is Auntie Zhou, pressed answering immediately, originally was Auntie Zhou also arrives at the hospital to come to see him, journey Xiaoyu said that has been all right, immediately came out, will tell woof Dongliang will relate tomorrow, made leaving, went out of the hospital. 程晓羽还想跟汪栋梁说几句,但电话响起来了,一看是周姨,立马按了接听,原来是周姨也到了医院来看他,程晓羽道已经没事了,马上出来,就跟汪栋梁说明天联系,做了别,走出了医院。
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