Zheng Longfeltoneself is a little ignorant, several that heclearlydoes not seem likeinstigate the goods, the courage of wheresuddenlycomingandhejustupfront. Regardingmakes intohimto love dearly the new car that his fatherbuyslike thisactually notvery much, wantsthatseveralsmallmixed woolto put outseveraltimes of repair expensesafter all.
郑龙感觉自己有点懵,他不清楚看上去的几个怂货,突然哪里来的勇气和他刚正面。对于把他爹才买的新车弄成这样他倒不是很心疼,总归要那几个小杂毛吐出几倍的修理费来。Zheng Longcalms down, called the driver is also his father'spersonal servantLi Yonggets out, watchesthatseveralboys, do not letthemrun. Li Yong'sfreshtall, the body is the tattoo, the bigwinteralsowore the short sleeveT-shirt, opens the doorto take up the leather clothing of copilotto put on, arrives at the tailstock, firstputs out an endto entangle the cloth stripfrom the trunk the steel pipe. WalkswithZheng LongtowardsAudi.
Did Zheng Longstillintelephoning„Elder BrotherBiao, wherearrive at?”
郑龙还在打电话“彪哥,到哪里了?”„Onimmediately the airportis high-speed, youwhere?”
“马上上机场高速,你在哪里?”„Elder BrotherBiao, yougo out of the say/way of airport to seeme, thatsmallmixed woolmy fathercar(riage)hitting. Yournumbslip.”Elder BrotherBiaoisleft and right arms of his father, the rivers and lakesis called the tigeryoung tiger, in the pastassistshis fatherto relocate, very muchhandled something lacking virtue, bestBonetimecaught the south cityeldest child, LiLaoliu, selectedoppositefootmuscle. Butthatwas more than 20years ago matters, nowsettlesdid not look that whosemanpowerwere many, fightsruthlessly. Nowwhatcomparesis the bill, whatcompared withis a personal connection.
“彪哥,您走出机场的道就能看见我,那小杂毛把我爸车给撞了。您麻溜的。”彪哥是他爸的左膀右臂,江湖人称老虎彪,当年协助他爸拆迁的时候,很是做了些缺德事情,最牛B的一次是抓了南城老大,李老六,挑断了对面脚手筋。但那都是二十多年前的事了,现在了事不是看谁人手多,打架狠。现在比的是钞票,比的是人脉。journeyXiaoyusends the messageto say the presentpositionwithSuWeibillows. SuWeilanreturned to the sentenceimmediatelybut actually, wantshimfirstwith the opposite partydo not conflict.
程晓羽跟苏巍澜发了短信说了自己现在的位置。苏巍澜回了句马上倒,要他先不要和对方冲突。journeyXiao the feathercell phonehas not admittedin the pocket, a feelingvehicle doorsound, turns the headto looktoward the windowoutside,wasZheng Longkicksin the gate of driver seat. AlsosawbyZheng Longto standhusky fellow who grasped the steel pipe, journeyXiaoyuwas calm, woofDongliang was thoroughly scared, in the mouthread„this to should do.”From infancy to maturityasfivegoodpivot men and schoolmodels, attainslenienthimwith the healthy, studious, and helpful studentcertificate, has not hit, not to mentionwhatorganized crime. Is safe and orderlyinhismind, the neighborhoodrelationsharmony, the schoolschoolmaterelatesharmoniousHuaxia, howpossiblyto haveorganized crimematter?
程晓羽手机都还没放进口袋里,就感觉车门一响,转头朝窗户外一看,是郑龙一脚踢在了驾驶座的门上。又看见郑龙旁边站了个手持钢管的彪形大汉,程晓羽还算淡定,汪栋梁是彻底傻眼了,口中念到“这可如何是好。”从小到大身为五好标兵、学校模范,拿三好学生奖状拿到手软的他,架都没打过,更别提什么黑社会了。在他脑海里治安良好,邻里关系和谐,学校同学关系融洽的华夏,怎么可能有黑社会这种事情?journeyXiaoyupattedwoofDongliangshouldersay/way„to be all right, iswe who theyhit, according to the say/wayshouldtheycompensateusto cultivate/repair the fare.”
程晓羽拍了拍汪栋梁肩膀道“没事,是他们撞的咱们,按道理该他们赔我们修车钱。”woofDonglianghas not flaunted the courage of heroat this time, putting on a long facesay/way„elder brother, myblood brother, the oppositeonelooked that is not affable. Draws back a stepboundlessness, enduringto be uneventfulfor a while! Whatinsanityyousend? Originallywedo not provokethemto selectslowlyare, butthengood. The oppositeanythingbackgroundyouare not clear, youact recklessly, Iwas killedbyyou, thisis the car(riage) of ourcompany.”
汪栋梁这个时候早就没有逞英雄的勇气了,哭丧着脸道“哥,我的亲哥啊,对面一看就不好惹。退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静啊!你这是发什么疯?本来我们不招惹他们慢点开回去就是,这下可好。对面什么来头你都不清楚,你就蛮干,我被你害死了,这还是我们公司的车。”journeyXiaoyusmileshas not managedZheng Long who whips the window, tranquiltowoofDongliangsaid that „heprovokesmeto be all right, hemustdareto havemy younger sister'sidea, Imustmakehimpay the price.”
程晓羽笑了笑没理在拍打窗户的郑龙,平静的对汪栋梁道“他招惹我没事,他要敢打我妹妹的主意,我就得让他付出代价。”SuYubrings the earphonenot to hear the words that journeyXiaoyuspoke.
苏虞兮带着耳机没有听见程晓羽说的话。woof did Dongliangsilentoneask„biologicalbrother and sister?”
汪栋梁沉默了一下问“亲兄妹?”journeyXiaoyuhesitant, nods.
程晓羽犹豫了下,点了点头。woofDongliangalsosaid that „thatpresentgoes outfirstto fightone? Our personare manywhile the present, firstfishesunder cost price.”
汪栋梁又道“那现在出去先打一架?趁现在我们人多,先捞够本。”journeyXiaoyudoes not know why woofDongliangwhytransformssuddenlyis so big, butheactuallyalsofightsfivedregs, butdoes not go outat present, Zheng Longlooked that stancemuststave the window, hedoes not know that SuWeilan, nodsay/way„firstgets downto have a look atwhatsituation.”
程晓羽也不知道为什么汪栋梁为什么突然转变这么大,但他其实也是战五渣,但眼下再不出去,郑龙看那架势就要把窗户敲破了,他也不知道苏巍澜什么时候到,就点头道“先下去看看什么情况。”journeyXiaoyuopened the doorto pushwas poundingZheng Long one of the windowto stagger. Zheng Longdrew backseveralstepsto stand firm the bodyto point atjourneyXiaoyuto say„youryoungBbastard, the gutsenoughfat. HitsyourZhengYecar(riage). The fatherwantedyou unable to eatto capture.”
The Bcitywind of Februaryis a little big, journeyXiaoyucloses the vehicle door, took awayat a moderate pacesay/way„Ito report the traffic police the clothes, the policeimmediately. The tail that youpursue, doesn't yourentireresponsibility, whatvigorknowyourrampant?”
2月的B市风有点大,程晓羽关上车门,将衣服扣好不紧不慢的道“我已经报了交警,警察马上就来。你追的尾,你的全责,不知道你嚣张个什么劲?”Zheng Longwalkedto put out a handto patjourneyXiaoyu the facesay/way„to know that I the foolishness that whatmatterliked your not understanding, if the policewere multipurpose, but alsowantedourorganized crimeto do?”Obviouslyheis an organized crimeis always proudbyhimself, since childhoodhelikesthistramplingothersdignity the pleasant sensation.
郑龙走过来伸手拍了拍程晓羽的脸道“知道吗,我就喜欢你这啥事不懂的傻劲,警察要是万能的,还要我们黑社会干什么?”显然他一向以自己是个黑社会骄傲,从小他就喜欢这种践踏别人尊严的快感。journeyXiaoyugrabsZheng Long'shand, preventinghimfrom continue pat, smiles„youpattedmythreea moment ago, youwill regret.”
程晓羽抓住郑龙的手,阻止他继续拍下去,笑了笑说“你刚才拍了我三下,你会后悔的。”Zheng Longalsosmiled, pointed at the head saying that with the finger„Idid not hityou, Iwill makeyouknow the hooligan who had the culturewas fearful.”
郑龙也笑了,用手指指着自己脑袋说“我不打你,我会让你知道一个有文化的流氓多可怕。”woofDongliangalsowalkedcameto sayloudly„emperoralsodares is so rampant, the presentis the society with a legal system, all our walked the legal proceedingsolution.”
汪栋梁也走了过来大声说道“天子脚下还敢这么嚣张,现在是法制社会,我们一切走法律程序解决。”Zheng Longhearsnot far awayto have the sirento transmit, turn headlooked,sneersto say„under the Elder BrothertowoofDongliangto attend classtoyou, makingyouknowwhatname.”
郑龙听见不远处有警笛声传来,回头一看,就冷笑着对汪栋梁道“等下哥哥就给你们上课,让你们懂懂什么叫法。”woofDongliangalsoheard the siren, the anxiousinnermost feelingsare slightly assured, followedto turn the headto look atone, felt strangesecretlynow110efficiencies is a little high, said that „boy should not be crazy, youreallythink that the police stationwasyour familyopens? The brothers who the father and Dongseong of Baekjebureaubecomes sworn brothers, wait for the fatherto callkingJu.”
汪栋梁也听见了警笛声,不安的内心稍稍笃定,也跟着转头看了一眼,暗自奇怪现在110效率有点高,却道“小子你别狂,你真以为警察局是你家开的?老子和东城王局可是拜把子的兄弟,等下老子就跟王局打电话。”Zheng Longkickedsay/wayonwoofDongliangleg„youhurriesto hit, hitsdo not forgetto tellhim, whoseyouhitson'scar(riage).”
郑龙一脚踢在汪栋梁腿上道“你赶紧打,打了别忘记告诉他,你撞了谁儿子的车。”woofDonglianghid, withouthidingopening, saw the policeto cometo shout that loudly„howyouhave a collision, but alsohit the person?”
汪栋梁躲了一下,没躲的开,见警察来了就大声喊“你怎么撞了车,还打人呢?”Waits fortwoto spread110breadpolice vehiclesto stopsafely, the gatepulls opengets down78faceliquorair/Qi, has not worn the badgeactuallyto put on the person of police uniform, sitting that onlyhas the badgedoes not haveon the vehicle.
等两辆涂着110的面包警车停稳当,门拉开就下来七八个一脸酒气,没有佩戴警徽却穿着警服的人,唯一一个有警徽的坐在车上没下来。Whatleadwasoutside a police uniform the mask the fur-lined coatshortstrongscar of knife woundface, Zheng Longis moving forward to meet somebodyto callsound„Elder BrotherBiao.”
带头的是个警服外面罩着皮袄子的矮壮的刀疤脸,郑龙迎上去叫了声“彪哥。”ExperiencedjourneyXiaoyuunderstood at a glance,thisgroup of peopleare throwing over the hooligan of uniform/subdue, cooperates the police.
见多识广的程晓羽一看就知道,这伙人是披着制服的流氓,协警。Onegroup of peopleencirclejourneyXiaoyuandwoofDongliang, at this timewoofDonglianghad not clarified the condition, inshouting„youcando? Do youwantto do?”
一群人把程晓羽和汪栋梁团团围住,这个时候汪栋梁还没闹清楚状况,在大喊“你们要干什么?你们要干什么?”journeyXiaoyuarrive atnofear, is onlySuYualsoon the vehicle, was a little worried that shewas injured.
Does scar of knife woundfaceElder BrotherBiaotake the night stickto askZheng Long„onthese two?”
刀疤脸彪哥拿着警棍问郑龙“就这两人?”Zheng Longdao„incar(riage)alsohas a miss, oldblack. The girlsdo not bump!”
郑龙道“车里还有个姑娘,还有个老黑。姑娘你们别碰啊!”HearingunderthisjourneyXiaoyuheartis slightly peaceful, then the scar of knife woundfacepoundson a night stickinwoofDonglianghead„youcallsJI! Final wordthing. Did fatherwould-beyoucall?”
听到这句程晓羽心下稍安,接着刀疤脸就一警棍砸在汪栋梁头上“你叫个JI吧啊!煞笔玩意。老子准你叫了吗?”Thesedamages by abrasionwoofDongliangscalpimmediately, the dark redbloodflowedfollowing the forehead. woofDongliangcovers the headnot to dareto make noise, journeyXiaoyusees the light that inhiseyeresented.
这一下立刻擦破了汪栋梁的头皮,殷红的血顺着额头就流了下来。汪栋梁捂着脑袋不敢出声,程晓羽看见了他眼里愤恨的光。„ID card, you twohand over the ID card.”Elder BrotherBiaoasked the personto receivejourneyXiaoyuandwoofDongliangID card.
“身份证,你们两个把身份证交出来。”彪哥叫人去收程晓羽和汪栋梁的身份证。Two people can only hand overreluctantly.
两人无奈只能交了出来。Elder BrotherBiaodirects„, youlooked that thisAudi can also not start, Ahuiyoucalled a trailerto toweldest child'scar(riage).”
彪哥又指挥到“阿德,你看这辆奥迪还能开不,阿辉你叫个拖车把老大的车拖回去。”Then a small fellow, onAudidriver seat, hung the gradeto step on the accelerator, openedseveralsteps, presses down the windowto shout„eldest child, thisAudiis all right, canopen.”Audiis only the trunkdistorts, the rear or tail lampexplodes. Did not hitlikeBMWfront, the aerocystexploded, badwas quite fierce.
接着一个小个子,就上了奥迪驾驶座,挂档踩油门,开了几步,按下窗户喊道“老大,这奥迪没事,能开。”奥迪只是尾箱变形,后灯爆裂。不像宝马撞到了前面,气囊都爆出来了,坏的比较厉害。Scarfacemale, is pointing atwoofDongliangandjourneyXiaoyusaid that „you twoboard, goes the police stationwithus, assiststo investigate.”
疤脸男,又指着汪栋梁和程晓羽道“你们两个上车,跟我们去派出所,协助调查。”Could not accommodatejourneyXiaoyuandwoofDongliangrefusesto catch up the oldblackdriver on Audivehicle. Twoforced in the back seathim. Zheng Longsat on the Audifront seat.
也容不得程晓羽和汪栋梁拒绝就把奥迪车上的老黑司机赶了下来。把他两塞进了后座。郑龙则坐到了奥迪前座上。journeyXiaoyulooked at the eyestillto listen toCDcalmSuYu, hitunderSuYugently did the shoulderask„is all right?”
程晓羽看了眼还在听CD淡定的苏虞兮,轻轻撞了下苏虞兮的肩膀问道“没事吧?”Whatmatter does SuYutake offearphonesay/way„to have? Hasn't the Second Brotherarrived?”
苏虞兮摘下耳机道“有什么事?二哥还没到吗?”journeyXiaoyushakes the head, SuYu the wrinklefrownsfrom the backpackputs out a this/BenWalter. Benjamin's«Philosophy of historyAnalects»startsseems like.
程晓羽摇头,苏虞兮皱皱了眉头从背包里拿出一本沃尔特.本杰明的《历史哲学论集》开始看起来。InZheng Long'stransferred a directioncar(riage)rear view mirror, lettinghimto seeSuYu, thenfrivoloussay/way„does missname?”
苏虞兮置若罔闻。Zheng Longsmiledsaying with a smile„thismissto have the temperament, Iliked, the wordsIthrewhere, waited foryouto compensatemynewBMW760, thismatterendedeven, cannot compensateyouto wait and seewith the Elder Brother.”
郑龙笑了笑道“这姑娘有脾气,我喜欢,话我撂这里了,等下你们赔我辆新宝马760,这事情就算完,赔不出来你们就跟哥哥走着瞧。”journeyXiaoyu is also basicbeing disinclinedto manageZheng Long, reported the news saying that withSuWeibillowswas stolen.
程晓羽也根本懒得理郑龙,跟苏巍澜发消息说被人劫走了。SuWeilanasked that doesn't have the danger?
苏巍澜问没生命危险吧?journeyXiaoyureturnsshouldnot have, mustleadusto go topolice station
程晓羽回应该没有,要带我们去个派出所SuWeilanreturns tothatto be all right, althoughgoes. Arrivedissuedme the name the police station.
苏巍澜回到那就没啥事,尽管去。到了把派出所把名字发给我。journeyXiaoyureturned to the sentenceto be good. Thenbysits in repose with eyes closedon the seat.
程晓羽回了句好。便靠在座位上闭目养神。woofDongliangis at this moment numb, firsttimetopick uplittle girl, in the booth such bigmatter, hea littlecannotbelieve. Startsto relateto lookwith the colleaguewhocanhelponbusy. RegardingjourneyXiaoyu who musttake on the responsibility, heis from the start hopeless.
汪栋梁此刻已经麻木了,第一次为了泡妞,摊上这么大的事情,他有点不敢相信。开始跟同事联系看有谁能帮的上忙。至于说要担责的程晓羽,他压根没指望。Alsocrossed for more than 20minutes, windingentered a lane, the car(riage)advanced a smallcourtyard that is hangingking the SubduePolice stationinscribed horizontal tablet. journeyXiaoyuhurriedto send the police stationnameto giveSuWeilan.
又过了20多分钟,七弯八拐的进了一个巷子,车就开进一个挂着王乔镇派出所匾额的小院子。程晓羽赶紧发了派出所名字给苏巍澜。SuWeilanreturnsto receive.
苏巍澜回到收到。journeyXiaoyuforces in the cell phone the pocket, tore off the car(riage)byseveralassociationpolice. Howeverboostedentered a room that pushedto murmur, justentered the room, was kickedin the kneecurvedplace, almostfellto fall flat on one's face. Heard the sound of scar of knife woundface„to squat, beatonthesetwotroublemakers the radiator.”
程晓羽才把手机塞进兜里,就被几个协警扯下了车。然后推推囔囔的进了间屋子,刚进屋子,就被一脚踢在膝盖弯处,差点摔了个马趴。就听见刀疤脸的声音“蹲好了,把这两个肇事者拷暖气片上。”journeyXiaofeatherunstated criticismsentence, hooliganalsoword usageparalysisalsoreallyhow manyspecialized, turns the headnot to seeSuYu, is staring atscar of knife woundfacesay/way„my younger sister? Where did youmakeher? Warned that do not bumpher!”
A scar of knife woundfacenight stickpoundsinjourneyXiaoyu conducts the backsay/way„hereis the police station, is not the food market, whosewould-beyoushout and wrangle.”AlthoughjourneyXiaoyu the thick-skinnedmeatis dry, was poundedvigorouslyby a night stick, feelsburninghurting. Butis afraidSuYuto be bulliedat heart, shouts„paralysis, GrandpafatherisDongshan, nowalsolives inninetreasure mountain, your flock of tortoiselambs, mustdareto bumpmy younger sister, fatherunderand othersaskedyouto know that whatislivesto might as welldie.”
刀疤脸一警棍就砸在程晓羽背上道“这里是派出所,不是菜市场,谁准你大呼小叫的。”程晓羽虽然皮厚肉燥,被一警棍大力砸了一下,也感觉到火辣辣的疼。但心里还是害怕苏虞兮被欺负,喊道“麻痹的,老子爷爷是苏东山,现在还住九宝山的,你们这群王八羔子,要敢碰我妹妹,老子等下叫你们知道什么叫生不如死。”Onegroup of people in police stationsmiled, the scar of knife woundfacewas a stickpoundedgetting downsay/way„GrandpafatherorFuYi, inForbidden Cityalsohadfather'sbed, howyoucan.”
派出所里的一群人都笑了,刀疤脸又是一棍子砸了下来道“老子爷爷还是傅仪呢,故宫里都还有老子的床位,你能怎么着。”Sitshas the 50-year-oldpolice of badgeon the seat, tolistened to a clarity, SuDongshanhad beenCapital Citymayor, the ministry level, retiresto enjoy the vice-countryleveltreatment. The personatBcityoldpointknows. Askedhastilyscar of knife woundfacewhat's the matter, scar of knife woundfacebusysay/way„theseslightlycompelled the bastardto giveto hitZhengnew carintentionally. Felt relieved that wechecked, the Audicar(riage)is the smallInternet company that looks atto throw. Whatoldpointis the staff member in thatcompany, nobackground. Thisfattywas a Scityperson, the household registeralsocheckednoton the redlist.”( The Imperial Palacejuniorshavelabellingin the Capital Cityhousehold register)
Did that50-year-oldpolicealsoask„his younger sister?”
那50多岁的民警又问“他妹妹呢?”Scar of knife woundfacesay/way„is all right, the dragonetchatson the vehiclewithher, howwill not take the girls.”
刀疤脸道“没事,小龙就和她在车上聊聊,不会拿人家姑娘怎么样。”journeyXiaoyuis then burning with impatience, the handbeatsto pull the radiatorto make the sound. Alsogives the heck, tramples in hecooperatedon the policeto scold„to untiewith the fatherrecentlyquickly.”To him, as a man, does not have anycomparescannotprotectownfamily memberignominiously.
程晓羽这才心急如焚,手拷扯着暖气片哗哗做响。也不管三七二十一,一脚踹在里他最近的协警身上骂到“快跟老子解开。”对他来说,做为一个男人,没有什么比不能保护自己的亲人更可耻的了。Thatassociationpolicesuffered a foot, almostthrows down, has turned aroundto hittowardjourneyXiaoyuon a night stick. journeyXiaoyuputs out a handto keep off, thenonegroup of peoplestartto beathim.
The name of Dongshanhas circledinthatseniorpolicebrain, but the managerandthatZheng Long'sfatheris the brothers of becoming sworn brothers, hecannotoffend. Onlycanurgegood„the line. Your money or your life!”
几个协警才骂骂咧咧的停了下来。journeyXiao the featherspat a bloodto say„unclefrom the mouthtothatseniorpolice , helping, helpingmehave a look atmy younger sister. Ireally am the grandson in Dongshan, youhelp, weyoufor a lifetime. Thisflock of tortoiselambsdied. Youact charitablyto helpmehave a look atmy younger sister, do not letherhave an accident, shemusthave an accident, your smallpolice stationreallycannot wrap up.”
The seniorpolicesighed, walked. journeyXiaoyuis disturbed, halfbow the bodyis standing. woofDonglianglooks atjourneyXiaoyupunchedmiserable, ishonestpartlyis squatting. Movesdoes not dareto move. Onecrowdcooperated the policeto gather roundwoofDongliangto say„thismatterdefinitely unable sucheasily. The car(riage)youaffirmtradenewly, whentodayhits2 millionto arrive in the tent/account, whenreleases people.”
老民警叹口气,走了出去。程晓羽心里忐忑,半躬着身子站着。汪栋梁看程晓羽被揍的惨,更是老老实实的半蹲着。动都不敢动一下。一群协警则围着汪栋梁道“这事肯定不能这么轻易了了。车您肯定得换辆新的,今天什么时候打两百万到帐上,就什么时候放人。”woof was Dongliangpale the faceto say„BMW740values not to 2 million?”
汪栋梁惨白着脸说“一辆宝马740也值不得两百万吧?”Scar of knife woundfacesay/way„alsohas the mental damage compensationandwage lossanddrags the fare, youthink that wehave the policenot to ask for money?”
刀疤脸道“还有精神损失费、误工费和拖车费,你以为我们出警不要钱的啊?”Onecrowdcooperated the policeto smilegetting up„eldest childnowto goimmediatelyto be the attorney! Speechone after another!”
The scar of knife woundfacehas an ugly and fierce lookshakessay/way„attorneythatiscollects feesaccording to the hour, our is the short-lived business, whyyouhurry should whyto go, numbslip, nest can hereget rich?”
刀疤脸一脸横肉一抖道“律师那是按小时收费的,咱这是一锤子买卖,你们赶紧该干嘛干嘛去,麻溜的,都窝这里能发财啊?”During the speeches, outsidepitiful yellresounds, journeyXiaoyu the hearthung, wantsto be a male voicecarefully, slightlyis stable.
说话间,外面一声惨叫响起,程晓羽心都悬了起来,仔细想是个男声,才稍稍安定。Onegroup of people in roomhearoutsideto have the pitiful yell, drives out. journeyXiaoyuturns the headto looktoward the windowoutside,actuallyanythingcannot see. Is actually criticizingSuWeilanat heart, realhis mothergrumble.
屋里的一群人听见外面有惨叫,都赶了出去。程晓羽转头朝窗户外看去,却啥都看不见。心里却在暗骂苏巍澜,真他妈磨叽。ThenjourneyXiaoyuhearsin the courtyardalsoto have the yawp, called the little missdon't the impulsivesoundcontinuously. journeyXiaoyuis rent with grief, pullingradiator of making an effort, perhapsisthisradiatorbeatsare too many, the fixednail that the personbeatssomeobsoletequalities are not quite also good. Broke loosebyjourneyXiaoyuunexpectedly one side forcefullygets down.
然后程晓羽就听见院子里又有叫喊声,叫小姑娘别冲动的声音此起彼伏。程晓羽更是五内俱焚,使劲的扯暖气片,也许是这暖气片拷人拷的太多,固定的钉子又有些老旧质量不太好。竟然硬生生被程晓羽扯脱一边下来。journeyXiaoyuhurriesto callwoofDongliangto help. woofDonglianghurryingsay/way„littlejourney, firstdo not impulse, Ihad called the person, should not be anxious, your younger sisterwill not have the matter.”
程晓羽赶紧招呼汪栋梁帮忙。汪栋梁慌忙道“小程,你先别冲动,我已经叫了人,你别急,你妹不会有事的。”No matterjourneyXiaoyualsohe, twohandsholdsone side of radiatorto yell, breaks looseanotherend. Thenlifts the radiatorto towwoofDongliangto runoutward, woofDongliangshouts„littlejourney, were youinsane?”
程晓羽也不管他,两只手抱着暖气片的一侧大声喊叫着,将另一端也扯脱下来。然后举着暖气片拖着汪栋梁就朝外跑,汪栋梁喊道“小程,你疯了吗?”journeyXiaoyudid not speak, walkedoutward, luckily the radiatorwas notveryheavy, woofDongliangwas also beaten above, struggled the non-processdawnfeather, can only helpliftis walkingoutward.
程晓羽也不说话,自顾自朝外走,幸好暖气片也不是很重,汪栋梁也被拷在上面,挣扎不过程晓羽,只能帮忙举着朝外走。Goes out of the room, seesonegroup of peopleto gather roundAudi, a Zheng Long'suglyfaceon the poston the window, SuYu a handis pressingZheng Long'sneck, a handgripsZheng Long'sleft middle finger, stretchesstraightlyhisleft arm. PressesZheng Longpersoninright side. Because the vehicle doorlockedfrominside, onegroup of peoplecannot go , can only lookdry/does,journeyXiaoyuthenremembers, SuYu the martial artsgradeshouldbe very high, becausein the family/homehas a martial arts room that overspreads the tatamiisSuYurestricted area.
走出屋子,就看见一群人围着奥迪,郑龙的一张丑脸就贴在窗户上,苏虞兮一只手按着郑龙的脖子,一只手握住郑龙的左手中指,将他的左臂绷得笔直。将郑龙人压在右侧门上。由于车门从里面锁上了,一群人也进不去,只能干看着,程晓羽这才想起,苏虞兮的武术段位应该很高,因为家里有个铺满榻榻米的练功房就是苏虞兮的禁地。SeesSuYuseeminglynot to suffer a loss, journeyXiaoyurelaxesfinally, thought that lifts the right handache of radiatorto be hard to endure, lowers the headlookedthendiscoveredownwrist/skillplacedamaged by abrasion the skin of bulk, the deepfatevenrevealed.
The Capital City of February, the skyis dusky, oneflock of house sparrowssquaton the wrynecksubtree outside courtyard, byautomobilestartledflies.
二月份的京城,天空灰蒙蒙,有一群麻雀蹲在院子外的歪脖子树上,又被汽车惊的飞起。Whilein the courtyard a large crowddoes not know when thismatteris supposed to do, heardsirenfrom far to near, thinks that is the manager who goes outto play cardscame back, has not been serious.
正当院子里一大群人不知道这事如何是好之际,听见了由远至近的警笛声,都以为是出去打牌的所长回来了,也没当回事。Whendiscoveredwhatturns the courtyardisblackrunning quicklyS600, behindfollowsblackred flagI5, the rearfollows a Land Roverto take in all the beautiful scenery, is being hanging the warning light, is spurting the indigo whitepaint of supervising.
The scenenoisysmallpolice station, fell into a silenceimmediately.
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