MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#60: Stands on the shoulder of giant

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The central courtyard of Su in the clear well alley, Auntie Zhou starts to inoculate with journey Xiaoyu all the way. Although today this matter noisy is not too big, luckily the opposite party is the punishment is deserved, but journey Xiaoyu the second time is annoyed troublesome. This to Su Changqing who always practices good self-discipline, cannot endure simply. 苏家的四合院在清水井胡同,一路上周姨就开始跟程晓羽打预防针。虽然今天这事情闹的也不算太大,也幸好对方是罪有应得,但程晓羽已经是第二次惹麻烦了。这对一向严于律己的苏长青来说,简直不能忍。 journey Xiao the feather can only nod saying that hits does not hit back, scolds does not talk back, certainly realizes own wrong and insufficient sincerely.” 程晓羽只能点头说“打不还手,骂不还口,一定诚恳认识到自己的错误和不足。” Auntie Zhou sighing do not stir up trouble, to stir up trouble again, Auntie Zhou were not good to help you.” 周姨叹了口气道“千万别再惹事了,在惹事,周姨都不好帮你了。” journey Xiaoyu also can only nod silently. He cannot shirk the responsibility, cannot say the opposite party hits Su Yu idea, he does not want to be noisy the matter. Indeed this is the matter that is easy to solve, in beyond redemption that under his impulsion almost makes. He also a little suspected, was the opposite party involves Su Yu, made him somewhat furious. I am not the younger sister control, I am not the younger sister control, I am not the younger sister control, he is meditating at heart. Also must warn itself, later cannot be impulsive. 程晓羽也只能默不作声的点头。他既不能推卸责任,也不能说要不是对方打苏虞兮的主意,他也不会想把事情闹大。的确这本来是件很容易解决的事情,在他的冲动下差点就闹的不可收拾。他自己也有点怀疑,是不是对方牵扯上了苏虞兮,才让他有些怒不可遏。我不是妹控,我不是妹控,我不是妹控,他在心里默念到。也更要告诫自己,以后不能再冲动。 When journey Xiaoyu arrived at Su to pass through the gate on stair high central courtyard, journey Xiaoyu was asked to go to the east wing by entrance Su Changhe. 等程晓羽到了苏家进门就台阶高高的四合院子,程晓羽就被等在门口的苏长河叫去东厢房。 The antique room, in the family/home a ancient customs red wood furniture of water, as for is that red wood journey Xiaoyu is unable to distinguish. Now he is a little disturbed, hangs the silk as one, department-level cadre journey Xiaoyu have only found on the television, Auntie Zhou also inoculates looks like can be avoided by the education through criticism. 古色古香的屋子,家里一水的古风红木家具,至于是那种红木程晓羽就无从分辨。现在他心里还有点忐忑,做为一个吊丝,厅级干部程晓羽都只在电视上瞧见过,周姨还打了预防针看来被批评教育是免不了了。 Su Changqing sits behind the desk reads the material, secretary Wu Fan also stands. 苏长青就坐在书桌后面看材料,秘书吴凡还站在旁边。 Su Changqing saw Su Changhe to lead journey Xiaoyu to enter the room, Wu Fan told that little Wu, you first go back today.” 苏长青见苏长河带着程晓羽进了屋,就跟吴凡说“小吴,你今天就先回去吧。” Wu Fan bent at the waist to say sound well, Minister.” Also added the water to Su Changqing's cup, takes up the briefcase that puts aside to greet with the Su river to draw back. 吴凡弓腰道了声“好的,部长。”又给苏长青的杯子里添了水,拿起搁在一边的公文包跟苏长河打了招呼就退了出去。 journey Xiaoyu lifted the eye quietly, looks Su Changqing who under wore the gray Chinese tunic suit, in closionne desk lamp following Su Changqing, the typical country character face, the appearance is serious, hair a little sparse is combing backward. Brings the gold-edged eyeglasses, to be very tight, added a dignity of share of high-rank the lip sips. 程晓羽悄悄抬了眼睛,看了下穿着灰色中山装的苏长青,在景泰蓝台灯后面的苏长青,典型国字脸,面相严肃,头发有点稀疏的向后梳着。带着金边眼镜,嘴唇抿的很紧,平添了一股上位者的威严。 In Su Changqing's twists the cover hand fountain pen, knocked gently two on the table, is looking at Su river solemn and respectful saying river, you have illegitimate child matter, the old gentlemen have not known, has not interpolated the genealogy, the surname has not changed, you toward old gentleman here lead(er), have unconsidered.” 苏长青将手上的钢笔拧上盖子,在桌子上轻轻敲了两下,望着苏长河肃穆的说道“长河,你有私生子这事,老爷子都还不知道,都还没写进族谱,姓也没改,你就往老爷子这里领,有欠考虑。” Old gentleman where, I will say, today's matter, troubled the big brother you.” The Su river knits the brows to return, to journey Xiaoyu said that you said the sound to thank to the uncle, first goes out to dine.” “老爷子哪里,我会去说,今天的事,麻烦大哥您了。”苏长河皱了皱眉头回到,又对程晓羽道“你跟大伯说声谢谢,就先出去吃饭。” journey Xiaoyu has the elegance that this depressing atmosphere makes, just wants to open the mouth, Su Changqing looked up journey Xiaoyu saying that „should not be first anxious, even if your father recognized you, did not represent you are the person of Su. Your more than ten years stay in the US, the result is not good, ungentleness, I do not blame you. But since now you chose returning to homeland, is honest, doesn't cause trouble is very difficult to achieve? What are you qualified for the playboys? You are surnamed Cheng, is not surnamed Su.” 程晓羽已经被这压抑的气氛弄的有郁郁,刚想开口,苏长青抬头看了眼程晓羽说“你先别急,就算你爸认你,不代表你就是苏家的人。你十多年呆在美国,成绩不好,缺乏教养,我不怪你。但现在既然你选择了回国,老老实实做人,不惹是生非就很难做到?你有什么资格做纨绔子弟?你姓程,还不姓苏。” journey Xiaoyu hears the warning of Su Changqing tone no mighty waves, the innermost feelings actually not to feel better, can he argue for himself? In fact being unable to withstand that he displays, is real he, except for the little music talent, truly he also has no merit to speak. He wants to fling the arm to walk proudly, does not enter this gate, what makes his uncomfortable is present he does not have this qualifications. Moreover does this will only let the father and Auntie Zhou loses face. 程晓羽听见苏长青语气毫无波澜的警告,内心却一点都不好受,他能替自己辩解吗?事实上他表现出来的不堪,就是真实的他,除了一点点音乐才华,确实他也是一无是处。他很想骄傲的甩胳膊就走,不进这个门,让他难受的是现在的他并没有这个资格。而且这样做只会让父亲和周姨更丢脸吧。 Su Changqing looks at plump and fair-complected journey Xiaoyu, sees side the package that he carries the net bag also to insert the magazine that this title page indecently, the innermost feelings were sick, felt the Su river should not so rash on leads to the family/home anxiously. Illegitimate children, if the outstanding also that's the end of it, so the straw bag, raising outside were, does not need to give the status of Su to him. 苏长青看着白白胖胖的程晓羽,又看见他背着的包侧面网兜还插了本封面不堪入目的杂志,内心更加厌烦,觉得苏长河不该如此莽撞的就急着把人向家里带。私生子而已,倘若优秀也便罢了,如此草包,养在外面就是,没必要一定要给个苏家的名分给他。 The Su river complexion is unattractive, can only say that usually was I am negligent to teach. Big brother matter blames me. Later I will be strict to teach.” 苏长河脸色也不好看,只能说“平时是我疏于管教了。大哥这事怪我。以后我会严加教导的。” Su Changqing sighing river, the old gentleman heart is not good you are not does not know, yourself do not ask for the old gentleman to like, but must have exasperating sees him? I thought that you make journey Xiaoyu first live in the hotel, celebrates the new year, I found an opportunity to tell the old gentleman. This matter first this! In the family/home has not saved food with him, yourself go out to give him to arrange.” 苏长青叹了口气道“长河,老爷子心脏不好你又不是不知道,你自己就不讨老爷子喜欢,还要带个更气人的去见他?我看你让程晓羽先住酒店,过完年,我找个机会在跟老爷子说。这个事情先这样吧!家里也没跟他留饭,你自己出去给他安排。” The Su river complexion by azure revolutions white tastes big brother, where father I explains. I of big new year's celebration cannot throw outside a Koba person, I had a deficit he is too many.” 苏长河脸色由青转白张口道“大哥,爸哪里我去交待。大过年的我不能把小羽一个人丢外面,我亏欠他已经太多了。” Su Changqing is shaking the head cold sound said „you have a deficit his many, you have a deficit in the family/home aren't many? In the family/home has tacitly approved his existed, should are many he, why you brings coming back to make others look at the joke of Su? If he himself makes every effort to succeed also that 's the end of it, you looked when Su has had such playboy. You go to say with the old gentleman now, according to old gentleman that personality, said you looked his this lifetime can also have in the opportunity the Su genealogy? Enters Su this gate?” 苏长青却是摇头冷声道“你亏欠他的多,你亏欠家里的就不多?家里都已经默认他的存在了,该给的一样都不少他,你何必带回来让别人看咱老苏家的笑话?倘若他自己争气也便罢,你看老苏家什么时候有过这样的纨绔。你现在去跟老爷子说,按老爷子那性格,说了你看他这辈子还能有机会上苏家族谱?进苏家这个门?” journey Xiao feather five senses mixed Chen, found at heart does comfort that such playboys do not have to imagine, he one second does not want to stay now in this lethargic central courtyard. Had the courage to say father, all right, I in hotel. So many years were also used to it in any case.” 程晓羽心里五味杂陈,发现做纨绔子弟也没有自己想象的那样舒坦,他现在一秒钟都不想在这个暮气沉沉的四合院待下去。鼓起勇气说“爸,没事,我就在酒店过可以的。反正这么多年也习惯了。” Perhaps the Su river does not have the face to speak voluntarily, turns the head to walk toward out of the door, journey Xiaoyu with Su Changqing bowing say/way of uncle, excuse me, put to trouble with you.” 苏长河或许也自觉没脸说话,转头就朝门外走,程晓羽跟苏长青鞠了躬道“大伯,不好意思,跟您添麻烦了。” Su Changqing sits behind the desk, the eye reads the material on table, has not looked at journey Xiaoyu one eyes, do not manage his plan. 苏长青坐在书桌后面,眼睛看着桌子上的材料,没有多看程晓羽一眼,也没有要理他的打算。 journey Xiaoyu does not have the big anger, itself he does not have many senses of belonging to this family, turned around the room. He has the guilt, because he knows the one who is most embarrassed is his father, is Auntie Zhou, perhaps Su Yu. 程晓羽也没有多大的愤怒,本身他对这个家庭也没有多少归属感,也就转身出了屋子。只是他心里还是有愧疚,因为他知道最难堪的是他的父亲,是周姨,或许还有苏虞兮。 The stepping over threshold that journey Xiaoyu fills with the concern, felt for the first time oneself need certificate anything, not for oneself, but cares about his person for. His life had been defeated one time, cannot be defeated the second time. 程晓羽满怀心事的迈过门槛,第一次觉得自己必须要证明什么,不是为了自己,而是为了哪些关心他的人。他的人生已经失败了一次,不能够在失败第二次。 Su river in entrance he, has not criticized journey Xiaoyu, but said in a low voice walks, our father and son two lived in the hotel. Does not live here is also good, you in the entrance I, I said one to your Auntie Zhou.” 苏长河在门口等他,也没有批评程晓羽,只是低声说道“走,咱父子两住酒店去。不住这里也好,你在门口等我,我跟你周姨说一声。” journey Xiao the feather innermost feelings have an inexplicable mood to surge, said that did not need is so troublesome, the father, I alone lived very well.” 程晓羽内心有种莫名的情绪在涌动,却道“不用这么麻烦了,爸,我一个人住挺好的。” The Su river pats good that journey Xiaoyu the shoulder say/way end of the period result tested, your poem I read. Incessantly a life road, chooses you to like well persists in getting down. I worthily to your mother.” 苏长河拍了拍程晓羽的肩膀道“期末成绩考的不错,你的诗我都拜读了。人生不止一条路,选择一条你喜欢的好好坚持走下去。我就不愧对你妈妈了。” How journey Xiaoyu does not know answers, can only nod silently. 程晓羽也不知道如何作答,只能默然点头。 The Su river also called journey Xiaoyu in the entrance wait/etc, journey Xiaoyu then cannot refuse a father to show loving concern speechless. 苏长河又叫程晓羽在门口等等,程晓羽这下也不能在拒绝一个父亲无言的关爱。 When Su Changhe wore a black coat to come out, two people take taxi to go, good point hotel. All the way the father and son two are actually the same silence, an exchange does not have. Capital City driver can talk luckily, to did not think that the atmosphere is awkward. journey Xiaoyu and driver exchanged also used three glossaries , right? Cow B! 等苏长河穿了件黑色的大衣出来,两人打了车就去了就近,好一点的酒店。一路上父子两却是同样的沉默,一句交流也无。幸好京城司机都能侃,到也不觉得气氛尴尬。程晓羽和司机交流也就用了三个词汇,哦,是吗?牛B啊! The father and son have no idea of long talk knee-to-knee, opened a room respectively, then rested. journey Xiaoyu today also indeed by many crimes, is not only tired, the body also hurts. Taking a bath time sees old tall who the back several red seals swell, can only love dearly itself. Lies down on the bed to go to sleep, is waking up already to the dawn. 父子俩也没有什么促膝长谈的想法,各开了一间房,便睡了。程晓羽今天也的确遭了不少的罪,不光累,身上还疼。洗澡的时候看见背后几道红印子肿的老高,只能自己心疼自己。躺到床上睡下,在醒来就已经到了天亮。 journey Xiaoyu looked at the cell phone already almost around 10 : 00, on the cell phone also had has not read the message, the Su river sent in asks him first to pass today for day. 程晓羽一看手机已经差不多十点多了,手机上还有未读短信,苏长河发来的叫他今天自己先过一天。 journey Xiaoyu naturally is not the glass heart, not abandoned feeling, instead feels a little feels relieved, does not use facing these not familiar and not that kind person. 程晓羽当然不是玻璃心,更没有被抛弃的感觉,反而觉得有点如释重负,不用去面对那些不熟悉而又不那么亲切的人。 Gets up to wash the face to clean the teeth to tidy up, journey Xiaoyu calls woof Dongliang. woof Dongliang is not a capital city's people, but is a native of Hubei, because this year must stay in the company to be on duty, therefore has not returned to one's old home. After journey Xiaoyu was educated last night, makes anything's desire more urgent, therefore impatient telephoning and woof of Dongliang meet. 起来洗脸刷牙收拾一下,程晓羽就打了电话给汪栋梁。汪栋梁并不是京城人,而是鄂省人,今年因为要留在公司值班,所以并没有回老家。程晓羽昨晚被教育了之后,做点什么的愿望更加迫切,所以就迫不及待的打了电话和汪栋梁见面。 woof Dongliang naturally does not dare to neglect to journey Xiao the feather, he does not know that journey Xiaoyu is just the Su borderline person. That took the car(riage) this morning, the police station attitude tells him the car(riage) to send to 4S to cultivate/repair respectfully. Fixed will then inform him, only waited for him to take, money does not need to pay. woof Dongliang makes a veiled attack inquired the fate of Zheng family, if really journey Xiaoyu said, this makes him feel journey Xiao feather is the hand eye direct access to the highest authorities. 汪栋梁对程晓羽自然不敢怠慢,他又不知道程晓羽只不过是苏家边缘人物。加之今天上午去取车,派出所态度恭敬的告诉他车已经送去4S修了。修好了便会通知他,只等他去取,钱都不需要付。汪栋梁又旁敲侧击的打听了郑家人的下场,果然如程晓羽所说,这更让他觉得程晓羽家是手眼通天。 journey Xiaoyu is bored to death near hotel Starbucks and other woof Dongliang, at this time most people had a vacation, usually is a mess because of the jam Capital City also to open access everywhere. woof Dongliang opens own populace to come also quick. Sees journey Xiaoyu to sit near the window, immediately stopped the car(riage) to walk. Shouted far away sound feather are few. Getting up is so early.” 程晓羽百无聊赖的在酒店附近的星巴克等汪栋梁,这个时候大部分人都放了假,平常堵得一塌糊涂的京城也处处畅通无阻。汪栋梁开着自己的大众来的也快。看见程晓羽坐在窗边,马上停好车就走了过来。老远就喊了声“羽少。起这么早。” journey Xiaoyu is worried, with circling of woof Dongliang smalltalk, had not said that directly today makes you to come, mainly wants to ask, I want to open a website. Where should start.” journey Xiao the feather previous generation, has not contacted the Internet company completely, almost knows nothing to this aspect. These days has not done the research in this aspect spatially, can only come straight to the point. 程晓羽心事重重,也就没和汪栋梁客套的兜圈子,直接就说“今天约你来,主要是想问问,我想开设一个网站。该从哪里入手。”程晓羽前世,完全没有接触过网络公司,对这方面几乎一窍不通。这段时间也没有空做这方面的研究,只能单刀直入。 woof Dongliang only said that the children of high-ranking officials want to make a website to play, said with a smile this easy, you online applied for a domain name and space can start to erect your website. You want to make what content told me, I asked the engineer in our website to help you handle.” 汪栋梁只道高干子弟想弄个网站玩玩,笑道“这个容易,您在网上申请个域名和空间就可以开始架设您的网站了。您想做个什么内容的告诉我,我找我们网站的工程师就能帮你搞定。” journey Xiaoyu is surprised different way to open the website, what procedure doesn't need? Doesn't need the aptitude and relevant authority authorizes?” 程晓羽诧异道“难道开网站,不需要什么手续?不需要资质和相关部门批准?” woof Dongliang naturally does not dare to deceive journey Xiaoyu, then answered carefully „, if were engaged in the non-profit website, then invested slightly, about 5 office equipment, had ADSL, online applied for the domain name and space, then uploaded, at this time, you, so long as managed to file the registration with your ID card. Like many websites on * prepares *** number, like this is simple. But if you must be engaged in managerial, such as creates the advertising using the network, the network download service, makes the member center, makes the information trust, makes all kinds of value-added services, 汪栋梁自然不敢糊弄程晓羽,便仔细解释道“如果只是从事非盈利性的网站,那么投资较小,有五台左右的办公设备,有ADSL,在网上申请域名及空间,然后上传上去,这个时候,你只要用你的身份证办个备案登记就可以。就像很多网站上的*备***号,就这样简单。但如果你要从事经营性的,如利用网络来做广告宣传,网络下载服务,做会员中心,做信息托管,做各种各样的增值服务的话, At this time you must operate in the name of company, because individual cannot be engaged in such Internet moving. The company registered capital of registering takes 1 million Yuan, moreover takes three art designing, the programmer, network management the diploma of personnel, wants the office leasing contract, the articles of incorporation, examine capital report and other materials. You are engaged in this industry the feasible report and payment and the services standard direction, wait/etc, these must write very clearly. First manages the industry and commerce registration, registers a network technology company, 这个时候你就要以公司的名义来经营了,因为个人是不可以从事这样的互联网活动的。所注册的公司注册资金要100万元,而且要三名美工,程序员,网络管理方面的人员的毕业证,要办公室租赁合同,公司章程,验资报告等资料。还有你从事这个行业的方向的可行性报告及付费及服务标准,等等,这些都要写很清楚。先办工商登记,注册一家网络科技公司, The registered capital 1 million Yuan, return to the local telecommunication management bureau to handle this business certificate to be good again. ” 注册资金100万元,再回当地的通信管理局办理这个经营许可证才行。” journey Xiaoyu then discovered that the matter was well below does the simplicity that oneself think, hesitate to ask how much money you to look to throw present value?” 程晓羽这才发现事情远远不如自己想的简单,沉吟一下问道“你们瞄扑现在价值多少钱?” woof Dongliang thump, enforced, the secretly thought/passage worthily is the children of high-ranking officials, only does the bulk bargain, returns concretely is very difficult to estimate, but at least 450 million want. After all now the sites traffic, the user liveness is very high. Now not good profitability model, pure approach grafting advertisement, is a little unable to make ends meet. If the feather are few, you want to buy, really does not recommend you to buy, moreover website thing is really the thing of fever money. Do not look at the surface to be attractive, in fact everyone was counting on the big company can have a liking, sells a good price on all that one could wish. Told the truth, does the website really to might as well carry out the game.” 汪栋梁心里咯噔一下,严肃了起来,暗道不愧是高干子弟,只搞大买卖,回到“具体的很难估算,但最少四五千万是要的。毕竟现在网站流量,用户活跃度还是挺高的。只是现在没有好的盈利模式,纯粹靠接广告,还是有点入不敷出。如果羽少,您想买的话,真不推荐您买,而且网站这东西真是个烧钱的玩意。别看表面光鲜,实际上人人都指望着大公司能看上,卖出个好价格就烧高香了。说真话,搞网站真不如搞游戏。” journey Xiaoyu thinks that this woof Dongliang is honest and dependable, but does not know the mental disposition so, is under the pressure of power and influence this, smiles I do not have so many funds to buy to look to throw that big website. I ask, in good intention confident, what in fact I settle on is the alumnus record.” journey Xiaoyu does not want to cover up, said own goal directly. 程晓羽想这汪栋梁还算诚实可靠,只是不知道秉性如此,还是在权势的威压下才这样,笑了笑说“我也没有那么多资金买瞄扑那么大一个网站。我只是问问,好心里有个底,实际上我看中的是校友录。”程晓羽也不想遮掩,直接把自己目标说了出来。 woof Dongliang a little being astonished different way this alumnus record is the thin fox net, continuously be at the condition of losing money operating, because the data are getting more and more, the server maintenance cost is also getting higher and higher. But has almost not received, I heard that the thin fox wanted to close it very much. You buy him to be really useless, now it to the thin fox is a hot sweet potato, eating does not lose is not. Does not want to lose actually not, but lost the negative impact too big.” 汪栋梁有点讶异道“这个校友录是瘦狐网的,一直处于亏本运营的状态,由于数据越来越多,服务器维护费用也越来越高。但几乎没有收入,我听说瘦狐很想要把它关了。您买他着实没什么用,现在它对瘦狐来说就是个烫手的山芋,吃也不是丢也不是。倒不是不想丢,只是丢了负面影响太大。” journey Xiao the feather naturally knows this kind of website final result, the historical detail, although has the difference respectively, but the big direction is consistent. Thing that being doomed to vanish, trend decline that will be hard to avoid, for example drama, although now Huaxia incomparable attaching great importance, but is too cultured to be appreciated by the masses, the audience crowd is reducing suddenly. For example the present film's first scale production business, the sea gull of Huaxia, had fallen into the financial crisis it is said that if has not taken decisive measures to switch off the film business, Kodak of bankruptcy is its future. Also for example Nokia, journey Xiaoyu plans to look at giving way of Nokia, confirms science and technology whether has the inertia. He also knows that looks to throw, if continues to walk in the form of forum, is only slowly from falls into the valley magnificently. To say here, at heart is an anxiety, a sunset industry, that is the recording industry. The recording industry after MP3 and social media growth is good rapid becomes withered flower of yesterday. journey Xiaoyu thinks that perhaps own second generation of rich lives few years to feel better, cannot help but raised a sense of urgency. 程晓羽自然知道这类网站最后的结局,历史细节虽然各有不同,但大的方向却都是一致的。注定会消失的东西,还是会难以避免的走向没落,比如戏曲,虽然现在华夏无比的重视,但还是曲高和寡,受众人群在急剧缩小。比如如今的胶卷第一大生产商,华夏的海鸥,据说已经陷入了财务危机,如果还不壮士断腕关掉胶卷业务,倒闭的柯达就是它的将来。还比如诺基亚,程晓羽打算看着诺基亚的垮掉,来验证科技是否有惯性。他还知道瞄扑如果继续以论坛的形式走下去,也只是慢慢的从辉煌跌入谷底。想道这里,心里又是一阵不安,还有一个夕阳产业,那就是唱片业。唱片业在MP3和社交媒体发育良好以后将迅速的成为昨日黄花。程晓羽想到自己的富二代生活或许没有几年好过,不由得升起了一阵紧迫感。 The alumni record to the thin fox perhaps are the hot sweet potato, but to journey Xiaoyu is actually the great asset, Zach of previous generation starts to grow from the Harvard alumnus record for the colossus. If journey Xiao the feather can obtain the Huaxia alumnus to record this data more treasure houses, is promoting a similar previous generation face book and scarf same social networking site, can foresee his future to be broad. 校友录对瘦狐来说或许是烫手的山芋,但对程晓羽来说却是巨大的财富,前世的扎克就是从哈佛校友录开始成长为庞然大物的。如果程晓羽能获得华夏校友录这个数据更多的宝库,在推出一款类似前世脸书、围脖一样的社交网站,可以预见他的未来有多么宽广。 journey Xiao the feather idea has decided that inspires secretly to woof Dongliang says Brother Liang, you find the way to help me do the related information that the alumnus records, this website I very interested.” 程晓羽主意已定,暗吸一口气对汪栋梁道“梁哥,你想办法帮我搞到校友录的相关资料,这个网站我非常有兴趣。”
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