MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#52: Fights the Longmen Inn of zither | Jean

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permits Qinning under stage is a little also anxious, she has not seen the process dawn feather ball guitar, really insufficiently knew about journey Xiaoyu the guitar level, but watched Du Xing performance actually to have no alternative but for journey Xiaoyu to worry. Thinks that wants both disparity is not too big, flower quantity actually not issue. Feared that the strength differs too far, delivers in the multi- flowers to journey Xiaoyu, will only bring in audience's ridicule. Huaxia person practicing moderation is always fair and just. 台下的许沁柠也有点揪心,她从来没有见过程晓羽弹吉他,对程晓羽的吉他水平实在不够了解,但看了杜星的演奏却不能不为程晓羽捏一把汗。想到只要两者差距不是太大,花的数量倒不是问题。就怕实力相差太远,送在多花给程晓羽,也只会引来观众的嘲笑。华夏人一向自持公允。 summer Shamo is very confident to journey Xiaoyu, although this confidence is very blind. 夏纱沫对程晓羽却很有信心,虽然这种信心很盲目。 journey Xiaoyu does not know that under the stage so many people care about him. He sits under the spotlight, holds the guitar in the bosom is somewhat absent-minded, what he wants to shoot is the previous generation to shoot the classical guitar program. 程晓羽并不知道台下这么多人关心他。他坐在聚光灯下面,将吉他抱在怀里有些恍惚,他想弹的是属于前世不得不弹得经典吉他曲目。 Right is «California Hotel». 没错就是《加州旅馆》。 journey Xiaoyu felt own train of thought floating is very far, this song he was too familiar, can say that this song, is sacred place in each guitar fan heart. This world top golden tune without parallel in history is this century most famous popular music work, it accomplished a number of «HotelCalifornia» super fans. Possibly was this single Qutai was famous, the crest of wave has even covered its creator " Eagles " . 程晓羽感觉自己的思绪飘的很远,这首歌他实在太熟悉了,可以说这首歌曲,是每个吉他爱好者心中的圣地。这首空前绝后的世界顶级金曲是本世纪最著名的流行音乐作品,它造就了一批《HotelCalifornia》的超级fans。可能是这首单曲太有名了,风头甚至盖过了它的创造者"老鹰乐队"。 Listens to the guitar in HotelCalifornia, historically best guitar solo's first! 听HotelCalifornia里的吉它,历史上最佳吉他独奏第一位! journey Xiaoyu both eyes do not have the focal distance looked all around this dim and blurred bar, looks crowd that clamored, these are raising the hand of cup, the face that these smoked like a chimney, these blurred meaningful glances are flooding journey Xiaoyu the mind like the illusion, he was similar to feel oneself in that by metaphor for psychiatric hospital «California Hotel» 程晓羽双目没有焦距的环顾了这个昏暗而又迷离的酒吧,看着喧哗的人群,那些举着杯子的手,那些吞云吐雾的脸,那些迷离的眼色像幻象一样充斥着程晓羽的脑海,他仿佛感觉自己就在那被隐喻为神经病院的《加州旅馆》 journey Xiaoyu on stage is in a daze to be distracted, the audience is noisy, some people are creating a disturbance, some people are applauding, most people think journey Xiaoyu timid does not know to be what to do good. Actually does not know that the god same performance must begin. 台上的程晓羽发呆走神,台下观众却是吵闹起来,有人在起哄,有人在鼓掌,大部分人都以为程晓羽已经胆怯的不知道怎么办才好了。却不知道神一样的演奏就要拉开序幕。 journey Xiaoyu felt that the burning hot of spotlight, beads of sweat hit in the string, in his mind crack, this makes him from being full of the illusion of recollection awakens. When journey Xiaoyu awakens, was not careful that kicked on the microphone holder, the sound exuded sharp whistling, coarse made the entire bar peaceful. 程晓羽感觉到聚光灯的炙热,一颗汗珠打在琴弦上,在他的脑海里炸响,这才让他从充满回忆的幻象里惊醒。程晓羽惊醒之际,不小心一脚踢在了话筒架上,音响发出尖锐的啸叫声,难听的让整个酒吧都安静了。 No matter journey Xiaoyu also audience surprise manner and uncomfortable expression. Is making glycol low and deep sound to the microphone gently «Longmen Inn» gives each present.” 程晓羽也不管台下观众诧异的神态和难受的表情。轻轻对着话筒发出甘醇低沉的声音“一首《龙门客栈》送给在座的每一位。” The «California Hotel» prelude and tail play completed by two guitars, changing to a person will play the difficulty is quite big, especially the tail will play. But the splendid place or the prelude, that echo, needs the index finger and little finger particularly hooks repeatedly unreliably, to the strength and independent request of little finger is high, the tail plays also has the design of this fingering. Accompaniment any accent can be completed momentarily extemporaneously. This bent/tune Zhuzou and accompanies 2 guitars with the classical guitar, other have with the accompaniment musical part of ballad guitar, it can be said that in the pop song the guitar arranges classical is also the most well-known work. This also rock and roll version, being far from Muji his version is popular. 《加州旅馆》前奏和尾奏原来是由二把吉他完成的,改成一个人弹奏难度会比较大,特别是尾奏。但精彩处还是前奏,尤其是那一段回音,需要食指和小指反复钩玄,对小指的力量和独立性的要求较高,尾奏也有这种指法的设计。伴奏随时任何调都可以即兴完成。此曲主奏和伴奏二个吉他声是用古典吉他,其他还有用民谣吉他的伴奏声部,可以说是流行曲里吉他编曲较经典也是最广为人知的作品。此曲还有一个摇滚版,远没有木吉他版受欢迎。 journey Xiaoyu also used this space and time also no skill in the edition of lights forest performance, is the masterstroke/divine skill refers to ball. 程晓羽在灯火森林演奏的版本还使用了这个时空还没有的技巧,属于神技的“指弹”。 Refers to ball having a late start in music director Huaxia of space and time, if you are only a pure musical public, you have not possibly heard this style. Refers to the ball English named FingerStyle. “指弹”在音乐总监的时空的华夏起步比较晚,所以如果你只是一个单纯的音乐爱好者,你可能从来没有听说过这种风格。指弹的英文名叫FingerStyle。 As the name suggests, those who refer to the ball stressing is in the guitar performance the function of finger. 顾名思义,指弹强调的是吉他演奏中手指的作用。 In the 1970s about, with a appearance of large quantities of US ballad guitar player, most of them completed the performance alone, did not draw support from the drum kit and Bess's help, to cause own guitar performance diversification, they started to use or invent some new performance methods, for example you can listen to following this very classical song Diamond 上世纪七十年代左右,随着一大批美国民谣吉他手的出现,他们大多数单独完成演出,不借助爵士鼓和贝斯的帮助,为了使自己的吉他演奏多样化,他们开始使用或者发明一些新的演奏方法,比如你可以听听下面这首很经典的歌Diamond amp ; amp ; Rust this song completed in the 70's, but you have been able to listen to its difference from a general accompaniment indistinctly, because JoanBaez in arranging desirably staggered the low the accompaniment of register and high register, and used the finger cot( one type to wear on the thumb dials piece thing to strengthen the bass similarly) the volume, making Muji of song he accompany sounds seems two guitars( to say accurately was guitar sweeps string to move out, feeling that Bess bass control music interval moved toward), but the performance of its solid wood guitar was adopts one to be completed the guitar. This is almost general character that the modern age refers to the ball performance, the guitar performer hopes that achieves in the sense of hearing as if to have several through a performance of guitar the effect that the guitars or several types of musical instruments play simultaneously. amp;amp;Rust这首歌完成于70年代,但是你已经可以隐约听出它跟一般伴奏的一点区别,由于JoanBaez在编曲的时候刻意的把低音区和高音区的伴奏错开,并且使用指套(一种戴在大拇指上类似拨片的东西)来加强低音的音量,使得曲子的木吉他伴奏听上去好像有两把吉他(准确的说是吉他扫弦搬走,贝斯低音控制乐曲音程走向的感觉),而其实木吉他的演奏是通过一把吉他完成的。这几乎是现代指弹演奏的一个共性,吉他演奏者希望通过一把吉他的演奏来达到听觉上似乎有数把吉他或者数种乐器同时演奏的效果。 Meanwhile, his loudspeaker also appeared in view of Muji. Moreover, many audience hope that can hear a more natural sound, rather than reverberation that only then effect and later period process, Muji he plays has a new lease of life, and he plays the technology to derive slowly in view of Muji of modern audience. But referred to the ball also arising at the historic moment. 同时,针对木吉他的扩音器也出现了。另外,很多听众希望能够听到更自然的声音,而不是只有效果器和后期处理的混响,木吉他演奏重获新生,并且针对现代听众的木吉他演奏技术慢慢地就衍生出来。而指弹也就应运而生了。 Muji he has a sound box of wooden, creative, this also means that Muji he was more than a drum the electric guitar. Therefore with the coordination of skill, refers to the ball performer definitely to play to have the effect of guitar performance the drum kit accompanies, through striking against zither | Jean body the different places, can whip the different pitches the drumbeat. 木吉他有一个木质的音箱,创造性的来看,这也就意味着木吉他比电吉他多了一个鼓。所以说在技巧的配合下,一个指弹演奏者完全可以演奏出有爵士鼓伴奏的吉他演奏的效果,通过拍击琴身的不同地方,可以拍打出不同音高的鼓声。 Refers to a ball inside main performance way is to use two hands has the sound, first this makes the gaps between different notes smaller, has probably a guitar to play incessantly ; Moreover, the left hand use hits the string to create Bess sound, the right hand liberates thoroughly, can complete such as hits the string, selects the string, cancels the string, sweeps the string, beats a drum and so on accompaniment ways, making the sound of guitar full, moreover diversification, in the sense of hearing appears riotous content. 指弹里面一种主要的演奏方式就是使用两只手来产生声音,首先这使得不同音符之间的间隙更小,好像有不止一把吉他演奏;另外,左手使用打弦来创造贝斯音,右手就彻底解放出来,可以完成诸如打弦,点弦,勾弦,扫弦,打鼓等等伴奏方式,使得吉他的声音饱满而且多元化,听觉上就显得缤纷美满。 What does this mean? Meant that this Du Xing guitar, is fighting with journey Xiao feather almost one orchestra, from the beginning this is the victory and defeat by the minute/share fight, the difference lies in journey Xiao the feather must take to the audience the feeling of many shock. 这意味着什么?意味这杜星一把吉他,在和程晓羽差不多一个乐队在战斗,一开始这就是胜负以分的战斗,区别在于程晓羽要带给观众多震撼的感受。 journey Xiaoyu first like moving the sweeping string of tranquil lake surface, broke the tranquility of space and time, in meeting to dial the string to make the silent space flood the wonderful note smoothly, the redundant melody looked like began obsolete movie, met by the rhythm dispirited referring to ball, making all audience place oneself, dusk broad unmanned desert highway. Everyone can see, the horizon setting sun like the blood, as well as opens the lonely man who the junk heap is speeding along the road. When the Longmen Inn four characters appear when the view, the guitar string rapid relapse jumps suddenly as if indicates the danger, long prelude, mysterious, the atmosphere of graceful being afraid contrasted the highest place, the sound of journey Xiao feather bleak vicissitudes leads everyone to enter Longmen Inn like the spell. All audience were in the religious rite put on the follower of shackles. 程晓羽先是如同拨动平静湖面的扫弦,打破了时空的平静,在接以流畅拨弦让寂静的空间充斥着美妙的音符,重复的旋律像拉开了一幕老旧的电影的序幕,接以节奏颓废的指弹,让所有的观众都置身在了,黄昏时广阔无人的沙漠公路。所有人都能看见,天边残阳如血,以及在公路上开着破旧汽车飞驰的孤独男人。等“龙门客栈”四个字出现在眼帘时,吉他弦突然急促的反复跳跃仿佛预示着危险,漫长的前奏,将神秘的、优雅的不寒而栗的气氛烘托到最高处,程晓羽荒凉沧桑的声音像魔咒一样带领所有人走进了龙门客栈。所有观众都是宗教仪式里被套上了枷锁的信徒。 Onadarkdeserthighwaycoolwindinmyhair Onadarkdeserthighwaycoolwindinmyhair Warmsmellofcolitasrisingupthroughtheair Warmsmellofcolitasrisingupthroughtheair UpaheadinthedistanceIsawashimmeringlight UpaheadinthedistanceIsawashimmeringlight Myheadgrewheavyandmysightgrewdim Myheadgrewheavyandmysightgrewdim Ihadtostopforthenight Ihadtostopforthenight Thereshestoodinthedoorway ; Thereshestoodinthedoorway; Iheardthemissionbell Iheardthemissionbell AndIwasthinkingtomyself AndIwasthinkingtomyself Thiscouldbe ’Thiscouldbe HeavenorthiscouldbeHell' HeavenorthiscouldbeHell’ Thenshelitupacandleandsheshowedmetheway Thenshelitupacandleandsheshowedmetheway Therewerevoicesdownthecorridor, Therewerevoicesdownthecorridor, IthoughtIheardthemsay... IthoughtIheardthemsay... WelcometotheHotelCalifornia WelcometotheHotelCalifornia Suchalovelyplace Suchalovelyplace Suchalovelyface Suchalovelyface PlentyofroomattheHotelCalifornia PlentyofroomattheHotelCalifornia Anytimeofyear , youcanfindithere Anytimeofyear,youcanfindithere The moon/month black desert road far away, the wind high bone-chilling cold guest thinks to turn over, 月黑大漠路迢迢,风高凛冽客思归, The person weary eyes deficiency dusk wants to rest, smelling a fragrance sees the lights to be broken suddenly, 人倦眼乏昏欲睡,闻香忽见灯火碎, But sees the female to stand gracefully, the ear bank ding such as is happy, 但见有女娉婷立,耳畔钟声如乐起, The heaven and hell two forget, quite the same as not in the human world, 天堂地狱两相忘,浑然不似在人间, Bing Zhu leads the way the gallery, confusion of voices has received a guest to: 秉烛引路过画廊,人声嘈杂迎客至: California Inn entertains a guest honestly, the disatema returns by the marquis traveller far from home, 加州客栈诚待客,虚位以侯游子回, HermindisTiffanytwisted , shegottheMercedesbends HermindisTiffanytwisted,shegottheMercedesbends Shegotalotofpretty , prettyboys , thatshecallsfriends Shegotalotofpretty,prettyboys,thatshecallsfriends Howtheydanceinthecourtyard , sweetsummersweat. Howtheydanceinthecourtyard,sweetsummersweat. Somedancetoremember , somedancetoforget Somedancetoremember,somedancetoforget SoIcalleduptheCaptain, SoIcalleduptheCaptain, Pleasebring ’Pleasebring memywine' memywine’ Hesaid, ’ Wehaventhadthatspiritheresincenineteensixty Hesaid,’Wehaven’thadthatspiritheresincenineteensixty nine' nine’ Andstillthosevoicesarecallingfromfaraway, Andstillthosevoicesarecallingfromfaraway, Wakeyouupinthemiddleofthenight Wakeyouupinthemiddleofthenight Justtohearthemsay... Justtohearthemsay... WelcometotheHotelCalifornia WelcometotheHotelCalifornia Suchalovelyplace Suchalovelyplace Suchalovelyface Suchalovelyface TheylivinitupattheHotelCalifornia TheylivinitupattheHotelCalifornia Whatanicesurprise , bringyouralibis Whatanicesurprise,bringyouralibis The splendidly dressed and magnificently adorned women good people's desires, the jade court attendant comes for Monarch from beginning to end, 衣香鬓影佳人意,玉郎终始为君来, The singing in a loud voice vertical dance narthex institute, sweat profusely has not had a good time: 放歌纵舞前廊院,香汗淋漓未尽欢: Even if the music and song can the drunk moon/month, how isn't the sentiment absorbed forgets kindnesses? 纵使笙歌能醉月,情未忘我怎忘情? Then to the field grade officer rope good wine, had not prepared intent to be waning for many years, 便向校官索美酒,经年未备意阑珊, At midnight the dream returns to the old dwelling, summoned sufficient hearing, 午夜梦回旧馆舍,声声呼唤充耳闻, Tired bird stopping over deep forest Jiu, is happy does not think to fly, 倦鸟羁留深林久,此间乐哉不思飞, Mirrorsontheceiling, Mirrorsontheceiling, Thepinkchampagneonice Thepinkchampagneonice Andshesaid'Wearealljustprisonershere , ofourowndevice' Andshesaid’Wearealljustprisonershere,ofourowndevice’ Andinthemaster'schambers, Andinthemaster’schambers, Theygatheredforthefeast Theygatheredforthefeast Thestabitwiththeirsteelyknives, Thestabitwiththeirsteelyknives, Buttheyjustcan'tkillthebeast Buttheyjustcan’tkillthebeast LastthingIremember , Iwas LastthingIremember,Iwas Runningforthedoor Runningforthedoor Ihadtofindthepassageback Ihadtofindthepassageback TotheplaceIwasbefore TotheplaceIwasbefore Relax , saidthenightman, Relax,saidthenightman, Weareprogrammedtoreceive. Weareprogrammedtoreceive. Youcancheckoutanytimeyoulike, Youcancheckoutanytimeyoulike, butyoucanneverleave butyoucanneverleave The valuable mirror reflecting candle shadow shakes, the cold ice decorates the wine and women to be red, 宝镜倒映烛影晃,寒冰装点酒色红, Guest simultaneous/uniform Zhicheng grand feast, beautiful woman good wine entirely Tianguang, 宾客齐至成盛筵,佳人美酒俱添光, Opens red lips startled four lightly, throws the cup to stop the chopsticks unable to eat: 轻启朱唇惊四座,投杯停箸不能食: The steel knife silver folds the hands holds, the heart demon still in cannot disappear, 钢刀银叉手中持,心魔犹在不能消, Takes into custody the convict, we still do not know dejected. 自我羁押成囚徒,吾辈颓然尚不知。 hears word seeks the old road in a panic, looks in all directions does not have the place boundlessly, 闻言仓皇寻旧路,四顾茫茫无着处, Did Ming Dynasty go to where? The ease word little rests: 明朝更向何处去?更者悠然言少歇: Even if our generation long separation, the life has the life unable to abandon, 纵然我辈长别离,此生有命不能弃, The road ahead turns over to the old travel endlessly, when lives this time the link endless. 前路漫漫归旧旅,生此回环无尽时。 Enters the magnificent and sad touching tail plays, seemed leads all audience to experience an entire incredible strange story, the revolutions saw with own eyes him to have the tall building, saw with own eyes his feast guest, saw with own eyes that his building collapsed. But everyone in bar saw Longmen Inn under the corrosion of time, rapid decayed, inside these fresh people die of old age, the death, died of old age to change into the bleached bone. Until all vanished in a puff of smoke, sacrificial offering of one crowd of black robes prays under the vast starry sky. 进入华丽而凄美的尾奏,好似带领所有听众经历了一整个荒诞诡异的故事,转眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他楼塌了。而酒吧里的所有人就看见了龙门客栈在时光的侵蚀下,飞速腐朽,里面的那些鲜活的人老去,死亡,凋谢化为枯骨。直至所有的一切灰飞烟灭,一群黑袍的祭祀在浩瀚的星空下祷告。 The indistinct tweedle plays the twinkle the note the stars, when these stars change wipe finally luminously, the tweedle dissipates, the darkness arrives. 飘渺的琴声将音符演奏成闪烁的星辰,当这些星辰化作最后一抹光亮,琴声消逝,黑暗降临。 The world destroyed. 世界毁灭了。
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