MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#51: Fights the rock and roll of spirit zither | Jean

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( Uploaded, revised many errors) (重新上传,修改了不少错漏) Du Xing dares calm performs on stage in other bar naturally is a little weight. Although the rock and roll is not in vogue in the Huaxia popular music circle, but also has lots of rebel young people to like this West the way of expression demand. But the Huaxia rock and roll also has certainly own circle, Du Xing master section loudly and clearly is this circle very substantive guitar player. Also is the Shanghai boundary known rock band, the keynote guitar player of Dongfang Bubai. 杜星敢淡定的在别的酒吧上台表演当然还是有点斤两的。虽然摇滚在华夏流行音乐圈子不算盛行,但也有大量的叛逆年轻人喜欢这种西方的表达诉求的方式。而华夏摇滚当然也有属于自己的圈子,杜星的师傅段洪亮就是这个圈子很有份量的吉他手。也算是上海地界小有名气的摇滚乐队,东方不败的主音吉他手。 Why cannot rise the mainstream level as for the rock and roll in Huaxia, the reasons are various. 至于摇滚为何在华夏始终上升不到主流层面,原因是多方面的。 From the orchestra personnel, this cannot compare Europe and US they, looks for the European and US Orchestra to introduce casually XXX was from a music family were too many, the person but who Huaxia deeply loved the rock and roll basically was being a self-made person, must know that the rock and roll was the product of Western industrial civilization, Huaxia does not have this atmosphere. 从乐队人员来说,这就比不上欧美他们,随便找个欧美乐队介绍XXX出身于一个音乐世家的太多了,但华夏热爱摇滚的人基本都是“自学成才”,要知道摇滚是西方工业文明的产物,华夏就没这个氛围。 From singing, the standard spoken Chinese monosyllable note adds on the tonality differentiation to be obvious, Chinese was not suitable to sing the rock and roll. 从演唱上来说,普通话单音节加上音调区分明显,华语本来就不是非常适合唱摇滚。 The reason of deep level is the Confucianist culture of Huaxia person has the implicit mood, to rebel, call, the angry rock and roll are very difficult to accept, because this exceptionally violates with the Huaxia traditional culture. The traditional Huaxia person many have only one in mind to the peaceful lofty music, therefore the metal became the noise in their ears. 深层次的原因就是华夏人的儒家文化本身就有着含蓄的情绪,对叛逆的、呐喊的、愤怒的摇滚很难接受,因为这和华夏传统文化异常违背。传统华夏人多对安静高雅的音乐情有独钟,所以金属在他们耳朵里就成了噪声。 The issue of song selection, the war, human rights and social class, wait in Huaxia are the taboos. You except for eulogizing the motherland, can only sing the love. 歌曲取材的问题,战争、人权、阶级、等等在华夏都是禁忌。你除了歌颂祖国,就只能歌唱爱情。 But some traditional rock and rolls look like in the Huaxia person are the singing technique outdated music, like the 70's song, actually the rock and roll traditional singing technique and that time song had very big difference. 而一些传统摇滚在华夏人看来是唱法老掉牙的音乐,就像70年代的歌,其实摇滚传统唱法和那时的歌还是有很大区别的。 But looks like in journey Xiaoyu, wants to make the rock and roll popular, violated the rock and roll spirit. The rock and roll is not the guitar, Bess and drum. Also is not weak shouting, rebel and dispirited. The rock and roll is the spirit is the attitude. 但在程晓羽看来,想让摇滚流行,就违背了摇滚的精神。摇滚并不是吉他、贝斯和鼓。也不是无力的嘶吼、叛逆和颓废。摇滚是精神是态度。 JackKerouac said: Oeveryouthful, Oeverweeping( is young forever, forever is moved to tears. Compared with poetic sentiment view, Oever = Ahalways ( forever ).) JackKerouac说:Oeveryouthful,Oeverweeping(永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。比较诗意的说法,Oever=Ahalways(forever)。) Zhou Yunpeng said that the rock and roll spirit is: Forever is young, will never be obedient. 周云蓬说摇滚精神是:永远年轻,永远不听话。 But journey Xiaoyu said that the rock and roll spirit is: To mediocre in world, will never compromise. 而程晓羽说摇滚精神是:对世间的平庸,永不妥协。 Until now, rock and roll spirit earnestly will be discussed that and never made the opinion that one thumped the table and shouted praise deficient, verified its influence sufficiently. Takes the music style as the ideology, the rock and roll is in the river of history rarely seen can affect the strength of human society profoundly, can say that( I think) rock and roll am in the music history a greatest revolution, compares favorably with the important significance transformation of the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution sufficiently. 时至今日,“摇滚精神”会被人们认真的讨论,并且从不缺乏令人拍案叫绝的见解,足以印证它的影响力。无论是作为音乐风格还是作为意识形态,摇滚都是历史长河中不多见的能够深刻影响人类社会的力量,可以说(我认为)摇滚是音乐发展史上最伟大的一次革命,足以媲美文艺复兴和工业革命的重要历史变革。 However the rock and roll absolutely not Yi the semblance rebel like Du Xing and Qin, the innermost feelings took the rock and roll to treat as the attraction opposite sex tool. The rock and roll to them is peacock feather, rather than messenger bird wing. 但是摇滚绝对不会是像杜星和秦义这样外表叛逆,内心却拿摇滚当作吸引异性的工具。摇滚对他们来说就是孔雀身上的羽毛,而不是青鸟身上的翅膀。 Said no that on to such person journey Xiaoyu dislikes, he himself is also, but rubs after the comparing of precipitation and human affairs of years understands the life. 对这样的人程晓羽说不上反感,他自己原来也是,只是经过岁月的沉淀和世事的勘磨才理解人生。 The life has the good wine and nature incessantly also has the grain and love. 人生不止有美酒和性还有粮食和爱。 Du Xing cannot certainly understand that reads completely journey Xiaoyu of thousand sails, to him, the guitar is not only he tool that is used to look for trouble, is he tramples others 's weapon. 杜星当然不能理解阅尽千帆的程晓羽,对他来说,吉他不光是他用来招蜂引蝶的工具,也是他践踏他人的武器。 The youngster soldier, supports beautiful the line, the pleased love and hate are the life that he yearns. 少年儿郎,拥美而行,快意恩仇才是他向往的生活。 The rock and roll is unusual, destroys and fervor. 摇滚是与众不同,是破坏与激情。 Du Xingheng holds the guitar, a foot steps in the shaft of stool, a foot places on the floor, the stance is relaxed, on the good-looking face has the light smile. 杜星横抱吉他,一只脚踩在凳子的横杠上,一只脚放在地板上,姿态轻松写意,俊俏的脸上带着淡淡的笑容。 He shoots is Huaxia classics old song «Saying goodbye», this is the song that a Huaxia person is familiar, is easy to cause alarm, the melody is interesting to listen , the lyrics are exquisite like the poetry. Also is the making a move most difficult work that he takes. 他弹得是华夏经典老歌《再见》,这是一首华夏人耳熟能详的歌曲,容易引起共鸣,旋律动听,歌词如诗歌般优美。也是他拿的出手的最难作品。 The guitar music score of this song is the self-satisfied work that his master compiles, inside utilized massive classical guitar performance skill. He also observed and emulated the multiple section loud and clear performances to ponder over for a long time, shot is the mold type. 这首歌的吉他谱子是他师傅编写的得意之作,里面运用了大量的古典吉他演奏技巧。他也是观摩了多次段洪亮的演奏才琢磨了许久,才弹得是模似样。 The song opening is most difficult skill in the classical guitar, the wheel to refer. Also the name shakes the sound. This is the classical guitar is most important is also the most difficult one skill. The wheel refers to is unison relapse rapidly, the right ring finger, middle finger and index finger pulls out the same sound in turn, making unison in broken bits continue the relapse, the constitution running water melody, the timbre is very charming. Obviously Du Xing also works hard on the guitar very much, is not the arrogant straw bag. 曲子开头就是古典吉他里的最难技巧,轮指。又称震音。这是古典吉他最重要同时也是最难的一种技巧。轮指是同音的急速反复,右手无名指、中指、食指轮流拔动同一个音,使细碎的同音持续反复,构成流水般的旋律,音色十分迷人。显然杜星在吉他上也是很下了一番功夫的,并不是妄自尊大的草包。 Moreover Du Xing voice is resonant, singing is accidental/surprised of pleasant to hear. Is adding on is also long handsome charming, below was charmed people immediately. As and listens to the having a long singing engagement singer who the wind recited, Du Xing also really had the arrogant capital, the myth bar he has also actually interviewed, because gave the time that he scheduled is not the hottest time, therefore he rejected proudly, the wages of although offering were listened to two times that the wind recited. 而且杜星声音嘹亮清澈,唱歌更是意外的好听。在加上长得又英俊迷人,下面顿时迷倒了一众人。作为且听风吟的驻唱歌手,杜星也确实有倨傲的资本,神话酒吧他也却面试过,但因为给他安排的时间并不是最火的时间,所以他骄傲的拒绝了,尽管开出的工资是且听风吟的两倍。 He remembers that afternoon his natural left appreciated his myth bar manager telephone number very much, rampant told him, when planned to invite him in the critical time performance, made this phone call. 他记得那个下午他潇洒的留给了很是欣赏他的神话酒吧经理一个电话号码,嚣张的告诉他,什么时候打算请他在关键时间演出,就打这个电话。 Investment that very Du Xing played an instrument and sang, his such behavior has been similar to wrecking the event, therefore he made no mistake. 杜星弹唱的很是投入,他这样的行为已经类似于砸场子了,所以他不容有失。 As the saying goes the earnest man is most graceful, even journey Xiaoyu like the acknowledgment, this time Du Xing indeed did not have Fan's many compared with him. The performance, rather than the performance, journey Xiaoyu the condition must win only very difficultly. 俗话说认真的男人最帅,就算程晓羽不像承认,这个时候的杜星的确比他有范的多。单就表演,而不是演奏来说,程晓羽的条件要赢很难。 Each instance, 每一个瞬间, The ashes were showing that it is the future palace. 灰烬都在证明它是未来的宫殿。 At night hugs sadly, 夜晚拥抱起忧愁, Then unties its braid. 然后解开它的发辫。 Closes the door, 关上门, Is unhappy for the house arrest, 不是为了幽禁欢乐, But to liberate sadly. 而是为了解放悲伤。 He earnestly in forgetting sea, 他埋头于遗忘的海洋, Actually arrived at the memory other shore. 却到达了记忆的彼岸。 He said: Moon is a lake, his love is a boat. 他说:月亮是湖,他的爱是舟。 But An land was skeptical. 但岸陆表示怀疑。 His happiness, 正是他的欢乐, Had custom-made the string for his worried. 为他的忧愁定制了琴弦。 Day, 日子, Is the time writes to the letter/believes of people, 是时光写给人们的信, However does not fall the traces left by words. 但是不落言筌。 The time is the wind, 时光是风, Blew from the death direction. 自死亡的方向吹来。 If the daytime can speak, 如果白昼能说话, It will speak the gospel of night. 它会宣讲夜的福音。 In insertion sad braid, 插入忧愁的发辫中, The hand of night is gentle. 夜晚之手是温柔的。 The winter is lonely, 冬是孤独, The summer leaves, 夏是离别, The spring is the bridge between both, 春是两者之间的桥梁, The only autumn, infiltrates all seasons. 惟独秋,渗透所有的季节。 The daytime cannot the sleep, 白昼不会睡眠, Only if in night bosom. 除非在夜晚的怀抱里。 In the past was the lake, 往昔是湖泊, And only has swimming: Remembers. 其中只有一位泳者:记忆。 The light only when realizing works, 光明只在醒觉时工作, The darkness only works in the sleep. 黑暗只在睡眠中工作。 The dream of night, 夜之梦, Is we weaves on the silk thread of daytime clothes. 是我们织就白昼衣裳的丝线。 If the sky can sob, 如果天空会哭泣, Said on such as the dark cloud, 就如乌云所言, Then the wind is the history of tears. 那么风便是泪的历史。 The music transmits, 音乐传来, From tree that the wind plays. 来自风弹奏的树上。 The rain is the leaning on stick of wind, 雨是风的拄杖, The wind is the swing of rain. 风是雨的秋千。 The wind, the professor is silent ; 风,教授沉默; Although it never stops speaking. 尽管它从不停止言说。 Sang, many people also recognized this are listened to fame that a little wind recited to incur having a long singing engagement that the girl liked very much, because truly played and sings has the level very much, therefore the fair audience did not give the warm applause parsimoniously, many girls came up to arrange the flower, on the face also bring shyly, this was almost equal to a to praise, the meaning of support. 一曲唱完,很多人也认出了这是且听风吟的有点名气很招女孩子喜欢的驻唱,因为确实演奏和演唱都很有水平,所以公平的观众们都毫不吝啬的给予了热烈的掌声,还有不少姑娘都上来插了花,脸上还带着羞怯,这差不多就等于点赞,支持的意思了。 Du Xing bows in thanks, a vase inserted fully. Du Xingpie in a vase flower quantity, but also is satisfied. 杜星鞠躬致谢间,一个花瓶就插满了。杜星瞥了一眼花瓶里花的数量,还算满意。 Smiles is taking the zither | Jean to give journey Xiaoyu, and patted journey Xiaoyu the shoulder , indicating to encourage, as a senior, should have the demeanor that to have. The superficial work he will do. 微笑着把琴递给程晓羽,并且拍了拍程晓羽的肩膀,表示鼓励,做为一个前辈,该有的风度一定要有。表面功夫他还是会做。 When leaves office, but also called to live ten bottles of beer ends comes up. 下台之际,还叫吧生把十瓶啤酒端上来。 journey Xiao the dovetail crosses the zither | Jean, has not revealed what terrified, Du Xingyan despising at all is not anything affects to him. 程晓羽接过琴,没露出什么惶恐,杜星眼里的蔑视对他来说根本不算什么影响。 journey Xiaoyu thinks on the contrary Du Xingdan well, compared with fierce that he imagines. 反倒程晓羽认为杜星弹得不错,比他想象的要厉害。 But merely is also good. 但也仅仅是不错而已。 Du Xing four stringed instrument sound and plays is good, speed control that the law grasps, because excessively slow too quick cannot spring the effect of four stringed instrument sound. Excessively quick is sweeps the string to play the law ; Excessively became the decomposition chord slowly. Four stringed instrument sound situated in sweeping strings and decomposition chord, although but quickly just can listen to the sounds of various sounds clearly. 杜星的琶音和奏法掌握的还算不错,速度稳定,因为过慢过快都不能弹出琶音的效果。过快就是扫弦奏法;过慢就成了分解和弦。琶音介于扫弦和分解和弦之间,虽快但刚好能清楚地听出各音的音响。 But his moving referred to basically causing gliding not much, but this also only then journey Xiaoyu such grade expert could look, the average person estimated that could not look to have anything to distinguish. 但他的移指就不怎么样了基本都使成了滑音,但这也只有程晓羽这样段位的内行看得出来,普通人估计是瞧不出有什么区别的。 Glances at from the contour, moves to the movement that refers to and glides to be probably similar, but is is not very in fact same, first both's goal is different ; Moves to refer to move the position, so that the finger can achieve some sounds or some crowd of sounds, or acoustic fidelity that to obtain some string has especially ; But glides to make the cromatic scale -type progress mostly. Next, although similarly is the movement of finger, but its method is different. 从外形上粗看,移指和滑音的动作好象差不多,但实际上是很不相同的,首先两者的目地不同;移指是为了移动把位以便手指达到某个音或某群音,或为了取得某弦所特具的音质;而滑音大都是为了取得半音阶式的效果。其次,虽说同样是手指的移动,但其方法是不同的。 Moves the playing law of referring to is: The finger of movement lifts slightly upwardly, the pressure of complete pine oil finger in string, making the finger float according to moves in the string rapidly. Correct moving refers to cannot hear during various sound traces after two sounds absolutely. 移指的奏法是:移动的手指略微向上抬起一点,完全松释手指在弦上的压力,使手指浮按在弦上迅速地移动。正确的移指是绝对不能听到经过两音之间的各音痕迹的。 In this space and time, journey Xiao the feather can say self-confidently, the guitar I am the only Grandmaster. Because I grasped the performance technique of exceeding this space and time. 在这个时空,程晓羽可以自信的说,吉他我是唯一的大师。因为我掌握了超越这个时空的演奏技法。 But the audience under stage actually does not believe, looks fat journey Xiaoyu sits to the stool on time, as if creakies, on flood face light/only is the sweat, but also without starting like this to be anxious, can shoot calls well strangely. Although they like the evil royal crown very much, thought that takes a keyboard hand to come up and expert is more unfair than the guitar. But what is done cannot be undone, the absolute fair this matter often does not exist. 但台下的观众却不会这么认为,看着胖胖的程晓羽坐到凳子上的时候,仿佛摇摇欲坠,泛光的脸上全是汗水,还没开始就这样紧张,能弹得好才叫怪。虽然他们很喜欢罪恶王冠,也觉得要一个键盘手上去和高手比吉他有失公平。但开弓没有回头箭,绝对的公平这种事情往往是不存在的。 summer Shamo, king Ou they under the stage, they are actually very also confident to journey Xiaoyu. Because their clear journey Xiao feather incomparable strength. 夏纱沫、王鸥他们也都在台下,他们对程晓羽倒是很有信心。因为他们清楚程晓羽无匹的实力。 When Du Xing leaves office, was making a shaking movement to summer Shamo, and very cool smiles toward summer Shamo. 杜星下台时,对着夏纱沫做了一个甩头的动作,并酷酷的朝夏纱沫笑了笑。 summer Shamo eyes have not visited him, the look mounts on journey Xiaoyu. 夏纱沫一眼都没有看他,眼神都黏在程晓羽身上。 Du Xing then guessed correctly, journey Xiaoyu is the member of evil royal crown. His callous wants to say after this fatty, has a face in this orchestra gets down dull? 杜星这才猜到,程晓羽是罪恶王冠的成员。他冷酷的想道这个胖子难道以后还有脸在这个乐团呆下去? Thinks that forthcoming cruel reality, Du Xing could not bear smiles understandingly. 想到即将到来的残酷现实,杜星忍不住会心的笑了。
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