MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#53: The light of god

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A lights forest silence, all guests opened the mouth, like one crowd by the fish that the net scoops up the shore, is looking journey Xiaoyu who sits under the spotlight the whole face sweat. 灯火森林一片寂静,所有的客人都张大了嘴巴,像一群被网捞上岸的鱼,望着坐在聚光灯下满脸汗水的程晓羽。 Without the applause. 没有掌声。 Has not cheered. 没有喝彩。 Without the fresh flower. 没有鲜花。 Like one static space and time, like framed lens. Only then in the spotlight has the innumerable dust in static revolving. 像一个静止了的时空,像一个被定格的镜头。只有聚光灯里有无数的灰尘在静静的旋转。 The hand just like with journey Xiaoyu of guitar opens the gate of hell to run the note Hourie Letter ( URIEL ).( Hourie Letter also said that black Lie is the appearance of terrifying angry angel, stands with Michael, Gabriel and Rafel in front of God four big angels. black row of meanings are „the light of god and „the flame of god. It is said black row possibly is the big angel, possibly is the wisdom angel. Coordinates its image, holds the sword of guard entrance flame wisdom angel in the Garden of Eden mouth, his far-sighted person , not only can the crime of seeing through the person, saw through Satan to invade the conspiracy of Garden of Eden in the lost paradise. Also is the prison looks at the thunder and lightning and frightened angel. But somehow, some mysticist sects( possibly are Nosti Sect) think that this just angel also runs the poetry and music. black row of colors are the purple, the white and static blue. Is Monday and Wednesday angel, is the angel of September. He runs the angel of Venus, because Venus represented the universal love of god( ray).) 手拿吉他的程晓羽犹如打开了地狱之门掌管音符的乌里耶尔(URIEL).(乌里耶尔又称乌列是恐怖的愤怒天使之貌,和米迦勒、加百列及拉斐尔是站在上帝面前四大天使。乌列的意思是“神之光明”和“神之火焰”。据说乌列可能是大天使,也可能是智天使。配合其形象,是在伊甸园口持火焰之剑把守入口的智天使,他的“千里眼”不但能一眼看穿人的罪行,在失乐园中还识破了撒旦想要入侵伊甸园的阴谋。又是监看雷电、恐惧的天使。可是不知怎的,有些神秘主义宗派(可能是诺斯底教派)认为这位正义天使还掌管诗文及音乐。乌列的颜色是紫色,白色和静蓝。是星期一和星期三的天使,也是九月的天使。他是掌管金星的天使,因为金星代表了神的博爱(光芒)。) journey Xiao the feather stands from the stool, this light movement activated this stagnating space, sloppy dust mixed is filled, under shining of light the resembles in wing that outstretches. 程晓羽从凳子上站起来,这一个轻飘飘的动作激活了这个凝滞的空间,散漫的灰尘被搅动的四处弥漫,在灯光的照耀下像伸开的羽翼。 At this time the applause same reverberated like the earth-shattering, no one also sat on the seat. 这个时候掌声如天崩地裂一样回荡起来,没有一个人还坐在座位上。 journey Xiaoyu is holding the guitar, bows toward everyone. Whom then does not know to take the lead, the audience under stage also bows to journey Xiaoyu. 程晓羽抱着吉他,朝所有人鞠了躬。然后不知道谁带头,台下的观众也向程晓羽鞠了躬。 This is saluting to the great music. 这是在向伟大音乐致敬。 In an instant, journey Xiaoyu does not know that in the way is the sweat or the tears, at this moment he feels the music great, with his is not lonely. This song to him is not only another space and time innumerable lonely night, is the happiness that innumerable and once orchestra played together. 霎那间,程晓羽也不知道眼里是汗水还是泪水,这一刻他感受到音乐的伟大,和他的不孤单。这首歌对他而言不仅仅是另一个时空无数孤独的夜晚,也是无数次和曾经的乐队一起弹奏的欢愉。 The audience from the silence to frantic with too long time reversal, the innumerable roses had not lost toward platform from behind, since the entire lights forest had the rose rain. It is not the following person is not willing to insert to front , because front the person were too many, pushes radically. 观众从寂静到狂热也没有用太久时间转换,无数的玫瑰花从后面朝表演台丢了上来,整个灯火森林下起了玫瑰花雨。并不是后面的人不愿意到前面来插,是因为前面人实在太多了,根本挤不过。 The flower rain has not stopped, in the sound broadcasts the boss Chen Jinglong's voice, Chen Jinglong coughed a sound said a moment ago the card 8 guests, each table of guests for bar delivers one set of value 1600 Yuan Pegasus XO. The celebration can listen respectfully to play like this greatly.” Chen Jinglong evil ways I also for generous of all guest thank-you card 8 guests. Then in the expense same 50% discount of bar, please applaud for our evil imperial crown keyboard hand journey Xiaoyu again.” The words have not become quiet, has lives to lift up high to glitter the light tray, starts to give all seats to deliver the liquor. 花雨还没停的时候,音响里又传来老板陈景隆的声音,陈景隆咳嗽了一声道“刚才卡八的客人,为酒吧的每一桌客人送一套价值1600元的人头马XO。庆祝能聆听到这样伟大演奏。”陈景隆顿了一下道“我也替所有的客人感谢卡八客人的慷慨。接下来在酒吧的消费一律五折,请再次为我们的罪恶皇冠键盘手程晓羽鼓掌。”话还没有落音,就有吧生高举闪烁着灯光的托盘,开始给所有的座位送酒。 The applause is racing wells up of blotting out the sky comes, journey Xiaoyu also a little surprise who such extravagant expressed support for he. 掌声更是铺天盖地的奔涌而来,程晓羽也有点诧异有谁这么豪奢的表示支持他。 16,001 sets of Pegasus XO that usually nobody will ask, the bar stores goods also few bottles, Chen Jinglong is also hurries to call to make one to deliver, sells the liquor luckily the shop in not the far place, without delaying. 平时无人问津的1600一套的人头马XO,酒吧存货也没几瓶,陈景隆也是赶紧打电话叫人送的,幸好销酒的店铺就在不远的地方,没耽误什么时间。 Chen Jinglong also went to card 8 personally, that table is some young people, knew that these people know journey Xiaoyu. Chen Jinglong arrived at thanking for journey Xiaoyu, said that must inform journey Xiaoyu, asking him to propose a toast. 陈景隆还亲自去了卡八,那一桌都是一些年轻人,得知那些人都是认识程晓羽的。陈景隆替程晓羽到了谢,也说要告知程晓羽,叫他过来敬酒。 But a very attractive short hair miss urged him do not bring journey Xiao the feather to come, called Chen Jinglong ten million/countless not to mention them. Chen Jinglong is somewhat puzzled, but actually complies with a smile. Regarding such chivalrous outlaw, his have no reason to reject any request. 但其中一个非常漂亮的短发姑娘却叮嘱他不要带程晓羽过来,也叫陈景隆千万别提她们。陈景隆有些不解,但却笑着答应。对于这样的豪客,他没有理由拒绝任何要求。 Du Xing under stage is the complexion is grayish white, he lost without a doubt, lost leeway that has not struggled completely. 台下的杜星却是面色灰白,毫无疑问他输了,输的完全没有挣扎的余地。 willow Huaming and Qin Yizhan side Du Xing actually not too many disappointed. Is comforting Du Xing. 柳花茗和秦义站在杜星身边却没有太多失望。都在安慰杜星。 Qin Yipai the Du Xing shoulder small sound said is losing to such talent, was not ugly, but was the glory, nothing ashamed.” 秦义拍着杜星的肩膀小声道“输给这样的天才,并不是难看,而是荣耀,没什么羞耻的。” willow Huaming also received her the dislike to journey Xiaoyu, the intelligent willow flower/spend tea was certainly clear, under the absolute strength, can only choose to submit. Moreover at this time her in the brain all was these charming melodies, she thought was farther, she song that wanted journey Xiaoyu to write, this thought germinated from the beginning, is unable to suppress, but immediately definitely was not the good time. She also can only comfort Du Xing to say right that Qin Yi said that we should to listen respectfully to such music rejoiced.” 柳花茗也收起了她对程晓羽的厌恶,聪明的柳花茗当然清楚,在绝对的实力下,只能选择臣服。而且这个时候她脑子里全是那些迷人的旋律,她想的更远,她想要程晓羽写的歌,这个念头一开始萌芽,就无法抑制,但当下肯定不是什么好时机。她也只能安慰杜星道“秦义说的对,我们应该为聆听到这样的音乐庆幸。” Du Xing actually does not think, he thought Qin Yi and willow Huaming spoke irresponsibly and sarcastically. Lost is not they. Moreover he always boasts of being the talent, however knows that today he leaves the true talent far. He chooses guitar type in the musical instrument of Huaxia unexpected winner, to become unique existence. However such dream has not started, by the smashing that journey Xiao the feather steps on. 杜星却不这么想,他觉得秦义和柳花茗是站着说话不腰疼。输的又不是他们。而且他一向自诩为天才,然而今天才知道他离真正的天才有多远。他之所以选择吉他这种在华夏冷门的乐器,就是为了成为独一无二的存在。然而这样的梦想还没有开始,就被程晓羽一脚踩的粉碎。 His pain is not only because loses, is journey Xiaoyu the performance, these unequalled skills, making him unable to see the hopes of a wee bit transcendence. 他内心的痛苦不仅仅是因为输,更是程晓羽的演奏,那些无与伦比的技巧,让他看不到一丁点超越的希望。 On the Du Xing handsome face is the iron azure despair, arrives at the platform quickly, in the front sound box puts ten bottles of beer that he is calling. Du Xing takes up one bottle, begins one bottle of beer to fill supinely toward the mouth. 杜星英俊的脸上全是铁青色的绝望,快步走到表演台,前面的音箱上搁着他叫的十瓶啤酒。杜星拿起一瓶,仰起头一瓶啤酒就朝嘴里灌去。 Qin Yi also hurried, took up one bottle to help Du Xing start to drink. 秦义也赶忙上来,也拿起一瓶帮杜星开始喝。 willow Huaming hesitant, walked slowly, takes up one bottle of small mouths to pour out shallowly. 柳花茗犹豫了一下,也慢慢走了过去,拿起一瓶小口浅斟起来。 Fu Xi lunar motion their distant point, sees that also wants to help, was actually shoved open by Du Xing. 傅惜月离他们远点,见状走过来,也想帮忙,却被杜星一把推开。 willow Huaming puts out a hand to hold on face embarrassed Fu Xiyue to force a smile to say gently this attacks to him very in a big way, do not blame him.” 柳花茗伸手拉住一脸难堪的傅惜月强笑一声轻轻道“这对他打击挺大的,你别怪他。” Fu Xiyue actually also has the favorable impression to Du Xing, otherwise not such complying and willow Huaming easily will come out. Sees Du Xing to her indifferent expression, knows that he being not as skillful as others such mood vented on himself. Fu Xiyue innermost feelings have not blamed Du Xing, only regretted oneself should not stop by calling out journey Xiaoyu. Fu Xiyue lowers the head to willow Huaming said that I have not blamed him, today was I am meddlesome.” 傅惜月其实对杜星也有好感,要不然也不会这么轻易的答应和柳花茗出来。见杜星对她冷漠的表情,知道他把技不如人这样的情绪发泄在了自己身上。傅惜月内心也没有责怪杜星,只后悔自己不该叫住程晓羽。傅惜月低下头对柳花茗道“我没怪他,今天是我多事了。” willow Huaming as if not remember that completely matter because of her, the mood is a little excited, which asked fat ..... which high school student to call what to come quietly? The guitar is really shoots well!” 柳花茗仿佛完全不记得事情是因为她而起的,情绪还有点兴奋,悄声问道“哪胖.....哪个高三学生叫什么来着?吉他真是弹得好啊!” Fu Xiyue immerses in annoying and some are brokenhearted, has not managed willow Huaming the unusuality, subconscious returning say/way journey Xiao feather.” 傅惜月则沉浸在懊恼和一些心碎里,也没管柳花茗的异常,下意识的回道“程晓羽。” willow Huaming sees with own eyes ten bottles of beer, has outside the most bottle besides own, other already quickly drank up by Du Xing and Qin Yi, the hurrying racket Fu Xiyue shoulder say/way this matter do not care, when you look have free time, you called journey Xiaoyu, I apologized with him.” 柳花茗眼见十瓶啤酒,除了自己手上还有大半瓶外,其他的已经快被杜星和秦义喝完了,赶紧拍拍傅惜月的肩膀道“这事你别放在心上,你看什么时候有空,你把程晓羽叫出来,我跟他道歉。” Fu Xiyue does not doubt him to return in a low voice „.” At this time Du Xing and Qin Yi have drunk up the liquor, brings the bubble of corners of the mouth, distressed walked toward the bar entrance. She does not know that should follow. 傅惜月不疑有他低声回到“哦。”这时杜星和秦义已经喝完了酒,带着嘴角的泡沫,狼狈的朝酒吧门口走去。她也不知道该不该跟上。 willow Huaming will have on most liquor not careful putting sound box on hand, to Fu Xiyue said that that I first walked.” Also gave a telephoning hand signal, when Du Xing and Qin Yi walked was slightly far, with. 柳花茗将还有大半的酒毫不经意的搁在手边的音箱上面,对傅惜月道“那我先走了。”又做了一个打电话的手势,待杜星和秦义走的稍远,也跟了出去。 In the bar also no taunt sound of creating a disturbance, Du Xing performance is also very splendid, if not journey Xiao the feather goes against heaven's will, today also is very difficult some people to exceed Du Xing. Many younger sisters gave back to desolate Szo Du Xing who to deliver the applause. 酒吧里也没有什么起哄的嘲讽声音,杜星的表演也是很精彩,如果不是程晓羽太逆天,今天也很难有人胜过杜星。不少妹子还给萧索的杜星送上了掌声。 journey Xiaoyu stands side summer Shamo has no mood to these people, to him such victory is only insipid. Sees shape only shadow list helpless Fu Xiyue, journey Xiaoyu to walk to say with a smile in a low voice also wants to drink one cup?” 程晓羽站在夏纱沫身边对这些人却没有什么情绪,对他来说这样的胜利只是索然无味。看见形只影单不知所措的傅惜月,程晓羽走上去笑着低声道“还想喝一杯吗?” Fu Xiyue has not looked at journey Xiaoyu one eyes, shakes the head gently, desire that obviously she has not spoken. 傅惜月也没看程晓羽一眼,轻轻摇头,显然她没有说话的欲望。 journey Xiao the feather can only receive smile say/way today is really embarrassed, I first deliver you to go back.” Was saying notifies orchestra people, delivers Fu Xiyue to walk outward. 程晓羽只能收起笑容道“今天真是不好意思了,那我先送你回去吧。”说着跟乐团一众人打了招呼,就送傅惜月朝外走。 journey Xiaoyu leads Fu Xiyue to walk outward, the guest in bar starts to create a disturbance, obviously they misunderstood journey Xiaoyu and Fu Xiyue relations. This performance, making everyone remember this cow B fatty. 程晓羽带着傅惜月朝外走,酒吧里的客人就开始起哄,显然他们误解了程晓羽和傅惜月的关系。这次演奏,让所有人都记住了这个牛B的胖子。 journey Xiaoyu is listening to the innumerable booings , can only toward the guest smiles of these good intentions. 程晓羽听着无数的起哄声,也只能朝这些善意的客人微笑。 permits Qinning in booth is actually somewhat excited, journey Xiaoyu won was too attractive, this lets her happy dancing with joy, hugged Su Yu to kiss several. Although she does not know her in happy anything. permits Qinning puts out the cell phone to start with journey Xiaoyu to send the message. 卡座里的许沁柠却是有些兴奋,程晓羽赢得太漂亮了,这让她开心的手舞足蹈,抱着苏虞兮亲了几下。虽然她也不知道她在开心什么。许沁柠拿出手机开始跟程晓羽发短信。 Gives the entire audience Pegasus XO card 8, naturally is not others, is Su Yu and permits Qinning that table. 送给全场观众人头马XO的卡八,当然不是别人,就是苏虞兮和许沁柠那一桌。 The music just-concluded that meeting, on permits Qinning the face all blushed, holds on sat on the sofa a face inconceivable looks that on the stage journey Xiaoyu yellow small seven hurry to buy to spend, but also is staring doing.” 音乐刚结束的那会,许沁柠脸上全是红晕,拉住坐在沙发上一脸不可思议的看着台上程晓羽的黄小七道“赶紧买花去,还愣着干什么。” But on permits Qinning the single cent has not brought to go out, she in the disciplinary punishment period, in the pocket is the 10 cents did not have. Su Yu goes out does not have money, generally also on belt/bring several hundred, she has no consumer demand, many clothes magazine support. 许沁柠身上可是分文没带就出门了,她还在惩戒期,兜里是一毛钱都没有。苏虞兮出门也不怎么带钱,一般也就带个几百块,她没有什么消费需求,很多衣服都还是杂志赞助的。 Yellow small seven have not known journey Xiaoyu and Su Yu relations, „.” Shouted that lives to put out 1000 money say/way: Delivers 100 roses to give that fatty.” 黄小七还不知道程晓羽和苏虞兮的关系,“哦。”了一声喊来吧生拿出一千块钱道:“送100支玫瑰上去给那胖子。” Lived had not actually received money, was only awkward saying mister, was really sorry that did not have the rose. You want to deliver have no way to deliver.” 吧生却没有接过钱,只是为难的说道“先生,实在抱歉没有玫瑰了。您想送也没法送。” Yellow small seven looked at permits Qinning, helpless say/way this may not have the means that is not I do not support that fatty. This wants to support unable to support!” 黄小七瞧了眼许沁柠无奈道“这可没办法,不是我不支持那胖子啊。这想支持也支持不了啊!” How permits Qinning a palm of the hand claps to yellow small seven back of the head say/way speaks, what that fatty, fatty! The others' name were journey Xiaoyu, you must shout the feather elder brother.” 许沁柠一巴掌拍到黄小七的后脑勺道“怎么说话的,什么那胖子,那胖子的!别人叫程晓羽,你得喊羽哥。” Yellow small seven hurry with shoving open permits Qinning the hand say/way lemon elder sister, do you do! This may break, the blood may flow, the hairstyle cannot be chaotic! One does not have a long singing engagement, did you as for exhorting me call his elder brother?” Among the expressions a little blamed permits Qinning a little to mind others' business. Must trade taps his head personally, it is estimated that he good fruit not to eat to him, managing him is male is the female. 黄小七赶紧用推开许沁柠的手道“柠姐,你干嘛呢!这头可断,血可流,发型不能乱啊!不就一个驻唱的吗,您至于嘱咐我叫他哥吗?”语气间有点责怪许沁柠有点多管闲事。要换个人拍他脑袋,估计他决计不会给他好果子吃,管他是男是女。 Su Yu turns the head to look a little discontentedly yellow small seven said on stage in a soft voice that fatty, was my brother.” This is tonight, Su Yu the first time with yellow small seven speeches. 苏虞兮转头望着有点不满的黄小七轻声道“台上那胖子,是我哥哥。”这是今天晚上,苏虞兮第一次跟黄小七说话。 The disaffection on yellow small seven face all turned cannot believe that looks at Su Yu the beautiful appearance, in turning the head to look at journey Xiaoyu under stand. The stutter said that Su Yu, is really your Elder Brother?” The expression on face is complex panic-stricken. 黄小七脸上的不满全变成了不能置信,看着苏虞兮绝美的容颜,在转头看看台下的程晓羽。结结巴巴的说“苏虞兮,真是你哥哥啊?”脸上的表情全是复杂的惊恐。 Su Yu nod. This is the first time that she acknowledged journey Xiaoyu and her relations before others. She did not deny before permits Qinning, but has not said personally. 苏虞兮点头。这是她第一次在别人面前承认程晓羽和她的关系。在许沁柠面前她都只是不否认,而没有亲口说过。 Yellow small seven look Su Yu the profile has a being frightened out of one's wits feeling, felt Su Yu beauty, is he cannot for a lifetime the dream of extravagant demands. Calms down to hurry to pull out the wallet, looks at the cash is not many, pulling out a card is right unfamiliar road to deliver 5000 roses to come up, outside has not gone to buy.” 黄小七看着苏虞兮的侧脸有种魂飞魄散的感觉,觉得苏虞兮的美,是他一辈子都不能奢求的梦想。定了定神赶紧掏出钱包,一看现金也不是很多,抽出一张卡对吧生道“送五千支玫瑰上去,没有就去外面买。” Lives to be startled dumbfoundedly does not dare to meet the card, can only also stutter returning say/way this evening fear that did not have the place to buy the flower.” 吧生惊得目瞪口呆也不敢接卡,只能也结结巴巴的回道“这晚上怕没有地方买花了。” permits Qinning is a palm of the hand pats to the yellow small seven backs of the head on say/way „you are silly! Thinks that pursues the miss. What money several do broken spend value?” Also turns the head fearful and apprehensive to unfamiliar road what are your bar most expensive liquor?” 许沁柠又是一巴掌拍到黄小七的后脑勺上道“你傻啊!以为追姑娘呢。几支破花值什么钱?”又转头对心惊胆颤的吧生道“你们这酒吧最贵的酒是什么?” Yellow small seven take permits Qinning is means does not have, can only put in great inconvenience side puts out a hand to block, is very afraid permits Qinning to hit. 黄小七拿许沁柠是一点办法都没有,只能委屈的伸手拦住侧面,深怕许沁柠又打过来。 Lives to want not to return to permits Qinning saying that Pegasus XO , 16001 wrap/sets, delivers the fruit tray, six soda water, two snacks.” 吧生想也不想就回许沁柠道“人头马XO,16001套,送果盘,六支苏打水,还有两份小吃。” permits Qinning snatches the credit cards in yellow small seven to give unfamiliar road in bar everyone to come one bottle.” 许沁柠抢过黄小七手上的信用卡递给吧生道“酒吧里每个人来一瓶。” Wears the waistcoat shirt lived the feeling brain to explode, in his present the whole world frequency near the collapse, he of working and studying has not seen such local tyrant law. A face wooden looks in the bar also to lead permits Qinning of sunglasses saying that you wait/etc, this I cannot take responsibility. I asked our bosses to come!” He thought that he meets the mental illness most likely. Person one bottle of Pegasus XO, this bar little said that also over a hundred people, this little said that also wants more than ten 200,000. 穿着马甲衬衣的吧生感觉脑子都要炸了,在他眼前的整个世界都频临崩溃,勤工俭学的他从没有见过这么土豪法的啊。一脸木然的望着酒吧里还带着蛤蟆镜的许沁柠道“您等等,这个我做不了主。我叫我们老板来!”他觉得他八成是遇到神经病了。一个人一瓶人头马XO,这酒吧少说也有上百号人啊,这少说也要十几二十万啊。 Chen Jinglong listened fresh complained to hurry, this table of guests he had the reflection. Because this table of beautiful women are very many, two best quality goods. 陈景隆听了吧生的吐槽赶紧走过来,这桌客人他还是有映像。因为这一桌美女特别多,还有两个极品。 Chen Jinglong bent the body to listen yellow small seven to press permits Qinning the words saying that thinks that say/way „everyone delivered one bottle not to need, Pegasus XO not so many inventories, let alone we really did not have the means to count these people to deliver these people not to deliver. Or delivers one set on each table!” Chen Jinglong is also a conscientious merchant, no plan this table of young people, when the fool butchers. 陈景隆微弓着身子听了黄小七按许沁柠的话说了一遍,想了想道“每人送一瓶没必要了,人头马XO没那么多存货,何况我们实在也没办法统计那些人送了那些人没送。要不就每桌送一套吧!”陈景隆还算是一个有良心的商人,没打算把这桌年轻人当冤大头宰。 The yellow small seven pairs of several hundred thousand such flower goes out, actually does not love dearly, Su Yu Elder Brother, is more important than his own Elder Brother. So long as this money can Yu a smile, be worth to him. Although he has not arrived at several hundred thousand of local tyrant like this flower, unsensible boundary, after all his one month most also on flowered 100,000. 黄小七对几十万这样花出去,却一点也不心疼,苏虞兮的哥哥,那比他自己的哥哥还重要。只要这点钱能博苏虞兮一个笑容,对他来说就值得。虽然他还没到土豪的几十万这样花,毫无感觉的境界,毕竟他一个月最多也就花个十万。 Yellow small seven look that for Chen Jinglong who he considers, did not appreciate kindness rendered to wave impatient say/way one person of one set, rubbish. Several 200,000, support the feather elder brother, I have not disliked proper!” 黄小七看着替他着想的陈景隆,一点都不领情挥挥手不耐烦的道“就一人一套,别废话了。十几二十万的,支持羽哥,我还嫌不到位呢!” Chen Jinglong this sees is journey Xiaoyu knew that thought cannot such irresponsible acting unreasonably, only be able to explain patiently like this makes the bar to be very difficult to achieve, doing best to convince urged yellow small seven to drop this impractical plan. To Chen Jinglong, each table of one sets, he gains were many enough. Everyone one set, he really does not have that facial skin to make journey Xiao feather friend ill-gotten money. 陈景隆这一见是程晓羽认识的,更觉得不能这样不负责任的乱来,只能耐心的解释这样做酒吧很难做到,苦口婆心的劝黄小七放弃这个不切实际的计划。况且对陈景隆来说,每桌一套,他赚的就够多了。每人一套,他实在没那个脸皮去赚程晓羽朋友这个昧心钱。 Yellow small seven are awkwarder, has money unable to spend, this to him is also a first matter, can only look at permits Qinning helplessly. Su Yu he does not have the courage to look, only dares to look secretly. 黄小七更为难,有钱花不出去,这对他也是头一回的事情,只能不知所措看着许沁柠。苏虞兮他没胆子看,只敢偷瞄。 Although permits Qinning is nervous, but is not truculent and unreasonable, is disinclined to listen to Chen Jinglong to continue wordy, to Chen Jinglong said that that line, one table of one bottles, said supports journey Xiaoyu!” 许沁柠虽然神经质,但也不是蛮横无理,懒得听陈景隆继续罗嗦,对陈景隆道“那行,就一桌一瓶,就说是力挺程晓羽的啊!” Chen Jinglong is smiling complying, the first Chen Jinglong thought that makes money is also matter that has the burden. Chen Jinglong leaves also asked that must call journey Xiaoyu. 陈景隆微笑着答应,第一次陈景隆觉得赚钱也是件有负担的事情。陈景隆离开的时候又问要不要把程晓羽叫过来。 permits Qinning hurries to urge Chen Jinglong not to call journey Xiao the feather to come, has them not to mention. 许沁柠赶紧叮嘱陈景隆千万别叫程晓羽过来,也别提起他们。 Therefore had the opening, the entire bar delivers the liquor that. 于是就有了开头,全酒吧送酒的那一幕。
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