journeyXiaoyulay down the day that mixedto eatto wait for deathon the hospital bedmustfinishfinally.
程晓羽躺在医院病床上混吃等死的日子终于要结束了。Actuallyso manyday of journeyXiaoyudo not find itsilly, every dayaccesses the netisverymanythingscando, listens tothistime the popular music, has a look at the movienovel of thistime, makesjourneyXiaoyufeel the novelty.
其实这么多天程晓羽也不觉得无聊,每天上网还是挺多事情能做的,听听这个时代的流行音乐,看看这个时代的电影小说,都让程晓羽充满新奇感。DeanLiannouncedvery early in the morninghecanleave the hospital the good news, looks atDeanLi the heartfeltsmile, underhisheartguesses the opposite partyto thinkthrew away a hotsweet potato.
李院长一大早就来宣布他可以出院了的喜讯,看着李院长由衷的笑容,他心下揣测对方是不是觉得甩脱了一个烫手的山芋。YoungnurseHu Liliraretoday'slast is also not loathsome. journeyXiaoyuwaskillswill not return tothishospital wardto accept the attendance of thisyoungnurse, andabout the needle eyeinteger of wrist/skillplacefrom the intravenousnumber of timescaneasilycalculatejourneyXiaoyu the traumaarea. Thereforehealsorelaxes„to look likeSister Huwithusuallyattitudeindifferentsmallnursecracking a jokesay/way of the moodto be goodrarelytoday, has not practiced acquiring a skillwithme!”
The Hu Lilicomplexionslightly attended toabouthimsaying that red„downstairsMissPeihas waked upseveraldays, the left legbone fracture, the ribbone fracture, manysoft tissuedampen, the slightcerebral concussion, has not obstructedgreatly. Nowhas been ableto eat food.”Thenalsosaid that „youdid not planhas a look ather?”Especiallyearly morning the injuryplacealsoput the stressinPeiYan.
胡莉莉脸色微红顾左右而言他道“楼下的裴小姐已经醒来几日了,左腿骨折,肋骨骨折,多处软组织挫伤,轻微脑震荡,没有大碍。现在已经可以进食了。”接着又说“你不打算下去看看她吗?”尤其在裴砚晨伤势处还加了重音。journeyXiaoyuthought that somewhatsaidawkwardly„considers as finished, did not lookto hit. Provincehas not gone out to handle the check-. Is occupied bymeto fear that died.”
程晓羽觉得有些尴尬说道“算了,就不去找打了。省的还没出去又要办住院手续。在住下去我怕没命出去了。”Hu Lili is also the pureopens the mouthasked that „whycan't go out?”
胡莉莉也是单纯张口就问“为什么出不去啊?”journeyXiaoyusmiles„the craftsmanship that your performs acupuncture, reallyfewcan receivepersonally, Iwas a strongbodyam fortunately strong, tradeindividualestimateearlytossed aboutjumping from an upper story.”
程晓羽笑到“你这扎针的手艺,真没几个人受得起,亏得我是身强体壮,换个人估计早被折腾的跳楼了。”Hu Liliis a little flurried, thisknew that these days not goodattitudeothersknew in heart, being at a loss for wordsdoes not know that saidanythingwas good, feared that thisfattytellsDeanLi the matter that sheperformed acupunctureintentionally, the complexionon the non-nature.
胡莉莉有点慌乱,这才晓得这些日子不好的态度别人心里有数,张口结舌的不知道说什么才好,又怕这胖子把她故意扎针的事情告诉李院长,脸色就不自然起来。journeyXiaoyulooks at the little missto be embarrassed, smiles saying that „should not be anxious, youcould rest assured that Iwill not tellDeanLi. Howeveryoumusthelp.”
程晓羽看着小姑娘难堪,也是笑了笑说道“别紧张,你放心,我不会告诉李院长的。不过你要帮我一个忙。”Hu Lilibusysay/way„wantsto be not quite excessive, Icomply certainly.”Thisassignmentcannotloseto her, the wages of ICUare higher than the ward. Let alonethis, not onlyexchanges the matter of job, perhapsworksmustlose, buthereShanghaibesthospital. UnderHu Liliheartuneasy, for fear that the opposite partyproposed that the excessiverequest, listening to the littlesistersalsoto raise the ICUonceto havesuchdirty/smallerrormatter.
胡莉莉忙道“只要不太过分,我一定答应。”这个差事对她来说是万万不能丢的,特护病房的工资比普通病房高不少。更何况这不光是调换工作岗位的事情,说不定工作都要丢,这里可是上海最好的医院。胡莉莉心下惴惴不安,生怕对方提出过分的要求,听小姐妹也提起过特护病房就曾发生过这样的龌蹉事情。journeyXiaoyudoes not know that the anxiety of opposite party, turns the headto look atout of the windowsay/wayslowly„to selectmoneyIto buy the bunchto be coloredtaking advantage ofme, youhelpedmegive todownstairsMissSong!”Hea littlefeels sorryin the final analysis, thought that shouldexpressanything, althoughhis fatherhas paid the indemnity of astronomical figuresto give the victim.
程晓羽也不知道对方的不安,转头望着窗外慢慢的道“借我点钱我买束花,你帮我送给楼下的宋小姐!”说到底他内心还是有点歉疚,觉得应该表示点什么,虽说他父亲已经付了天文数字的赔款给受害者。Hu Lili'slongbreathing a sigh of reliefsecretly thought/passagefatty has not been considered as that an unprincipled person.
胡莉莉长长的舒了口气暗道这胖子还不算是个坏人。journeyXiaoyuseesHu Lilinot to reply, said with a smile„felt relieved,moneyundermyauntcameto giveyou.”
程晓羽见胡莉莉没回答,又笑道“放心,钱等下我阿姨过来就给你。”Hu Liliwaves the hand saying that „is not worried aboutthis, youwait/etc, mymoneyin the package, helpyoutakenow.”Saidonhurriedlyran the medical officeto draw cash.
胡莉莉摇手说道“不是担心这个,你等等,我钱在包里,现在就帮你去拿。”说完就风风火火的跑去医务室拿钱了。journeyXiaoyutakes1000 that is borrowingto go out of the hospital, opposite of the streethas the flower shop. As soon as the flower shopLittle Sisterlistenedmustdeliver the patientto giveseveralmatchingplan. journeyXiaoyuchosemost expensive that side the Liuzhipink colorperfumelilywith11powderroses, the pinkcarnation and purplecarnationinserts, the middleinserts the right amount oforiole and Brazilianleaf.
After the packageends the flower, madejourneyXiaoyuselect a card. journeyXiaoyucarefullooking right and leftchose the left bottomis a little girlstandsunderhanging the eaves of wind chimesis looking into the dark bluestarry sky the card. Thought deeply about the momentto fillwriting of wickedinterestbehind the card„you, ifwere well, was the cloudless day.” An attractivePang Zhonghuafountain penKaishuappears gloriously on the paper.
The flower shopLittle Sisterhas not looked atthis is also prettyfattyeyes, receives moneyis busyother. journeyXiaoyuis hugging the flower, slowlyturns back the hospital, after returning to the ICU in -patient department, rings the bellto callHu Lili, treating a matter seriouslyhands over a Hu Lili saying that the flower„Iwalkedwas delivering, let alonewhodelivers, asked.”
花店小妹也没多看这也算是眉清目秀的胖子一眼,收了钱就去忙别的了。程晓羽抱着花,慢慢走回医院,回到住院部的特护病房后按铃叫来胡莉莉,郑重其事的把花交个胡莉莉说道“等我走了在送,别说谁送的,拜托了。”Hu Lilia littlesympathizedaboutthisfattyat this time, such more than tendayscome to seehimexcept for a stepmotherfrequently, inalsono one, comparedPeiYanchen, dailyhad the schoolmaterelativeto come, to see the grand occasion that mustline up. Thisfatty is really the lonelypity. Hu Lilireceived the flowerrarely„to feel relievedregardlessice-coldtonelightsaying,certainlytransmitsyourapology.”Thenturned aroundto leave the hospital ward.
胡莉莉这个时候对这个胖子还是有点同情的,这么十多天除了一个后妈经常来看他,就在也没有人了,相比裴砚晨,天天都有同学亲戚来,看望都要排队的盛况。这胖子真是孤单的可怜。胡莉莉接过花难得抛开冰冷语气淡淡的说道“放心,一定将你的歉意传达到。”然后转身离开了病房。journeyXiaoyucallsAuntie Zhou, Auntie Zhouhas driven, inmeetsonhisroad, but the Suriverbesideshewakes upfirstday not to come to seehim. ActuallysuchjourneyXiaoyuhappyrelaxedness. Walksalsonobaggage, CDmachinetwosmallsound boxes, a laptop. Has put onis the sick personclothing/taking, todaychanges the gym suit that Auntie Zhoubrought.
程晓羽打了电话给周姨,周姨已经开车在来接他的路上,而苏长河除了他醒来第一天之外就在也没来看过他。其实这样程晓羽乐的轻松。走的时候也没什么行李,一部CD机两个小音箱,一个手提电脑。一直穿的都是病号服,今天换上了周姨带来的运动衣。Looks in mirror, journeyXiao the feathera littleegghurts, whatactuallyCheng Xiaoyufivemilitary iffucersisveryattractive, after all the geneis excellent, butthese170jin (0.5 kg)body weightsas well asthatrestoring the oldroundeyeglasses for myopiamadehimturn into an out-and-outbabyfatyoungfatty. The hairstylewas the canopyhead of earthfallingdregs, journeyXiaoyuoncetriedto change into the hairstyledivides, looked in a mirrorentireon a Leonardo of putting on weightversion. Thisincomparablycares about the imageto likejourneyXiaoyu who plays the gracefulto dress upto the previous generationsimplyis the intolerablematter. Butat presentheplansto abandon something as beyond redemption, in any caseis the sillysons of landlordfamily/home, does not useindaoputs in orderhairstyleanything, allreduced the fertilizerto say.
看着镜子里的自己,程晓羽有点蛋疼,其实程晓宇五官长的还是很漂亮,毕竟基因是极好的,只是这170斤的体重以及那副复古圆近视眼镜让他变成了一个不折不扣的婴儿肥小胖子。发型更是土的掉渣的宝盖头,程晓羽曾试图把发型换成偏分,一照镜子整个就一发福版的莱昂纳多。这对前世无比在乎形象喜欢耍帅扮靓的程晓羽来说简直是不能容忍的事情。但眼下他打算破罐子破摔,反正都已经是地主家的傻儿子了,也不用在捯饬发型什么,一切等减完肥在说吧。journeyXiaoyuadmits the trouser pocket the cell phone, is raisingLVtravel bag that thinks ofCD and notebook. FollowedAuntie Zhouto leave the hospital. DeanLihas helpedget through the release procedure, andsentthemto the hospitalunderground parking garage. Auntie ZhoutoldDeanLiseveralpleasantries, journeyXiaoyualsosaidwithDeanLisaid goodbyewantsAuntie Zhouto giveDeanLi1000to transmitto the youngnurse, onAuntie Zhou'snew car. ThatFerrari430alsolies downin the 4Sshopservices. Auntie Zhouraised the whiteMaseratiGThoodrace car, in her wordsfirstcollectsopens together. Auntie Zhouandgeneralwomandrivingare critically different, is more violent than the man, a footacceleratorgets on the brakes, frighteningjourneyXiaoyuhurriedtightened the seat belt. Auntie Zhoudespiseslooks at the fearful and apprehensiveyoungfatty, said that „alsothinksyouandmya littlecommon language, originally is also only the personemboldensto instigate.”
程晓羽把手机放进裤子口袋,提着装着CD和笔记本电脑的LV旅行包。跟着周姨出院了。李院长早就帮忙办完了出院手续,并送了他们到医院地下停车场。周姨跟李院长说了几句客套话,程晓羽也跟李院长道了再见要周姨给了李院长一千块代为转交给小护士,就上了周姨的新车。那辆法拉利430还躺在4S店维修。周姨就去提了辆白色的玛莎拉蒂GT敞篷跑车,按她的话来说就是先凑合着开。周姨和一般的女人开车大为不同,比男人还暴力,一脚油门一脚刹车,吓得程晓羽赶紧系紧了安全带。周姨鄙夷的望了望心惊胆颤的小胖子,说道“还以为你和我有点共同语言呢,原来也只是人壮胆怂。”journeyXiaoyuswallowed a saliva, looks that Maseratiis pasting a vanultratraffic lane„Auntie Zhou, oneselfopendid not certainly instigate,ridesothers'car(riage)to be really afraid. Lacks self-confidenceat heart!”
程晓羽咽了口唾液,看着玛莎拉蒂又贴着一辆面包车超车道“周姨,自己开当然不怂,坐别人的车是真害怕。心里没底啊!”„YouquestionedAuntie Zhou'sdriving skillsflagrantly!”Was saying the acceleratorstepped onandincreases speed.
“你这是明目张胆的质疑周姨的车技啊!”说着油门一踩又提速了。Needed50minutes of driving distance, 30minutesarrived, the family/home of journeyXiaofeatherin the ShanghaitopYuehu Villavilla, hereslightlybigpointhouse, relaxedbrokenhundred milliondid not say, but alsodoes not have the cityvaluably, after all this rich man of comparesanotherspace and timeto wantonmanymany. Auntie Zhoustops the garage the car(riage), stewardQiaothought that has waitedin the entrance.
原本需要五十分钟的车程,三十分钟就到了,程晓羽这一世的家在上海顶级的月湖山庄别墅,这里稍大点的房子,轻松破亿不说,还有价无市,毕竟这一世的有钱人比另一时空更要多上许多。周姨将车停进车库,管家乔三思已经等在门口了。Qiaothinksgiven nameJoy. Williams, the familiarpeoplecalledhisQiaothree, was a earnestEnglish, graduatedfrom the internationalstewardschool of Holland. Came toChina about 20yearsto workinSu Jia, canspeak a fluentBeijing speech pattern and Shanghai dialect. NowQiaothought that wears a coattailsproperly, on the white shirtis knitting the blackbow tie, the goldenhairis combingmeticulouslybackward, does not know that wipedmanyround of wax, the left handfoldedon the right handhangsin the abdomen, the posture of standing was also just right, did not makepeoplethink that arrogantdid not makepeoplethinkbase and low. BehindfollowsfourFilipino maids, wears the blackmaidattire, encircled the whiteapron, old, anotherthree seem very young, but the lookis notattractively.
乔三思本名乔伊.威廉姆斯,熟悉的人都叫他乔三,是个正儿八经的英国人,毕业于荷兰的国际管家学院。来中国已经将近二十年了一直在苏家做事,能说一口流利的京片子和上海话。现在乔三思就穿着一身熨帖的燕尾服,白衬衫上打着黑色的领结,金黄色的头发一丝不苟向后梳着,不知道抹了多少发蜡,左手叠在右手上垂在腹部,站立的姿势也是恰到好处,既不让人觉得倨傲也不让人觉得卑微。后面跟着四个菲佣,穿着黑色的女仆装,围了白色的围裙,一个年纪稍大,另外三个看上去都很年轻,但相貌算不上漂亮。Qiaothought that seesjourneyXiaoyuto take the travel bagto get out, walkedimmediatelycamefirstto notifyZhouPeipeilowers the headto saysentenceslightly„madame, good work.”ZhouPeipeiselected, givesQiaoto think that the car(riage)keyentered the villa. Qiaothought that admits the pocket the key, meets the travel bag of processdawnfeatherto look the temperatesmile saying that „congratulates the young masterto be restored to health, kitchen the food that preparedmanyyoung mastersto like, the masteralsoasks somebodyto make the Kobebeef of bamboolevelespecially, kitchenAuntie Wangwas not good atmaking the western-style food, Iwentto askChefKaibinsijiFrenchto comespeciallyto dowithyou, wait for the young masterto taste the craftsmanship of thisMichelinthree starschef.”
乔三思见程晓羽提着旅行袋下车,立马走了过来先跟周佩佩打了招呼稍一低头说了句“夫人,辛苦了。”周佩佩点了下头,把车钥匙递给乔三思就进了别墅。乔三思将钥匙放进口袋,接过程晓羽的旅行袋面露温和的笑容说道“恭喜少爷康复,厨房准备了很多少爷喜欢的菜,老爷还特地托人弄了块竹级的神户牛肉,厨房王阿姨不擅长做西餐,我专门去请了凯宾斯基的法国主厨来跟你做,等下少爷就尝尝这个米其林三星厨师的手艺。”journeyXiaoyulistenssomewhatstares dumbfounded, comesover six months of Huaxia, hismosttimelodgesin the school, notcannotattend a day school, butishedoes not wantin the house, thereforeextravagantnottooprofoundfeelingstothisfamily.
程晓羽听的有些瞠目结舌,来华夏的半年多,他大半时间寄宿在学校,并不是不能走读,而是他不愿意住家里,所以对这个家庭的豪奢并没有太深刻的感触。Kobebeefin the food of anotherspace and timeJapannational treasurelevel. journeyXiaoyuisbecause the past years went to Japan, thereforecompared with the average personalsounderstood that slightlymany, the Kobebeefis the non-external trade, thereforethatspace and timethosehotelsplay the Kobebeefsignboardto attract the customer, do not believe,is definitely false.
神户牛肉在另一个时空可谓之日本国宝级的食材了。程晓羽是因为当年去过日本,所以比一般人还了解稍微多一点,神户牛肉是不对外出口的,所以那个时空凡是饭店打着神户牛肉招牌吸引顾客的,不要相信,肯定是假的。Actually the Kobebeefis not the beef that the Kobeareaproduces, itis a brand, isbrand that KobeMeatCirculationAdvancementAssociationhas. Canbe called the Kobebeef to meetseveralrequirements, firstis the descendant who the Hyougo prefecturebuthorses and oxenvariety in blackwool and cowcontinues the copulation, the cow that nextmustnot give birth toor the castratedbull, mustinHyougo prefectureassigned areafatteningandslaughtering. Finally, mustachieveA4 and beef of A5rankcanbe topped the Kobebeef. Every year the output of Hyougo prefecturebuthorses and oxenprobablyin5500heads, butcanbe topped the Kobebeefafter the evaluation, only then3000heads, cannot achieve the standardA1A3rankonly to be calledbuthorses and oxen.
其实神户牛肉并不是神户地区产的牛肉,它是一个品牌,是神户肉流通推进协会持有的品牌。能被称为神户牛肉必须具备几个条件,首先是黑毛和牛里的兵库县但马牛品种持续交配的后代,其次必须是未生育的母牛或被阉割的公牛,必须在兵库县指定地区育肥和屠宰。最后,必须达到A4和A5级别的牛肉才可以被冠上神户牛肉。每年兵库县但马牛的产量大概在5500头,但经过评选可以被冠上神户牛肉的只有3000头,达不到标准的A1A3级别则只能称为但马牛。Because the Kobebeefoutputare extremely few, Japanuses the Kobebeef the restaurant is not many. Whatmanyhigh-levelrestaurantsuseis the othervarieties in blackwoolandcow, for exampleapprovesQiox, the Matsusakacow, the immortal platformcow, the qualities of thesebeefare less than the Kobebeefdifference, actuallyto the average personestimated that cannot distinguishdifference.
The beefrank of JapanbesidescommonA1A5, the BMSgradation, inA5 was also divided the fifth gearfromBMS8BMS12, the digitthe higher the better. Ifmeasures with the eye, the snowflakeis more averagecrowdedis better, thinyellowish pinkpinktobright redbest, the fatissnow whiteisgood. Butmustobtain the Kobebeefonlyto be ablein the placeauction of assigningto obtain, the entireJapanonly hasfourplacesto auction the Kobecow. It is saidonceattained the gold medalKobecowevencalled7.22 millionJapanese Yen( aboutRenminbi500,000) the high pricein the competition.
日本的牛肉等级除了常见的A1A5,还有BMS分级,A5里还从BMS8BMS12分了五档,数字越高越好。若是目测的话,雪花越平均密集越好,瘦肉色桃红到鲜红最好,脂肪是雪白为佳。而要获得神户牛肉只能在指定的地方拍卖获得,整个日本只有四个地方拍卖神户牛。据说一头在比赛中曾获金奖的神户牛甚至叫出了722万日元(约合人民币50万)的高价。Kobebeeftastebestpartiallyis the chestandback. According to the rankcomesminute/shareis the plum, bamboo, loosenandvine. Naturally the priceis not the earthrich and powerful familymatter of concern, the keylies inthisKobebeef too are definitely few, is too difficultto get so far as.
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