The lifeactuallydid not havetooto choosemuch, althoughwealwaysthink that waswhat kind oflifewechose. Butin factsuddenlytimeturn headdiscovered,weoftendo not havetoomanychoices, walkedon the establishedroad.
人生其实一直没有太多选择,虽然我们总以为是我们选择了过怎么样的人生。而事实上恍然回头的时候才发现,我们往往没有太多的选择,就走在了既定的路上。Whenyouthought that youhave restrained the throat of destiny, Godwill brutally ridiculeyourweakness. The lucky fellow in thisworldis limited, buysthatperson who the lottery ticketdraws a prize-winning ticketalsodefinitelyis notyou.
当你觉得你已经勒住了命运的咽喉,上帝就会无情的嘲弄你的幼稚。这个世界的幸运儿都是有限的,买彩票中奖的那个人也肯定不会是你。WhenjourneyXiaoyulooked when the wall clock on thisoppositewalltick-tockchanges to6 : 30, heheardin the corridor the sound of footsteps of uniform speed, quicklyis not slow, the rhythmis constantthroughout. journeyXiaoyuknows that his fatherSurivercame.
The sound of footsteps that heis familiar withhis fatherexceedshissound. Inhalf yeartime, journeyXiaoyuwithfew of Suriverexchange, but the independentconversationdoes not exist. The Suriverhas not askedhimto cross the sonaffectionate, butjourneyXiaoyuhas not shoutedSu a riverfather.
他熟悉他父亲的脚步声更胜过他的声音。在这半年的时间里,程晓羽跟苏长河交流的很少,而单独的交谈更是不存在。苏长河没有亲昵的叫他过儿子,而程晓羽更是没有喊过苏长河一声爸爸。AmongthemalmostcommunicatesbyZhouPeipei, journeyXiao the featherhas no prejudicetothisveryprettystepmotheractually, buthehas not calledZhouPeipeiis a mother, butcalledherAuntie Zhou.
他们之间几乎是靠周佩佩来沟通的,程晓羽倒是对这个非常漂亮的后妈没有什么偏见,但是他也没有称呼周佩佩为妈妈,只是叫她周姨。ZhouPeipeiis the domestic not manyballet dancer, when is younghas obtained the highestaward item and bestactressaward of BostoninternationalballetcompetitionHelsinkiinternationalballetcompetition. Isballet dancer who the homeranks among the best, nowis the professorinShanghai Drama Institute.
The sound of footstepsstopped for severalsecondsin the entrance, then the gateopened.
The Suriver45 years old, wearsgold-rimmed eyeglassesthis year, comb the mechanicallong hair combed straight back, the eyebrowis resemblingwillowleaf, the eyelong and narrowandsinksin the eye socket, the nosehigh , the lipslightlyis very thin, the staturehighthinevenseemsa littlefrail, wears the dark-grayChinese tunic suit, the leather shoesscratchesluminouslyilluminates the person.
It seems like30overlecturers, whatendis the scholarlyextraordinarymakingsis solemn. journeyXiaoyuturned the headto look at the Suriver, withoutspeech, squaredto stare atheadthatindirect lighting.
The Suriverlong timehas not made noise, seeminglyfirstopens the mouth and otherjourneyXiaoyu. ButjourneyXiaoyudid not speakreallydoes not knowshouldsayanything, calling a fatherthatnot to conform tojourneyXiaoyu the personality, no matterjourneyXiaoyu of whichstatuswere the difficultmatter.
苏长河也半晌没有出声,貌似在等程晓羽先开口。而程晓羽不说话是真不知道该说什么,叫一声爸爸那不符合程晓羽的性格,不管是哪个身份的程晓羽都是难以启齿的事情。FinallySuChanghefirstcompromised, sighing„thistimecalculatesyourluckis good, the miss who youhitwent through the dangerous periodyesterday, the lifewasto guarantee. The traffic policesaid that youhitfinally the direction, it is estimated thatwhichmisswasdied at the scene.”
终于苏长河先妥协了,叹了口气说“这次算你运气好,你撞的姑娘昨天度过了危险期,命是保下来了。交警说要不是你最后打了把方向,估计哪姑娘就是当场死亡了。”journeyXiaoyuis stunned, howbecauseto run uponthatgirl'smemoryabsolutelynot to haveabouthim, heonlyrememberedhad rainedon that day, washis motherfirstanniversary'sgala.
程晓羽愕然,因为关于他怎么撞上那个女孩的记忆完全没有,他只记得那天下过雨,是他母亲一周年的祭日。InjourneyXiaoyuremembers that in thisis the Suriverraremodesttone, journeyXiaoyuhoarse the throatwas sayingin a low voice„at that timehit the matter of personInot to remember, Ido not rememberIhitexcellently, onlyremembers that drivestoZhongshan South RoadtowardBund, woke uphad/left the traffic accident, the misslay downin front ofme, Icallto report to the police, the ambulancecame, Iarrived at the hospital, thenfaints”
在程晓羽记忆里这是苏长河少有的温和语气,程晓羽低声嘶哑着喉咙说道“当时的撞人的事情我没有记忆了,我不记得我撞到过人,只记得开车到中山南路往外滩去,醒来就出了车祸,那姑娘就躺在我前面,我打了电话报了警,救护车来了,我就到了医院,然后昏了过去”ActuallyherejourneyXiaoyuhas not spoken the truthcompletely, on that dayactuallyhewantsto gois notBund, butisYuyuan Garden, his motherjourneyQiucionce the phoenixdanceluanopposite ofYuyuan Gardenspringhallrecited the popular nameto hitto sing the stagerepeatedlyto playShaoxing operaLiang ShanboandZhu Yingtaihas also developedDream of the Red Chamber.
The Suriverdoes not have to say that „youwill recuperatewell, hit the matter of personIto process, does not need whatpressure, will haveanythingto needto tellyourAuntie Zhou,sheunderand otherswill come.”
苏长河也没多想说道“你好好休养,撞人的事情我会处理,也不需要有什么心理压力,有什么需要就跟你周姨说,她等下就过来。”journeyXiaofeather„.”Thendid not haveas follows.
The Suriverknits the brows saying that „Ilook forDeanLi the understanding the feelings prevalent among the massessituation, thesedaysmattersare busy, not necessarilycancome to seeyouagain, Iwill askyourAuntie Zhouto come.”Said that thenturns aroundto leave.
苏长河皱了皱眉头说“我去找李院长了解下情况,这几日事忙,也不见得能再来看你,我会叫你周姨多来的。”说完便转身离开。journeyXiao the featheris long the one breath, heis not familiar with be togetherwith such ice-coldfather, the Suriverdoes not come to seehim, thenhisintention.
The time of thisspace and timeis not the time of hisprevious generationtraffic accident, butwill be2009 in November, concretedatejourneyXiaoyuwill not be clear, how longbecausehedid not knowhisstupor.
这个时空的时间并不是他前世车祸的时间,而是2009年的11月,具体的日期程晓羽并不清楚,因为他并不知道他昏迷了多久。Alsohad presentedafter a whilepreviously the youngnursepushesto push a cart, as beforesurfacebrutaltrading the tipliquid medicines, thenopened the foldingtable on hospital bed, putonebowl of flour gruelshapesclass/flowfoodbeforejourneyXiaoyu.
Can youngnurseuntenderasking„get up?”journeyXiaofeatherpsychologyunstated criticismseveral, oneselftried hardto sit.
小护士毫无感情的问道“能自己起来吗?”程晓羽心理腹诽了几句,还是自己努力坐了起来。journeyXiaoyulookedto letpersonanorecticfood, turned the headto ask„has the water?”
The youngnursedoes not say a wordin the nightstanddiscovers the non-installment, from the bedproposed that the thermo. the lukewarm watergaveCheng Xiaoyu the cup
小护士也不做声在床头柜里找出一次性杯子,从床底下提出保温瓶倒了杯温水给程晓宇。journeyXiaoyucarriedcuponeto drink up, was embarrassedis wanting the youngnurseagainbut actually, the start of pushing someone take on a difficult jobcoped withfrontnutritionto stick. In this period the youngnursepoured watertojourneyXiaoyuurgeshiswaterdo not drink.
程晓羽端起杯子一口就喝干了,也不好意思在要小护士再倒,勉为其难的开始对付面前的营养糊。期间小护士又倒了杯水给程晓羽并叮嘱他水不要喝多了。journeyXiao the feathershouldsay, askedfreely spokendid interconnect at heartfor a long timeissue„how longmystupor?”
The youngnursereplied„more than for twodays, thiswasthirdday.”
小护士答道“两天多,这是第三天了。”Asking that journeyXiao the featheralsotalked too much„how did Igo to bathroomfor these days?”
The smallnursefaceoneredhas not answeredhimto push the doorto walk.
小护士脸一红也没答他就推门走了。WhenjourneyXiaoyufeelsis bewildered, Auntie Zhoucomes.
正当程晓羽觉得莫名其妙时,周姨进来了。journeyXiao the featherthistimeshouted„Auntie Zhouactuallyon own initiative!”
程晓羽这次倒是主动喊了“周姨!”ZhouPeipeiheightaboutonemeterseven, wore the cream-coloredlongmodel of wool suitingcoatto match a pair of blackhightuberiding boot. Jumps the makings of especiallyballetto be good, the handlong legis long, proportionsymmetricalobviouslyespeciallyoutstanding. The lookissolemnbeautiful, actuallydoes not lose the atmosphere, has the gracefulness that cleans the cosmetics, brings an elegantly beautifulandnobleair/Qifieldfills the airin the side.
周佩佩身高将近一米七,穿着米色的长款呢子大衣配了一双黑色的高筒马靴。跳芭蕾的尤其气质好,手长腿长,比例匀称显的尤为出众。相貌更是端庄秀丽,却又不失大气,举手投足间有洗净铅华的优雅,自带一股冷艳而高贵的气场弥漫在身边。ZhouPeipeipulled outwooden stoolto sit the bedsidefrom the entrance, catches one's breathto say„Koba, was not the auntsaysyou, your timeis not careful. Hit the personto make the hugetroublewithyour father, now the newspaperascends, said that the wealthy familyjuniorsbustling streetscar racehit the person. Onlineboilsnoisily, evenyour younger sisterwere affected.”
周佩佩从门口抽了张木凳子坐到床边,缓了口气说道“小羽,不是阿姨说你,你这次太不小心了。撞了人跟你爸惹了天大的麻烦,现在报纸都登了,说富家子弟闹市飙车撞人。网上都闹开了锅,连你妹妹都受了影响。”journeyXiaofeathercomplexionslightlyredawkwardsaying„sorry. Auntie Zhou, put to troubletoyou.”
程晓羽脸色微红尴尬的说道“对不起。周姨,给您添麻烦了。”Auntie Zhou is a little also disgruntled, helplessa littlesaid that „your child, youmetoldsorryis useful? Matterpiledonyour father, your sorry should your fatherto tell.”
周姨也有点不悦,也有点无奈说道“你这孩子啊,你跟我说对不起有什么用?事情都堆在你爸身上了,你这对不起应该跟你爸说去。”journeyXiaoyuhad nothing to say in reply, thinks that thesematterSuriverhave not mentionedtiny bit, canshift the topicto ask„how that hitmissnow?”
程晓羽无言以对,想到这些事情苏长河一分一毫都没提起,只得转移话题问道“那被撞的姑娘现在怎么样了?”Auntie Zhouknows that father and son'shearttiesis not a daytwodayscanuntie, is not intertwining, saidslowly„thatmiss the lifeis now safe, buthas not awaked, is just the student in ourschool, is very famousin the school, nowatourcampusforumposted saying that mustlookmayincessantlytwo that youtroubled. Nowmakes the entireschoolto be noisy. Luckilyaccording tomonitoringyouat that timea littleoverspeed, butoverspeedare not many, the traffic policefindingsenoughondangerdrivingcrime, the newspaperin the report, does not troubleyouruncleto greetnow, now the public opinionstopspoints.”
周姨知道他们父子俩的心结不是一天两天就能解开的,也不在纠结,缓缓说道“那姑娘现在生命已经安全了,只是还没醒,刚好是我们学校的学生,在学校还挺有名气的,现在我们校园论坛上发帖说要找你麻烦的可不止一个两个。如今闹得整个学校都沸沸扬扬。幸好根据监控你当时有点超速,但超速不多,交警调查结果够不上危险驾驶罪,现在报纸也在报,麻烦你大伯打了招呼,现在舆论消停一点了。”journeyXiaoyuonlyknows the mattera littlebigstrip, remembershearrives at the hospital the time, where the reporterhas waited, thought that something fishy, is surprisedsaying„so serious?”
程晓羽这才知道事情有点大条,想起他到医院的时候,记者已经等在哪里了,觉得事情有些蹊跷,惊讶的说道“这么严重?”„Reportersrushed toyourschoolto interview, the teachersaid that youattended classto sleep not the earnestacademic recordall personnelreciprocal, yourschoolmatehad not said that yourword of praise, saidyounot onlyattended classto sleep the stealing foodbetween-meal snackalsoto play hookydailysometimes. Yousaidyou! Reada halfyear of book, didn't haveone to helpyousay the word of praiseschoolmate? Forthis, your fatheralsocomplained aboutme!”Auntie Zhouhas a teasingtoneto returnsaid.
“记者都跑到你学校去采访了,老师说你上课睡觉不认真学习成绩全班倒数,你同学也没说你好话的,说你不仅天天上课睡觉偷吃零食有的时候还逃学。你说你啊!读了半年书,就没一个能帮你说句好话的同学吗?为这,你爸还埋怨了我!”周姨带点调侃的语气回道。journeyXiaofeatherinnermost feelingsa littlecollapsesecretly thought/passage„thisimagebadis a little hardto save! Luckilyis a second generation of rich, otherwisethisstatusmight as wellbe killedthrowsembryo”onmouthactuallyto fill withapologysinceresaying„a timeagainAuntie Zhou, after learning fromme, certainlywill seriously treat, hitspersonmatterIreallynot to thinknow, but after the opposite partywakes up, mycertainapologizedwell. On that dayrained, the line of sightwas not a little goodbecause ofadditionalstarting offis a little slippery, therefore......”journeyXiaofeathera littleembarrasedly, knowsat this timedid not shirk the responsibilitytime, althoughhis heartclashingpersonmatterdid not have the guilty conscience, after allin some sensehe was also a victim, moreoverhisclashingpersonmatterreallydid not haveoneto remember.
程晓羽内心有点崩溃暗道“这形象差的有点难以挽救啊!幸好还是个富二代,要不然这身份不如被撞死再投一次胎”嘴上却满怀歉意诚恳的说道“周姨,学习我以后一定会认真对待,撞人这件事情我现在真一点都不想起来了,但对方醒来以后我一定去好好道歉。那天下雨,视线有点不好在加上路有点滑,所以......”程晓羽有点讪讪,也知道这个时候并不是推卸责任的时候,虽然他内心对撞人这件事情并没有负罪感,毕竟从某种意义上来说他也是受害者,况且他对撞人这件事情也真没有一点记忆。Auntie Zhouhas not blamedjourneyXiaoyuto hit the matter of person, was onlywhat kind ofdisadvantagewithjourneyXiao the feathereightoutside the meetingpublic opinion, the networklastpresent had almost demonizedjourneyXiaoyu, entirewas the playboys who had neither learning nor skillto stop at no evil.
周姨也没多责怪程晓羽撞人的事情,只是跟程晓羽八了会外面舆论如何的不利,网络上现在几乎已经将程晓羽妖魔化了,整个就是一个不学无术无恶不作的纨绔子弟。AlsoluckilyjourneyXiaoyuuncleSu Changqingis the vice-minister of Central Propaganda Department, after the relevant unithas greeted, now the mainstream media and onlinereportare transferring the direction saying that the accident-causingfamily membercompensatesactively, andput the screento show that the troublemakerhad hit the directionnot to attend to itselfhittingat that timesafelyto the roadsideguard rail, andwas educatedwithjourneyXiaoyuin the US, usedUSdriver's license, was not familiarwith the Huaxiacountrystate of roads, on the same dayrained the influenceline of sight, waited for the forcedreasonto get freeforit, anddeletedextremepost that turnedjourneyXiao the featherfamily backgroundmuch , the traffic accidentworked as the time intervaldawnfeatherstuporluckily, has not caused trouble. The estimate that the escape, journeyXiaoyufacesotherwiseismy fatheris the pitifulresult that Li Gangis chased by all.
Before Auntie Zhouwalks, took a brand-newcell phoneand a notebookgivesjourneyXiaoyu. journeyXiaoyumanipulatedmet the Great Wallcell phone, insidesavedthreetelephone numbers, the namenumberwasAuntie Zhouloses, father, Auntie Zhou, Younger sister.
The technicaltree of thistimeis equivalent to the technological progress of anotherspace and timeprobably. The partialdifference, making concreteis especially differenttoHuaxia. This timeHuaxiacountrytechnological strengthwas slightly weaker than the US. 2009the world's largest cell phonemanufactureris the Great Wall of Huaxiacountry's, nextisNokia, butIPHONE1 of Applewent on the marketin the USlast year, has not raisedwhattoobigsprayin the global mobile phone market, butthree starsthisSouth KoreaEnterprisedegenerated intoHuaxiabiggestcontract factory.
这个时代的科技树大概和另一时空的科技发展大致是相当的。只有局部的差别,具体到华夏尤其不一样。这个时候的华夏国科技力量比美国稍弱。2009年的全球最大的手机厂商是华夏国的长城,其次才是诺基亚,而苹果的IPHONE1去年才在美国上市,并没有在全球手机市场上掀起什么太大的浪花,而三星这个韩国企业则沦为了华夏最大的代工工厂。BecausethistimeMP3technologynotlarge-scalepopularizationwitharrival of Huaxiacountryintellectual property protection, withoutthreat of pirating, andnetworkdownloadingneeds the paymentand other influences of factor, this timerecordingindustryis in the golden age.
The popular music of thistimemaybe is very in addition bigwith the depletion regionfor a while, the riseas a result ofHuaxiacountry's, black persona large partcametoHuaxia, manypresentlivesinTaiwan, GZandHN, affected the black Americannumbergreatly. Againis the output of Chinese culture, for examplemanyblack personCaucasianscansing a Peking operaShaoxing opera of clear pronunciation and mellow voice. Butnowadays the mainstream of Huaxiapopular musicis the song of folk song, balladas well assoap operamovie.
这个时代的流行音乐与另一时空区别是很大的,由于华夏国的崛起,黑人很大一部分来了到了华夏,很多现在聚居在台湾、GZ和HN,大大影响了美国黑人数量。再就是华夏文化的输出,比如很多黑人白人都能唱一曲字正腔圆的京剧越剧。而现今华夏流行音乐的主流是民歌、民谣以及电视剧电影的歌曲。Because the worldpopular musiclacked the influence of black Americanmusic, Bruce, the rap, the soulhappy was unable to become the mainstreaminthistimein the US.
由于世界流行音乐缺少了美国黑人音乐的影响,以至于布鲁斯,说唱,灵魂乐在这个时代在美国都还没有能够成为主流。US the mainstream of popular musicis the rock and roll, Knight, country musicanddance music. But the popular musicentiremusicshapedid not have the previous generationthathighsocial position. Whichdo the drama, the opera, plays the piano, the performancesymphony, studies the classical musicis the musicianis the spring snow.
美国的流行音乐的主流是摇滚,爵士,乡村音乐和舞曲。而流行音乐整个音乐形态还没有前世那么高的社会地位。哪些搞戏曲,歌剧,弹钢琴,演奏交响乐,研究古典音乐的才是音乐家是阳春白雪。Good that veryjourneyXiaofeatherthesedaysrecover, after waking up the second day to go to bathroom. Healsoclarified, stupor more than twodaysputting onis the adultdiapers. Buthelpshetrades the diaperisthatattitudedesolateyoungnurseHu Lili.
程晓羽这几日身体恢复的很好,醒来后的第二天就能自己上厕所了。他也弄清楚了,昏迷两天多穿的都是成人纸尿裤。而帮他换纸尿裤的就是那个态度冷淡的小护士胡莉莉。journeyXiaofeatherslippery customerwill certainly not watch the nakedthismatterto be awkwardto the littleyounger sister, the actuallyyoungnurseseeshimto blush, after all the youngnurseadjusts the ICUnot long, butis the patientfamily membercompletesatwardthismatterlikely.
程晓羽这种老油条当然不会对小妹子看过自己裸体这种事情尴尬,倒是小护士一看见他就脸红,毕竟小护士调来特护病房没有多久,而在普通病房像这种事情都是患者家属完成的。Hu LilitojourneyXiaoyu the sense not good, not onlybecause of the network and newspaper, alwaysthislookunsatisfactoryheartlessrichfamilyis the bigvillain in moviesoap opera. The victiminlowspecial care17hospital wards, isheranotherlittlesisterslooks, every dayreststimelistened to the littlesisters saying that mother of victimcriedin the daughterbedside, howpitifulpair of mother and daughter, especiallygirlalsolongas pretty as a flowerbeautifuldid not eat the human worldfireworksto be the same.
胡莉莉对程晓羽感官不好不仅是因为网络和报纸,向来这种相貌不佳为富不仁的富家子就是电影电视剧里的大反派。况且受害者就在低一层的特护17病房,是她另一个小姐妹照顾的,每日休息的时候就听小姐妹说受害者的母亲在女儿床边以泪洗面,多么可怜的一对母女,尤其女孩子还长的如花似玉美的不食人间烟花一般。Therefore when journeyXiaoyuperforms acupuncture, Hu Lili can always DozzaseveraltimesonDozzaseveraltimes, in any caseshethinkthisdeadfattythick-skinnedmeatis dry, the blood vesselwas hardto distinguish, evensuesher, shestillhas the reasonto confesswith the head nurse.
所以给程晓羽扎针时,胡莉莉向来就是能多扎几次就多扎几次,反正她觉得这死胖子皮厚肉燥,血管本来就难以分辨,就算投诉她,她也有理由跟护士长交代。journeyXiaoyutohas not discoveredharboring ulterior motives of youngnurse, butthought that the youngnursepossiblygoes to workshortly after the scholarship not fine, is not cruel enoughto blameher, is onlywithstandingsilently, after grippingeach time, but must respond with the youngnurseshows a faint smile, thisdoes not smilefortunately, thissmilesmakes the youngnursefeel the nausea, thought that thisdeadfattyharbors evil intentionstooneself, therefore the attitudeis even more badtojourneyXiao the feather.
程晓羽到没发现小护士的别有用心,只是觉得小护士可能上班没多久学艺不精,也不忍心责怪她,只是默默的承受,每次扎完以后,还要对小护士报以微微一笑,这不笑还好,这一笑更让小护士觉得恶心,觉得这死胖子对自己不怀好意,所以态度对程晓羽越发不善。Auntie Zhoucomesevery night, comesto packmanyvirtuemess hallseatseach time, the Chinese chestnutstuffyblack-boned chicken, the lion's head braised with vegetables, the crab meattofu and fermented bean curdmeatdo not have the identical styleevery day. journeyXiaoyuis the meat and vegetarian dishesdoes not envy, each timeeatssweat profuselyhas a full stomach, after the food, isthought of recollectionsalready the boundary that enteredahead of timefreelymixedto eatto wait for death.
周姨每天晚上都来,每次来都打包不少德膳堂的吃食过来,板栗闷乌鸡、红烧狮子头、蟹粉豆腐、腐乳肉每天不带重样。程晓羽更是荤素不忌,每次吃的大汗淋漓撑肠拄腹,饭后更是感怀的想到已经提前进入了无忧无虑混吃等死的境界。Auntie Zhoucomes, the wordsare not many, generallylooked athimto finish eatingwith smile on the face, underhelpinghimcleaned up the room, chattedseveralthento walkat will. Alsoon the 1st daysaid that something abouttraffic accident, howhad not raised the traffic accidentto processafterward. journeyXiaoyualsooncesaid that on own initiativemusthave a look atthatmiss, Auntie Zhouto sayaskshis fatheris looking. Does not haveas followsthismattertothis.
周姨过来,话也不多,一般就是面带微笑的看他吃完,在帮他收拾下房间,随意闲聊几句便走了。也就第一日来说了说关于车祸的一些事情,再后来就没提过车祸怎么处理的。程晓羽也曾主动说要去看看那个姑娘,周姨说问问他父亲在看。这事到此也就没有下文。Untilbeing out of hospitaljourneyXiaoyucannottake a look at the victim who a buildingseparates.
直到出院程晓羽也没能去瞧瞧一楼之隔的受害者。journeyXiaoyuinjureswellalmost, alsooncewalked the detachableunderphysiquein the hospital, all around the behinddiscoveryhastalking in whispers of direction, no longergoes out. Dailylieson the bedwith the notebookinternet, in the ICUhas the broadband network, is notWIFI. WIFI of thistimealsopopularizesuselessly.
程晓羽伤好的差不多时,也曾在医院里走走活络下筋骨,后面发现四周都有指指点点的窃窃私语,也就不再出去。天天躺在床上用笔记本上网,特护病房里有宽带网络,不是WIFI。这个时代的WIFI还没用普及。journeyXiaoyualsoonceEight Trigrams (gossip)on the campusforumandpost of play. The home pagetopsis relatedwithjourneyXiao the feather, the titlewas called the wealthy family the juniorscar raceto ferment the massacre, onplayschoolflowerstillinstupor.
The public opinion of thistimeon the other handisveryopen, even ifplacedSu Changqing of Propaganda Department of the CPC Central unable saying that bannedbans, can only infringementright of privacytheseprovisionsrequestrelatedwebsitesdeleteinvolves the extremepost of journeyXiaofeatherfamily member.
这个时代的舆论相对来说是非常开放的,就算是身处中宣部的苏长青也不能说禁就禁,只能就着侵犯隐私权这些条条款款要求相关网站删除一些涉及程晓羽家人的过激帖子。HoweverjourneyXiaoyucannotescape by luck, the fullnetwork that the admittancepicturepastesis, clearspiritJunXiu who appearanceunsatisfactoryhecontrasts the victim, aggravated the situationsimply, lets the seething popular discontent.
然而程晓羽则没能幸免,入学照片贴的满网络都是,卖相不佳的他对比受害者的清灵隽秀,简直就是火上浇油,更是让民怨沸腾。journeyXiaoyuselects the postbrowsing, knows that that miss is PeiYanchen, was the recentonplayschoolis colored, the college entrance examinationor the Hunanliberal artsforemost person in the field, the interviewswept away all obstacles, when talent and skilldemonstrationsang a Daiyuto bury the flowerto take all the audience by surprise, the skilltestedalsoenterson the playdramato perform the specialtyby the firststatus, wasafterbigstarriverLan the star of futurewas favored.
程晓羽点进帖子浏览,才知道那个姑娘叫裴砚晨,是新进的上戏校花,高考还是湘省文科状元,面试更是所向披靡,才艺展示时唱了一黛玉葬花技惊四座,艺考也以第一名的身份进入上戏戏曲表演专业,是继大明星江岚之后最被看好的未来之星。On the playandCentral Conservatory of Musicandare called the cradle of Huaxialiterary and art circles, inpopular namesouth the play and northerntenor, thisisevery yearis also most difficultto test the art academies, almost alldramaeveryoneare centralizedintwoschools. But all award items of every yearDramamagnificent ceremonyplum blossomprize are almost twoschoolscarve up, butothercollegesoften can only feel powerless and frustratedto have no alternative.
上戏和中央音乐学院并称为华夏文艺界的摇篮,俗称南上戏、北中音,这也是每年最难考艺术院校,几乎所有的戏曲大家都集中在两所学校。而每年的戏曲界盛典梅花奖的所有奖项几乎都是两座学院瓜分,而其他院校往往只能望洋兴叹无可奈何。For example the last yearplum blossomprizebestazure clotheswasonplayCheng-schoolfourth generationsuccessorriverLanobtains, although the most importantannualbestprogramwas the operaphantom of tenor. Thiswas the Oscarbestfemaleacts the leading rolecompared toanotherspace and timewith the heavyweightaward item of best picture.
比如去年的梅花奖最佳青衣就是上戏程派第四代传人江岚获得的,虽然最重要的年度最佳曲目是中音的歌剧魅影。这相对于另一时空就是奥斯卡最佳女主演和最佳影片的重量级奖项了。Yousaid that suchstar of the futurewas damagedbyplayboys, hownot to cause the stir. PeiYanchenjust nowenters the schoolluckilyshortly , the influenceis insufficient, ifriverLanwere hit, it is estimated that the studentcould the student strikerequestto punish the murderer.
你说这样一个未来之星被一纨绔子弟祸害了,怎么不引起轰动。幸好裴砚晨才刚进学校没多久,影响力不足,要是江岚被撞,估计学生都会罢课要求严惩凶手了。In the posthasPeiYanchenseveralteststimerequeststo give the picture of school. Alsodoes not know that was uploadedbythatbusybody. Issomesimplepersonal photos.
帖子里有裴砚晨的几张考试的时候要求交给学校的照片。也不知道被那个好事者上传上来。都是些朴素的生活照。PeiYanchenaccording to the words of mediais a beautiful woman of Huaxiachance of a lifetime, watches the picturereally unable to beexaggerating, inage that thisAsianthreebigmonstertechniqueshave not run amuck, suchpurebeautifulreallycherishes is not good, does not execute the cosmeticsconsommevermicellinoslight defectfacial features, matches the slenderfigureto bring disaster on the nation and peoplesimply. EvenjourneyXiaoyuhas experiencedthreebigmonstertechniquebaptismlike this, exceedsthistimetenyears of nitpickingvisionaesthetically, PeiYanearly morningwas not very greatbesides the mind/bosomdoes not have anyshortcoming.
裴砚晨按媒体的话来说就是华夏一千年一遇的美人,看相片真不能算是言过其实,在这个亚洲三大妖术还没有横行的年代,这样单纯的美真是稀罕到不行,不施粉黛清汤挂面的一张毫无瑕疵面容,配着修长的身段简直祸国殃民。就算程晓羽这样经历过三大妖术洗礼,审美超越这个时代十年的挑剔眼光来看,裴砚晨除了胸怀不够伟岸之外没有任何缺点了。Turned the pageto see an ownpicture of wateragainin the past, allwasPS, had the transplanton the zhubajie, hadis cutby the blade, hadforces in the toilet, manyGIFmoved the chart, but alsotook a nicknameof pleasant to hearforhim, dreadfulelder brother.
再翻页过去就看见一水的自己的照片,全是PS过的,有移植在猪八戒头上的,有被刀砍的,有被塞进马桶的,还有不少GIF动图,还为他取了一个好听的外号,猥琐哥。Saw that herejourneyXiaofeatherwas thoroughly speechless. The desire that onfirsthas not realized, thiswas realizedeasily.
看到这里程晓羽彻底无语了。上一世没有实现的愿望,这一世轻而易举就实现了。Heshouldbe red.
他应该是红了。Does not know that thistimedoes have the netredthisword. Thismustplaceto cultivate true virtuein the novel, shouldbe the netredfirst ancestor, cowBsendsgreatly.
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