MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#3: Rebirth like dream

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journey Xiaoyu fell into the silent recollection, the doctor actually thinks that journey Xiaoyu tacitly approved the driving without a license, cold snort/hum a sound said „the present rich family is really lawless, daily car race the traffic accident also few?” 程晓羽陷入了沉默的回忆,那医生却以为程晓羽是默认了无证驾驶,冷哼了一声道“现在的富家子真是无法无天了,天天飙车出车祸的还少了吗?” journey Xiao the feather can only smile bitterly at heart, this pot he carries must carry, does not carry must carry, looks at some beautiful woman very feeling sorry on stretcher. 程晓羽只能心里苦笑,这锅他背也得背,不背也得背,看着担架上的美女还是很有些歉疚的。 At this time is revealed the perfect face by the girl who he hit, but was short of the blood-color. The long eyelash is delimiting the attractive curve, some flood white cherry lips that under tall very/straight the nose embellish. 这个时候被他撞的女孩已经露出了完美无瑕的脸,只是少了血色。长长的睫毛划着漂亮的弧度,高挺的鼻子下面点缀的有些泛白的樱唇。 This produced a beauty of morbid state, in recklessly occupies everyone's eyeball. Let the person unable to move the line of sight, letting the person is unable to put behind. 这产生了一种病态的美,在肆意的占据着所有人的眼球。让人挪不开视线,让人无法忘却。 Sees the soul-stirring daughter in beautiful, the woman cannot bear weep and wail, my family miss passes into to play this year, if she, how calling me to live?” Under listened car(riage) medical personnel hearts sad however. Is having a look at unemotional, journey Xiaoyu calmly, thought that this is a playboy who does not have the medicine to save. Also puts on a serious face toward journey Xiaoyu, will not give him a good attitude. 看着美的惊心动魄的女儿,那妇人又忍不住哭喊起来,“我家姑娘今年才考进上戏啊,如果她不在了,叫我怎么活啊?”听的一车医护人员都心下恻然。在看看面无表情,若无其事的程晓羽,更是觉得这是个无药可救的纨绔。也都朝程晓羽板起脸,更不会给他一个好态度。 journey Xiaoyu feels undeserved, may not have the means to explain, the clashing person, his little memory does not have. But also suspected that possibly is two status memories hits in the same place, causing the thought to be chaotic, triggered this traffic accident also perhaps. 程晓羽却觉得冤枉,可又没有办法解释,对撞人,他一点点记忆都没有。但也怀疑可能是两个身份的记忆撞在一起,导致思维混乱,引发了这场车祸也说不定。 Because his own brain now is one group of starch, really cannot give birth too hits the guilt of person, can only unemotional sitting on the seat. 但因为他自己脑子现在都是一团浆糊,实在生不出太多撞人的歉疚感,只能面无表情的坐在座位上。 Until wears the male doctor of mask to ask calls not to have your guardian.” 直到戴着口罩的男医生问道“跟你家长打电话没有。” journey Xiaoyu was realizing, had/left such big matter to family/home notify. 程晓羽在意识到,出了这么大的事情必须跟家里打声招呼。 journey Xiaoyu does not have to choose, in the memory has not spoken with the father who leading him returns to homeland, can only choose with the stepmother, Auntie Zhou telephones. 程晓羽也没得选择,记忆里从来没有跟带他回国的生父说过话,只能选择跟后妈,周姨打电话。 Auntie Zhou knew that journey Xiao the feather had/left the traffic accident, is a little anxious, knows him to be all right, on the road in hospital, feels relieved much. Asked journey Xiaoyu should not be worried, she immediately came. 周姨得知程晓羽出了车祸,也是有点紧张,得知他没事,在去医院的路上,就放心不少。叫程晓羽不要担心,她马上过来。 journey Xiaoyu made the telephone call, the hospital arrived, one group of nurses agile the hit girl lifts the ambulance, then outside the ambulance had to flash one flashing lights. 程晓羽挂了电话,医院就到了,一群护士利索的将被撞的女孩抬下救护车,然后救护车外就有闪起来了一片的闪光灯。 journey Xiaoyu does not know that what's the matter, standing to think the head somewhat is very dizzy, woman following her daughter, has not instead been defending journey Xiaoyu, probably for fear that he ran, no one is responsible for being same. 程晓羽也不知道怎么回事,站起来觉得脑袋很有些晕眩,那妇女没跟着她女儿,反而是守着程晓羽,好像生怕他跑了,没人负责一样。 journey Xiaoyu can ignore so many, is supporting the ambulance, discovered that outside was lifted watertight that the reporter of camera is encircling. After journey Xiaoyu gets out, is one strikes with force, then has the reporter to ask loudly please ask that you were big?” 程晓羽也顾不得那么多,强撑着下了救护车,发现外面被举着相机的记者围的水泄不通。程晓羽下车之后又是一阵猛拍,然后就有记者大声问道“请问你多大了?” „Don't you have the driver's license?” “请问你又没有驾照?” „Do you drink?” “请问你是不是喝了酒?” How many were your then vehicle speed?” “你当时的车速是多少?” The flashing light that the muddy air, pressing for an answer of harboring evil intentions, non-stop glittering, lets journey Xiaoyu a dizziness chest bulge, immediately thought head one tight, fainted. 浑浊的空气,不怀好意的逼问,不停闪烁的闪光灯,让程晓羽一阵头晕胸胀,顿时觉得脑袋一紧,就晕了过去。 Corona past instantly, but also is thinking, this faints is really the time. 晕过去的刹那,还在想,这一晕到真的是时候。 Has not known how long, journey Xiaoyu woke again. This he opened the eye time effortlessly, but actually cannot rotate, because on the neck is also wrapping the medical neck request. 又不知道过了多久,程晓羽再次醒过来。这一次他毫不费力的睁开了眼睛,但是头却不能转动,因为脖子上还套着个医用颈托。 journey Xiaoyu feels the four limbs to tingle with numbness, wants to sit actually to feel own being able to make an effort air/Qi. Only can, helpless looks at the top of the head snow white wall, in the air is filling the air the flavor that comes the Su water is also doping light flower fragrance. 程晓羽觉得四肢发麻,想坐起来却又感觉自己使不上力气。只能无奈看着头顶雪白的墙壁,空气中弥漫着来苏水的味道还掺杂着一丝淡淡的花香。 A squint is placing on the visible right nightstand on celadon ware vase that inserted one bunch of lilies. 一斜眼就看见右边的床头柜上摆放着插了一束百合花的青瓷花瓶。 At this time in journey Xiaoyu the brain as before chaos, who he minute/share of not clear are. Felt oneself played a 17 years of movie, after developing , the role and self- was unable to differentiate. 这时程晓羽的脑子里依旧一片混沌,他已经分不清楚自己是谁了。感觉自己饰演了一部十七年的电影,演完之后角色和自我已经无法区分。 But has such idea to explain of that music director occupies the dominant consciousness. The memory of illegitimate child stays, in oneself drive in Zhongshan Road, is Yanjiang Road, but Cheng Xiaoyu actually does not know that behind had anything, Cheng Xiaoyu wants to recall on a brain ache. 而产生这样的想法就说明那个音乐总监的自己是占主导意识的。私生子的记忆停留在自己驾车在中山路上,也是条沿江路,但程晓宇却不知道后面发生了什么,程晓宇想要回忆就脑子一片疼痛。 But as the music director finally remembers that is complete, a Lamborghini Ferrari still speeds along in the mind, is clear. Even Cheng Xiaoyu can read these pictures from the memory, a broadcast, in the car(riage) being frightened on driver face looks at one not to fall. 而身为音乐总监的最后记忆却是完整的,一辆兰博基尼一辆法拉利还在脑海里飞驰,那么清晰。甚至程晓宇能从记忆里读取那些画面,一帧一帧的播放,就连车里驾驶者脸上的惊惶都看得一丝不落。 Whose journey Xiaoyu at this moment by me is this issue puzzle worried, he can only aimless wanders about in own memory, like watches a memory profound movie. 此刻的程晓羽已经被我是谁这个问题困扰的烦闷不已,他只能漫无目的的在自己的记忆里徜徉,像重新看一部记忆深刻的电影一样。 The only special skill is the piano ten levels, but almost one year has not touched the piano. Came to China to read a half year of book, result bad in a complete mess, various schoolwork branches have not passed an examination. 唯一的特长是钢琴十级,但已经差不多一年没碰过钢琴了。来中国读了半年书,成绩差的一塌糊涂,各门功课没一科及格的。 The image is also ordinary, one meter 78, more than 170 jin (0.5 kg) young fatty. Not being is fat, but sports star athlete and handsome guy, delicate and pretty and so on word and were misses. 形象也一般,一米七八,一百七十多斤的小胖子一枚。算不上非常胖,但体育健将、帅哥、俊美之类的词和自己是无缘了。 Generally speaking, present he besides a rich family, other has no merit to speak. 总的来说,现在的他除了一个有钱的家庭之外,其他一无是处。 When indulges in flights of fancy, squeak a glottis was opened, is clatter clatter the sound of footsteps. The squint that journey Xiaoyu makes an effort looks, a white coat, having the petite form of nurse's hat to heave in sight. 胡思乱想之际,吱的一声门被打开了,然后就是嗒嗒的脚步声。程晓羽使劲的斜眼一看,一身白大褂,带着护士帽的一个娇小身影映入眼帘。 In the nurse hand takes a books clip, discovered he awoke, is a little surprised, then asking unrestrained/no trace of politeness „did you wake up?” 护士手上拿着一个书本夹,也发现了他醒了,有点惊讶,然后毫不客气的问道“你醒来了?” journey Xiaoyu wants to try hard to make a sound with the mouth, actually can only make the sound from the throat. The pretty young nurse, the knitting the brows head , the intercom in unemotional pulling out pocket, said under notice Dean Li, the special care nine patients has waked up.” 程晓羽想努力用嘴发出点声音,却只能从喉咙里发出嗬嗬的声响。眉清目秀的小护士,皱了皱眉头,面无表情的掏出口袋里的对讲机,说道“通知下李院长,特护九房的病人已经醒来了。” journey Xiaoyu does not care about the small nurse ice-cold attitude, but wants to say the words diligently to come by oneself, he wants to know girl who urgently that he hits how. 程晓羽并不在意小护士冰冷的态度,只是努力想让自己能说出话来,他迫切的想要知道那个他撞的女孩子怎么样了。 However his effort has not realized, the young nurse wrote anything in the book of his bedhead, turned around to leave the hospital ward. 然而他的努力还没有实现,小护士在他床头的一个本子上写了点什么,就转身离开了病房。 Also after a while, a doctor who brings the eyeglasses appears in the hospital ward. journey Xiaoyu cast aside tag on the white of the eye long unlined gown, Li Guodong. 又过了一会,一个带着眼镜的医生出现在病房。程晓羽撇了一眼白大褂上的胸牌,李国栋。 A moderate sound asked knows oneself where?” 一个温和的声音问道“知道自己在哪里吗?” journey Xiaoyu has been able to make noise hoarse the throat to reply that at this time reluctantly knows, hospital.” 程晓羽这个时候已经勉强能出声了嘶哑着喉咙回答道“知道,医院。” The doctor also asked that knows oneself called anything.” 医生又问“知道自己叫什么吗。” journey Xiaoyu hesitant one said journey Xiao the feather.” 程晓羽犹豫了一下说道“程晓羽。” Feeling physical condition how? Four limbs active?” “感觉身体状况怎么样?四肢都能动吗?” Cheng Xiaoyu hurries to move the hands and feet, breathes a sigh of relief to say „.” 程晓宇赶紧动了动手脚,舒了一口气说道“可以。” The doctor took up to insert in the book of bedhead sweeps several to smile saying that that you should no major problem, rest more than ten days should be able to leave the hospital. I had called your father a moment ago. He is meeting, is late will come. You first rested well, have anything to press the bell of bedside, the call nurse are OK.” 医生拿起插在床头的本子扫了几眼笑了笑说道“那你应该没什么大问题,休息个十多天应该就可以出院了。我刚才已经打了电话给你爸。他正在开会,晚点就会过来。你先好好休息,有什么事就按床边的铃,呼叫护士来就可以了。” journey Xiaoyu stopped by calling out Dr. Li, asked that miss to be all right in a low voice?” Asked the heart in chest cavity as if soon jumps to be the same. In his own ear is fearful thump thump sound. 程晓羽叫住了李医生,低声问道“那姑娘没事吧?”问的时候胸腔里的心脏仿佛快要跳出来一样。他自己的耳朵里都是可怕的咚咚声。 Dr. Li smiled saying with a smile you to be able rest assured that had gone through the dangerous period, did not have the risk of disability.” 李医生笑了笑道“你放心,已经度过危险期了,也没有残疾的危险。” journey Xiao feather long stretch/leisurely one breath say/way thanks.” Thousand honored heavy burdens, put at heart. 程晓羽长舒一口气道“谢谢。”心里千钧的重担,都放了下来。 But in the brain has the faint doubts to this traffic accident, always thought where is not right, cannot recall. 但脑子里还是对这场车祸有隐隐的疑惑,总觉得哪里不对,却怎么也回忆不起来。 Looks the character that on doctor tag writes is Li Guodong. The traditional character, is not a simplified form. journey Xiaoyu has an unusual mood to fill the air. 看着医生身上的胸牌上写的字是李國棟。繁体字,并不是简体。程晓羽心里有种异样的情绪在弥漫。 Waits for the closing sound to get up, previous generation bit by bit formed a mighty current to submerge the atrium instantaneously. journey Xiaoyu only thought that at this time this white hospital ward filled lonely of offending somebody, falling of in the eye cannot bear. 等关门声响起,前世的点点滴滴汇成了一道洪流瞬间淹没了心房。程晓羽这个时候只觉得这白色的病房里充满了伤人的孤独,眼里忍不住的掉了下来。 journey Xiaoyu of previous generation is also the inborn man of optimism , a sky collapses, when the quilt covers the makings that anything is not serious. But 17-year-old journey Xiaoyu is a fatty dwelling male. Is bound by a common destiny for 16 -and-a-half years with mother in the US. 前世的程晓羽也算是天生乐观的人,也有一种天塌下来当被子盖什么也不当回事的气质。而17岁的程晓羽则是一个胖子宅男。在美国与母亲相依为命十六年半。 Mother journey Qiuci more than ten years ago is to work as the red actor playing role of pretty young woman, when the enterprise is rising cherished Cheng Xiaoyu, returned to native place to go to the US, at this time last year, after journey Xiaoyu attended Chopin International Piano Competition, because contracts the depression also to have the migraine all the year round, could not bear to get sick the sore suffering charcoal-burning suicide, kept the posthumous writings to ask him to return to homeland to look for the father. 母亲程秋瓷十多年前是当红花旦,事业如日中天时怀了程晓宇,就归隐去美国,去年这个时候,在程晓羽参加完肖邦国际钢琴比赛以后,因为长年患有抑郁症又有偏头疼,受不了病疼的折磨烧炭自杀,留了遗书叫他回国找生父。 journey Xiaoyu after mother passed away has not planned to return to Huaxia, went to the US to find him to terminate his studies until father Su Changhe forcefully, sends back apartment that he and mother rented, and packed his all baggage, kidnapped journey Qiuci the cinerary casket, right, was the threat of kidnapping, made journey Xiaoyu follow the Su river to return to Huaxia. 程晓羽在母亲过世后并没有打算回到华夏,直到生父苏长河来到美国找到他强行终止他的学业,退掉他和母亲租住的公寓,并打包了他所有的行李,绑架了程秋瓷的骨灰盒,对,是绑架的威胁,才让程晓羽跟着苏长河回华夏。 Actually dwelling male journey Xiaoyu has wanted to ask why the Su river had not married mother in the past, has anticipated the Su river can explain, but the Su river had not said that for the six months with him several words, has not attempted among the moderate father and son the action of ice-cold relations. 其实宅男程晓羽一直想问苏长河到底为什么当年没娶母亲,也一直期待苏长河能解释,但半年来苏长河却没和他说上几句话,更没有试图缓和父子间冰冷关系的举动。 Besides giving his money, arranging him to live is also quite desolate to him, do not make up for many years of feeling sorry the tender feeling, at that time led him to return to homeland also saying that your mother holds me to take care of you, I must complete such commitment, how I do not care about you to regard me, no matter how I also you resist, you can not listen my, but you must listen to your mother's final arrangement.” Like this does not have the mood dialog, called among the father and son nearly zero exchange. 除了给他钱,安排他生活之外对他也颇为冷淡,也没有要弥补多年歉疚的温情,当时带他回国也只是说“你妈妈托我照顾你,我就必须完成这样的承诺,我并不在乎你如何看待我,我也不管你如何抗拒,你可以不听我的,但你必须听你妈妈最后的安排。”这样毫无情绪的对白,更叫父子之间近乎零交流。 Stepmother Zhou Peipei is actually very warm to him, studying the admittance acquires the clothing one is the stepmother works hard on the matter, when has an accident that Ferrari who opens 430 are also Zhou Peipei the private cars. 倒是后妈周佩佩对他很是热情,读书入学添置衣物一应事都是后妈操劳的,出事时开的那辆法拉利430也是周佩佩的座驾。 He also has proud tender younger sister Yu, for the six months has not spoken a few words to him, even greeted has not hit, went home to see her on the table except for him each time in the weekend, the number of times that they met was also few. 他还有个傲娇的妹妹苏虞兮,半年来没跟他说过一句话,连招呼都还没打过,除了每次周末他回家在餐桌上能见到她,他们俩见面的次数也屈指可数。 journey Xiaoyu thinks of the family relationship of his rare and beautiful flowers, is a headache. 程晓羽想到他奇葩的家庭关系,也是一阵头疼。 Then has not known that what kind of attitude with goes facing this parents. After all oneself second added 40 years old, oneself stepmother also wanted on a big way 1 points. 这下还不知道用怎么样的态度去面对这一世的爹娘。毕竟自己两世加起来已经四十岁了,比自己的后妈还要大上一点。 journey Xiaoyu receives the tears, after all the age was also big, without so many wounds spring sad autumn. In any event lamented to the reality, the life must continue after all. 程晓羽收住眼泪,毕竟年纪也不小了,没有那么多伤春悲秋。无论如何对已发生的现实悔恨,生活总归要继续。 Also he really also divides not the clear that status now is real, although mature that journey Xiaoyu occupied the initiative of thought. But does not exist on behalf of dwelling male that. 再说现在他实在也分不清楚那个身份是真实的自己,虽然成熟的那个程晓羽占据了思维的主动。但并不代表宅男的那个自己不存在。 At least journey Xiaoyu when thinking of the father Su river of this, the innermost feelings are not tranquil, he knows that is he does not have the person who the means forgive. Although his mother journey Qiuci had not complained Su river, even in the posthumous writings said wants his quite father's of pleasant to hear words, but journey Xiaoyu always thinks that mother's death is the mistake of Su river. 起码程晓羽在想到这一世的父亲苏长河时,内心是不平静的,他知道那是一个他没有办法原谅的人。虽然他的母亲程秋瓷从来没有埋怨过苏长河一句,甚至在遗书上说要他好好听父亲的话,但是程晓羽始终认为母亲的死就是苏长河的错。 Is bound by a common destiny 16 years of life to make this child with mother not be good at exchanging quietly. 178 stature 170 many body weights make him seemingly plump and fair-complected, in the US bullied object. 与母亲相依为命十六年的生活让这个孩子沉默寡言不擅长交流。178的个子170多的体重让他看上去白白胖胖,在美国就是被欺负的对象。 Except that the piano he does not have the friend. Now wants to come he happiest time also to be only when the afterglow of San Francisco setting sun sweeps that the worn-out apartment to keep on the window brightness, in remaining faint trace are warm play Chopin who mother most loves, back mother in he carries listens to him to play the zither | Jean, prepares the dinner for him. 除了钢琴他没有朋友。现在想来他最幸福的时光也只是当旧金山落日的余辉扫过那所破旧的公寓留在窗户上一点点的灿烂,在还剩下的一丝丝温暖里弹奏母亲最爱的肖邦,母亲在他背后边听他练琴,边为他准备晚餐。 The time mother of eating meal looked many that he eats will be happy, therefore he always goes all out to eat. 吃饭的时候母亲看他吃的多就会开心,所以他总是拼命吃。 At that time his naive thinking, so long as had smiling and music of mother enough. 那个时候他天真的以为只要有母亲的笑和音乐就够了。 But now except for the music, his anything does not have. 而现在除了音乐,他什么都没有了。 The book friend visits reading ! 书友光临阅读,!
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