MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#2: Strange traffic accident

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journey Xiaoyu restores consciousness again, does not know how long in the river of time oneself sank to sleep. He feels brain inside chaos. The feeling has two memories in the mind parallel, probably oneself have lived 2 times. Very much journey Xiaoyu makes an effort wants to open the eye, how actually to struggle cannot achieve. 程晓羽再次恢复意识,已经不知道自己在时间的长河里沉眠了多久。他感觉脑子里面一片混沌。感觉有两种记忆在脑海里并行,像是自己活过二次。程晓羽很用力的想睁开眼睛,却怎么挣扎都做不到。 Near the ear hears the speaking voice indistinctly, actually anything does not listen clearly. After the speaking voice vanishes, resounded the piano music, journey Xiao the feather can distinguish this vaguely is Chopin's falling E major nocturne. Then journey Xiaoyu by this affable key sound, in the exciting mind was reverberated the melody. 耳边隐隐约约传来说话声,却什么也听不清楚。说话声消失以后,又响起了钢琴曲,程晓羽依稀能分辨出这是肖邦的降E大调夜曲。然后程晓羽被这舒缓的琴键声,刺激的脑海里回荡起了旋律。 This song he is obviously familiar, when the brain flashes before the experience of his young study zither | Jean suddenly, suddenly innumerable picture racing wells up. Mother's severe vision, oneself shoot the wrong note later behind to be hit the azure scar by the clothes rack, after mother migraine sends , the uncomfortable expression and bursting into tears shoot Chopin to try to comfort her tweedle. 这首曲子显然他非常熟悉,突然间脑子里闪现出他年幼时学琴的经历,一时间无数的画面奔涌而来。母亲严厉的目光,自己弹错音符以后背后被衣架打起得青色伤痕,母亲偏头痛发以后难受的表情和自己流着泪弹肖邦试图安抚她的琴声。 However these memories, are of music director have not experienced. 然而这些记忆,是音乐总监的自己从来没有经历过的。 journey Xiaoyu in various puzzled pictures, awakens suddenly, opening eye is just the seat belt, lies on the airbag fabrics that blows out from the steering wheel. 程晓羽在各种令人纠结的画面里,蓦然惊醒,睁开眼睛自己正系着安全带,趴在从方向盘里爆出的安全气囊上面。 The head wet discomfort, journey Xiaoyu puts out a hand to touch is the dark red blood. 头上湿漉漉的难受,程晓羽伸手一摸全是殷红的血。 In looked on the windshield to cover entirely the spider web fissure. journey Xiaoyu swings the pollution the mind, the country scolded blurted out that my grass, wasn't the father hit? How his mother was hit in the car(riage) to come.” 在一看挡风玻璃上布满了蛛网般的裂痕。程晓羽摇摇浑浊的头脑,国骂脱口而出“我艹,老子不是被撞了吗?怎么他妈被撞到车里面来了。” Also recalls without enough time, saw under the illumination of headlight, front is also lying down a person, carefully looked that is miss who wears the long skirt. 还来不及回忆,就看见了在车灯的照射下,前面还躺着一个人,仔细一看是个穿长裙的姑娘。 journey Xiaoyu can ignore the careful consideration what's the matter, can only untie the security bringing down car(riage) to have a look at the situation. Goes down the car(riage) time, leg sore awfully, is suppressing hurting of heartrending, lamely walks toward that miss. 程晓羽也顾不得仔细思虑到底怎么回事,只能解开安全带下车去看看情况。走下车的时候,腿疼的要命,强忍着钻心的疼,一瘸一拐的朝那姑娘走去。 What heaving in sight, the miss and body next of remaining unconscious expand the bloodstain slowly, these frightened six souls journey Xiao the feather seven souls, shook whiz whiz to pull out the cell phone from the pants, looked was not own IPONE6 does not dare to ponder, direct dial 120 and 110 warnings. 映入眼帘的是,昏迷不醒的姑娘和身下一摊缓缓扩大血迹,这一下把程晓羽七魂吓出了六魂,抖抖嗖嗖的从裤子里掏出手机,一看不是自己的IPONE6也不敢细想,直接拨打了120和110报警。 journey Xiaoyu reported ended the police loftily the war to squat, with the finger searched the breath of that girl, luckily, breath, although was weak, has not actually vanished. 程晓羽报完警又战战巍巍的蹲下来,用手指探了探那女孩子的鼻息,幸好,呼吸虽然微弱,却还没有消失。 journey Xiaoyu at this time fierce returns to normal at heart. 程晓羽这时剧烈的心里才平复一点。 Although the girl seems like the wound to be very heavy, but the wound of vehicle is actually not very serious, except for former windshield, only then the right side head lamp headlamp bursts and first suitcase changes form. 虽然女孩看起来伤很重,但车子的伤却不是很严重,除了前挡风玻璃,只有右侧大灯破裂和前行李箱变了型。 journey Xiaoyu does not dare to look oneself once long-awaited Ferrari, but fearful and apprehensive looks that lies down feels helpless in the underground girl. 程晓羽也没敢多看自己曾经梦寐以求的法拉利,只是心惊胆颤的看着躺在地下的女孩不知所措。 This girl figure is a little slim, but the leg is very long, becomes a wonderful arc curvingly. Blocked from half face along the slippery long hair dark, but that gently beautiful outline and clear skin color make one know that this certainly is a beautiful woman. She wears the white lace long skirt, the body is wrapping the light gray yarn open-fronted sweater or knitted shirt, lies down looks like a beautiful oil painting in the dark red pool of blood. 这女孩身材有点偏瘦,但腿很长,弯曲成一个美妙的弧线。黝黑顺滑的长发遮住了半个脸庞,可那柔美的轮廓和晶莹的肤色让人知道这一定是个美女。她穿着白色蕾丝长裙,身上套着浅灰色的毛线开衫,躺在暗红血泊里像一幅美丽的油画。 journey Xiaoyu also knows oneself should not feel like this, but he feels very beautiful at present, monster of very beautiful different, beautiful made him put behind pain, forgot intense. 程晓羽也知道自己不该这样觉得,但他眼下就是觉得很美,美的很妖异,美的让他忘却了身上的痛感,忘记了紧张。 He had not actually discovered, some people made many pictures in him with the cell phone behind. 他却没有发现,有人在他身后用手机拍了不少照片。 When he also stares at this beautiful woman to be in a daze, when 110 and 120 have not come. Transmitted from him wept and wailed and wind sound/rumor, journey Xiaoyu has not turned head with enough time, by repetitive retreat that a palm of the hand that did not have the rhythm clapped. 在他还盯着这美女发呆的时候,110和120都还没来之际。从他背后传来了哭喊声和风声,程晓羽还没有来得及回头,就被一阵没有节奏的巴掌拍的连连后退。 journey Xiaoyu turns the head to look is the 40-50 years old female of corner of the eye belt/bring tears, put on is very poor, at the same time was shouting your domestic animal, why hit my daughter.” At the same time beats journey Xiaoyu. 程晓羽转头一看是个眼角带泪的四五十岁的女性,穿的很是寒酸,一边喊着“你个畜生,为什么撞了我的女儿。”一边对程晓羽拳打脚踢。 journey Xiaoyu is the incomparable grievance, the father damn anything does not know! I am also a victim, just wants to shout, the memory is actually clear gradually. 程晓羽也是无比委屈,老子他妈的什么都不知道啊!我也是受害者,刚想喊出来,记忆却渐渐清楚起来。 He now is not that journey Xiaoyu of music director, he now is an out-and-out second generation of rich. 他现在已经不是音乐总监的那个程晓羽了,他现在是个不折不扣的富二代。 This is not that space and time of music director, but another parallel space and time. 这也不是属于音乐总监的那个时空,而是另一个平行时空。 Although he does not remember how oneself runs upon this girl, but at present besides is he hits, does not have other explanation. 虽然他不记得自己是怎么撞上这个女孩的,但眼下除了是他撞的之外,也没有别的解释。 journey Xiao the feather can only grasp the head, enduring silently beats, in the heart discussed that do not apply makeup to be OK.” Has not actually known that he this looks, really does hit the difference is not big at present. 程晓羽只能抱住头,默默的忍受拳打脚踢,心中念道“别打脸就可以了。”却还不知道他眼下这副尊容,真是打不打区别都不大。 110 have not come, the ambulance first came. 110还没来,救护车就先来了。 journey Xiaoyu supported hit him who cried to hit tired the middle-aged woman to say aunt, you must hit to hit, did we first save others? This matter I will be thoroughly responsible for in any case.” 程晓羽扶住哭哭啼啼的已经打他打累了的中年妇女道“阿姨,您要打等会在打,咱们先救人好吗?反正这件事情我会负责到底。” That middle-aged woman saw the ambulance to come, threw to the doctor and nurse on hastily shouts to save my daughter.” Sound a little dry, therefore appears is not very sad and shrill. 那中年妇女见救护车来了,连忙扑到医生和护士身上喊道“救救我女儿啊。”声音有点干涩,所以显得并不是很凄厉。 Several medical personnel to lying down did not have the consciousness girl to make the preliminary diagnosis on the ground, discovered that the heartbeat breathed also normally, cautious lifted up the stretcher her. Sent to the ambulance rapidly. 几个医护人员对躺在地上没有知觉的女孩做了初步诊断,发现心跳呼吸都还正常,就小心翼翼的将她抬上了担架。迅速的送上了救护车。 A nurse asked where journey Xiao the feather hurts, journey Xiaoyu said that and leg is very sore. The nurse greeted journey Xiaoyu to board the ambulance together. 还有个护士问了程晓羽哪里疼,程晓羽说头和腿都很疼。那护士就招呼着程晓羽一起上了救护车。 The ambulance is drawing wū wū the warning, starts North Korea Hospital to speed away. journey Xiaoyu saw brushing past 110 in the window. 救护车拉着呜呜的警报,开始朝医院疾驰。程晓羽在窗户里看见了擦肩而过的110。 The woman also followed the ambulance, the nurse to urge her wait/etc to come, she was not dry, must push. This originally on narrow and small ambulance obviously crowded. 那妇人也跟上了救护车,护士劝她等等在过来,她也不干,非要挤上来。这样本来就狭小的救护车就更显拥挤。 journey Xiaoyu also somewhat shook at this time , was afraid itself really to kill the person, asking that quite worried about „should she not have the matter?” 程晓羽这个时候手还有些抖,也是害怕自己真的撞死人了,颇为担忧的问“她应该没有事吧?” Leads the doctor of mask, looked at journey Xiaoyu a say/way in a muffled voice temporarily to be all right, has not said specifically.” Then also asked that how old are you? Has the driver's license?” 带着口罩的医生,瞧了程晓羽一眼闷声闷气的道“暂时没事,具体还不好说。”然后又问“你多大年纪了?有驾照吗?” journey Xiao the feather then awakens suddenly. This space live in Chinatown also calls journey Xiaoyu, the English name was RAIN, was on the Huaxia's largest record company the illegitimate child of river recording Co. , Ltd. chairman. Now had returned to Huaxia life from the US, in several days later reach 17 years old. 程晓羽这才恍然惊醒。这个空间的自己生活在美国旧金山唐人街也叫程晓羽,英文名字叫RAIN,是华夏第一大唱片公司上河唱片有限公司董事长的私生子。现在已经从美国回到了华夏生活,在过几天就满17岁。 In the RAIN world Huaxia is next to the US great nation very much long time ago. The after end of First World War, Huaxia has not been defeated in the Versailles peace conference diplomacy, obtained the unprecedented success, the constant development of Huaxia national capitalist, further expanded the strength of Huaxia bourgeoisie and proletariat, was the transition of Huaxia society provided the material basis and class basis, the bourgeois democracy thought that the New Culture Movement and new May 4 th Movement of 1919 makes Huaxia step the road of rise. RAIN的世界里华夏很早就是仅次于美国大国。第一次世界大战的结束之后,华夏在凡尔赛和会外交并未失败,取得了空前的成功,华夏民族资本主义的不断发展,进一步壮大了华夏资产阶级和无产阶级的力量,为华夏社会的转折提供了物质基础和阶级基础,资产阶级民主思想、新文化运动以及新五四运动让华夏迈上了崛起之路。 But at the Mukden Incident, the history had the giant inflection point, the Mukden Incident was a military adventure that Japanese middle and lower level Fasces military officer initiated acts, has not received the domestic authorization, even without being under the order of senior military, was in itself the illegal action. But the Japanese forces encountered the tenacious resistance in Shenyang, rather than completely gave up the resistance like the previous generation, after withstanding the attack of Japanese forces, the Chinese-Japanese governments in a month solved the conflict on the politics. 而在九一八事变,历史发生了巨大拐点,九一八事变是日本中下层法西斯军官发起的一次军事冒险行动,并未受到国内的授权,甚至没有得到军方高层的命令,本身就是不合法的行动。而日军在沈阳遭遇了顽强的抵抗,而不是像前世一样完全放弃了抵抗,在顶住了日军的进攻之后,中日政府一个月内就政治解决了争端。 Because 918 it is a military adventure. Won words, the victor was not accused, anything said that if were defeated, to the fascist forces of Japan was the major attack. Because at that time the political situation in Japan, Japan was not the monolithic bloc, then Japan was also at greatly Zhengde plan Klassy the years, the Japanese not too strong expansion desire and ability under civil official government leadership, if expanded must go to war, went to war the military influence on expand, this did not favor the interest of civil official government. Therefore, because the Mukden Incident the firmness of Dongbei Army resisted and defeated the Japanese forces, the Japanese domestic government starts to crack down on the fascist forces simultaneously politically, started political mutual engaging in factional strife. 由于九一八本身就是一次军事冒险。赢了的话,胜利者不受指责,什么都好说,如果失败了,对日本的法西斯势力则是重大打击。因为当时日本国内的政治局势,日本并不是铁板一块,当时的日本还处在大正德谟克拉西时代,文官政府主导下的日本并没有太强的扩张欲望和能力,因为如果扩张就要打仗,打仗了军方势力就会扩大,这不利于文官政府的利益。所以,九一八事变因为东北军的坚决抵抗并挫败了日军,日本国内政府同时在政治上开始打击法西斯势力,开始了政治上的互相倾轧。 On the military, this time Japanese forces Nation Army total military strength are also more than Northeast suit ; On the economy, exceeded Huaxia after capturing the northeast resources in the previous generation Japan economy comprehensively. Therefore this did not have the Japan of Three Northeastern Provinces not to play the major role in the second war, was sewn by Huaxia in the North Korean battlefield. 论兵力,此时的日军全国陆军总兵力也就比东北军略多;论经济,在前世日本经济全面超越华夏正是在夺得了东北的资源以后。因此这一世没有了东三省的日本在二战中并没有发挥多大作用,被华夏钉在了朝鲜战场。 After the second war, took the path of rapid development with the US and Soviet Union together, the world formed the multi-polar world patterns. Returned after this world Hong Kong Macao second war to Huaxia, Taiwan had not split. The Huaxia drama, the folk song, the time, the knight-errant, the Chinese chess, the Kungfu film is influential in Asia. 在二战之后,和美国、苏联一道踏上了飞速发展的道路,世界形成了多极世界格局。在这个世界香港澳门二战后归还给了华夏,台湾没有分裂。华夏戏曲,民歌,功夫,武侠,围棋,功夫电影在亚洲极具影响力。 This time journey Xiaoyu some unknown way or is the memory preserved the soul obviously very much, passed through in another parallel world the mind of journey Xiaoyu. In Zhuang Zhou's words does not know is in Zhuang Zhou meng turns into the butterfly, in the butterfly dream turns into Zhuang Zhou. To this time journey Xiaoyu, as journey Xiaoyu of music director should be a dream in any case. 很显然这个时候的程晓羽已经已某种未知的方式将灵魂或者说是记忆保存了下来,穿越到了另一个平行世界的程晓羽的脑海中来了。或者用庄周的话来说不知是庄周梦中变成蝴蝶呢,还是蝴蝶梦中变成庄周呢。反正对这个时候的程晓羽来说,作为音乐总监的程晓羽应该是场梦。 But this is a good deed, at least he has been separated from one to struggle the fart people status now in real life, becomes a long-awaited second generation of rich. 但这是个好事啊,起码他现在已经脱离了一个挣扎在现实生活中的屁民身份,成为了一个梦寐以求的富二代了。 Perhaps is a false second generation of rich, because he is also only an illegitimate child. amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; /aamp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; aamp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; /aamp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; 哦,或许还是个伪富二代,因为他还只是个私生子。,!amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
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