2 : 00 am, journeyXiaoyualready the half drunk that drinksinSuresponsibilitybar, speedboatis unconscious, tomorrow the 33-year-oldspeedboatmustget married, in the pastplayed the rock and rolltogether, the comrades who do the musicchange professionswith the decline of recording industryin abundance, onlyhas the speedboatandjourneyXiaoyuis still doing and musicrelatedwork.
凌晨 2 点,程晓羽在苏荷酒吧喝的已经半醉,身边的大飞则已经不省人事,明天年届三十三岁的大飞就要结婚了,当年一起玩摇滚,搞音乐的同志们随着唱片业的衰落纷纷转行,唯有大飞和程晓羽还在做着与音乐相关的工作。
The speedboatopened the family/homemusic storenear the university city, but alsohadvariousmusictraining classeswhile convenient, butjourneyXiaoyuis the musicdirectorin the television station in provincial capital. journeyXiaoyumustbe the best mantomorrow, butgets off workto go toPrivate Restaurant and speedboat of major citystreettheyconvergesto participate in78brothersfor the singleparty that the speedboatdoes, has not gone hometo take the suitwith enough time.
大飞在大学城附近开了家琴行,还顺带办了各种音乐培训班,而程晓羽则在省城的电视台做音乐总监。程晓羽明天要做伴郎,但下了班就去都府街的私房菜馆和大飞他们汇合参加七八个兄弟为大飞搞的单身派对,还没来得及回家拿西装。journeyXiaoyupulled out the cell phoneto lighten the screenmeow the eye, saw the timeearly, does not set outto patWuhandsomeshoulder, in the past the drummers of theirorchestranow is a qualifiedofficial, onemeter75stature, the body weightpressed up to200, noweveryonemeetscallshim the leadership. The musical soundis too big, journeyXiaoyuput one's mouth close to another's ear saying that toWuhandsome„Ifirstwent hometo take the suit, waitedto callto relateyou.”Wuhandsomereturns to„lineloudly, weare drinking a meeting, waitsto go toMandarin Hotel. Yougo to the hotelto be gooddirectly.”journeyXiao the feathergave the OKhand signal, greeted a sonarto have the coatwith several other buddies, stepped the impracticalfootstepsto walktoward the barout.
程晓羽掏出手机点亮屏幕喵了眼,见时间不早,就起身拍了拍吴俊的肩膀,当年他们乐队的鼓手现在已经是一个合格的公务员了,一米七五的个子,体重直逼两百,现在大家见面都称他为领导。音乐声太大,程晓羽附耳过去对吴俊说“我先回家去拿西装,等下跟你们打电话联系。”吴俊大声回到“行,我们在喝一会,等下就去文华酒店。你直接去酒店就好。”程晓羽比了个OK的手势,跟另外几个哥们招呼了一声拿起外套,就迈着虚浮的脚步往酒吧门外走。gets rid of the deafeningmusical sound, goes out of the barmain entrance, the BIGBANGBoomShakaLakalow and deepsongrecites the soundto vanishafter the brain. journeyXiaoyubreathedonefullyis the air of haze, wore the coat, subconsciouspulled outto intendIP6to look attime on early morning of November 7 , 201520.311. If the barstreetas beforestream of peopleweaves, varioustypes of expensive carswere full by the street. The loweconomic situationhas not affected the local tyrants and second generations of richcontinuesto seek pleasure. Thisrealisticworldis so happy, rich, youcanhaveall that youwant. Thisrealisticworldis so brutal, withoutmoney, the effort that youmustgo all outsuppliesroom/houseYangche.
抛开震耳欲聋的音乐声,走出酒吧正门,BIGBANG的BoomShakaLaka低沉的颂吟声就消失在脑后。程晓羽呼吸了一口满是雾霾的空气,穿上外套,又下意识的掏出手IP6看了一眼时间2015年11月7日凌晨二点三十一分。酒吧街依旧人流如织,各种豪车停满了街道两边。低迷的经济形势并没有影响土豪和富二代们继续寻欢作乐。这个现实的世界如此美好,有钱,你能拥有你想要的一切。这个现实的世界如此残酷,没钱,你就得拼命的努力供房养车。journeyXiaoyusecond-handAudiA4stopsinYanjiang Road, hasaboutoneli (0.5 km)roadto the bar. Fastens the coat, journeyXiaoyufollows the stream of peopleto walktoward the waterfrontslowly, in November the weather of provincial capitalis temperate, so long asdoes not rain is an early fallbeautiful scene, the wind that coldlyhas caressed the Chinese parasol tree of street, the golden yellowleafthenmakes the sound, thendrops. The nighttime sky of citymuddyandprofound, amongtall buildings the neontwinkle, thismirageevil spiritmetropoliscanswallow the will of the peopleas far as eyes can reachinstantaneously, thatfallswoodenwhinnybelowwritingto recall with deep feelingboundlesslyazure, in an instantwill combinenoshadow that the TARAsonghotdancevanishesnot to havewith the South Koreanbeautiful woman of hugecolored tabletbroadcastfinally, young peopleempty boasting that the streetmakes noiseunscrupulouslythisbleakyear. InjourneyXiaoyu the brainthoughts constantly welling up, inso manypacks of scoundrelsremainoneselfalsocuminone, oncemanyuniversity schoolmatechildrencanbuy the soy sauceto go home. Butforoneself the so-calledmusicvainly hoped, but alsoselfishlivingnarrows the narrowworldinoneselfthat.
程晓羽的二手奥迪A4停在沿江路,离酒吧还有大约一里路。扣上外套,程晓羽慢慢顺着人流朝江边走去,11月省城的天气温和,只要不下雨便是一副初秋美景,冷冷的风抚过街边的梧桐,金黄的叶子便哗哗做响,然后一片一片的跌落下来。城市的夜空浑浊而深邃,一眼望去高楼大厦间霓虹闪烁,这海市蜃楼般的妖魔都市瞬间就能把人心吞噬,那一点无边落木萧萧下的文青感怀,刹那间就会随着巨幅彩屏播放的韩国美女组合TARA的劲歌热舞消失的无影无终,街头肆无忌惮喧闹的年轻人浮夸了这个萧条的年份。程晓羽脑中思绪万千,那么多的狐朋狗友里就剩自己还孜然一身,曾经的不少大学同学孩子都能打酱油回家了。而自己为了所谓的音乐梦想,还自私的活在自己那逼仄狭隘的世界。Comes to the end of barstreet, journeyXiaoyu the second-handsilverAudistopsopposite ofbroadYanjiang Road. Pedestrianover-bridgein another sidefarplace, butmostpeoplewill choose a provincestrength of legs, crosses the streetto arrive atoppositeparking lot. journeyXiao the featheris certainly incapable ofcomplaining the planis unreasonable, simplyhas not thought,walking the shortcut is almost the instinct of eachChinese.
走到酒吧街的尽头,程晓羽的二手银色奥迪就停在宽阔的沿江路对面。行人天桥在另一侧较远的地方,而大部分国人都会选择省点脚力,横穿过马路到达对面的停车场。程晓羽当然无力吐槽规划的不合理,也根本没有多想,走捷径几乎是每个中国人的本能。Aboutlooked, the Yanjiang Roadcar(riage) of around 2 : 00 amare not many, therefore the quick stepswalktoward the opposite. Thisisstandardbidirectionaleighttraffic lanes. Short25meters, distance of insufficientBoulterthreeseconds of consumption. At this moment was actually ourmaleyour majestydeviates the fuse of life path.
左右看了看,凌晨 2 点多的沿江路车并不多,于是疾步朝对面走去。这是一条标准的双向八车道。短短的25米,不够博尔特三秒消耗的距离。此刻却是我们男主公偏离人生轨迹的导火线。WhenjourneyXiaoyucrossesdouble yellow lineseveral. Not far awaytransmittedenginelow and deepthundering, the entireYanjiang Roadbycrack, journeyXiaoyu seemed to be feltin all directions the line of sight of accumulation, raised the headat a lossleftWang, the orangerace car that the ox headsymbolizedhas crowdedhisentirepupil. Final of consciousness, isthisisLP700. Right, sidealsohasredFerrari599 GTO. journeyXiaoyusighedwithout enough timedelivershim a regulation the lineup is so luxurious, blurting outmygrass, washevindicatestothisworld's last.
正当程晓羽越过双黄线几步时。不远处传来了引擎低沉的轰鸣,整个沿江路都被炸响,程晓羽似乎感受到了四面八方聚集的视线,茫然的抬头左望,牛头标志的橘色跑车已经塞满了他整个瞳孔。意识的最后,就是这是一辆LP700,。对了,旁边还有一辆红色的法拉利599GTO。程晓羽来不及感叹送他一程的阵容如此豪华,一句脱口而出的我艹,就是他对这个世界最后的表白了。Early morning of November 7 , 20152:47, journeyXiaoyugraspedIP6in the hand, marvelouslyhas not let go. Butactually the bewilderedpermanenceframedinthistime. According to the medical personnel, the deaddid not have the life signat the scene, but the phone screenactuallylooks like the heartto beat the generaltwinkleuntilexhausting the power source.
2015年11月7日凌晨2点47分,程晓羽握在手上IP6,奇迹般的没有脱手而出。但却莫名其妙的永久定格在了这一时间。据医护人员说,死者当场就没有了生命迹象,但是手机屏幕却像心脏跳动一般闪烁直至耗尽电源。Afterward the newspapernetworktriggered the stir, the expensive carcar racetriggers the traffic accident, thisis the networksubject. However the newspapersubjectactuallyfocused , the pedestrianhas violated regulations the street, becauseheretraffic accidentnottwice , the vaguecritique the governmentdid not planreasonably.
事后报纸网络引发了轰动,豪车飙车引发车祸,这是网络主题。然而报纸主题却聚焦在了,行人违章过马路,因为此处车祸并非一次两次,又隐晦的批判了政府规划不合理。Twodaystraffic policehave given the conclusion, the driverliquorhave not harnessed, at that time the vehicle speedhad not exceeded the definitionspeed60. Andreminded the residents to walk the pedestrian crossingor over -bridge and underground walkacross the street. Waits for the redstreet lightto raise the transportationconsciousnesswait/etc.
过两日交警给出结论,肇事司机并未酒驾,当时车速也并未超过限定时速60。.并提醒广大市民穿过马路一定要走人行横道或天桥和地下通道。等待红路灯提高交通意识等等。Several days later, double11came, the hot spotshiftstoJack Mafatherimmediatelymustmakehow muchmoney, this yearmustbreak throughmanyhundred million. Onlyexistedas forjourneyXiaoyuin the memory of small number of people, no onepaid attention to the youngmusicdirector of thissmalltelevision station. AfterjourneyXiao the featherparentsobtained a bigindemnity, the parents who journeyXiaoyu the friends and relativesdo not supportjourneyXiaoyuwantto consider the courtwith the dangerousdrivingcrime the opposite party. The opposite partyalsosent in the information saying that hisleafauspicious daywas a native, 100methodsescaped the sanction of law. Naturallythesethingshad nothing to dowithjourneyXiaoyu.
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