MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#31 Part 1: Meets the trap colorfully

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Because is disinclined to find the place to stop, journey Xiaoyu looked for family/home KFC Automobile Shuttle Restaurant at will, bought a meal to add a pair of spicy wing, then departs in the vision that the service person envied, journey Xiao feather optional the car(riage) by the roadside, started to eat hamburger. Ate several to receive the message, he child in pulled out his Great Wall fold cell phone from the pants pocket, lightening looked has not preserved number. 因为懒得找地方停车,程晓羽随意找了家肯德基汽车穿梭餐厅,买了个套餐加一对辣翅,然后在服务员羡慕的眼光中离去,程晓羽随意的将车靠在路边,开始吃汉堡。才吃了几口就收到了短信,他从裤袋子里掏出他长城折叠手机,点亮一看是个没保存过的号码。 Hello, journey Xiaoyu, watched your performance yesterday, shocks greatly, can know?” “你好,程晓羽,昨天看了你的演出,大为震撼,能认识一下吗?” journey Xiaoyu turned to yesterday has not met the electricity, discovered that was not Ji numerous the number, the convenience first saved Ji numerous the telephone, thinks to others the telephone, has not returned in addition hello, were you which? I do not remember to your number.” 程晓羽翻到昨天的未接来电,发现不是纪芸芸的号码,顺手就先存了纪芸芸的电话,想了一下除此之外没给别人电话啊,就回到“您好,请问您是哪位?我不记得给过你号码。” In several seconds, the opposite returned, the typing speed is quite quick who wants to know is, meets knows!” 没过几秒,对面就回了过来,打字速度是相当快“想知道是谁,见了面就知道啊!” According to journey Xiao feather more than 40 years of experience any walking of certainly does not have the good deed, immediately returns to have no free time, you did not say that whose words you are, I did not return to your message.” 根据程晓羽四十多年的经验凡是找上门的一定没好事,立刻回到“没空,你不说你是谁的话,我就不回你短信了。” I was yesterday's literary charm private school jump «Dunhuang» Tang Wen am attractive, you did not believe me to send the picture to you.” “我是昨天格致私塾跳《敦煌》的唐雯倩,你不信我发照片给你。” Does not use, how do you know my telephone number?” “不用了,你怎么知道我电话号码的?” Asked. Don't you really watch my picture? What I am long is very attractive.” “问的啊。你真不看我的照片吗?我长的还是很漂亮的。” Then the cell phone meets to pop up the prompt, has the document whether accepts, journey Xiaoyu selected refused to return to me to have no interest in the woman, do not harass me.” 接着手机接弹出提示,有文件是否接受,程晓羽点了拒绝回到“我对女人没兴趣,别骚扰我了。” „, Has no interest in the woman? Do you like the man?” “啊,对女人没兴趣?你难道喜欢男人吗?” Opposite sex is only the multiplication descendant, the homogeneity is the human world really loves. Do you understand? Please do not regard me with the secular vision, cannot accept also asks you to bless silently.” “异性只为繁衍后代,同性才是人间真爱。你懂吗?请不要用世俗的眼光看待我,不能接受也请你默默的祝福。” Haha, you are really humorous. I liked you more and more.” Then the opposite transmitted the picture document. “哈哈,你真幽默。我越来越喜欢你了。”接着对面又传来了照片文件。 journey Xiaoyu in selected one time refused to receive to return to you attractively will only make me envy, watched the picture to do to me? I to will not play such joke with the stranger bored! Saying goodbye 程晓羽在一次点了拒绝接收回到“你长得漂亮只会让我嫉妒,给我看照片干什么?我不会无聊到跟陌生人开这样的玩笑!再见” Why did the opposite separate transmitted new message you to tell me such private matter a while? You did not fear that I did tell others?” 对面隔了一阵子才传来新的一条短信“为什么你会把这样私密的事情告诉我?你不怕我告诉别人?” journey Xiaoyu finished eating hamburger, scratched the hand with the paper goods, both hands takes the cell phone to return to this matter to hide in my heart was very long, I felt that I could not constrain quickly. You know that I camouflage myself in these smelly men every day am how uncomfortable, I have wanted to ask a miss to be the sisters, leans to state the pain in heart. You are first send the message on own initiative to my girl, I believe that you are a good person.” 程晓羽将汉堡吃完,用纸巾擦擦手,双手拿着手机回到“这件事情藏在我心中很久了,我感觉我快压抑不住了。你知道嘛,我每天在那些臭男人中伪装自己是多么的难受,我一直想找个姑娘做姐妹,倾述心中的痛苦。你是第一个主动发短信给我的女孩,我相信你是个好人。” Good, relax, I will not tell others. Were we friend?” “好吧,放心吧,我不会跟别人说的。那我们是朋友了吗?” Naturally, we can complete the sisters.” journey Xiaoyu sends this, the opposite has not returned, journey Xiaoyu also along machine plants in the pocket hand in hand, KFC that will not have finished eating throws into the trash can of roadside, put out the paper goods to scratch the lower jaw, started the vehicle to drive toward Jinling East Road. “当然啊,我们可以做好姐妹的。”程晓羽发完这条,对面就没回过来了,程晓羽也就顺手把手机插回兜里,将没吃完的肯德基丢进路边的垃圾桶,拿出纸巾擦了下嘴,发动车子朝金陵东路驶去。 Telephone that is not others, is permits Qinning. She quite a while a chapter of message, has not been thinks that journey Xiao feather that image, said that must be the sisters with, for a while cannot bear indirectly, thinks that journey Xiaoyu touched oneself yesterday, hit to tremble, the cell phone threw the bed to get down. 电话那头不是别人,正是许沁柠。她半天没回短信,是想到程晓羽那形象,说要和自己做姐妹,一时间接受不了,又想到程晓羽昨天摸了自己一把,打了个哆嗦,手机都扔到了床下去了。 Originally in the morning gets up permits Qinning to call Su Yu, asking Su Yu to come out journey Xiaoyu, Su Yu actually did not agree. Tried every means to persuade from Su Yu here must to journey Xiaoyu the telephone number, planned that deceived journey Xiaoyu with the picture of best friend, played jokes upon his, the result has not thought such a news. permits Qinning the innermost feelings do not believe that therefore decided that under was late is sending the message, the wrap/sets selects journey Xiaoyu the words to come out to say. 原来早上起来许沁柠就跟苏虞兮打了电话,叫苏虞兮把程晓羽约出来,苏虞兮却是不同意。好说歹说才从苏虞兮这里要到了程晓羽的电话号码,打算用闺蜜的照片把程晓羽骗出来,戏耍他一番,结果没有想到得到了这样一个消息。许沁柠内心还是不太相信,所以决定等下晚点在发短信,套点程晓羽的话出来在说。 journey Xiaoyu to does not know that some people deliberately plan to cope with him, but felt delivers is not the trap is the dinosaur, both can want the human life, if will really be the beautiful woman will have the opportunity to meet in the future, said oneself were not the homosexuality not on the knot. Facts showed that the ginger is old spicy, these words has the scientific basis. 程晓羽到不知道有人处心积虑要对付他,只是觉得送上门的不是陷阱就是恐龙,两者都会要人命,如果真是美女将来有机会见面的话,就说自己不是同性恋不就结了。事实证明姜还是老的辣,这句话还是有科学依据的。 Arrived Jinling East Road, journey Xiaoyu looked for the place parking, then calls king Ou, king Ou said that immediately, two people approximately meet in the sea sound art school entrance of Jinling East Road. Got down the driving distance dawn feather to feel a little cold, fastened tightly the movement cotton clothing/taking of upper body, hanging in the hat frame of clothes in the head, walked toward the sea sound art school. Sees toward him to beckon king Ou of resembles black bear oneself bind from afar. 到了金陵东路,程晓羽找了地方停车,然后跟王鸥打电话,王鸥说马上就到,两人约在金陵东路的海音艺术学校门口见面。下了车程晓羽才觉得有点冷,扣紧了上身的运动棉服,又把挂在衣服的帽子框在头上,朝海音艺术学校走去。远远就看见把自己裹的像狗熊的王鸥朝他招手。 king Ou saw that journey Xiaoyu is a bear hugs slightly fat, yesterday was really cool, you were never so expected that fierce, particularly summer Shamo, that treble was really is drunk my wind. Yeah, I also know that summer Shamo is very attractive, actually does not know that she is so attractive, it seems like that the beautiful woman ranking of our school must raise reign of terror.” Said that is an expression of big of being concerned about country and people hero. 王鸥见到程晓羽就是一个熊抱“小胖,昨天真是太酷了,没想到你们这么厉害,尤其是夏纱沫,那高音真是把我飙醉了。哎,我也知道夏纱沫很漂亮,却不知道她有这么漂亮,看来我们学校的美女排名榜又要掀起一阵腥风血雨了。”说完又是一副忧国忧民侠之大者的表情。 journey Xiaoyu about the passed matter thought there is nothing to taste, walks while said yesterday to make any good picture not to have.” 程晓羽对已经过去的事情觉得没什么好回味的,就边走边说“昨天拍了什么好照片没有。” Mentioned this, king Ou on excited did not have the time to reorganize, the card space was insufficient, or can also pat many materials.” Said that king Ou also a little regretted. 提到这个,王鸥就兴奋“还没时间整理呢,储存卡空间不够,要不还能多拍好多素材呢。”说完王鸥还有点惋惜。 Big card?” journey Xiaoyu asked. “多大的卡啊?”程晓羽问到。 10 G.” king Ou regrettable saying, after „, this/should prepares stretch/open card to be good.” “10G的。”王鸥遗憾的说道,“以后该多备张卡才行。” journey Xiaoyu a palm of the hand claps to the shoulder of king gull on say/way under the elder brother buys 10 10 G with you, you picture of being selective remember that sends my mailbox.” 程晓羽一巴掌拍到王鸥的肩膀上道“等下哥就跟你买十张10G的,你把精挑细选的照片记得发我邮箱。” king Ou holds Fist Dao „to not ingratitude geographical unit of government request.” 王鸥抱拳道“必不负恩公所托。” journey Xiaoyu also asked that right, my telephone have you given others?” 程晓羽又问“对了,我的电话你给过别人没有?” king Ou shakes the head does not have, who will ask your telephone? Male female?” 王鸥摇头“没啊,谁会问你电话?男的女的?” Female, but also pesters to death must send the picture to me.” “女的,还死乞白赖的非要发照片给我。” She is certainly blind.” king Ou indignant saying “那她一定是瞎了眼。”王鸥愤愤不平的说道 Grass, king Dazhuang, planned asked you to have the dinner, now not your share.” “艹,王大壮,本来打算请你吃晚饭的,现在没你的份了。” „Can feather elder brother, promise me with not eating meal to threaten me? You display like this really insufficiently treasure among us the friendship.” “羽哥,能答应我别用吃饭威胁我吗?你这样的表现实在不够珍惜我们之间的友谊。” That studies the guitar I to collect fees.” “那学吉他我要收费。” „The meat recompenses, you want to make anything to me.” king Ou pushed the farewell gift of food dawn feather with the shoulder, winks the small eye to speak. “肉偿可以吗,你想对我做什么都可以的哦。”王鸥用肩膀挤了下程晓羽,眨着小眼睛说到。 journey Xiao the feather can only hand over the arms. 程晓羽只能缴械投降。 journey Xiaoyu and king Ouguang several musical instrument stores, sold the guitar are not many, generally is the wind and stringed musical instruments musical instrument, the piano, the violin and national musical instrument. Thinks that perhaps this space and time really no one practices the guitar, king Ou the innermost feelings also a little hesitates. 程晓羽和王鸥逛了几家乐器店,卖吉他的不多,一般都是管弦乐器,钢琴,小提琴和民族乐器。想到这个时空或许真没什么人练吉他,王鸥内心也有点踌躇。 journey Xiao feather a few words dispelled king Ou the misgivings, this musical instrument is soaks the little girl sharp weapon, king Ou surges upward immediately warmly, draws journey Xiaoyu to continue to look. 程晓羽一句话就打消了王鸥的顾虑,这乐器是泡妞利器,王鸥马上就热情高涨,拉着程晓羽继续去找。 In until a position slightly remote point Xinghai Music Store, journey Xiaoyu saw to suspend some guitars. journey Xiaoyu and king Ou go, inside has many people to select the zither | Jean, generally is looks at the violin and piano, that side the guitar no one goes. journey Xiaoyu walks to be choosy in the guitar area, no one greeted, king Ou anything did not understand can only follow. 直到一家位置稍微偏僻点的星海琴行,程晓羽才看见里面摆了一些吉他。程晓羽和王鸥进去,里面有不少人在挑琴,一般都是看小提琴和钢琴的,吉他那边都没人去。程晓羽走过去在吉他区挑挑拣拣,也没人招呼,王鸥啥都不懂只能跟着。 journey Xiaoyu thinks that king Ou has no music foundation, will not eat meal by the music, thought that he was OK from the ballad guitar study. Most laymen cannot distinguish clearly the difference of the classical guitar and ballad guitar, actually both really have huge difference. The simple classical guitar zither | Jean Xiangcheng bottle gourd shape, with the nylon string, zither | Jean Jingcu is short 19, The timbre is gently beautiful, clear, implicit, warm, but the volume is very small. But the ballad guitar has to lack upper right the zither | Jean box, used steel string, zither | Jean Jingxi is long 22, The timbre is clear, bright, the modern age, the volume is very big. Both are no comparison between them in the use. The classical guitar is used for the solo generally, the ballad guitar accompanies generally 程晓羽想王鸥没什么音乐基础,又不会靠音乐吃饭,觉得他从民谣吉他学起就可以了。绝大多数外行分不清古典吉他与民谣吉他的区别,其实两者实在是有天壤之别。简单的来说古典吉他琴箱呈葫芦形,用尼龙弦,琴颈粗而短【19品】,音色柔美,圆润,含蓄,温暖,但音量很小。而民谣吉他很多在琴箱右上方有个缺,用的钢弦,琴颈细而长【22品】,音色清脆,明亮,现代,音量很大。在使用上两者更是不可同日而语。古典吉他一般用来独奏,民谣吉他一般都是伴奏 journey Xiaoyu chose for quite a while to select a ballad guitar of rose wooden manufacture, inspected carefully under looked is the veneer, the painting was whether even and does have the clash has delimited the trace, finally looked at the texture of lining to be good, the plan made one to ask the price. journey Xiaoyu called two to have the person, no one managed, discovered that encircled in the piano area, can only walk. 程晓羽选了半天就挑了一把玫瑰木制作的民谣吉他,仔细检查了下看是不是单板,喷漆是否均匀、有没有磕碰划过的痕迹,最后看了面料的纹理还行,就打算叫人问价格。程晓羽叫了两声有人吗,没人理,发现都围在钢琴区,就只能走过去。 Originally is the people of two family understanding takes care of the child to buy the piano mutually, actually does not know that buys what brand to be appropriate, buying vertical good to buy the triangle to be good. After all the piano is not the light casting goods, tens of thousands buy for the child makes a big toy is a little luxurious. Finally the shop owner goes out to have the matter, understands the seller of piano to have a vacation, today on the shop owner daughter and another new seller, two fresh-faced little misses one was closely examined to feel embarrassed continually by two families. 原来是两家子互相认识的人带小孩来买钢琴,却不知道买什么品牌合适,买立式好还是买三角好。毕竟钢琴也不是什么小件物品,几万块买给孩子来做一个大玩具还是有点奢侈的。结果店主出去有事,懂点钢琴的销售员放假,今天就店主女儿和另一个新来的销售员在,两个粉嫩的小姑娘一下就被两个家庭连番的追问为难住了。 journey Xiaoyu patted did a wear black work clothes small and exquisite wave wavefront miss, ask how much money this guitar?” 程晓羽拍了拍其中一个穿着黑色工作服小巧玲珑的波波头姑娘,问道“这把吉他多少钱?” The miss turn head looks at guitar on journey Xiaoyu the hand to ask that " hasn't price-marked? ” 那姑娘回头瞧了一眼程晓羽手上的吉他问"没标价吗?” journey Xiaoyu shakes the head. 程晓羽摇头。 Miss access road/simply said that you wait/etc, the boss come back immediately, my new I am not clear.” Saw with own eyes that two family members must walk, big deducting a percentage must fly, this miss hurries on the staying or going person, shouts guest, the boss comes back immediately, waits slightly.” 那姑娘便道“那您等等,老板马上回来,我新来的我也不清楚。”眼见那两家人要走,一大笔提成就要飞了,这姑娘赶忙又上去留人,喊道“客人,老板马上回来,稍微等一下。” Behind that wear white down clothing, wears the slightly La jeans, the ponytail miss of NIKE sneakers, grasped the telephone to catch up. journey Xiaoyu hears charmingly angry sound father, where did you buy the smoke to buy? Has not come back, the guests must walk.” journey Xiaoyu is wriggling the waist, protects the guitar on expert, making this facial features be possible the miss of person to pass through from the side delicately. A heart this year buys guitar TM is really difficult, big cold season being disinclined in looks, it is estimated that he and king Ou also walked. 后面那个穿着白色羽绒服,穿条微喇牛仔裤,NIKE运动鞋的马尾姑娘,也手持着电话赶了出来。程晓羽就听见娇嗔的声音“爸,你买烟买到哪里去了?还不回来,客人都要走了。”程晓羽扭着腰,护好手上的吉他,让这个面容清秀可人的姑娘从身边穿过。心道这年头买把吉他真TM难,要不是大冷天的懒得在去找,估计他和王鸥也都走了。 That two family members are also knew obviously, pledged after the Polish wavefront sales clerks and ponytail girls gave the biggest preferential benefit, that two family members also then bear the temper to wait. Because the area of shop is quite big, the air conditioning effect is not very tangible, therefore one group of people push in register nearby electric stove there warm by a fire. 那两家人显然也是认识的,在波波头店员和马尾姑娘承诺给予最大的优惠以后,那两家人也便耐着性子等了下来。由于店子的面积比较大,空调效果也不是很明显,所以一群人都挤在收银台旁边的电火炉那里烤火。 journey Xiaoyu is all right takes that choosing the good ballad guitar is tuning a stringed instrument, because his present hearing is astonishing, does not need to draw support from what tuner and frame of reference, dials the string then to correct the string directly. king Ou like the curious baby closely examines this does, this has anything to affect. journey Xiao the feather 11 explanations, wait to adjust the string, journey Xiaoyu sees the boss not to see, no one manages them, asked king Ouche a stool to come. 程晓羽没事就拿着那把选好的民谣吉他在调弦,因为他现在听力惊人,也不需要借助什么调音器和参照物,直接拨弦然后调校琴弦。王鸥则像个好奇宝宝一样的追问这是干什么,这有什么作用。程晓羽一一解答,等调完弦,程晓羽见老板还不见来,也没人理他们,就叫王鸥扯了张凳子过来。 journey Xiaoyu sat down, assumes the posture saying that to king Ou looked the master showed one's skill to you.” Sweeps the string such as the mountain stream running water to stroke the smooth cobblestone sound to reverberate. 程晓羽坐下,摆好姿势对王鸥说“看师傅给你露一手。”一扫琴弦如溪涧流水击打光滑的鹅卵石般的声响就回荡起来。 journey Xiaoyu the left hand according to the zither | Jean neck place, the right hand dials the string. To him this body is the first contact guitar, but carves at the guitar performance in innermost soul, actually like eating meal to drink water general natural flowing to come out, he shoots is Sungha Jung edition «Day-by-day», this song is South Korea combines the BIGBANG song, but after reorganizing guitar SOLO, is still interesting to listen. 程晓羽左手按在琴颈处,右手拨弦。对他来说这具身体是第一次接触吉他,但刻在灵魂深处的吉他演奏,却如同吃饭喝水一般自然的流淌出来,他弹得是郑成河版本的《一天一天》,这首歌是韩国组合BIGBANG的歌曲,但改编成吉他SOLO以后依旧非常动听。 But this song journey Xiao feather previous generation also watches the talent guitar player Sungha Jung's performance to result in repeatedly three tastes. Earlier must pay attention to hit the board, raps the sound that the army rouse to strengthen the rhythm with the guitar, simply speaking wants is the right hand big fish border hits the board and thumb to hit 6 strings, simultaneously under the right middle finger sweeps. 而这首曲子程晓羽前世也是反复观看天才吉他手郑成河的演奏才能得其中三味。前期要注意打板,用吉他敲击出军鼓的声音来加强节奏,简单来说要点就是右手大鱼际打板、拇指打六弦,同时右手中指下扫。 This skill called to hit among the boards the melody sound, should be Sungha Jung most commonly used skillful one, to playing FS some time person, this possibly adjusted the hand signal to accomplish slightly. This skill mainly emphasizes in having the rhythm( sometimes is the feeling of Swing) fusion in the music. But the difficult place is: When prepares to hit the board, how the melody sound should hit, will observe Sungha Jung's video you to discover, he when hitting the board will make similar spider man hand signal, and middle finger and will the ring finger be curving? Right, this is the key! Points at to cause the melody sound with these two. Because is the spider man hand signal, same hits the version, which several strings possibly when usually will play an instrument and sing the hitting board strongly not to request to hit. Even four, five and six strings can project on. But now we are the guitar performances, that cannot be careless! Returns to the shape, Sungha Jung hits the board the position mostly in five, six above of string or sixth string, because he has the belt/bring the thumb wrap/sets, cannot hit to him like us directly in the string. Therefore, accurate that playing the board position must practice. 这种技巧叫打板间旋律音,应该是郑成河最常用的技巧之一,对玩FS一段时间的人来说,这可能稍微调一下手势就辦得到。这个技巧主要讲求于有节奏(有时是Swing的感觉)融合于音乐之中。而其中较难的地方在于:准备打板时,旋律音该怎么打,多观察郑成河的视频你就会发现,他在打板时会做出类似蜘蛛人手势,且中指和无名指是弯曲的?沒错,这就是关键!就是用這两只手指去弄出旋律音。因为是蜘蛛人手势,一样是打版,可能平常弹唱時的打板就不会强烈去要求打在哪几条弦上。甚至四、五、六弦都會打到。但现在我们是吉他演奏,那就马虎不得!回到手形上面,郑成河打板的位置大多是在五、六弦或第六弦的上方,因为他有带着姆指套,不能像我們一样直接给他打在弦上。所以,把打板的位置必须练的精准。 The second very difficult skill was called the bass drum, this skill Sungha Jung not long appearance like above that skill. Sounds will look like the sound of big drum, mainly is also uses to strengthen the rhythm. After making concrete to the performance is dials the string, lets upward that the hand takes advantage of opportunity, at this time, with wrist/skill vigorous hit sound hole above. The wrist/skill is not possibly accurate, should be said that bottom of the palm is right. That this skill uses, usually the production with melody sound is the same time, therefore practice time suffers the person. 第二个高难度技巧叫低音鼓,这个技巧郑成河并没有像上面那个技巧那样长出现。听起来会非常像大鼓的声音,主要也是用在加强节奏。具体到演奏就是拨完弦后,让手顺势的向上,这时候,用手腕大力的撞击音孔上方。說手腕可能沒那么精准,应该是说手掌底部才对。那这个技巧用的时候,通常跟旋律音的产生是同一时间的,所以练习的时候非常折磨人。 But if good of this two kinds skill union, is equivalent to the ball guitar also to bring a simple drum kit. The rhythm and melodic of entire music regarding guitar SOLO, have the qualitative promotion. 但如果这两样技巧结合的好,就相当于弹吉他还自带一个简易的爵士鼓。整个音乐的节奏性和旋律性对于吉他SOLO来说,就有质的提升。 journey Xiao the feather previous generation guitar performance has the foundation of basic skills, although now this body display ten success strength, but can play completely this «Day-by-day». Such beautiful melody shocks king Ou and side people immediately, particularly the guitar is also the unpopular musical instrument in Huaxia, the played person are not many, even if there is the level that can play is still not very high, journey Xiao feather reveal, all around enclosed did not do a bit less to buy the person of musical instrument. 程晓羽前世吉他演奏还是相当有功底的,现在这具身体虽说发挥不出十成功力,但还是能完整演奏出这首《一天一天》。这样优美的旋律立刻惊呆了王鸥和身边的一众人,尤其是吉他在华夏还属于冷门乐器,玩的人并不多,就算有会玩的水平也不够高,程晓羽这一手一露,四周就围上了不少来买乐器的人。 This time journey Xiaoyu not only can play the wonderful moving melody, but also the rhythm is very splendid, snaps fingers chic and smooth that sweeps among the strings not to talk clearly, if not for were limited by the appearance, it is estimated that has little miss confused being oneself. Even so, down clothing miss also two of which ponytail should be studies the children and most guardians of piano also encircled. Looked at journey Xiaoyu to reveal the shocking look. And a young boy even is quarrelling not study the piano, must study the guitar. 此时的程晓羽不仅仅能演奏出美妙动人的旋律,而且律动十分出色,弹指扫弦间说不清的潇洒自如,若不是被外貌限制,估计早就有小姑娘被迷的神魂颠倒。即使是这样,哪个扎马尾的羽绒服姑娘还有两个应该是学钢琴的小孩子和大部分家长也围了过来。望着程晓羽露出了惊艳的眼神。其中一个小男孩甚至吵着不学钢琴了,要学吉他。 When journey Xiaoyu plays dedicated, without the attention has encircled so many people, looked up to stand to say embarrassed from the stool, disturbed you.” 程晓羽专注弹奏时,没注意已经围了这么多人,抬头一看从凳子上站起来说“不好意思,打扰你们了。” The delicate ponytail girls immediately say are all right, all right. Sees the guitar ball is so good for the first time, you study the music.” 清秀的马尾姑娘立刻说“没事,没事。第一次见吉他弹这么好的,你是学音乐的吧。” journey Xiaoyu smiles reluctantly is, the guitar is also fun on the bullet hit, majors in the piano.” 程晓羽笑了笑说“勉强算是吧,吉他也就弹着好玩,主修钢琴。” The ponytail girls pull immediately journey Xiaoyu one side, like finding the straw to grasp asked that you definitely to know how to choose the piano?” 马尾姑娘立刻把程晓羽扯到一边,像找到救命稻草问道“那你一定知道怎么选钢琴啦?” journey Xiaoyu hesitant, does not want to take care this troublesome matter, looks at the ponytail miss appearance composed person, in the cheeks such as the congealing new litchi, the amiableness of feature gentle view, access road/simply said meets some.” Also cannot say that journey Xiaoyu treats people by the appearance, but if changes the miss who a beauty is not as good as to ask, he will not say the meeting absolutely. Everyone loves to be pretty, this is also the instinct. 程晓羽犹豫了一下,本不想管这麻烦的事情,一看马尾姑娘容貌婉约可人,腮间如凝新荔,眉目温柔观之可亲,便道“还是会一些的。”也不能说程晓羽以貌待人,但倘若换个姿色稍逊的姑娘来问,他断断是不会说会的。爱美之心人皆有之,这也是天性。 The ponytail girls said with a smile that is too good, under troubled you to help, helping me deal with that two chose the piano? Regardless of becomes inadequate, waits for you to go shopping to you the highest preferential benefit.” 马尾姑娘笑道“那太好了,麻烦你帮帮忙,帮我应付下那两家选钢琴的好吗?不论成不成,等下你买东西都给你个最高优惠。” Obviously this miss is very intelligent girl, during the speeches understands to use oneself advantage, pulls closer the distance with the stranger rapidly, but does not make people think repugnant, journey Xiaoyu nods to comply. 显然这个姑娘属于非常聪明的女孩,说话间都懂利用自己的优势,和陌生人迅速拉近距离,而不让人觉得反感,程晓羽点头答应。 The ponytail girls pulled journey Xiaoyu to pass, introduced this with that two family members is on the outstanding student of play Piano Department, had anything issue about the piano to consult journey Xiaoyu. That two family members previously listened to journey Xiaoyu the guitar performance, although does not know about the music but also to feel very fierce, does not doubt him. 马尾姑娘扯了程晓羽过去,跟那两家人介绍这是上戏钢琴系的高才生,有什么关于钢琴的问题可以咨询程晓羽。那两家人先前听了程晓羽的吉他演奏,虽不懂音乐但也觉得非常厉害,就不疑有他。 journey Xiaoyu to does not have stage fright, although is also not on plays, but also calculates that half treadonned on to play. Also he pondered also crammed ferociously many piano knowledge recently very much, should be able to deal with, was then bold to deal. 程晓羽到也不怯场,虽说还不是上戏的,但也算半只脚踏进了上戏。再说他自忖最近还很是恶补了不少钢琴知识,应该是能应付,便大胆上去应对。 And a 30 young young married woman is drawing oneself child, previously quarrelled must study which young boy of guitar to ask that he must buy the grand piano, but his teacher said that the grand piano is quite good, but the vertical piano was enough. You said that which appropirateness has a look.” 其中一位三十的年轻少妇拉着自己的孩子,就是先前吵着要学吉他的哪个小男孩问“他非要买三角钢琴,但他老师说三角钢琴是比较好,但立式钢琴就足够了。您说看看到底哪个合适。” journey Xiaoyu hesitates evil ways like this to look that your budget and put zither | Jean the size of place. If the budget are not many, buys vertical good.” 程晓羽沉吟一下道“这样看您的预算和放琴的地方的大小了。如果预算不是很多的话,还是买立式的好。” The young married woman thinks under said child just started to study, buys too expensively is inappropriate, about 20,000-30,000 were OK, in family/home living room 40-50 squares, but can suspend the place of zither | Jean should not be many.” 那少妇想了下说“小孩子刚开始学,买太贵的也不合适,20,000-30,000左右的就可以了,家里客厅40-50平方,但能摆琴的地方应该不多了。” journey Xiaoyu said that you buy vertical is more appropriate.” 程晓羽笑着说“那您还是买立式的合适一些。” Did side another guardian interrupt to ask what that vertical and triangle has to distinguish?” 旁边另一个家长插嘴问道“那立式和三角到底有什么区别呢?”
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