Because the messagevoting systemcollapses, thereforethistimejointlyperformedto finish, cannotannounce that which the most popularprogramwas. Howeversummarizes several opinions of schoolteachers, mustconferto elect by ballot the firstspecial awardto conferSuYu. journeyXiaofeathertheirprogramswon the first prize, summerShamomounts the stageto receive an award, under the stageis the slatingapplauseresounds.
因为短信投票系统崩溃,所以这次联合汇演结束,并没能宣布最受欢迎的节目是哪一个。但是总结几个学校老师的意见,把原本要颁给票选第一的特等奖颁给了苏虞兮。程晓羽他们三人的节目得了一等奖,夏纱沫上台领奖的时候,台下又是雷鸣般的掌声响起。Regardingsuchaward item, journeyXiaoyunaturallyisindifferent, kingOufeelsactuallyregrettedvery much, althoughheis the team leader of Sugoddessbodyguard, butalsothought that thistimeshouldbesummerShamotheywins.
The partybreaks up, journeyXiaoyuleaveswithallhumanity, andsaidHappy New Year. kingOuwalks, added that has a vacationto askjourneyXiaoyuto come outto play. journeyXiaoyunodsto comply. AlsorememberssummerShamo the bicyclealsoto stopin the underground station, calledsummerShamohastilysaid that accompaniedherto take the bicycle, summerShamoreturns to the say/waynot to relate, her mothermether, she and motherwent backtogether, did not needjourneyXiaoyuto be worried. journeyXiaoyusaidHappy New Yearin the telephonetosummerShamo. summerShamoalsosaidHappy New YeartojourneyXiaoyuwith a smile, but alsothanksjourneyXiaoyuto givehersuchgoodnew year's gift, journeyXiaoyuthinkswhatsummerShamosaidis the crystalshoes, withoutthinks,saidpoliteanythingSUMMER, remembers that ouragreements, made the telephone call.
晚会散场的时候,程晓羽跟所有人道别,并说了新年快乐。王鸥走的时候,还说放假找程晓羽出来玩。程晓羽点头答应。又想起夏纱沫的自行车还停在地铁站,连忙打电话给夏纱沫说陪她去拿自行车,夏纱沫回道没关系,她妈妈过来接她了,她和妈妈一起回去,不用程晓羽担心了。程晓羽在电话里跟夏纱沫说了新年快乐。夏纱沫也笑着跟程晓羽说了新年快乐,还谢谢程晓羽送她这么好的新年礼物,程晓羽以为夏纱沫说的是水晶鞋,没多想,说道客气什么啊SUMMER,记得我们的约定,就挂了电话。Auntie Zhouhas not driven, Maybach who Wang Huashengopensmetthreepeopleto go hometogether, journeyXiaoyusat in the front seat, SuYuandAuntie Zhousits the back seat.
周姨没开车过来,王华生开的迈巴赫接了三人一起回家,程晓羽坐前座,苏虞兮和周姨坐后座。In one driving distancedawnfeathercansee the happy expression on Auntie Zhouface, „good, Koba, youin the musicareverytalented. The songisyouwrites?”
一上车程晓羽就能看见周姨脸上的笑意,“不错啊,小羽,你在音乐上还是很有天赋的。曲子都是你写的吗?”InjourneyXiao the feathermindintertwined, repliedwith a smile„, has hadis scrawling something, butdoes not know that cansomepeopleappreciate. Thistimereallybe forcedto taketo reveal shortcomings, was small the pianoto shoottoowell, orIdo not think the performanceway of like thiswinning favor by ostentation.”
程晓羽脑海中纠结了一下,还是笑着答道“是的,一直有在瞎写些东西,但不知道会不会有人欣赏。这次真是迫于无奈才拿出来献丑的,小兮钢琴弹得太好了,要不我也不会想到这样哗众取宠的演出方式。”SuYuactuallydid not appreciate kindness rendered, lightsay/way„youused the two kindsmusical instrumentto match the effect of symphony orchestra, suchtalentIdid not have. Today'sspecial awardshouldyoutake, to be honestIdo not have the qualifications.”
苏虞兮却是不领情,淡淡的道“你用两样乐器配出了交响乐团的效果,这样的才华我是没有的。今天的特等奖应该你拿,说实话我没有资格。”journeyXiaoyuis listening tothisconcealmenthostilitywords, on the face an awkwardsay/way„Iam notthismeaning, Iadmireyourpianotechniqueheartfeltly.”
程晓羽听着这隐含敌意的话语,脸上一阵尴尬道“我不是这个意思,我是由衷的佩服你的钢琴技艺。”Auntie ZhouhearsSuYu the indifferentexpression, althoughsheknowsSuYualwaysthis, butcannot bearcriticism„, howyouspoketo the Elder Brother, usuallyIdid not sayyou outside, youtoyourelder brotheralsothis, theseyears were really notside, quicklyapologizedwith the Elder Brother who youfavored.”
周姨听到苏虞兮冷漠的言辞,虽说她知道苏虞兮一向这样,但还是忍不住批评“兮兮,你怎么跟哥哥说话的,平时在外面我都不说你了,你对你哥也这样,这些年真是把你宠的没边了,赶快跟哥哥道歉。”journeyXiaoyu the busysay/way„Auntie Zhou, did not needto apologize, Ialsoknow the temperament of small. Sheis like this good, not false, is not artificial, suchcharacterIappreciatevery much.”
程晓羽忙道“周姨,不用道歉了,我也知道小兮的脾气。她这样挺好的,不虚伪、不做作,这样的性格我很欣赏。”SuYuhas not said a word, casts asidelooks at the street view of out of the windowexcessively.
苏虞兮没有做声,撇过头去瞧窗外的街景。Auntie Zhouhas not worried aboutthisoutstandingdaughterfrom infancy to maturity, thought that obedientsensibleSuYudoes not needto control. The temperwas desolate, but how to seeis not a misdemeanor, therefore has also been tossing aboutbySuYu, althoughSuYupersonalitylikelyher father, but the way one treats peoplebasicformality was very proper, the human communication of doing perfunctorilydoes not calculate that did not pay attentioncompletely. Butalways is not quite friendlyto the Elder Brother who thisbravessuddenly. Auntie Zhoualsothought that possiblyisSuYuhas a mindto tie, thinks that has free timeto askSuYuto chatagainwell, thenhas not forcedSuYuto wantherto apologize.
周姨从小到大没有操心过这个优秀的女儿,也觉得听话懂事的苏虞兮不需要管束。性子是冷淡了点,但怎么看也不是件坏事,所以一直也是由着苏虞兮折腾,虽说苏虞兮性格像她爸,但是待人接物基本的礼节还是很到位的,虚应故事的人际交往也不算是完全不理会。但偏偏对这个突然冒出来的哥哥一向不太友好。周姨也觉得可能是苏虞兮有心结,想到有空再找苏虞兮好好聊聊,便也没有勉强苏虞兮非要她道歉。Auntie Zhoulooked atSuYuseveralthento say„KobatojourneyXiaoyu, after your traffic accident, maybe much bettersensibly. Looked that youdisplaylike this, Auntie Zhoualsofelt relieved. YouwithQiaothreewill discuss that tomorrowyoumustmake the recording roommatterto go, Auntie Zhou.”
周姨瞧了苏虞兮几眼便对程晓羽说“小羽,你这车祸以后可懂事好多了。看你这样的表现,周姨也放心。你明天就跟乔三商量你要弄录音室事情去,周姨准了。”journeyXiaoyulistens to the innermost feelings is quite joyful, hasownrecording roomishisdream, saw with own eyes that the dreamwantsto becometrue, has turned the headto show a bigsmileto say„QueenthankstoAuntie Zhou the empresskindness.”
程晓羽一听内心相当喜悦,拥有自己的录音室一直是他的梦想,眼见梦想就要成真,转过头露出个大大笑脸对周姨说道“谢皇后娘娘恩典。”Auntie Zhoualsolaughed at„youto look that your was good, beforewas spiritless, the wordsdid not say,Ialwaysthoughtcannottake care ofyou, howwasmyis not, sawyouto be open, Iwas also happyforyour father. Onyour fathermouthdid not say, caresyour, youlooked that youalsofind a timeto chatwithyour fatherwell. Twofather and soncanhave the bigenmity, yourmotherhopesyoucanput down.”Said that Auntie Zhou also the pointsobbed, regarding the past events of Suriver, is not quite clear, had once made a veiled attack, SuChanghe who sheknewdid not open the mouth. Twocouplesmarry for nearly20years, has not quarrelled, has blushed, it can be said thatrespects one another as one would a guest. Only ifnearly20yearshavetreating with courtesy of being able to turn down, the Suriverdoes not go to workin the company, almostat home, may be called the model husband.
周姨也笑了“你看你这样多好,以前死气沉沉的,话也不说,我总觉得不能照顾好你,怎么都是我的不是,看到你开朗起来,我也替你爸爸高兴。你爸嘴上不说,还是关心你的,你看你也找个时间好好跟你爸聊聊。两父子能有多大的仇怨,想必你母亲还是希望你能放下的。”说完周姨也是又点唏嘘,对于苏长河的往事,她知道的并不太清楚,也曾旁敲侧击过,苏长河只是不开口。两夫妻结婚近20年,从没吵过架,红过脸,可以说是相敬如宾。近20年除非有推不掉的应酬,苏长河不是在公司上班,就几乎都在家里,堪称模范丈夫。Thereforeevenwere many a illegitimate child, ZhouPeipeinot onlydoes not have the slightobstruction, insteadwas quite happy,shebycannothelpSuChanghehave a sonto be regrettable, thereforetreatsjourneyXiaoyu is also good of sinceritytrue meaning. As for the propertyissue, ZhouPeipei of birthscholarly familywithoutcaring about, SuYuwould have noto spendfamily'smoneyfromsensible, is the modelto estimate that alsosavedmuch. The farewell gift of fooddawnfeather that also the family property of Sureallyaccommodatedindulged in dissipation, so long asjourneyXiaoyuwere not the excess of playboy, handled any dishonorablematter. ZhouPeipeiwill then not say that journeyXiao the featherhalf a pointis not.
所以即使多了一个私生子,周佩佩不但没有丝毫芥蒂,反而颇为高兴,她也一直以没能帮苏长河生个儿子遗憾,因此对待程晓羽也是真心真意的好。至于财产问题,出生书香门第的周佩佩更是没有在乎过,苏虞兮从懂事起就没花过家里的钱,做模特估计还存了不少。再说苏家的家产真还是容的下程晓羽花天酒地,只要程晓羽不是纨绔的过份,做些什么伤天害理的事情。周佩佩便不会说程晓羽半分不是。journeyXiaoyualsoknows that SuChangheis the issue that hemustface, but the complexemotion of innermost feelingsletsheeasilydoes not have the meansattemptto untiesuchknot, can only smile bitterlyis saying„Auntie ZhoutoAuntie Zhou, accommodatesmeinslowly, I want a day that sooner or latercanput down.”
程晓羽也知道苏长河是他必须面对的问题,但内心的复杂情感却让他没有办法轻易的去尝试解开这样的结,只能苦笑着对周姨说“周姨,容我在缓缓,我想迟早有能放下的一天。”Auntie ZhousawjourneyXiaoyu the tonealready the loosen, is not willingto forcenodsay/way„you to be ableto wantin excessto understandwell, mustknowyour father, was not easy.”Said that sighed.
周姨见程晓羽口气已经松了,也不愿意逼迫过甚点头道“你要能想明白就好,要知道你爸,也不容易。”说完叹了口气。Maybachsilent the moment, ZhouPeipeiremembered, todayWang Huashenghad brought backjourneyXiaoyu the driver licensefrom the traffic police team. ThenfromHermes
迈巴赫里沉默了片刻,周佩佩又想起,今天王华生已经从交警队取回了程晓羽的驾驶证。便从HermesInBirkinpulls outjourneyXiaoyu the driver's license, after journeyXiaoyuis the USdriver's license that 16 -year-old takesHuaxiadriver's license that Huaxiachangesback and forth, thereforecannottest the limit of driver's licenseby the Huaxia18years old. „Koba, the driver's licensetook carry backwithyou, myFerrarifixed, but alsostopsin the 4Sshop, youwill taketomorrowdirectlywere good, the maintenance costinsurance reported that yousignedon the line.”
Birkin里掏出程晓羽的驾照,程晓羽是16岁拿的美国驾照后来回华夏换的华夏驾照,所以不受华夏18岁才能考驾照的限制。“小羽,驾照跟你拿回来了,我那辆法拉利修好了,还停在4S店,你明天直接去取就行了,维修费用保险都报了,你签个字就行。”journeyXiaoyuturned aroundto receivedriver's licensesay/way„Auntie Zhou, hadcar(riage)almost? Ithink that driveto go to school. Openedthisto drill.”
Does Auntie Zhouactuallylaugh at„younot to shut outto cultivate/repair? The car(riage)does not have the bigmatter, changed the head lamp headlamp, traded the fan bladeandbumperanything, nobigdamage. Like this, youare first opening, whenyouare admitted to a university, Auntie Zhoudeliversyou a goodcar(riage).”
周姨却笑了笑“你不是嫌弃修过了吧?车没多大事情,换了大灯,换了叶子板、保险杠什么,没什么大损伤。这样吧,你先开着,等你考上大学,周姨送你一辆好车。”journeyXiaoyuwas not good saying that anything can only comply, actuallyhereallydoes not want is so high-profile.
程晓羽也不好在说什么只能答应,其实他是真的不想这么高调。Arrived the family/home, about 12points, somepeoplehad startedto put the fireworks, journeyXiaoyustandin the entrancelooked atseveral, untilSuYuandAuntie Zhoureturns to the roomto go.
到了家,已经将近12点了,有人开始放礼花,程晓羽站在门口看了几眼,直到苏虞兮和周姨回房才进去。Next daywakes up, thissleep/feltrestsis very refreshing. journeyXiaoyuwent downstairsto have the breakfast, unexpectedly the discoverydid not attend classoneselfalso is really idle. OnlycanaskstewardQiaoto think that discussed the matter of re-equippingrecording room.
第二天醒来,这一觉睡的很是神清气爽。程晓羽下楼吃了早饭,居然发现不上课自己还真是无所事事。只能找管家乔三思商量改装录音室的事情。Qiaothought that the transformationto the recording roomknows nothing, journeyXiaoyualsoslightlyknows the fur/superficial knowledge. Hedid not certainly expect that constructs a toprecording room, but the hopecanhave the musicworkstation, in addition a familyrecording room. Hewantsto record the song, istoonetrial that oneselfwantto be the producer, satisfiesownwish.
乔三思对录音室的改造是一窍不通,程晓羽也只是略知皮毛。他当然不奢望建造一个顶级的录音室,只是希望能有个音乐工作站,加上一个家庭录音室。他要自己录歌,算是对自己想做制作人的一种试炼,也是满足自己的的心愿。Butmustrebuild a recording room, first firstpointcompletessound-insulated, ispurchases the equipment and installmentinnext. journeyXiaoyulooks at the emptyamusement room, thinks, orinstalls a zither | Jeanroomto consider as finished, after allinstalls a recording roomprojecta littleto be really big, he must attend class must play the zither | Jean, reallydoes not have anytime.
但要改建一个录音室,首先第一点就做好隔音,在其次就是购买设备和安装。程晓羽看着已经空荡荡的娱乐室,想到要不就装一个琴房算了,毕竟重新装一个录音室工程实在有点大,他还要上课还要练琴,实在没有什么时间。Qiaothought that as iflookedjourneyXiaoyu the worrysaidin a low voice„young masterthoughtmade a recording room is too troublesome?”
乔三思似乎看出来程晓羽的烦恼低声道“少爷觉得做个录音室太麻烦了吗?”journeyXiaoyunodsay/way„, the wallopenedto build the soundproofing wall. The groundmustspread, best the band, but must change the position of air conditioning.......”
程晓羽点头道“是啊,墙拆了重新砌成隔音墙。地面要重新铺,最好有夹层,还要改空调的位置.......”Qiaothought that breaksjourneyXiaoyuto say„young master, repairsdoes not needyouto do, wecanlookspecializeddesigns the construction. Like thisyouhadanythingto demandwithme, Ifirstlookedspecializedcame out the drawing.”
乔三思打断程晓羽说道“少爷,装修不需要您去做啊,我们可以找专业的来设计施工。这样你有什么要求跟我说,我先去找专业的把图画出来。”journeyXiaoyuthenrecalled the presentis an out-and-outsecond generation of rich, wherealsoneededas before, bought the finishing materialalso to go to the marketto bargain back and forth, criticizingoneselfwas the calamity, toQiaothoughtwith a smilesaid„thatwas, the specializedrank, did not needtop, published the blueprint, lookedtome,bestalsobe ableto make a placeto do a small pointtome the zither | Jeanroom.”
程晓羽这才记起自己现在已经是个不折不扣的富二代了,哪里还需要像以前一样,买个装修材料还得自己去市场上讨价还价,暗骂自己就是劳碌命,笑着对乔三思说“那是,专业级别就可以,不需要多顶级,出了设计图,给我看下,最好还能弄点地方给我搞个小点的琴房。”Qiaothreethinking said„do not have the young master of issue, oneselfcompanymakesthis, but alsofeared that doesn't do well a recording room? Youfelt relieved that the wifehas told, anythingrequeststo satisfyyou.”
乔三思道一声“没问题的少爷,自家公司就是做这个的,还怕弄不好个录音室?您放心吧,太太吩咐过了,什么要求都满足你。”journeyXiaoyureturned tooneselfbedroomself-satisfiedly, heartrichis good.
程晓羽志得意满的回了自己卧室,心道有钱就是好啊。journeyXiaoyuis all rightat present, planned that Ferrari4Stakes the car(riage).
程晓羽眼下没事,就打算去法拉利4S去取车。Auntie Zhoumadeseveralgetting to know each other wellextravagantwivesto take a walkin the morning.
周姨上午就约了几个相熟的阔太太去逛街。SuYuearly morningstartsto play the zither | Jean, evenNew Year's Day the festival, shehad not plannedwas restedevidentlybyoneselfwell.
苏虞兮一大早就开始练琴,即便是元旦节,看样子她是没打算让自己好好休息的。As forjourneyXiaoyu the fatherSuriver, has not always had a vacationthisconcept, went to the companyas before.
至于程晓羽的老爹苏长河,向来是没有放假这个概念的,依旧去了公司。journeyXiaoyuname wasWang Huashengto ask that SuYudid need the car(riage), the words that did not needfirstsenthimto the 4Sshop of Ferrari. SawWang Huashengto askin the entranceseveral, thenwalkedto sayfirstdeliveredjourneyXiaoyuto pass. journeyXiaoyunodsto move towardentranceand otherWang Huashengto drive.
程晓羽叫王华生问下苏虞兮需不需要车,不需要的话就先送他去法拉利的4S店。见王华生在门口问了几句,然后就走过来说先送程晓羽过去。程晓羽点点头就走向门口等王华生开车过来。TookfixingwhiteF430inFerrari4Ssmoothly, journeyXiao the feathera littledid not know the feeling of what course to follow. DialedkingOu the telephone, kingOuis also boredin the maternal family, asked that journeyXiaoyuwantsto study the gatemusical instrument, should not be too difficult. journeyXiaoyurecommended the guitar, as a result ofdisliking of this timeHuaxiatorock and roll, as well asto the USdoes not approve, thereforeguitarmusical instrumentwas affected. Butinthisspace and timesymphony orchestra, generally speakingdoes not have the seat of guitar, thereforestudies the person of guitarisvery few. ThereforekingOua littlehesitates. journeyXiaoyuthensaid,justImustbuy the guitar, waits foryouto followIto have a look, is inappropriateyounotstudy. kingOuconsented,made a musical instrumentstreet that finished eating the lunchinJinling East Roadsees, journeyXiaoyumade the telephone callto deliberately consider where ate a thingcasually, went toJinling East RoadandkingOuconverges.
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